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Author Topic:   Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others

Posts: 15192
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posted December 29, 2018 04:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Everyone … Hoping your Holidays continue to be a Good One!
(music) Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (The Carpenters) [3:54]

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posted December 30, 2018 04:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Jupiter just crossed my Ascendant Sagittarius in the past ten clock-minutes.

Have a GREAT Sunday!!, and Happy New Year 2019.

(music) My Grown Up Christmas List (Kelly Clarkson) [4:44]

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posted December 31, 2018 04:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
New Year's Eve Day … December 31, 2018

(music) God Be In My Head (John Rutter, Cambridge Singers) [1:33]

God be in my head, and in my understanding
God be in my eyes, and in my looking
God be in my mouth, and in my speaking
God be in my heart, and in my thinking
God be at my end, and in my departing

~~ closing the year 2018 ~~
With Gratefulness and Love to all those sharing the virtual liminal spaces.

Dedicated to my soul group
I have appreciated everything learned
All the guidance and counsel
And all my LL peeps

Really cool coincidence that happens in my chart every year, at the bridging of two years together.

Sun in Capricorn connects with
3241 Yeshuhua Capricorn
ref Asteroid Forum

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posted January 01, 2019 12:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted January 02, 2019 08:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I *poofed* TWO very-detailed LONG posts.
A LOT of work??.
Included some delineations {USA Chart}}!!!
I'm so sorry.

I'll have to choose a better way to manage multiple open tabs.

Had an inspirational experience when Sun-Saturn was happening... and a song that leads it off.

Just touching base here in this thread, at least!!

Telling you ALL, that you are 'IN my Heart'.
{{Love you sooooo much.}}

What Would your Higher Self Do??

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted January 03, 2019 04:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I've lost work a few times (for school, not LL related), and it upset me, but the rewrite was always way better.

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted January 04, 2019 06:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Love the last line.

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted January 05, 2019 12:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted January 05, 2019 05:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

(music) Never Never Land (Marty Goetz) [3:17]

(music) Earth Song (Michael Jackson) [6:44]

(music) Will You Be There (Michael Jackson, lyrics) [5:42]

Solar Eclipse
SN New Moon Capricorn 15.25
Saturday, 5 January 2019
East Coast {LL-Time} ~ 8:41 pm


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posted January 06, 2019 12:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Today is Sunday January 6th, 2019
Celebrating the Visitation of The Kings (The Magi).

(music) They Followed His Star (Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, gospel, lyrics) [4:40]


Wishing All many Epiphanies

(music) Carol of The Bells Medley (Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, lyrics, posted by Tom Edwards, 2010) [7:31]
yt notes..
"six-time Grammy Award-winning Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir,
an unlikely ensemble made up of people from various backgrounds,
including attorneys, physicians and former street people
sings The Carol Of The Bells Medley,
(featuring the carol of the bells, i wonder as i wander, o come all ye faithful, etc)."

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted January 07, 2019 07:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted January 08, 2019 04:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Had to call-off going in for my shift this afternoon at my volunteer job. Normally I would pushed-through the pain to get there, but today, I'm doing deserved selfcare.}

They had had to close for the beginning week of the year.
(Guessing that it was partially due to current politics and the govt shutdown). In the coming week or so, more of them there won't be able to 'do' their job, impacting the places and populations they serve.

Government jobs "used to be" some of the MOST secure and desired jobs there were-- back in the "olden days" of my parents, in the mid 1900s.

I have been KEENLY aware of reality of my not having support of a family, and now in elder years, all the terror and implications of that.

Thanking people who Understand me--
Sooo Grateful!!

(music) I Want To Live! (John Denver, Christmas) [4:39]

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posted January 08, 2019 05:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Looks like the smilies-website I used to decorate my LL-posts with for the Holidays and Christmas, are not operational anymore?

I hope not...
Right now without the colorful images, my work 'round LL looks bare and utilitarian?
How 'apropos' of the current draconic economics? *smile*

Certainly what decorated the messages and music here demonstrates the Value of Images to Enhance our Lives.

