Topic: Vedic Astrology Important Concepts
anekksadh Knowflake Posts: 170 From: Novorossiysk, Russia Registered: Dec 2011
posted March 20, 2016 07:01 AM
Hellounlike the other forum which i have been active on for many years i realized the members posting on this forum are more interested in discussing the concepts of vedic astrology and not just starting threads to ask about their life issues and problems, i see so much desperation on the other forum with people peppering the vedic section with questions about their mundane life and i see how worried/obsessive and anxious they are about the future and post questions on the vedic section as they hear that vedic astrology is more accurate than western, i know everyone has issues in lives and its natural for them to get worried, i enjoy studying both systems but i know deep down vedic astrology is much more precise and accurate i want to discuss the concept of argala which is mentioned by sage parashara in his iconic book - brihat parashara hora shastra argala means intervention its a concept which i learnt last year and i feel there are hardly any practitioners of vedic astrology which are aware of this beautiful simple concept which forms the basis of most of the vedic planetary yogas and theories and gives u a deeper understanding into ones chart so it goes like this every planet has the ability to influence/intervene in the matters of other houses even though it might not be connected to that house by way of aspect/rulership/conjunction etc 1. every house gets a dhana argala from the second house from it, dhana means wealth, the second house of a chart shows our resources- food/money/assets/wealth etc which feed the first house- that is the native if we eat well we are healthy but if we dont eat well or arent fed well we cannot sustain. for our well being, we need to be fed well 2. the 4th house from any house shows the happiness of that house and provides sukha argala( sukha- happiness) to that house, we see our happiness from the 4th house in the chart, we are happiest in our home, when we are children we are happiest with our mothers, u see so many children cry on the first day of kinder garden when they have to separate from their mothers 3.the 11th house from any house shows the satisfaction/fulfillment of desires of that house and provides labha argala to that house (labha means gains) the above 3 houses receive an obstruction from the 12th/10th and 3rd houses respectively this is also known as virodh argala ( obstruction intervention) lets consider the argala of second house of a chart along with the virodh argala of 12th house of the chart on the ascendant (first house ) more planets in a house increase its stength and argala or virodh argala so for example if u have 1 planet in the 2nd house and 3 planets in the 12th house, u can say for sure that the person will have the deficiency of those 3 planets in his diet, the one planet in the 2nd house will feed him and he will be used to eating that planetary food or taste, but the 3 planets in the 12th will not be consumed by him, either due to his negligence in his diet or health issues which will restrict him to eat those foods or it can also mean this person is too choosy about his food and puts to many restrictions on his diet and what goes into his mouth this situation also indicates more expenses(12th house ) than earnings (2nd house ) the opposite would be the case if 2nd house had 3 planets feeding the ascendant and the 12th house had 1 planet obstructing the 2nd house, more planets obstruct the house which have less planets, in the first case the obstruction was higher than the intervention, in the second case the intervention was higher than the obstruction equal planets in both house shows a bandhan ( confinement, locked up position ) which shows neither too much nor too little ) shows equal earnings and expenses 4th house shows happiness along with education in vedic astrology, we get our happiness when we are at home, the 10th house obstructs the intervention of 4th house by making us focus on career/business and being outside the comfort of your home, more planets in 10th house shows the person will be too involved in career to find true happiness, malefics in 4th house show unable to find emotional happiness in life and can become a bit cold the 10th house is the 4th from the 7th, benefics in 10th house show happiness from marriage, malefics on the other hand show difficulty and unable to find happiness in marriage, more planets in 4th house compared to 10th house can again indicate the same results what i mentioned above for the 7th house as i mentioned from the ascendant the 11th house is satisfaction and fulfillment of desires, the 3rd house obstructs this satisfaction and fulfillent of desires by creating more actions, 3rd house is the house of parakram- endeavour/initiative/prowess/courage/desire more planets in the 3rd house compared to 11th show the person is always wanting to try new actions, start new endeavours and have new desires and cannot find fulfillment of desire(11th house ) opposite is the case if 11th house has more planets than 3rd more planets in the 6th house compared to the 8th house shows more chances of breaking of marriage as the marriage (7th house ) is not being fed enough and is facing more obstruction in its feeding (8th house ) this is similar to the 2nd and 12th house from ascendant as i mentioned above this concept gets even more interesting when u start considering the natural significators of a house and using the concept of argala for example mars in the 7th house feeds the 6th house, mars is the natural significator of celibacy in the 6th house, mars in the 7th shows fights/aggression/violence in marriage which ends up feeding celibacy of the 6th house and can lead to end of marriage(6th house is 12th from 7th ) hitler had mars in aries in 7th house, he had eva braun as his girlfriend for around 15 years, he got married to her on 29 april 1945, he and his wife committed suicide by shooting themselves in the mouth and consuming poison the next day itself the signification of mars played out in his married life, in his case he had mars in own sign in 7th house which killed the partner and himself, but mars in other signs does not kill the partner if placed in the 7th house but does leads to fights/aggression there is more to this argala concept, but i thought it would be nice to mention this on this forum Anekk
