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Author Topic:   Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others

Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted July 10, 2018 12:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The Boys and one man, their coach, got rescued from the Thailand Cave that had them trapped for 18 days when a monsoon had caused a flash-flooding.


Their coach helped the boys get through the whole ordeal by teaching them Buddhist meditation techniques.

I credit that coach with EQUAL value to those who Labored hard to reach them ALL in time.

Thank God, Thank God, Thank God for ALL Who Performed Good!

INCLUDING every single Thought and Prayer energy sent their way, from ALL kinds of people who Believe in Benefic Forces.

All of us, with our Hearts, hold this Day Forward as a symbol of Answered Prayers.

This was the song I had left in the poofed-post, praying for the Boys in the Cave, AND for EVERY person who is experiencing a separation from their Loved One.. Such as the immigrants who get shredded apart, splitting families, the same way that Slaves (of all kinds) used to be.

And for all those who Mourn the Deaths of Loved Ones, in catastrophes and accidents in various places, to at home or hospital bedsides privately..

May you be Comforted and Protected as your soul is seized and feels like a chunk of you has died along with them

May the God Who Reigns Over ALL Things, bring Understanding as to 'why' certain things happen in our lives.

And May we Settle Matters of Life and Death for all of us here, left Within-- for the sentient soul within.

**World Hugs**

(music) Bring *Them* Home (Josh Groban, from Les Miserables) [3:17]

I'm on my way to my Volunteer Job today.
Have a Good Day, Everybody!


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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 11, 2018 10:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Glad they all made it out.

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Posts: 15192
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posted July 11, 2018 05:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

New Moon Cancer (eclipse) 20.43 tomorrow..
Thursday, July 12, 2018 at 10:47 p.m. EDT (east coast)

In this locale, the New Moon is in the 5th House.
In my chart, it is in the 8th cancer.
Orb to my VX24+-Uranus25+.

The tNN is on my natal 3784 Chopin Leo
sextile asteroid 7+degrees 10 Hygeia-4040 Purcell-40 Harmonia Libra H10.

tPurcell is conjunct Venus Taurus H5.
quintile natal Uranus.

Music has many healing properties.
tMars Aquarius is back to 7+ right now, trine my Sun Gem 7+.
I have Sun trine 7+ Libra placements, and Chiron Aquarius 5+ (tSN and tMars now).

Music in Key of 'G-Sharp' for this lunation.

(music) Ballade No 1, Opus 23 (Chopin, transposed from Key of G to G# minor, pianist Krystian Zimerman ) [9:11]

(music) Music for a While (Henry Purcell, Maarten Koningsberger tenor, Fred Jacobs lute(?) ) [2:02]

tMoon in Cancer is on the degree of my Mars Cancer 2+ conjunct 7696 Liebe, and 7571 Weisse Rose 3.44 {White Rose}.

tVenus in Virgo trines tUranus Taurus, with the Moon on my Mars making sextiles to both.

(music) White Rose Brass Quintet (Caleb Hudson, Canadian Brass) [6:06]

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Posts: 15192
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posted July 12, 2018 03:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Following an artistic stream here, after the resolution of recent news stories. Balance? Yes. Thank God for things that give us Flow, Creativity, and Strength.

Including people, in that mix for me today.
For the steady, wise, Loving input into my life.

These past few weeks had been truly excruciating for me on a physical level (sonics). I was glad to finally get a solid night's sleep last night, and glad the 'gamers' are away from the building today? {Better post quickly, right??}

The volunteer job I have been enjoying started November 2017, every week, with miss-outs(?), except for hurricanes {which closed down the office}, and a flash-flood we had local to the 'hood here-- couldn't get out.

I love what I'm doing, and it shows.. not just to clients, but to my bosses and coworkers.

Last week, my Gemmy/CapMoon boss/friend/supervisor said that the 'big boss' and the rest of them, are Happy having me, and wouldn't want me to leave-- They wouldn't want to lose me.
.. She is not one to volunteer compliments.

As I said bye leaving work last Tuesday afternoon, she expressed with a faraway, almost misty-eyed, and sober-grateful tone, that she knew that ANY office that had me working /{volunteering} on their team, would be Happy {satisfied} to have me there.

