Topic: Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others
scorpio17 Knowflake Posts: 907 From: Netherlands Registered: Dec 2009
posted February 12, 2019 03:57 AM
I also love this song from Roberta Flack very much. Roberta Flack - Tonight I Celebrate My Love For You. For me it stands for the love I feel for my parents. Leo mom and cappy dad. Although it is a lovesong for lovers. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 12, 2019 09:49 AM
Yes, that's a beautiful song.. and it's so wonderful that you celebrate and love your parents in that way, Scorpio17.Roberta Flack - Tonight I Celebrate My Love for You [3:25] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 13, 2019 06:50 PM
quote: Originally posted by mirage29: Yes, that's a beautiful song.. and it's so wonderful that you celebrate and love your parents in that way, Scorpio17.Roberta Flack - Tonight I Celebrate My Love for You [3:25]
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 14, 2019 11:03 AM
Beautiful dedication.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 14, 2019 11:55 PM
Happy Valentine's Day Feb 14 (music) Circle (Barbra Streisand, lyrics) [4:14] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 15, 2019 11:17 AM
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 16, 2019 01:45 PM
Whew.. Some of the astrologers who said to "avoid excessive strain" at this time weren't kidding! .. Thanks! As alive as my mind and spirit has been, I'm very aware of a kind of 'strain' to the physical body in all this. Magnificent, was that this morning was quieter here-- a sonic reprieve. It felt "good" that things settled, and to feel who I am, and assess the various kinds of 'present' operating systems within me. Have been really needing to rest.. and not just my body.. I was able to 'take the general-pressure off of me'. I can be quite-driven internally. With the environment (temporarily) better right now, AND, slowing myself down, I was able to get some cleaning done, and to 'think my thoughts with some peace'. I needed the 'space' and time to stay home and go within. Was able to sort through some stacks of papers that had needed my attention for a while. Sonics were at a minimum.. again, very lucky. Found some notes to things that I thought I had lost. Was able to toss-out some extra-superfluous data -- *smile*, a 'dataslut', indeed! *grin* By misunderstanding... The Universe had arranged for me to 'accidently' receive a special kind of astro profile. omg..!! {Thank you}. WHAT a treasure!!! .. Truly-- It is amazing being 'older', and having 'lived my life', then receive the information-- This could benefit younger folks, if they decided to have interest in it. Some of y'all don't realize how Valuable some of these reports can be. It was INDEED an accurate assessment. So grateful,,,,, It made me cry 'in the depths' inside.. to feel 'known' .. even though it was "artificially" and on paper. Some of the talents and interests indicated, along with the deep dreams of my Heart, and my NEED for Romance? *laughing*.. Well, it's Nutrition, and the way I've stay in my Heart for years. Said it's what I've needed (and do need) in order to be Happy, and that I need to be appreciation. I know I have some fantastic periods of Creativity that have just touched the edge of what can unfold for me over the next years. AND, {{humor}} *heart*, I am expecting! *grin* Expecting some Downloads from Heaven, that is. I have a sense of being deeply and Creatively pregnant. There's been an ache in my Heart, existentially-- and Spiritually!... The Report I accidently received-- was a FANTASTIC Confirmation of spiritual needs in me-- Said how important religious needs are to my life. How I need to pull-back and 'occasionally' go replenish my Soul. Also, that after getting super-detailed and serious, it's important to allow self to just get loose and playful-- letting Cares go free. There are times to go INSIDE to draw from the Wells there... Yes. And I say all these things, as encouragement for others who feel similar needs. My own Freak Flag involves time with the Music of the Spheres, The Drawing in and Bringing Down from Heaven. For those who Love God, and whose Spirituality is Alive in them. People of all faiths/beliefsystems, with a Devotional inner-spirit, will be able to comfortably relate to this musical atmosphere and lyrics.. (music) Let It Rain (Michael W Smith, lyrics) [5:29] The Experience of 'God' and wooing the Spirit, is ONE energetic language of Love. Different words, Same Essential-Being. As in Heaven.. So on Earth. PRACTICAL spiritual self here .... *smile* Gently, I know that some people practice plant-ceremonies, in order to find