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Author Topic:   5th/11th Axis in Relationships
posted July 08, 2014 09:49 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Based on the synastries I see, this axis is very important for love relationships. Apparently, it makes the difference between a 1st/7th house emphasis which sometimes leads to friendship/other types of partnerships; an 8th house emphasis which sometimes leads to transformative relationships which don't necessarily turn into a relationship of mutual love; and a relationship built on love and romance where one can usually see a clear activation of the 5th/11th axis (directly or indirectly) either in synastry or in the composite, where you often see something in the 5th or 11th house or involving rulers. Of course, the axes 1st/7th, 2nd/8th and marital axes etc. are activated too.

But generally there is a give-and-take love flow on this axis in romance.

When it comes to the natals, I think rulers of love houses (primary and secondary) are very telling in regards to the personal style/preferences in these matters. One can have Venus in Cap in the 5th house, but many people have these placements and these two placements can mean many things, however the love profile of this person will give its "customized" clues when we look at the condition of the love rulers - in this case, primary and secondary 5th. There is usually a "theme" a style a "profile" and it seems to match the needs of the 7th house as well, and probably the sexual houses too. I will post later some examples of natals and synastries showing this.

I'm thinking the 11th house also shows the way we reciprocate love, how we respond to being loved. What do you think, Lotis and everyone?

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posted July 08, 2014 11:30 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

And yes I can see that about reciprocrating as well. 5th house having more Eros-characte,r 11th house Anteros-character.

For me should someone be brave enough to show me appreciation, I would probably reciprorate in a rather unique, bizarre, yet intense fashion.

Also, if you break through this initial defnese system of mine and get access to the "inner circle" of my soul, I am inclined to do anything for you, and will feel bonded on a very visceral level, that not even I can escape or switch off again.

11th house in SCorpio with Uranus on its cusp, 11th house ruler on MC, squaring Venus.

Secondary 11th house is the 8th house, so Moon is my secondary 11th house ruler, and this Moon is in Aquarius in 2nd house, quinkunx Saturn in 8th, and parallel/contraparallel Uranus, Pluto and Juno.

My response to appreciation is probably very Uranus-Pluto-like. Bizarrely intense. Or intensely bizarre. lol

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posted July 08, 2014 11:36 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My 5th house is in Taurus, with Venus in Capricorn in 1st house (squaring Pluto on the MC, being on Jupiter/Uranus-mp)

Can`t escape the Uranus-Pluto-vibe I suppose.

I am always activated or turned on with the more dramatic scenarios, the sweetness of Moon-Venus for example doesn`t do anything to me, but making me feel comfortably sleepy.

oh secondary 5th house is the 2nd house in Capricorn with Aqua-Moon therein.
Secondary 5th house ruler is saturn in Cancer in 8th ouse quinkunx Moon (and trine Jupiter)

Adding the 7th house to it.
7th house in Gemini, 7th house ruler in Sagittarius conjunct Sun (Sun-Mercury-Jupiter vibe). This one looks VASTLY different to the Saturn-Pluto-Uranus-Moon vibe of my 5th house.

however, secondary 7th house is the 3rd house:

Aquarius on the cusp, Pisces (with Jupiter) intercepted.

secondary 7th house ruler Uranus in Scorpio on the cusp of 11th house

intercepted sec. 7th house ruler Neptune in Sagittarius conjunct NN, ASC and Mars.

I suppose the secondary 7th house ruler resonates mostly with the 5th house constellations, the other show that I need a different 7th house than 5th house vibe. probably means that there can be a bit of a split between erotic romance and actual relationship compatibility for me.

Uranus - ironic as that sounds - would be the connective factor.

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From: Venice, California, US
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posted July 08, 2014 12:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for IndigoDirae     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by I'm so cappy:

It SOOOOO is. Especially Red Velvet. OH MY GOD.

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posted July 08, 2014 01:00 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And yes I can see that about reciprocrating as well. 5th house having more Eros-character 11th house Anteros-character.

Exactly I was thinking at the same parallel lol

My response to appreciation is probably very Uranus-Pluto-like. Bizarrely intense. Or intensely bizarre. lol

I can see here a fixed emphasis, especially the Scorpio/Aqua combo.

My 5th house is in Taurus, with Venus in Capricorn in 1st house (squaring Pluto on the MC, being on Jupiter/Uranus-mp)

Can`t escape the Uranus-Pluto-vibe I suppose.

I am always activated or turned on with the more dramatic scenarios, the sweetness of Moon-Venus for example doesn`t do anything to me, but making me feel comfortably sleepy.

oh secondary 5th house is the 2nd house in Capricorn with Aqua-Moon therein.
Secondary 5th house ruler is saturn in Cancer in 8th ouse quinkunx Moon (and trine Jupiter)

Adding the 7th house to it.
7th house in Gemini, 7th house ruler in Sagittarius conjunct Sun (Sun-Mercury-Jupiter vibe). This one looks VASTLY different to the Saturn-Pluto-Uranus-Moon vibe of my 5th house.

however, secondary 7th house is the 3rd house:

Aquarius on the cusp, Pisces (with Jupiter) intercepted.

secondary 7th house ruler Uranus in Scorpio on the cusp of 11th house

intercepted sec. 7th house ruler Neptune in Sagittarius conjunct NN, ASC and Mars.

I suppose the secondary 7th house ruler resonates mostly with the 5th house constellations, the other show that I need a different 7th house than 5th house vibe. probably means that there can be a bit of a split between erotic romance and actual relationship compatibility for me.

Uranus - ironic as that sounds - would be the connective factor.

Interesting discovery with the difference between 5th/11th and 7th. Something to meditate upon, I suppose. As an outsider, your male preferences seem to match your 7th symbolism rather than your 5th/11th, which I find very interesting. (I'm talking about the vibe coming from those men and your synastries)

5th in Taurus slowly builds attraction/trust, but Venus in Cap 1st has an Aries vibe - so I guess the attraction must present itself from the beginning in order for the interest to develop. Also the square from Pluto needs some drama, fantasy, tall dark men and a powerful initial impact. I think Venus in Cap and with Pluto coming from MC also shows once your interest is captured, it grows in time and it's very stable (back to Taurus here). Sec 5th house in 2nd takes us back to Taurus again. Saturn in 8th is in sync with Venus/Pluto and Aqua Moon is like a wild card here.

The vibe from the exhilarating outer planets Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto and of course your prominent Neptune) seems to be important for you to fall in love and feel loved, combined with earthy trust and stability. A combo not easy to satisfy, IMO, it needs a perfect balance between a fantastical part and a stable part.

