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Author Topic:   Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others

Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted June 19, 2018 01:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Asteroid Astrology
USA Sibly Chart #1



The Letter of the Law, kills …
- 'two corinthians' .. *smile*

Use of Romans 13??? (govt ref and citation??)
This is an example of the twist and misuse of scriptures by unlearned persons, for the purpose of misleading and manipulation.
- on/2018/06/18/jeff-sessions-zero-tolerance-separating-families-romans-13-bible-column/709762002/

Background ….

If you've seen some of my past years' posts, then, you already know that in the late 1980s/90s I attended a certificate/diploma program with a 2-year Pentecostal religious school, studying 1st-year foundational theology (on a track towards ministry at the completion of the 2nd-year).
{interrupted.. I was in the last graduating class (after completing one year) as they closed this college-level program.}

So. There was a second-year level course offered on "Mass Crusade Evangelism."
.. This course taught the basics of how to set up your own event. Every aspect was covered -- from blueprints with instruction on building the platform/stage, to paperwork and strategies for dealing with foreign nation protocols, etc.
.. I was lucky/blessed to have taken this course designed for already-established ministry couples and teams.
{aside-- Almost went to Uganda, and to Nigeria, on evangelical missions trips-- but the trips were canceled due to political unrest during those times.}

The reason I mentioned all this, is that it was shared in these circles, that evangelists during the 1900s had found a way to 'gain favor' with dictatorial governments, if the proposing minister cited the scriptures in the bible showing that their ministry was enforcing "obedience" to government and its authority and leadership.
.. Taken out of 'original' historical context, and highlighted and reframed for authoritarian dictators, they found they had discovered the KEY to opening locked doors. God orders their subjects to be obedient-- including subjugation and silencing of women; and ancient historically-oriented scripture quotes condoned slavery -- for nations that still practiced these.
{Those are the stories, in my recollection of them.}

USA Asteroids and transits

transiting Jupiter Scorpio 14+ rx
transiting Neptune Pisces 16+ sr
transiting Pluto Capricorn 20+ rx

USA placement
3926 Ramirez Scorpio 14.19
1193 Africa Scorpio 14.20
10806 Mexico Scorpio 10.48 H11-libra

4580 Child Pisces 10.24 sr H(3)aquarius
1 Ceres Pisces 8.41

353222 2009 YD7 Capricorn 20.30 H2

(I did not do an exhaustive delineation of other asteroids at this time, for a shorter post.)
3926, 1193, 10806, 4580, 1, 353222

RE 3926 Ramirez
excerpted from another LL post I did on asteroid Ramirez, after researching MarkAndrewHolmes' thoughts.
I've observed this asteroid's significance in placement, and transits, in charts and during social events in media news.
I found that
3926 Ramirez can have a connection to immigrants and migrant-workers (of ALL races, etc);
pertaining also to persons who are temporarily taking-up residence in a place, for short or extended stay, (i.e. cabins, tents; land);
over a longer span of time, person making occupancy as a temporary measure (i.e. they are not the 'owners or proprietors' of the space being used).
Can be seen signifying stays at temporary or semi-permanent lodgings, hotels, shelters, (or to significate those places themselves), as well as need for couch-SURFing.
In these kinds of places, there is not exactly an 'invading' (ref MAH), as much as that there is 'the presence' there of someone-else on property where the individual is not the owner.
This can involve the pre-condition wait-time necessary to gain 'permission' or permit.
e.g. prior to occupancy in buying your own home, land; rental units.
e.g. also, situation/condition of (still) residing with parents after person is over the age of 18.
Displaced persons.
& ----
"Asteroid Ramirez's astrological signification — victimization, "entering" the space or home of another for a legitimate reason or invading it without legitimacy — seems to come from this."

RE 353222 2009 YD7
"(353222) 2009 YD7 is related with organization and search of solutions for the refugees groups (groups of different origin or culture that moved because of grown ups). (353222) 2009 YD7 is particularly skilled in carry out operations in fact."
ref Amable

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Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted June 19, 2018 10:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

(music) Heal The World (Michael Jackson) [6:22]

(music) Earth Song (Frank Ticheli, Michael Jackson) [6:44]

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 20, 2018 10:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow, your "Blog" just turned 100 pages!

