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Author Topic:   Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others

Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted April 27, 2019 11:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

(music) Circle (Barbra Streisand, lyrics) [4:14]

For all those who have remained as part of my Gathering, I consider it a privilege to Share MORE of this Journey with you.

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Posts: 15192
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Registered: May 2012

posted April 27, 2019 04:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Shooting.. At a California Synagogue

Shootings.. based on "hatred" of another group's Belief System.

(topic) Shooting at Poway synagogue leaves at least one dead, person detained for questioning (CH 10 San Diego News, 12:11 p.m. Pacific Time, Saturday, April 27, 2019) [3:52] ch-for-shooter

- leaves-injuries/ar-BBWm68R

.. synagogue in the city of Poway,
just over 20 miles (32 kilometers) north of San Diego.

Officials say deputies were called just before 11:30 a.m.

The shooting came on the last day of Passover
and exactly six months since a shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue killed 11 people.

(music) I Choose Love (Mark A. Miller, text by Lindy Thompson; posted by Singing Out, May 2018) [4:41]

- 9-Pesach.htm


32.58'12" N, 117.2'19" W

In my college days, I had an older Jewish Woman who befriended me. She took me to a Seder (Passover Meal). In the ritual, people have to drink-down 4(?) full goblets of wine, throughout portions of the dinner! .. Indeed. It was a memorable, magical, and very warm memory I have of having participated, with this old Friend.

(topic) Passover 2019: What you need to know about the Jewish holiday (posted, Apr 2019) [1:29]

yt notes
Friday night, millions of Jews across the globe will gather around a table to commemorate Passover, an eight-day holiday that remembers the exodus of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt more than 3,000 years ago.

One of the most important Jewish holidays of the year,
Passover brings people together to retell the miracles of the exodus as recounted in the Bible.

Above all, the holiday of Passover is about coming together as one, and ends — in prayer and in thought —
with the hope for Peace for all.

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Posts: 15192
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Registered: May 2012

posted April 29, 2019 02:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Today is the birthday of my 2nd Daughter.
I Send her Celestial Blessings.

This is the 2nd week of my being layed-out with flu.
This has been a strong one.
Normally, my body is really good at deflecting germs.
It's been a while since I've felt like this.

Called in to my v-job to cancel for this week, and my voice sounded like I could sing in the bass section of a choir right now. LOL.

I made a big pot of Chicken Soup.
Will debone the chicken now that it's cooled off.

Sending Love and Blessings.

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Posts: 15192
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posted May 01, 2019 07:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm a kid-magnet in the neighborhood.
Been trying to go out and walk. Little kids see me and hold their arms out-stretched to start coming to me for a hug-- but I've had to use body language to keep them away. Still have Flu Germs! ugh.
(Feel incredibly worn from it.)

Don't know if I mentioned it?--
My Gemini-stellium Boss/GemAsc had fallen and broken her ankle.
Prayers for her fast healing and successful surgery (when they are able to schedule it).
Thank you

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 02, 2019 01:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 15192
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Registered: May 2012

posted May 02, 2019 08:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
For folks who have been feeling discouraged, hurt, or who have felt like throwing in the towel.

The words to this Poem are for you...

(topic) Poem " Don't Quit" Author unknown (Audio, by Coach Wade) [2:00]

I watched a small portion of The BillBoard Awards last night.

Mariah Carey was given the 2019 "Icon" award.

I was sooo happy for her. She deserved it.
Her acceptance speech was soo humble and gracious.

(music) Mariah Carey composer/singer
-- "Hero" -- Billboard #1 (Dec 25 1993)

Love, and Blessings..

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Posts: 15192
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posted May 03, 2019 07:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
New Moon in Taurus 14.10 tomorrow,
Saturday, May 4, 2019, at 6:45 p.m. EDT.

I wish you all an Enjoyable and Peaceful weekend-- with the people you Value the most.

Have a Great Weekend.

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Posts: 15192
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posted May 06, 2019 11:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My home has been a sonic-boiling hell-realm.
NerveSystem is fried from this past weekend.

Getting over the flu has been especially-difficult, as one's "home" is supposed-to-be the place you get to rest and recuperate. VERY difficult circumstance here.

There is no'thing like agitated constant triggered nerve-pain that keeps you in the ever-present 'now' inside the body-- until they shut it off.

