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  * * * First Meeting Charts * * * [Practice/Discussion] (Page 1)

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Author Topic:   * * * First Meeting Charts * * * [Practice/Discussion]

Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted April 19, 2015 04:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
First Meeting Charts [FMC]––used to understand how a relationship will likely start, and evolve during the first 3 months after first meeting. First Meeting Charts indicate which energies are present during the meeting to either help or hinder its development.

How to make a First Meeting Chart: Create a Natal Chart in the same way you would for a person, but use the EXACT time and place that you met the other person IN PERSON.

If you’re not sure of the steps, following instructions for “How to make a Horary Chart” will be sufficient for this chart as well:

Typically, meeting ONLINE (or on the phone) does NOT count as a first meeting. It is said that it must be a time when you both lay eyes on each other–not just when one spots the other, who in turn knows nothing of the other’s existence; they must both acknowledge the meeting with one another.

Note that many Event Chart readers only use Traditional Aspects and Planets, while others include Modern.

Below are some helper notes for reading your own charts or others. Practice charts will be added for those who want to practice.

REMEMBER that First Meeting Charts [FMC] are ONLY the flavor added to the beginning of the relationship––these are influences that can fade with time, for better or worse. A great FMC cannot reverse bad synastry; but conversely, great synastry can eventually override a bad FMC.

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
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posted April 19, 2015 04:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Use these notes to help decipher your own First Meeting Charts, or practice on the charts added in this thread.

1. Check each planet’s DIGNITIES, particularly Venus if it is a Love relationship. See if they are in their rulership or exalted, in their detriment or fall––showing harmony, motivation, energy, and desire.

2. Check the HOUSES of each planet––indicating activities and interests involved in the relationship. Important planets in the 1st, 5th, or 7th are beneficial for romantic relationships.

3. Check the House and Sign EMPHASIS––highlighting the type of activity and nature of feeling most likely to be present in the evolving relationship.

4. Check the RULERS of the 1st and 7th houses, for house placement, dignities, and aspect with each other; particularly, investigate the type of reception each ruler has with each other––determining compatibility and mutual attraction. Rulers on the Angles represent a significant bond or expectation of a significant bond.

5. Check the ASCENDANT––demonstrating the flavor of the outcome.

6. Check the Asc DEGREES (early or late)––implying the significance of the impact of the relationship (too early dilutes the significance).

7. Check the BENEFICS and MALEFICS (Venus/Jupiter & Mars/Saturn). Benefics work better in Angular houses, while Malefics are best located in Cadent houses.

8. Check the QUARTER of the Moon––offering hints to the type of emerging union. New Moons offer a better chance at a lasting relationship, while Full Moons offer a better chance at a more mature relationship.

9. Check the Moon’s SIGN––offering a glance at the emotional nature and flavor of the relationship.

10. Check the MOON ASPECTS. Positive aspects with the Moon are important. Positive Moon–Sun and Moon–Venus aspects are good for relationships. Positive Moon–Mars and Moon–Pluto are good for sexual relationships.

11. Check the FIRST APPLYING ASPECT of the Moon––the kickstart to the relationship.

12. Check the SEPARATING ASPECTS of the Moon––the influences affecting the relationship from the immediate past of each person, as well as expectations and needs of each person about the relationship.

13. Check the FINAL APPLYING ASPECT of the Moon––indicating where the relationship is likely to turn out by the end of the 3 months.

14. Check the ASPECTS of the other Planets, take note of the tightness of each aspect––indicating the strength of each influence on the relationship.

15. Check the SUN, aspecting which Planets, by which Aspect––the nature of the new relationship.

16. Check Aspects to the NORTH NODE––affecting the dynamics of karma or spiritual growth the evolving relationship will bring. Nodal Aspects are not always aspects of ease.

17. Check Planets in ANGULAR HOUSES (1st, 4th, 7th & 10th) which can indicate the influences on the relationship from the outside world.

18. Check Planets conjunct the ANGLES––indicating the bonds/values each person has to the relationship.

19. Check for an ASPECT PATTERN––demonstrating an overall pattern in the maintenance of the relationship.

20. Check the MODALITIES of the CROSS–– Cardinal Angles (likely dynamic and accepting of new beginnings/quick endings, but not always able to see things through); Fixed Angles (likely committed but difficulty adapting to new circumstances); Mutable Angles (likely adaptable but difficulty settling down); Mixed Angles (a blend of influences).