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Posts: 15192
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Registered: May 2012

posted June 20, 2018 03:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow. You're right. I know I attract High Quality readers here. I get to say things, in deeper ways, that would not fit in the other forums. I 'do' have a readership here.. they don't always identify who they are. Here at LL, in other forums, sometimes they communicate that they read this thread, and like my work.

For these, I love you, and hug you dearly!
*heart, hug*

Others come here to 'get ideas' for themselves, to implement in their own ways.

WE Make A Difference! *thumbsup*

I love relating and communicating with others through my writings, my postings... for which I feel a sense of Purpose, and am Grateful for the opportunity to have a Platform for Speaking what is on my Heart, and IN my soul.

We've been here (on this thread) a long time, indeed! .. Hugs again!, to all (those brave and Good souls) who have been following along.

We're doing this Thing, 'together" !! haha


My God! .. What a day. I feel such an intensity, a focus, and I don't understand it in a conscious way.

There's a part of my soul that is in an existential yaw!

I do the things I do.
I enjoy my volunteer job.
I truly truly LOVE doing my posts here.

Metaphorically …..
I am breathing and gulping and eating virtual thick spiritual air. My mind and spirit hear things, and it coalesces and forms meanings that are deeper, and firmer; they meet in a same-spirit liquid with gauges and thought-forms that combine to make forms.. like the temperature balls in a Galileo Tube. Viscosity of Etheric Fluids.

Things... drawing together, all thoughts like brush-strokes on canvases that are actually SAYING the same multi-'Thing'.

And it takes an ability to know and listen to your own self, WHILE hearing another person's knowings-- and if we ALL can 'be' our own self, AND Hear what the Other has to say...… my God my God my God.

About maybe a month ago, I heard an astrologer describe (metaphorically) that we take-off on an airplane from one coast, and travel over the ocean to arrive on land on another continent, enduring hours in the air. (I'm paraphrasing, and, getting further meta-poetic in my own speech? *smile*)

He said, We don't have control of the plane once we've embarked, and it takes off. We only have ~some controls inside the cabin during the flight

… We are all in-this traveling tube. It's a commitment.

Because of the feeling and gnaw that I WANTED 'something' something something unknown and unidentifiable inside me, last night I decided to attend that Lutheran bible study group this morning with all those very elderly persons again. I went to steep in something spiritual.

But... as it went on, I want something DEEPER. I think I'm the youngest person there.
~heh. At 63, to these, I'm just a whippersnapper??

Anyways, the very very elderly staid main pastor who leads the group, was on vacation.

His much-younger colleague, his youth-pastor,
came to the group to be our leader today.
I made a good connection with him spiritually.
He was OPEN to my thoughts, to my delving deeper and more-complexly into the things he presented.
I made SURE that 'he' was fed, also... That he heard his own thoughts reflected, and validated, and enhanced in an overarching way!
.. I don't leave people who give, without them knowing that their Words did not go unheard, or to the wayside.
Everything Matters. If you are speaking the Truth, it will be Amen and So Be It.
I have DEEP respect for those who Teach and Break down things of the Spirit, and those that still Seek and Go for Higher Ground.

You know..... I really-honestly "TRY" to be "good"? LOL

But I am JUST on a level of frustration-HUNGRY. I want to know MORE. I want to do and go DEEPER.

I feel spiritually starved/deprived for discussions (with others) that go further and farther than just the rote 'accepted' predictable chatter and pattern; beyond the status-quo ritualistic thinking, making porous the rectangular known-and-comfortable box, loosening the staid-boundary.. The walls that no one wants to penetrate beckons us to stretch-- to clarify our Visions.

It's NOT my intention there, at all, to not-fit, to 'be different'.... or to purposefully disrupt or ruffle their norms.

I'm spiritually longing for MORE.

I feel spiritually-relationship hungry and deprived. I feel spiritually starved by the status-quo churches. By protocols, by philosophies. I want to 'be' with people who are hungry and 'who they are', and within, Connect Everything.