However, despite the jovial appearance of your primary 7th, the secondary leads us back to Uranus, on the 5th/11th axis, especially 11th. so yes, I can see a match between your 7th and 11th: I think you would feel love and return love in a partnership initially matching your 7th house preferences, but maybe keep a certain fascination with the danger/drama/Wuthering Heights lol alllure of your 5th house?

I think it's important to remember the 5th house is also the house of creativity, so maybe those placements could find a creative outlet rather than a romantic one.

I think your Moon connects your 5th with your 11th too, so maybe something involving the Moon? Moon as a link between 5th 11th is a good one for a woman, despite it being in Aqua.

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From: Venice, California, US
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posted July 08, 2014 01:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for IndigoDirae     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This'll be fun, since Cappy and I are both Virgo rising. :: Mercurial fistbump ::

My 11H is therefore also MOON-ruled, but in SCO, (6º from SAG, if we're being uber technical) rather than Libra. So we snag PLUTO for greater definition there. Which, somehow kicks us back to Libra -- 21º, exactly conjunct BML -- 2H.

So, to break it down:

My 11H (CAN) has a lunar feel to it -- an undeniable intensity (MOON in SCO) which is channelled into mental, communicative, thought-related things (3H). It's tightest aspect is a conjunction to URANUS, which is 1º.

Since this is receiving love, that makes sense to me; I can't fathom a romantic relationship that isn't first based in a very strong friendship. Period. It's a crucial foundation for me.

I think the conjunction to BML from PLUTO is interesting, too. I've had to grow into being a sex symbol. I used to hate it. Gave me panic attacks and nightmares. (Not even kidding.) I wanted to be appreciated for my mind, quirky personality, and capability -- NOT as someone's fantasy. (There's a direct sextile to NEP from PLUTO-BML-SUN, too.)

The fact that they disposit to the 2H is, I feel, indicative of this struggle. I was almost oddly positioned to have everything end up deeply affecting my self-concept, and self-esteem. I had to rage against being valued as some object I felt these people didn't even know -- that they were creating in their heads, over which I had NO control. I wasn't strong enough to not let it affect me. Not yet.

Now, unless they're being abusive or sexually harassing -- it doesn't bother me. I know who I am. I know what I'm capable of -- and my friends, loved ones, and lovers appreciate me for what -I- value; fans and wankers be damned. (Though, I DO have a genuine appreciation for my fans; I'm not a total arsehat.)

5H is a horse of a different colour.

SATURN is 5R, of course, but in LIB -- 1H, and very widely conjunct JUPITER (6º) but more closely sextile 3H MARS (2º) and conjunct JUNO-ALMA 1º.

I've often wondered what my 5H is up to, since it's empty, ruled by SATURN, whose tightest conjunction is JUNO (technically, ALMA, but they're inextricably linked.)

Being 1H, creativity does dominate my life, and is the thing I cling to in order to maintain control and self expression. In my youth, it became 'the thing no one could take from me', that I had sole dominion over.

Funny, that JUNO's here.

I went through a long period of partnering -- in my investigative work, my creative projects, and scientific undertakings. Always partnering.

But then I stopped. Around age 31, I just stopped. My Twin helped put the kibosh on that. Now I'm comfortably flying solo if need be on these things -- bringing in consultants, enjoying brainstorming, and developing within a group -- but I remain at the head of the table.

Ironically, I think my reticence to 'be partnerless', creatively-speaking, came from a lack of confidence in my own abilities. I could share successes, and we could bemoan our failures.

See, rejection is HARD. Creating in Los Angeles is a game of Russian Roulette. Everything is a gamble; a mess of politics, talent, skill, and money. I see it every damned day -- the good struggle, and the connected rise to the top. Drives me mad.

I didn't want to do it alone. Fortunately, I had a project I'd co-developed. But now I don't. I spent my time grieving, quietly longing for the days of partnership when I'd see some of my favourite teams doing their thing -- and then I wiped my tears, took a deep breath, and got on the ball. That was March 2013. I haven't looked back. Oh, sure, I've missed my Twin -- but that was personal stuff. Professionally? I'm still going solo.

So maybe it's not so ironic. After all, SATURN is about making us self-sufficient, and exerting our authority. It's just that conjunction to JUNO which always got me.

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posted July 08, 2014 01:51 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Let's look at Wallis and Edward, our odd couple:

Wallis profile:

5th house

Gem 5th house, Sun in 5th
Merc in Gem 4th conjunct Neptune and Pluto trine Moon
Sec 5th (3rd) in Taurus
Venus in 4th - 5th conjunct Sun and Neptune in Gem

So we already see she has a 3rd-4th-5th emphasis when it comes to her 5th house preferences.
Attracted to intelligent men (Merc Plut Gem) with a caring, rather submissive vibe (4th, Moon) who express their emotions towards her rather easily and with a Pisces/Neptunian touch.
Her style of courtship/romance: the same, verbal, witty, with a touch of fantasy and perhaps deception (seduction).

11th house

in Sag, empty
Jupiter in Leo, 6th, square Saturn, sextile Pluto
9th house in Scorpio, Saturn and Uranus in the 9th
Pluto in 4th conjunct Merc trine Moon - this leads us back to her attraction preferences (5th house)

Feels love/adored/returns love: when pampered (Jupiter Leo Virgo 4th). Perhaps appreciates foreigners (Jupiter and Uranus) and appreciates men with a certain power, status (Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto). Likes to feel their passion (Scorpio, Pluto)

7th house

in Leo and the Sun leads us back to her 5th house profile

So her 7th house (preferred style of relating and compatible partner) is in tune with her 5th house.

Edward profile/match with Wallis

well, they have the same angles, so his 5th is also in Gem

but his Sun is in 5th too...we already have an important match here: I think houses add that personalized flavor to placements.

So Merc in Cancer 6th (match with her 4th house and Virgo preferences)
Sextile Venus trine Mars square Saturn (a match with her Saturn need in a partner)
Merc conjunct DSC, so Merc is his relating planet (another match with Wallis)
3rd house in Taurus with Venus in Taurus 3rd - a Venus with a Gem flavor, just like Wallis needs

11th house

Jupiter in Gem conjunct Neptune trine Saturn - so his 11th profile already matches Wallis's 5th house profile, and her 7th - the Neptunian approach makes Edward feel loved and give love in return.
9th house in Scorp with Uranus on cusp, and Pluto back in Gem in the mix

7th house

Apart from Merc on DSC, Sun )DSC ruler) trine Moon and Uranus is another great match for Wallis's 5th house preferences (her 5th stellium trined by Moon). Edward as a partner expresses feelings just like she wants, with an Uranian vibe in tune with their ASC.