Spiritual Connection and Bliss? There are ways to achieve same state in more grounded ways, with less 'unknown' long-range-toxic side effects to the body. For me, the use of inspirational MUSIC coupled with personal Depth-committed devotional practices-- can attract That State to self-- AND, it is enhanced while in corporate settings (such as worship services, drum circles, spiritual dance, etc). You can have Elevated Experiences in Spirit in a 'natural' way-- using your own spiritual muscle-- to achieve it without the use of chemical-inductions! .. Using chemicals (plant or lab-made) run the risk harmful side-effects that you might not be aware of right-now, but that may medically organically appear later in life as physical damage to the brain and nerve-system.. PLEASE be very Careful with those. Think LONG term about your body, your brain-circuits, and your Future. Stay In Love (music) I Want A New Drug (Huey Lewis And The News) [3:32]
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ballerina Moderator Posts: 2512 From: A Place on Earth Registered: Feb 2014
posted February 16, 2019 03:15 PM
mirage29 You are so beautiful ------------------ All my love, with all my Heart lotusheartone/Emeraldopal IP: Logged |
Ayelet Moderator Posts: 4080 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted February 16, 2019 08:38 PM
It is wonderful you have this message you are connected with, being pregnant creatively and acknowledged for your inner leanings and yearnings... Have a great night and day IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 17, 2019 02:17 PM
{very intense sonics last night and today}Wishing everyone a Good Week. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 17, 2019 02:50 PM
Oh!! I see I had commenters here. Greetings, and Thank you, Ballerina and Ayelet!
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 18, 2019 10:16 AM
(music) Cells, Planets (Erika Lloyd, Peterson arr, perf by Avante) [6:15] SuperMoon Full Moon in Virgo 0.42 Tuesday, February 19, 2019 10:53:34 a.m. LL EST CHIRON re-entered ARIES this morning-- Monday, February 18, 2019, 4:07 a.m. LL EST
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ballerina Moderator Posts: 2512 From: A Place on Earth Registered: Feb 2014
posted February 18, 2019 10:59 AM
mirage29 That was visually stimulating, along with the music of the spheres in my ears..Made be think of the Orion nebula, some images of it, look like a human heart with a flame at the top... ------------------ All my love, with all my Heart lotusheartone/Emeraldopal IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 19, 2019 10:46 AM
My favorite short-story is by Ray Bradbury, called "The Fog Horn." First time I heard/read it was by an English teacher in high school.. early 1970. There are different interpretations made of this story... but in my Hearing, I have always related it as a deeply spiritual story-- the Calling to Awake. The wont of finding and being with one's own kind, Collectively. (topic) "The Fog Horn" by Ray Bradbury (Dan Blackridge, posted Nov 17, 2016) [17:09] Spiritually, I think of the Cosmic Sea Creature in the light of this song too-- Happy Birthday, Seal!! (Feb 19) (music) Kiss From a Rose (Seal) [5:30] ~* (music) Withholding Nothing (William McDowell, lyrics, christianExpression) [4:33] Happy Full Moon .. I've got my v-Job today.
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 19, 2019 10:59 PM
Thanks for your observation, Ballerina *~ It was good to see my v-job coworkers today. Strange mood (good), and closeness in that office. I shared the spooky 'Red Cardinal' Tornado Dream story with them. Shared about the relationship I once had with an elderly woman in her 90s... Coincidence TODAY with her name-asteroid conjunct 'Cardinal', on my Libitina at "19" Aquarius, on Feb "19", 20'19'. My coworker said that red cardinals are a symbol of someone on the other side of the Veil bringing a message. The spirit of a Loved one is visiting you. I was bowled-over. REF 'Cardinal' Details here-- Astral Realms forum. "Touching a tornado" LL Emsie, November 09, 2018 02:21 PM - *~ {a story, Feb 13} Personal Readings forum. "Have you ever had an encounter with angels?" LL Loveher, February 07, 2019 12:33 PM -
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 20, 2019 12:08 PM
