Topic: ** Special Points in Horary/Event Astrology **
appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted March 10, 2015 03:57 PM
Just another thread dedicated to learning. Feel free to post information you found interesting or valuable in terms of understanding in these areas.IP: Logged |
appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted March 10, 2015 04:06 PM
**MEAN NODES** "...significant planets or points in the same degree as the Moon's Mean Nodes ... suggests the workings of fate - the matter is out of the querent's hands..." "For horary charts...Generally speaking, the nodes are not given as much weight as the planets. The nodes are sensitive points, not planets. They can be used to assist in the evaluation (of the chart). The degree where the nodes lie, on any sign, has been considered relevant when a significator is also found in that same degree of the nodes (regardless of the sign). The nodes in horary tend to keep the fatalistic (not necessarily tragic destiny) meaning as well—the same is thought when the degree in which a significator is located happens to be the same as that of the nodes (again, regardless of the sign)....The North Node is linked to the similar effect of the good/benefic planets like Venus and Jupiter while, not surprisingly, the South Node is to mars and Saturn. If the North House rises on the ascendant, that may be taken as a positive indication..." "During the historical development of horary only the mean nodes were available to astrologers, so all the obesrvations and literature until modern times are based on the mean nodes. True nodes are based on very accurate observations with modern instruments." "Traditional horary used the mean nodes because the true nodes were not available." "Barbara Waters found out that the mean node works for foretelling disasters, but the so-called "true node" (which it isn't) does not." "In the Degree of the Nodes refers to any planet or significant point that falls in the same degree of the lunar nodes in any sign. It must be the very same degree, not one higher or lower to come within one degree but actually in that same degree, regardless of the number of minutes. This shows a fated appointment or fateful event, possibly some sort of catastrophe. This indicator has been used mainly in Horary Astrology and if such a condition exists, it means the situation is out of the hands of the Querent." "A planet in the degree of the nodes takes on the excitability of the North Node as well as some of the malefic influence of the South Node. The South Node is associated with a sacrifice or an obligation." "Highly respected astrologer Ivy Jacobson says that, “Any planet or angle in the same degree as the Nodes points to a catastrophe, casualty, fatality or tragedy in a horary or natal chart, the more far-reaching when a malefic is involved.”" "For event charts, it is the Mean Node that should be used, the same as for nativities and horary charts." "The application of this technique is based on the position of the Mean Nodes, which was the method of calculating the lunar node positions up until the computer age. At that time a little bit different method of calculating the position of the lunar nodes became popular, referred to as the True Node. There is barely a difference in the two measurements, usually just a degree or so, but most everything written about the nodes and their karmic implications is based on the older method of calculation that gives their Mean position." "Keep in mind that before you look at the nodes, you first examine the significators: their positions, dignities and aspects. Once you have a feeling of what the chart is telling you, you can give weight to the nodes. If your interpretation is leading you to a certain route, the nodes may provide additional info." "Because the Nodes are a nondescript point in space, it needs to be a tight conjunction. I wouldn't even consider anything more than 3° of orb....It usually intensifies the situation. A conjunction with the North Node is positive; the South Node is negative.... you have to view it in the context of the question. For example, significators may show a "yes" answer, but if your significator is conjunct the South Node, then there may be a negative unintended consequence." "If the Nodes are at 15° Sign then the significator has to be at 15° Sign.... Generally, the consensus is that (depending on the context) the event is either fated or whatever will happen is beyond the control of the person signified by the significator....In an Horary about a job or employment, depending on all the other significators and the houses involved, it might mean you're fated to get the job (or not) or that it is beyond your control and you have no influence over the matter one way or another. In other words, you could show up drunk at the interview wearing dark sunglasses with your hair a mess, mustard stains all over your shirt or blouse and toilet paper hanging out your pants and it wouldn't matter because whatever is going to happen is going to happen." " I give the South Node great importance in horary (I follow Gerard of Cremona, Agrippa