Not an odd couple anymore lol

Apart from these more subtle matches ensuring compatibility and long-term attraction, I'm sure they have many rulers in aspect, I won't list them, plus:

Their Suns mutually in 5th
Their stelliums mutually in 4th
His Venus in her sec 5th
Her Mars in his 2nd (his Venus in Taurus)
His Merc in her 6th (related to her feeling loved and her Jupiter)

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posted July 08, 2014 02:31 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Let's look at someone with different angles




5th in Scorpio, with Neptune there
Pluto in Libra, 3rd, makes a wide MR. closest planet Mars, so Mars opp Pluto
8th house in Aqua, Uranus in Libra 4th square Venus in Cancer on ASC

Attracted to/courtship style: strong and rather dark men (Mars Pluto) with a powerful vibe, certain elegance and beauty and manners (Pluto and Uranus in Libra) and a deep mind/talk or 8th house occupations/hobbies (Pluto in 3rd) with a strong Cancer side - parental (4th, Cancer) but with something unusual and weird (such as foreigners) or capable of surprising her (Uranus square Venus)
Her initial romance approach/courtship style also reflects these traits.
And Neptune is there too, so something Neptunian in the mix.

11th house

Taurus with Sun and Merc there, so 11th is an important house for Angie (no wonder she's so popular with her Sun there, she has many fans)
This leads us back to her Venus on ASC square Uranus
2nd house in Leo, so back to 11th and her Sun
Sun opp Neptune sextile Aries stellium with Moon/Jupiter/Mars on MC - we can see in this powerful combo why Angie is so famous and popular
I think she feels loved by being popular, with these placements. With Venus on ASC there, she needs to feel admired to feel loved, she also needs for the partner to appreciate her beauty (in order to feel loved)
She also needs constant surprises from her partner.

7th house

DSC in Cap, Saturn in the 12th (the Piscean flavor of her Neptune on 5th/11th axis), squares the Aries stellium.
I'm thinking with this placement, Angie appreciates a stable partner who keeps himself in her shadow a bit, she's also probably rather shy underneath the glamorous appearance and her style of relating is a bit shy, perhaps even distant.Or she prefers a parent-like partner.
Sec 7th is the 10th in Aries (married to the public here lol), Mars in 9th part of the Aries stellium and...we go back to the Mars/Pluto man, aith an added Saturn flavor

Brad's 5th is in Aries (match with her 5th and 7th)
Mars in Cap 1st (more Aries) trine Uranus square Jupiter. Perfect match with her Uranus and Saturn needs in a man. His Jupiter side may be a bit annoying for her lol
Sec 5th - the 1st - ASC in Sag, Jupiter in Aries 4th - here's the Cancer connection with Angie's Venus and 5th house needs
Sun and Mars in his 1st

Brad's 11th in Libra, Neptune there ( a match with Angie's Neptunian flavor on the 5th/11th axis) with Venus in Cap 2nd. A Taurus flavor here in tune with Angie's 11th in Taurus.
Also a match with her Saturnian needs in a partner.
Venus conjunct Moon in Cap - here's the parental approach Angie needs (or the distant one)
Sec 11th is the 7th, so Brad's manner of feeling returning love is closely interconnected with his relating style and his compatible partner.
DSC in Gem (Angie's Sun)
Merc still in Cap, 2nd, part of that stellium with Mars Moon Venus, trine Uranus and Pluto (what Angie is attracted to on her 5th/11th axis)

So I'm guessing Brad is Angie's Saturn in the 12th

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From: Venice, California, US
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posted July 08, 2014 03:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for IndigoDirae     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm not sure why, but the secondary houses never 'do much' for me.

With a 5H in CAP, its secondary is supposed to be 10H, right? (If I'm going -- 5R is SATURN, 10H is traditionally SATURN ruled, ergo: 10H / MC.)

My MC is 09° GEM.

So let's think on that one.

I married the first GEM SUN with whom I ever became involved. Really, it seems the CAN is the sign that has a 5H flavour to it; all the time, I find myself drawn to individuals who are CAN and SAG. Almost as a rule; CAN prominent with SAG MOON. EVERY time.

Now, do we take the MC-R (MERC) and go 3H SCO with it? Strangely, I've not dated that many men with strong SCO -- just a couple boyfriends, oddly back-to-back, which were VIR SUN, SCO MOON, SAG ASC. (I still wonder if there's a significance to that.)

I lived with a GEM MOON man. Borderline. Horrible. Bad, bad times. Prior to that, I've been connected to two GEM ASC's.

Aaaaand that's all.

So let's look at the 7H's secondary.

For me, that's 12H: PIS, 7R is NEP, and 12H is its traditional house.

12° LEO.

Well, the GEM rising was a LEO SUN; my husband's got LEO rising. My Guardian Soul's got VENUS there; I think a few others in the past do as well. Maybe two?

If we link that to my SUN, we get a 2H SUN-PLUTO in LIB.

Well, my husband's 7R is URA 19° LIB, smack on my SUN. But this is about me.

I've been drawn to a few Libran men; oddly, only two I felt a romantic attraction to, and I feel that was the CAP MOON. The others are all my friends. No tension, very brotherly and easy.

Though, not all CAP MOONs have inspired romanticism. Across the lot of several, maybe two. Total.

Taureans, on the other hand -- we have quite a long and winding history. Both SUN and MOON. I think, however, it was throwing ARI placements into my 8H. I've not tested the theory; I should. I DO know the ones with whom I was involved both had ARI MARS or VENUS in my 8H. (Sometimes right on PRIAPUS. And THAT will certainly do it!)

So it's CAN and SAG which remains my personal pattern and mystery.

The SAG may be explained by my 7R placement -- 20° SAG.


Would that bring the onslaught of men with CAN placements, though? I've thought about it, and it seems too predominant for JUST a 4H influence.

Most commonly, they're SUN, VENUS, or MERC. Sometimes all three, or just two. But EVERY time. Early, too -- between 5° and 15°, usually around 10°.

As for SAG -- it's mid. Right on the GA, where I have my VALENTINE.

So 10° CAN, and 20° CAN, with 15° SAG. +\- 5°.

These are the signs which keep popping up, over and over, since I can recall.

Care to hazard a guess why?

My 4H is vacant save for NEP. Only CHIRON is hanging out in my 9H. I have two SAG placements -- MARS (0°) and NEP (20°) and nothing in CAN.

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I'm so cappy

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posted July 08, 2014 04:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for I'm so cappy     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Strangely, I've not dated that many men with strong SCO -- just a couple boyfriends

Lol...And these are just Scorpionic types.

Not sure if it's my Mercurian influence or the secondary house which I think should be the strongest with all my Cap but it seems like I have a soft spot for Gemini Suns. In general.

I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy.