There HAS to be the meeting of The Real with Spirit.... I need to be among people who are mature, and NOT Afraid to 'think' and adjust symbolics WHILE sitting in the sandbox.

There are heavenly THINGS to be tasted, and digested, for Food … and maybe FROM all that, to find What Matters, and WHAT/WHICH things can be Applied to further the Understanding of what Humanity needs to be Healthy in every way.

This is a post I did in astrology forum earlier... right after I came back from my study group.

by Polkadotstars,
on having guessed astrology correctly

There are *the usual* distractions going on in my environment right now. Please excuse if I'm being to short or hurrying through the post with short-cut phrases, sentences?

I had wanted to 'capture' some of the thoughts that very much related to the image of the trans-ocean airplane... and combine it with something the youth pastor gave.

They fit so perfectly...

Relates the story behind the reason behind the lyrics to the song Amazing Grace....

It's a story of the man's biographical story, having been involved with the 'taking' and shipping-out of slaves from Africa to be brought to the New World.

On the ship ...
The employees were squeezing them tightly like spoons, all shackled, crossing the Atlantic Ocean at the bottom of a boat like commerce-items, to be 'sold'...

How the future lyricist had been a willing participant on this ship. An employee crossing the seas with this 'cargo' of slaves, and sugar, and later to cross back home with molasses..

He came to a point in himself where he started to SEE these bodies all bunched together, not as slaves and commodity, but as 'People'-- how he 'realized' these people on the 'common-ship' were "sentient human beings".

His conscience, his Soul began to 'feel' the weight of the "sin" that he was now helplessly complicit and being PAID to support and continue on this trajectory … that he knew was for the sake of 'money' and business, and making profits-- at the expense of other human beings.

What profits a man-- that he gains the whole world, and loses his soul?

{lyrics... amazing grace … (loosely) ..
I was blind <to the sin of the slavery and mistreatment of other humans>, and now I see... with the eyes of my conscience and Heart. *bheart*}

LOVE covers the multitude of transgressions we are completely~blind to, as a society. We participate in these things in life, performing every day, as though it were normal.

Sometimes it's hard to see and judge what is true?...

We have really NO idea who we hurt or help, *without knowing or realizing*, and the REAL-life consequences-- each and every day of our living-breathing-waking and walking life.

ALL is intricately delicately inter-related and connected.

Yes. We are intertwined together on this box-car Earth, on a trajectory on this train of Life.

It can be tremendously hard or even near-impossible to Change our Perspectives as a Society, which-Change leads to Right action, when realizing things have gone down a less-desirable and wrong track.

It takes Courage. It takes TRUE LEADERSHIP, a people who are not-Afraid to make course-corrections for the GOOD of All sentient humans.

It takes an Awakening of the Conscience of Humanity---
It takes The Leadership of the Godly to make the choice to embrace the Higher Ideals, to embrace 'people' --- embrace the souls lining this Common-Boat, This Common-Airship through Space, for the establishing of the Humanitarian age of 'Aquarius'... building (Capricorn) Aquarian communities of Care (Cancer).

Symbolically, the figure of a Human-Man holding the water-filled Potter's Vessel, pouring Compassion....

In order to 'Build' a Good and Caring World.

The Moon today is in Libra (natural 7th house is Libra) … aligned to make a trine to Mars and the South Node in Aquarius.

We need Jupiterian Hearts, in the Right-Leadership of higher-vibration Leo, to align with the 'doing' of Mars in Aquarius.

We are in a Challenge right now...
Factions in Society's people 'squaring' the interests of sentient people?

Stay Hopeful, and Stay in Love

(music) Age of Aquarius, Let the Sunshine (The Fifth Dimension, 1969) [3:50]

{new page, looking forward to receiving direct communications, as God stirs. *Heart* ty}

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Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted June 20, 2018 06:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Some people have no idea how much I Value and prize their careful advice.

(music) Tossed Salads and Scrambled Eggs (Lisa Sanchez, Jon Eriksen Quartet) [4:32]

May your Souls stay constantly recharging and renewing.

Stay Covered, Stay Protected ……….