rm has received bad news over the past few days that a spouse/{mother-of} an extended member of his family was found murdered, and that his brother-in-law's cancer is not responding to treatment anymore right now; THEN, the next day, he received another piece of news from his own daughter that her grandfather died (his ex-wife's; his ex-father-in-law)… who was very elderly. rm is virgo sun H4, aquarius moon H9, with late gemini rising H8 Capricorn 15+ .. with t Pluto, + now Saturn there now). .. deaths.. is thinking about driving alone (two days) up north to go be with family in next weeks? he had wanted to make a HUGE financial splurge, which i had advised him against-- which now, he "sees" he'll need those finances to take his trip up north IF he does go .. i'll have open spaces here to rip my storage bins open, and, maybe consider just trashing more of my things, which i'd HATE TO do .. it's like Occam's razor.. once it's lost, opportunities vanquish i'm still back-and-forth about dumping carefully compiled decades of journals (i should have gone into law??? haha or be a detective!! i was an amazing document compiler!!!) so many many small things I started with little projects over the years, that met the knife of frustrations and immediate thwarting. it's interesting to view how 'actually' productive i had been, in spite of egregious interruptions to Life. i really AM driven the hugest universally-missing thing, my whole entire life, had and has been lack-of-support and mentorship i think that THIS will be reflected in the Akashic records? i hope i got 'extra-credit' for hard things my REAL hope would be for a miracle-REBOUND.. like the joke about running a country-song backwards!! .. he lost everything, but when played the other-way, he gets EVERYTHING back!! *grin* so i'm not getting younger this environment has just not been conducive to health .. has had me worried recently i'm feeling drained and strained-pulled (yet my Spirit has such a sense of refinement) this morning my next-wall neighbor had a HUGE explosive FIGHT (scary!!).. one of them threw something at the wall (where this computer is), and I BET they have a punched-in hole on their side of the drywall there. that was scary!!! amazing that the wall mirror hanging here didn't fall down. yup.. has younger drug dealer living with her over there now, and they can't be feelin' all-that-fine, ALL the time!!! *~grinnnnn* been worried about the little girl there. saw her this morning-- omg, she's growing up-- looked so cute in her beige uniform, with the big white bow in her hair {goes to a Christian school}. i can see the changes in her body. getting longer in her torso!! LOL she ran over to give me a hug this morning, while i was sweeping leaves from the walk, and watering my (gorgeous) fern and colorful butterfly bush. my little super-stellium Leo Fashionista! **hug** God!! I wish the BEST for her Life.. So anyways.. when things calm down, i'm able to tap into higher realms-- it's like taking an airplane UP above the oppressions, to break-into the Clear Blue that is freed from the dragging weights the news on TV?... o.m.g. *eek* C'mon... some of it is just downright ~disgusting!!?? *grin* yeah.. gotta learn 'loving detachment' from it? but you HAVE to keep up with what's going on?? food for posts!!! and asteroid-finds. rm is out right now-- *deep refreshing breath of silence* TV is muted, for the REST of my health's sake today?? *Heart* So.. Back to a chipper-mood now.. going within to Tap Freedom. Going to go on my walk.. to visit some Nature!! Full Moon Virgo was in my 9th house {God's House} I LOVE studying astrology very very much and, I love God too. love it when things crystalize and I've 'grokked' yet-another piece of systems yeah.. like Nutrition?? it improves me, on the inside which i hope will reflect back to Others on the outside through my writings, and ponderings Wishing you ALL.. the BEST shared-patches of Blue Skies. (music) It's The End Of The World {and I feel fine} (Peter Buck, Bill Berry, Michael Stipe, Mike Mills; perf by Great Big Sea, LYRICS!) [2:42] IP: Logged |
ballerina Moderator Posts: 2512 From: A Place on Earth Registered: Feb 2014
posted February 20, 2019 02:44 PM
mirage29 are amazing! we are all each other's guiding Light... Or the Voice.. and we've always had a choice Free Wi11. ... ------------------ All my love, with all my Heart lotusheartone/Emeraldopal IP: Logged |
ballerina Moderator Posts: 2512 From: A Place on Earth Registered: Feb 2014
posted February 20, 2019 02:55 PM
Acknowledging the negative.....there is no death ILLusion We are not lost... We are always here We are always there This is the World of ILLusion and we will all see and hear.. ------------------ All my love, with all my Heart lotusheartone/Emeraldopal IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 21, 2019 11:22 AM
