Topic: Love and Serendipity: The Difference between the Vertex and the Antivertex
Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1905 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted March 22, 2015 06:57 AM
Difference between the Vertex and the AntivertexHi everyone! I’m back with another theory! Okay, so at this point most of us are familiar with the Vertex Axis and it’s purported role in astrology of fate, serendipity, synchronicity, and attraction. Especially in the area of love and relationships. Of course it’s totally possible to have Vertex Axis like turning points and kooky coincidences in other areas of life too. However, powerful life-altering romantic attractions seems to be a pronounced theme with Vertex Axis transits and synastry. This makes total sense when you get into the mythology of this point, which I’ll cover in another section. When it comes to Vertex Axis synastry, It’s worth noting that intense attractions can occur regardless of whether the partner puts planets on the Vertex or the Antivertex. So if conjunctions to both ends of the Vertex Axis lead to attraction, my question has always been what’s the difference between either end? I’ve given this some thought, read a lot of essays, and done a lot of observing, and I think I’ve figured out the crux of what each of these opposing points represent, and how they contrast each other. The Vertex Axis as a whole describes how we experience fateful encounters, particularly of a romantic nature. No matter where the Vertex Axis falls in the chart it will tell us something about our ‘romantic’ destiny, and how our personal love story will play out… Both the things we half-expected (Antivertex), and those things which take us by surprise (Vertex). And yes, I’ve just dropped a not so subtle hint on what I’ve observed the difference between the Vertex and the Antivertex to be. As I mentioned before, we can have fateful experiences any area of life. The specific location of the Vertex Axis in the natal chart will outline for us those other areas of life (apart from love, which seems to be a ’given’ for the Vertex Axis) where we can expect synchronicity, serendipity, and twists of fate to play themselves out. We can decipher this by looking at the Vertex in the natal chart by sign, house, and aspect. The areas of life where we can anticipate unexpected turning points, and or things we suspected playing out, are depicted by the natal symbolism of our Vertex Axis. The houses that the Vertex Axis falls across show the areas of life where we can expect fateful encounters/events. The signs show how we react to these things, also the types of things we encounter/experience. Look at the rulers of the Vertex Axis too… Both ends. We can look at the rulers of the Vertex and Antivertex by sign, house, and aspect. This gives more detail. But before I get into all of this I’ll give an overview of the Vertex Axis, and set it all up for ya. A word of warning: This thread is going to be a LONG read. I intend to cover the topic of the differences between the Vertex and the Antivertex in depth. Just to let you all know. Be ready to read. Some parts may be more interesting to you then others. So I guess those who are impatient can scroll down if you wish. I put headings on every sub-topic. And at the end I posted a summary for those that want a mini-explanation. Overview of the Vertex Axis The Vertex Axis as a whole is like an intersection of fate where we cross paths those people, scenarios, events, and tid bits of information, that make a lasting imprint on our psyche. Our decisions and outlook in the future tend to be forever influenced by these things after we’ve encountered them. A Vertex Axis encounter can be big melodramatic ordeal or a tiny little incident. The significance of it comes from how we subjectively processes the encounter, and what it means to us personally, rather then what externally takes place. Big events will always rock our world, and sometimes little things make a big difference too. Also, Vertex Axis synastry and transits in general do really seem to have an exciting, electric, enlivening quality to them… As if we’re finally getting to the heart of what we needed or wanted somehow. It can be uncanny how spot-on the things that come to us through the Vertex Axis are. At least, in terms of how they resonate with our needs and desires on personal level. Many astrologers are now finally giving the Vertex Axis credit for being legitimately important as an Axis in the natal chart, like the Nodal Axis, the Asc/Dsc Axis, or the Mc/Ic Axis. • Ascendant/Descendant axis is considered the Magnetic Axis • the Midheaven/IC axis is considered the Gravity Axis • the Lunar Node axis is considered the Karmic Axis • And the Vertex Axis is considered the Electric Axis Personally, I think this the title ‘Electric Axis’ really suits. The Vertex Axis does really seem to bring crazy coincidences and synchronicity into our lives in ways that help us get where we need to be, or reach our destiny. Still, this doesn’t explain what the distinction could be between the Vertex and the Antivertex. With all the other Axes there’s a very clear difference between one end of it and the other…. Self/other (Asc/Dsc), public reputation/private haven (Mc/Ic), and previous experience/future growth (Nodal Axis). Keeping this in mind, it only makes sense that the Vertex Axis too should have a clear distinction between one end of it and the other. Our very own LL member Ami Ann has put forward the idea that the Antivertex is how we contribute to our own fate, while the Vertex is how others contribute to our fate. I definitely think there’s something to this notion. And I’ll be giving my own perspective on what this means in terms of the natal interpretation, synastry, and transits. Especially with regard to the astrology of love relationships (A topic that I love!). However just to be clear, I still think we can totally experience our Antivertex through other people. After all, we contribute to our own fate not just though our actions, but also though the type of people that we look for and choose of our own volition (An Antivertex experience). As opposed to having someone surprise us out of the blue with what they can bring into our lives (I think that is more of a ‘Vertex’ experience). Some of you may already get where I’m going with this… What Vertex Axis actually is as a calculation, and the mythology associated with it, definitely offer clues to help us grasp it’s meaning. This includes deciphering the difference between the Vertex and the Antivertex. IP: Logged |
Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1905 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted March 22, 2015 06:58 AM
What is the Vertex Axis? And how does it‘s Calculation Impact it‘s Meaning The Vertex/Antivertex Axis is made up from the two points where the circle of the Sun’s Path (the ecliptic) intersects with the Prime Vertical. To further explain… The Prime Vertical is a great circle in the Horizon system. It is the circle drawn through the Equatorial Asc/Equatorial Dsc Axis, and the Zenith/Nadir Axis. These are the 4 reference points that define the Prime Vertical. The Equatorial Asc is where our Asc would be if we were born exactly on the equator (up or down from our birthplace). The Equatorial Dsc is where our Dsc would be if we were born on exactly on the equator. The Zenith is the point in the sky directly above where we stand on the Earth. The point 180° opposite the Zenith, directly underfoot, is the Nadir. So if we look directly up in the sky, or look directly down at our feet on Earth, we are looking in the directions of the Zenith and the Nadir. Because of the way this circle is set up, our Antivertex is actually at a point in the sky above on the same side of the planet as us, and our Vertex is at a point somewhere below our feet on the other side of the Earth. I believe this is significant when it comes to the individual meanings of the Vertex and the Antivertex. The Antivertex is on the self-oriented section of our chart, while the Vertex is on the other-oriented section of our chart. With the Antivertex, we’re often encountering things we ourselves already suspected or hoped for. With the Vertex we’re often encountering something so unexpected that it seems ‘off the wall‘. The Vertex is a bit like a blind spot in the sense that we don’t always see what’s coming until some act of synchronicity spells it out for us in a really obvious way. Then it clicks. Intercepting the Sun’s Path: Why the Vertex Axis makes us Romanticize and Idealize The ecliptic is the Sun’s path around the solar system from our perspective. The Sun in our natal chart shows our sense of identity, what we like to be recognized for, and how we like to be the ‘hero’ of our own story. The path of the Sun could then be seen as describing the journey our hero must take. Since the ecliptic is the zodiacal circle, it’s fair to say that all the planetary positions and points in our chart are ultimately part of the ‘hero’s journey’ as we live our life-story. The Prime Vertical is not a planet or a point simply sitting along the ecliptic however, but a giant theoretical circle that intersects it. Intersections made to the path of the Sun would be where important encounters and turning points happen along the way during our ‘hero’s journey‘. Our path is symbolically ‘intercepted by fate‘. Encounters and events seen form a Solar point-of-view tend to become romanticized or idealized in our minds. When our Vertex Axis is stimulated we get the feeling that we are on the path towards our destiny, and that something special and momentous is happening. This influence comes from the fact that our Solar path appears to be intercepted by the Prime Vertical. The Sun, 5th house, and Leo, in the natal chart show where and how things feel grand, profound, significant, and impressive. The Vertex Axis has a touch of this energy to it as well. The Equatorial Asc/Dsc Axis as Part of the Prime Vertical: Why the Vertex Axis Highlights Issues Related to Our Taste and Preferences The Prime Vertical as a circle passes through the Equatorial Asc in the East, and the Equatorial Dsc in the West. These are where the Asc and the Dsc would be in our natal chart if we were born on the equator. The equator is a place of balance where the length of days varies little, the climate varies little, and it lies in the middle of the tropics which is generally considered to be ‘paradise on Earth’. The Equatorial Asc and Dsc (An axis in it’s own right) in our chart shows the kind of experiences in life that bring us a warm feeling of contentment, and the feeling that things are ‘perfect’ or just as they should be, at least from our own subjective point of view. The Equatorial Asc and Dsc describe our preferences, and how we’d like things to be in an ideal world. The Prime Vertical part of the Vertex Axis equation adds to the Vertex Axis an association with preferences, and our subjective perception of what ‘paradise‘ means for us. Seemingly fated events in life either reinforce our pre-existing taste and preferences (like a dream come true), or help us to create new ones (like when we are intrigued something new). Having our preferences influenced like this is typical when it comes to Vertex Axis transits and synastry. I’ve actually done a previous thread on the Equatorial Asc/Dsc Axis. It’s really a fascinating Axis in it’s own right. Here’s the link. Where, and with Whom, is our 'Personal Paradise': East Point/West Point Axis The Zenith and Nadir as Part of the Prime Vertical: Why Kookiness of the Vertex Axis Inspires Introspection
The Prime Vertical as a circle also passes through the Zenith and the Nadir of our place of birth. We spend most of our time living in a sideways/horizontal world. We relate to the people next to us, and observe events around us. Rarely do we take time to contemplate what is directly above us in the sky, or directly below us underfoot… Possibly to the extent that it’s on the other side of the world in a different sky! In fact, gazing into the sky above, or staring at our feet, is associated with those unusual experiences in life that make us stop and think for a bit. There’s a random, coincidental, crazy, out of the blue, type vibe to the Vertex Axis as a whole, quite similar to Uranus. This part of the Vertex Axis energy I can only speculate relates to the Prime Vertical part of the equation, in the sense that the Prime Vertical passes through the Zenith and the Nadir specific to our location of birth. Vertex Axis synastry and transits bring us experiences which take us out of the mundane and ordinary, and give us a taste of something utterly unique and extraordinary. These experiences often come to us in a bizarrely synchronistic type of way, and this gives us pause for consideration. Vertex Axis synastry and transits inspire us to look for the meaning behind certain encounters and events. Ya know, the kind of stuff that makes us gaze at the sky or stare at our feet. Summary: How the Calculation of the Vertex Axis Impacts it‘s Meaning Based on what I’ve discussed above, the Vertex Axis shows where our path in life is intercepted by encounters and events that impact our preferences and taste from that point forward. Our pre-existing taste and preferences may be reinforced in some type of wish fulfillment scenario (Antivertex). Or our preferences and taste may be altered due to being introduced to something new and unexpected (Vertex). These encounters and events seem to takes us out of our ordinary everyday perspective on the world, and make us question the meaning behind them… We may wonder if fate or destiny has been at work somehow. And there’s a tendency to romanticize and idealize these encounters and events for their significance in our journey through life. IP: Logged |
Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1905 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted March 22, 2015 06:59 AM
How the Vertex Axis in Attraction Blends with the 5th , 7th and 8th Houses As it mentioned, before the Vertex Axis is involved in attraction, but so are the 5th, 7th, and 8th houses. Obviously there is some difference in the type of attraction we experience at the Vertex Axis compared to what we experience in the 5th, 7th, and 8th houses. The 5th, 7th, and 8th houses describe the types of personality traits, and skills, we are attracted to in a partner. The Vertex Axis describes the types of fateful situations we’re likely to attract which make an big impact on us. There’s a subtle difference here. The situations and scenarios described by our Vertex Axis tend to be ones that press our excitement buttons, and intrigue, and fascinate us. And the people who bring these types of situations and scenarios, or even just a certain type of ‘vibe’ that we want to experience, into our live excite us as well. And we feel like something very important is happening when we encounter such people. This can happen even on a non-romantic level when we learn new things from interesting people that we meet in connection with Vertex Axis transits and synastry. We tend to be surprised by the fateful situations that comes to us through the Vertex, and can learn to appreciate the traits and qualities associated with our Vertex over time. Our Vertex can grow on us, and become our new favorite thing usually only after we’ve ‘discovered’ it. People with planets conjunct our Vertex bring these types of situations to us. Situations where we’re thrilled with a new concept or direction. We are not surprised at all by the fateful situations that come to us through the Anitvertex… In fact we often have weird sort of premonition about these situations. People with planets conjunct our Antivertex bring these situations to us. That’s how people with planets on our Antivertex can feel ‘ideal’ to us. As if we got something we always knew we wanted. There are personality traits and skills associated with our Antivertex and Vertex that we do appreciate, and are attracted to. However, this is partly because these traits and skills are required to bring about those fateful situations that press our excitement buttons. Put another way, we’re attracted to the traits and skills associated with our Vertex Axis primarily because they enable certain ‘dream’ scenarios to occur in our lives. My point is that the main influence in our chart showing our taste in personality traits is the 5th, 7th, and 8th houses, as well as the gender planets when it comes to the behavior we like from the opposite sex. The Vertex Axis seems to be mostly about experiencing situations that move us deeply. People with planets on our Vertex Axis give us these situations, and their personality traits and skills are more like tools that facilitate these situations taking place. We are able to appreciate their traits greatly, and even fall in love with them, for that reason… Because of how they‘ve brought certain experiences, and a certain type of ’vibe’, into our lives. I hope this makes sense. Just to be clear, the best attractions involve both a love house based attraction, and a Vertex Axis based attraction, mixed together in the same synastry. This can involve the Vertex Axis rulers too. Of course sometimes there is overlap. The Vertex is often in one of our 5th, 7th, or 8th houses, and sometimes the ruler of the Vertex, or the Antivertex, is in the same sign as a love house cusp, or in the same sign as one of the love house cusp rulers. Or the Vertex or Antivertex may even be in the same sign as our secondary 5th, 7th, or 8th houses. Also, Antivertex in the 11th house can give us a strong taste for those that admire us, and the feeling we get from them. The 11th house is the house of ‘love received’. It’s actually quite common to see a bit of overlap between our 5th, 7th or 8th house symbolism, and our Vertex Axis symbolism.