Be free from every molestation of mind, heart, and dwelling.

May your Ideas and Projects be Brilliant!

Stay the course ….
(music) Step by Step (Whitney Houston) [4:11]

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Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted June 21, 2018 09:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Happy Solstice

(music) Sheep May Safely Graze (J.S. Bach, string quartet) [4:51]

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 22, 2018 03:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yep, this thread gets lots of traffic. You have many lurkers who care for you,

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Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted June 23, 2018 01:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ ….

Been adding to an asteroid thread.
Lots of asteroid connections with musical inspirations.

Asteroid Astrology Forum
Topic- MUSA

{reminder to randall--
it's LL iQ's solar-return tomorrow.
Sun is 3.13 Cancer.}

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 24, 2018 07:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 25, 2018 01:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mirage29:
^ ….

Been adding to an asteroid thread.
Lots of asteroid connections with musical inspirations.

Asteroid Astrology Forum
Topic- MUSA

{reminder to randall--
it's LL iQ's solar-return tomorrow.
Sun is 3.13 Cancer.}

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 26, 2018 06:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
IQ is my friend on Facebook.

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 30, 2018 11:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hope it was a great one, iQ!

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Posts: 15192
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Registered: May 2012

posted July 02, 2018 02:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Happy Birthday, Canada! (July 1)

All four of my grandparents were born there.
You are part of my heritage.
I've got your DNA in my Bones!

(music) Canada National Anthem "O Canada" (Bilingual, w/Lyrics) [1:22]


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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 02, 2018 04:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Happy Birthday, eh?

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Posts: 15192
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posted July 03, 2018 11:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ LOL. eh.. I got your 'idear'?

I'm on my way to my volunteer job today.

There was a story from last week that kept haunting me.

How a man who was married to a wife for over 30 years, suddenly decides he wants to 'chase a young skirt' and dumps (divorces) the one who had devoted over-half of her life serving him.

(I've been praying for that woman all week!)

At the age of 39 years old, I FIRST was introduced to the whole notion and concept that a woman, dignified-like, needs to have HER OWN protective financial-net for her future. Even before she would ever consider a partnership or marriage.

That notion happened while I was friends (and giving what amounted to good liberating business-advice) with an older Scorpio woman-- who happened to be married to a Scorpio husband with a set of wandering eyes and male-part! LOL

She had a daughter she was raising. She and her daughter were exploring real estate options together. Her OWN mother had taught my Scorpio friend that a woman must always have her own private safety-net. Her own wealth.

In later years, I found out that my Scorpio friend's Scorpio husband started an affair with a musical band partner, and dumped her in pursuit of this 'younger' flesh.

So, this morning again... as I look back over my life, 'that imprint and download necessary FOR financial security' was the critical MISSING Piece in my early formative years as a developing female.

My mother and dad poured value into their sons. I had very natural money talents, and ambitions, which instinct of owning and reward was squashed right-early, as young as age 6 or 7 … {I won't repeat the 'Ring Ding' story mentioned in earlier posts.}

This 'timing' is significant to my Chiron Aquarius 5+ in the 2nd House Capricorn 15+. My 8th House has Jupiter's Wealth and loads of Uranian 'Idears' (laughing.. 'Ideas') that develop other people's Talents (an asteroid there) (some, even without them even noticing).

but I was cut-to-the-quit as far as receiving a valuable (energetic imprint) download that I was 'worth' MY share.

Thwarted haha, in the cruelest ways.

Girls, and Women, are Valuable.
They have WORTH.

Today, I Honor all those who have poured into their daughters that she is Worthy of being Given to--
for having Taught Her the Value of having her own Wealth.

And Wealth is not just financial, but that she must also have a wealth of Character, dignity and sense of Nobility-- 'just for Her being her.'

(music) God Bless The Child (Billie Holiday) [4:00]

Spiritual Wealth, Beauty, and Good Character

(music) Charm is Deceitful (Kim Hill, based on Proverbs 31, lyrics) [2:18]

Prayers for the financial-safety and recovery, for other women within the same "generational" societal values.