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From: Neptune with Faith, Bella, Muddy and Doux. Commuting between that and Chiron.
Registered: Feb 2013

posted July 08, 2014 05:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for meissieri     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: seems to me your Moon is the common denominator of your 5th/11th axis. Perhaps when she's beneficially aspected (in tune with your chart), there is harmony for you on the 5th/11th axis.

Good thinking. Yes, I'd say so too. Moon aspects are so nice, I love the feeling of wanting to look out for them, make sure they're okay.

Harsh aspects to my Moon need to be balanced out with some positive.

Whole analysis:

5th house - Aquarius (with NN and Part of Fortune inside)
- Ruler Uranus in H3
- Uranus conj Saturn, Neptune and Moon by default. Opposite Jupiter, square Venus, trine Mars and tredecile (?) Mercury.
- Aquarius normally rules the 11th house --> cups = Leo, ruled by the Sun in Leo in H11.
- Mars in Virgo in this house as well.

Wow, that's a lot of ways to show approval & express myself!

11th house: Leo ruled by Sun in Leo in H11. Again, Mars [Aries] in Virgo here.
- Sun square Pluto, sesquisquare Saturn, biquintile Moon.
- Mars conj Mercury in H12 and trine Uranus, ruler of H5.
... and the secondary house brings me back to my Aquarius 5th house. It's like they go hand-in-hand!

Maybe that emphasises how much I value give and take. The Leo/Virgo/Pluto/Saturn thing is actually how I do it. Or maybe I do both. Lol the beauty of having flipped houses.

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From: Venice, California, US
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posted July 08, 2014 05:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for IndigoDirae     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by I'm so cappy:

Lol...And these are just Scorpionic types.

Yeah, while I (quite proudly, I must say) waited to lose the v-card until my early twenties, I had boyfriends rather regularly from age 16 onward. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM BLOODY SOULMATES. Some of them VERY intense karmic balancing. But every - single - one - a deep, soul-rending connexion.

Gah! How did I get through it all?

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Lotis White

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posted July 09, 2014 04:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lotis White     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
First, I just want to say it's great to see everyone's personal deconstructions of the 5th/11th houses.

Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:
Based on the synastries I see, this axis is very important for love relationships. Apparently, it makes the difference between a 1st/7th house emphasis which sometimes leads to friendship/other types of partnerships; an 8th house emphasis which sometimes leads to transformative relationships which don't necessarily turn into a relationship of mutual love; and a relationship built on love and romance where one can usually see a clear activation of the 5th/11th axis (directly or indirectly) either in synastry or in the composite, where you often see something in the 5th or 11th house or involving rulers. Of course, the axes 1st/7th, 2nd/8th and marital axes etc. are activated too.

But generally there is a give-and-take love flow on this axis in romance.

When it comes to the natals, I think rulers of love houses (primary and secondary) are very telling in regards to the personal style/preferences in these matters. One can have Venus in Cap in the 5th house, but many people have these placements and these two placements can mean many things, however the love profile of this person will give its "customized" clues when we look at the condition of the love rulers - in this case, primary and secondary 5th. There is usually a "theme" a style a "profile" and it seems to match the needs of the 7th house as well, and probably the sexual houses too. I will post later some examples of natals and synastries showing this.

I'm thinking the 11th house also shows the way we reciprocate love, how we respond to being loved. What do you think, Lotis and everyone?

That's pretty much it. Ceri's use of Eros(giving love)/Anteros(returning love) is a good way to put it for the 5th/11th Axis seems fitting to me.

With the 2nd/8th houses we have the Axis of 'I Have' Vs 'I Desire'. The 2nd house shows what we feel gives us worth, in terms of having something to bargain with. We tend to see the symbolism of our 2nd house as like a personal bargaining chip. The 2nd house shows what we feel we have to offer others in exchange for what we desire. That which we desire in exchange for what we have is symbolized by the 8th house.

This concept gets interesting when it comes to relationship astrology. The 8th house shows the type of private intimacy we wish to get from our partner. The 2nd house shows what we feel we have to offer our partner in exchange. In a way, the 2nd house/8th house Axis is another give/receive Axis but instead of being on the courtship (fun side of the relationship) level, it’s on a deeper more committed level. How people to contribute within the context of an already established connection.

The major relationship Axis are the 1st/7th, 5th/11th, and 2nd/8th

Okay so a while ago I participated in a thread where I discussed the theory that we attract the energy of our 1st , 2nd and 11th houses, and are attracted to the 5th, 7th and 8th houses.

I’ll repost the bulk of what I wrote here to clarify.


Okay so the theory is that we are attracted to our 5th, 7th, and 8th houses astrologically… These houses are in the ‘other’ hemisphere of the chart and show the traits we are drawn to in others (this is in a relationship context, of course sometimes we ourselves will use and express our own 5th, 7th, and 8th houses)…

So if we want to look at the opposite of 5th, 7th, and 8th houses, we have… The 1st, 2nd, and 11th houses. These houses symbolize both what we have and attract. The 5th, 7th and 8th houses may show what attracts us to others, but the 1st, 2nd, and 11th houses, show where we ourselves are magnetic, and pull in the energy and attention of others.

The 2nd house is ruled by Venus traditionally and is actually quite a magnetic house. It shows what we feel have of value to offer others in relationships (the 8th house shows what we want others to offer us). The 2nd house is symbolically our contribution, and commodities of worth, that we are able to bring to the table for others in both a business and personal context. These need not necessarily be ’things’ although they sometimes are. The 2nd house shows how we go about attracting what we need from others, and how we express what it is about us that is a worthwhile investment… It also shows how we attract in a very basic earthy sense… Like honey to the bee. When we attract the sign on our 2nd house they tend to see us as valuable and physically appealing.

The 11th house is the house of social popularity, and love received. It shows what it is about ourselves that we feel makes us appealing on a social level (or not if the chart has afflictions involving the 11th house), and our social self-esteem. It also shows what types of behaviors make us feel accepted, appreciated, and wanted by others (check the 11th house by sign, ruler and planets). The 5th house is what we fall in love with and our inspired reaction to our love object…. Our performance… The 11th house is the reception we desire in response to our passionate self-expression… Our audience… By sign, ruler, and planets the 11th house can show what type of people we attract as ’fans’ and admirers like personal ‘groupies‘ (the 5th house is who we admire). You know, the type of people in general who think that we are awesome. When we attract people from our 11th house they tend to make us feel special for the unique person that we are.

The 1st house is where we wear a banner that says ‘This is how I am, take it or leave it! People who share the energy of our 1st house allow us to be authentically ourselves, and there is often a mutual attraction due to similarity. We attract the energy of our 1st house in general because we are able to identify with them and understand where they are coming form… It’s a very strong pull and is not necessarily romantic (unless other factors show it is so), but the attraction is very strong when it is. When we attract the energy of our 1st house they tend to make us feel validated in our point of view on the world, and they ‘get’ us. They also very much appreciate how we, in turn, seem to ‘get’ them.