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Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1905 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted March 22, 2015 07:00 AM
Now for the Mythology Part The mythology for the Vertex Axis is very romantic, which is why I think it has so much to say about our fated love experiences more then anything else. It’s possible to have seemingly fated experiences in any area of life due to Vertex Axis transits and synastry. However romantic love does seem to be the chief theme with the Vertex Axis. I’ll post an excerpt from a previous thread that I did explaining the myth, and then I’ll get into the implications of what I think this myth means for individual interpretations of the Vertex and the Anitivertex. If you already know the story you can skip this part, and go straight to my discussion at the end of the quote. quote: Originally posted by Lotis White:
The mythology of the Vertex does relate strongly to the theme of love and passion.The word ‘Vertex’ comes from the Latin root word vertere, meaning to change, to turn, turn frequently or spin. The Roman god Vertumnus has also roots in the Latin word vertere… He is said to rule over gardens, fruit trees and seasons (changes), and to have the appearance of an attractive young man. Hence, the Vertex has a mythological connection with the story of Vertumnus and Pomona… A classic Roman love story. Astrologer Kim Falconer, talks about this mythological connection to the Vertex on her website. I highly recommend her page on the Vertex. Here’s a link… Anyway, I’ve read several versions of this myth and have decided to take a shot and writing my own summery of it for the sake of simplicity. So with out much ado, here’s a short rendition of the tale… to get the main points of it across. VERTUMNUS AND POMONA Apparently, Pomona was a beautiful fruit nymph, who had many admirers. Only she had little interest in men, and lived for tending her garden alone. Then one day Vertumnus, chanced to glimpse her through the gate in the high walls surrounding the garden that Pomona lived in…. Upon seeing how fine she was, he was captivated and fell madly in love with her, more so then any of her other admirers. From that day forth, Vertumnus would disguise himself to enter Pomona’s garden as various different personalities just so he could be near her. Pomona had built the high wall around her garden to keep out pesky would-be admirers, so Vertumnus never revealed his true identity during his visits. Continuously, Vertumnus pursued Pomona in this way. He appeared before her every day in a different guise, until a time came when he could no longer bear to only love Pomona from afar… So one day Vertumnus approached Pomona disguised as an old women selling fruit. When Pomona saw the harmless old women she let her into the garden. Pomona was then shocked when the old woman began kissing her. Vertumnus, seeing Pomona’s stunned reaction to the kisses stopped and started talking. An interesting conversation took place. The ‘old women’ started to try and convince Pomona, through logic, that she aught to consider the value of love and intimacy in her life. This was done using various different arguments. Yet Pomona remained unconvinced. The ‘old women’ then directly referenced Vertumnus, telling of how she knew that he loved Pomona ardently, and would love no other then Pomona, and that he would make a fine match for her… Even after this, Pomona still remained unconvinced of opening her heart to love. Finally, in a last desperate attempt to gain Pomona’s favor, Vertumnus dropped his disguise as an old women, revealing his true appearance as a beautiful male youth and stood naked before her. In that moment the beauty of Vertumnus’s true form took Pomona’s breath away, like the glory of the Sun when the clouds have parted. She found herself falling in love with him, returning the ardent passion that he felt. Pomona then at last surrendered her heart and ran into Vertumnus’s arms. Later they got married. Both of them taking up residence in Pomona’s garden and where they have stayed together, still in love, tending the fruit side by side… Wasn’t that a sweet story! If you’re interested in reading a couple of other versions of the myth here’s a few I found on the net… This version of the myth is quite detailed, and even discusses the other men, apart form Vertumnus that admired Pomona. This version is short and to the point. On her Vertex page Kim Falconer makes this point…“The theme of this myth centers on a seemingly chance moment where an outstanding event occurs. To Pomona, it was like an epiphany, a sudden turn of fate, a radical awakening of perception. To Vertumnus, it was at first a well planned strategy, then finally an act of spontaneous desperation. Imagine his surprise when Pomona finally received him!”
Here’s a link to my original thread VERTUMNUS AND POMONA... A VX LOVE STORY I strongly echo Kim Falconer’s comment (from her website) that the ‘myth centers around a seemingly chance moment where an outstanding event occurs’… That is, the moment when the previously oblivious maiden Pomona realizes that the so-called old lady was actually the love of her life in disguise (Talk about a crazy surprise!). Which is also the moment when the union Vertumnus had long been wishing and hoping for finally comes into being. It’s an important turning-point for both of them, but in different ways… The moment of revelation in the myth can be seen from two opposite perspectives. That of Pomona or Vertumnus. One of whom is having a Vertex experience, the other of whom is having an Antivertex experience. It’s also important to remember that this is not a one-side love story!! (Perhaps this explains why attraction can occur with conjunctions to either end of the Vertex Axis) More specifically, it’s a tale that illustrates difference between being surprised by what love has to offer vs. having time to obsess about it for a while first. From either perspective, extreme attraction is still experienced. Have we been blindsided by a random event that changes our lives forever, which previously we never could have anticipated? Or has some pre-conceived, long desired outcome finally come to pass? From my perspective, these two different experiences encompass the distinction between the what we experience at the Vertex vs. what we experience at the Antivertex. The myth makes this point very well. IP: Logged |
Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1905 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted March 22, 2015 07:01 AM
And finally… The meanings of the Vertex and Antivertex in detail. First up is the Vertex.Meaning of the Vertex The terms ‘turning point’ and ‘fateful encounter’ are often tossed around when people talk about the Vertex Axis. A key phrase for the Vertex Axis is ‘to encounter‘ … I‘m proposing the theory that when we’re in Vertex mode we seem to encounter a Vertumnus-like event or person. This puts us in a Pomona-like role. In Vertex mode, like Pomona, we may be blindsided by someone, or something, that we never in a million years would have guessed could actually come into our lives… Like an old lady suddenly morphing into our ideal mate (something totally unexpected and crazy). The resulting revelation or epiphany often leads to an ground-breaking turning point, change in lifestyle, or shift in mindset for us. Getting back to the myth, Pomona was completely unaware of Vertumnus’s passion for her, or that he was showing up outside her garden walls in various different disguises just to see her on a regular basis. Then one day while simply going about her regular business some old lady shows up at her gates… Previously she was perfectly content just to live alone and tend her gardens, and now this old lady is recommending a love life and kissing her oddly. Pomona is understandably weirded out by this, and resistant to the idea. Finally, out of desperation Vertumnus spontaneously drops his disguise… And what do you know, it turns out he’s really a handsome young hottie. Pomona is struck be his beauty and has an extraordinary internal awakening. One that forever alters her life. She realizes she does want a love life after all, and what’s more, she wants one with Vertumnus… In the myth Vertumnus was supposed to be the god of the changing seasons, so it was literally like he was bringing a new ‘season’ into her life. When we’re in Vertex mode we encounter people, things, knowledge, or events, that cause us to reconsider things. They awaken us to a whole new world of experience that we never knew existed beforehand. Or at least, we never considered dipping our toes into that world before our Vertex encounter… Just as Pomona never thought about having a love-life of her own until she encountered Vertumnus. The Vertex in our natal chart shows those things we unconsciously attract into our fated path, that previously we have not given much depth of consideration to. We’re often oblivious or unaware of what a Vertex transit or synastry is offering us until we have it shoved in our face. Remember, the Vertex is on the other side of the planet astronomically, and in the ‘others’ side of our chart astrologically. It can be a blind spot for us unless it’s pointed out to us. Sometimes a Vertex encounter is immediately recognized as significant when we experience it. Other times it may take a while for the significance of it to sink in. Pomona did not recognize Vertumnus right away as her future love. Vertex encounters can be a bit like that at times. A Vertex opportunity may be right in front of our nose for a while before we ’click’ together in our minds the full extent of what we can acquire form it. The Vertex tends to bring the new, unexpected, and unprecedented into our lives. Though occasionally conjunctions to the Vertex by transit or synastry will expand upon old ideas we have floating around in our psyche. When this happens, however, it’s like the original concept is somehow radically transformed, so that we’re able to see it from a completely different angle. Our established view on past issues may turned upside down after a Vertex encounter. A Vertex encounter can provide answers with regard old questions which would have seemed unimaginable beforehand. With the Vertex, the solution we seek may be discovered in a most unexpected, crazy way. We might be left thinking ‘I never thought of it that way before‘. When the Vertex bounces old ideas back to us they’re always presented with a new twist. The Vertex as a Type of Dsc, Showing how Others and External Events Contribute to Our Fate… People and events symbolized by the Vertex seem to come from somewhere beyond where our own mind could have reached on it’s own. It’s like we had to meet that person, or experience that event, in order for our perspective to be reshaped, and our new direction in life be set into place. At the Vertex we are confronted with new possibilities that we previously thought unavailable, or simply did not give much consideration to in the first place. Crazy, random, out of the blue circumstances and encounters open our eyes to these new possibilities. These possibilities are often intriguing and exciting to us, and give us the opportunity to explore uncharted territory in our life’s journey. When we encounter the Vertex we are encountering a force that feels very external to our own pre-conceptions about what we want, and where we should be headed. Rather, at the Vertex we are made aware of other people’s preconceptions, mindsets, and opinions, about what our fate could include. We’re encouraged to explore a different direction. At the Vertex, we can be enticed or persuaded to consider new avenues of experience due to the influence of other people and external events. Just like Vertumnus tried to convince Pomona of the value of love. With Vertex synastry and transits, someone may randomly say or do something, or make a suggestion, that sets off our mind in a completely unexplored direction. A direction that leads to important change. It’s like the Vertex introduces new concepts and potentials into our psyche from a source outside of our own conscious awareness. The Vertex in our natal chart shows where and how we are open to being swayed or influenced by what others reveal to us. Things a person conjoining our Vertex does will stick in our mind and cause us to reassess our ways. They come up with stuff we never would have thought of on our own. And they have a way of presenting alternatives to us in an attractive way. Their opinions and viewpoints hold sway over us and we give them serious thought. We’re often tempted to try out their recommendations. If not straight away, then soon after. The Vertex is also where we can be surprised by unexpected turns of fate brought to us by others… Stuff as crackers as ‘the old lady turning out to be Vertumnus’ scenario. We may have never considered moving to Alaska or taking a belly dancing class but a Vertex transit or synastry could cause us to really consider it. Vertex encounters can cause us to alter our taste, preferences, and goals. Basically, the Vertex is like a type of Dsc in the sense that it shows where we are receptive and susceptible to being changed or influenced by others. People with planets conjunct our Vertex can charm us, and induce us towards change and significant turning points. This tends to happen in a bizarrely synchronistic kind of way. As if circumstances are conspiring, luring us toward certain Vertex related people and things in an kooky, spooky kind of way. The Vertex point is also good at helping us to create new example scenarios in our psyche, like an archetype, about which we develop strong feelings and opinions. What we learn form the person conjoining our Vertex becomes an illustration for us of a certain type of theme in life… And we remember this experience as pivotal to forming our future attitudes about these certain situations from that point forward. We may wish to embrace or reject these types of scenarios in the future as a result of our Vertex encounter. Whatever the case, we’re left with a strong mental imprint. What we learn from a Vertex encounter will resonate with us profoundly. A Practical Example of the Vertex at Work Okay, so I know I’ve made the Vertex seem rather grandiose with my explanations above. This was mostly to get the general concept of what the Vertex Axis means across. Actually, though, the Vertex can have some rather mundane applications, to do with small issues in our lives. I’ll give an example from my own life… The other day the moon was transiting my Vertex and I went to the health food store to get some silica supplement. The shop assistant happened to show me a product that helps the body absorb silica, but they were out of stock for the actual silica supplement I usually buy. I left the store with nothing but a snack. Later, I realized I was having trouble absorbing the Iron supplement I already had. I remembered what the shop assistant had showed me, and researched it online. It turns out that the same brand offers a product that helps your body absorb Iron as well. I brought the Iron absorption supplement from the same brand and it really helped! The product the shop assistant showed me during the Vertex Moon transit helped me find what I needed for my Iron absorption issue. I didn’t recognize the opportunity at first, but then later I had a little ‘eureka’ moment. The Vertex can in work in very ordinary ways, as well as with the big climaxes we have in life. It leads us forward towards where we need to be. Interestingly, my natal Vertex is in Taurus at the end of the 5th house, and conjunct the 6th house cusp. This indicates that Vertex experiences involving health issues would be quite common for me. The Vertex and Romance… In love relationships, the Vertex can bring anything we didn’t really expect, or desire until our Vertex encounter awakens us to the possibility. These things are described by the sign of the Vertex, the sign of it’s ruler, the location of the Vertex by house, and the location of it’s ruler by house. Aspects, especially conjunctions, to our Vertex, and it’s ruler, also describe the types of issues, people, and things that can rise up seemingly out of nowhere, and open up new avenues for us. They lead us forward in life in a kind of miraculous way. In romantic