and the Ankara tradition in this attitude) For me: -if the SN is in the 1st house, I consider the chart void and the question must be asked again at a later time -if the SN is within 3 degrees of (longitudinal) conjunction OR ANY OTHER ASPECT to a primary significator planet or to the Moon, I consider the value of that significator (or Moon) vitiated and disregard that significator completely in the delineation -I consider parallel of declination with the SN involving the Moon or any significator planet, to be the same as a conjunction with the SN -fundamentally I consider parallel/conjunction with the SN (which I usually refer to as the Dragon's Tail) indicative of a negative influence or outcome -regarding the North Node, I consider conjunction or parallel of declination with it to constitute positive testimony regarding influence or outcome; here again I follow the maximum 3 degree (in longitude) orb of influence rule..." The above excerpts come from the following pages:[/UR L] [URL=] IP: Logged |
appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted March 10, 2015 04:39 PM
** FIXED STARS **"...fixed stars are active only when they are found in tight conjunction...the orb must be very tight, about five times smaller than the conjunction..." " must bear in mind that whenever a star is in very tight conjunction with a personal element of the chart (any fast-moving planet, or any angle, ASC, MC, DS, or IC), results are often amazing, and it may be interesting to take them into account, in addition to more traditional factors of the chart.... Ancient astrologers certainly had good reasons to do so, and anybody with a passion for astrology can realise that when fixed stars are used, very strange coincidences are bound to be experienced." "The topic of fixed stars is similar to that of symbolic degrees. They are not very much utilised. However, they sometimes offer quite stunning and spectacular information." "The two large stars, Aldebaran and Antares, which are in the tenth degree of Gemini and Sagittarius, respectively, when directed to the angles of the horoscope, are said to produce periods of severe stress. They are deemed more powerful when in the angles." Fixed Stars
Fixed Stars also can have an influence on the chart if a planet appears in conjunction (with an orb of 1º). Caput Algol 26º10' Taurus - Failure, difficulties, disaster, death. Alcyone 00º00' Gemini - Compassion and disappointment. Aldebaran 9º35' Gemini - Violence and victory. Regulus 29º50' Leo - Royalty, success and glory. Vindematrix 9º56' Libra - Misfortune and war, widowhood. Spica 23º50' Libra - Success and prosperity. Arcturus 24º14' Libra - Success and prosperity. Antares 9º38' Sagittarius - Conflict and violence. Serpentis 19º Scorpio (always) - Disaster. Vega 15º19' Capricorn - Success in politics and finance. Fomalhaut 3º52' Pisces - Good or bad depending on its aspects. Scheat 29º22' Pisces - Failure and difficulties (especially at sea). Fixed Stars: "Fixed stars are also said to "cast no rays" meaning that aspects other than conjunction should not be considered." "Fifteen stars considered especially useful for magical applications (in the mediæval astrology of Europe and the Arab world) are known as the Behenian Fixed Stars. The name derives from Arabic bahman, "root," as each was considered a source of astrological power for one or more planets…" "The four Royal Stars: Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares and Fomalhaut, plus Sirius and Spica. Caput Algol... a powerful influence for evil." "An orb of 1 degree (one finger's width) is usually quite noticeable, though I'd allow up to 6 degrees for Algol and various sizeable orbs for the other major stars. I generally ignore most of the smaller stars unless there is a very significant reason not to." Caput Algol: Primitive female sexuality; strangulation, beheading, danger to throat and neck, murder, violence, mass catastrophe; the "Evil One", the Demon Star; passionate; intense; hysterical. A pulsating, eclipsing double-star also associated with extreme creativity; an expression of the Dark Side… [26˚18 Taurus] Pleiades: Accidents, blindness, violence, homosexuality, feminine power. [0˚06 Gemini] Aldebaran: A Royal Star. The archangel Michael, the Watcher of the East. Eloquence, high honours, integrity, popularity, courage, war mongering, agitation; danger, loss, violent death. Some call it "fortunate", but any honours carry immense risk & responsibility. [9˚55 Gemini] Capella: Inquisitiveness, open mindedness, powerful friends. [21˚59 Gemini] Polaris: Sickness, trouble, loss, affliction, spiritual powers. [28˚42 Gemini] Sirius: Ambition, pride, emotionality, fame, leadership, wealth, fires, drought, danger through impetuosity. Sirius was worshipped in many cultures; its heliacal rising signalled the peak of summer, the annual flooding of the Nile and the beginning of the ancient Egyptian calendar [14˚13 Cancer] Procyon: Wealth, fame, good fortune; sharp mind, willpower, stubbornness; violence, sudden success then disaster, occult, politics, dissipation; death by drowning; love of dogs; dog-bites. [25˚55 