That spontaneous validation was important to me.
I bring much-more than the task I 'do'...
It's 'who I am' that is appreciated.

Yes, today's eclipse is in zodiac Cancer, and, Sidereal/Vedic constellation of Gemini.

I'm definitely willing to learn new things.
I need some rehabilitation to my health, and a LOT of catching-up to do as far as 'life in the world' is concerned. It is really a different place now, from what I had known.

My bottom-most fear would be not being able to make enough income to sustain myself. Or! winding up in a terrible 'environment' that would mimic or be worse than this place I left? I'd be without remedy or ability to go back.

I still don't know 'where' opportunities are.
Not sure of my more-direct team.
I know there are lots of people 'pulling' for me, and I definitely appreciate your thoughts, your energies, and your inputs.

I'm going to say this too, because it's important to me.

I don't want to be with people who are {negatively and toxic} out to teach me a karmic-lesson? Sounds threatening. If that is you, please recuse yourself. I'm just glad to know you as a general participator in the fields.

I wouldn't be interested in entering into a toxic-relationship in order to 'evolve' my soul. Nope. No thanks.
I know that edgy-dynamics, threats aggression and fighting "work" for some people... #Not me.
Thank you kindly for your consideration, though.

One of my weaknesses is that I had been a victim of severe emotional-abuse. I treasure and cultivate Peace and Harmonious Cooperative happy work and home relationships.

Our past-hurts hold us? What is the 'root'?

As I've followed that thread within, I come to the pith of what that has been for me.

It's the same root that affects multitudes of people.

Since even in my mother's womb... She openly knowingly engaged in risky unadvised behaviors in order to "try" to lose her baby (according to reports I'd overheard by herself, her sisters and her own mother).
I was born one month early.
She liked being the youngest daughter, and the first one to produce a baby, incepting the 'next generation' to both sides of the family. But that was the extent of it.
She was a woman, who had a girl baby, and I lived in a rejective-environment all my years with her.

If I could say I missed something there?

It's a relationship with a nurturing mother, with whom I could have been good friends AND a devoted support to, at her end-of-life. I miss what I would have imagined that to be. To have someone to call when I just needed a friend, or some good advice. Someone who knew me, and loved me through and though. Someone who cared what happened to me in my life, and could provide the safety-net during times I would need one.

{ASIDE - Thinking about B.B.
.. Your mother is a Blessing! Appreciate her while she walks this earth. I hope you recover speedily. Start fresh again when you have been restored.}

Wow.. I'm 63 now!
Amazing how some things from your early life still 'remain' with you.

I was thinking the other day, how grateful I am that my past IS past! I've been through the mill this lifetime!!!

Hoping that all my 'experiences' will be able to have Value in others' lives. When you are in the elder years (I'm still young for *them*), you just KNOW things.

You know things you didn't know you know, until presented with the situation!!

So …
Answer to The 'early' Root for me was 'abandonment and neglect'.

{I could delineate all that, but I won't. *smile*}

The other would have been the lack of value I had to my original family-unit. They could have been a resource to me, in all kinds of ways. And *I* could have MORE than given-back to them.

I've been reading Vedic astrology descriptions.
I came upon a description of Moon Virgo 01:42, Uttara-phalguni Pada 2.

After reading that, and going back through the rolodex-files of my life-- things I had been interested in, where 'people' failed to notice or show-up for me sooo many times back then (in the way I needed, and in a way I was not able to communicate, as I didn't know 'how' NOR 'that' I could-have).

I missed (through my life) someone willing to take me under their wing. {And, 'how' would they really have known?, unless God would have set that up for me, along the way.}

I missed having someone there to shore-up my confidence. Pointing out possibilities. Showing me mechanics role-modeling 'how' it's done {so that later I could do it in my own style, empowered}.

Later in life, I miss that I could have had them remaining in my life as a source of Wisdom; to have been one that stays alongside me, even if only cautiously watchfully observing from the backgrounds. -- Always stepping up spontaneously with important flags of advice or feedback, when they saw I would need that.

I would have liked energetically being given the role-modeling on 'how' you be a leader. 'How' you be a CEO. 'How you handle adversities.' 'How and what it IS to Be a Success in life?'