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 03, 2018 11:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 04, 2018 02:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted July 04, 2018 10:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

USA Independence Day

USA Sibly Chart #1

(music) United States of America's National Anthem (instrumental, with lyrics) [2:01]

Eagles, Jupiter in Scorpio.

(music) America, The Beautiful (performed by the US Navy Band and Sea Chanters) [3:38]

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Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted July 05, 2018 12:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Had an interesting and enjoyable day at my v-job last Tuesday.

I think the three of us who were there were feeling insecure about our computer abilities?

With the Gemini/MoonCappy, SHE programs, wrote the Code, for the intake info we use that help assess what the caller-community needs are, so that we can solicit funding in the future.

She's not only a Sun Gemmy, but has her Asc and a stellium there. With her Moon, she is definitely an valuable learned Organizer.
I would give her the award for MVP there!

Our other coworker is the beautiful (inside and out) H6 Sun Scorpio, with Sag Moon. From some surprising turn of events last Friday, she may be about to be promoted, and permanently hired?
… Jupiter is near her Sun 11+, and turning around ON her Descendant heading back into her H7. Pluto is ON her MC and backing into her H9 again. {This is so perfect for what seems in an unplanned way, to be unfolding for her career and future?.. We'll see. *Heart*}

Anyways, so, the Scorpio is much younger than we two Gemmies are. She, with ease, can use her cellphone in tandem with the computer systems in the office, swiping screens from one category to link it with a different one. The Gemmy who writes Code is intimated, as was I! The Scorpio didn't know 'how' to do a certain thing-- the Gemmy helped. I was impressed. Then the Scorpio reminded ME that I helped HER with a problem she was having with cells on her Excel spreadsheet-- trying to help me not disregard my value.

So, the three of us were there, so humbled by each other-- thinking that the 'other' knew so much more.

This ended up being a "collaboration" of knowledge. Each ADDING to the other's ability to do work.

I had had a problem using my cellphone to call-in to them earlier, to tell them I was delayed. Had to hang up without reaching anyone. I felt so stupid?
.. At the end of my time period, I asked my Gemmy to teach me--
I pulled out my phone. Showed her how my cell can CALL a number, but when the phone tree asks me to select an extension, there is NO keyboard available on the phone-face to dial one?

She said that this is the limitation of my 'cellphone'. Some styles can't do extensions. … So! I felt much better!! haha. 'It wasn't me'! *grin*

Story ...
The reason I had had to 'call in' on my cell, was that I was stranded on the side of a highway, and would be late coming in-- or, not making it in at all.

Rm had offered to drive me into work. Thanking him, I accepted. I watched the time go by, where I should have been on a bus... No problem. He said he was driving me.

I started getting a tiny bit frustrated with him. He was procrastinating getting ready.

I am a 'stickler' for arriving places ON-Time (and well-before the required time). After accepting a ride from him, I hope that he will be mindful of MY time?

Now, he was running incredibly late. I saw that I would arrive maybe a few minutes late. … But that's okay-- because *I* had accepted the agreement for his ride, and, I had to go by HIS readiness.

So I had been having a strange and clear sense in me. I had a clear-calm kind of ticklish-urgency about something else-- disconnected from me.

My 'sense' of mind and attention kept going towards a visual of his tires. I was going in and out of our door.

* I asked him if he knew whether his tire-pressures were okay?
* I asked if he had a can of fix-a-flat in the trunk in case of one?
* I asked him if he had 'Road Assistance' insurance? …

.. He remained in a low-grade irritation, and slowness. He chose to keep ignoring me.

So, he was finally ready.

I knew we were already now 'late'... And I said that it would be okay... To just please drive gently? I didn't care about arriving late, I wanted a nice slow ride in.
.. He tends to drive very aggressively, and seemingly on-top-of the bumper of the car ahead of us, even at highway speeds.

I am 'old school' about safety-driving distance between the car in front and self. I also drive with my mind (and intuitive whiskers) way ahead, at least a car AHEAD if not 2 or 3 ahead of those. My side-vision on hyper-sense to movement. I can 'anticipate' traffic even before my mind fully consciously acknowledges...

