Topic: Asteroid Keywords
koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1984 From: Australia Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 04, 2009 03:34 AM
Taken from Martha Lang-Wescott's website: AESCULAPIA: Contact with physicians (including the internal healer) and belief-systems about the health, symptoms and medical conditions. See aspects of “in need of or contributing to Healing.” Use also: Asclepius and Askalaphus. AMOR: The “conditions” one places on unconditional love—the understanding of what LOVE is/means; what interferes or blocks the love and acceptance (of self & others); figuring out whether you can (or should) “remain loving” (whatever that means to you can you/ should you “set boundaries” or limits on what happens in the name of “love”? Conditions on whatever occurs in aspect. APOLLO: Being a slow learner—attraction of recurrent and familiar crises; going against the odds; “banging your head against a brick wall;” provocation; doing it again¼and again. ARACHNE: Intricate detail; creation of intrigue and entanglement; layered complications/meanings; entrapment; contact with weaving, knitting, macrame, woven fabric/thread, spider webs, network. ASTRAEA: Blocked closure; staying to “the end” (the sometimes bitter end believing that “it ain't over 'til it's over”—even if it already is; an inability to read beginnings and endings or to “let go” of things, people or events; the witnessing of events. ATLANTIS: Sense of impending doom; belief in deserved punishment/negative karma; invasions of privacy; access to inside or confidential information; abuse of resources, talents or information; importance of confidentiality/use of knowledge; water disasters; warnings. ATROPOS: Endings, completion, conditions at the finish, what is needed to conclude. BACCHUS: Excess; addiction; attempts to manage feelings, people and situations through substitution or avoidance; contact with orchards, pine and fir trees, vineyards; intoxication. CERES: The need for nurturing; food; the relationship between mother & child; issues of “taking care of” people, plants and animals; growths/cysts; herbs and grains. [See also Demeter] CHILD: Aspect pattern relates to one’s own experience as a child and to attitudes toward and events with children; childish reactions (ranging from innocence to immaturity.) CHIRON: Expression of unique or individualistic views and behaviors; refusal to conform with parental or societal expectations and standards; effecting turning points or changes in status; accentuation of differences from categories, norms; adolescent crisis; exceptions/exemptions to the rule(s). Note that Chiron has been classified a comet, not an asteroid. CIRCE: Helping, being of assistance & coming to the rescue; acting as a facilitator; understanding the motives for help. CUPIDO-A: Vanity; concern about appearances (inc. the idea of “keeping up appearances” and doing things “for the sake of appearances;”) art and beauty interests; relationship concerns; attraction; the face or complexion; the “look” of something. DAEDALUS: Architecture; design; cleverness; “the artful dodger;” escape of consequences that then fall on others; jealousy; instances of feeling like an honored slave; creative; affinity with metals. DEMETER: Mother-Child or care-taking relationships and efforts; growing things; food, diet, nutrition & meals. [See also Ceres] DIANA: Attunement to animals and nature; belief in hunter-prey dynamics; feeling “chased;” elusive, hard-to-find or difficult-to-pin-down behaviors and reactions. EROS: Sexuality; reproductive organs; the heart & cardiac system; the history, experience and behavioral repertoire of eroticism; joie de vivre; what “turns you on;” the Will to Live (the “passion” for life.) EURYDIKE or Eurydices: Dependence on people, issues or behaviors of aspects feels like a matter of life and death; adds the drama of dependence & reliance (on others or aspecting energies) to axis or aspect pattern. IP: Logged |
koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1984 From: Australia Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 04, 2009 03:34 AM
HEBE: Service personnel (waitresses, secretaries, receptionists, bartenders, etc. service attitudes; waiting-on others; enabling (facilitating the egocentric, emotionally immature or demanding behaviors of others); codependency.HEKATE: The inner sense—women’s ways of knowing—and whether one can trust that; night; dreams; whether the mother acted as a protector; “crone” stages of life or positions; intuitive wisdom; Hekate is sometimes important at or in connection with childbirth, and can show what wisdom is gained at other life passages. Hephaistos: Problems with the limbs (usually the legs lameness; crippling; parental abandonment (most often by the mother to be “an issue” of contention between the parents; tendency for an unlikely match in relationship (ie., variations on The Beauty and the Beast! contact with metals. HERA: Issues of “rights” between people; relationship dynamic and parental model; jealousy; maintaining fairness in dealing with others; events through partners & partnership. [See also Juno] HIDALGO: Standing on principle & saying what's on your mind (but challenging aspects can = secrecy & expedient disclosure); watching what you say; contact with Latin American, Mexican or Spanish peoples, foods and cultures; revolutionary governments (or those based on an ideology). HOPI: Native American peoples, culture, memories and behavioral inclinations; indigenous peoples; minority groups; contact with knives/cutting, corn-based foods, feathers, snakes and ambushes (inc. of the psychological variety); territorial claims and disputes; attack or ambush perceptions; deep-seated defense (of points in axis or aspect.) HOUSE: A useful point when “place” is important in predictive work; also refers to the residence and to what is experienced “at home.” HYBRIS: Expectation, glass-ceilings, limits—what one future-paces as their fate, their slot in life—and what can be expected of others; what others, parents, you see as “your fate;” conditioned limitations. HYGIEA: Medical concerns and health (especially issues related to FITNESS “hygiene” and cleanliness. IP: Logged |
koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1984 From: Australia Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 04, 2009 03:35 AM
ICARUS: Escapes that are careless of consequences; desire to “get outta' here;” the fast break impulse; attraction to speed, danger or risk; desire to get away from restrictions (of aspecting points).INDUSTRIA: Facilitates identification of career and work interests, abilities, and matters. ISIS: Sibling relationships; issues involving “scattered” locations, ideas, people and things; fragmentation; sense of needing to “get or put it together;” desire to make things whole. JUNO: Partners; marriage/relationship; maintenance of one's rights or position with other; question of “rights” and fairness/compromise; enforcement of fairness; potential for score-keeping, jealousy, fears of abandonment & infidelity; tallying ($$$ & fairness). KASSANDRA: Wasted breath! Advise & consent roles—offering advice or prophecies; questions about whether to believe what others say (whether to follow advice); offering counsel; broadcasting ideas; lecturing; auditory sensitivity; hearing difficulties. KLOTHO: Conditions (fate and expectations) at the beginning; initial understanding, what is apparent at the start, origins/beginnings in general. [See also, Lachesis for the middle and Atropos for the denouement or ending] LACHESIS: Intervention, assessment mid-way into a sequence, what “interrupts” an evolving sequence from going as one would have expected (from the way it began or is underway.) LILITH: Triangulation; competing; selection & rejection; decisions (regarding angle or aspects divided loyalties; favoritism; gender stereotypes; use of sex or rejection for dominance. MINERVA: Broad perceptual skills; strategies to deal with situations and people; “calculations” (whether dealing with math or public relations); figuring things & people out. [See also Pallas Athena] NEMESIS: The Undoing, the Achilles Heel, the bete noir; seeking to place BLAME; “scapegoating;” finger-pointing; identification of “the enemy,” fault, or source of a problem. NIOBE: Humbling lessons through excess pride in one's children, fertility, virility or creativity (including creative products). ODYSSEUS: Exile, extended trip or absence, long journey, ex-patriate, to feel rootless or homeless—a stranger in a strange land, to be sent away from “home.” OPHELIA: A point of over-reaction and counterproductive reactions (linked to mistrust of one’s value to others and concern about deception.) ORPHEUS: Sad, sweet or haunting music, lyrics or poetry; dirges; sense of mourning and loss; grief (for what you don't have—what has gone out of your life¼what “might have been” or what was); contact with death. IP: Logged |
koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1984 From: Australia Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 04, 2009 03:35 AM
PALLAS, ATHENA: Approval-seeking; strategies of relating; perceptual skill; whether one is willing and/or able to do those things that will please another. [See also Minerva]PANACEA: What you believe it takes to find solutions, cures or remedies for problems (and not only those related to the health.) PANDORA: Encountering unexpected consequences; getting “more than you bargained for;” being enticed by a curiosity, new idea, person or situation—and finding that it has set you on a whole new path; agitation. PERSEPHONE: Attitude toward “leaving” or “being taken or sent away from¼home, family or familiar conditions;” memories of what separated you from mother/family (even emotionally); how you handle transitions and the rites of passage in your life (going to school; the adolescent crisis; separation for marriage or career; mid-life, etc.,). [See also Proserpina] PHAETHON: Instances that involve cars, transport, driving; other forms of recklessness—feeling out of control—as though you’ve taken on more than you can handle; having trouble keeping to the middle of the road! PHOTOGRAPHICA: While useful for showing the importance of