Topic: Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted March 22, 2019 09:22 AM
Milestone Day! Jimmy Carter is today the oldest living President. (topic) Jimmy Carter set to become the oldest living president in U.S. history (CBS Evening News, posted March 21, 2019) [1:48] A news show I watched today erroneously said it was his birthday? Fact-check??!!! -,_Jimmy I know that Pres. Jimmy has asked the Lord to keep him alive until the LAST worm causing human River Blindness is destroyed. He's down to the last several cases now, trying to eradicate this disease from the face of the earth. In a selfish way???, I want to ask that we should keep the very-last-worm preserved alive in a safe-keeping jar, to keep our Jimmy on the earth as long as possible? Congratulations to Jimmy and Rosalynn. - - s-elimination-nigeria.html - p-neighbors-combat-riverblindness.html IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted March 25, 2019 10:57 AM
Having faith that things and people are working FOR me, on my behalf. Been lots of soap-opera drama in the 'hood!!! 'Just another *sonic* Monday??' (ref ~song!! haha) *music* LOL I saved pieces of post I was trying to build for the recent-- SuperMoon FM Libra 0.09 FM-- Wednesday, March 20, 2019 at 9:43p.m. EDT (Thought to finish it-- but maybe will skip now). Was a 'FM Virgo in Vedic'-- Uttaraphalguni. (my Moon's nakshatra) In the Uranian System, Full Moon Libra was ON my h40 Cupido Libra 0.00'01" rx H9(leo), inbetween natal Moon Virgo and MC Libra 2.30. Natal Moon also conjuncts h44 Apollon. Today NN Cancer is on the Uranian Meridian 23+ Cancer. - by LeeLoo, The Uranian Planetary System Making an appearance today. Tomorrow is v-job. Asteroids-- Venus Aquarius 18+ now in my (western) 3rd House, conjuncts 19 Fortuna Aquarius 28.17', and Part.Of.FamousFriends Aquarius 28+ (which title I confer to every single one of my beloved readers-- ..). So. I'll cover yesterday's SundaySong with the appropriateness of the music I leave you. And the song that follows after, expresses and conveys the Preciousness of our Time and collective associations. Oh!. I heard from Karen (ref-above), that all is well with her husband. He is on the mend. They will finalize their relo mid-April. It's a fortuitous 'new start' for them. They are provided-for, and beginning-again, among established people who love them. Thank you to all for your thoughts and prayers on their behalf. Prayers for Gemini Cathy W. in the UK. You know, my Scorpio Grandmother had sent me a thank you card for a gift I sent her one Christmas.
It was a blue satiny hollywood-style robe {highlighting her Beautiful white hair}. In the same box, was a pair of highest-quality warm leather moccasin-slippers, with good soles, which she could use when she went outside, and down to her cellar to do her laundry. She lived way up in the north-east, and I wanted her to feel 'special' ~~~ as well as have something practical that would 'keep' her, every day. It was a very successful gift. In the card she sent me, she said she nearly fell out of her rocking chair! She LOVED it. In this card (which was one of the last snail mail communications we had), she wished/prayed that I would have Excellent and True Friends in life. And she added that she hoped that *I* thought of HER as a True Friend. Certainly, with her being in the Heavenly Realms now, I have faith (with immense Gratitude) that she's been pulling strings for me. With SOOOO Much Love.. Heaven, and Earthly. (music) Friends in High Places (Larnelle Harris) [4:01] Love and appreciate the ones you're with. (music) We May Never Pass This Way Again (Seals & Crofts, 1973, lyrics) [4:19]
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted March 26, 2019 11:12 AM
It's deplorably disgusting..It's heart-wrenching that 3 more people associated with/as victims of former school-shootings took their own lives in the past 10 days. {ref MSD Parkland School, Sandy Hook} Gently, these were victim advocates for SENSIBLE gun-control measures, and their Voices went unheard. Public fighters, they were continually cast back into the hell-dimensions of powerlessness-- while, being "blamed" and accused of their not being #Strong-enough about what happened to them? All for the comfort-sakes of stone-hearted bullies; citizens who refuse to See. They want 'what-THEY-want' ONLY, without blinking-an-eye in tears shed for an other, not caring what happens to innocent-others. A few blocks from where I live, there was yet-another FOUR year old child who was killed by a stray-bullet that was strong enough to pierce-through the building's wall, from their gun-handling neighbor. The blood of these victims are added to many others who die NEEDLESS deaths. Just saw another news item of a mass school-shooting in Brazil. You want to hug, cling-to, and lie beside your great