*crickets, and tears … oh my? What's that Moon doing?! *smile* *

15+ Cancer... on my Part of Necessity now, in H7. All Things that have occurred in your life, were part of the Plan-- were things of Necessity-- in order to Build You Up, to make you 'who' you are, for 'such a time as this'.. The BEST is Yet To Come.

It was all Necessary to Bring me to this day and hour right now.

I had a musical agenda today.
I'll have to continue my posting later, after some refreshment.

t Moon is on 3954 Mendlessohn

For a People who are United in Humanity,
With a Heart of Love in Common-Union towards Others. *bheart*

(music) Song without Words {Lied ohne Worte} Op.109 (F. Mendelssohn,
Hyunah Park cellist, Juliana D'agostini piano, 2015) [5:23]

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 13, 2018 04:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I agree. No thanks to toxicity in exchange for soul evolving.

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Posts: 15192
From: us
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posted July 13, 2018 05:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ *high-fives!*

Maybe I'm just overly-cautious?
I had improved above post, but my edits didn't take.

Things continue to be gnarly here..
I'm soo sorry I didn't come back to complete my 'music' program postings.

When things get 'like this' in my environment, it is very important for me to just do "easy" posts, as I find them, and to flow and float with what I respond to.

Did this musical nostalgic program in the "Mother Mary" thread started by Bjorkstrand over in the Astrology2.0 forum.
You know I love Christmas?!! LOL



Then today, I had already planned some posting for the Vedic Astrology Forum, adding some of my life-experiences there, in the 'Moon and Billionaires' topic started by Desiring Shadows.

I have a "Good Performed" kind of message there, towards someone in my life in the earlier 2000s, who had stepped forward in Kindness and Compassion for me, in a COMPLETELY impossible unfair "piece" of my situation back then.

She had done an extra-ordinary act of Kindness in my life.


The posts I did today in the Vedic Astrology forum, sort of matches the chart energies for me today.

Oh no!
… I went over to that thread to double-check the name of the author of that topic. Found that my Tribute Post to this person (who is now passed) has *poofed*!

She gave up her philanthropic organization she ran successfully for (?)15 years here. Had met a younger man-- the Love of her Life! She gave up everything, married him, and left the state to 'start over' again, with him. New beginnings...

Thing was??… Once they established themselves, she was surprise=diagnosed with a form of ?ovarian cancer, and died soon afterwards.

I'm GLAD she dropped everything, and went after Love!, rather than to prolong her sense of duty to the people she served here. She died having found Love!

I gave Tribute to her spirit today, for Good Performed for the Community for over a decade, and for her extra-effort, on my behalf, with connections she had, to 'equalize' some of the catastrophic unfairness that had happened to me, through {what they deemed as} no fault of my own. She relieved a piece of my burden then, which would have impacted my future success.

Mean-while.. as the world continues its rumbles, it's like watching life from a freight-train boxcar, barreling on its tracks.

Sending Love and Good Wishes to ALL!!!

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 14, 2018 11:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sorry for the poof.

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 15, 2018 12:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You honor her.

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 19, 2018 06:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
May the poofs be few and far between.

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Posts: 15192
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Registered: May 2012

posted July 21, 2018 02:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yesterday was the Anniversary of the Moon Landing.
Always a nostalgic day when I remember my father and I being together, watching this historical event on television.

Event July 20th, 1969

49 Years, 2018.

This was the day when we as "race-representatives" for Human Beings took our first venturing steps, as "the foreigners" -- who crossed and navigated the seas of Space, in order to land their ship and take the first human steps upon Other soils.

This was our inception chart, as Space Immigrants.

We are seeking to re-populate ourselves, on the planets and lands floating out in vast space.

Will our relocations be because we wished to escape "our own world" in order to start anew because Earth became a place of sicknesses, pollutions, famines, and destructive wars???

May we LEARN to be Responsible Earth Citizens.
May we OWN responsibility for repairing all levels and manner of health on THIS planet, first. Let us, as an earthen crew member, regard the welfare of each one as though ALL our lives would depend on it.