I know a few of you commented that you liked the art.
Thank you soooo much!

Art of The Heart! …

(music) The Secret of Christmas (Bing Crosby) [3:00]

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted January 09, 2019 02:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Another smilies site bit the dust?

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posted January 09, 2019 05:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Nope! It was temporary.. They're back.
{Having huge interference today with loud sonics, which makes me feel sick}
sorry if this rambles..

Found that song selection from the post I poofed the other day. This is the song the led-off a kind of experiential-event I had during the morning of Sunday Jan 6 (day of the eclipse).

Songs sometime well-up in me {speaking metaphysically here} coming through a type of 'outer' imaginative realm. From the outside to inside, rather than a song rising UP from-within.
This song presented itself, and I was a 'witness' to it playing, to my head-space and soul.

As the song filled, my soul then experienced an inner-crunch ---
similar to some science experiments I'd seen in my youth, when the sides of a metal gasoline can crush-in on its own self.

At that point, it was as though I could sense and feel "the pain" in the global atmosphere.

So many needs!
There's a part of me that would LOVE to be able to solve some of that. But you can 'only do' what-you-can do, all-by-yourself, alone.

I looked for the song-version performed by (musical group) Heart, from Kennedy Awards to Robert Plant, but it is 'unavailable' now (due to copyrights).

Instead, I chose Led Zeppelin's version, with lyrics on screen, which are profound to think-upon.

This song was created out the energies of 1971,
when Jupiter was in Sagittarius, conjunct Neptune--
while Neptune was in its beginning of making its way through Sagittarius.

I was a sophomore in high school at that time.

(music) Stairway To Heaven (Led Zepplin, lyrics) [10:54]

My imagination-space seemed to spontaneously take a soul-journeying (for a matter of suspended-surreal minutes) on that morning of the eclipse.

And in that moment while my insides were feeling an existential wounding-pinch, the inner sucking-crush accompanied an Awareness inside, of the {outer-Space type}-- black expansive cave within my inner-spaces. I began to be aware of a different kind of consciousness coming to rise.

It was as though I 'felt a sense'...
I felt a SOLID Power within-- A kind of dreamscape of having been a semi-older and Incredibly Wealthy Woman at some point in my soul's journey...
I had enormous strength and influence-- an older soul with a complex refinement of character.
I held within-me a great responsible overseeing-compassion, and applied clean prudence and pragmatism when it came to funding others.

I 'felt' that power inside me--
owning the space-- with an incredible weight of Higher World responsibility. Within that sense, I existed as the-philanthropist's philanthropist.
Was filled with power and solidity-- with goodness, sternness, wholesomeness, and enormous strength and compassions.

It was Duty.
I quietly funded other people's projects.
I was even behind the funding of other philanthropists' monies-- providing gifts towards the fulfilling of their interests.

It was done quietly, and through a sense of responsibility with strength-to-do. The balanced weight of this "mantle" was securely on my body and soul-- just tremendous.

And in this Visionscape of sorts, it continued that I did my work on older wood table {as a desk}, horizontal to the warm crackling blazing fire in the stone Hearth before me. I gazed into the fires of the hearth -- plugged into the sense of The World, as though the fires were a portal and an oracle.
{This was a powerful experience. I 'owned' all of it. Old, wise,.. providing for others. It was mine, and was my great privilege.}

I loved the way that felt at some points..
To feel and BE "that 'ABLE'", granted and triggered a force within myself, that I felt in the fabric of my body.

From a floating observer's viewpoint,
I saw self in a big mansion, stone fireplace, and a grand high window that overlooked the tops of a great valley. I live quite simply.
.. There were other philanthropists living with me (in 'my house'), busy with their own projects. All their needs were being quietly taken care of by me so they could work. We collaborated and added to each other's efforts. Grand scale projects to resolve and relieve some of the suffering in this World.

I'd oddly 'seen' something like that before, in vision, when I was in my 20s.

There is a potent desire in me to help the World!