arsenals of GUNS at night for comfort, instead of the presence of alive children and living souls in your lives? Every nation~~ who refuses to pay attention--- Who value walls and stockpiling of weapons, refusing bread? Softly and gently, your unconscious-selves and souls live with moral guilts as sleepwalkers..? You ARE your Loving-Brother's Keepers .. (topic) Judi Dench as Lady Macbeth (Nov 2012) [4:33] The blood of children and innocent souls cries out from the earth.. Your duty to take your neighborly responsibility-- The penalty for massive needless loss of life, for the losses that CAN be prevented-- These are on and in our hands. (music) From A Distance (Bette Midler, lyrics) [4:33] This was a strong word today.. It's what had arisen within me, with Observation-- of the powerlessness around events occurring in the world today, via News. In a Peaceful Bond of Love, I hold EACH of you 'in the Light' of Safety Protection and Peace; and for a deep Contentment for your own Lives. Sending Angels of Comfort, for those who Mourn. QUOTE-- Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone's face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love?' These are the real questions. I must trust that the 'little bit of love' that I sow now will be many fruits, here in this world and the life to come. ~ Henri Nouwen Compassion asks us to go where it hurts, to enter into the places of pain, to share in brokenness, fear, confusion, and anguish. Compassion challenges us to cry out with those in misery, to mourn with those who are lonely, to weep with those in tears. Compassion requires us to be weak with the weak, vulnerable with the vulnerable, and powerless with the powerless. Compassion means full immersion in the condition of 'being human'. ~ Henri Nouwen end/quotes - In an attitude of Peace, with Love.. Have a Calm and Very Blessed Day. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted March 27, 2019 02:57 PM
*~I've GOT to curb and try better at being super-detached from news I watch?.. And yet, my Heart is so moved by things that are happening, and so many matters of Justice. Even at my v-job yesterday, one of my coworkers seemed 'stunned-bummed' at the end of the day. I asked her what was going on? She said how Heart-wrenching and impossible-seeming some of the stories she heard over the phone were today --- I silently remembered the astrology, .. and I hugged her shoulders with no words. Yes, I've been eyeing and feel nervous {?fear} about SN-Pluto and Saturn Capricorn coming over my Ceres Capricorn 25+. My Progressed Moon in Capricorn is now at 16+ {sextile Scorpio{my Saturn} and tNeptune-cluster in Pisces}. During the cluster conjunction of the future, I'll be having Progressed Moon ON Ceres, WITH my Ceres-Return. tUranus now in Taurus {5th} makes some good-aspects for me!! {My Cancer Mars!!! makes sextile}. I've been going through my mind's past-rolodex, in the subtle layers re-living ALL the wrong-choices that I had made before, surrounding issues of various relocations I'd made in my life; especially starting with the VERY FIRST life-changing choice made in my mid-teens (1969 early 1970)), which in retrospect was a "wedged-NONchoice"-- this ended up with a grave wounding of my sense of morality. Bottom-line seriously, I know that I cannot do-it-all, and I HAVE been confused-- yet at the SAME time, feeling 'pressed' to do 'something' .. ?? I don't want to give up!! I belong to 'some' Team out there.. The 'doorways' that some say exist are not as clear to me as some have spoken that they've been. {And I have to make that 'okay' to me, right now-- and not sweat and nor press it.} I will Flow with things, feeling more perched-Forward, with faith. Some say I over-think?? .. haha {Like DrrrPhill says, Ya think??? ROFL.} I'm about tiny details!!, and grasping at them like tiny little floating life-preservers. It's been like 'treading water at night'--- deliberately endeavoring to disconnect from what at times can seem like subtle soft invitations to panic. RE my tripping out on "God-LSD" … *HEART* .. I am laughing sooo hard!!! {God is my 'Main-line High' } There are two holidays a year, that trigger soo many fabulous Bridges and connections to Spiritual Highs for me. Christmas Season-- Thanksgiving-Nov, through Dec, to mid-January. Then, the events around Lent and Easter are loaded into my direct-system of experiences, that had had life-changing effects in me.. Times of March and April. hmmm. Reminds me of Ceres{CaprH2} / Demeter{LibraH9/10}, Persephone{CaprH2} / Proserpina{Gemini in H6taur} {which-asteroids connect in significant places..} including Demeter Libra 0+ {FM Libra we just had??