I’ve noticed that when we attract the 2nd and the 11th houses, in particular, there is often an unrequited love type scenario… unless the 2nd and the 11th houses are also somehow tied to the 5th, 7th, or 8th houses in our chart. When people influencing our 1st, 2nd and 11th houses are drawn to us, they are usually attracted because they see us as wonderful in one way or another (the specifics of this will show in the details of their natal chart). This is whether or not we actually want their attention.

I’ve really noticed this with the 11th house. It’s like I was fated to be loved by people with this type of energy, whether I want it or not. My 11th house is Libra with Pluto and Uranus in the 11th house, and Venus in Sagittarius in the 1st house ruling the 11th house. Libra/Scorpio/Sag/Aquarius/Aries combos seem to dig me. My 2nd house is Capricorn, and there were a couple of Caps in high school that liked me, but I never was interested (although, I’m a Cap myself).


Romantically, what we are naturally attracted to is the 5th, 7th and 8th houses. So… When people influencing our 5th, 7th, and 8th houses are drawn to us, they are often attracted because they are aware we think THEY are wonderful for some reason or another (the motivation is different depending on the houses they activate). They kind of bask in the light of our adoration sort of thing.

Simplified: synastry in our 1st, 2nd and 11th houses makes us feel wanted by the other person…. While synastry in our 5th, 7th and 8th houses makes us want the other person (usually, after all synastry is a complex topic).

Mutual attraction tends to happen we both people influence each others 5th, 7th, and 8th houses. And there’s a variety of ways for this to happen... Even if the other person actually only has planets in your natal 1st, 2nd or 11th houses.

Like... They can strongly aspect the rulers of the 5th, 7th, and 8th houses. Or have signs prominent in their chart associated with our 5th, 7th, or 8th houses. For example, if we a have Pluto in the 7th house they could have a bunch of Scorpio influences. Or if our 7th house ruler is in Leo, they could have Sun conjunct the Asc, or a Leo Sun or Moon. This sort of thing.

So going back to the 2nd/8th houses… We're attracted to our 8th house, and attract/magnetize with our 2nd rather then vice versa.

If a person has Taurus on the 5th, 7th, or 8th houses, however, They may very well be attracted to the energy of their 2nd house (because of secondary houses). Taurus rules the 2nd house, so if we have the sign Taurus on a 'romantic' house cusp, then the 2nd house becomes more attractive/Romantic for us.

I think it's the same for the 11th and the 1st houses too in this regard (or any house really). Having Aquarius on the 5th, 7th, or 8th house, would cause an attraction to 11th house synastry. And having Aries on the 5th, 7th or 8th house would cause an attraction to 1st house synastry.

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Lotis White

Posts: 2246
From: USA
Registered: Dec 2010

posted July 09, 2014 05:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lotis White     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I guess I can use myself as an example of what I‘ve written above.

I've got Capricorn on the 2nd house.

What I feel is most valuable about me is that I'm stable, trustworthy, and loyal... This is probably enhanced due to the fact that I've also got a Capricorn Sun (In the 1st house). Having Capricorn on the 2nd house shows that I see my strong, determined Cap side as one of my key 'bargaining chips' for getting what I need in the world... And others who also value these things are the people likely to be attracted to what I have to offer. Now of course I have other talents and traits in my personality, that are nice and have their place... It's just the my Cap side is the part of my nature that I see as my personal currency.

It's worth noting that my Saturn is in Virgo in the 9th house. I also highly value my analytical, organized side, my intellect, my interest in health and nutrition (especially alternative health therapies), and 'clean living' lifestyle (I avoid drugs and alcohol). My morality, integrity, and spiritual beliefs, are of great value to me as well... And of course others who value these same things that I do will be attracted to getting to know me.

The 2nd house shows the things we value and prioritize in terms of having comfort and security in life. When people get to know us and see what these things are, they may be attracted if what we value matches up with important parts of their own psyche. Synastry overlays in the 2nd can feel good because other person appreciates what we 'have' to offer in both a psychological and physical sense.

My 11th house is Libra ruled by Venus in Sagittarius, and Pluto is in the 11th house as well.

People who are courteous but also direct and honest make me feel so comfortable and welcome. I also really like when a person is patient with me, and takes the time to get to know me on a deeper level, below the surface of things... Like they take an interest in who I really am, and are understanding towards me (I'm pretty sure this comes from Pluto in the 11th house). Don't mind being psycho-analyzed so long as the other person is compassionate towards me (as it happens my natal Pluto is exactly sextile Neptune. Aspects to planets in the 11th matter too!), and has an understanding, considerate, patient attitude.

I tend to like this type of attitude from both platonic friends, and romantic interests (A guy who is trying to date me, for instance). This type of vibe makes me feel as if the other person is paying special attention to me, that they care about making me feel included, and that they really want me as a part of their life. 11th house synastry increases our self-esteem in a different way from the 2nd house. With positive 11th house synastry we get the feeling that the other person thinks we're a 'Cool' person to hang out with, and that they want us around.

People who act like our 11th house have a knack for making us feel welcome, and this helps us lower our barriers around them. We attract with our 11th house because we often appear open and receptive to these people, like we are curious about who they are (often we are curious about their interest in us in the first place).

My 1st house is Sagittarius, with Venus and Sun in the 1st house, and Jupiter in Cancer ruling the 1st in the 7th house.

I tend to feel like my most confident, natural, authentic, spontaneous version of myself around people who are positive, carefree, affectionate, self-expressive, and, oddly, also aware of the value of security in personal relationships (Jupiter in Cancer in the 7th). These types of people seem to just naturally allow me to do my thing, and to feel self-assured.

Self-assurance is an attractive quality in general. So our ability to attract with our 1st house often comes form the fact that people who influence our 1st see us as strong, independent and self-assured… Like we know who we are, and what we’re about. We have less self-doubt and more initiative and boldness around the people of our 1st house. I tend to get this vibe around Sagittarians very much.

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posted July 09, 2014 05:49 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Your essay also ties into what I wrote a few posts before, about not just dissecting the chart in an upper and lower hemisphere, but that I - like you apparently- have noticed that the dissecting into West and East usually seems even more I vs You - oriented.

Interestingly the midpoint of these hemispheres of course fall onto the ASC-DESC-axis (roughly at least, well mine falls onto 4 Capricorn, the equatorial ASC, but actually that might be always so, could be, did not check it).

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posted July 09, 2014 06:18 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

thanks for the analysis.