photography and visual images, Photographica also relates to the brain’s ability to retain and interpret visual imagery. PROSERPINA: Separation anxiety; leaving; going away; what you believe will happen if “mother's not there to take care of you;” the conditions you attract as you approach a transition or separation. PSYCHE: Recognition of childhood trauma; raw wounds psychologically; vulnerability; memories; insight; psychic impressionability; psychological recovery; the state of your “mental health;” head wounds; brain states. REQUIEM: As well as a connection to the ceremonies of death (and the formalization of grief,) Requiem stands for a place of acceptance, a cessation of struggle. Whether one should be AT PEACE with the people, actions and events shown by aspecting points is the issue! SAPPHO: Friendship; bonding; feeling close to or the same as others; kindred spirits; having things in common; artistic interests; shops/galleries. Sappho as “pairs” assumes another importance in medical astrology. SISYPHUS: Starting over; the “uphill climb;” feeling like you're runnin' against the wind! It’s having to “go back to the beginning;” getting the rug pulled out from under you just as you thought you were getting somewhere; dogged rejection of defeat. SIVA: also SIWA: Episodic, catabolic (breakdown/through) process that precedes insight; destruction of density/fixated beliefs (relative to aspects); crisis of death (stagnation) or regeneration; The Far East (inc. Vietnam, India, China, Malaysia, Japan periodic occurrence; ascetic; attention to sound. SPHINX: “Unsolved Mysteries!” Enigma, paradox, questions, missing information, lack of answers and understanding (about points in axis or aspect.) TANTALUS: Teasing; temptation; times when what is wanted is just out of reach; excessive hunger or thirst; failures of gratitude; problems with giving the right thing to the right person; feeling as though one is “tested on whether they know” about aspecting or axis factors. TERPSICHORE: Dance, aerobics, exercise that increases flexibility; coordination, agility, grace and mobility; flexion muscles; body image/ego; gestures; body language. TISIPHONE: Seek justice for "crimes against kinship, family;" dose of one's own medicine; fairness; just desserts; how and where and if one gets “what they deserve.” TORO: Machismo; bullying; intimidation; doing hard, physical work; strength (muscular); muscle flexing—psychologically or physically; challenging others; rough treatment; competitive; football; prizefighting; toughness. URANIA: Astrology; astronomy; handling theoretical, hypothetical or abstract principles and information; logic and rationality; ability to “see the big picture” and not be dissuaded by instant details; an intellectual framework; apperception—intellectual “context.” Bias and distortions to rationality and conceptual ability. VESTA: Commitment to work; using work as a compensation; dedication to accomplishment or goals; emotional distancing; hard work and career demands; impersonal; sublimation of other interests into the career or vocation; sacrifice/denial of self (by others/self) for a “greater goal.” IP: Logged |
Peri Knowflake Posts: 1848 From: 49N35 34E34 Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 04, 2009 03:42 AM
Thanks Koi, I have Photographica conj Sun on Ic: 'relates to the brain’s ability to retain and interpret visual imagery' ~ makes a lot of sense! IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 04, 2009 03:57 AM
koiAwesome information. Thank you.  IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 04, 2009 04:08 AM
koiOh, I spoke too soon. That's not very Merc in Aries is it? Well, my complaint is - it's such a long list. Umm, courtesy would be to provide ALL the asteroid numbers for us.  IP: Logged |
xrâräx unregistered
posted January 04, 2009 04:08 AM
Thxs for the info Koiflower!I have Siva conjunct the Sun; also Sappho conjunct the Sun, and I can relate  IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 04, 2009 04:11 AM
I'm loving reading that everyone is looking at and relating to different asteroids. That's brilliant.IP: Logged |
koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1984 From: Australia Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 04, 2009 04:17 AM
quote: courtesy would be to provide ALL the asteroid numbers for us.
Have you ever seen the office cartoon where everyone is holding there stomachs, laughing their butts off and the caption reads: You want it when? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 04, 2009 04:21 AM
quote: You want it when?
Ummm, Aries Sun, Mercury, Venus & Ascendant. I want it yesterday. Duh!  Ah, thank goodness for you, koi.  IP: Logged |
koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1984 From: Australia Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 04, 2009 04:21 AM
Peri - Great skills - almost like a photographic memory. I wonder if Photgraphica is found conjuncting Mercury for people with this skill.xrâräx - do you find you open up new ideas to your close female friends? Are you a good listener when they begin to share their life story?