}. Proserpina Gemini is ON my Sun. The "socialization" I get, is my volunteer-job. Don't have resources-- It costs money to socialize. Right now, I'm just {sorta ?scarily} depleted there-- {plus, constantly not feeling really well}. And as for Blessings, I am soooo BLESSED to be under a roof; I have my own food, and place to sleep; Have HVAC and liberal use of utilities-- MOST IMPORTANT of ALL to me is that I have a computer I can use.. You already know the 'gnarly environmental setting' these "blessing-things" are in. Rm and I do 'get-along' {with deep compromise} .. which is important. I'm into harmonious peaceful (emotional) environments. {no fighting; able to co-exist in same small space} So I woke up this morning remembering a dream {which is rare for me-- I used to dream prolifically}. Took me back to parts of a time when I worked for and around an established metaphysical organization (in my early 20s and beyond that). In this dream, it felt like I was moving around in thick hazy sludge- including perceptions.. I started to realize that I was supposed to be in a lecture, as one of the speakers on the topic of medical astrology to a group of people. .. I had "just" realized it, and had no time to do an exhaustive 'intellectual' hard-prep for it. {My mind was in such a foggy-haze.} .. I had to have the resolve and confidence inside that 'what' I already-knew within me already, would have to suffice. I would be required to draw up knowledge of everything I knew, 'in the moment'--- .. All I kept seeing and struggling to focus on (REALLY HARD) was to remember where to find the diagram illustrating 'The Signs and Parts of the Body', within some unknown computer file that I would need to access {on a program I barely knew}, so that it could be projected for the audience. There was some other diagram that I KNEW I would also need (for sure), and the name of it was sooo hazy and missing, for WHICH one it would be... I kept trying to quiet myself, and at the same time prepare as HARD as I could, not knowing where I was even supposed to be! (still in the dream) Then this blonde middle-aged/older woman in a car, pulled-up to the counter where I was, at the resort. She seemed like an important woman somehow, but I couldn't remember where I knew her from. She was getting out of her car, and coming by where I was. Brushing by me, she had commented that she had heard me talk about something in medical astrology before, in another meeting we were at-- (which I couldn't remember!!). .. She seemed to have respect for me in her demeanor. Then she made a comment about something in my aura and for me to keep a check of something about my health. I woke up. This was part of my fear afterwards, as I was waking up. That I have been so long dealing with physical stressors here that I have fears about whether I could have something wrong now, that would follow the rest of my life. .. Has me worried whether or how-much health I'll be able to recover for myself {after am away from triggering-atmosphere that causes it}. Will I be re-established in feeling good-relief afterwards? {discomforts mitigated/lowered/bettered}. Of course (if you're aware of other posts I've done), some of you already know that I see my own aura in the mirror. This morning I can 'see' the creative inspiration that is teeming around me. I see the spirituality and my soul's deep-diving draws into sacred soul-space. Also see the worry and stress present-- which I need to keep in-check. Anytime people talk about 'being in ego' or delusion, there are actually 'indicators' which can appear in the colors in the aura which could tip to that tendency if there have been shifts. Sometimes it surprises me to see that I had moved into that space of lying to self/not being centered; at which time, I check what and 'how' that would be (in self). I go within to find out what that is, how it is manifesting?, and endeavor to humble-self so as to bring correction. BTW.. It's the sextile aspect between natal Moon and Uranus H8 (and??? I think other aspects) which lend to seeing those. I never regard it. It's never on my mind, unless there's a POP of suddenly seeing at times-- especially when the environment is conducive {the lighting, the background, has to be right for it}. I had been {shockingly to me} pretty accurate when I tried it before, in an early part of my life. .. I learned to let that go-- in a way, so as not to bother people's privacy. I simply don't acknowledge/do it anymore. In some cases, maybe I should???-- as it's a 'discerning' gift. But wow these days, the yuck to be seen off some.. And especially that I'd found myself in a trapped-position (several times in my life), of sole-needing to 'trust' that I'd stay safe around these. I had to ignore it as much as I could. -- Makes me shudder. {Those days are DONE!!