Topic: Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 31, 2018 07:24 PM
The Moon looked like Mars!IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 01, 2018 01:33 PM
Page 102! No one tried to direct-contact me via 'webmaster' yet, right Randall? Thank you 'in advance' just in case. *grin, thumbsup* So. The reason I said that, is that someone chose to take it upon themselves to act as a spokesperson for a sect of astrologers. Basically, his message was that the reason people have not contacted me is that "I am not valued enough". I sat WITH that piece of news for a FEW weeks now, "processing" it. ~ooooookay.! Maybe to that person I am not valuable? -- although I thank him for following my threads and posts, and "interest" and comment. *~
I went for my "pick-me-up" session with the Cool other volunteers I work with on Tuesdays. Always a great experience shared, mutually. .. I handled a difficult call. Someone I can hear and imagine as 'being strong', suddenly, on the fringes of breaking down from the weight. .. I was so honored to be there holding space with him on the line, as an interested human in his experience. Unless YOU yourself have been 'through' some of those shattering life-experiences, there is no way you appreciate the soul of a person going through that, and also, to know the kind of journey ahead for 'that' kind of Breaking. I recognized the strong man in a reality crumble-moment (even though well-disguised). It was 'hitting' him fresh-- When you have to 'tell' someone what is happening in your life, you hear yourself admitting it, in a way not felt before. I let him have 'his dignity.' I supported. .. When I hung up with him, my coworkers immediately firmly complimented me, and said that I had said 'all the right things', and encouraged him for what~reality he faces ahead. {ugh.. my heart had a wave of blueness for him--} I HOPE he follows up with advice. I gave him an aside to the info from the resource book. I had not 'sugar-coated' what he "might" have to face, with the options presented, should he choose these-- I was also able to give him preparation resources, help with decision making, for 'supports' not found in my book. I pray BEFORE I put my hands forward to take the first call, .. and I 'keep' some individuals 'in prayer' for the week they called (and sometimes beyond that, as they come to my mind). More GOOD NEWS??? haha We've added yet-another Scorpio being trained for Tuesday's volunteering team!!! YAY!! My boss quipped to her that even if I forget her name from time to time, that I will always remember her Sign, and her birthday!! ROFL Another Positive Happening! … I received a phone call a few days ago around 7pm EDT, from a couple who are into spirituality {non-astro}. Mercury had turned Retrograde. Since around this May, they found out that they were going to "have to" upgrade their robot-phones. Instead of turning those in for a credit-deal or cash, they opted to have their old phones reconditioned. The wanted to donate one of the phones to me!! They said they had "planned" to give me the phone for my birthday (e.o. May), but then the company reconditioning the phones had misplaced these? When the company finally gave them their phones, this couple-themselves misplaced the found-phones!! They had some 'sudden' things happen in their family, and to their selves, which bumped their focus. They meant the gift to be a "surprise" when I'd open my mailbox. So, the surprise element is gone {I dislike surprises anyways!!! LOL}-- but I DEEPLY sooo APPRECIATED their "thinking" of me when they went for upgrading their techs. How lovely of them!!! The other news they shared is that they BOTH had had a health-crisis (at the start of Uranus in Taurus-- significant to their charts!) .. One wound up with having an anaphylactic reaction to a food that never caused one before. Had to go to a hospital emergency room for treatment. They had to repeat the treatment twice before it took effect. SAVED his life!!! .. Then on the tails of that event, the other had a health scare too, requiring emergency treatment. Thing is? They could not AFFORD a good health insurance policy any more. They were handling everything doctoring their own selves, and dealing with having to pay cash as needed. However!! When they were presented the hospital and doctor bills-- it overwhelmed any possibility that they could satisfy paying for this, for years!!! This Beautiful couple, dedicated to others, had well-resourced OTHERS hear about what happened, and these magnificently step-forward to pay their medical bills in FULL. Good Performed today??? …. To those well-resourced souls who CARED for this couple, stepping up to act as a financial-safety for them. And!, for the fact that they want to donate (to me) their re-conditioned phone, (humor) whenever they FIND it!! Today? It's been the "thought" that Counts!! (music) Lean on me (Bill Withers, Glee cast members, lyrics) [4:13] Coming attractions LOL Asteroids.. I found another validation (in the news and USA Sibly Chart) for asteroid 4130 Semmelweiss. .. I'll try to dig out the reference book I chanced a meaning from, with my folder on it too. .. Might take me a few days.