A little leaven, leavens the Whole Loaf??
What will our own leaven 'seed' those planetary objects with??

I've even heard of "guns" being smuggled onto the space-stations... Hostility and HATE in cramped spaces?

Will we have to do like the Star Trek stories, where a planet or object is declared a penal-colony? What will Earth become?

One small step for man....
Giant Leap towards finding out 'who we really are'...

May it go well and better with us, as we immigrate our kinds, our race and biology, to distant objects for planting New Dreams, new colonies on Mars and beyond.

Dreaming of a Beginning of a New and Glorious Humanity.
Love and Grace abounding.

Practice and Grow Cooperation,
Cooperative Worlds

(music) High Flight (Gary Dugans, musical setting of poem by John G. Magee, Jr) [3:05]


High Flight

Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds - and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of - wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air.

Up, up the long delirious, burning blue
I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or even eagle flew.
And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

Poem (c) 1941 - John Gillespie Magee, Jr.
Music (c) 2003 - Gary Dugan

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Posts: 15192
From: us
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posted July 21, 2018 02:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

John Denver speaks in a humorous way about the creative process behind writing songs, then performs this soulful new song.

(music) Healing Time On Earth (John Denver, 1995) [7:02]

(music) The Gift You Are (John Denver, 1991, lyrics) [4:42]

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 22, 2018 08:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Australia started off as a penal colony.

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Posts: 15192
From: us
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posted July 23, 2018 11:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
If you don't like me talking about the pain I experience in my body, then, SKIP DOWN to section called "The Good Part."


Right now, it's as though I have NO workable future life for me. I feel 'spent'. I spend each and every day {when *sonics* are prominent, like today} in slivery pain.

It's not like some people whom I've heard struggle daily in the abominable pain of arthritis and other maladies. {{MY Heart goes OUT to you!!!}}

NO. The level of pain YOU go through day and night, makes me feel ashamed at complaining for what I go through each day.
(What I go through is miniscule???
However, I will not discount it, because I know there is no long-range goal for me while I am "like this."
My Life counts too???.. it just counts. What I go through is subtle subtle subtle ..
incrementally, little foxes biting from my vine, my fruits.

Some people are in terrible non-extinguishable pain every single day of their life!!

I don't know HOW you do it!!!
Some are swollen by what is going FROM INSIDE their OWN body.

My pain is very very very very slick, eroding, scratchy-picky subtle-- from years of being waterboarded by other peoples' "entertainment."
Every. single. day.

The source of this comes from OUTSIDE of me,
because the pain I experience STOPS whenever *they* have shut it off.


I guess "that" is "lucky" for me because I CAN get some short spans of hours where everyone's mechanicals and entertainment units are "at rest."

Criminal cars come around here and are busy with their deep-deep-throat earthquake woofers around 3 am.

But other than that, I CAN go to sleep now. Been actually getting an incredible "full night's rest,"-- which is a tremendous blessing when this happens.

THIS IS THE "GOOD" PART ---- :starheart:

Sunday morning, I woke up to the most beautiful state of being. It was calm and still here. My senses seemed to have shifted into HD {high definition}. This was without emotion. Emotion was smaller and like icing on the treat that morning.

Speaking in a picturesque way---
Really, it was as though there were pores and pixels that took a more dimensional "measuring and reading" on ALL things surrounding me, on all levels.

I felt incredible "rest" within me.
Really it was an Ideal state.
My body felt so wholesome and healthy.
Everything felt "so Right" in my world.
It was Utopian, without the glamour.
It "just WAS", and I was "just myself."

I like to tell people (in other forums here) to 'find the Beauty'?

Well, Sunday morning, Beauty found ME.

It was exquisite, without fanfare, and sooo small and quiet.

It was like the best perfume you could have been within, without the sense of smelling.

Everything seemed enhance-able,
and matured, and wise.

It was a full-sense reality, in a very grounded and soft state of grounded beingness.

It was one of the best experiences I've had in this lifetime, in recent decade memory.

(And, it was not synthetically-induced! LOL ..)


I had heard someone use the phrase, "Breathe-Water".

Yes, there are floods in the natural world.
And, there are Spiritual Floods and Waves that can come in.

