Topic: How do people do it?!
virgotaurustaurus Knowflake Posts: 2248 From: at Milliways Registered: Oct 2004
posted June 15, 2005 10:42 PM
How do people spend years of their lives getting up in the early hours of the morning, and going to a job they don't really like/is below their skill level, and not falling into a massive depression? I have spent a week and a half in a data entry job that is well below my skill level and is EXTREMELY menial, and am already pretty bummed. However, in my case it IS temporary, I have 41 working days left as I will be returning to college, so I just try to keep telling myself it is a means to an end. I just watch everyone there and people just seem to trudge through the day with lots of coffee, but very little socializing and the building is so dark and I'm probably making myself sound spoiled job-wise but I'm not, I spent a year and a half previously in a similar data entry job. I know that some people love that stuff, but it seems like a lot of people just settle. I'm just wondering how they don't sink into these massive depressions over it like I do, I mean I literally wind up going insane and get really aggressive due to being stressed out that I'm not in a much better job (yet). Or maybe they do and I don't notice...41 days feels like an eternity! Especially since it's wearing me down doing monotonous typing of numbers and the enter key for 8 hours a day 5 days a week, and getting up at a time I'm not used to waking up at. Just how are people not running around screaming their heads off or quitting left and right at these jobs where I feel like doing both? *scratches head* IP: Logged |
geminstone Knowflake Posts: 365 From: Golden, CO Registered: Nov 2004
posted June 16, 2005 12:35 AM
... Prozac...IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Moderator Posts: 884 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted June 16, 2005 10:09 AM
My husband and I 'discuss' this frequently. I hate menial jobs, where very little satisfaction cvan be found, and when its found, its after a 'good' day, or a search. My husband says he would shovel shite if it paid well.. it's just a job after all. I think otherwise.. I need to derive mental and emotional happiness from my place of employment. I get depressed if its hard to find. I need pride of workmanship, I need emotional happiness.. I need to feel wanted and appreciated and confident. I need a labour of love. Or else all I talk about is leaving. And I even feel physically sick. I know you are a Virgo.. I don't know if this is part of the reason.... as my moon is in Capricorn, in Virgo's natural home, the sixth house.I only wish I actually had the self esteem and confidence necessary to put myself out there as I want to. I will start and then fall miserably before I FAIL miserably. One day. IP: Logged |
sue g Knowflake Posts: 1453 From: ireland Registered: Sep 2004
posted June 16, 2005 01:07 PM
Hi Virgo I did that bloody 9 to 5 thing, working in various offices, for over 20 years and it nearly killed me, When I met my present partner, who is an artist, he encouraged me to change paths, so I went back to college at age 30+ to train in aromatherapy, body massage and anatomy. I was in my element, I then went on to study, healing in general and have never looked back. I am such a free spirit and crap at working for others that I would rather have little money and be happy. Cos of what I believe in (magic,healing, positive thinking etc), I know I did the right thing, The money comes when needed (I burn a green candle when we are really broke, and visualise money dropping from the sky and cheques coming thro our door) and I know you may think me crazy - BUT IT WORKS. Fortunately I am married to a Virgo work mad guy - he is a graphic designer and loves his work - I feel he and I will always manage financially cos we are both doing what is right for us - thanks be to God, and of course we live in a very magical part of the out for them fairies lads, they are deadly - he he he xxxp.s. my dad used to say I needed locking up cos of what I believed in, but have noticed he aint been saying it lately............mmmmmm IP: Logged |
angel_of_hope Knowflake Posts: 607 From: Palmer, Alaska (the valley) Registered: Jul 2004
posted June 16, 2005 01:21 PM
I always wondered, and still do, why we *as americans* work so dang much. I mean we work, work, work to make money but have no time to spend it or enjoy life. My MIL and i were just talking about this last weekend. People werent kidding when they told me to slow down when i was younger cause the ride only gets faster. When i was over in France everyhting was so laid back and relaxed. Shops didnt open until late morning only to close for a 2 hour lunch and return to work only to close shop at 5pm. Money isnt as big of a deal to them as it is to us americans. Atleast the area i was in. I really ejoyed that atmosphere. i've always dreamed living in the past. Being a pilgrim of sorts living and surviving off the land. I know the work was hard then, but much more rewarding in my eyes. maybe i'm nuts. Or maybe its emotionaly related to a past life. Something i've carried over. My whole family (except me) was born in Wisconsin, everytime i go back there and we are drivin down the old country roads i can look at a farm house and see myself there. Literally, i can picture myself out there tending the crops, feeeding animals, milking cows, planting flowers ... enojoying the simple life i guess is my point. I too cant stand the menial jobs. I have a job in highschool, a student position at the USGS. An old man passed away who had been with USGS for YEARS. His office was packed to the cieling with boxes, mainly books. My task (which took about 3-4mos) was to catagorize, in the comp all his books. Boring, Boring, Boring and repeticious. I enoyed it at first, seeing all this guys work and study guide. But i can only handle the same menial thing over and over and over for so long. I tend to loose intrest fast in cases like that. But i know, as in you case VTT, that it would soon come to an end i would move on to the next job. OH boy and let me tell ya, there were many more like the one above to come. I had to enter reasearch data in the computer on Walrus' out at Walrus Island dating back ot 1973. Another long process. One other thing i did for a bit was digitizing. which also was tedious and repeticious. But i actually enojyed that more than other tasks i had previously done. Until another girl started helping out and began screwing things up, in which i had to go back and correct all her errors after they let her go. Basically starting all over. I need things that keep my intrest or are rewarding in a sense. VTT - Just know that you got 41 days and it will soon be over. You can survive this. Look toward the end and set your sights on getting there. You'll make it!! IP: Logged |