relationships Vertex activation describes how love can astonish us with what it brings into our lives, and how it causes us to embrace some kind of personal metamorphosis. The Vertex describes what and who can entice us towards making a change. There’s often a eureka moment when we realize how ATTRACTED we are to the new possibility that’s come our way. If you have the Vertex in Virgo, for instance, you might be surprised to discover how attracted you are to someone who can bring more good health or efficiency into your life. There are thousands of varieties of ways a person could do this, and every time a synastry or transit hit the Vertex point a light would be shined on a new way to do this. And a new appreciation would be developed. The same type of interpretation could be applied to the Vertex ruler by sign. For the Virgo Vertex person, if they had Mercury in Aquarius, the unusual and alternative might attract them with regard to health and organization. They might be really attracted to someone who could help them network socially, especially if this gives them the opportunity to learn more about Virgo related issues from people of different walks of life. The houses of the Vertex and it’s ruler have an impact here too. Vertex in Virgo in the 8th house might be really attracted to those who can offer some type of transformation, or deeper intimacy, to their lives. Practical ways to do this would be enticingly interesting to the Virgo Vertex person. If Mercury in Aquarius were in the 1st house, the Virgo Vertex person would also find themselves enticed by those who can help them strengthen their individuality, and be more forward. The Virgo Vertex person wouldn’t usually actively go around looking for these things. They might not even think about these things very much. They might in fact by too preoccupied with finding someone who satisfies their Antivertex symbolism (more on this later), and they need to be pushed a little to remember the value of their Vertex symbolism. The Vertex can be a little passive in that it seems to remain unconscious until someone or something wakes that part of ourselves up again. The Vertex is kind of like a Dsc or Venus in this sense. It’s approached by others with new ideas, and then has the opportunity to respond to these new options. The Vertex is where we act to the part of Pomona the ‘oblivious maiden’ (even if we‘re a male)… The impassioned ‘suitor’ comes to us with their ideas, opinions, and encouragement (even if in reality it‘s not a lover, but simply friend or acquaintance with a helpful recommendation). Others and external circumstances inspire us to take a renewed interest in the issues and themes represented by our Vertex. In synastry, from the planet/point person’s perspective it may seem that we’re a little ‘blind’ or unaware in the areas associated with our natal Vertex. The planet/point person may feel an urge to guide or instruct us somehow in this area. They may wish to pull us aside and point out certain things which may seem obvious to them, but we haven’t been paying attention to these things. Often the often the Vertex person is able to see that the planet/point person has some valid lines of reasoning to bring up with them. The alternatives the planet/point person is able to offer the Vertex person can appear extremely attractive to the Vertex person once they’ve been pointed out. At the very least, the planet/point person is able to illustrate what to avoid, if not where to head next. The planet/point person is able to intercept the Vertex person and help redirect them on their path. In love relationships this can be an exciting experience… People with planets, or important points, on our Vertex or it’s ruler have that ability to awaken or renew our interest in the issues and themes related to our Vertex. We are made aware, or reminded, of how much we really do love and appreciate these things in life. These people have the ability to make us enthusiastic and excited about the things symbolized by our Vertex. We feel profoundly alive and positive about exploring issues related to our Vertex symbolism when we encounter such people. And these people seem to have something offer that’s very applicable to our personal situation in life. They connect us to the next step we need to make. In love relationships a partner who conjuncts our Vertex surprises us again and again with how they can rekindle our interest in the things symbolized by our natal Vertex. They just have the knack to captivate us in a certain kind of way. Our Vertex symbolism shows how. That’s the key to interpreting Vertex synastry. My Vertex is in Taurus ruled by Venus in Sagittarius in the 1st house. My Vertex is in the 5th house conjunct the 6th house cusp. In terms of being enticed by our Vertex symbolism, I can certainly see how a partner that offers physical comfort, beauty, and abundance, could be a major weakness for me, or induce me to make changes in order to have these things. As well as how I could be ‘charmed’ into seeing things another way, or ‘allured’ by a partner that offers knowledge, understanding, joy, laughter, and adventure (especially ones where you learn), as my Vertex ruler in Sagittarius would indicate. Given that I’ve got Venus in Sag which is a love-indicator, and I’ve also got Jupiter in the 7th, the attraction to Sag qualities is something I’ve always been aware of. However, the Taurus stuff isn’t something I thought of really that much… It’s more like a process of observation has revealed to me over time that the Taurus energy of my Vertex is actually something that can attract me. Now that I understand my Vertex symbolism I do give these things consideration more. Generally though, people don’t give their Vertex symbolism a mental priority in their search for love until they experience a Vertex encounter firsthand. People tend to develop more of a taste for the energy of their Vertex as they mature. There are a few exceptions to this. If our Vertex is in the same sign of the 5th, 7th, or 8th houses, or their rulers, or the same sign as our Venus, or some other important love indicator (which is quite common), we may in-fact have a very conscious attraction to our Vertex sign. This would be because the qualities of that sign would appeal to us for reasons other then the fact that it’s our Vertex sign. For instance, if our 7th house ruler is Taurus, and our Vertex is in Taurus, we may have a conscious attraction to Taurus from an early age due to the influence of our 7th house ruler. Even if this is the case though, the Vertex can still surprise us. Tight conjunctions to the Vertex in synastry and transit will still have a way of leading us towards unexpected realizations. However, there may be realizations about things we thought we already understood. A Vertex conjunction will expand upon what we knew already in unexpected ways. Or perhaps we are simply surprised by the intensity of what we feel when something touches our Vertex. To summarize, if our Vertex symbolism does figure strongly in the rest of our attraction pattern, and we have a conscious early attraction to it, it can still send us towards some unexpected turning points. More Detail on the Vertex in Romantic Synastry Transit and synastry conjunctions to the Vertex indicate a partner who amazes us with the different lifestyle, and intriguing new ideas, they weave into our journey with them. Something they have to express will feel relevant to us in a special way. They inspire a drive within us to consider their way of looking at the world. We’re curious about their interests, habits, and experiences, and may feel we’re learning something new and important form them. A partner with planets conjunct our Vertex will standout to us with their actions and words. There’s a tendency to be fascinated by them, hang on their words, and feel profoundly attracted. We also typically experience some type of revelation, epiphany, ‘eureka’ moment, or significant turning point, as a result of their connection to us. People can often sense that a person conjoining their Vertex has something crucial to offer them, something that may lead to the fulfillment of some future part of their destiny. The Vertex is where we get what we never knew we always wanted. We may not have even realized we needed/wanted certain things in love until we encounter our Vertex partner. It’s only afterwards it occurs to us that what we found was somehow just ’perfect’ for us. Repeated experience with our Vertex partner convinces us of the value of what we’re gaining or learning from them. This is a Vertex theme. The more we are around a partner conjoining our Vertex, the more we come to understand the beauty of what they represent in our life. After knowing them, we couldn’t imagine going back to our old way of living or seeing the world. Conjunctions to the Vertex in love help us to create new ideals about what we desire and value in romantic relationships. Our romantic preferences and tastes are often modified as a result of a Vertex encounter in our love lives. At the Vertex, a new type of fulfillment is discovered due to the influence of another (Vertex synastry), or unanticipated external events (Vertex transits). For example, if we had natal Uranus conjunct our Vertex we might not be expecting the unconventional person that we actually wind up falling for (unless we’re reading this). The uniqueness of this person would be totally blindside us, but also be fascinating as well. The more we were around this person, the more we would recognize how crucial what we’ve learned from our connection with them has been… In terms of advancing our life somehow, or developing new preferences. Their electric charisma, or objectivity, would become our favorite new things to love about them (And our favorite new thing to be attracted to about a partner in general). We’d just get a kick out of the Uranian way that they are. Even if before, we didn’t have appreciation for such things at all. There are thousands of ways a person could be ‘Uranus’ for us. If we have Uranus on the Vertex nataly, every time we met this Uranus in others they’d have something different to offer that reminded us of the value of Uranian qualities. To some extent if we had Uranus conjunct the Vertex nataly it would be part of our ‘fate’ to be surprised by how much we can appreciate positive Uranus traits in others. Any planet on the Vertex nataly shows something about how others can open our eyes and surprise us with new preferences. Venus there would have others surprising us with issues to do with relating, social skills, fashion, beauty, harmony, and perhaps new artistic tastes of one kind or another. It would be part of our ‘fate’ to occasionally meet others that alter our perspective on Venus issues as we journey through life. A planet conjunct our Vertex in synastry shows a similar theme. Our partner’s Mercury conjunct our Vertex would indicate that how they think and speak opens our mind up in surprisingly new directions, and that their intellect and communication skills eventually become something that we love about them. It’s how they express themselves with the Sun, how they emote with the Moon, how they show affection and relate with Venus, and how the assert themselves with Mars, and so on. Jupiter on the Vertex could show that the partner’s sense of joy and morel compass alters our outlook on such issues, or makes us more ‘aware‘ when it comes to adventure and wisdom . While Saturn on the Vertex shows it’s their sense of duty that has a transforming effect on us, and we start to see the value of using Saturn in that particular way. Any planet on the Vertex in synastry, even an outer planet, can teach us about the value of that planet and how to better appreciate it’s qualities in a meaningful way. The outer planets can be significant in synastry if they rule an angle, or a love house (5th or 8th), or if they’re the dispositor of the Sun or Moon, or a personal planet stellium. Failing that, outer planets on the Vertex can show how entire generations have an exciting, mindset altering effect on us. The Vertex in love synastry is basically about developing an appreciation something new, and forming new taste and preferences about what we want from our partner. But wait, there’s a Dark Side… Big or small, the Vertex usually brings us delightful surprises, but not always… There’s a dark side to the Vertex as well. Not all fateful turning-points in life have a fairytale ending. Sometimes people really do take a turn for the worst due to bad decisions or allowing themselves to be influenced by the wrong people. Maybe we had our ‘eyes opened’ to the wrong type of things, or maybe we were lead astray down the wrong path. Vertex transits and synastry can play a role here. The person who convinced us to try drugs, or who blindsided and shocked us with their cheating behavior, could very well have a planet or point on our Vertex, just like the person who changed our life for the better could as well. Vertex encounters alter us, but it can be for better or for worse. If we find ourselves charmed by the Vertex in an inappropriate or dangerous way, sometimes it’s better just to use our common sense and walk away. With love connections, if the relationship was not so positive due to the rest of the synastry, we may find that Vertex conjunctions with another were really only ‘perfect’ for teaching us about exactly what we don’t want (rather then what we do) in love. The Vertex is good at helping us form new examples in our mind that stick with us in the future. At first, with a Vertex heartbreak we may be shocked and aghast that things fell apart they way they did. Our partner has probably done something crazy unexpected. It’s like we can hardly believe what’s happened. Surprising revelations are a Vertex theme, remember. It’s likely we’re totally blindsided the way the relationship ended (even if we sensed something might have been ‘off‘ somehow). It might take a while for it all to sink in. Eventually, what we wind up with is a specific example that sticks in our mind of what situations we find most painful and difficult, and wish to avoid in the future. We never forget how we were burned. Yet the feeling often still lingers that those events were somehow meant to happen. They made us the person we became, and shaped our view on relationships. We learned from our experience. I guess the lesson here is that fateful encounters with Vertex synastry and transits can potentially lead us down the wrong path in life, just like they can lead us down the right one. In either case there’s the feeling that something pivotal has happened. When we encounter Vertex synastry and transits it’s up to us to decide if we really want to invite the Vertumus into our garden or not. But like I said, Vertex surprises are most often constructive ones (just not always). IP: Logged |
Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1905 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted March 22, 2015 07:03 AM