When I was much much younger, I used to have dreams of tidal waves. There had been one wave that the edge of the breaking water form a curl. Ready to drown, I found myself inside a tunnel-space, with plenty of breathable air.
.. The water swirled all around.
I was prepared and ready to be drowned??? but instead of drowning, I found there was a hanging light-bulb inside the tunnel, which was lighting everything up.
And, I had chocolate to eat!! ROFL.

I know from dream interpretation studies, that Tidal Waves can be emotions, on one level... AND, they can represent the Water of the Presence of The Spirit of GOD.

Some people are talking about the end of world coming with the Blood Moon Eclipse later this week?

WHAT IF.. :heart:

It is a Human Spiritual Upgrade for everyone,
such as what I experienced Sunday Morning? …

I know that there are religious people who want Revival.

What If.. We ALL get a Soul Spiritual-Wave of REAL Visitation and Awakening??


I've been thinking about how the internet itself is a "kind of awakening" even a 'sense of telepathy' that is becoming manifested among human beings?

It's amazing as I watch my advertisements. Whenever I have posted here, or clicked to read something online, I am aware of how all the ads get shaped to 'words'.

I see all the ways that the news stories can be skewed and be conformed to my interests, down to the smallest details and perspectives.

Talk about manifesting your Reality?? WOW!!!

Speak of your words and thoughts as "building blocks" of your own World??

Our interests are like rudders.
The robots are busy knitting together the Fabric for the matrix of our visuals and audio worlds.

Incredible and Amazing to be alive to experience this internet phenomenon in my lifetime. :eek:

So in a way, it gives ME a sense of empowering that I can choose something and the Robots get busy building it for me in reality. THEY change their shapes, as I change.

Words, and the mind, are indeed Powerful.

Eye has not seen
Ears have not heard
What GOD has in store
for those who Love Him

Maybe the Consciousness of Humanity will have a Divine Intervention..

We are going through 'Transition'..

The Breath of God.

May your pores Breathe GOD and be Revived.


I've been holding space for those who are in physical pain.

May you SOON Recover.
May it be REMOVED from your experience.

And to the one who found Love recently, as an 'old coot'??? awww. Accept your Gift!!! Ain't Love Beautiful?!
.. I'm soooo Happy for you. I'm sure that the Dedication and Care that this talented young woman provides you, is a part of your Miracle Healing with potential of Coming into Full Restoration?
I Pray that for you, and Thank God for it!!!}


The Sun was in Cancer at 29.44, and t Mars retro on top of my Chiron Aquarius, Sunday and for these weeks is considered in conjunction with it. This conjunction is generational.

Pluto is retro and on 3162 Nostalgia and 2095 Parsifal {searched for Holy Grail}. It is near a Fixed Star that has to do with Music, and the Power of Music... conjunct my 399 Persephone.


Certainly my own sensitivity (nerve-) defeats me in my OWN real world, with jags and slivers of pain.

But then, at the SAME TIME--- it can bring me to Sublime Places Spiritually, and I THANK GOD that I have a Spiritual Root, and a Spiritual Beautiful CORE to access.

My Purpose has been to Praise God now, in all endurance and perseverance..

The way I get through each day...
is to keep turning it ALL to His Glory!!!

Offering Him EVERYTHING I have left in me.
Every day.
I make every shaking and shivering in my body, HIS!!!! Every tear shed, is the Salty Waters from the Sea of My Soul, expressing Thanks for my incarnation, and the ability to type here!!! OMG, *smiling*.

I thank God that I AM in my right mind.
That I can compose these posts about my experiences.

That I can go to other forums here, and be able to Serve individuals, the best I can, with what I have inside, giving to what their needs are. I Love to Give. It gives me Purpose.


So yesterday, I had a Musical Line-Up after the incredible experience ended.

(It got 'interrupted' by someone switching on their kryptonite?? LOL).

I made sure to tie little mnemonic associations in pixel images deliberately, so that I could inwardly retrieve pieces of my HD experience.

I'm sooo glad to have HAD that experience, and to be able to share parts of what that was today.