" 5th house having more Eros-character 11th house Anteros-character."
Funny thing is they are trine in my natal and falling into love-houses. lol

Eros 21 Cancer in 8th - Anteros 19 Scorpio in 11th (isn`t THAT fitting, Anteros in 11th. lol)

"especially the Scorpio/Aqua combo."
Yes, interestingly this is inheritance from my parents, who - among other symbolism- are highly resonating with Urnaus-Pluto.
My Dad being an Aquarius with Sun, Venus, Jupiter in Aquarius, but also having Moon in 8th house and Venus opposite Pluto.

my Mum being a Scorpio with Sun and Mercury in Scorpio, but also having Uranus in 1st house conjunct ASC making a Yod with her VEnus-Mars conjunction and my Dad`s Aqua-Venus.

One of her brothers is a Scorpio, the other an Aquarius. My Dad`s father was a Scorpio and his aunt an Aquarius. (of course there are other signs in the family as well, but it just sticks out. lol)

"As an outsider, your male preferences seem to match your 7th symbolism rather than your 5th/11th, which I find very interesting."
It does now. Yes.
Though I have had a long time when they would all have Sun, Venus, Mars in Cappy squaring Pluto, Moon in Scorpio or in Libra conjunct my Scorpio-Uranus and so on.

I am actually a little surprised and all at sea, as this pull to my 7th house has become so strong lately.
Of course as amatter of fact I am drawn to BOTH. So the guys I am going gaga over are just as complicated as me. lol

I mean take Mr Sag for example (are there even others example nowadays? ).

His Sun-Moon-MC in Sag, his elevated Sun, his Mars-Jupiter-conjunction in mutual reception and squaring Mercury, of course are resonating with my 7th house ruler Mercury in Sagittarius conjunct Sun. WEll in 1st house - he has Aries intercepted in 1st house.

On the other hand my 5th house,Venus in Capricorn square Pluto on the Jupiter/Uranus-mp.
The man himself has Venus in Capricorn square Pluto, plus Saturn squaring Sun and Moon and trine Venus.
and for the Jupiter/Uranus-vibe, we still have all the Sag-stuff, and his Uranus sextiles his Venus and trines his ASC.
For the Neptune, that is somewhere floating around too in my chart, though I think it might be more indicative of my own personality, he has a Pisces ASC, and Neptune in widish conjunction to Sun and Moon (but really wide, 8 degrees or so).

I actually find that I am drawn mostly to guys who tick all the boxes. I am not really big on compromise. lol

Oh for the Uranus/Pluto-theme, well it comes up in his relationship profile as well, with Uranus in 8th house (uoh, so not to my 8th house Saturn taste! lol, but 8th house ruler in Aquarius parallel Uranus finds it rather nice) and Pluto in 7th house squaring intercepted 7th house ruler as well.

I suppose though that the Uranus/Pluto comes more acutely out in my personality profile with Uranus in 11th house (on the Me-side, how I present myself to larger groups) and Pluto on the MC. It is actually a rather obvious and visible vibe, 10th and 11th house planets seem to be qutie in your or society`s face. lol

" A combo not easy to satisfy, IMO, it needs a perfect balance between a fantastical part and a stable part."
Perfect analysis all of it!

Yes, not easy

"I think it's important to remember the 5th house is also the house of creativity, so maybe those placements could find a creative outlet rather than a romantic one."
Yes, they did.

I used to write a lot of poetry when I was younger, and then in my 20`s I would be writing a lot of stories, short stories mostly, and somehow almost all of them featured vampires. lol
And that was BEFORE The vampire mania started.
But I had been haunted by a lot of vampire dreams and had to get to the bottom of the psychological meaning of this symbol for me.
Actually in some of these dreams Mr Sag or someone who resembled him a lot appeared and that was before meeting him. lol
Many many years before.
I think in one of these dreams I even killed him - very gruesome experience, I still remember how it feels if you can FEEL a heart stop beating and you are the reason.
Well I tried to kill him at least, he just wouldn´t STAY dead.

At one point I eventually HAD to transform these dreams into stories, and most of them took me by surprise as I had no idea which direction they would take.

But yes, that was a time, when there was a bit of morbid dark-.romantic fantasy was happening in my creations. Very Venus-Pluto-Saturn with a dash of Uranus. Always the struggle to break free from restraints of fwhat kind ever (including an emphasizing especially blockages of one`s own perceptions, concepts, ideas, that instead of being supportive, had become suffocating).

Well I guess a psychiatrist would have a field day with my stories and dreams of that time.

Just like I was having a real field day yesterday analyzing the drawing Mr Sag put online. VERY amazing and intense.

"I think your Moon connects your 5th with your 11th too, so maybe something involving the Moon? Moon as a link between 5th 11th is a good one for a woman, despite it being in Aqua."
Yeah, well to be honest, like Indigo, I don`t do so much with secondary houses. I mean they are there, they are not wrong, but I dont find myself relying on them too much, unless supporting the primary ones.

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posted July 09, 2014 06:20 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

thanks for the analysis.

" 5th house having more Eros-character 11th house Anteros-character."
Funny thing is they are trine in my natal and falling into love-houses. lol

Eros 21 Cancer in 8th - Anteros 19 Scorpio in 11th (isn`t THAT fitting, Anteros in 11th. lol)

"especially the Scorpio/Aqua combo."
Yes, interestingly this is inheritance from my parents, who - among other symbolism- are highly resonating with Urnaus-Pluto.
My Dad being an Aquarius with Sun, Venus, Jupiter in Aquarius, but also having Moon in 8th house and Venus opposite Pluto.

my Mum being a Scorpio with Sun and Mercury in Scorpio, but also having Uranus in 1st house conjunct ASC making a Yod with her VEnus-Mars conjunction and my Dad`s Aqua-Venus.

One of her brothers is a Scorpio, the other an Aquarius. My Dad`s father was a Scorpio and his aunt an Aquarius. (of course there are other signs in the family as well, but it just sticks out. lol)

"As an outsider, your male preferences seem to match your 7th symbolism rather than your 5th/11th, which I find very interesting."
It does now. Yes.
Though I have had a long time when they would all have Sun, Venus, Mars in Cappy squaring Pluto, Moon in Scorpio or in Libra conjunct my Scorpio-Uranus and so on.

I am actually a little surprised and all at sea, as this pull to my 7th house has become so strong lately.
Of course as amatter of fact I am drawn to BOTH. So the guys I am going gaga over are just as complicated as me. lol

I mean take Mr Sag for example (are there even others example nowadays? ).

His Sun-Moon-MC in Sag, his elevated Sun, his Mars-Jupiter-conjunction in mutual reception and squaring Mercury, of course are resonating with my 7th house ruler Mercury in Sagittarius conjunct Sun. WEll in 1st house - he has Aries intercepted in 1st house.