… haha, Breathe, Mirage!!! *laughing*} Anyway. Sometimes I 'feel' the solid power and boldness and confidence I have in me when it comes to being-there for others-- and then at the same time, there can be the tendency to be hesitant, second-guess and shy-- {The first bible-story that really spoke to me in my life, when I was young teen, was the story of "Gideon"!! God had such great Patience with him-- worked out well.} These days, I've been also flooded with The Good I've seen, interspersed with other things. And quietly, I contemplate the past-lessons learned about life and things people have done. Going with the flow.. Perhaps expect more spiritual songs, as this next New Moon Aries is ON my 318 Magdalena Aries 15.48, as well as some asteroids having to do with life-after-death. For those into metaphysical/mystical realms, and based on past-associations I've had in real world with persons who were told by Edgar Cayce that they were in the inner-circle of Jesus; and based logically on the fact that these souls had been my peers and coworkers in THIS lifetime, then it makes perfect sense that my Soul renews its Memories of the closeness of having been in His entourage... I STILL Love Him. He was/is one of the most Attractive Beautiful Souls that had ever lived. He was part of my story-then, as much as now. Please do not deny me revisitations with the SoulConnection I have had to the Highest and Deepest Soul Experience and memory I have. (astro-humor) Signed, 399 Persephone Capricorn .. at 18.36'21" rx H2 conjunct F.S.Sheliak Capr 18.16 Conjunct asteroids that would blow your mind!! LOL biquintile Pluto Leo quintile 29+Pisces Cruithne quintile Juno-rx Scorp sextile Saturn-rx Scorp trine Venus Taurus WOW-- checked the transits!! #CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP!!! lol transiting 3241 Yeshuhua in Capricorn 19+ {on 3162 Nostalgia} conjuncted natal 399 Persephone Capr 18+ {opp Vesta Cancer H8}; transiting 399 Persephone in Capricorn 13+ conjuncted natal 3241 Yeshuhua Capricorn 11+. transiting 318 Magdalena in Taurus 15+ conjuncted natal VENUS Taurus 12+ H5. I have a LOT of sky-connections to Music going on, which seems due to strengthen for the rest of my days on earth. (music) Alabaster Box (Cece Winans; story of MaryMagdelene?) [5:33] Been typing here for a long time today. Love to All. I may delete portions of this posting later.
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted March 28, 2019 10:44 AM
I was surprised this morning to find that my *poofed* post showed up. Had done a post that said how I tried to save my work and couldn't 'grab' text in-time for the sudden disappearance. Now, it's baaackk! *laughing* *heart*It's hard to see what mistakes are made in the writing of a post here, until it has published. (No print-preview at LL.) I've got to go into that post to adjust some of the writing, for clarity. I wish you all a really Fine Day. Mercury goes Direct today, on Neptune Pisces. Soon?!!! … (music) On A Clear Day (Barbra Streisand ..) [2:18]
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted March 28, 2019 02:22 PM
Currently … {loosely} Venus Pisces 2~3+ on F.S.Fomalhaut, with Mercury-Neptune 16+ Pisces and Vesta Pisces 28+ Moon Capricorn, Saturn Pluto SN Capricorn … {Capricorn} Mars Taurus 28+ (music) What The World Needs Now (Barbra Streisand, album Walls) [4:38] (music) Walls (Barbra Streisand, album Walls) [3:54] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 29, 2019 07:01 PM
I've heard of poofs but not unpoofs.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 30, 2019 11:02 AM
I wish unpoofs would happen more often.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted March 30, 2019 11:12 AM
Poofs and unpoofs.. Yeah, there are some subtle 'tells' that happen before-hand. It takes experience and observation. Then, there are those moments when the internet-itself seems to burp. I think that this is what happened.I had 'tried' to rescue as I perceived this was beginning-- and didn't 'catch' it on time. There have been other times where I WAS able to capture the text, then post again, with nothing missed. Another one of our elderly neighbors died last Tuesday. The family appreciated my condolences. Some of us here have been together in the 'hood for over a decade. I usually stop for friendly short chats, or a wave (as there are some language barriers) -- but a smile and a wave speaks ALL languages. Got a white rose with purple and magenta tints from a local convenience store, and arranged it with clippings from the red and purple Butterfly Bush blossoms.. with stalks from my Boston Fern, and azalea shrub greens to hold these all in place. .. I send virtual Condolences to this family's Loss of their well-loved elderly Great-Grandmother. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted March 31, 2019 04:11 PM