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 201639 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 21, 2016 11:44 AM
Thanks!IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 201639 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 22, 2016 12:07 PM
You know your stuff!IP: Logged |
anekksadh Knowflake Posts: 170 From: Novorossiysk, Russia Registered: Dec 2011
posted April 01, 2016 04:42 AM
i wanted to talk about dashaswe are all aware of vimshottari dasha, the technique of timing events based on major planetary periods and also sub periods within each major period the vimshottari dasha is calculated based on the position of the moon in a particular nakshatra, the moon represents our mind, the bottom line is that all planets are considered living beings which have desire- iccha shakti, the power to desire we might desire a lot but not necessarily achieve our desires sage parashara in his iconic book brihat parashara horashastra has mentioned rashi dashas before the chapter on planetary dashas rashis are like the walls of your room, the background in space, the rashis are fixed, just like the walls in your room, you cannot remove the walls in your room or place them elsewhere, but u can remove the furniture resting against the walls, your television, your paintings, your sofa all these moveable things are represented by the planets, the planets move around but the signs remain where they are, so the dashas based on planets show our emotions/desires/expectations and reactions during that period on the other hand the rashi dashas which are calculated based on the rashis show what actually exists permanently and what will actually happen, it might sound a bit difficult to digest as i too discovered this concept last year, i have started studying rashi dashas also as they can show actual concrete events and the time period when they will ripen and then u can study them in connection with your planetary vimshottari dasha period i strongly feel not many people are aware of rashi dashas which are an integral part of the astrology teachings in various traditional lineages in india u can download the jagannath hora software created by pvr narasimha rao who is an a great student of astrology and also a software engineer living in boston and conducts vedic astrology lectures at SJC- shri jagannath centre, he has written books and articles and has rendered selfless service to the spread of traditional vedic astrology to astrology lovers around the world by proving free articles/softwares here is the link to download the software, it has options of nakshatra dashas( vimshottari) and also rashi dashas- narayana dasha also i would like to mention the rashi aspects moveable signs and planets within them aspect fixed signs except the one adjacent it, fixed signs and planets within them aspect moveable signs except the one adjacent to it, mutable signs and planets within them aspect each other when u are active and move around a lot u get tired and want to rest/sleep or sit down, thats symbolic of moveable signs aspecting fixed signs when u r done sleeping/resting or relaxing u want to get up and back in motion, that is symbolic of fixed signs aspecting moveable signs mutable signs are a balance between moveable and fixed and hence they aspect each other for example for aries ascendant with venus in it, it can indicate a desire of venus towards 7th house partnerships/marriage as venus aspects 7th house with its 7th aspect but since there is not rashi drishti between aries and libra the desire might not be fulfilled or the desire of a beautiful spouse might not be achieved as venus aspects 7th house only with graha drishti( planetary aspect) not rashi drishti ( sign aspect ), on the other hand venus in aries ascendant will give rashi drishti to leo/scorpio and aquarius, in such case there is rashi drishti of venus in aries to these 3 signs bringing out the significations associated with venus in aries in reality, but since venus does not have graha drishti on these points, the venus desire might not be there in those matters signified by leo(5th house), scorpio (8th house) and aquarius(11th house ) again - planets show the desire only, rashis show what exists already and fixity IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 201639 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 02, 2016 11:21 AM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 201639 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 03, 2016 02:21 PM
I like this title better.IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 03, 2016 02:47 PM
Wonderful thread...I need to catch up here later.Thanks for sharing your expertise!! IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 06, 2016 11:21 PM
I got lost (for the first time) at this part: quote: the above 3 houses receive an obstruction from the 12th/10th and 3rd houses respectively this is also known as virodh argala ( obstruction intervention)
Not familiar with the concept of obstruction. Please explain?