Both ends of the Vertex Axis tend to give a fated ’meant to be’ type vibe to a connection. The Vertex is how others, and the external world contribute to our fate. And the unexpected turns that come to us through their influence…The Antivertex is to be the opposite. At the Antivertex we get pretty much exactly what we were looking for beforehand…Meaning of the Antivertex Again, a key phrase for the Vertex Axis is ‘to encounter‘ … Here, I’m proposing the theory that when we’re in Anitvertex mode we are not (anti) encountering Vertumnus… Rather, we are playing the role of Vertumnus-like figure encountering a Pomona-like person (or opportunity). That is, we are encountering someone or something we had a pre-existing interest in even before this encounter occurred. At the Antivertex we’re like Vertumnus after checking out Pomona from behind the garden wall. We’ve already established what we want. Now we just need the chance to attain it. Getting back to the myth, Vertumnus was aware of exactly what he was aiming for when he entered Pomona’s garden that day. He’d been scoping out Pomona for a while, had time to contemplate her, and had pretty much already decided she was his ideal girl. Her finally accepting him was a fateful and profound turning point for him. And a dream come true… But not really a surprise in the truest sense of the word. Deep down his decision already was made, and he knew exactly what he was hoping for. It was just a matter of the right opportunity coming along in order to make his dream a reality. He entered the situation in the garden with pre-existing expectations and hopes about what was to come. The Antivertex in the natal chart says a lot about the pre-existing hopes and expectations we carry around as part of our mindset. The Antivertex shows our suspicions about what our fate is likely to entail. The preoccupations we have with certain possibilities, that we hope, wish, predict, fear, or simply assume may come to pass on our fated journey through life. These are possibilities we already have an uncanny feeling about. We’ve given these possibilities consideration and have pre-developed notions about what they mean to us. Remember, the Antivertex is on the our side of the planet astronomically, and in the ‘self’ side of our chart astrologically. It shows where we have something of an inkling about what’s going on. Most people have preconceived notions in their psyche about what they expect may happen. Or fantasies they imagine coming true. Our pre-conceived notions about what we long for and desire can drive us forward into situations. It’s also true that our pre-conceived notions about what we fear and dislike can drive us away from situations. When a longed for person or event crosses our path it can often seem like a dream come true… And when a dreaded event or encounter takes place it can feel like a nightmare come true. In either case, the reaction we have, and our ‘fate’ has been influenced by the unique mindset we’ve developed along our path in life. We wouldn’t have responded to the situation the way that we did if it weren’t for the pre-developed set of preferences we’d formed prior to the experience. Antivertex transits and synastry bring these types of experiences to us. We run towards or from something that touches us on a personal level due to our unique mindset. At the Vertex we encounter surprises which later turn out to be just what we needed. At the Antivertex we encounter those hopes and wishes (and sometimes fears) we already had manifest in reality. The Anitvertex is point of premonitions and wish fulfillment point. If we have a niggling feeling or a private hope that certain things could happen to us, an Antivertex synastry or transit could bring those things to us. By comparison, the Antivertex is not as revolutionary and change inducing as the Vertex. The Vertex is where new ideals and dreams are created, rather then where pre-existing ones are confirmed and validated. At the Vertex we’d experience an encounter which helps us to create a brand new vision of our fate, and an exciting new direction in life. However, being more ‘revolutionary’ does not make the Vertex better or more significant. The Vertex and the Antivertex simply show the different perspectives we can experience when it comes to fateful events. They are like two sides of the same coin. On one side of the coin, we are surprised with an unexpected revelation, and serendipitous change is set into motion. On the other side of the coin, something anticipated comes to us, but in a synchronistic meaningful way. With Vertex encounters, we often have a ‘eureka‘ moment when the true significance of this encounter dawns upon us. With Anitvertex encounters, it’s more like a ‘breakthrough’ moment. A ’breakthrough’ moment is where we realize we’ve come across an opportunity to bring our personal vision or goal into reality. The Antivertex as a Type of Asc, Showing how We Ourselves and Our Unique Mindset Contributes to Our Fate… As I’ve outlined before, when we’re in Vertex mode we are easily influenced and persuaded by others to explore a new path. However, when we’re in Antivertex mode we have strong ideas and expectations about what could or should happen. And when the right opportunity crosses our path we use the preconceived notions and ideals in our mind to recognize them, and take action. The Antivertex is like an Asc in that it shows where we are very self-driven in terms of our fated path (rather susceptible to persuasion, as we are at the Vertex). When in Antivertex mode we already know what we’re looking for. The only real surprise is where, when, and how, these things come to us. To summarize, the Vertex shows where we can be charmed into another way of thinking, and the Antivertex shows where we know exactly what we want and can be willful and stubborn about going for just that. If we’ve already decided what our ideal mate is like, or what our ideal job should be, we are not likely to give up on these things very easily. We are driven to follow up on Antivertex opportunities when they come to us. Another way that the Antivertex is like an Asc is that the transits and synastry to the Antivertex can give us a tremendous sense of personal validation. Whatever is manifesting in reality feels very confirming to our personal viewpoint. The event or person we encounter often exemplifies our expectations in some way. Our response is often “I knew this something like this would happen someday!!” Conjunctions to the Anitvertex can bring us into contact with dreams, desires, possibilities, and potentials, we’ve already thought about. As with the Vertex, this tends to happen in a synchronistic, serendipitous kind of way. All kinds of strange coincidental incidents may seem to be leading us towards the Antivertex person or event. The Antivertex is where our preconceived notions, hopes, and fantasies, are confirmed and highlighted by what we experience in reality. We meet people and experience events that validate our established viewpoints and personal taste. This type of validation stands out in our psyche, and we often have the uncanny feeling that this sort of thing was always meant to occur. So when it actually does, the encounter can feel like a rather fated and compelling experience for us. With regard to the Antivertex, there’s no denying that when a long cherished goal, yearning, or fantasy, actually becomes attainable in reality, that it’s profoundly thrilling experience… At the Antivertex we experience encounters which confirm our pre-existing ideals and hopes. At the Antivertex our dreams can become manifest. At the Antivertex we make breakthroughs towards these dreams coming true. Yes, actual changes, turning-points, and growth, can still occur with transits and synastry to the Antivertex. However, the ultimate destination we reach is one we half-expected or hoped would come into our lives eventually. For instance… If we always had a longing to study astrology with a specific teacher, an Antivertex conjunction by transit could bring this opportunity into reality. We have an opportunity to learn new information, but this opportunity to learn is one we had pre-conceived notions about. We’ve already envisioned the possibility. However, a Vertex conjunction in transit might lead us to discover this teacher or astrology itself in the first place, and to learn a whole new way of looking at the world. A Practical Example of the Antivertex at Work I have similar transit example from my own life. This, like with the Vertex example, shows how sometimes the Antivertex encounters have to do with little issues in our lives, and not just melodramatic highlights. I was surfing YouTube a few months ago when I discovered a video by a Vedic astrologer who I’d already seen a few video’s form. But this video was about how to ***** your marriage potential using divisional charts. I’d been hoping to find information on this topic before and was curious so I watched, and really enjoyed how educational it was. During this time, the Moon was transiting my Antivertex. I now know some of the tricks I wanted to learn when it comes to analyzing your love life potential with Vedic astrology and divisional charts. The Antivertex transit brought me what I wanted in a little way. It’s worth noting that Uranus is conjunct my Antivertex in Scorpio in the 11th house. Uranus, Aquarius, and the 11th house are said to rule astrology and divination in general. It’s no surprise that my Antivertex experiences often have an astrological bent to them. The Antivertex and Romance… In love relationships, the Antivertex brings us what we half-expected or privately longed for beforehand. These things described by the sign of the Antivertex, the sign of it’s ruler, the location of the Antivertex by house, and the location of it’s ruler by house. Aspects to our Antivertex, and it’s ruler, also describe the types of issues, people, and things, that we have a kind of ‘premonition’ about. We have a sneaking suspicion that these types of things are meant to play a major role in our destiny somehow. And we’ve been sort of waiting for a certain kind of circumstance or person to arrive most of our lives. When we do connect with these issues and themes through others it can feel like something meant to be. In romantic relationships Antivertex activation describes love can fill us with wonder when our dreams become a reality, and how we can be astounded by how much the situation/person matches with the ideals we’ve been searching for. The Antivertex describes what and who resonates with our established personal desires. There’s often a breakthrough moment when we encounter a person/situation connected with our Antivertex where we recognize how they fit in with our unique outlook and personal taste, and we’re inspired to want to be around them. We are ATTRACTED by how much they echo our specific longings, opinions, and wishes for the future. If you have the Antivertex in Libra, for instance, you’ve always had an attraction to those who can bring charm, beauty, and harmony into your life. And you may have always wanted a mate that has a talent for diplomacy and social interaction. This will be so even if you’re Dsc ruler is in tactless Sag. All that’s required to fit the bill is one personal planet on the Antivertex, or the Antivertex ruler Venus. If your Antivertex were Libra, there are thousands of ways a person could bring ‘Libra’ energy into your life in a way that resonates specifically with what you already like. Any person with a planet hitting your Antivertex, or it’s ruler, is cable of doing this. Our Antivertex symbolism shows what we have an established attraction to, and what we purposely look for. Continuing on, lets just say that the Libra Antivertex person has Venus in Pisces. This means they also have an ingrained, well developed taste for a sensitive, compassionate type of person, and are likely to dream about going of into a private world with their partner. Just like with the Vertex, the houses have an effect here too. Antivertex in the 10th house is likely to give a lot of thought to what their partner’s career is like, or to have strong ideas about how they’d like the partner to support their career. If the Antivertex ruler were in the 3rd house, they’d also give a good deal of consideration to how they’d like their communication with their partner to play out, and they may have strong opinions about what interests their partner might have. The Antivertex shows the issues and themes we tend to become focused on with when we give consideration to what it is that we truly desire in a partner. We mentally place a priority on these things and actively look for them in others. The person with the Antivertex in Libra, and the Vertex in Aries, would develop a lot of ideals and opinions about how they appreciate a partner with Libra-like qualities. Though, it’s still possible for them to be surprised by how much they can appreciate Aries-like qualities when they happen to be exposed to them (Vertex style, as I outlined previously). After all, the Vertex shows how we can be surprised by others, and what we like about them. While the Anitvertex shows what we may consciously obsess about in detail as we develop our preferences in love… Our Antivertex will describe the style of person, the relational dynamic, and the ’atmosphere’ we imagine when we think of falling in love. As I just mentioned, the Antivertex describes what we are usually are preoccupied with, and fantasize about, when it comes to envisioning our love destiny. We are likely to plan out scenarios out in our mind based on what we think will happen according to our Antivertex symbolism. Using myself as an example… I have Uranus in Scorpio conjunct my Antivertex. And, I must admit that I do have a mental inner script for my ‘love destiny’ that relates very well to my Antivertex symbolism. I’ve always imagined myself falling for someone has a crazy distinctive personality, someone who brings more socializing, and also more intimate depth and tenderness, into my life. I mean all or nothing loyalty, as well as some crazy fun, and ‘out there‘ conversations (Uranus rules my 3rd house). Sounds very Uranus/Scorpio to me. I’ve noticed that people with Aquarius and/or Scorpio strong in their charts resonate with this yearning very well. Especially those that connect directly with my Antivertex. The Antivertex shows our established taste, and we tend to search for someone who fits this established taste. The Anitvertex is kind of like an Asc or a Mars in this way. Once we encounter something that fits our unique taste as shown by the Antivertex, we’re inspired to actively embrace that energy into our lives. The Antivertex is where we play the role of the ‘impassioned suitor’ Vertumnus… We already know what we want, it’s just a matter of attaining it somehow. That being said, playing the role of ‘impassioned suitor’ Antivertex style doesn’t necessarily lead us to become a chaser in love. No. That seems to be determined by other astrological factors. In my observation, the Antivertex gives us it’s more of a ‘recognition’ experience. One that is similar to what happened to Vertumnus while he viewed Pomona from outside the garden walls. An Antivertex encounter puts us into contact with what specifically resonates with our preferences, and we’re able to recognize this on a profound level. People with planets, or important points, on our Anitvertex have a seemly magical ability to resonate with our romantic dreams, and inspire our interest and appreciation. They very accurately fit in with how we envisioned things should be, and tend to consistently delight us with that way they do this. The Antivertex in our chart will describe the details how this occurs. And that is the key to interpreting Antivertex synastry. A person conjoining our Antivertex tends to become something of a ‘Pomona’ to us. They may be oblivious to how much what they say and do strikes a chord of recognition within us. We may feel an urge to let that person know about the full extent of the impact they’ve had on us. People with planets conjunct our Antivertex often resonate strongly with some romantic ideal, or ‘love story script’, that’s existed our mind for quite some time, possibly since puberty. The Antivertex can actually show our typical vision of the ideal mate even better then the Vertex can. This is because the Antivertex represents those things which we desire that we’ve had time to contemplate, and obsess about for a while, before the actual encounter. As opposed to those things which become a surprising revelation. More Detail on the Antivertex in Romantic Synastry When we encounter an Anitvertex partner via transits and synastry part of us may be thinking how we just knew someone like this was going to rock our world one day. We may be amazed by how much our partner resonates with our personal ideals, issues we’ve always had a fascination with, and scenarios we‘ve dreamed would play out. Meeting an Anitvertex partner can feel very confirming because they seem to validate our personal preconceptions about life and love. They confirm what we’ve already suspected to be true, and show us the way towards things we always knew we wanted to explore some day. Antivertex partners captivate us with how much they embody some pre-conceived ideal we have about love, and what we desire. The connection feels fated because we are receiving something we always thought we were meant to get in terms of our destiny in love and romance. For example, if we have Neptune on the Antivertex, we may have always dreamed about marrying a sensitive artist type. An Antivertex synastry or transit could actually bring this type