On the other hand my 5th house,Venus in Capricorn square Pluto on the Jupiter/Uranus-mp.
The man himself has Venus in Capricorn square Pluto, plus Saturn squaring Sun and Moon and trine Venus.
and for the Jupiter/Uranus-vibe, we still have all the Sag-stuff, and his Uranus sextiles his Venus and trines his ASC.
For the Neptune, that is somewhere floating around too in my chart, though I think it might be more indicative of my own personality, he has a Pisces ASC, and Neptune in widish conjunction to Sun and Moon (but really wide, 8 degrees or so).

I actually find that I am drawn mostly to guys who tick all the boxes. I am not really big on compromise. lol

Oh for the Uranus/Pluto-theme, well it comes up in his relationship profile as well, with Uranus in 8th house (uoh, so not to my 8th house Saturn taste! lol, but 8th house ruler in Aquarius parallel Uranus finds it rather nice) and Pluto in 7th house squaring intercepted 7th house ruler as well.

I suppose though that the Uranus/Pluto comes more acutely out in my personality profile with Uranus in 11th house (on the Me-side, how I present myself to larger groups) and Pluto on the MC. It is actually a rather obvious and visible vibe, 10th and 11th house planets seem to be qutie in your or society`s face. lol

" A combo not easy to satisfy, IMO, it needs a perfect balance between a fantastical part and a stable part."
Perfect analysis all of it!

Yes, not easy

"I think it's important to remember the 5th house is also the house of creativity, so maybe those placements could find a creative outlet rather than a romantic one."
Yes, they did.

I used to write a lot of poetry when I was younger, and then in my 20`s I would be writing a lot of stories, short stories mostly, and somehow almost all of them featured vampires. lol
And that was BEFORE The vampire mania started.
But I had been haunted by a lot of vampire dreams and had to get to the bottom of the psychological meaning of this symbol for me.
Actually in some of these dreams Mr Sag or someone who resembled him a lot appeared and that was before meeting him. lol
Many many years before.
I think in one of these dreams I even killed him - very gruesome experience, I still remember how it feels if you can FEEL a heart stop beating and you are the reason.
Well I tried to kill him at least, he just wouldn´t STAY dead.

At one point I eventually HAD to transform these dreams into stories, and most of them took me by surprise as I had no idea which direction they would take.

But yes, that was a time, when there was a bit of morbid dark-.romantic fantasy was happening in my creations. Very Venus-Pluto-Saturn with a dash of Uranus. Always the struggle to break free from restraints of fwhat kind ever (including an emphasizing especially blockages of one`s own perceptions, concepts, ideas, that instead of being supportive, had become suffocating).

Well I guess a psychiatrist would have a field day with my stories and dreams of that time.

Just like I was having a real field day yesterday analyzing the drawing Mr Sag put online. VERY amazing and intense.

"I think your Moon connects your 5th with your 11th too, so maybe something involving the Moon? Moon as a link between 5th 11th is a good one for a woman, despite it being in Aqua."
Yeah, well to be honest, like Indigo, I don`t do so much with secondary houses. I mean they are there, they are not wrong, but I dont find myself relying on them too much, unless supporting the primary ones.

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posted July 09, 2014 06:49 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I wanna look at all the relationship axis and houses.

So here we go:
I leave out the parallels for now; adding 5th and 8th harmonics though

2nd house:
Saturn rx in Cancer in 8th
conjunct Vertex and Eros (4.36 degrees)

quinkunx Moon in Aqua in 2nd (0.09)
trine Jupiter in Pisces in 3rd ( 5.44)
trine Juno in Pisces in 3rd (0.00)
biquintile Neptune in Sag in 1st (1.00)
biquintile NN in Sag in 1st (0.47)

Moon in Aquarius in 2nd house
quinkunx Saturn in Cancer in 8th (0.09)
quntile Mars in Sag in 12th (0.03)
sextile Chiron in Aries in 4th (2.55)

Moon =
Saturn/Juno (0.09)
Mercury/Pluto (0.03)
Sun/Pluto (0.24)


11th house:
Scorpio, conjunct Uranus (0.23)

Pluto in Libra in 10th
sextile Neptune in Sag in 1st (0.51)
square Venus in Cap in 1st (2.57)
trine Pallas in Aqua in 2nd (0.05)
trine DESC in Gemini (1.58)
(and sextile ASC)
sextile Mars in Sag in 12 (3.57)
quinkunx Ceres in Pisces in 3rd (0.32)
conjunct MC (3.59)
sextile NN (1.04)

Uranus/JUno (0.05)

Uranus in Scorpio in 11th
sextile Vesta in Cap in 1st (0.00)
sesisquare Juno in Pisces in 3rd (0.36)

Moon/Saturn (0.40)
Venus/Lilith (1.01)

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posted July 09, 2014 06:53 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You - side

8th house:

Moon in Aquarius in 2nd
quinkunx Saturn in Cancer in 8th (0.09)
quntile Mars in Sag in 12th (0.03)
sextile Chiron in Aries in 4th (2.55)

Moon =
Saturn/Juno (0.09)
Mercury/Pluto (0.03)
Sun/Pluto (0.24)

Saturn in Cancer in 8th
conjunct Vertex and Eros (4.36 degrees)

quinkunx Moon in Aqua in 2nd (0.09)
trine Jupiter in Pisces in 3rd ( 5.44)
trine Juno in Pisces in 3rd (0.00)
biquintile Neptune in Sag in 1st (1.00)
biquintile NN in Sag in 1st (0.47)

5th house
Venus in Capricorn in 1st
square pluto in Libra in 10th (2.57)
square MC in Libra (1.02)

quinkunx DESC in Gemini (0.57)
quintile Juno in Pisces in 3rd (1.03)

Mercury/Saturn (0.07)
Jupiter/Uranus (0.10)
Sun/Saturn (0.19)
Pluto/MC (0.58)

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posted July 09, 2014 07:11 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
the list for Mr Sag looks like this

2nd house:
Venus in Capricorn in 11th house
sesisquare Jupiter in Virgo in 6th (0.45)
sesisqure Mars in Virgo in 6th (0.10)
square Pluto in Libra in 7th (4.32)
biquintile NN in Virgo in 6th (0.32)
trine Saturn in Virgo in 7th (0.47)
trine DESC in Virgo (0.52)
semisquare Mercury in Sag in 9th (1.32)
sextile Uranus in Scorpio in 8th (2.31)
opposite Juno in Cancer in 5th (1.44)
trine Vertex in Virgo in 7th (2.23)
quintile Ceres in Aries in 1st (0.52)

Mercury/Jupiter 1.09)
Saturn/Uranus (0.52)
Mercury/Mars (0.41)
Uranus/Vertex (0.04)
Neptune/Node (0.00)
Moon/Pallas (0.34)

