posted January 15, 2005 03:30 AM
Dear Randall, and knowflakes,I know this has been said many times by knowflakes who feel so much love for this place, BUT I will say it from mys-elf regardless
that I truly know what a wonderful place this is, and Randall's commitment through and through is very much noticed and appreciated.
I love this sanctuary with my whole heart and soul, it's hard to put my finger on it, but we all know it is special.
Out of ALL the BB's i've searched out, I can say for mys-elf this place is the only place where I've felt such love and warmth every-time I visit. This is the only place that CALLS me literally does.
You only need to look back into the history of Lindaland to notice how many of you have grown, how much wisdom and beauty each and everyone of you has received due to this place being in existence. That speaks entirely for its-elf.
We all have something to contribute to this place, all of us have in our own way. It may not be noticed by everyone all the time, but if it touches one soul then that is truly marvelous. Being reasonably new here, I've experienced lots of laughter, happiness, tears of compassion, tears of joy, as we all have had during our time here.
To be very honest, when I was looking for work in my chosen industry, my choice was determained whether or not I had internet access so I can visit here. I believed so hard that something would come my way where I had both the job I love and Lindaland. I just knew I would if I really wanted it so dearly, and it happened for me. I recieved exactly that. I sign in every morning, and I sign out every after noon. I can get both my career and spiritual upliftment daily.
I feel I am limited in words that I can't express everything I feel for this place and the knowflakes, It's an overwhelming joy. And Randall, I truly mean everything you have done in the Herstory of this place as not gone unoticed.
Sometimes, my visits to Lindaland are going through the old threads, and what a journey it has been for you!
I feel connected in a way, many times this place has had a play in my synchroncity moments. Many times, and Im sure you all have been there!
Lindaland will always BE, and I know she has an ever lasting force that will not be defeated. Lindaland is full of Love and Light, and thus being the purest form of energy cannot possibly be defeated.
Light, Love and Magic....Bless you all ! 
"And dreams, don't ever forget, are the first step in manifesting wishes into reality"-- Linda Goodman's Star Signs