Topic: * * * What is Horary Astrology ? * * * [A thread for beginners]
appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted March 30, 2015 04:36 PM
This thread is devoted to those who are are new to the world of Horary Astrology and want to learn the basics of Horary. Intermediate and Advanced learners feel free to add things that were helpful when you were just starting to learn. *What is Horary Astrology?
"Horary astrology is an ancient branch of horoscopic astrology in which an astrologer attempts to answer a question by constructing a horoscope for the exact time at which the question was received and understood by the astrologer." - Wikipedia IP: Logged |
appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted March 30, 2015 04:45 PM
*How do I create a Horary question?1. You can ask a question about any topic. 2. Yes/No questions phrased in the future tense are the easiest to read. (Example: Will I win the lottery with this ticket?) But, basically all questions that will reveal their real-life outcome within the next 3-6 months are acceptable. (Keep in mind that not all readers are prepared to read all questions, for various reasons.) 3. The question should reflect something that is possible within the following 3-6 months. (Example of a bad question: Will my toddler become a doctor when she grows up?) Life is always changing based on free will, so outcomes that are far away have the possibility of changing too easily. 4. The question should regard something that directly affects you, and is of real importance in your life. The question should not be either a passing curiosity question or a spying question (ex. Is my ex dating someone new?) 5. Often there is a real underlying question beneath the question that you are asking with your energy, but not asking with words. Horary answers the question your energy asks, so it is vital that the question you phrase reflects the energy question you are transmitting. (ex. You may phrase the question, "Is my ex dating someone new?", but the underlying question is, "Does my ex still have feelings for me?") In this case, the reader may answer incorrectly because the reader is giving an answer to a different question. (ex. The reader may read "Yes, he is seeing someone new", but really the answer is "Yes, he still has feelings for you".) Write the question you are really asking. When you know the question you are really asking, write it down, with the exact time, date, and place of THAT moment. 6. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Most horary questions asked, are asked because you suspect something is not going to turn out as you would like. 9 times out of 10 your gut is right - so, the horary chart is likely going to confirm your negative suspicions. Decide whether you actually want to have those suspicions confirmed before submitting a horary question to be read.
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appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted March 30, 2015 04:47 PM
*How do you find the answer to a Horary question? (What is the reader talking about.)Most people seem to use traditional horary astrology to determine the answer to questions. Traditional horary astrology uses some different methods and terminology. First, the outer planets (that cannot be seen with a naked eye) were not used, so certain signs are associated with planets using the traditional system. (However, outer planets may be taken into account by some traditional readers, or even used as significators by modern readers.)
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appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted March 30, 2015 04:49 PM
* The first thing you do is choose which HOUSES will be used to determine the PRIMARY SIGNIFICATORS.Different houses represent different ideas. There are many, as you can see here: To keep it simple, here are two general concepts used for each house:
House 1 = Me/my life House 2 = My money/values House 3 = Communication/Siblings House 4 = My house/The end House 5 = Romance/my children House 6 = My health/My daily job House 7 = My girlfriend/boyfriend House 8 = Crisis/Sorrow House 9 = Spirituality/Long-distance travel House 10 = Career/Fame House 11 = My hopes/friends House 12 = Self-undoing/Confinement If the question is: "Will I get the job?"
The questions two primary participants are "I" and "the job", therefore insinuating that the two houses to be used will be House 1 and House 10. IP: Logged |
appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted March 30, 2015 05:12 PM
*What are Significators?The reader will use the signs on the cusps of the two main houses to determine the PRIMARY SIGNIFICATORS, which represent the "players" in the question and the answer to the question. Here are the signs and their traditional rulerships: Aries = Mars Taurus = Venus Gemini = Mercury Cancer = Moon Leo = Sun Virgo = Mercury Libra = Venus Scorpio = Mars Sagittarius = Jupiter Capricorn = Saturn Aquarius = Saturn Pisces = Jupiter If the question above uses houses 1 and 10, the reader will look to see which signs land on the cusps of the first and tenth houses. If the sign on the first house is Scorpio and the sign on the tenth house is Leo, then the significators will be the (traditional) planetary rulers of those signs. The rulers (or Lords) of those signs are: Mars for Scorpio and Sun for Leo. Order of the Speed of the Planets: Fast to Slow = 1. Moon 2. Mercury 3. Venus 4. Sun 5. Mars 6. Jupiter 7. Saturn 8. Uranus 9. Neptune 10. Pluto
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appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted March 30, 2015 05:41 PM
The 3 first things to locate are: 1. The Querent The 1st person or thing talked about in the question, or the Asker of the question––not the same as the Reader. If the Reader creates a chart for someone else, the chart must be "Turned" to reflect the true Querent of the question. 2. The Quesited The 2nd person or thing inquired about within the question. The Quesited's house must be calculated from the first house of the Querent, therefore, if the chart is turned for the Querent, the house of the Quesited must also reflect that by adjusting accordingly. 3. The Moon The moon is sometimes considered the secondary significator of the Querent, however, the Moon is the main significator of the entire question itself. The applications and separations of the Moon speak of the story or scenario surrounding the question as a whole.