It's basically CONSTANT here, until, the wee-hours of the morning.

When I use my bathroom, it wakes *them* up (but they are not the 'only' ones), and the sonics-day starts over. My insidebody is raw from all this constant irritation, for YEARS.

Because local help is targeted "for" and ONLY persons of certain cultures or specific conditions (and, they 'are' the Majority here), because these happen to have strong 'representation' and a voice in govt and local politics, *they* get access to special programs-- They are connected in community amongst themselves, and are taken-care of.

I have been doing Volunteer work for a humanitarian agency over 2 years, that serve people in poverty--

Weirdly, there is 'no assistance' for "me" -- and especially-since I have this 'hidden' very painful disability.

"Doing" this myself--
There is NO program,
no "affordable housing"
that would 'cater' to my own special needs.

The only thing that keeps me "going" minute-to-minute, is -- (yes, as someone suggested as the 'thing' I must 'do' for myself now) is to KEEP throwing myself ON my own God and Faith System for Help that will keep me going.

Maybe, I should be "grateful" for the *sonics* that keep me having to GO to "GOD" for help in bearing my situation?????

The other thing I "do" for myself is to cope with this nervePain by diverting my awareness and attention intensively INTO something (like a movie, story, vid, project) that allows me to dissociate the pain into my background awareness.

I am coming upon 7 years of being here at LL, May 12--
and it is my 64th Birthday on the 29th.

The way the economy is right now in the U.S.A, ESPECIALLY for seniors/elders in the US who do NOT have a family to support them, plus with the draconics in government right now, I'm looking at the bald Saturn-reality of an early quite-painful death, in the dangerous dirty streets here.

In my area, the government declared a "Crisis" in Affordable Housing-- (and with my acute nervePain condition when it comes to exposure to low-income neighbors' *sonics*) -- looking at "the truth" with Saturn's-reality AT my situation, and my living in the constant "now"-- I can't see the way out....
Am without assistance and support in my latter-years.

Right now, I would 'not' be able to afford keeping-up payments on anything. My bodyhealth is wrecked, and I am soooo behind the "modern" times. Not that I couldn't have been teachable, and eager to learn!!!

My environmental disability would stop me from the regular jobs that the-poor need-- They hold multiple jobs, are exhausted, and have children to worry about and feed.

O no.
I hear scratching and digging in the neighbor-wall next to computer here. It's been a nightmare. Maybe putting in more wiring, for their expensive super-jacked audio system?

Heard that the Duchess of Sussex is in Labor to have her first baby.

What an auspicious day and Time!
I heard that this is a 'special' time period for the next few days.

Blessings on the mother, child, father, and entire family. Godspeed and Safe Delivery.

Going in to v-job tomorrow.
Feel quite drained, but, my germs aren't contagious anymore.

Add-- Thurs 9May2019 -------------------

Not all people might understand how 'life-intruding' this situation has been, UNLESS they-themselves had lived at the mercy of unruly apartment-neighbors, and suffered the "physical" impact in their health and their finances, as a result..

Even in a deeply spiritual, basically positive and uplifting person, things DO start to wear and affect certain souls-- especially, during more sensitively-vulnerable times.

The person(myself) can still be highvibrational, but with the physical-senses being painfully assaulted, that person can get 'weary' and the suffering bleeds through the energies??
I do not (at this time) have the ability to relocate, and afford to support self. This is real-life reality.

I'm glad that you've enjoyed my posts-- especially the new people.

New people may not know "everything" that has been going on (described in this whole thread) here, for 'years'.

If you are a gentle and 'Sensitive' soul, and you like the things I have to say-- then, you must filter and adjust for the gnarly of my body-situation.

I derive NO income for doing these writings, nor for my volunteer-time in the community.
I have had no mentors or coaches volunteering to be directly involved in my life.
.. For YEARS!, this has impacted my physical ability to gain 'wealth'.
I'm arriving at my 64th birthday now.
I've been 'here' at LL for 7 of those.

I do very gently know that 'not-everyone' has the ability or resources to help another human being.

I VERY GRATEFULLY have appreciated the Positive Vibes, and the encouragement that some of you give me. It REALLY Counts for a LOT. Thank you. May those Blessings visit YOU during Times you need that for your own self.