Cancer] Regulus: The most Royal Star. Raphael, the Healing Archangel, the Watcher of the North. Nobility, ambition, alertness, great power, status, leadership, sudden downfall, accidents, violence. Said by some to be the most benefic star in the universe. [0˚01 Virgo] Gienah: Craftiness, greed, ingenuity, patience, revengefulness, passion, selfishness, lying, aggression, and material instincts; sometimes causes natives to become agitators. NOTE: In ancient times was called Algorab, but this title in modern charts is taken by Algorab, in the right wing of the Raven. [10˚52 Libra] Spica: Wealth, fame, honour, glamour, the "Fortunate One". Spica looks like one star, but is actually two, an eclipsing binary in a tight orbit of 4 days. A planet in close conjunction to Spica is protected from the heat of the Via Combusta [23˚58 Libra] Arcturus: Inspiration, riches, fame, honour, popularity, benefits through travel, success through work. [24˚22 Libra] Alphecca: Honour, dignity, literate, brilliant, poetic, scandals, betrayal in love, sorrow through children. [12˚24 Scorpio] Antares: A Royal Star. The Archangel Oriel, the Watcher of the West. Spirit of adventure, obstinacy, injuries to eyes, honours, sudden loss, stubborn, suspicious, violent, several marriages. [9˚54 Sagittarius] Vega: Luck in politics, artistic talent, fleeting fame, double dealing, generosity, practicality. [15˚27 Capricorn] Deneb Algedi: A wise leader; finding the joy inherent in sorrow – and vice versa; glory and fame if death is avoided; betrayal, loss of position if associated with Sun or Moon. [23˚58 Aquarius] Formalhaut: A Royal Star. Archangel Gabriel, the Watcher of the South. Great & lasting honours; congenital birth defects, magic, fame, occult, faith, "Star of Alchemy", addiction, undesirable associates. [3˚52 Pisces] ALSO: Vindemiatrix: Falsity, folly, disgrace, stealing, widowhood, depression, witch-hunts, mysticism & the occult. [10˚04 Libra] Above excerpts and images are from the following pages:
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mollywu Knowflake Posts: 459 From: Chengdu, China Registered: Jul 2014
posted March 11, 2015 01:07 AM
That is really sweet of you, appleberry for us. Thanks soooooooooo much.IP: Logged |
appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted March 15, 2015 09:16 PM
*** PART OF FORTUNE ***"Part of Fortune. In an astrological chart, it is a point that tends to bring or bear good fortune in the form of substance, though the context of the chart determines to what degree it actually may be favorable." " In electional charts, ‘Fortuna’ in the house of the matter (the primary subject of the elected matter) tends to improve that house, while in a horary chart this Part can typically identify a place where something is gained or where matters are likely to improve." "This is a point on the chart, not a planet. It and its dispositor can signify lost objects, money, possessions, and luck. I use it only to confirm answers. I've never had a well-placed POF provide a positive answer in itself. " "Marc Edmund Jones uses the house location of the POF to show (or confirm) a querent's area of interest." "The Part of Fortune (PF) is one of the most commonly used Arabic Parts, and is also known as 'Pars Fortune', 'Fortuna', and 'Lunar Ascendant'. It is associated with earthly gain, and is incorporated in many medieval astrology calculations...Lilly used one formula for both diurnal and nocturnal charts: PF = Ascendant + Moon - Sun" "The very ancient astrologers believed the Ascendant and the Part of Fortune were the most important elements of the chart relating to the Sun rising and the Moon rising respectively." "Interestingly, the Part of Fortune is in the ___ House which is considered a benefic influence.... in horary astrology only the conjunctions and oppositions to the Part of Fortune are considered." "The Moon rules function so co-rules all questions and should always been considered in the answer and timing. The Vertex, which relates to fate, and Part of Fortune, which relates to those things that make us happy, are also frequently relevant." "...consider the Part of Fortune, which if well dignified in any house, the Querent gets by men, or things denoted by that house; and so, if ill dignified, damage from thence." "The house having the part of fortune tells you what the question is really about, you know sometimes people ask the wrong question, and they really have something else in mind at the bottom of it. That is shown by the part of fortune." (This point contradicts another proposition that the house of the moon implies what the question is really about to the Querent.) Excerpts from : IP: Logged |
appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted April 06, 2015 05:18 PM