Additionally, if possible, check the SYNASTRY (Chemistry) between the individuals, particularly to find repetitions of themes and aspects between the two charts.

It can also be helpful to compare the meeting point TRANSITS with NATAL charts of each individual, offering explanations of expectations the individuals bring to the relationship.

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted April 19, 2015 04:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 459
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posted April 20, 2015 08:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mollywu     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for taking lots of time to get those things for us to learn.It is a long way for me to go to FMC.
Can I ask why FMC only affects 3 months, is it because it is similar to Horary, so it has time limit?

Also, if for the relationship FMC, if ASC is Virgo, DSC is Pisces. I want to know if we use Juptier or Nepturn for 7th house ruler?

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted April 20, 2015 04:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mollywu:

Can I ask why FMC only affects 3 months, is it because it is similar to Horary, so it has time limit?

DSC is Pisces. I want to know if we use Jupiter or Neptune for 7th house ruler?

FMCs are short term because you are essentially working with transits. Just like how transits affect our Natal Charts, they are relatively fleeting, not permanent.

In terms of reading the chart, it kind of functions like a 'transient composite' because the event is and experience that you share equally. Unlike Horary charts, you don't necessarily have definite rulers of the individuals. Some people define the AC as one person and the DC as the other person (perhaps using the AC as the female energy and DC as the male energy, or the AC as the inquirer of the chart and DC as the other person). Others use the AC to represent the couple as one inseparable unit, and the chart as a whole to describe that unit.

I believe the FMC seems to be meant 'more' to describe the relationship than the people, while synastry describes the individuals and how they relate to each other, but I think both methods (separating or uniting the couple in symbolism) can offer insight into the first meeting influences––it just might require reading the chart twice with two separate mindsets. I think it's also good to try to figure out what best represents each person in the chart to see the chart as a 'story' with 'characters', and see how it all plays out on the 'stage' that the chart represents.

With rulers of the cusps, just like Horary, there are people who only use the traditional system (ex. Pisces uses Jupiter) and others use the modern system (ex. Pisces uses Neptune). So, this might be a personal choice. I find myself going back and forth because I haven't found a reason to limit myself to one or the other for any reason yet. I might in the future.

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted April 26, 2015 04:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Seemingly, many of these principles could be applied to first meeting charts as well....

On wedding electional Charts:

"That is the heart of the Electional process. If you find a chart that covers all the bases, you’ve done your job. The rest is up to the people involved. That, in my opinion, is astrology’s glory — reality, as we experience it, is created at the interface of consciousness and planetary forces. Remember Principle Number One: Electional astrology works within the limits of the consciousness of the individuals using it. Even a “perfect” chart can turn sour. That’s not astrology’s fault — or yours.

In the real world, you probably won’t find many charts that seem truly perfect. You just do your best and then discuss the results honestly with the client, balancing the pros and cons, just like everything else. If you could “elect” over a period of a decade or two, you might be able to come up with a chart that seemed flawless. That’s not the real world, though. In practice, you always have to choose the “lesser evil.” The art lies in learning to recognize it!"

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted April 26, 2015 05:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
More links on choosing a wedding date:

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted April 26, 2015 05:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The wedding date tutorial:
(Table of Contents)

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted April 26, 2015 05:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wedding Electional: edding-chart

"Usually, when working with Wedding electional charts, you’re trying to pick the best chart from a very limited selection. With that in mind, here are some nice things to have in a wedding electional:

1. Venus (the natural ruler of love and marriage) should be in direct motion, and dignified.

2. A waxing and dignified Moon is always nice; a trine or sextile between the Sun and Moon (natural rulers of the couple) is also very nice to have, but again, not always possible.

3. The ruler of the 1st house (which represents the couple) should be strong and well dignified.

4. Fixed angles, particularly a Fixed rising sign will tend to make the marriage last. This is not always a good thing--fixed angles in a wedding chart can make a divorce a long and drawn-out thing. Mutable angles allow for more flexibility and change; Cardinal angles allow for the easiest dissolution of the marriage (but in no way indicate that a relationship won’t succeed).

5. If children are desired, fortify the 5th house and the ruler of the 5th house. A dignified Moon in a fertile sign will also help here. If the couple does not want children, then barren signs on the 5th and for the ruler of the 5th are ideal.