The moving traffic was INSANE! …

People don't regard bumper distances anymore. They speed at 60+ MPH, with bumper to bumper distance that looks like we're part of a virtual NASCAR race. The "chances" people TAKE now, with their LIVES...???? So surreal!!!

No wonder the government will want to require that future cars are 'controlled' via satellites?

People don't drive safely anymore?!
They drive like they are part of a virtual dream???

So anyways. Back to the story...
SUDDENLY there looked like a steering-flick in the driving of the car, ahead of the car, ahead. The car ahead had to have been dangerously driving only a few yards behind them. Then, because rm himself was sooo close to that person's bumper in front of us, we ran-over a huge piece of debris (looked like a solar panel?) that had fallen off the truck only a few cars ahead of *them*.

The clunk happened, as we ran over the panel.

Suddenly, rm's dashboard registered the tire-pressure of rear driver side was "0" PSI… the car began a rump. I said we 'really' should pull over??? (Rm, still in denial??) ..

We had to immediately pull-over on the side of the highway on a concrete overpass that didn't have a lot of room on the shoulder.

As cars rushed by, I could feel our car move. There was no way to 'get out'.

Highway police officer stopped behind us. Flashing lights. He came to the window to make sure we were okay, then moved on.

We sat there for over an hour....
We were waiting for a tow-company to come. Was going to be a 75 minute wait.

Before the 75 minutes was up, a Road Ranger came by, assessed our problem, and changed simply changed the tire.

Rm hadn't even known IF he had a spare (in his new car). He did. On-Star service was able to tell him that his model of car did, AND, that this tire had 'adequate pressure' in it too.

That's where my little cellphone couldn't make a full connection to my work to tell them 'why' I was late.

After we had sat there a while....
I was thinking WOW!!!

This "could" have become an accident, with loss-of-life or severe injuries, for a cluster of cars involved!!

I was soooo grateful, and thanked God and Guardian Angels for keeping us safe.

I was also grateful that our state had a Road Ranger service program (paid for by taxpayers) that provide help to distressed cars on the main highways.

There was NO room for us to change a tire safely. Their trucks had a huge caution-sign with lights, a marquis, that motioned cars out of the right-lane of traffic, so that one of their workers could change our tire more safely.

Good Performed …. I Road Rangers.

Thanking God for Travel Mercies,
and Safety-Cover, over All.

(music) Under His Wings (Mark Baldwin, Psalm 91) [4:01]

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted July 06, 2018 10:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted July 06, 2018 03:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I do my best work as a person, when I am a member of a Team. Looking over my life, and remembering comments, I can draw together more of what I'm good at.

Sorry for all the "I" statements?
The home here is full of *SONIC* kryptonite to my nerve-system.
I am IN ACTUAL BODY PAIN here and agonize every single day of my life.
I have constant headaches, which I've learned to ignore much-of.

I am not here as some might suppose 'lazing' on the couch, enjoying the bonbons in life, floating in comfort.

I am in pain, every single day.
I NEED a GOOD and Happy "home" .. not just place?
I enjoy my privacy. I respect other people's privacy needs.
And, I love to interact with people in a more-positive and Kind atmosphere.

I feel at the top of my ability to withstand this place now.
It's almost like 'physical-training'??? I've heard of eastern-religion monks that practice regulating extremes to their body. I've been feeling like I'm doing that here? LOL.

I have to keep monitoring my physical to the emotional self.
I cannot afford to have one slip-up that goes too far 'off the rail' of emotions to the real PAIN I feel.
I constantly MUST keep self balanced. And … this apartment has been SUPER bad for me. Every day, every day.

There was a span of 4 days where the 'offending' neighbors were vacationing and NOT home. This was like MY vacation, too, except, I felt 'sick' from the residual effects redounding inside.

I saw that my body BEGAN to rehabilitate itself. The more-major part of my day in needling-pain was OVER. The headaches began to go down. Hallelujah?. This is 'constant' here... Maybe there is only 4 hours of the place not-shaking. I feel as though I am on a moving freight-train, all the time. Been feeling a bit like I have motion-sickness??? (nausea increased recently).. ~~ugh!! LOL/not-kidding either.