So. I hope this "further explains" the wider-situation, okay? Boggling how I'm having "multiple" conversations-- even with people I still am 'not' aware are reading.
Blessings on you -- as I discover MORE and more People!!! omg. You are ALL so Precious.

So. Most of my convo had BEEN to my core-group that had been following my posts for YEARS.

If it does not apply nor resonate with you personally, then NOW you have some context, hopefully! *Heart*

I am actually very excited to discover new people (to ME), and for the tremendous-BLESSING it is to be able to Communicate with you all.

Magnanimous Blessings upon each and every Heart!!!

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Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted May 06, 2019 12:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Royal Baby Sussex
Congratulations, Meghan and Harry!!!!
Love Child, A Baby Boy!!

Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor
Monday, May 6, 2019

Time 5:26 a.m. UT 4:26 Sid 19:20:19
London, ENG (UK)
0w10, 51n30

Sun Taurus 15.22'45"
Moon Gemini! 0.25'25"
Mercury Aries 28.56'01"
Venus Aries 1.48'13"
Mars Gemini 23.33'20" (on a Wealth Star, of course)
Jupiter Sagittarius 21'34" r
Saturn Capricorn 20.29'17" r
Uranus Taurus 3.17'0"
Neptune Pisces 18.09'10"
Pluto Capricorn 23.07'12" r
North Node Cancer 19.34'21 .. wow
Chiron Aries 4.17'56"

TAURUS Ascendent 13.30
CAPRICORN Midheaven 18.32'

Loaded H12 Pisces. Wow.

Jupiter r in H8 Sag

Sun AND Moon in H1 Taurus,
with SUN conjunct ASC.

My God!!!! (tears)
A Shaker and A Mover for this World.

HEARTFELT Congratulations, Meghan and Harry!!
This Baby was Born to the Right Couple..
Many Many Blessings...

(topic) Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Welcome 1st Child, A Boy (TODAY Show USA, May 6, 2019) [5:46]

Add 844pm
Picture of the Baby!!! Yay.. and very informative audio article.

(topic) Prince Harry overjoyed reveals: Meghan Markle has given birth to a healthy Royal baby BOY! (NPV News, May 6, 2019) [12:01]

Add May 8, 2019 916am
(topic) Special Report: Prince Harry, Meghan Markle "make first public appearance with baby" (Today Show, 8may2019) [7:20]
{vid starts at soundmark ^1:25}

Add ~12:15pm 8May
Named the Baby Boy.
Closest name-asteroids, for now

(music) Stand By Me (UK Royal Wedding choir) [3:25]

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Posts: 2512
From: A Place on Earth
Registered: Feb 2014

posted May 07, 2019 11:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ballerina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Psst..who is Rm?

Knock it off!

All my love, with all my Heart

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Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted May 08, 2019 09:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Music was a vitally important part of my life. The Humanities Weekend {music|drama|movement} I experienced in the transition between junior-high and high-school years taught me things about life that were 'absorbed' and remained with me for all my life. So many good lessons.

Every child needs exposure to The Arts.
Those with Talents in those fields need to be encouraged to develop these.

Seems that science and math are considered more-important than music experience.

Upholding Talent among Our Youth
around the World

(music) Let My Love Be Heard (Jake Runestad; Stellenbosch University Choir, Dec 2018) [4:22]

yt notes-- "Established in 1936, the Stellenbosch University Choir is the oldest choir in South Africa!"

What a Beautiful treat it has been to explore their yt channel.

I have featured many choral and small ensemble music groups here at LL. That was an important part of my life long ago.

ref Humanities Forum on linked page.

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Posts: 15192
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posted May 08, 2019 01:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Another one of my close neighbors died the other day. I see a black bow attached to their front door.

Saw the ambulance that came to take him. Saw him being taken out on the stretcher, and tried to give an encouraging wave. He seemed in a lot of pain, and was quite pale and pasty looking. (Might have been his heart?)

His daughter lived there, and he took care of his 3 very young granddaughters during the day, so his daughter could work.

When I'd go for my walks, the little girls would call out to me. haha, I brought them a high-quality 'fudge-brownie mix' for Easter. The girls were excited. I bet he made it a project, letting them help mix, then to bake? (That, was the intention behind the gift. That it would make a memory.)