Ceres Capricorn H2 trine Moon Virgo (9)th-Leo.
Moon Virgo sextile Jupiter and Uranus and Vertex and Angel, in late Cancer H8.
Venus Taurus H5 opp Saturn-rx Scorpio H11 -- a mark of Wealth, actually.

True story that I've shared before...
My "hands" have directly held wealth that some of you can only imagine having.

In real life early 1980s, I once worked as an assistant for a stockbroker who managed his famous family's fortune.
That year I worked for him, he had achieved a ranking of being #2 in the WORLD.. Mr.#1 lived in Japan.
The floor I worked on was in a special area, separate from the rest of the brokerage.
Around 5 of the Forbes list were represented on that floor. I observed them.
I remember that some of them were not as humble, and not of the kind of 'good' character inside, that my own boss was.

I was not (am not) knowledgeable about trading.
I simply was very good at following instructions, and doing my work. I was "Trusted" (and was bonded to work with securities).

My boss had a Gemini Sun, on one of the wealth-degrees, 3rd decan Gemini.
(I have a SN-Mercury towards the end of that decan.)

AMAZING find was that he had had 'the same' zodiac-signs (Taurus/Scorpio) of 'Venus opp Saturn' aspect as I did-- within a few degrees-- only, he was MUCH older than I was.

I was able to find his birthdata (from an obit), and was so pleased to find that we had amazing synastry-- including his water trines to my Uranus-Jupiter Cancer H8.
He had Uranus Pisces {exact-conjunct another outer planet (?)} in trine with my VX-Uranus-Jupiter.
his name-asteroid was found in my 8th House, near the PartOFFortune-Pluto Leo e.o H8canc.

While in his employ, I "happened" to uncover a 'plan' of theft, where the other assistant (and her husband) had devised a way to steal some of his accounts. She would do it 'on purpose' to cause HIM to have to depend (helplessly) on her.
She directed-advised ME to do the same-- and "assuming" that I'd go along with her plan.

When she was on vacation one week, my boss asked me for certain files (which he, I think, assumed would take a while to provide him).

I went over to where he was, opened the drawer next to his right knee.. and pointed out some important files he always asked for.

I empowered my boss, and helped him 'know' what was instantly at his fingertips all along. I believe it led him to come across 'other' things he 'needed to discover'.. that led to the foiling of the other person's plans.

Unfortunately I left that position with him, because of some weirdly unexplainable health symptoms I began experiencing at that time.

Current Sky--
Transiting "Sun-Pluto Conjunction" now, in Capricorn H2.

tPluto Capricorn on 1181 Lilith-rx and 580 Selene-rx;
tSun Capricorn in 19+degrees is biquintile natal Pluto, and crossing 2095 Parsifal-rx, PartOfDestiny, and 3162 Nostalgia-rx.

tPluto and SN Capricorn heading for Ceres-rx Capricorn 25.03... H2.

tSaturn Capricorn 12+ is still at the e.o. H1, till 15+ Cap.

Have a Great Sun-Pluto 2019!!
Much Love.

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Posts: 15192
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posted January 09, 2019 07:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Some say (that in spite of my health-challenges with the *sonics*), I "have it 'good' here, right now?"
Yes. I have "a roof" over my head.
I'm not living on the streets, where I could die.

Whole-Heartedly Agree!
Especially right now. {{ }}

I am very Grateful for what I already have.

Prayers for ALL THOSE being "IMPACTED" by the USA government shut-down right now. The suffering of families is tremendous.

What an Opportunity for The Being of a "Good Neighbor"!!

'Go USA!!!!!!' Do what you do Best!
We Can Do This!

Going with the Flow!

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posted January 11, 2019 07:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I've been hearing and watching stories about how some travelers are visiting our (USA) National State Parks and Monuments (whose upkeep has gone unfunded through protracted political govt shutdown).

Visitors to these areas have been leaving their garbage piled up on other garbage, and not burying their own defecations on park Lands.

BESIDES this, some have been going in and spraying vile symbols on rocks/boulders, and now CUTTING DOWN ancient trees and cacti.

I hear the current mantra of independent-minded folks as being all about self self self self self.