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anekksadh Knowflake Posts: 170 From: Novorossiysk, Russia Registered: Dec 2011
posted April 07, 2016 01:58 AM
lets take an example of the first house- ascendant-lagnathe 2nd house provides an intervention to the affairs of the 1st house by providing it food/resources/sustenance the 12th house from the ascendant obstructs this intervention of the 2nd house on the ascendant so the 2nd house and 12th house are fighting against each other or pulling the same rope, the side which has more planets has more power and the side which has less planets has less power similarly the 4th and 10th house from any house are fighting against each other to provide happiness and obstruct happiness to the affairs of that house, similarly the 11th and 3rd house from any house are fighting against each other in fulfilling the desires and creating more desires for the significations of that house so if the 12th house has more planets than the 2nd house, the significations of the 12th house will dominate on the ascendant ( the person ) and the 2nd house significations will weaken or not be able to feed the native with resources just like this u can see the intervention and obstruction of just about every house in the chart, just see the 2nd and 12th house from each house and observe try observing charts of people u have and see how i works, try applying what i mentioned in my post and would be glad to discuss this further or clear any doubts IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 07, 2016 09:18 PM
Thank you for that clear explanation.  I just looked for a free online Vedic chart. (Yes I am just getting started!) I have: Cancer ASC, 1H Cancer Saturn 4H Libra Rahu 5H Scorpio Venus 6H Sag sun 7H Cap Mercury 8H Aqua moon 9H Pisces Jupiter 10H Aries Ketu 11H Taurus Mars quote: similarly the 4th and 10th house from any house are fighting against each other to provide happiness and obstruct happiness to the affairs of that house
So the 4th house from my my 1st contains Mercury, the 10th from my first contains there a tug of war between Mercury and Mars, affecting Saturn? If so, which planet provides happiness and which obstructs? Thanks for your help. 
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anekksadh Knowflake Posts: 170 From: Novorossiysk, Russia Registered: Dec 2011
posted April 08, 2016 01:34 AM
First thing, in vedic charts when u count houses, u count inclusive of the house u start from, So when u count 10 houses from cancer it comes to aries, not Taurus Because this is the whole sign system we don’t count the way we count in western circular cuspal charts, In vedic charts one entire sign contains one entire house, u don’t have to worry about cusps and there is always one sign in 1 house, ( although cusps are used in some modern versions and concepts of vedic astrology but that’s not the traditional method and u don’t have to worry about cusps if u r studying the traditional method of vedic astrology ) Vedic astrology is more of a combinational approach rather than a degreecal approach, Your 4th/10th house containing rahu/ketu respectively is similar to the chart of the guru of my guru who’s example was given in the chapter on argala in his book, his name is sanjay rath 4th house shows happiness and also formal education in vedic astrology, because in olden days education was given to children at home, there were no schools in olden times, children would be taught by their parents/gurus at home, various spiritual / academic and physical training and learning With rahu in the 4th house of formal education, it shows some sort of education which was new /different from what your family tradition, maybe some technical education, can also show separation from home for education or having to study in a new environment, since the 10th house also has 1 planet- ketu, both rahu and ketu will influence your formal education and also your happiness When there are equal number of planets in the house of intervention (4th house in this case ) and the house of obstruction ( 10th house in this case ) then both houses influence equally , so your education will be equally influenced by rahu and ketu Ketu can indicate spiritual learning or education related to spirituality/alternative healing/medicine etc In sanjay rath’s chart, he has rahu in 4th, ketu in 10th He belonged to a traditional family in the village of Orissa on the eastern coast of india, he left home to study engineering and relocated to a new place in india , so that shows the influence of rahu ( technical studies in a new place away from home ) on the 4th house he was being taught the spiritual practices(ketu) by his guru and father since a young age in their traditional way of passing down knowledge from father to son or guru to son, the spiritual practices were also merged with astrology as both of them are not separate in the vedic tradition, they are merged with one another So his education was both rahu ( unconventional from his tradition and also technical engineering ) and also ketu ( spiritual practices and learning ) Both planets had equal influence on his education on him as the 4th and 10th house has equal number of planets Coming to the happiness signified by the 4th house, with rahu in the 4th, it adds worries to your mental state of mind(4th house ) and intervenes in your happiness, rahu can create psychological issues and anxiety/panic attacks/worries/paranoid/self esteem issues But with ketu in the 10th, shows that your career connected with ketu will bring