I gave birth to my first child 35 years ago today. 27 hours of labor, 4 hours of pushing-- was a frank-breech 'natural' birth.Aries Sun 10.55'52" with Pisces Moon 29.33'34" in H12, Aries Rising 22.56. {sunrise} Born ON her due-date. Almost a triple-Aries! There was a New Moon Aries 11.57' that same morning, shortly after she was born. Virtual Blessings, Wishing her Happy Birthday. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 01, 2019 03:49 PM
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scorpio17 Knowflake Posts: 907 From: Netherlands Registered: Dec 2009
posted April 02, 2019 04:19 AM
Wow almost triple aries. What a fire cracker...27 hours of labor... Congrats with your first one. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted April 02, 2019 11:13 AM
Hi Scorpio17!! Regarding my first daughter-- We had a midwife, and were planning to have her in a birthing-center. During the night around one week before her birth, she had flipped around in the womb. We slept on a waterbed mattress, and her giant LEAP in my womb caused a waterbed-wave... woke me up. I was a slim person, and the midwife said I wore my babies DEEP inside. I barely looked pregnant until the end. Had had lots of "false" labor (ha!! 'false'?). The midwife had us come in, then said to me that she should break the bag of waters to make a determination of what her 'presentation' was (head, or butt first). After the bag was broken and she said the baby was breech and we'd have to have a 'hospital' birth, I was so bummed. She was a gorgeous baby, 7-pounds. It turned out too, that she had a genius mensa-level I.Q. when they tested her. DEEPLY sensitive child. Had a talent for being able to mimic animals. Was good at art. Thanks for commenting. I have my v-job to go to today. *~ Skywatch-- Transiting Mercury Neptune conjunction in 17+ Pisces today-- Natal intercepted, 3rd House, Aquarius. Transiting Chiron 2.29 Aries is conjunct my 1809 Prometheus Aries 2.28 H3--- Chiron will cross-over my Aries IC 2.30 into H4 now. Deep memories? …. (music) A Thousand Years (Christina Perri, The Piano Guys, Cello and Piano instrumental) [4:30] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted April 04, 2019 11:55 AM
New Moon Aries 15.17 Friday, April 5, 2019 Just a truly Amazing energy .. New Lunation! So many reveals... Truly, Blessed to BE a Blessing. {{Prayers answered.}} IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted April 04, 2019 07:02 PM
Anniversary Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 -- April 4, 1968) - (music) "Pride" MLK Tribute "In The Name of Love" (U2, vocals by Arlette, w Doug Hall on piano) [3:41] (music) We Shall Overcome (Pete Seeger, lyrics) [4:47] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted April 08, 2019 03:21 PM
While the Moon is still in the more-tranquil Taurus, I want to add this with Piscean waters for a blanket of soothing vibrations.. (music) The Lord's Prayer (singer is Andrea Boccelli, lyrics) [4:22] "The Lord's Prayer" (traditional) Our Father Who art in heaven. Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but Deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory. Forever. Amen. I chose this certain vid because the photography is truly Beautiful.. Almost-all the shots are of The Earth, The things on Earth (Nature), Including far-photos of The Cosmos. Have a Gentle and Amazing Day. .. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 09, 2019 03:56 PM
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted April 11, 2019 09:45 AM
Just popping in to say a quick hello. Been really busy.Rm needs his computer for a while today for an appointment he has. I'll be back... IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted April 11, 2019 04:52 PM
Sending out Virtual Congratulations to Dr. Kati Bouman - Did this at 29 years old? (Saturn return). She's a TAURUS! w Cancer Moon. "Katie Bouman was born Tuesday, 9 May 1989 in West Lafayette, Indiana" general wiki coordinates 40.26'N, 86.54' W -,_Indiana - Has Venus and Ceres in Taurus Mercury Gemini 6+ sr {where tMars has been} JUPITER Gemini 11+ Moon Cancer and Mars Cancer 5+ {Chiron Cancer ~ conjunct} Chiron is a Key CAPRICORN Uranus-rx 4, Neptune-rx 12+ Saturn-rx 13+ Pluto-rx Scorpio 13+ NN is ~1+ Pisces/SN Virgo "The black hole image, captured by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) - a network of eight linked telescopes - was rendered by Dr Bouman's algorithm. " {BBC} (topic) 'This is the first-ever picture of a black hole' (CNN, posted April 10, 2019) [3:23] yt notes In April 2017, scientists used a global network of telescopes to see and capture the first-ever picture of a black hole, according to an announcement by researchers at the National Science Foundation Wednesday morning. They captured an image of the supermassive black hole and its shadow at the center of a galaxy known as M87. end/quote For astrologers.. you should recognize that "M87" is considered the Virgo Cluster-- and which-spot the first Libra