However, some of same folks have NOT been taking "(adult) responsibility" FOR their own SELF in our public places.

They could have placed their OWN garbage in a litter-bag, kept in their car UNTIL they disposed of it properly!!-- (like home garbage barrels and receptacles).

The other day (in my State), I heard a lawmaker saying they were stopping the people's Recycling Program. She said it was because they 'decided' amongst themselves they had no "proof" whether-or-not the places receiving those recyclables were actually using them for that purpose. Recycling program here is CANCELLED.
*sad, bheart, futility* Another step backwards!!

The Ancient Markers and Lands set aside and Preserved for ALL generations, are now being Desecrated by the crass, and rebellious-- those not taking responsibility and Respecting Nature! Our Lands-- and including the waterways, lakeshores, and beaches).

Regulations wisely set in place to limit the damages to our ecosystems, now being stripped away by pen and votes. NO preservation necessary?

- n-us/news/us/joshua-tree-national-park-has-been-trashed-in-the-shutdown-now-visitors-are-cutting-down-trees/ar-BBS5jSo?ocid=spartanntp

(topic) Give A Hoot, Don't Pollute! (Public Service Commercial, 1983) [1:00]

It's indeed a Blessing that we have talented photographic journalists and those dedicated to adding film-documentaries to "archives" of our past.

Thank you for having provided film and gorgeous photography of our Beautiful Planet Earth--

as, on the flipside,

the real possibility exists, (through consistent, persistent, stubborn HUMAN errors-- from ignorance or sheer ruthlessness), our eco-systems may fail to support Human Life in the future---

Irresponsible Decisions

.. Performed by The Few ..

Spoiling it for The Future Many??
Ripple-Effects Affecting The Whole--

A few Humans??
We're Better Than That.

(music) This is Our Land (Ian A. Honeyman, instrumental symphonic) [3:52]

natal Ceres-rx Capricorn 25+ H2
trine natal Virgo Moon 24.56 H(9)leo
.. Moon conjunct 1184 Gaea 24.30

Supporting our youth in school music programs..
(music) The Earth Is Our Mother (Native American Song arr. Barbara Sletto; Lindblom Concert Choir, Chicago IL, Oct 26, 2017) [2:20]

Adding Jan 12, 2019 Saturday

For EARTH Seismic Activities, Daily.
I enjoy the fantastic graphics and Geological information here.

youtube channel for Dutchsinse
Livestream of pinpointing activities of Earthquakes and Volcanos over period of the last 48 hours


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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted January 12, 2019 08:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted January 13, 2019 04:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Been feeling EXTRA affected by sonics .. since a few months ago especially. I think some people have added extra boosting strong pieces to their sense-surround gaming and audio systems.
Been extra raw from it.

Had to call in sick to my volunteer job last Tuesday from it.

Rm and I had a rare outing excursion yesterday late afternoon. We eent to a Home and Garden Expo.

When we got back home after sunset, walked into the place and the sonics were TERRIBLE.
I was exhausted, and went to my bedroom that was 'engulfed' in that slithery percussives (almost silent) soup!
Was like baking inside and out with microwaves??? ugh.
It was good that I was soooo exhausted.
Fell asleep finally, after making self "as comfortable" as I possibly could arrange myself, outwardly and inwardly.
I was genuinely afraid for my health.
Today again, sooo raw. Can't get away from it.
This is "home".. the place to recharge.
The place where all my stuff, my books, etc are.
Where I have access to a computer.

I have 'work' to do (researching) today.
Hasn't been a good day.
Actually, I've been here for hours, typing and re-typing, starting over and over again, not satisfied...

I'll do a separate post later?
There's a vid I wanted to share, but not in the body of this posting.

Enjoy your Sunday.

To those in the mid-west and beyond-- caught in that "named" winter storm ..

Wishing you warmth, and travel safety.

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posted January 14, 2019 03:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Maybe I'm repeating some stories.. but some things are worth repeating.