(music) O Magnum Mysterium (Morten Lauridsen, Winchester Cathedral Choir) [6:41]

(music) E'en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come (Paul Manz, Kansas City Chorale, lyrics) [2:57]

(I removed the urls to the songs, because I'm not "feeling it" today. It's important to BE soaked in the atmosphere and for it to rightly-reflect the current energy.)


Turning all pain over to Him-- Daily .. !

Asking GOD for The Strength to bear under it, that it not cause damage that will not repair were a resolution to all this come!

I transmute ALL to the Awareness of The Beauty He gives to my life, each day.

Withholding nothing... including everything Good, and every type of different sensory-experience.

I surrender ALL to You..

(music) Withholding Nothing (William McDowell, lyrics) [4:33]


I feel at a loss here, regarding my future.

I don't have the ability to move.
I certainly don't have the physical strength behind it right now??

I don't know 'any other place' that would be able to accommodate my sensory-sensitivity?

The results of having been steeped in this so long. It affects my ability to work? When I go to my volunteer job (like tomorrow) I have recently had to take a special pain pill before arriving there, so that I can be in better condition to Serve. Once I'm there, and I can climb-above discomfort, then I completely enjoy what I'm doing, and all the people-involvement in the office, or on the phonelines.

Everything towards any success I could possible think of having, would count on my ability to have physical 'nerve-rest' in order to allow body to heal and rebound and grow stronger against cave-ins. That HAS happened, on occasion.

Other than that, I'm "okay"... I'm really okay!

It's just "too slivery sensitive" anymore... (Right now, I'm going to HAVE to get a pain pill fioricette. The sonics today are making me extra dizzy??? Sometimes I can't disguish the latin-beat-rhythms, from my own heart organ.

It's like worms wriggling in my chest and bones-- and it's coming from OUTSIDE OF ME.

{from the other side of the wall by the computer}

When they STOP IT, it will go back to normal.

Even while I go out to various places in the community, the 'triggers' can come-- a car with its MONSTER woofer system literally shaking and rocking things down, can trigger a headache/neural attack, that loops for hours until it has eventually extinguished itself. ..

The sonic attacks are a kind of torture, BUT, the REAL torture comes WHEN I have begun a recovery------ and I get enthusiastic about it, and start thinking I'll get over this, and be able to Heal!!! -- THEN one flip of a cheap-system kryptonite switch in my home, can shatter and destroy all hopes of it. Sisyphus??

So. I don't know what to do anymore.

Except to continually be going-within.
Hunker down …

And I think there's a tiredness that's been working into me? and yet, a scintillating refreshing is available, all the time, if I can tie INTO it, ethereally.

I like and WANT to keep busy...
I like projects I can do.

However, there is futility.
Seems all to prevent me...
except for when I can force a FOCUS on typing here,
and using Music I can find that 'fits'.

I am so glad that I have my belief-system deeply routed. It's WHAT has given me the ability to survive sonic-pummeling, and Walk This Earth with the 'Best Core Attitude' I can.

I diminish … so that He can Increase Strength in me.

Lord! Give me Strength.
Find resolution....
~ God!. Make me useful, or take-me-out ..
~ Why do You suspend me like this!!! …

Lord. I feel broken, and useless to anyone, unless You Heal me!!! :bheart:

*posting without reading first*
otherwise, I know it would all just be deleted
What's worse??? Hiding everything??
and feeling victimized??

As long as I can TYPE, I have a Chance!
:angel: *Lord, Let me do the Right thing, always.*
Keep me and All who are in connection with me, in a Centered-Place-- Surrounded and Bathed in Your Love.

Cause Healings of EVERY kind needed,
to happen at the reading of my posts.

Let The People Be Blessed!! :heart:

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted July 24, 2018 04:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You must have checked the box for your smilies not to show.

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posted July 25, 2018 03:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Demi Lovato.. *support* ..
You Can Do This!!
Get back UP, Start Again!
What a wonderful and powerful Lesson you have to teach right now by what you "think" is a failure...

It's going to be your Birthday on Aug 20!

Time for NEW Beginnings.
You are Valuable!!!

The "Lord of Song" wants you to Keep on Singing.
We fall down?? sometimes--
AND then, we get back up again...