FULL Moon at 0 degrees occurred, on Wednesday March 20-[21 GMT], 2019. NOT to suggest that it was a part of the revealing, .. just, that it's fascinating to observe patterns and synchronicities. - There are three other massive spots. Transiting Jupiter in Sagittarius has been traveling over the spot called "The Great Attractor" around 13/14+ Sagittarius (across from Dr. Katie's own Jupiter Gemini); Jupiter came up to 24+ Sagittarius (before turning around) near the "Galactic Center" 26/27+ Sagittarius. The third spot would have been the recent finish of transiting Uranus' passage in Aries over M31 aka "Andromeda Galaxy" Aries 27. I'm pretty certain we could probably find some (slower moving?) "Optics and Image" asteroids that have been involved as well? So. That was for astrologers. The astronomers use sidereal in their calculations. An Amazing Journey We all know too, that it takes collaborators and many many team members to pull such massive projects together, in order to make them a Success. I was impressed about the way they used 'the Earth' and the coordination of high-sensitivity telescopes over the two hemispheres. International Global Cooperation. Again, Congratulations. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted April 12, 2019 01:34 PM
Found this song .. and, it's appropriate for today.Especially for those within a certain range of the Neptune in Libra generations highlighted. Each generation needs the dna-level of embodied experiences of the other generations. (Loved some of the talks and articles I've read by Alex Trenoweth.) We were sort of 'wired' for this Time-- having grown up in-between two transition times. Our cells contain wisdoms needed to be 'felt' in order to add 'a lifting' to humanity right now. We Lift All our Torches, And Everyone's Contribution, in the Spirit of Love. (music) Utopia (Alanis Morisette, lyrics) [4:48] -,_Alanis Holding The Vision .. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted April 12, 2019 06:41 PM
Gently, gently, gently .. very very gentlyI perceive how the love, light, and some circles in the new age community (new people that I have JUST now become aware of)---.. You are all sooooo Delicate, and sooooo Precious, in your Work to uphold the Collective Energies. You and your Service is sooo very-needed now. It broke my Heart when I saw the rage and amount of disturbance to the Beautiful Harmony and Peace Available.. has so much incredible pain associated with it... It's Okay. … Gently, O Children of The Light-- It's perfectly Right if you want and NEED to Let Go. I, in my soul, am a private person of Peace. I strive to keep my Heart open, and Walk in Love. Maybe some of you are 'new' with my LL identity and platform here? I Bless You. I send you a Higher Love, and A Beautiful Higher Peace... It's gently very "okay" .. if you simply simply simply.. wish to 'disconnect' your personal private feeds to my threads and posts. Please... Surround Your Selves With Healing-- It's okay to release and return to 'your own' Lakes of Tranquil Peace, and to BE in your Perfections, and To Grow in Balance and Grace-- encouraging even MORE Love. May you keep Blossoming from your personal and collaborative business endeavors, and with your spiritual personas. With Light, With Gentleness, Kindness ... I Bless those all who leave now... with Loving Light and Total Regenerative Restorative-Protective deepening "Peace" Thank you for having been my Reader. You Are Loved. Allow nothing disturb you any further, from this hour on. ..Go in Gentle Peace. It's Fine. It's Okay. I wish and Pray that your Life will find Happiness (in the Storms of Life). That you feel Secure, Happy, Calm... And Restored. May you Have a Beautiful Life for All the Love and Light that you Add to the Collective's Energy networks-- May you attract prosperous-clients, grow in Fame, and have Clever Ideas that will help you to increase your Revenues. Wishing you ALL the Abundance and Stability you need for a Secure Future and Overjoyed Prosperity. With Love.. *May You Live Long and Prosper* i ain't nothin' but a dream .. (music) Follow (Richie Havens, lyrics) [6:20] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 13, 2019 12:46 PM
The Vulcan greeting.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted April 13, 2019 07:41 PM
Having a really inspiring practical information-filled upbeat day! I've been attending a free Astrology-Classes Summit since noon. It extends into tomorrow also. - This is helping me clarify how the bigger transits will impact my chart, and start working a plan around it? Wow!! One of my take-aways so far is that how in a coordinated way, we all 'work' the areas OF the houses in our charts, and when each does their part, it blends sooo well in the Community and Village of The World. I'm so enthused .. All In This, Together!