of opportunity into our reality. This is a definite wish-fulfillment type scenario which may make us question the workings of fate in our lives. This is the opposite of what would happen with Neptune conjunct the Vertex. In the Vertex scenario, we’d be in fact surprised by how ‘sensitive’ and ‘artistic’ our partner turned out to be, and our eyes would be opened to a new way of seeing the world. In an Antivertex scenario, we’ve been expecting and hoping for this type of person all along. And it’s most often exciting to us that we’ve finally found that right type of ‘energy’ in our partner. See the difference? With Antivertex Synastry… There’s often crazy coincidences involving how much details of our partner’s life, preferences they have, and ordeals they’ve gone through, match up to and parallel our own. Or fit the profile for our desired mate. Bizarrely having things in common to a scarily accurate degree is an Anitvertex theme. So is the feeling that we’ve met a version of our ideal partner come to life. The one we dreamed about meeting… At least some part of an Antivertex partner’s persona will feel ‘ideal’ to us, most likely related to the planet they have on our Antivertex. It could be their general self-expression (the Sun), their emotional side (the Moon), how they think and speak (Mercury), how they express affection and relate (Venus), or how the act out and assert themselves (Mars), and so on. Jupiter and Saturn on the Antivertex may show they have a morel code, sense of humor, or responsible attitude, that fits with our ‘love ideals’ in some way. Outer planets on the Antivertex may show how our ideals can be fit by certain generations, this becomes personal in synastry if the outer planet is significant in the individual’s chart… If the outer planet rules an angle, or a love house (5th or 8th), or is the dispositor of the Sun or Moon, or a personal planet stellium. As with the Vertex conjunctions, Antivertex conjunctions indicate extreme attraction to the person who touches our Antivertex. And the sense that something very important is happening with that person. Antivertex conjunctions give us the impression that our ‘fated’ love-story is playing out just as it should. But wait, the Antivertex has a Dark Side too… The Antivertex often brings some type of wish fulfillment, but not always… Just like the Vertex, the Antivertex too has a dark side. Along with our dreams and wishes for the future, the Antivertex shows our deep rooted fears about what we suspect may happen if things go wrong for us. The dark side of the Antivertex is that it can actually highlight fateful situations where painful scenarios we’ve always dreaded actually start unfolding in reality. For example, we have a fear of snakes, and one day we’re bitten by one during an Antivertex transit. With love connections, if the overall synastry in a love relationship is not positive, sometimes the Antivertex actually symbolizes our nightmares coming true rather then our dreams. It can really be a heart wrenching experience when something we were always afraid of deep down is confirmed to be true, or comes to pass. Antivertex heartbreaks by transit and synastry can indicate situations where difficulties in our love life come to us, in just the manner we feared they would. For example, if we always feared we’d by cheated on, mistreated in a certain type of way, or that our partner would get fed up with a certain foible that we have, negative Antivertex transits could be involved in this. Another way that the Antivertex can be dark is that sometimes when we get what we wished for it’s actually not a good thing. For instance, if a naïve young girl wants to date a guy in a street gang because she thinks it’s ‘cool’ and then this really happens (with Antivertex synastry and transits), it could actually be the worst thing that‘s occurred in her life so far. It might be a fateful event for her alright… Just not in a positive way. If our hopes, fantasies, and preconceptions about what we want in life are not healthy, a wish fulfilling Antivertex encounter can in reality turn out to be quite destructive. As with the Vertex though, I’ve noticed that most Antivertex encounters are positive wish fulfillment experiences, rather then nightmares. IP: Logged |
Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1905 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted March 22, 2015 07:04 AM
The Vertex in the Natal Chart and What it Says About UsThe Vertex is like a kind of Dsc in that it shows what we are unconsciously attracted to, and what issues are likely to come to the fore when we experience unexpected fateful turning-points in life. However, although the Vertex does describe the other people and external events that bring these turning points to us, it also describes some of our own behavior as well. Just like our Dsc can describe some of how we relate, as well as the characteristics of our partner. The Vertex tends to describe how we respond when people dump crazy information and surprises on us. It could be a delightful revelation, or somebody dropping the proverbial ‘bomb’ on us. After we make a new discovery that shocks us in an exiting way, we all have different ways of trying to maintain our equilibrium in such situations. The type of behavior we’re likely to exhibit when we are reeling in response to some type of shock can be seen by examining our natal Vertex. Our Vertex symbolism will outline how we respond when confronted by unexpected fateful events. How do we act when blindsided? Are we oddly calm, nervous, silent, or chatty? Do we get lost in emotion, or do we over analyze? The Vertex by sign, house, and ruler, can describe how we process crazy twists of fate, and revelations. My Vertex is in Taurus ruled by Venus in Sagittarius in the 1st house. My Vertex is in the 5th house conjunct the 6th house cusp. ALL of these factors would need to be looked at in order to establish the characteristics of Vertex people and situations in my life. As well has how I’m likely to react to them. I’ve noticed that I tend to seem outwardly unfazed when random new turning points and opportunities show themselves to me. Even if I’m in shock or giddy on the inside, I can seem calm on the outside. My initial attitude seems to be how to handle the situation in a practical way, and it takes a while for the emotional implications of the situation to settle in. Having said that, I also have an optimistic, idealistic mind that tries to figure out everything that’s happening and fit it into a pattern if meaning in my mind. Once I’ve figured out my finale course of action in response to sudden change/crazy revelation, I tend to be firm in my direction, and try to be hopeful for the future. I can see how I act Taurus/Sag like when it comes to Vertex encounters. Since the Vertex Axis is often strongly connected with our fate in love, the Vertex can quite specifically describe how we react to unexpected surprises in romance. It can show how we behave when we suddenly and unexpectedly realize we’re falling for somebody, or how we behave when we suddenly and unexpectedly realize they are falling for us. It can show, as well, how we process sudden and unexpected heartbreaks when we’re in the moment. Do we get hyper and emotional, or are we weirdly calm at first, only to then fall apart later. Our Vertex shows our typical initial reaction to shocking turning points in our love lives. The Vertex also seems to describe how we behave when we’re ‘on the fence’ about something. Remember, there was a period of time when Pomona was undecided about what Vertumnus/Old Lady was telling her, and resisted committing to any changes in direction. Vertumnus had to keep encouraging her and making suggestions. When we’re unsure about our direction and we’re being persuaded in some way, the Vertex seems to describe how we manage this type of pressure and make others wait until we’re ready to decide. Again, my Taurus Vertex ruled by Venus in Sag makes me cheerful, but firm. I will be polite to the other person, and may try to distract them from continuing to pressure me by joking around a little bit, and chit chatting, but if they keep pushing me I put my foot down. The Taurus side will balk at being pushed. I need to take my time to think about the options. An Aries Vertex might be very direct in saying they’re not ready to decide, a Pisces Vertex might have a hard to saying they‘re ‘not ready’ until they’re pushed to admit it. The Pisces Vertex might even feel bad for the person waiting for them to decide. The Vertex shows how we handle being unsure about some new possibility. In conclusion… Our Vertex will describe how we respond to fateful shocks and surprises, how we process them and decide what to do about them, and how we move forward once we’ve decided on our new path. Our Vertex symbolism will be reflected in every step of this process. The Vertex is like a Dsc in that it shows how we cope with others, and external events, throwing us curve balls. We have to adapt and redirect our path in response, and the Vertex describes this process. The Antivertex in the Natal Chart and What it Says About Us The Antivertex is kind of like an Asc in that it shows the types of people and situations that we purposely look for, and how we expect our fate to play out. We tend to be somewhat unconscious of our Vertex (where we experience surprising revelations), and somewhat preoccupied with our Antivertex (where we can eerily experience ‘premonitions’ coming true). The Antivertex describes very well those people and events in the world that resonate with our personal established taste. And, it also describes how we respond when confronted with a fateful encounter that we’ve already envisioned mentally and emotionally beforehand. Put another way, our Asc describes how we react to the world in general. Our Antivertex describes how we react to our suspicions and dreams coming true. We all have certain things we hope will happen, as well as certain things we fear may happen. When we encounter those things there’s often an uncanny moment of recognition, and then right away we start strategizing how we are going to cope with what we already sense heading towards us. We may even have pre-planned how we’ll respond if certain hoped for or expected events were to occur… After Vertumnus ‘recognized’ Pomona from behind the garden wall, he immediately started scheming how he would make her a part of his life. Our Antivertex describes how we do this. If we encounter something we’ve been hoping and longing for, the Antivertex describes how we scheme and plan to attain that thing. If we encounter something we’ve been fearful of, the Antivertex describes what tactics we’ll use to cope with that, or avoid it. Are our methods clever and flexible like a Gemini Antivertex? Practical and determined like a Capricorn Antivertex? Bold and dramatic like a Leo Antivertex? Or subtle and careful like a Cancer Antivertex? The sign, house, and ruler, of our Antivertex will describe how we seek to embrace or thwart those things we suspect could happen. The stuff we’re anxious about, and the stuff we dream about. My Antivertex is in Scorpio conjunct Uranus. When I spot something that I’ve been hoping for, I tend to become a quiet observer for a while. I’ll probe, and watch, and try to privately figure out how best to get closer to that good thing that I want. I’ve noticed I also tend to be bursting with curiosity, and full of questions, about that awesome person/opportunity that I’ve come across (I blame Uranus). But Scorpio makes me cautious about how I ask my questions. And, yes, I use astrology to plan when best to act (Uranus rules astrology, so there you go). When I see something I’ve feared looming on the horizon, my tactic seems to be to keep a low profile, and to stay under the radar. If confronted directly by that negative thing, first I try politeness and diplomacy… Pluto in Libra rules my Antivertex. Finally if I’m pushed to far, I rebel against it and turn to ‘ice‘. If I sense negative emotions getting to me I try to detach myself from them, and refuse to give into them until I’m alone. I try to act nonchalant like I don’t care (Can definitely see the Scorpio/Uranus influence here), and release my emotions later on. Since the Vertex Axis is often strongly connected with our fate in love, the Antivertex can quite specifically describe how we react to our hunches coming true in romance. It can show how we behave when we encounter exactly the type of person we knew we could fall for, or how we behave when we finally get ‘proof’ that someone we suspected has feelings for us actually does. And didn’t we just know it! It can show, as well, how we process heartbreaks that we kind of already saw coming. We just hoped they wouldn’t. These reactions I’m speaking about are the ones we have in the moment. Our Antivertex shows our typical initial reaction to having our suspicions confirmed in our love lives. Do we go quiet and shy, or do we get loud and excited. The Anitvertex will describe this. Like an Asc, the Antivertex also describes the unique fated path we walk in life. And the details about ourselves, and our life, that stick in the minds of others when they remember us. After all, the Antivertex describes what we look for on purpose. And it shows how we choose to respond to those things we hoped for, as well as some of the things we feared… So it only makes sense that the Antivertex also describes certain qualities and situations that define us. These things about us will be what lingers in the minds of others… Others in the world around us observe the way we handle it when things we were longing for, or things we’re dreading, occur in our lives. How we act when we encounter those things we want the most, or dislike the most, tends to be what’s most memorable to others. They remember what we love, what we’re terrified of, and the circumstances we got ourselves into because of these tendencies. The fateful story of what happened to us is described by our Antivertex. Our Asc will describe our demeanor, our mannerisms, and our general outlook. Our Antivertex will describe the types of fateful predicaments we find ourselves in. The Anitvertex describes what we choose to focus on because it’s personally meaningful to us, and what we choose to focus on impacts what we do, our experiences, and the skills, talents, and wisdom we develop as a result. As well as the failings we experience as a result. Our Asc describes part of our personality. Our Anitvertex describes defining situations we experience, and the abilities, and insight, we naturally possess in order to cope with these situations. For instance, a guy with a Leo Asc might be outgoing and confident in his demeanor. That’s his surface personality. However, if he had Neptune conjunct his Antivertex, he might be super attracted to glamorous women who were difficult to read, and often evasive. Some of whom broke his heart, until he found someone who was also compassionate and giving, rather then just ‘glamorous‘. He also has a fascination with imagery, and loves to paint and study dream symbolism. When people remember his personality they think of his Leo qualities. When people remember the fateful situations he got himself into, what he was interested in, and what he had talent for, they remember his Antivertex. In conclusion… Our Antivertex will describe the issues and themes we tend to be preoccupied with as we envision our destiny, how we respond when we encounter that which we desire or dread the most, and the fateful situations and abilities we’re remembered for. The reasoning goes like this… The Antivertex describes what issues and themes we tend to be preoccupied with when we contemplate our fate. The issues and themes we’re preoccupied with when we consider the future will determine our hopes, fears, and preferences. This is simply because we tend think about those things often. The hopes, fears, and preferences we develop will determine what choices we make, as well as what our personal interests are. The choices we make determine the fateful situations we wind up falling into. And the personal interests we have cause us to develop our unique talents and skills. Our Antivertex symbolism will be reflected in every step of this process. The Antivertex is like an Asc in that it shows our self-determined fate.