* * VIA COMBUSTA * *"The area between 15 Libra and 15 Scorpio is termed the Via Combusta: 'Fiery Road' or 'Combust Way'. It is considered to be a debilitating area, particularly detrimental to the Moon." "[Regarding Lilly] He does not allow this to prevent him judging a chart. The Moon in the Via Combusta can show many things: fear, illness, death, hidden matters and imprisonment being some. Therefore, it is not unusual to find this position in charts about these topics." "Al Biruni wrote of it: The combust way is the last part of Libra and the first of Scorpio. These two signs are not congenial to the Sun and the Moon on account of the obscurity and ill-luck connected with them and because each of them is the fall of one of the luminaries. They also contain the two malefics, the one by exaltation (Libra, Saturn) the other by house (Scorpio, Mars)." "We’re told that this is the most dangerous section of the zodiac to find the luminaries. Mostly, though, you only ever see reference to it if the Moon is here, probably because she is so swift whereas everyone else will spend weeks if not months or years in the Via Combusta. Though, in horary it becomes universally applicable to pay attention to the Moon in the Burnt Path as the Moon will always take co-signification of the querent, question, and flow of events, whereas the other planets may not be participating in the question as a significator (though Bonatti does warn us to check for the querent’s significator in Via Combusta)." "The Picatrix, an eleventh century Hermetic text, holds the Burnt Path from 18° Libra to 3° Scorpio. Marsilo Ficino writing in the 15th century tells us it’s from 28° Libra to 3° Scorpio. The 17th century astrologer Dariot tells us Via Combusta was from 13° Libra to 9° Scorpio. Bonatti (13th century) gives us somewhat vague sentence stating that the Moon is debilitated in Capricorn, Scorpio, and the last part of Libra which seems to be a nod towards the Via Combusta in his book on Horary. However, in Lilly’s translation of Bonatti’s Anima Astrologiae he mentions that the Burnt Path is 30 degrees long between Libra and Scorpio. Lilly himself does not seem to include any comments about the Via Combusta in his own horary text. Four of his own example charts are rendered with the Moon in the Burnt Path, and yet Lilly does not reference this position." "We really are not clear on the specifics of it, but the basis of this particular area of the Zodiac seems to come from this being a very unfortunate place for the Sun and Moon. The Sun takes his Fall in Libra and the Moon takes hers in Scorpio. Though we consider a planet’s detriment to be worse than its fall, traditionally it was considered a bit worse for a planet to be in their Fall than in their detriment. Detriment is a planet that is in a place where it feels uncomfortable, but Fall is where a planet has been shunned or cast out. Essentially if we take the opposite meanings of a planet in domicile or exaltation to be the meaning of detriment and fall, a planet in domicile has its resources together and is competent, a planet in detriment is unprepared and ineffective. A planet in exaltation has been put on high by others and is honored and the opposite of that of one that is cast out. So, we can see that Fall is functionally worse than detriment, and the Falls of the luminaries would show places where the life force itself is cast aside and unheard. We see where it looks like it might get messy." "As for horary application, it is generally considered a consideration before judgment to see if the Moon is in the Burnt Path. Bonatti tells us to make sure we understand the question completely before going forward, though the questions asked with the Moon in the Via Combusta will not go well and is an automatically negative testimony. It is also considered a place of extreme distress of the querent who is very much troubled by the question. Unfortunately, traditional sources are lacking in examples. William Lilly gives us a few charts with the Moon in Via Combusta, but doesn’t say anything about it, and in a couple of those charts, the matter perfects! Perhaps the Via Combusta isn’t as fiery as it used to be." "Since both the moon and the sun are affected by this phenomenon, we have to consider not only the brief time each month when the moon enters Via Combusta, but also the somewhat longer time each year when the sun enters it. Dark magicians once used these time periods to cast evil magick against their enemies and indeed, it is possible to perform banishings, exorcisms or bindings. However, this is not advised without extensive training into the astrological sciences and of course, constructive magick of any kind (healings, prosperity or general success) is not likely to be successful during these periods. In fact, the circumstances are highly likely to be destructive regardless of the caster's training." "Decision making during this time can be biased towards over-reaction or unnecessary force." "This is a weakened position for the Moon." "when the Moon is in the Via Combusta, the thing the Moon signifies will be weaker than normal. " "In the Middle Ages the Via Combusta was shorter, extending from only 18 degrees Libra to 3 degrees Scorpio." "the time when the Via Combusta is rising on the horizon corresponds to a time when individuals can best receive images of places in another part of the planet" "The Via Combusta traversing the MC is a bad time to receive information from the heavens." "Via Combusta or Fiery Way. It