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted April 15, 2019 12:35 PM
The Moon is in early Virgo today. I just checked its aspect. While it was trine Uranus Taurus, a project idea I had had floated back up in my head.It was an idea that incepted itself when I was approaching my Jupiter Cancer 27+ Return years ago. I have Vx-Uranus Cancer at 25+ conjunct the Jupiter, and, in my 8th house. My chart has many planets in later-degrees of the signs. It is really lit-up right now. This project will be able to be used 'in the world', and would benefit many people, who might not realize that it is based on astrology WITH science. The idea really started crystallizing after Jupiter Cancer went into VIRGO, and took its journey there for a long time. My Moon is Virgo 24.56.H(9); with MC Libra 2.30 to be energized. Even with Chiron now having passed over the IC, (and the relevant asteroids there), .. well.. omg. This project idea just incorporates so many of (even) asteroids that lend to it. I learned about out-of-bounds planets this past weekend. I'm approaching my 64th birthday, e.o. May. I have both a natal Mercury and Mars o.o.b., and for that birthday transiting Mercury and Mars will be o.o.b. AND making their planetary returns. I know that part of the counsel given for folks with o.o.b. planets energy, is that they MUST have a team of friends to be able to bounce ideas with. .. I would REALLY like some people I could bounce this idea with, again. It would be my hope that it would provide the world-at-large with something good; and that it would ADD to the relevance of astrology in the process. There are a cluster of astrologers in the UK .. that might be able to add (and benefit?) with it. I've seen a kind of use of my idea in the mundane world (and it didn't use astrology). It was the same kind of idea. I really don't want to share any more of that online. Being protective. I 'think' there are other efforts by groups in the mundane world that 'might' be open to receiving and testing our project-idea (if it turns out seeming that it might fly?). In the otherwhile, I'd love to increase my knowledge of astrology. I'm at ~an intermediate understanding. I had been attracted to Vedic/Indian astrology (initial that led me to that interest) for being able to add to my understanding, AND being able to incorporate it into this idea, too-- as Indian astrology is VERY specific. Years ago, in the more-beginning pages of this thread, I believe I had begun to approach and wanted to explore this idea. I have NO idea if I'm "delusional" .. or if my idea is fit and good, and applicable to the intention towards benefiting folks in the world. It's a "use" that is global. Could be used by anyone, anywhere, if they had the tech. I am VERY very cautious about "grandiose" thoughts-- but, it MIGHT be something usable, practical, that could help people, and groups, in a specific way. I am kind of shy (oohhhh yeahhhh). I feel a bit overwhelmed on 'how' to present it. So... I'm putting this out there right now. I was SOOOOO inspired by the weekend Summit I just attended. I have found myself becoming more deeply interested in astrology that involved "mythology" and the 'myths' that are re-enacted in individual and group lives. Recently... (AND, since CERES is ground-zero at 25 Capricorn in H2 for this INCREDIBLE transit that is active NOW?? , I've been 'feeling that' inside-- I 'feel' the sorrow that CERES myth has evoked, and I also have the Persephone AND Prosperina Stories VERY linked into my natal chart. In a ~slide kind of way, I have Chiron Aqua 5+ in my H2 Capricorn. Trine Hygeia/Harmony Libra in my 10th, AND my Sun Gemini at 7+.. My Sun trines my MC Libra. It is not ptolemiacally aspected by traditional planets. It resides just-below the Gemini Descendent, in my Taurus 6th House. I ALWAYS want to do a "good job" with ANYTHING I apply my energies towards. (And, I have the problem with my environment needing to be adjusted to needs.) Aside... Let me express that I have partially-seen some broadcasts... I want you to know How Much refinement and deep inner Beauty some have. I just REALLY really want