peace ( ketu ) to your mind (4th house) Ketu in the 10th also shows you could have made a change in your career or let gone off your conventional career which others might have thought as u making a big mistake (ketu), you might have let go off a career to pursue something else which may not have been as financially rewarding but must have given you peace of mind(ketu), so that’s how the ketu also influences your happiness (4th house ) Rahu gives worries/obsessions Ketu gives tranquility and peace Sanjay rath gave up his comfortable government job in high levels of the ministry of india to pursue his astrological/spiritual studies in 2000, thereafter he has been teaching/spreading the knowledge of vedic astrology/spirituality/esoteric principles and the teachings from his lineage to people from all around the world, ketu signifies astrology in vedic philosophy Here is his website It may take a bit of time to digest this concept, but it’s one of the pillars in understanding vedic astrology, its an integral conceptAnekk
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Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 08, 2016 12:09 PM
Thank you very much, Annek.  quote: First thing, in vedic charts when u count houses, u count inclusive of the house u start from, So when u count 10 houses from cancer it comes to aries, not Taurus Because this is the whole sign system we don’t count the way we count in western circular cuspal charts
quote: Vedic astrology is more of a combinational approach rather than a degreecal approach,
 quote: With rahu in the 4th house of formal education, it shows some sort of education which was new /different from what your family tradition, maybe some technical education, can also show separation from home for education or having to study in a new environment, since the 10th house also has 1 planet- ketu, both rahu and ketu will influence your formal education and also your happiness When there are equal number of planets in the house of intervention (4th house in this case ) and the house of obstruction ( 10th house in this case ) then both houses influence equally , so your education will be equally influenced by rahu and ketu Ketu can indicate spiritual learning or education related to spirituality/alternative healing/medicine etc
1) Is it always fixed, so the 2H is Intervention, 12H obstruction; 4H intervention, 10H obstruction? 2) My education was different from my family's, yes. 3) "spiritual learning or education related to spirituality/alternative healing/medicine etc" TRUE 4) "Ketu in the 10th also shows you could have made a change in your career or let gone off your conventional career which others might have thought as u making a big mistake (ketu)" True again...basically I see how all of this applies. quote: Rahu gives worries/obsessions Ketu gives tranquility and peace
Makes sense to me. I just need to understand obstruction and intervention a little better. Please explain a bit more? Thank you for the link to Sanjay Rath's page, I'm enjoying browsing it. IP: Logged |
anekksadh Knowflake Posts: 170 From: Novorossiysk, Russia Registered: Dec 2011
posted April 08, 2016 01:22 PM
Yes this is the concept of argala ( intervention ) Every house has intervention of planets in the 2nd/4th/11th from it, this intervention faces an obstruction from the planets placed in the 12th/10th and 3rd houses respectively from the original house under consideration More planets increase the intervention or obstruction/ equal planets create a bandhan (confinement) or steady supply of both factors If planets involved are benefics, then the confinement is in a positive way, if malefic are involved, then the confinement is in a negative way It relates to the basic purpose of our existence, 2nd house of sustenance, 4th house of happiness and 11th house of fulfillment of desires, although all other houses have their own importance, each house needs these 3 aspects to be fully satisfied and be content and fulfill your desires to achieve the ultimate purpose of our existence, letting go off desires once u have had enough of them For example if we look at the 4th house, what feeds the home ? traditionally it is said children feed the home, when one has children it is said the house becomes lively, so the 5th house feeds the 4th house of home, ( although I myself am not keen on having children in future ) Whereas the 3rd house which is 12th from 4th tries to negate the happiness of the 4th house, 3rd house shows parakrama – courage/prowess and is the house of kama ( desire ) and initiative, 3rd house also rules neighbours and siblings, neighbours can negate our happiness at home and even our siblings can force us to share the happiness we get from our mother (4th house ) In many cases u see property disputes due to differences with siblings, property is 4th house, When u study vedic charts deeper this concept of intervention and obstruction makes u understand the chart so much better Infact the 2/4/11 houses are so important in their own way that there is a yoga called parijat yoga,( yoga basically means combination of planets producing a result , remember vedic astrology is all about planetary combinations) When there is an interaction of the lord of 2nd/4th and 11th houses either by conjunction or sign aspect, it results in parijat yoga, it is said such a person will get whatever he asks from heaven , this may sound quite strange but it basically means such a person has the midas touch and can be extremely successful in achieving his goals, bill gates has this