is considered hazardous in horary charts, especially if the Sun, Moon or Ascendant is found there. The only 'safe' haven or 'protected' degrees, are the fixed star Spica at 23 Libra 50' and the fixed star Arcturus at 24 Libra 14'. These beneficial stars defuse the intense effects of the Via Combusta." "Events can take a sudden, unpredictable turn which can contradict the reading and not be advantageous to the querent." "Is considered a gloomy, baleful area, often prognosticating bad luck and overall destruction to the question asked if a significator planet happens to be within those degrees in a Horary chart." "An example to get the picture: Suppose you are under aged and your parents go on a short journey. A great opportunity for a party arises so you call friends in. Alas, two very mean guys show up too, both older and stronger than you and both the worst type of persons one can find. You are too weak to get rid of them or just hope nothing too bad will happen. So, the Malefics are having a party time at your expense and the two major forces, your parents (the luminaries), are away on a trip, unable to protect the house. Chances are, some very nasty things will happen." "In classical astrology, any planet on this part of the sky was supposed to be badly influenced and a barer of bad luck. Horary astrologers take great notice of whether the ascendant of the question or -worse- Moon herself lies in Via Combusta as it makes the chart difficult to interpret (positively at least). As the moon is the most essential celestial body in Horary, is always considered a bad omen for the outcome or the interpretation of any question to find it on Via Combusta. Moon can’t perform properly here, is unlucky, distressed and unpredictable.... “things go unluckily on and the astrologer should understand the question perfectly avoiding a poor judgment”." "Concerning Horary charts, the ascendant on Via Combusta renders the Querent on unlucky terms. May just be scared and expecting a disaster or can pretty much already experiencing that disaster, especially if his Significator planet also treads the burnt way. The rest of the planets are not that important, unless they are significators able to perform in the particular question." "In certain questions, such as pregnancy ones, Moon on Via Combusta can give a detrimental outcome. Remember here that when moon enters Scorpio it also enters its own fall. Finding for example a child’s significator or the moon in Via Combusta and Scorpio, assuming that we have no -extremely- strong positive indications pointing to a different outcome, it can show us an abortion or literally a fall of the child, a miscarriage. Please, do not jump in conclusions by merely seeing a single significator on Via Combusta. You should consider the overall testimonies of the chart, given by the receptions, houses and aspects." "Either North or South (in the Via Combusta), they both will bring an unlucky or downright disastrous incident. Even more so, if the are in conjunction bodily, by parallel or antiscia with our Moon or our Significators. Nodes however have this jinxy influence on their own" "A legitimate question is whether Via Combusta still lies in the same degrees it did in ancient and medieval times. Precession of the equinoxes has moved the signs forward on the ecliptic and so today’s Via appears in different degrees than it did in Ptolemy’s or Lilly’s times. Using sidereal charts in comparison to tropical ones, we can see that the ‘burned way’ today lies between Scorpio and Sagittarius. As a result, using sidereal charts for Horary will give us completely different Via Combusta degrees and therefore different interpretations. Which is the correct approach?" The above information was copy-pasted from the following locations: IP: Logged |
appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted April 30, 2015 08:29 PM
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appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted April 30, 2015 10:22 PM
* * 29˚ / CRITICAL DEGREES * *"when a relevant planet occupies a critical degree, it "will bring matters to a critical point, a crisis, or to a head, as in an illness or a quarrel." "The beginning and ending degrees of any sign signify transition. The symbolism is obvious: a planet at 29° is about to enter a new sign, a new state or environment, and can signify a critical event that must occur before the situation resolves: It is at a climactic moment. Goldstein-Jacobsone says that a planet in 29° shows that a person is "about to make a definite change." It can also show desperation, impatience, misfortune. According Aphorism 30 of Bonatus' Anima Astrologiae, however: When a planet that is Significator, or the Moon, shal have past the 29th degree of the Sign wherein it is, and touches the 30th, and especially if it have passed one minute of that degree; for then it shall have no strength in that Sign, but in the next; so that if in the first it signified any evil, it shall hurt the person or thing threatened no more than the fall of a house shall one that is just got out of it; or being with one foot upon the