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 01, 2018 07:13 PM
Nope, negatory, so far.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 02, 2018 04:00 PM
Ask them to send again. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 03, 2018 07:33 AM
Wow, 102!IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 03, 2018 04:44 PM
^ yeah, I know. (music) I Want To Live! (John Denver, 1991) [4:59] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 03, 2018 07:22 PM
The Courts of Music (music) Keeping The Faith (Billy Joel, 1983?, lyrics) [5:54] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 04, 2018 04:13 PM
I'm heading out to try to find a copy of The Mountain Astrologer!IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 05, 2018 10:58 AM
They had three copies left!IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 05, 2018 09:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: I'm heading out to try to find a copy of The Mountain Astrologer!
Glad you found and bought a copy of their Issue #200, featuring tributes to influential astrologers of the past! They thought to include our Linda Goodman. Leaving the url with more complete information for reference. The author left a link to the following thread. REF 'Linda's Life' Forum "BiBi DeAngelo shares facts on Linda Goodman" - Sunday Song .. very pretty, devotional
(music) A Perfect Heart (The Rambos, Dony McGuire, lyrics) [3:13] lyrics morning sun, ... light of creation grassy fields, ... a velvet floor silver clouds, ... a shimmering curtain .. He's designed a perfect world i'm amazed at His talents, stand in awe of One so great, now my soul begins to sing out to the Source from which it came -- bless the Lord Who reigns with Beauty bless the Lord Who reigns with wisdom and with power bless the Lord Who reigns my life with so much Love .. He can make a perfect heart bless the Lord Who reigns with Beauty bless the Lord Who reigns with wisdom and with power bless the Lord Who reigns my life with so much Love .. He can make a perfect heart IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 06, 2018 04:24 PM
Thanks for letting us know.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 07, 2018 06:07 PM
Maybe it will send us some new members.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 10, 2018 06:43 PM
Partial Solar Eclipse LEO New Moon 18.41 Saturday, August 11, 2018, 5:58 a.m. EDT {LL-time} SAROS Series 155, Family 2 New North Visible in north Europe, ne Asia Animated.. - - -
Saros 155 - Family "2 New North" {ref Bernadette Brady, p.310, PA The Eagle & The Lark} "If this family of eclipses affects a chart, the person will experience the sudden collapse of plans or life-styles. Confusion may reign but the long-term effects are those of rebuilding and transformation. After the dust has settled, the rebuilding starts and the consequences of this reshaping will have far-reaching effects. This eclipse family changes a person's direction through the sudden collapse of an existing structure." USA Sibly Chart - {we had Hawaiian volcano occur before) Now - more Wildfires on West Coast of USA - Began July 27, FM eclipse 4 Aquarius (see previous page of this thread) Transiting Chiron retro in Aries is ON the USA Sibly Aries IC (H4 the physical abode, families, relocations, family heritage {belongings, antiques? etc??}, property, real estate). p. 39-40 Bernadette Brady .. Talks about eclipses in the 8th house. Quote-- .. irrevocable change or an ending due to the events that are happening. If a client asks, "Will my marriage end?" .. with the 8th house in this position, the answer will be that it will change SO much that it will either 'be finished', or, 'so altered' that she would not recognize it." ~~ *selah* ~~ "Build again" … Rise Again. tChiron rx Aries was on my IC .. H3 side 'neighborhood' Two days ago, there was a huge apartment building fire in a neighboring complex, just behind us. .. 36 Families were displaced. School begins today. They lost everything. The Principal of the school the children would be attending has collected goods and supplies for these students. {Good Performed!!} The Red Cross, and other emergency groups came to their aid. Eclipse Music in the "Key of C#" {ty Marina}