the BEST for your life.. and I send you sooo much Loving respect with gracious admiration of the 'open' I see and hear. Emotionally in myself, I listened to the war in me. I NEVER want anyone to feel put-out in stress to have a guest. It's overwhelmingly generous, and I really recognize that. In karmic sense??.. I-myself, used to invite individuals (and a whole family once) to come live under my roof when they were in a time of transitions between lodgings, or jobs, relocations. I 'loved' being able to 'do' that for them.. Didn't even charge them for it. (I had my young children at that time too-- and it was during a time of very heavy involvement in a church "community"; I was 'all-in'; and felt like 'family' towards folks who attended. I have a spirit of hospitality inside me, and I would even host people in my lodging for soup-sandwiches and naps in-between the two services that were held that day. Many would drive a very long-distance in order to attend morning services. I had identified some of them (fellow choir and music-servers), and on my own, 'opened my doors' to Serving these people (who otherwise would have stayed in their cars, or, hang at a restaurant or rented hotel room). As a result, they could be refreshed and at their best, for the evening's activity. .. oh gosh. I had even 'personally' written a large check-donation that paid for a new roof for an orphanage in Africa. That brought me a lot of inner satisfaction to do that. I helped "cover" the Children. {o my. *tears* .. I guess that's my 'maternal' side coming out} It is said that karma performed that is Good, comes back to revisit you? … {{I am sooo deeply humbled, in this moment...}} Yes, as this thread is about Good Performed, and the strategy to Help Many Others... My Heart is just BURSTING right now.. with how All is Blossoming. I say to you again, I put Good Intentions in whatever it is I do.. I have had NO intentions of stomping on others feet? .. Sorry for past clumsiness? Maybe I still am, or will do it again?.. It's not "intentional" and sorry for being a bad dancer????? oh sheesh??? The thought of 'plans' planning. My head is bombed??? Too many details??? to sort. I WANT to think of myself as a success. (humor) AND, I can easily find all the ways NOT to be??? Equal Opportunity self-saboteur. I will and am DEEPLY DEEPLY considering all the various parts of this endeavor of shifting from one state of being to another. Because I have an older body, I also have the Saturn reality of time and the physical toll its had. I "think" inside like geez, I'm 25, or 35??… but holy heck?? *smiling*.. {mirror..} I'm getting to be older??? wha'?????? *laughing* I have a Spirit of Excellence in me. I do my Best. I always Try. I'm a good learner (hope)?...a versatile Mercury Gemini. I will take what some{so far that I've viewed} have said, with utterly deep consideration. (with HUMOR, and love}.. You HAVE to know, how Massively Brave this would all become for me, if/when, the opportunity opens itself. .. To another person's question.. How would I support myself? … I am not sure. …. I guess the answer to that depends on the replies I get, especially if the 'project' idea is acceptable. I'm sorry when I'm off-time, or on-time... It's hard to judge 'when' my environment here is conducive and enables to concentrate. I So. I have appointments later, then, I have my volunteer job tomorrow. I know they may be short-staffed right now. Don't know if I'll be asked to put in more days for them this week. I have a LOT to absorb from everything. Lot of processing. I wish you all Many Blessings. ADD... Sending love to my sidereal and western astro-friends who give me sooo much love, and their ongoing hope and support. I have asteroid Compassion conjunct Industria in the 4th House. I like to be in support to Others who do Compassionate Work in the World. Thank You! IP: Logged |
ballerina Moderator Posts: 2512 From: A Place on Earth Registered: Feb 2014
posted April 15, 2019 02:46 PM
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." --Anais Nin------------------ All my love, with all my Heart lotusheartone/Emeraldopal IP: Logged | |