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 04, 2009 04:32 AM
If Photographica were conjunct someone's Ascendant, could that denote that they could be photogenic? Or maybe even a Venus or 1st house well aspected placement?IP: Logged |
koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1984 From: Australia Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 04, 2009 04:44 AM
I have Pandora and Sphinx conjunct my Sun in a tight orb:Sun: self, ego Pandora: Encountering unexpected consequences; getting “more than you bargained for;” being enticed by a curiosity, new idea, person or situation—and finding that it has set you on a whole new path; agitation. Sphinx: “Unsolved Mysteries!” Enigma, paradox, questions, missing information, lack of answers and understanding (about points in axis or aspect.) This is probably why I stumble onto situations that have an element of mystery to them. I always seem to get more than what I bargained for!!!! I will always find the mistake. I will always call someone's bluff. I will always discover the elephant hiding under the rug (analogy used by another knowflake one a previous thread). If you have anything to hide, don't sit near me. My very presence will suck it from your pores LOL!!!! I'm not sure what the author meant about Sphinx in italics 
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 04, 2009 04:47 AM
A lot of these interpretations have negative attachments/interpretations. Not sure I like or agree with some of them. I think Sphinx is related to Ancient knowledge/wisdom.IP: Logged |
xrâräx unregistered
posted January 04, 2009 07:50 AM
Koiflower- About your questions, def YES to both of them!!- btw, I have wonderful relations with women in general.  PeaceAngel- I agree with you, that some of the interpretations are negative. There are always light and shades within the same asteroid's energy, just like planets  We have to see both sides! IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted January 05, 2009 04:09 AM
Thanks Koiflower!Martha has it about 90% right. She has not understood the deeper meanings of Asteroid Atlantis, Siva, Pallas, Hekate and Sphinx. Vesta also has to do with Sacred sexual initiation. Orpheus is also about a great voice, not sad voice! All in all, a great starting point to start using and interpreting Asteroids. ------------------ IP: Logged |
Chryseis Knowflake Posts: 914 From: Australia Registered: Jul 2012
posted January 05, 2009 04:55 AM
Hi IqhunkDo you know of the asteroid Chryseis and its interpretation? It is apparently in the Virgo constellation. My meaning is something like, Feeling 'over it', separate from triviality, biding time with no particular attachment whilst waiting for significant 'touchstones'. Preserving pliancy by cultivating humour. IP: Logged |
Chryseis Knowflake Posts: 914 From: Australia Registered: Jul 2012
posted January 05, 2009 04:57 AM
btw, TY koiflower!I appreciate your efforts and am grateful for this thread.  IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted January 05, 2009 05:10 AM
Asteroid CHRYSEIS: 202 My interp: The place in our chart where we must learn to let go of someone at the right time else suffer the consequences. If we do not let go, we must value the person/thing. In myth, had Agamemmnon raised the status of Chryseis to wife than slave, there would have been no need to humiliate her father who wanted to free her from the slave status, and no plagues as a consequence of Agamemnon's refusal.My wife and I have an intersting synastry with Chryseis: Her Chryseis conjuncts my True Node and her Valentine. My Chryseis conjuncts her true node and my Valentine. So we have a Valentine, Chryseis and True Node double whammy! ------------------ IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 05, 2009 05:36 AM
Interesting about Chryseis. It is on the same degree as my Moon - directly opposing my Atlantis.Well, I just noticed it's one degree away from my asteroid Tomhanks (yes, there really is one - no. 12818) I must let go of Tom Hanks, or value him?  IP: Logged |
aqua/scorp unregistered
posted January 05, 2009 05:59 AM
IQ I have someones Chryseis in Cancer sitting right on top of my IC 0 orb and my Chryseis in Aquarius opposition their Valentine in Leo 0 orb.Must be a deep connection concerning the IC?
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Chryseis Knowflake Posts: 914 From: Australia Registered: Jul 2012
posted January 06, 2009 12:12 AM
Hi aqua/scorpasteroid Chryseis, in my chart, in exact quincunx to my MC IP: Logged |
leapinglemur14 Knowflake Posts: 438 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 06, 2009 12:59 AM
anyone know any good books on asteroids?IP: Logged |
Chryseis Knowflake Posts: 914 From: Australia Registered: Jul 2012
posted January 06, 2009 02:20 AM
And thank you IqhunkWell that is astounding, expecially the synastry between you and your wife. I love how astrology and its mechanisms and definitions/keywords are such an inspiring study. What other planet/Asc synastry do you have if you don't mind me asking? IP: Logged | |