First piece I thought of was Rachmaninoff! (music) Prelude in C# minor (Rachmaninoff, performed by the composer himself) [4:14] -,_Sergei - *~ (music) Etude for piano in C# minor, Op. 2 no. 1 (Scriabin, Vladimir Horowitz) [2:37] -Étude_in_C-sharp_minor,_Op._2,_No._1_(Scriabin) -,_Alexander -,_Vladimir *~ (music) Lux Aurumque (Eric Whitacre, Eric Whitacre Singers, 2000, sheet music) [4:08] -quoting yt notes- Lux Aurumque ("Light and Gold", sometimes "Light of Gold") is a choral composition in one movement by Eric Whitacre. It is a Christmas piece based on a Latin poem of the same name, which translates as "Light, warm and heavy as pure gold, and the angels sing softly to the new born baby". In 2000, Whitacre set a short Latin text for mixed choir a cappella. In 2005, he wrote an arrangement for wind ensemble. The choral version became known through Whitacre's project Virtual Choir in 2009. - *~ "The Moonlight Sonata" Op 14 by Beethoven is written in C#minor… but, since this is a NEW moon (dark), there is no moon's "light". *grin* Stay Safe Everyone!
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 11, 2018 06:28 PM
Wow, an eclipse can be powerful!IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 12, 2018 05:46 PM
I had spent some time researching an astrological point called "Vertex" so I could answer a question someone posed in the astrology forum.The position of a tight conjunction of "Vertex-Uranus" in Cancer H8, is yet another "marker" found in the charts of ' astrologers' that I have markers for in my chart; those same-ones indicate a religious, too?? Reminds me of the medieval world, where the monks in the monasteries of the church (Vatican) used to do BOTH?! In the meantime, there is a very heavy weight on me. ~ugh Been feeling slowed. This too shall pass? .. *bheart* *heart* transit-- tVenus Libra conjunct my asteroid 40 Harmonia Libra 7.55' H10 trine tHarmonia Gemini ON my SUN Gemini 7.50'! Sunday Song! (music) Great Is Thy Faithfulness ("Eclipse 6" acapella group) [4:13] ____________________________ Leaving links (for my reference) LL's Asteroid Forum * 33154 Talent - * Asteroid Yeshua {3241 Yeshuhua} -
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 13, 2018 11:18 AM
Leonard Cohen wrote 80 verses to his song, titled Hallelujah. - (topic) Leonard Cohen on "Hallelujah" (David Whitwell interviewing Mr. Cohen) [5:18] Mr. Cohen died at age 82. -,_Leonard (music) Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen, perf by David Whitwell, guitar) [7:03] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 14, 2018 07:42 PM
Wow, 80? IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 15, 2018 08:39 AM
Went to my volunteer job yesterday. They asked me to come work for them all day today (and maybe tomorrow). They're in a pinch. I am glad to be able to help out. Was looking up asteroids for the next Full Moon at 3+ Pisces on Sunday, August 26. I have the name 'Aretha Franklin' spelled out on 3+ and 4+ degrees of Pisces H(3)aqua. 249516 Aretha Pisces 3.31' 982 Franklina Pisces 4.09' Then I found out in the news that she is 'gravely ill' and in hospice. I was preparing a post (didn't do yet) for someone in astrology forum. I had planned to use one of Aretha Franklin's song for it. The other asteroid I have for next Full Moon Pisces 3.12, is for the position of the Sun in Virgo. 