You are young, so beautiful...
and you are in a powerful position of influence.
Weakness and a wobble?..
potentially becomes Strength in that you relay an important Message that will be 'Helping Many Others' in the future.

It's okay! *hug*

Demi! We need Your Songs, and the expression of your Life and Voice in this world.

(music) Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen, perf by Demi Lovato ..) [3:38]

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posted July 25, 2018 04:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
(music) We Fall Down, But We Get Up (Donnie McCLurkin, gospel) [4:57]

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posted July 25, 2018 07:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Six years sober, and she fell. I hope she makes it through this. Such a great talent.

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posted July 26, 2018 12:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
There's a TV show on now about her. Lots of sadness in her life.

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posted July 26, 2018 05:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ I wish The Best for her.
Sadness in a life can cause someone to feel like they've got a cave inside them, having had so much excavation within.

And it also.. creates a kind of space inside a person-- where God fills it up with a capacity to Love and to have empathy for others in a way other persons cannot understand. .. You have to go through it.
Enduring and persevering. Later, you can find the 'hollow' become filled with a compassion and Understanding for other people in their "hollowing" time.


Sonics have been rockin' here today..
Went out shopping for a heavier skin cream I use (nivea). Been using that product for 40 years now, and there is NO satisfactory generic-equal to it!
(I've tried them ALL!! LOL) *yourstar* --

BUT-- *ahem* because of certain economic "political" wars going down right now, my product just suddenly costs MORE??-- it went UP ONE dollar.
grrrrr LOL


I attended an online meeting (no cost to me, ty ty!!) with Oregon astrologer Carol Ferris.

Fabulous teacher. The maturity and richness she added (from her decades of experience and research) leant an extra-understanding to some of the energy dynamics represented. Very stabilizing and "filling" experience.

The eclipse...
She spoke connecting the theme of "letting go" in this eclipse. She re-told the mythology of Persephone, Demeter, and Pluto.

I was personally touched, delighted, and chilled by how well she understands and relates the mythology. I inwardly watched in my mind's eye, the dynamics of mother and daughter energy -- including my own over a 5-generational timespan.

The other part of what she taught was the waxing {growing} and waning {diminishing} cycles of light and dark-- of the building and disseminating-- in the great recycling plan.

The take-away for me from this presentation, lightly lanced at some emotional pain, with a very human realization of how things worked out in my life.

These years are passed now …
This eclipse is an opportunity for Healing (Chiron), and letting go MORE.

* Grief over the irreconcilable loss of relationship with my daughters (decades ago), and the grandchildren I found out had been born, and I've never seen.
* Grief over the loss of 'my family unit'-- who {in the "Ideal" world} should have been available to rally as my 'support-system' for elder years. This was a profound and grave loss for me. The 'reality' of the effect of this, is stark and potentially quite terrifying.

Letting go....


Nostalgia … Good memories
I purposefully "choose" to remember the warmth, gaiety, and early childhood memories of being among my grandparents in New England, USA.

I treasure recollections of being with my Scorpio grandmother and her siblings (my ma'taunts and m'oncles ((ha! don't know how to spell those!! LOL).. the grand-aunts and grand-uncles)-- who definitely exalted what "family" and holidays are about, in my bosom and mind.

These groups of souls genuinely~actually 'loved' each other, and enjoyed their ritual visits-- Times to Come Together, and doing-so often.

haha... Religion, and the politics of the nation, always found their way into the very-lively discussions-- each time!! *smile*

(music) Corelli Christmas Concerto! *Heart*

Ceres. aka Demeter

The Ceres asteroid is an important and a much-aspected placement in my chart-- part of an incredibly tight t-square, and trine to my Moon. Also the focal place of a Yod, including Pluto and Mercury, with Uranus caught in-between.
Ceres Capricorn is 25.03'26" retrograde
in Capricorn 2nd House.

25+(26) Capricorn!! is ground-zero a few years from now, for those of us who have our Ceres and other placements, in this degree-pocket of Capricorn.. Especially-so for those who live in my country, in light of the USA Pluto-Return in those degrees, and the Grand Conjunctions to congregate over the same spot.