yoga, parijat in hindu mythology was a tree which could give u just about everything, not sure exactly but it was a tree which had everything one needed Let me explain u this concept considering the 10th house of career, What feeds your career ? basically we all say the gains which fulfill our desires feeds our careers, we know we will earn X amount and so we pursue our careers, the 11th house feeds the 10th house, the gains and fulfillment of desires feeds the 10th house, whereas the 9th house of religion and philosophy negates the career, when people become too religious they can neglect their careers and not take their careers too seriously The 4th house from the 10th house is ascendant, so the ascendant should show us the happiness from our career, malefics in ascendant will show our career will not be a happy one or satisfying one, whereas benefics can show otherwise, The 11th house from the 10th shows the fulfillment of desires of the career, so that is why 8th house is the house of retirement in vedic astrology, once the desires of your career are fulfilled u retire, whereas the 3rd from the 10th is the 12th, so If the 12th house has more planets than the 8th house, that person will find it difficult to retire as he will go on taking more and more initiative in his career, his career/business will go on creating something new , 3rd house from any house shows the initiative/courage/prowess/vigour of that house I too am applying this theory and understanding it better by applying it to charts and seeing the results Is your moon in satabhisha nakshatra ? coz your moon is in aquarius and with over 16000 posts on astrology I assume your moon will be in satabhisha nakshatra which is ruled by rahu, plus the sign lord aquarius is co ruled by rahu, Anekk IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 09, 2016 10:56 AM
Thank you! I understand this! I just need to learn it so I don't forget. My Nakshatra is Pūrva Bhādrapadā. I need to do more reading here and may have more questions later. I really appreciate your help. IP: Logged |
anekksadh Knowflake Posts: 170 From: Novorossiysk, Russia Registered: Dec 2011
posted April 09, 2016 12:22 PM
sure, let me know if you have any questionsAnekk IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 11, 2016 11:54 AM
^ Thank you. I still need to research your post more. One comment: quote: coz your moon is in aquarius and with over 16000 posts on astrology
I was just watching KRS channel on my Nakshatra and he said we make good astrologers. @6:13 That made me feel good since I have always loved astrology.  IP: Logged |
anekksadh Knowflake Posts: 170 From: Novorossiysk, Russia Registered: Dec 2011
posted April 11, 2016 12:55 PM
quote: Originally posted by Faith: ^ Thank you. I still need to research your post more. One comment: I was just watching KRS channel on my Nakshatra and he said we make good astrologers. @6:13 That made me feel good since I have always loved astrology. 
aquarius rules the future and geometry, so its good for astrology, for purvabhadrapada the combination of nakshatra lord jupiter and sign lord rahu gives a good mix jupiter is considered the guru who possesses the pure/pious knowledge and wisdom and rahu is known to possess the demonic knowledge and unconventional knowledge together they create a good mix in purvashada nakshatra in the last 10 degrees of aquarius when i say demonic knowledge i dont mean such natives possess such knowledge but in todays world it indicates having knowledge which the people around u dont have- unconventional knowledge/foreign knowledge having a bit of both creates a hybrid which is even better than just having one type of knowledge, but have also seen good astrologers with satabhisha nakshatra moon, as this nakshatra is ruled by rahu and rahu is the most intelligent of all planets, rahu is supreme intelligence sanjay rath is satabhisha moon
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 201639 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 22, 2016 02:58 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 201639 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 01, 2016 01:51 PM
Jupiter sounds nice.IP: Logged |
sVirgo5 Knowflake Posts: 599 From: Washington Registered: Jun 2012
posted June 04, 2016 04:57 PM
Thanks! Wonderful information.Could you please have a thread for remedies for dosas(negative affects)? IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 201639 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 05, 2016 10:54 AM
Start one!IP: Logged |
sVirgo5 Knowflake Posts: 599 From: Washington Registered: Jun 2012
posted June 07, 2016 11:23 PM
Sometimes I mean something, I write something else. I was requesting anekksadh to start that thread. She is sharing get information. I google for remedies and I am not sure, if I am doing right.
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anekksadh Knowflake Posts: 170 From: Novorossiysk, Russia Registered: Dec 2011
posted June 08, 2016 12:18 PM
hii honestly do not have great knowledge on remedies, have read a lot but dont remember much so I would not be the best person to talk about vedic remedies, i am studying under a guru who knows a lot about remedies along with vedic astrology Anek IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 201639 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 09, 2016 10:39 AM
I hope you learn all about them someday.IP: Logged |
moonstruck87 Knowflake Posts: 2309 From: USA Registered: Mar 2011
posted July 11, 2016 11:10 PM
TY for your wisdom! IP: Logged | |