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appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted March 30, 2015 05:41 PM
There are 3 types of houses in Horary: Angular: 1,4,7,10. The houses of "being in power". High strength/speed. Succeedent: 2,5,8,11. The houses of "rising to power". Medium strength/speed. Cadent: 3,6,9,12. The houses of "falling from power". Weak strength/speed. The type of house offers information about strength of significators/planets within the houses. They are also needed to calculate timing with regards to the question. IP: Logged |
appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted March 30, 2015 05:41 PM
Basic Dignity & Debility: "Dominion/Domicile/Rulership, Exaltation, Detriment, and Fall" Beyond basic dignity and debility are: Face, Term, Triplicity and Joy, none of which are covered here. Each sign has planets that are either comfortable/accepted/invited or uncomfortable/rejected/uninvited inside them.
When a planet is in a sign that it Rules or is Exalted in, then it is comfortable. When it is in a sign that it is in Detriment or in Fall, then it is uncomfortable. For example, if Mars is in Libra, it is in Detriment, therefore Mars is uncomfortable, rejected or uninvited. If Mars is a main significator in a question, then the person or thing represented by Mars is not in good conditions with regards to the question. On the other hand, if Mars is in Capricorn, it is Exalted, and therefore is comfortable, accepted or invited. If Mars is a main significator in the question, then the person represented by Mars is in good condition with regards to the question. If a planet is not made comfortable by Domicile, Exaltation, Triplicity, Term, or Face, then it is called "Peregrine"(meaning 'foreigner', or 'wandered far from home'). IP: Logged |
appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted March 30, 2015 05:41 PM
Comfortable/Uncomfortable: Aries makes Mars and Sun comfortable, but Venus and Saturn uncomfortable. Taurus makes Venus and Moon comfortable, but Mars uncomfortable. Gemini makes Mercury and the North Node comfortable, but Jupiter uncomfortable. Cancer makes the Moon and Jupiter comfortable, but Saturn and Mars uncomfortable. Leo makes the Sun comfortable, but Saturn uncomfortable. Virgo makes Mercury comfortable, but Jupiter and Venus uncomfortable. Libra makes Venus and Saturn comfortable, but Mars and the Sun uncomfortable. Scorpio makes Mars comfortable, but Venus and the Moon uncomfortable. Sagittarius makes Jupiter and the South Node comfortable, but Mercury uncomfortable. Capricorn makes Saturn and Mars comfortable, but the Moon and Jupiter uncomfortable. Aquarius makes Saturn comfortable, but the Sun uncomfortable. Pisces makes Jupiter and Venus comfortable, but Mercury uncomfortable. IP: Logged |
appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted March 30, 2015 05:42 PM
Other things to understand or be aware of: Applying [A]: indicates future happenings surrounding the question. Separating [S]: indicates past happenings surrounding the question. Ascendant degrees: If it is more than 27˚ many people will say that it is too late to change the answer, or the asker of the question already knows the answer. If it is less than 3˚, the chart is saying that it is either way too early and the outcome has not been set, or it is so early and so much is still changing that the final outcome (answer to the question) might change. Void of Course Moon: Within each sign the Moon travels through, it tells the story of the question. There will be points within each sign where the moon is making no aspects at all (until it moves forward a bit more or changes signs completely). Since the Moon is telling the story surrounding the question, if it is Void of Course [VoC] then it is said that either nothing at all will happen with regards to the question (it's already over), or (depending on the context of the question) that there is nothing at all to worry about. Via Combusta [15˚Libra–15˚Scorpio]: This is considered to be a very 'rocky' or 'heated' area of the chart. If any Significator or the Moon land here, many people consider the chart not worth reading, others find that it simply adds description to the situation (Moon) or the individuals involved (Querent/Quesited). Heated, rocky, out of control, etc... may describe the feelings of the individuals or describe the situation as a whole. Critical Degrees [29˚ or 0˚]: 29˚ means things are about to change significantly right away, and 0˚ means the situation has just changed significantly––there's a new story/chapter starting. These degrees are most important when they appear for the Moon, Querent or Quesited. If the Moon––the situation as a whole––is at 29˚, everything is just about to change completely anyway, so some readers may see no point in answering the question at all. Partile degrees with the Nodes of the Moon (Mean Nodes): This adds a karmic quality to the situation, especially if the Moon is involved. Unfortunately, it is often negative, but if if the Moon or a Main significator is at the same degree as the Mean Nodes (an actual aspect is not needed), something about the question is "meant to be". Be prepared for the worst, however, because it is often said to speak of catastrophe. Saturn in the 1st or 7th house: If Saturn lands in the 1st house and you have cast the chart for yourself, then unless Saturn happens to be aptly describing yourself or the Quesited, then it is likely that the outcome of the question will not work out in your favor, or (at best) you will have difficulty answering your own question. If you have cast the chart yourself and it lands in the 7th house, with the exception of some relationship questions, it is said that the Reader will likely have trouble giving an answer, or will give you an incomplete or incorrect answer. IP: Logged |
appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted March 30, 2015 05:42 PM