Even in my 60s now, one of the most FERTILE programs I had ever been scholarshipped to attended as a youth, came out of a Humanities Grant to some local teaching-artists, that wanted to expose regional youth, to an experiential week (like a summer-camp), introducing an 'experience' in group participation in choral instruction, a group-taught experience in individual drama lessons, and a module in exploring dance-movement.

My thirsty little whiskers ABSORBED everything from those artistic instructions.

I, even on a body-to intuitive mind level, learned lessons on LEO, on what Leadership means; on what working in-tandem with others could feel like down in wordless instinctive levels..

I was already confident and competent at singing, and had actually won (my first) award participating in a regional one-act drama competition--

The module that taught me MOST about leading-cooperating, about being self moving in perfect dynamic sync with another (making us 'one-pair'), was the dance-movement portion. *Smiling*, the portion I felt the LEAST capable at doing, the least confident and most fearful of, and the MOST terribly~awkward at! haha. I kind of dreaded that group. There were kids in there whose parents were able to afford to give them lessons ~~ show offs!! rofl
.. Okay, tearing up here-- wha????? *laughing*

My partner and I actually won first prize in that class, for the strange dance-routine she and I dreamed up, and performed in front of everyone.

When I was in school, I was an egg-head. I had intellectual talents. I was also into the arts-- There was a time when the art-teachers told me I had a talent at doing art-- they had seen my work. I always chose the hardest project to do and worked very diligently at it. My hands were good in clay. The two teachers in that department decided to give me a wider berth.. When I'd go to the class, they told me I had permission to do 'whatever I wanted to do' in the art class. I was not going to be required to follow-along with what everyone else was doing (if I chose).
.. It was an 'odd' feeling to be given that kind of liberty. I felt paralyzed-awkward socially a bit because I wondered inside about what my classmates thought?? -- Well, one of them had come in (after hours) and stole the clay-figure I had worked on so hard. It was really life-like! .. So. THAT answered that, socially.
And, there were arts and crafts projects that I COMPELETELY sucked at, that taught me the very important lesson of humility. Being born with the soul of a "renaissance person" CAN have its natural limits! ..

Learn to let OTHERS shine too!! Celebrate them whole-heartedly and genuinely...
It's not always 'all about you'. -- It takes an "us", to be the actors on the stage of Life. EACH player, sooo vital and alone-important.

We've got a Cardinal Grand Cross going on.

Reminds me of the tight spins that ice-skaters perform, their arms stretched out, and the tucks inward that give them speed.

I sooo admire their Talent--
Daily Diligence over decades, they practice their art-form, providing Visual Beauty in a Moving Expression, with Inspirational Grace.

While the New Year was being born, I stood up at the computer, with headphones on, doing a dance (in spite of rm's harsh scowling look).

Then it was like I heard the words
"You need to dance more-- Why did you stop dancing?"

Same message right now seems to have reached some others.
We are individually 'in sync'!!

Cosmically, We Need To Collectively Dance.

(music) I Hope You Dance (Gladys Knight, 2012; skater) [4:01]

LEO Full Moon Eclipse coming … DANCE!!!!!
High Cosmic Play!!!

(music) Safety Dance (Men Without Hats) [2:53]

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posted January 15, 2019 01:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Prayers of support to those who have ailing relatives and loved ones, at this time. Knowledge of impending deaths brings a shocking starkness into to our personal Realities.

Love those People closest to you in life-- especially at a distance.

Tell them in the NOW how much you Care, and say everything you would have wanted them to know, while they are still occupying their body.

Life on earth is Precious, as well as each of the Relationships in our Lives.

(music) Shower The People (James Taylor, Live at the Beacon Theater) [4:38]

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posted January 16, 2019 03:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for scorpio17     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
When I see this nice overview. I wonder how many replies are there technically possible?

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posted January 17, 2019 01:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
awwwww. Thanks for your compliments, and comment Scorpio17.

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted January 18, 2019 05:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by scorpio17:
When I see this nice overview. I wonder how many replies are there technically possible?

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted January 19, 2019 12:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mirage29:
awwwww. Thanks for your compliments, and comment Scorpio17.

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