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Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1905 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted March 22, 2015 07:07 AM
Summary of the Vertex AxisIn Vertex mode we are like Pomona encountering Vertumnus. We may be shocked, surprised, or amazed, by what we encounter, and so this leads to an epiphany or a change of perspective for us which influences our future direction in life. In Anitvertex mode we are like Vertumnus encountering Pomona. We have a pre-conceived goal or vision of what needs to happen, and when it finally does it’s a fateful experience for us. Or to put it even more simply… (I’m about to become a parrot here and repeat myself) The Vertex Axis as a whole relates to fated experiences. The Vertex relates to unexpected fated experiences, that open our eyes to new possibilities. The Antivertex relates to expected fated experiences, where something we suspected or hoped for all along takes place. Conjunctions to the Antivertex indicate that the person in question shows us things we suspected were true, or gives us something we have previously hoped for, in a fated synchronistic way. Connections to the Antivertex confirm our preconceptions. If we have preconceptions about what our ideal mate is supposed to be like, a person hitting our Antivertex can represent that (at least with respect to the planet on our Antivertex). Because the Antivertex is always closer to the Asc then the Vertex, it can be thought of as a type of Asc. I think this is partly true. The Antivertex shows what we suspect our fated path is going to entail. Our fated path as we envision it involves not just ourselves, but also the type of people we've always suspected we were supposed to meet. In love relationships this seems to be a 'wish-fulfillment' thing. The Antivertex is where we walk our fated path as we've envisioned it to be, and connect with people we've half expected to connect with. Even though it‘s a type of Asc, it still totally involves other people. This is different form what happens at the Vertex, where potentials we've never really considered before blindside us with some type of unexpected twist of fate. Here, it's like we have pivotal experiences where we are changed by others and external events. I think the Vertex is like a Dsc in the sense that we are influenced or coaxed towards stepping outside of our own expectations when something or someone touches this point. We might not have envisioned what the Vertex has to offer us, but once we recognize the opportunity for what it is our expectations can change fit our new reality. The Vertex seems to divert us from our expected path, and transform us in some way. We are convinced by others and external weird happenings to try a new take on things. In love relationships conjunctions to the Vertex give us perspective altering surprises in a fated, synchronistic type of way. And we learn to appreciate the value of something that’s different from what we expected. The main difference between the Vertex and the Antivertex seems to concern how the unexpected (crazy surprises) contributes to our fate, versus how the expected (our suspicions and hopes) contributes to our fate. A Vertex story would be... A girl grows up thinking she wants to be a nun, and then she freakishly winds up becoming a fashion model (due to Vertex synastry and transits). With the Vertex we get fateful unexpected opportunities, and unexpected solutions. Like a wild twist of fate. An Antivertex story would be... A girl grows up longing to be a fashion model, and she winds up actually becoming one (due to Antivertex synastry and transits). With the Antivertex we get fateful expected opportunities, and pre-considered solutions. Yeah, like a dream coming true. *** I hope everybody had some fun while reading this. Drop me a line and let me know what you think. ****************************************************************************************************************
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tgem Moderator Posts: 3980 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted March 22, 2015 12:44 PM
@Lotus White- thank you so much for posting this. I have done a lot of research on the vertex/anti-vertex myself and this is probably THE BEST article I've read! I met my TF in 2010 and upon looking at the synastry, found we have an VTX/ASC double whammy. Additionally, his juno and Eros conjunct my VTX, my jupiter and Valentine conjunct his VTX. On top of that, his DSC, jupiter and Amor conjunct my anti-VTX. It's been a wild ride and everything you have described regarding the activation of this axis is spot on. Great Job!IP: Logged |
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 3421 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted March 22, 2015 01:05 PM
Could a copy of this please be placed in the Reference Library.IP: Logged |
geminigal2805 Knowflake Posts: 1210 From: Registered: Sep 2013
posted March 22, 2015 01:31 PM
Thank you for this article Lotis White : ) I looked up my chart with my husband. My Vx /Avx axis is aligned along his Dsc/Asc axis. Also my AVx is on his Mercury &Sun. His Vertex and NN conjunct my Mars. Im not sure if this goes with the theory but the way I met my husband was a life saving experience for me. IP: Logged |
sillyme Knowflake Posts: 283 From: Registered: Apr 2012
posted March 22, 2015 01:36 PM
Wonderful article! Thanks  IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 11983 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted March 22, 2015 02:34 PM
Awesome thread and research! IP: Logged |
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 3421 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted March 22, 2015 03:21 PM
Lotis White,I have my NN conjunct the Vertex. Would that make my life doubly fated, as it were, or would it mean that fated events would be serendipitous? That is surely a tautology. Interestingly, I also have Karma conjunct Sun. IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 3490 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted March 22, 2015 06:22 PM
I'm not sure I entirely agree, despite the tremendous work done here. Indeed, it is long, so, forgive my skimming. One thing which I noticed kept popping up, however, is the connexion to romance. I feel this is misleading. As one of the first researchers of the VERTICES -- quite possibly the first to publish on it in the '90s -- I've studied thousands and charts, as well as synastry, progressions, transits, and performing cross-system work. As with all things, how the VERTICES are positioned in the chart, as well as their natal activity, has much to do with how they might express energetically (in synastry, through progressions, with transits, etc.) I'm presently investigating whether prenatal eclipses (PE) might 'load' these points with specific energy in the outset, too. Regardless, I feel it's detracting to focus the bulk of a presentation on the romantic potential of this axis. Sure, we could take them as a 'pair' with POMONA, and I have seen these connexions in Soulmate synastry of varying levels, degrees and depth. To avoid confounding results, we may consider the presence of POMONA, either natally, or in aspect (synastric or otherwise) could point to a romantic influence. On its own, however, I've not seen this to be the case. It could be, but my research over the past two decades has not shown this to be so, statistically-speaking. Instead, what I have found, and continue to see, is the transformative, 'fated', otherwise 'life-altering' influence, as you've correctly stated. Attraction? No. Gratitude, perhaps, or petrifying fear. VERTEX attractions, in my view, are likely to result in important lessons and paradigm shifts. We can find that we're moving forward along our path in hyperdrive with the VERTEX. This cannot be seen more prevalently than in transits of the SUN to our natal VERTEX. I've coined these 'Vertex Days', and regularly discuss them with my clients during a natal reading. The orb can vary wildly, though. In my personal experience, the 0º is right on the money. But for my clients, it can vary up to 5º! The reasoning behind these activities and the sphere of influence remains an ongoing point of study. Nonetheless, the VERTEX tends to bring unexpected surprises, twists and turns, with one thing being certain: you're being shifted onto the path most aligned with your soul's purpose in the present lifeline. So, you can imagine, the VERTEX only tends to truly 'activate' for those who have reached a level of spiritual attunement, or are aware of their soul's path. There's a sort of trust inherent and faith that must be present with the VERTEX. We can be shifted suddenly onto our proper life path, along with some extra surprises along the way, or in addition. As to the ANTIVERTEX, you were spot on to mention the 'dark side' of the ANTIVERTEX, but it's more due to human error. Remember the film 'Labyrinth' ? Sarah and Jareth, the Goblin King? For those unfamiliar, Sarah was a fanciful teenage girl disenchanted with the real world and her responsibilities. ( :: cough :: Saturn. :: cough :: ) Naturally, all she hates of the world and its deviating from the fantasy of her imagination is represented by her infant brother Tobey. She dramatically holds him aloft, reciting from her book, pleading that the Goblin King come and take him away, so that she can 'be free'. And, unexpectedly, he does. Well, it's something unexpected -- but does it set her upon her proper path? To an extent, it does. When her brother does disappear, she goes on an adventure into the land of the Goblin King, to ultimately declare he has no power over her, and be grateful for her responsibilities in the real world. (Really is quite the 'make friends with Saturn' type of film for a Neptunian individual, actually.) So what makes this deal with Jareth more of an ANTIVERTEX representation than VERTEX? Well, for one, they're an axis -- can't quite have one without the other; when one is activated, the other is being repulsed, but also drawn. For me, it's Sarah's active involvement in her unfolding fate. Out of desperation to be free of the responsibilities (babysitting Tobey while the parents go out for the evening) that hold her back from being able to daydream and live in the world of her imagination, she cries out to the Goblin King to save her from them. And he does. See, that's the twist. The VERTICES are operating on a WHOLE other level of reality. We're going to be more familiar with one extreme of the axis (one point) or the other: one in which we have more control (ANTIVERTEX) or less (VERTEX). Sarah hardly believes that reciting a passage from a story is going to literally materialise one of the novel's characters to set her off on a fantastical adventure. (A surprising number of these 'meta' stories exist in the SF of the 1980s in the US and UK; one might argue that its forebears are none other than Dodgson's Wonderland and Tolkien's Middle Earth, but I digress. The point is the energy was prevalent and developing within that time.) So the VERTICES definitely give one a Neo-in-the-Matrix experience; or rather, Thomas Anderson discovering Neo, to be closer to the point. Reality takes on a confusing shape, and is tinged with a sense of something unfolding; going on an adventure which we're not sure where it may lead. It can be a person, a place, or thing. In my experience, it's definitely anchored in and resonating with relationships but I feel it's folly to declare these are romantic. They're relationships of some kind. With the VERTEX, it puts us onto our soul's path, so that we can evolve. With the ANTIVERTEX, it's more geared towards the Law of Attraction. I'll explain. Going back to the Labyrinth metaphor, the deal Sarah makes with Jareth is one of personal growth, and acquired through mistake. She certainly didn't think the Goblin King would come and make her wish come true; she didn't want him to. She was merely being youthful, impetuous, and melodramatic. But Jareth took her plea seriously. The ANTIVERTEX is where WE ultimately attract to us what we THINK we want. It's the 'Universe is a five-year-old with a magic wand' principle. Jareth thinks Sarah's desire to have her brother taken away from her is completely serious, when really, she's just a dramatic teenager, whose real desire is for romance and the real world to better reflect her imagination. ... But that's exactly what happens. Jareth falls madly in love with her and demands that she come and live in the Goblin Kingdom with him as his queen -- erm, so long as she 'allows him to rule her' (but we won't get into that here) promising her that he can make all of her dreams come true. She just has to give up her free will and personal power. Huh. Well, if that isn't something we've seen attached to the VERTICES a lot -- and likely with good reason. Ultimately, Sarah goes to Jareth and demands her brother back, declaring that he has no power of her, and she'd rather return to the real world with her brother, than live in a fantasy one in which all of her dreams come true, so long as she gives up reality -- and control. Quite a statement, for a daydreamy teenager to choose against escapism in order to embrace her inevitable adulthood and all of its responsibilities, no? I've come to see the ANTIVERTEX a bit like Jareth. Perhaps when it comes bearing gifts with other points like JUPITER, we can take it a bit more seriously, but I've seen that it's ultimately Neptunian in its expression. It's comforting to escape into the illusive (and elusive) gifts promised by the ANTIVERTEX. More truthfully, Sarah just needed to ask herself what she found so terrifying about growing up, rather than call out to Jareth to rescue her from reality. But what if she never went on her adventure? If she'd never seen 'beyond the veil', to discover that actual reality was a LOT more complex than she thought? Undeniably, she'll grow into a wiser woman, constantly aware of the possibility that Jareth may be lurking in the background of her imagination, waiting for her next moment of weakness, in which she can't help but call for his help, negotiating another Faustian deal. That's why the ANTIVERTEX tends to provide us with these opportunities we've secretly longed for so desperately. But maybe it's best to ask why. For what purpose are we wishing so powerfully that our desire will be realised? We can't fathom that it could ever come to be -- so when it does, we kind of have to pinch ourselves. I have several examples from my own life as well as clients that have shown this principle in action. It's rather astounding. And, as mentioned previously, I've noticed its influence as wide as 5º orb. (Though, in all honesty, the crazy orb could be accounted for by other transiting points besides tSUN being within 1º conjunct. I have to investigate this. Perhaps 'fated romantic' encounters result from tVENUS, tVALENTINE, or even tJUNO being conjunct nVERTEX.) I apologise for the insane length of this response, but there's a lot of ground to cover. I figured I'd chime in, given my extensive work in this area. All in all, Lotis, a noble effort with a large body of information which I'd like to see a bit more refined, with less of a focus on romantic application. IP: Logged |
Peluches Knowflake Posts: 984 From: Vαleŋtiŋe ~ Registered: Jul 2014
posted March 22, 2015 07:10 PM
Okay, time for my bedtime story. The beginning already sounds amazing !  IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 3490 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted March 22, 2015 09:17 PM