Here are some basic questions that Readers ask or look at in the chart to interpret what the chart is saying about the scenario regarding the question: (duplicated from another thread)>>>> For newbies to horary or for practice, please consider the following: Here are some of the questions you can ask to start answering the charts questions. MAIN SIGNIFICATORS: Do we need to Turn the chart? (Or, is the Asker of the question involved in the question and is also the person who cast the chart). Which houses do you use to find the Two Main Significators? What signs land on the Cusps of these two houses? Which planets are the Lords of these houses? Where are the two main significators, by House and Sign? Are they in the Same House? Same Sign? What is the Aspect between the two main significators? Is the aspect Applying or Separating? What are the Speeds of the significators in relation to each other? Are either of the planets Rx (or Stationary)? THE MOON: Which house and sign is the Moon in? Does the moon have any Aspects to the Main Significators? What were the last and next Conjunctions of the Moon? What were the last and next Aspects of the Moon? Is the Moon Void of Course, Combust, Positively/Negatively Besieged or conjunct a Malefic? STRENGTH TO SUCCEED: What are the Receptions of the two main Significators? What are the Essential and Accidental Dignities strength/rating of each significator? Are any of the planets in play: Cazimi? Combust or Under the Sunbeams? Positively or Negatively Besieged? Peregrine? In Critical Degrees? SECONDARY SUPPORT: Are there any Natural Rulers of the question to consider? Are there any Secondary Significators? Where are they by House and Sign? Do the Secondary Significators support or oppose the answer given by the two main significators? Are there any Additional Planets in the 2 houses of the question? Are any of the planets in play Rx (or stationary)? Are any of the Houses of the question Intercepted? Where are the Significators for the Intercepted signs, by house and sign? POINTS: Which house is the Part of Fortune in? Where are the North and South Mean Nodes? Are any of the Significators (including Moon) at the same degrees as the North Node? Do any of the planets or cusps conjunct a fixed star within one degree? (Using primarily the ones listed in the chart) OTHER: What kind of Cross is it? (Fixed, Mutable, Cardinal, Mixed?) Is there: Collection of Light? Translation of Light? Refranation? Frustration? Impedition? Hindrance? Is there a Sign or House Change of either of the Significators before perfection? What is the Aspect between the lords of the Asc and the 4th house? What is the Aspect between the lords of the Asc and the 11th house? Is the Ascendant Early or Late? CONSIDERATIONS: What is the Planetary Hour of the Ascendant? Is the Lord of the Ascendant and the ruler of Planetary Hour the same planet, triplicity or nature)? Where does Saturn land in the chart? In the 1st or 7th house (or turned 1st or 7th)? Is the Moon at very Late or Early degrees? Is the Lord of the Ascendant Combust? TIMING: What are the relative speeds of the Significators and Moon? Are the significators: Direct, Stationary, or Retrograde (Rx)? Is there Mutual Application/Separation? How many degrees until the Main Significators perfect? What are the houses and signs of: Significator 1, Significator 2, and the Moon? Will the time frame of the house and sign of the each of the two significators and the moon time frame be: Short, Medium, or Long? Of the three answers, which is most common: Short, Medium, Long? Are the terms of the Time Defined in the question, or Open?
*If you do not understand any of the above, please ask here:
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appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted April 19, 2015 07:31 PM
Use 3-6 months, as a general rule, for repeating exact or similar questions. As long as your questions are different, you can ask questions whenever. Only ask important questions. Also, spying doesn't work in horary, and the matter should somehow affect you personally. Usually spying charts are too confusing to read anyway so ur more likely to get a wrong or ambiguous answer.
The best way to phrase questions is always to start by thinking how the scenario affects you personally and consider what you hope the answer to be. Try to keep the grammatical structure of the question in a positive format. (Meaning avoid words like not, don't, can't, etc...) that way the reader will be able to explain the interpretation more easily and clearly.
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appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted May 01, 2015 01:29 AM
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appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted June 05, 2015 02:18 PM
quote: Originally posted by appleberry: <bump>
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199204 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 12, 2015 12:53 PM
Bump!IP: Logged |
appleberry Moderator Posts: 2987 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted June 27, 2015 09:46 PM
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hannaramaa unregistered
posted July 08, 2015 08:16 PM
Bump. So many bumps.IP: Logged |
ikja unregistered
posted August 24, 2015 08:56 AM
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ikja unregistered
posted December 24, 2015 12:41 PM
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start6030 Knowflake Posts: 582 From: neverland:) Registered: Dec 2011
posted January 26, 2016 06:45 PM helped !IP: Logged |
hannaramaa unregistered
posted May 11, 2016 12:58 PM
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vansio Knowflake Posts: 2895 From: the outskirts of Delphi Registered: Dec 2017
posted December 16, 2019 07:21 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199204 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 07, 2020 12:45 PM
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Saille Knowflake Posts: 1832 From: N/A Registered: Apr 2015
posted February 09, 2020 02:34 AM
This was excellent! Learned something new!IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199204 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 09, 2020 03:21 PM
quote: Originally posted by Saille: This was excellent! Learned something new!
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