virgotaurustaurus Knowflake Posts: 2248 From: at Milliways Registered: Oct 2004
posted June 16, 2005 06:23 PM
LOL Geministone! That was my answer in my head Pixie!! I sound a lot like youuuuu. I need that satisfaction - that's the problem I'm having in my current job, there's no way to be satisifed with a day's worth of typing numbers all day long. Ugh! Yeah a lot of people tell me they'd do anything for work, I'm like, don't you feel like hell?! LOL. I need to feel wanted and appreciated at work bigtime, the reason I left my job last year was because I felt like I wasn't needed there. I do the same about leaving all the time, get physically ill - I get massive fatigue and headaches if I'm unhappy in work. Could be your moon! I have my Saturn in my 6th, which rules your 6th house Moon! Haha what a weird connection there sue g - i like your story! Especially since I have interest in all those subjects lol! I'd rather have little money and be happy too, I'm starting to realize if I'm not happy with work I'm not happy at all. Hey I have a green candle! I should try that. lol maybe your dad isn't saying anything about it because you've been successful in it, haha sucka! angel_of_hope - I wonder why us americans have to work so much too! And this is coming from a Virgo Sun haha! I know, it makes no sense to me either not having much time to enjoy our money. One of my friends went on a trip through Europe, saw how they work, and is still wanting to move there. If you're nuts for thinking about how you wish you could be a pilgrim, well I'm nuts too, I've thought of living on a commune or something where money isn't so huge a thing. Kind of back to the hunter-gatherer stuff. I've thought of becoming a farmer too haha! Ugh yeah, categorizing all those books, I'd lose interest too! I may be good at categorizing and data entry...but oh my god does my brain start screaming inside my head. My work history looks like yours! I had a temp job that was entering survey data, I edited tv listing descriptions for a year and a half...I actually miss working retail at a CD store these days! LOL I am seriously counting down those days...I am telling myself I'll never allow myself to work data entry ever again after this! And moving away to college is the big reward of getting through these 41 days. Hard to remember when Im' passing out at my desk LOL! IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 21979 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted June 17, 2005 01:10 PM
------------------ "There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." Lewis Carroll IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 21979 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted June 18, 2005 01:46 PM
People do what they have to in order to get by and pay the bills. ------------------ "There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." Lewis Carroll IP: Logged |
virgotaurustaurus Knowflake Posts: 2248 From: at Milliways Registered: Oct 2004
posted June 18, 2005 05:22 PM
Ah, so THOSE are the Prozac people...IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Moderator Posts: 884 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted June 19, 2005 05:56 PM
I know, I HATE that!I just want to pay the bills doing something that inspires me to pay more bills. I will be good and apply myself no matter what I do, it is a pride thing... BUt I want to do what I am truly good at.. what I was put here for, in a sense... what I always come back to for comfort when I have had a bad day at work. Then bad days at work will still exist, but they will be of a higher perspective. They will be blips instead of tragedies. IP: Logged |
monad Knowflake Posts: 304 From: new zealand Registered: Dec 2004
posted June 20, 2005 02:49 AM
You'd just waste the money anyway wouldn't you? What would you spend it on? Have a goal, then the work will seem easier. Even if your goal is to just have money thats fine. As Ive already said do what you like. Theres no point doing something you dont like. Chances are if you like doing something more than anyone else you will be really good at it. I tell you this because I remembered it today, you remember too and we will not forget. "I believe in me" -John Lennon from "the dream is over"
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Philbird Knowflake Posts: 2850 From: Here, there and everywhere. Registered: Jun 2004
posted June 20, 2005 10:56 AM
Job fairy here! Before I was married, I pretty much just fleeted along, job to job trying to find a fit. Before I went to college (art) I thought a career in art would give me the freedom to make money as I wished, and act anti social. Then I made a mistake. I choose graphic design instead of illustration or painting because I thought the money would be better, and it was! I realized being creative on a computer felt like a 9-5 job, pumping out as many CD covers as the company would throw at me. The faster and better I did, the more work they gave me! I believe now, that the creative aspect of myself may not be meant for painting or designing. I'm still trying to figure that out. I have been offered the opportunity to co lead a group at our local behavior health center, because I can come up with creative solutions in problem solving. I'm not sure I want to do this though. When I had my son, I felt a tremendous pressure to "get a real job." I did, and it made me sick, and I ended up with a divorce and the right to kill anyone I wanted because I was mentally unfit! Fighting who and what you are just may get you residence for a stint in a state mental hospitol for a few years! Now, eventhough I don't have the perfect job as far as career goals, I do have a lot of freedom and time for myself. It might even be better than having a special skill. I'm almost in aw of folks who can do 9-5 and seem as though they are happy! (you also notice when they aren't!) Maybe looking should be the actual job!