So, I figured I'd share the aforementioned examples, to give an idea of how the VERTICES work in my life. Do bear in mind that this is mere anecdotal evidence, and, as they say, mileage very well may vary. But, for me, this is how this axis expresses itself in my experiences. I'll also share an example or two from clients.1. MY FIRST MONSTER 1996. November. Dr Hannibal Lecter is the most frightening concept my newly sixteen-year-old brain can process. More so than Freddy or Jason, this fictional horror paralyses me with fear. Logic, elegance, and a staggering intelligence; capable of turning one against themselves and outsmarting even the smartest detectives and law enforcement. I'd had a moderate fancy with criminology throughout my adolescence, studying the more famous serial murder cases a few years before, and casually considered the possibility that I might 'grow up' and work for the FBI. Maybe. I dunno. My first love seemed to lie with the stage, and I was writing at age six with a furious passion. I just wasn't sure. This particular autumn afternoon, I was walking by the television and noticed a familiar site: the obstacle course at the FBI Academy in Quantico! (My mother's best friend from college worked for the US DOJ and supplied the fourteen-year-old me with tales from the Academy, and stories from the special agents she ran across during her work via the FDIC.) This brunette woman with a passing resemblance to me was running along the course, her heart pounding and sweat soaking the neckline of her Academy issued trainee uniform; the USMC's addition in the distance against a tree: 'Hurt. Agony. Pain -- Love it.' I was hooked. I'd vaguely recalled this film coming out, and I kinda remembered its villain. I was much too young at the time to see it, and I rather avoided doing so gladly. But this late afternoon in Preston Hollow, a wealthy borough of Dallas, Texas, alone with the television tuned to a premium channel, I stood before the screen for several minutes before finally having a seat. It felt so familiar to me; like a window into a world I knew, and felt an urge to return to, but was faced with a wall rather than a door. Indeed, destiny was whispering from deep within the celluloid, but in a dead language I could neither speak nor translate. At the introduction of Lecter, however, my prior bravery vanished. My blood ran cold. I imperceptibly inched backwards into the sofa; my hands clenched, and my jaw tightened. Something about this monster upon the screen threw my central nervous system into overdrive. I grappled vainly beside me along the seat cushion, for a firearm that didn't exist. I was unarmed. I felt vulnerable. Exposed. As the film continued, I relaxed into the story, enjoying the dynamic between the two leads and appreciating the fine performances. But anytime Lecter was the primary subject of the shot, the panic returned. But panic from where? He's a bit of an amalgam of the field's worst monsters, but I'd not even yet studied those most like him. And there wasn't, really. There hasn't been. That's in part what makes him so terrifying -- most of all to his creator, Thomas Harris, to whom he appeared rather unexpectedly, a phantom of his imagination, demanding to be realised. Harris himself was uncertain, but compelled. He wanted to tell Will Graham's story, and then Starling's -- but with each undoubtedly came Lecter. The monster is inextricably linked to the monster-hunter. As she fled from the Baltimore State Hospital to collapse aside of her car, I turned off the television. I could barely breathe myself, and no amount of curiosity would compel me to experience a panic attack. I tried to block the images and feelings from my mind, telling myself that I was never that enthralled with horror; I probably just don't have the head or stomach for it. Satisfied with this justification, I returned to whatever activity in which I'd been engaged before the sudden tangent, and refused to think on it further. 1997. January. I had transferred to a new high school mid-year, beginning at the start of the spring semester, somewhere in mid-January. The way I met him was ... peculiar. I was an entering junior, and he, a graduating senior. He was friendly and personable, for being so quiet and self-contained. He contemplated more than cracked jokes; was a philosopher as opposed to a partier. He was practically magnetised to me. The school was small, situated in a single-story office complex. Somehow, he managed to be everywhere I was. He'd catch me in the main lobby, in which we were able to sit, chat, read, wait for rides, and socialise in general. He also had a knack for finding me in the study hall, where I frequently chose to have lunch, write, and study, thanks to the privacy the small, narrow room containing only four connected cubicle desks provided. I'm not sure what about him was so off-putting to me; what of him made me keep my distance. He isn't unattractive, and we share many commonalities. It wasn't that the man who would be my boyfriend for the next several months was off-the-charts handsome or knock-you-over charismatic. He was pretty nerdy, too, but cute and clever, and caught my eye. Moreover, he didn't cause me to feel the strange way the other guy did. Like I had to keep my distance, or, worse, return to me the sense of grappling for a pistol that wasn't there. The sense of being unarmed -- and not liking it in the slightest. I realised that my inexplicable warning bells were undoubtedly being registered as rudeness, and the last thing I wanted to be was impolite. So, I attempted to be friendlier, all the while hoping it wasn't sending the wrong message. There was just something which I could not process about him, which kept any potential romantic feelings I might've returned entirely at bay. At first, our conversations surrounded our mutual love of technology; programming languages, building machines, and so forth. He'd bring little programmes he'd designed on floppy disks and I'd regale him with my minor hacking adventures. To my utter amazement, we were becoming friends. He was even going to teach me how to play chess, in which he was very skilled. I had the sense that I misjudged him. Or ... who knows? Maybe something in a past life (as I was entertaining such notions long before that point in my life) which I was unconsciously reacting to. Either way, he wasn't a threat, and he might even prove a valuable friend. Later that month, what I'd been trying to avoid indeed happened. Though, somewhat amusing, he'd 'delegated' one of his peculiar sycophants to deliver to me the literal message that he wanted to pursue me romantically. The messenger was not thrilled with having to deliver my polite decline. His timing would prove poor from his perspective, too, as the guy whom I had hoped was interested in dating, asked me to attend the premiere of Star Wars: A New Hope returning to theatres for a limited time. I was ecstatic and accepted gleefully. In response, he awarded my display with my very first kiss. Nothing could ruin my mood. I was walking on air for the rest of the day. I also didn't realise, at the time, that my enthusiasm had blinded me to what I'd usually perceive. So I had no idea that he was nearby. And watching. Everything. (Those of you who've read pieces of this before may recognise him as the one often referenced in SUN/PLUTO synastric threads, as his PLUTO is 0º00 conjunct my SUN.) But now you'll see why he 'earnt' the title 'my first monster'. My new boyfriend (as we dive so quickly into these things in our youth, don't we?) was supposed to call me that night after school so that we could discuss which showing to see the following evening. As his class let out (also a graduating senior) one ahead of mine, he was leaving earlier that day. And, yes, so was he. My boyfriend didn't call me. I figured he'd become preoccupied with something else and decided we had time to discuss particulars the following day. When I arrived to school, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, except he usually met me in the lobby and we chatted until the 5-minute warning bell. He wasn't there. At the final bell signalling the start of class, he was still nowhere in sight. He'd never even entered the building. I'd been excused, briefly, and took one last look around the empty hallways, flummoxed as to why he hadn't called and wasn't there. Then I literally felt a chill. And I knew I wasn't alone. I turned around, and there he was. It's like a scene I could've written in my fiction. Since then, I'm sure I have. I knew they were friends, (at least, I thought) who enjoyed gaming together, so I asked if he'd seen him, or knew where he was, or what was going on. Oh, nevermind the fact that he's just standing there, in the middle of an empty hallway. My brain wasn't even going to try and process THAT yet. He walked over to me with the strangest look on his face, like a half-smile. 'Didn't you hear? He was in an accident.' I gripped my stomach. 'He's not coming to school today. Bad whiplash. His car's totalled.' Now I'm putting together that he must've called him, despite the unlikely event he'd call him and not me, because -- -- no. OH, no. No-no-no-no-no-no. Uh-uh. Stop. But I find myself swallowing and looking right at him. 'How do you know?' He smiles. It's the sort of glee which I felt when I'd been asked on the date the prior afternoon. It's genuine joy. And he laughs. 'I'm the one who caused it.' It's so matter-of-fact. So basic. So simple. I feel as if I'm in the third act of a thriller where the villain has been revealed to be someone you assumed you could trust. I feel ... betrayed. I'm lightheaded. Dizzy. Vertigo, and nausea, and the sense that I just might collapse. Here's that panic attack I didn't want. He caused it, and he couldn't be happier about that fact. I turn to him, unsure of what to do; as if everything has just now dramatically changed completely, and I'm struggling to keep up. Starling invades my consciousness. My fists clench. My jaw tightens. I'm not backing down from this. I laugh on the inhale; I'm in utter disbelief. I say the only thing that comes to my mind now, as if it originates from something else, somewhere else, far, far away. I look right at him. The words have left me before I can catch them; I'm not even sure I want to. 'I will stop you.' He chuckles a single word in response, as if he can't even take me seriously. 'Okay.' I figure we're done here now. I can leave. I can go to class and regroup. I can determine what to do. Strategise. I'm in crisis mode. A threat has been identified, and I'm on some strange autopilot. I will make good on this bizarre promise I've just made. This promise and threat. But he comes toward me. 'I wasn't intending for him to walk away from it. But, it's like they always say. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.' He then left me in stunned silence. The shot was now fired across the bow. Everything in my little, stupid, insignificant world had just changed -- irrevocably. And I would still have to go back to class, and get through the day, and find a way to get ahold of my boyfriend, and keep it together. And this damned phrase echoed in my head. 'You fly back to school, now, little Starling. Fly, fly, fly ... fly, fly, fly ... ' The sickeningly smooth voice of Hopkins portraying the monster so unbelievably terrifying, I literally turned away. I took a deep breath. For the first time in my life, I knew what I was here for. I knew what it was I had to do. I knew the inexplicable would become clear eventually, but this day, destiny wasn't whispering -- it was screaming. I'm a profiler. I hunt monsters. And my first had just removed his mask and revealed himself for what he was. I was not going to 'fly, fly, fly' anywhere. I was going to fight. My life changed -- permanently -- in that moment, nearly 20 years ago, 31 January 1997, at approximately 9:15 AM, Central Standard. IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 6471 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted March 23, 2015 12:41 AM
Amazing work here! Wow!  IP: Logged |
Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1905 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted March 23, 2015 04:47 AM
Hi Aubyanne, and also anybody else who wants clarification,I wanted to address your concern about the Vertex Axis not always being romantic… I actually agree that it’s not always manifest in synastry as a romantic attraction. However, I would describe the Vertex Axis as ‘highly flammable’ in the sense that it makes attraction very easy to ignite. In all of our natal charts we have what I think of as a ‘blue print’ for our romantic taste. I call this our Attraction Pattern. There are various factors that make up our Attraction Pattern, and I believe that the Vertex Axis is a part of this. The most important part of our Attraction Pattern is the 5th, 7th, and 8th houses. These describe the personality traits and skills we look of in a partner. The 5th, 7th and 8th houses show who we’re attracted to on a psychological level. Of secondary importance are gender planets, which are also part of our Attraction Pattern. The gender planets describe the type of gender related behavior we find attractive on the opposite sex, and the kind of gender related behavior we tend to approve of and like in our own. Interaspects between the gender planets are so important for that yin/yang attraction that draws us to someone on a physical level. Tied with the gender planets in second place, so I believe, is the Vertex Axis as part of our Attraction Pattern. The Vertex Axis describes the types of situations and scenarios that press our buttons when it comes to fateful encounters in love. The Vertex Axis does describe our fateful encounters in general, yes, but… It doesn’t take much to set off the Vertex Axis in a romantic direction. Even if the synastry is weak overall, the Vertex Axis has a way of turning our heads. The third thing I take into account when looking at someone’s Attraction Pattern are certain love oriented love asteroids. I tend to focus mainly on the ones that I’ve witnessed working myself… Mainly Juno, Eros, and Psyche. Others may work as well but I’d need to do more research. Anyway, back to the Vertex Axis, I don’t believe the Vertex Axis can create attraction just by itself in isolation. There needs to be something more supporting it to set it off in that direction… First and foremost I believe activation of the 5th, 7th, and 8th houses is required for attraction to occur. This includes the secondary 5th, 7th, and 8th houses, house ruler aspects, and overlays. Something has to be going on with them in order for us the notice someone else in a romantic way. After that, we need some type of physical attraction aspect to add ‘substance’ to the psychological attraction indicated 5th, 7th, and 8th house activation. Once those two things are there, even if only a little bit and not very strongly, Vertex synastry tends to ‘catch fire’ and start inclining towards romantic attraction (within reason of course. It won’t work of two people are related, or they have a massive age difference, or if they are the same sex and straight). What I mean is, if even a small amount attraction is indicated by the rest of the synastry and there’s also a Vertex conjunction present, this conjunction can make the difference between a mediocre attraction and one that rocks our world. Seriously, I’ve seen synastries where it feels like something is missing and I don’t get what all the fuss is about. And then I see the Vertex Axis aspect and it clicks why they’re so taken with each other. It’s like the Vertex Axis can flick the a switch between a lukewarm attraction and a super intense one. Conjunctions to the Vertex Axis just make us so fascinated with someone, like infatuated with their story and who they are, that when it’s mixed even with very little indicators of attraction elsewhere it can takes things over-the-top. The Vertex Axis doesn’t generate attraction by itself. Rather it seems to amplify any existing attraction present in the synastry (shown by 5th, 7th, 8th houses, and physical attraction aspects). It’s like icing on the cake that makes the difference between a mediocre experience and an amazing one. I also have to be honest and admit that I’ve totally noticed that on a natal chart level the Vertex Axis does really seem to describe quite specifically situations and scenarios that resonate strongly with our romantic preferences. The types of mental ‘love-story scripts’ that resonate with us on a meaningful level. I think the mythology of the Vertex Axis strongly supports this interpretation. It is a love story. A love story about two people’s fate being changed by a crazy encounter (a guy dressing in drag just so he can sneak in and see the girl he likes). So if it’s true that the names that end up being picked for a planet or point usually happen to be significant to it’s meaning by some type of natural synchronicity, then I honestly think I’m on to something. Also, I’ve totally been attracted to planets on this Axis in my chart in the past. This and certain celeb synastries and such have me convinced there is some type of link between romantic attraction and the Vertex Axis. The romantic part of the Vertex Axis isn’t always ‘on’ so to speak, but the switch is easily turned.