So elegant.. Here is MORE of the story behind what happened regarding the 'cardinal' symbol. The asteroids spelled it ALL out, in its own special ways! [QUOTE]Originally posted by mirage29: (music) Cells, Planets (Erika Lloyd, Peterson arr, perf by Avante) [6:15] SuperMoon Full Moon in Virgo 0.42 {my H9} Tuesday, February 19, 2019 10:53:34 a.m. LL EST CHIRON re-entered ARIES this morning-- Monday, February 18, 2019, 4:07 a.m. LL EST [end/QUOTE] ref. Astral Realms.. 'tornado dream' (continued to be unpacked this morning Thurs. Feb 21) - Have a Blessed Day!! *Heart* IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 21, 2019 10:19 PM
History In the past hour, I rushed outside just-in-time to see, with my eyes, the remnants of the fiery red glows of the launching of Israel's spacecraft, as it disappeared into outer-space. Moment in History! - Beresheet Lander name means Genesis Mission- Friday, February 22, 2019 {Israel Time} Launch Locale- Thursday, February 21, 2019 {Cape Canaveral, Florida} {close to ~8:35 p.m. EST/LL-time} Quote Wikipedia.. Beresheet will measure the Moon's local magnetic field to help understand how it formed. It also brings a digital "time capsule" containing over 50 million pages of data,-- including a full copy of Wikipedia, the Bible, children’s drawings, memories of a Holocaust survivor, Israel’s national anthem (Hatikvah), the Israeli flag, and the Israeli Declaration of Independence. (topic) Israel to land a spacecraft on the moon in 2019 (Israel, posted July 13, 2018) [2:00] yt notes "Israel's decades-long space program is reaching new heights - in 2019, Israel will become the world's 4th country to ever reach the moon!" (music) Good Night Moon (Eric Whitacre, Lina Dambrauskaitë, Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Bel Canto Choir Vilnius, 2017) [5:30]
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 22, 2019 12:11 PM
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 22, 2019 09:44 PM
Countdown to my Launching. (music) Anticipation (Carly Simon, 1971) IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 25, 2019 11:22 AM
Launching.. was delayed again...? Physically, I've been feeling sooo drained.. Spiritually, I'm having amazing little experiences almost every single day now. Astrologically?.. I'm nervous.The kinds of transits I'm having are some that people leave their earthbody under. In whatever kind of letting-go I have to do, again, it would make me sad to have to leave body-earthworld right now-- heh, Just when it's all just getting warmed-up right?? (not just talking climate change) Such a sense of being drained, and at the same time "transforming".. It's truly Beautiful. I "happened" to catch some cool vids, all in a row. As some of you know, I've been delving deeper into some Vedics too, slowly slowly slowly... I happened on a SamGee vid from 2012 on Mercury in Pisces (Vedic, sidereal)… He talked about how his guru Amma had talked about thinking and thoughts. She proposed that we actually just have a series of thoughts and that there is no such thing as mind. Just thoughts, that we put an interpretation to. That was incredibly fascinating. I 'held space' with the notion of that for the hours that came after. Just watching it all in my 'imagination' (which is quite extra-vivid recently). I thought about 'mind' .. I thought about how I was an observer with strokes of thoughts all lined up.. like this-- | | | | | Then I became aware of an almost-hugging-force *grin* that came up invisibly from behind and surrounding me, .. and it (I'll say) formed brackets around the stroke-lines of thoughts... and a scripture Spoke to me that I have "The Mind of Christ." Little-mind ' | | | | | ' enclosed by { Mind }. The Mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16 Philippians 2:5-8 The Center where The Will of God is Known.. .. Great Invocation .. of Love and Peace. I hadn't looked it up in a long time.. Got a nudge to check the location of a certain asteroid, and found that I was/am having my 3241 Yeshuhua-rx Capricorn 11.33 H1sag return!! (music) Windmills of Your Mind (Peter Grant) [3:01] ____________________ Add!! *smile* While I was walking the 'hood, thinking about the 'line of thoughts' and at the point where I Heard the words 'Mind of Christ' .. this beautiful energy simply-unfolded to me the 'beauty' of imperfection. I described it here.. - .. excerpt-- As I walked, there was even-more of an inner-acceptance of my inner self, which has set a high-bar for itself, and the accepting of inner flaws involved with simply purely 'being a human'. You can 'make mistakes' and, still be acceptable and worthy of Love. {read the post for details}
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 26, 2019 05:44 PM
Hoping the launch goes as planned.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 27, 2019 10:21 AM
Countdown...IP: Logged | |