threashold, has one behind him that throws him out; and then the building falls. And if it signifies any good, it shall profit no more than he that hath spread a nest for birds, and just touches the feathers of their tails, but never catches their bodies; and therefore 'Zael' says, If a planet or the Moon be in the 29th degree of any Sign, its virtue is yet in that Sign wherein he is; because he has not yet wholly past the 30th degree. A planet at 0°, on the other hand, has already passed the climactic moment, and is in a phase of denouement, or just entering a new environment, fresh circumstances, etc. In both degrees, look for the strength of the planet both in the sign is passing from, and that which it is passing into to gauge which set of circumstances is better for the querent. The middle of a sign shows stability, solidity, a tendency not to make any changes, especially in Fixed signs." "Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson regarded some degrees as critical, among them, 29 degrees of any sign. About this, she writes, "The 29th degree shows some misfortune connected with the matter: The person or matter asked about is changing, at the end of his rope or patience, or desperate." The seeker was fed up, so, in this case, that both the Moon and the Ascendant were in critical degrees aptly described the situation. " "Why else is 29 degrees of any sign important? Because it is the void planet. Refer back to what you know about a void of course moon. The last planet that the moon makes an aspect to, (which aspects to use are debated) before the moon is void of course leaves a sense of what the time will be like before the moon shifts into another sign. And if you have a planet at 29 degrees it will be the last ‘taste’ as planets transit out of that sign into another." "...important to pay attention to any planet at 29 degrees since 3 of the 12 signs are fixed important fixed stars." INFO FROM:
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EmGem Knowflake Posts: 2619 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted May 01, 2015 05:55 AM
What happens if the quesited's significator keeps turning up in the querent's first house?? specifically related to romantic charts. Does this mean they are thinking of the querent or wanting to connect? And if mercury also turns up in the first along with the quesited's significator? i assumed this might mean they are trying to communicate with the querent. (i'm relating this to my current situation with city boy and wondering if he's trying to find me too) IP: Logged |
appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted May 04, 2015 12:26 AM
* * ARABIC PARTS * * Online Calculator: More on Arabic Parts: How to use them: (info from above links) - Look at the placement of the part by sign and house. - Examine aspects to the part, focusing attention on major Ptolemaic aspects from a planetary body. - Use a tight orb. - Do not use formulas which are not strictly applicable to the question at hand. More on Arabic Parts, with a few other Arabic Parts listed:
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appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted June 05, 2015 12:48 PM
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hannaramaa unregistered
posted January 01, 2016 10:23 PM
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appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted January 25, 2016 03:53 PM
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yungang_grotto Knowflake Posts: 4123 From: love lives forever Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 27, 2016 04:43 AM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199090 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 02, 2016 04:50 PM
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vansio Knowflake Posts: 2894 From: the outskirts of Delphi Registered: Dec 2017
posted December 16, 2019 07:30 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199090 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 19, 2020 05:07 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199090 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 01, 2020 10:35 AM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199090 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 26, 2020 07:08 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199090 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 10, 2020 05:35 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199090 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 01, 2020 05:30 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199090 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 22, 2020 05:33 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199090 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 04, 2020 04:27 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199090 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 18, 2020 02:54 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199090 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 05, 2020 05:16 PM
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