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Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1905 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted March 23, 2015 04:49 AM
quote: Originally posted by tgem: @Lotus White- thank you so much for posting this. I have done a lot of research on the vertex/anti-vertex myself and this is probably THE BEST article I've read! I met my TF in 2010 and upon looking at the synastry, found we have an VTX/ASC double whammy. Additionally, his juno and Eros conjunct my VTX, my jupiter and Valentine conjunct his VTX. On top of that, his DSC, jupiter and Amor conjunct my anti-VTX. It's been a wild ride and everything you have described regarding the activation of this axis is spot on. Great Job!
So happy to hear this! Thanks for posting. IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 11983 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted March 23, 2015 10:31 AM
I was wondering, Lotis...could we actually go for an image we don't carry inside, even unconsciously? Aren't we born with this "ideal partner" inside, like a soul print, even if we are aware of it or not?I can see how the Avx, as per your theory, triggers this image, which gives the Avx a DSC value, but I wonder if meetings on Vx aren't similar with contacts on ASC: they are meant for self-discovery, self-affirmation and self-validation, so I'm thinking Vx meetings are not romantic in nature, per se, they can be, but they are mostly with people destined to help us with the above, to move forward in life, helpers with our self-becoming. What do you think? I wonder if the romantic value of Avx and Vx meetings is equal... ------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... LeeLoo's Esotericorner IP: Logged |
Keela Knowflake Posts: 740 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted March 23, 2015 11:47 AM
quote: Originally posted by Lotis White:
Tied with the gender planets in second place, so I believe, is the Vertex Axis as part of our Attraction Pattern. The Vertex Axis describes the types of situations and scenarios that press our buttons when it comes to fateful encounters in love. Even if the synastry is weak overall, the Vertex Axis has a way of turning our heads. First and foremost I believe activation of the 5th, 7th, and 8th houses is required for attraction to occur. This includes the secondary 5th, 7th, and 8th houses, house ruler aspects, and overlays. Something has to be going on with them in order for us the notice someone else in a romantic way. What I mean is, if even a small amount attraction is indicated by the rest of the synastry and there’s also a Vertex conjunction present, this conjunction can make the difference between a mediocre attraction and one that rocks our world. Conjunctions to the Vertex Axis just make us so fascinated with someone, like infatuated with their story and who they are, that when it’s mixed even with very little indicators of attraction elsewhere it can takes things over-the-top. The Vertex Axis doesn’t generate attraction by itself. Rather it seems to amplify any existing attraction present in the synastry (shown by 5th, 7th, 8th houses, and physical attraction aspects). It’s like icing on the cake that makes the difference between a mediocre experience and an amazing one. ...situations and scenarios that resonate strongly with our romantic preferences. The types of mental ‘love-story scripts’ that resonate with us on a meaningful level. I think the mythology of the Vertex Axis strongly supports this interpretation. It is a love story. A love story about two people’s fate being changed by a crazy encounter (a guy dressing in drag just so he can sneak in and see the girl he likes). So if it’s true that the names that end up being picked for a planet or point usually happen to be significant to it’s meaning by some type of natural synchronicity, then I honestly think I’m on to something. Also, I’ve totally been attracted to planets on this Axis in my chart in the past.
What is your experience or view of Vertexes opposed? In general, but also listing an example below if that helps specify anything. I have something with Vertex 1 conjunct Pomona, opposite another Vertex, for example. The Antivertex is under 2 from Pomona as I recall, and finds the Vx-Pomona person more or less interesting, I guess. Mercury is 18 Gem as I recall, Vx 20, Pomona 21 so the ruler of Vertex is conjunct VX as well. 8th house as I recall. AVX-ruler Sag is 25 Cancer. Secondary 7th house is 2nd house, AVX in there. The other Vertex is 19 Sag, 5H, AVX 11H along with 11H Gemini Mars and Pomona at 4 and 8 degrees. 11H is also the secondary 7th and 8th house. VX-ruler Jupiter is 24 Aries, AVX-ruler 16.53 Gem, which leads to VX ruler square AVX-ruler and vice versa. Severely fated (or crossways?) something with the Vertumnal opposition already as it is? If you prefer, I can send an email about the example to not clutter the thread beyond the general question. Edit: Forgot to note that the sidereal AVX is conjunct regular SN, VX on NN. The other AVX thus conj NN in synastry of sidereal to natals as is. IP: Logged |
Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1905 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted March 24, 2015 10:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: I was wondering, Lotis...could we actually go for an image we don't carry inside, even unconsciously? Aren't we born with this "ideal partner" inside, like a soul print, even if we are aware of it or not?
Yes, I believe that’s pretty much what happens. I think we’re all born with our Attraction Pattern imprinted in our psyche. Well, it’s my experience that my chart shows very strongly what I’m attracted to, and certain experiences have highlighted that for me as I’ve matured. Some of it I wasn’t aware of until I had it activated but if it shows in my chart then it makes sense that it’s been there since I was born. quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: I can see how the Avx, as per your theory, triggers this image, which gives the Avx a DSC value, but I wonder if meetings on Vx aren't similar with contacts on ASC: they are meant for self-discovery, self-affirmation and self-validation, so I'm thinking Vx meetings are not romantic in nature, per se, they can be, but they are mostly with people destined to help us with the above, to move forward in life, helpers with our self-becoming. What do you think?I wonder if the romantic value of Avx and Vx meetings is equal...
Hi LeeLoo, About which end of the Vertex Axis has more attraction value… I think that some people are more attracted to their Vertex, while others are more attracted to their Antivertex. How much someone is attracted to either end of this Axis will vary from person to person. I think the reason for this depends what type of life we’re fated to have. If we’re meant to be surprised by the direction our life heads into, I think we’ll attract more Vertex synastry. If we’re meant to experience our dreams and expectations coming true, I think we’ll attract more Antivertex dynasty. If we’re meant to experience both at different times, we may go through phases where we meet those hitting our Vertex and then our Antivertex. There’ll be people who swear they’re only attracted to their Vertex, and people who swear they’re only attracted to their Antivertex. And people who’ll confess to liking both in different ways. So yeah, my guess is we pull in what we’re meant to get at any give time. Different people may have their ‘favorite’ end of the Vertex Axis that they like because that’s what they’re supposed to be pulling in this life. That’s my thoughts on the topic anyway. About the Asc/Dsc issue… There are astrologers who say that the Vertex is more like an Asc, and the Antivertex is like a Dsc. Then there’s a came of astrologers who say that the Antivertex is like an Asc, and the Vertex is like a Dsc. There’s some validity to both points of view. The Vertex describes what we tend to be oblivious about until someone or something else awakens us to it’s value. The fact we need something external to ourselves to awaken us to the significance of our Vertex symbolism makes it Dsc-like. The Vertex shows how things that dwell outside of our usual mindset can enter into our world. It’s shows where we need something from beyond ourselves to set things into motion, or encourage us, so that things can ’click’ in our minds and we can find our new direction. We are susceptible to outside influence at the Vertex and that makes it Dsc-like. Our Vertex describes how we are diverted from the path we expected we’d be following, and introduced to new potentials. However, the Vertex can be somewhat Asc-like in that it can help us learn new things about ourselves that we didn’t understand before. We may discover we have a talent we didn’t realize we had, or that we’re capable of things we didn’t realize we could do, in connection with Vertex transits and synastry. The Vertex will show how we ourselves can grow in unexpected directions, as well has how others can bring us the unexpected. The Antivetex describes what we tend to be preoccupied with, and what we’re expecting or hoping to experience. Nobody needs to ‘awaken’ us to our Anivertex. We seem to instinctively understand it. The Antivertex is Asc-like in that it shows how we walk our unique path in life as we follow our dreams and expectations. We’re not susceptible to influence at the Anitvertex. We simply recognize what we want, and go for it quite stubbornly when we find it. The Antivertex shows the type of fateful experiences we actively look for, and how we strategize attaining these things. There’s a self-driven quality to the Antivertex that is very Asc-like. However, the Antivertex can be somewhat Dsc-like in that it does also describe what we search for on purpose, and what qualities we consciously long for in others. Anitvertex transits and synastry bring us into contract with this. The Antivertex can show how we strive towards our hopes and dreams, as well as what qualities we deliberately seek for the meaningful relationships, and events, that occur in our lives. So actually, the ‘Asc’ and ‘Dsc’ labels are just tools to help better understand how this Axis works. I tend to think the Vertex Axis is really it’s own thing outside of that.
When it comes to love… The Antivertex shows situations where we get what we were hoping for and expecting. Like we always knew we’d fall for a certain type of person, and that it would happen in a certain type of situation, and then it does come about one day with Antivertex transits and synastry. Important changes happen in our lives but they’re not really a surprise. The Antivertex show our expected love-story script. When it comes to love… The Vertex shows situations where we get a crazy unexpected surprise. Like we fall for the kind of person we didn’t expect we would, or the situation is totally different then what we expected, or that person we fall for leads us in a direction we never anticipated (like they convince us to move to another country, or help our career go in completely new direction, or teach us about a fun new interest we never thought of before). Vertex transits and synastry show important changes that are a bit of a shocker to us. The Vertex shows how our expected love-story script can be changed after we meet someone extraordinary.
Both types of experiences can feel very romantic and special when they happen to us. So yeah, either end of this Axis can be extremely attractive. It just depends on our unique natal chart and what we’re actually meant to experience in this life. We could pull in a revolutionary surprise love, or the love we’ve been longing for since childhood. Sometimes you even get both in one person if they have an opposition across your Vertex Axis. I’d look at the Asc/Dsc and the Ic/Mc here for sure. Also the Vertex Axis in synastry doesn’t guarantee a happy ending, it just makes the connection feel significant. Good overall syanstry gives the long lasting love part. LeeLoo I hope that answered your question.
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LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 11983 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted March 25, 2015 12:03 PM
Wonderful explanation, Lotis, thank you so much, this makes total sense to me and I loved the way you put it in words. It's actually related to our karmic stage, so to speak, reading your post made me think of natal moon phases, for instance (but this is just a marker) and how they may define our "lessons" in this life, the life path. For example, being a Balsamic Moon, it is said my relationships would be a culmination of previous experiences, re-meeting and re-connecting (which goes well with your Avx theory, and as a matter of fact, my most important contacts have usually happened on the Avx end - of course, everything touching Avx also touches the Vertex, but the point is, it comes from a familiar energy towards a new one, rather than the other way around). On the other hand, a New or First Quarter Moon is said to be here to experience new encounters, being a new soul, or a soul in a new phase, the ties with the past have already been tied. So I expect them (if this Moon theory is valid) to have a prevalence of Vx activations, as you describe them. ------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... LeeLoo's Esotericorner IP: Logged |
SaturnFan Knowflake Posts: 547 From: Registered: Dec 2014
posted March 26, 2015 06:19 AM
Hi LotisWhite,Reading this thread has been a real journey. I read the first half last night with a glass of wine, and finished the 2nd half this morning with a cup of coffee  I will follow the thread closely and see how my Vertex axis plays out in the future. As far as past encounters, I'm definitely finding strong correlation with what you're saying, but still figuring out how it all ties together. My Antivertex is in 1H Pisces, and conjuncts Juno. My Vertex is in 7H Virgo and conjuncts Karma exact. My North Node is in 1H Pisces and my South Node is in 7H Virgo, but they are 19 degrees away from the Vertex axis. Anti vertex sign ruler Neptune conjuncts my Sun exact (7H ruler, as 7H cusp is in Leo). Vertex sign ruler Mercury also conjuncts my Sun. 1H ruler Uranus (1H cusp in Aquarius) is my chart ruler (Aquarius AC), conjuncts Saturn exact, is part of a 11H stellium with my Sun, Neptune and Mercury, mid-points my Venus-Pluto square, and squares my Nodal axis. For the 2 most significant relationships in my life (both of which were unhealthy, and the first one especially traumatic): When I met the first guy, Uranus was conjunct my Antivertex and trNN was conjunct natal NN exact. He was definitely an ideal I had built up previously, but the relationship was pure disillusionment and disappointment. When I broke up with him, trSaturn was conjunct my Vertex, trUranus, trVenus and trMars were conjunct my North Node, and trJuno was conjunct my Antivertex and natal Juno. During the span of the relationship, Saturn was transiting my 7H.
When I met the 2nd guy, he definitely brought me out of my current state of mind. TrVenus and Mars were conjunct my Vertex then. When we amicably ended it (triggered by me), trNeptune, Mercury and Chiron all conjunct my Antivertex. The theme in my romantic life has always been about me putting the guy first and myself second. And I always wanted life to just take me by surprise and present me with happy experiences. However, through the drama I went through, I learned self-love and now I categorically want to be in charge of my destiny. Since the Antivertex is in the same house and sign as my North Node, I think that in past lives I've let too much to "destiny" and other people, and in this life I'm supposed to consciously attract my desired reality.
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