USA-Sibly, LL-Chart, {and myself} have similar cusps and houses. {using western, tropical, placidus}

For this Eclipse right now,
it is specific to folks in my generational years, with Chiron 5+ Aquarius (western).

This total Full Moon Eclipse in zodiac Aquarius 4.44 occurs tomorrow, 24 hours from now.

"444" Angel number... *smile*

Friday, July 27, 2018 close to 4:21 pm EDT
{LL-East Coast USA Time}.

You can check the timing of this eclipse in your geographic area through this URL.


NASA website ----

2018 Jul 27 time 20:22:54 GMT
* SAROS 129
* Peak duration, clock time = 1 Hour 43 minutes
* Viewable from S.America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus.


For the song, I thought of this song's haunting melody and ideas along the theme of releasing.

Love and Healing to ALL.

(music) I Am Not Yours (Z. Randall Stroope, perf by St. Cloud State University Chamber Singers, posted Aug 27, 2012) [4:48]

I am not yours, not lost in you,
Not lost, although I long to be
Lost as a candle lit at noon,
Lost as a snowflake in the sea.

You love me, and I find you still
A spirit beautiful and bright,
Yet I am I, who long to be
Lost as a light is lost in Light.

Oh plunge me deep in Love—- put out
My senses, leave me deaf and blind,
Swept by the tempest of your Love,
A taper in a rushing wind.

~ Sara Teasdale, 1884 - 1933
American lyric poet
won the first Pulitzer Prize for Poetry

{altered by my capitalization for Spiritual emphasis}

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posted July 27, 2018 03:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Eclipse Watching …. LIVE right now.
sounds like sky-porn music?

(topic) July 2018, Blood Moon Eclipse: Watch LIVE Stream

website "Raw Space" has EDT schedule
Ends tonight at 7:28pm EDT {{LL-time}}

For future REF ------------- "LIVE" viewing

* NASA TV, youtube channel

* Time And Date, youtube channel

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted July 27, 2018 06:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wish it were viewable in the U.S.

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted July 28, 2018 09:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted July 29, 2018 08:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I couldn't see the eclipse, but the Moon was huge and red last night!

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posted July 30, 2018 11:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
We didn't get to physically see even the full moon because we've been having gully-washing rainstorms.

Lots of fires and floods in various places around the earth.

We've been okay here with weather. A little flooding in the streets but it doesn't reach the building. Thank God! *heart*

Stay Safe Everyone ….

(music) Sending You Light (Melanie DeMore) [3:39]

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posted July 30, 2018 12:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Finding and Promoting the Beautiful

Manifest a Better World!

(music) Look At The World (John Rutter, composer and conductor; lyrics) [4:49]

This may seem strange …

I saw pictures of news of the ongoing wildfires in USA West Coast.

Of course, if we are astrologically speaking, this is a continuation of the USA Eclipse LEO last August 2017 that 'touched down' ON that Coast of America. Many firestorms during that time, AND stormfloods too.

I had the audio turned off, and just gazed at those pictures. WOW! The POWER of those tornadic-winds are beyond describing.

I used to have a fireplace in the first home I owned. Spent a lot of time watching the flames. It's like 'fire' is its own entity. An organism, a life-form on a whole other frequency?

At one point, watching the tv wildfires, a heart-shaped configuration was heaped and held itself there. It was not diminishing. How curious?, I thought.

Reminded me of the *Heart* shape found on Pluto.

Also reminded me of how quickly vegetation grows after old growth is cleansed by the fires, or volcanic explosions. The growth happens at an exponential and scientifically unexpected rate.

Weeping endures for a night..
JOY comes in the morning.

I saw a news article of a man who was in such despairing. At 53 years old, he said his house and everything he built was gone. Now says he must start-over again, "late" in his life.

It was only his "stuff" that got burned. Not HIM. Not his family members. He still works? He appeared in good health? He "owns" the land his house was built upon? He probably has a pension? Savings account with money and credit?

He might be "down" right now, *angel*
-- but in NO ways is he out of resources.

Good Citizenship will be the Highlight.
People who elect to go Help Other People, will show the Good side of human beings once again. Willing to give of themselves.

Human angels-- as the Best in Humanity.
Find the Helpers! -- Mister Rogers

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