I am using 'metaphorical' speech to illustrate.

In my older sports days, I preferred Team sports, not solo-sports.
My strength was that I was psychologically feared and respected as an aggressive DEFENSE-team member.

Played JV, FullBack on the field hockey team.
My eye was on that ball... anticipating.
I had everyone's back just-in-case!! I liked that.

That seemed to follow the pattern of my life, too.

On the softball team, I played a hell-of-a good Short-Stop.
Felt extremely uneasy being 'in the spotlight' at-bat.
Performance-anxiety issues??? *grin*

(I have not been active in actual-sports for decades.)
I need to increase Fitness, for sure??? LOL

Recently, a remote friend of mine who knew me from early-days, sent an email that said, Hey, "Do you want to get back into acting?"

It was like my WHOLE SELF lurched-forward and leapt-up.
After reading the note they wrote, captured by their cellphone and sent to me, I did a deep computer research into 'who' the person was... and what they did.
.. Actually, my friend had met up with this person (in a different state in USA) with this someone-mentioned, who 'happened' to reside close to where I am, in locale.

This person is part of an experimental theater group that has a training school for actors.
They have a certain method of acting that they employ (not really clear on what 'kind' of approach they do??).
The PRICE of that school was totally FREAKIN' expensive?? (more than astrology!!!! haha).
And, all their classes were 'sold out' and Closed for a solid year.

But I thought that was a really cool test!

I used to love my time in community theatre, and won parts for some regional one-act play competitions.
Too, I won some of the acting-awards in those.
I love the interacting {pun?} with drama-folks...
They were a fun crowd.

*~ More metaphorical speech …
{I have kryptonite in the background today}
Sorry for 'short cut' languaging.

I am good in an 'ensemble'...
I don't regard myself secure as a soloist.
I '~could' do solos {people have said}, except, for lack of confidence?.

But, I am not comfortable 'as' a soloist.
I've been a pretty good amateur -- and I love to give advice! LOL...
(humor.. I liked analyzing talent from The Voice.)

I like the 'blending-aspects' of being in an ensemble... the harmony .. the exhilaration and oneness-vibe that can be found in people who are of One Accord. I love an active and organized team.

I am an enhancer of Cooperative Team Atmospheres.

If for nothing else, I should be Hired simply as your mascot?!!
I am your team's Possibility, & Cheer-Member.
I tend to be good for the morale of the group.

I do not 'do' negative toxic angry-people, nor situations of long-term strife very well. That is poison.

On teams that have the Ideal to 'work together harmoniously,' then, I am what you're looking for. My Presence UPLIFTS a room, and Raises the harmony of a Team.

I prefer the Backgrounds.

I do back-up energy excellently.
I DO have some leadership-vibe. I have a strong energetic personal signature for some.

Some feel 'threatened' by me?, having a strong-ness to my vibe? --
And, I am not a threatening person.
I like Cooperation. I tend to bend over backwards that people can get-along together. I like for EVERYONE to be Happy and feel Inclusion. If I 'think' they aren't feeling that, I will usually start a conversation with those, to 'see' if there's something I can relate to them on. Help them feel better, and feel like THEY are okay, too?

Didn't really want to bring this up, but I do it for some clarity. I'm sure some will understand? (at least, I hope)

Sometimes it winds up that people on teams actually have some more-severe mental-illnesses that prevents them from 'getting along' with people.
.. I've seen that operate before.
Some of those persons really cannot be helped. A team has to adapt themselves TO them, until things change?
Some of those will be a difficult blend.
I have seen this before... and I think it's unfortunate that some wind up in positions that they truly are not-qualified to do??
Or are in a position on a team, where, it is a bit more disruptive than what was thought?
.. Yet, THEY deserve a 'job' too, and to earn money for themselves.
So that's a hard position to be in, when you're a Team member, OR, if you are the one Hiring.
And sometimes, it shocks to find out that the person 'is' like that.

That's a disadvantage to people who are hiring others. You cannot always go on first-impressions. Sometimes even the employer is hiding behind masks....
That puts the person needing a position in a lurch too.