10343 Church Virgo 3.33' H(9)leo. Another item in the news right now is about the courts coming closer to justice for victims of past sexual abuse by priests in various roman catholic diocese in Pennsylvania. I saw the break-through begin in the results of the Sandusky Trial in that USA state. These folks have been waiting and working persistently at this for decades. Has messed up sooo many lives! People are finally listening, and believing them. Truly, a thing of shameful sorrows and such disgust in the church, who covered this up, protecting clergy for decades! Priests were supposed to represent Christ to these children. .. Lord, Have Mercy Clean 'em up!!! .. Heal the lives of those who were hurt. Let them know that they are Loved, and Deserving of Restorations. (music) Hurts Like Hell (Aretha Franklin) [4:18] 249516 Aretha Pisces 3.31' 982 Franklina Pisces 4.09' 223 'Rosa' Pisces 5.14' (music) A Rose is Still A Rose (Aretha Franklin) [4:34] REF -,_Aretha - - -
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 16, 2018 06:01 PM
^ Aretha Franklin passed-away this morning. *sad* Thursday, August 16, 2018 in her home in Detroit, Michigan. from Pancreatic Cancer (topic) 'Queen of Soul' Aretha Franklin Passes Away At Age 76 (NBC News, posted August 16, 2018) [6:09] AS I wrote in previous post, there was an asteroid named after her first name. TODAY (transit) She has transiting Jupiter and transiting Jesus {3241 Yeshuhua} Scorpio CONJUNCT her Ascendant Scorpio 15+. She has natal asteroid 390 Alma Scorpio 13+ {Spanish for b]soul/b]} on her Ascendant. {'identified' as Queen of Soul} These Scorpio placements TRINE her Moon Cancer 17+ in H8gem These Scorpio and Cancer placements (water elements) TRINE her watery Mercury-SN Pisces at 13+ in her H4aqua Transiting Neptune-rx is 15+ Pisces... conjunct natal Mercury-SN; and trine her Ascendant Scorpio and trine her Moon Cancer. The announcement came through during the time the transiting Moon was in first part of Scorpio {in her H12-Libra}. Transiting Moon early Scorpio trines transiting Alma at 0+ Cancer {H8gem}. Was in trine with her natal Vertex 3.03 Cancer conjunct her natal 3241 Jeshuhua Cancer. natal Vertex-Yeshuhua (3241) Cancer 2.58 H8gem -- is trine her Ceres Pisces 3+ {the location of the FuLL Moon Pisces is 3+ … Ceres harvested?}. natal VX-Yeshuhua has transiting 390 Alma Cancer {soul} to her Progressed Jupiter Cancer 0+. She's having a Blessed meet-up with her Jesus. She was called The Queen of Soul! Her ascendant has natal Alma Scorpio trine that MOON Cancer!! and trine a {voice/singing/"tellin'-it!!"} Mercury-SN Pisces. natal 13226 Soulie (soul} Taurus 2.00' is in the H6ari. She just had her EXACT 13226 Soulie Return. Today, transiting 13226 Soulie is Taurus 3+. Transiting Uranus in Taurus is retrograde on her Soulie at 2.31. These Taurus placements sextile tAlma Cancer visiting VX-Yeshuhua. Oh my... The more I delineate, the more I see! This post would get too long to describe all the significance? tCeres Virgo .. came into conjunction with this Gospel Soul-Singer's 192158 Christian Virgo 17+ conjunct North Node 13+, in H10leo, sextile her Alma-Ascendant conjunction Scorpio (trine Mercury Pisces}. She has asteroid 389 Industria Aquarius 23+ ON her IC/H4. Industria {her work, her reknown} is next to her 5457 Queen's Aquarius 28+ H4. Her SUN Aries is 4.50 in entertainment H5 Pisces. She has her 11911 Angel Aries at 6+. Her SUN Aries 4+ trines her Leo Chiron-rx 8+ with a Pluto-rx Leo conjunct P.of.Fortune Leo 3+, located in the 'House of God' H9 Cancer. Her last name asteroid 982 Franklina Cancer 22+ is nearby in that H9. Transiting her SUN Aries and on her 11911 Angel is retrograding tHygeia-tIndustria, with nearby tChiron, Aries. Sextiles her Hygeia Gemini 5+. {I've observed those asteroids active in charts of some on their passing.} Wow... cool chart! So significant.