6. The 4th house will reflect the home environment; the 10th the professional environment (important if the couple will be working together); the 7th friends and enemies of the couple.

7. The couple’s finances are represented by the 2nd House.

Again, there is no such thing as a perfect chart! Before doing a Wedding electional, it’s important to prioritize what the most important things are to the couple (children? communication? health? business relationships?); given enough time to work with, it’s usually possible to get the top two or three factors well represented."

"Good aspects to and between Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Part of Fortune and Venus can make all of the difference in the world; and it’s usually possible to get at least one or two nice connections between the elected chart and the individual natal charts.

I did some very, very preliminary research on the condition of Venus in marriage charts, and while the early results didn’t seem to show any relationship between how strong Venus was and how long the marriage lasted, what did seem to show some interesting results was the Hyleg and the Alcochoden of the charts. When all else fails, get the Sun in the 10th or 11th houses (late morning/early afternoon usually), or pick a time when the Moon is in an Earth or Water sign, and get the moon in an Angular or Succedent house."

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted April 26, 2015 05:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wedding Charts:
(Lost of useful related points to think about in this one)

"Bill and Melinda Gates enjoyed a very auspicious wedding on the Hawaiian island of Lanai on January 1, 1994. Planetary positions that were in force included:
Moon trine Venus = an emotionally blissful marriage;
Moon trine Mars = getting along well;
Moon trine Jupiter = abundance of kindness and money;
Moon trine Sun = smooth, flowing energy;
Venus sextile Jupiter = wealth and generosity.

Nicole Brown and O.J. Simpson were married February 2, 1985.
Venus was conjunct Mars, indicating intense passion.
Mars and Venus were squaring Neptune, meaning deception and drugs would enter the marriage.

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted April 26, 2015 05:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Choosing a Moon Cycle:

"A great way to start into the planning process is to look at the cycles of the moon. It is best to pick a time on the increasing Moon. You can use our moon cycles to get a sense of that quickly and it also links to a full moon calendar so that you see what is happening with the moon at any given date in the future."

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted April 30, 2015 07:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
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posted May 01, 2015 01:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 459
From: Chengdu, China
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posted May 02, 2015 10:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mollywu     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
For first meeting chart, it gives me a big headache.

I have cast 4 FMCs with 4 men I met.

1. I still don't get why I stay with one of them so long because I didn't see FMC with him is better than with others.

2. I also met someone during Venus retrograded(not planned) and the ASC is very late, around 27-29 degrees in Virgo(there are about 10 minutes different).Sun is square Moon. Also, it said for love relationship, never meet during Venus retrogarded because the love feeling will disappear soon. However,the love feeling doesn't disappear from both sides after 1 year and 4 months.. .

3.I saw harmonious aspects and strong 7th house placements when I met my first BF. I cast natal-FMC synastry to see how it affects me. It supposes good, however, that relationship turned out a nightmare to me. It took me quite a few years to get out of it.

So I don't know what is wrong or what I am missing to read those FMC.

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posted May 02, 2015 11:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ail221     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Share some of those charts I'd love to see.

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted May 02, 2015 01:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@mollywu - you should put up some of the charts for study. It would be good to see.

Quite likely the synastry was overriding the FMC, but it would still be nice to see. Synastry wins out over First Meeting; FMCs are best when we are planning a meeting with someone we don't know natal info for (online dating, business meetings, etc...) to help influence things for the better, to try to give it a smooth start. They can also be good to evaluate past situations to see if something might be worth pursuing.

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Posts: 459
From: Chengdu, China
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posted May 02, 2015 11:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mollywu     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by appleberry:
@mollywu - you should put up some of the charts for study. It would be good to see.

Quite likely the synastry was overriding the FMC, but it would still be nice to see. Synastry wins out over First Meeting; FMCs are best when we are planning a meeting with someone we don't know natal info for (online dating, business meetings, etc...) to help influence things for the better, to try to give it a smooth start. They can also be good to evaluate past situations to see if something might be worth pursuing.

Thanks, I will put those FMCs on thread.

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted June 05, 2015 12:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
< bump >

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posted January 01, 2016 10:23 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Bumping this along with the other "How to" links.

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posted January 02, 2016 12:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for VestasLight     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for bumping this hannaramaa.

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posted December 16, 2019 07:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for vansio     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted January 27, 2020 11:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted February 27, 2020 05:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted March 21, 2020 12:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted April 23, 2020 06:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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