Some people can be 'worked' with...
Others, lovingly tolerated, until the situation rectifies itself.
Team composition is important.
We all have our moments, too?
Things have to be looked-at in an overall way.


So. My limitation 'is' my physical body complications now.
(finances, as a direct result of that).

Other than that? would be the fact that I am terrifically way behind on some of the newer innovations.
I need to be gathered-up by team of helpful people, who bring an injection of Possibility, where I can get matched-connected, have a great Loving Home.
Be helped to catch-up on life changes missed.
Helped to restore some health, and be prepped and ready for what could be in-store ahead.

I am a smart person--
I am Loving and have sooo much to Give.

I feel a sense of defeat 'because' of the physical-body crises.
I'm not getting younger either???? LOL
For some, that is a limitation too?

Otherwise... I am open for conversations.
I have NO idea 'what' people are offering, nor 'where'.


I need a Good place.

It's hard to sort and decide, when I don't have "enough information" in this *sonic* bind.

I would have HOPED to be able to restart my life, WITH a group of people who resonate and Believe I can 'Belong' with them, and they could put me to Good Use.

God???? Let *them* find/contact ME.
Let there be a GREAT Resolution to this! *bheart* *heart*

I just skimmed-over this post.
.. *shakes her head*
It's a mess??? And I need tielenols now.. ouch!

I'd also heard someone mention that they think {maybe the *sonics*, or my trouble with sonics} will go down shortly?

If I could energetically 'claim' that?

{{God?.. Forgive me for the sin of Worry. Amen.}}

My Scorpio Grandmother left this earth decades ago.
In a letter-card I still have, among our correspondences, she wrote a FOND Wish that I would have some TRUE Friends in my life.

Memere… I really miss you.

And!! This post is a MESS.
I don't even know if it's what people needed to hear, or not?
I am a Complicated person??? *hug me!! LOL*

I need to TRUST that the Right-people have me in mind, and will appropriately come-through and Connect me... ?

I deeply apologize for being in the seeming perpetual blind?

Memere? .. You're up there..
Please help with connections.

I will Stay Patient. *Heart*
This is 'just me' today.
ooooh. Lightning and thunder!

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 07, 2018 05:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted July 08, 2018 06:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I had a conversation here in past posts with Ayelet that *poofed*. My edited 'better' version of above-post reverted back to its raw original.

Then, the tedious "Event" Prayer-Post for the Boys Soccer Team trapped in the Cave in Thailand got *poofed* also!

Thank God that 4 of the boys NOW have been Rescued (1:18pm EDT)!!

I want to acknowledge also --
being aware that there have been more deaths too in southwest Japan with 48 dead in Monsoon. Deaths on the North American Continent in Quebec Canada due to Dangerous Heat.
There have been soooo many losses due to fires and floods recently...

In the positive column--
'some' immigrant children were reunited with parent and family ..

Anyways.. (sonics are extreme today).

If you saw my post where I asked if there was anyone with a '$5-million-dollar home and a spare room' who would let me come stay with them? .. included would be a nice-looking Chauffeur to drive me around places??? LOL!!!

Venus was in LEO??? … rofl

More serious now ...

I said a "$5-million" place ONLY because (I saw some of those on a TV show), and while I watched, I saw that a person could get lost in one of those and never see anyone!!

I really really really never want to 'be a burden' on anyone's finances.

I figure that someone with that-level of wealth (and, generosity), wouldn't feel anything "missing", nor feel any kind of 'cost' to themselves. I wouldn't be "taking anything away" -- No economic sacrifices or burdens when it's from overflow?

Sincerely, I NEVER want to be a burden.
I am a Blessing, and a Bless-er.
I don't want to be a 'cost'.

I have more to say... but

Performing Good today... are so many Rescuers IN-Action, all around the Globe.

Looking at The Wonderful and Dedicated Helpers ! (Mr Rogers)

Wishing Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter a Happy Wedding Anniversary!

Today is Joan Osborne's Birthday

(music) What If God Was One of Us? (Joan Osbnorne) [4:50]

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 09, 2018 10:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 10, 2018 07:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And Happy Anniversary!

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