Her name asteroid 249516 Aretha by transit has touched nd crossed into her Descendant Taurus 15+ across from tJupiter-Jesus Scorpio on her Ascendant. She leaves this earth as a Progressed Sun Gemini 18.59, trine Progressed 249516 Aretha Libra 17. Her Progressed Moon is Taurus 12+ Her Progressed Jupiter had entered Cancer 0+ Progressed 982 Franklina Leo 5+ conjuncts Progressed Pluto 4+ .. the transiting North Node LEO is overtop?!! Her natal Sun Aries TRINE! Yep-- she's a Diva!! Her natal chart has a H7 Mars Gemini at 11+ conjunct BML {wildcat energy woman!!} 12+; BOTH Mars-BML Gemini are TRINE Pallas Athene {warrior} 12+ Aquarius H3 -- Pallas near her H3 Venus Aquarius 20+ trine Jupiter Gemini 15+ H7 --- ^ Totally the perfect astrological configuration to 'own' the song R-E-S-P-E-C-T!! LOL (music) R-E-S-P-E-C-T (Aretha Franklin w Blues Brothers) [2:56] She will be missed!!!! *bheart* Thanking God for her Life, and the tremendous Contributions she made. (music) Bridge Over Troubled Waters (cover Aretha Franklin) [5:31] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 16, 2018 06:33 PM
And … Milestone Birthday 60!! Happy Birthday, Madonna (Aug 16) -
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 17, 2018 10:30 AM
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 17, 2018 12:32 PM
Key of F# minor (for Full Moon Pisces) (music) Ubi Caritas (Ola Gjeilo, The CWU Chamber Choir, acapella, 2011) [3:36] (music) A Change Is Gonna Come (Sam Cooke, Aretha Franklin, 1967) [4:20] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 18, 2018 10:13 AM
(music) I Carry Your Heart (Eric Whitacre, poem EE Cummings, Eric Whitacre Singers) [4:32]
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 19, 2018 02:02 PM
Sunday Greetings! Earlier this past week there was an interview on a talk show on TV, where they were discussing the topic of Near Death experiences. This one woman had been riding her bicycle and was hit by a truck. She describes how on impact she experienced herself being dual-conscious. She 'viewed' her body-self from the astral soul-body. She described seeing a Beautiful field in nature, and of the feeling of Love, warmth, and the total acceptance and belonging she felt. When I was 4 years old, I had had an astral soul experience. I viewed my own body on the table during T&A surgery, watching over the doctor's shoulder for a short snippet of the procedure. As the woman described how she felt, I recalled the smoothness and viscosity of your astral self outside the body, and watching/observing. I haven't been feeling very well for a long long time now. I've also been thinking about how 'old' I am, and how much time on earth I've spent. With everything feeling so 'heavy' and very-tightly narrow, and more tiredness lately, seeing this program was like a way to access a place inside my memories where things freer. {I'm okay.} So, it was a good thing to have caught that vignette about the woman. She reminded me of something that happened Aug 18-19. ~strange coincidence? It reminds me that 'I am a Soul' … I've "experienced" that 'astral/Soul' part of me separated FROM my body before. Remembering … gives me a really surreal experience at 'looking' at people. Body people. …. And how the 'nerve-system' is really the interface that velcro-links us through myriad tiny tiny tiny delicate hooks, in and TO the perception of our bodies and being 'astral and earthly' conscious.. if you think about it. Our senses-- the ability to see, to hear, smell, all of it-- are sooo complex, and really Miraculous. MORE Complicated than any A.I. computer could ever truly replicate and experience. Robots.. don't have an astral-soul to reflect back the multi-dimension. WE humans are a link. A Bridge .. able to stand and be IN multi multi multi configurations upon configurations, between earth and Heaven! Soooo Beautiful.. consciousness outside.. consciousness within.. so simply complex! Really Glad that I don't have to figure it out to Experience it. LOL Life outside, Life inside! What a telescopic Gift. (music) Beulah Land (Shenandoah) [3:29]
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 19, 2018 03:42 PM
Some earthy "natural" women! -,_Aretha -,_Carole (music) You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman (Carol King, Aretha Franklin, 2015 Kennedy Center Honors) [5:03] (music) Put On Your Sunday Clothes (from Hello Dolly, John Wilson Orchestra & Chorus) [6:26] IP: Logged | |