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 21979 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted June 21, 2005 01:02 PM
------------------ "There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." Lewis Carroll IP: Logged |
Planet_Soul Knowflake Posts: 92 From: Registered: May 2005
posted June 21, 2005 07:17 PM
Pixie, do you play with your band for a living? I remember you're a musician, what style of music does your band play? I don't know too much about the music scene, but thats cool that you're able to do what you love. I admire people who if not working on their dream job, still do have a dream and go for it. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 21979 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted June 22, 2005 12:50 PM
------------------ "There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." Lewis Carroll IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Moderator Posts: 884 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted June 26, 2005 01:16 PM
Thank you for asking. No, I do not play with them for a living.... I do it as supplemental spending money ( which is very small, really) but mostly because I have been singing/writing all my life, and we got together last August. It was something that I needed to experience. My Leo rising makes me sort of a stage monger. Once I am there, People want to see me. ( At least I willm aintain that) the more confortble I get ( I am never really nervous though) The better I get, and the more show I put on. We play classic rock mostly... Just started on Space Oddity. HEE HEE!IP: Logged |
Saturn's Child Knowflake Posts: 615 From: Just left of center Registered: May 2004
posted June 26, 2005 02:58 PM
It's called quiet desperation. Most people ( I think there are some/a few that are really content with it) who are in the 9-5 daily drudge live for the week-end and/or payday for some kind of justification for what they do mon-fri. quote: Most men lead lives of quiet desperation. Henry David Thoreau
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Saturn's Child Knowflake Posts: 615 From: Just left of center Registered: May 2004
posted June 26, 2005 03:00 PM
quote: Follow your bliss Richard Bach
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Imaiden76 Knowflake Posts: 113 From: NY Registered: Feb 2002
posted June 27, 2005 08:09 AM
HA!It is fate I have stumbled upon this this morning! I just quit my job. After 14 years of driving mys-elf insane and literally sick! I went in at 5 am,(after a weeks vacation in sin city that ironically my job paid for) ,so I went in, freaked out, and just left. I have car payments,rent,financial things,and I just left,with out a care in the world. I have never felt so relieved in all my life. I'm not saying to go and quit sweetie.Hang in there. But do what your love,and don't waste 14 years of your life in a job servicing others,without servicing yours-elf as well. Take care sweets,were with you! rocks! IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 21979 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted June 28, 2005 01:29 PM
------------------ "There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." Lewis Carroll IP: Logged |
Imaiden76 Knowflake Posts: 113 From: NY Registered: Feb 2002
posted June 28, 2005 02:29 PM
If you want to view paradise,simply look around and view it. Anything you want to, do it. Want to change the world. There's nothing to it. "Willie Wonka" IP: Logged |
virgotaurustaurus Knowflake Posts: 2248 From: at Milliways Registered: Oct 2004
posted June 28, 2005 08:10 PM
lol I swear I haven't forgotten this thread. I've just been working away! I now have 28 working days left. PHEW. pixie i relate to you so much with work. And I know what you mean by bad days being blips instead of tragedies, haha every day at my current job is a tragedy! Philbird! Your comment about fighting who and what you are might get you residence for a stint in a mental hospital...I have been very close! I go nuts in the wrong job, no joke! LOL looking should be my actual job right now. Randall, I love your strategically placed hearts, they make me happy! Saturn's child - i think you are right, after listening to the conversations at work all week - it's, "what are you doing this weekend?" it makes me sad! I like the quotes you posted Imaiden - I've quit jobs in that fashion! Oh my god the RELIEF. LOL! I'm gonna try hanging in for 28 more days I have to stay out of the service jobs though...they make me postal! hell yeah for the virgos! And Willy Wonka...omg, one of my faves. Can't wait for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! 28 days left...reminds me of that movie, 28 Days Later with the virus haha! Or the countdown of Donnie Darko... IP: Logged |
Planet_Soul Knowflake Posts: 92 From: Registered: May 2005
posted June 28, 2005 08:41 PM
VTT you are so lucky you only have a short time left in your job. I wish I could say the same thing. I hate working retail and getting crapped upon on an almost daily basis, I swear I'm like the customer's verbal punching bag. Thanks to this job, I've seen people doing some crappy things... LOL I now have a cynical view of mankind. I wish I could quit, but the schedule fits around my school schedule with flexibility. Its *** for tat, I must finish school to avoid being in this corporate hell hole for the rest of my life like so many other unfortunate souls lol. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 21979 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted June 29, 2005 08:50 AM
Thanks, VTT. ------------------ "There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." Lewis Carroll IP: Logged |
Philbird Knowflake Posts: 2850 From: Here, there and everywhere. Registered: Jun 2004
posted July 06, 2005 10:18 AM
VTT, what's up?IP: Logged | |