11th house
Saturn in Virgo in 7th
square Moon in Sag in 10th (1.55)
square Sun in SAg in 9th (0.15)
square MC in Sag (1.22)
sextile URanus in Scorpio in 8th (3.18)
conj DESC in Virgo (1.39)
quintile Mercury in Sag in 9th (0.40)
biquintile Vesta in Taurus in 1st (0.17)
conjunct Vertex in Virgo in 7th (1.39)
trine Venus in Cap in 11th (0.47)
sextile Juno in Cancer in 5th (0.57)

Uranus/JUno (1.11)
Pluto/Node (0.19)
ASC/Vx (0.02)
Sun/MC (0.49)
Sun/Moon (1.06)

Venus in CApricorn in 11th
look above. lol

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posted July 09, 2014 07:12 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
the list for Mr Sag looks like this

5th house
Moon in sag in 10th
conj. Sun in Sag in 9th (1.40)
conj. MC in Sag (0.33)
square SAturn in Virgo in 7th (1.55)
square Vertex in Virgo in 7th (0.20)
trine NN in Virgo in 6th (2.44)
square ASC in Pisces (3.35)
quinkunx Juno in Cancer in 5th (0.58)
trine Lilith in Leo in 6th (0.24)

Sun/MC (1.07)

Juno in Cancer in 5th
quinkunx sun in sag in 9th (0.41)
quinkunx Moon in Sag in 10th
sextile Saturn in Virgo in 7th (0.57)
quinmkunx MC in Sag (0.25)
opposite Venus in Cap in 11th (1.44)
sextile Vertex in Virgo in 7th (0.38)
semisquare Mars in Virgo in 6zth (1.33)
biquintile Neptune in Sag in 9th (1.12)

Pluto /Vesta (0.28)
Sun/Lilith (0.04)
MC/Lilith (0.30)
Moon/Lilith (0.47)


8th house

Pluto in Libra in 7th
square Venus in Cap in 11th (4.32)
trine Pallas in Aqua in 12th (2.56)

Mercury/Node (1.01)
Neptune/Pallas (1.00)
uranus in Scorpio in 8th

Uranus in Scorpio in 8th
sextile Saturn in Virgo in 7th (3.18)
trine ASC in PIsces (1.38)
sextile Venus in Cap in 11th (2.31)
square Pallas in Aqua in 12th (0.55)
quintile Mars in Virgo in 6th (0.18)
quintile Jupiter in Virgo in 6zth (1.15)

Sun/Pluto (0.46)

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Wild Horses

Posts: 533
Registered: Jul 2012

posted July 09, 2014 07:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Wild Horses     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Wild Horses

Posts: 533
Registered: Jul 2012

posted July 09, 2014 07:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Wild Horses     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted July 09, 2014 09:47 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think in one of these dreams I even killed him - very gruesome experience, I still remember how it feels if you can FEEL a heart stop beating and you are the reason.
Well I tried to kill him at least, he just wouldn´t STAY dead.

lol on the last sentence. have such powerful dreams, Ceri. Indeed you should write or paint or whatever, it seems like immense energy to me.

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posted July 09, 2014 10:21 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wonderful posts, Lotis

I especially liked the implications of unrequited/one-sided you highlighted, very interesting.

I'm thinking now that more combinations are possible.

For example, in my synastry, my "beloved" lol has his Sun (11th ruler) in my 2nd. But my Leo Moon (DSC ruler) is in his 11th. We do have a bunch of connections with the other love houses as well (all of them), but I'm thinking this aspect alone is a good mutuality aspect even in the absence of a 5th/8th connection (although, to be honest, they usually are there in a good romantic synastry)

Something else to be noted here: when we are on the "attracted" side, the planet will show us the nature of the attraction. For example, when our Pluto falls into someone's 2nd or 11th, we can become obsessed by them, with the 2nd perhaps desire to "own" him because the energy of the "possessions" house would be reflected on the planet (speaking from the perspective of romantic synastries, of course Pluto in someone's else house can mean a lot of other things, like bringing some major changes/endings into the other's house). I'm also thinking their 2nd house somehow "stirs" our Pluto, out of all our possible sides. As a reflection, we might perceive them as "Plutonian" and project us being attracted by their Pluto side. (like a Plutonian physical appearance for instance, being the 2nd, or Plutonian values)

When someone's Pluto falls into our 5th, we are attracted/magnetized by their Plutonian side, we can fall in love with it, feel a strong pull. Of course, there's always a potential receptive dance between planet-house in all instances (potential because if the synastry is not connective in other ways as well - aspects, mutuality, general compatibility etc. either the planet or the house remain immune or on the contrary, experience repulsion).

So in this little example with my synastry, his Sun is generally attracted to my 2nd house side, as you described it. His Sun being his 11th ruler ( a place for him to feel loved, cherished, admired etc.) I'm guessing his Sun in my 2nd (what I have to offer, as you put it), also makes him feel validated, worthy, appreciated, loved - being the Sun it's his overall personality, his "shining" side. Although happening in the 2nd, it already implies a nice mutual dance here.

It is completed by my Leo Moon in his 11th (and our Sun/Moon are also in aspect). I suppose it means, from a certain POV, I am attracted and I admire and love his emotional nature because I "emotionally" admire, love him, so there is some mirroring effect; and because my Moon is my DSC ruler, I perceive him as a great, if not ideal emotional partner - as a reflection of his house on my Moon - and the Moon is very receptive to houses it touches - (not to forget the 11th is also the house of hopes dreams and wishes so our "dream" partner is not necessarily in the 7th house, but it has something to do with our 11th as well) and he does the same, being his 11th house: he feels the adoration of my Moon and his emotional nature validated, my style of relating emotionally (DSC ruler) makes him feel loved and adored, but he may also perceive me as a "dream" emotional partner as well. So there's another point of potential mutuality here.
(Of course, here there is also a major Yin/Yang involved, being Sun and Moon)

So now the question raised is: yes, 1st, 2nd, 11th are the houses where our "fans" fall. What makes the difference between responding and not responding here?

As I was saying about the 11th house, someone falling there is also a potential "wish, dream, hope" of ours - 11th house - magical house of hopes and wishes, where higher aspirations and dreams come true. Well, this is the traditional meaning. Perhaps it's outdated? Or maybe it is our wish to be adored fulfilled here? That makes sense.

EDIT: And Lotis, could you highlight the difference for each planet falling into someone's 11th house? I'm a bit confused myself on this one, the 11th being a house of idealization hence blurry.

For example, my ex boyfriend had his Mars (9th ruler) and his Neptune (8th ruler) in my 11th. What would be your view on this? Ah, it's always like this for me, clouded vision on personal charts

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