He used to be one of the maintenance men here, ~years ago. And, he acted as an emergency go-between when extreme fights would breakout with all kinds of public commotion. Those were indeed quite-frightening to hear. Lots of men would pour out of their apartments to assist. (No police were involved-- they would handle it.)

He was a relative of that woman who had died recently (that I wrote about). Groups of the apartments here are rented by folks who are extendedly-related to each other.

One thing I have to say impresses me--

There is a 'Love of Family' and a watching-out for each other, that is present here among the relatives, in the 'hood.

'Prayers of Comfort' for the Daughter and her 3 very young grand-daughters. And for her financial arrangements, now that her father is gone.

And once more, for that extended-family's losses.

UPDATE.. 10 May-- Found out he died of chest cancer. He was a Veteran. The ambulance had taken him to the Veteran's Hospital, where he passed. Will be buried with other soldiers.

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Posts: 15192
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posted May 09, 2019 10:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Today, Mars in Gemini is on a natal asteroid having to do with exuberance, nurturing, and magnanimity of spirit.

It approaches my Mercury Gem,
biquintile natal Chiron.
Trine Neptune, trine Cusp of 3rd Aquarius.

There are other transits going on for me today, that energize my feelings of Blessings On Others.

So Today …

Magnanimous Blessings BE upon each and every Heart!!!

Be Fruitful in Good Endeavors.
For those who work to 'Make A Difference' in other people's lives,
May Your Influence FLOURISH.

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 11, 2019 02:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 15192
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Registered: May 2012

posted May 11, 2019 05:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Took a slight pause...
Needed to stop letting 'just anyone' speak into my life. Needed to apply more "discrimination" in my choices.
.. My experience over the last month was whelming, and it had left me in a kind of shock, and resulted with many wounds, leading to the experience of a broken-heart.

Had to focus on detoxing my mind and emotions, then, place some of those with more toxic-results within me, on a 'time-out'. Time to retrieve my self.

Heard someone say in a motivational lecture, that it's hard for the brain to distinguish the difference between the emotions of a broken heart, and the physical heart.

And, I know that I am scheduled for Success...
no matter HOW old I am.

Yes. I've been through hell in my life.
And I survived it.

I deserve GOOD things happening FOR me, in my latter days-- my Better Days. The Days where I get to pour myself out to Others with the gains of so many experiences.

It all ain't over, until this body lays itself down for the last time, takes its last breath, and the soul divides from the physical.

knowing some about astrology (and mortality transits), I also am becoming aware that I could be headed into a time of physical-body-peril(?). We know that those kind of transits are do-able in safe-harbors.

In recent weeks, I allowed others to almost influence me to give-up on 'everything'-- even to doubt my physical worthiness upon the planet?
That's when I had a Clearing ~Instant-WakeUP-Call!!!

The assuring words spoken by my Scorpio-Grandmother came back to me--
'You don't need to let them hurt you like that.'
(Spoken in a time in my younger life, when I kept re-trusting people who made it "a sport" to break my heart over and over again.
.. She, and my Sagittarian Classy-Auntie, were so aware of that tendency in me. I forgave too easily, without wisdom for what I went through (because they were my family).
And, they were *there* for me when it would happen over-again.
.. They are both in the spirit-realm now.
I VERY MUCH treasure my memories of them both, as they (in those days) were my solid allies.

Right now...
I am SOOO GRATEFUL for the Women in my virtual Life, who have been a steady support to me.

With one, I felt that strengthening-gutsy fierce young twinkling-Challenge.
{*so grateful*.. for your soul!)

(topic) Pilgrim & Grace (final scene, movie The Horse Whisperer) [3:16]

One of the things I understand about my chart (in western and Vedic) is that my placements works better when' it is 'in partnership' with an other.
And that included not working under my own name?

I have an Other-Oriented Chart.
It works Best when I work to Benefit Others.
Which IS a strong urge.

My presence and contributions tend to catalyze Talents in Others. I am a bringer of Wealth into those partnerships... (even for improving cooperative atmospheres among those who WANT to get-along). What my own problem in the past had been???.. I HOPE was remedied.

I want the Right People, to give My Pledge to, if appropriate.

That's where having GOOD Friends and Supporters 'watching my back' comes in for me, since (with bad past-choices) 'this' had been a point of great pain in my life. It's a vulnerability that with the in-put of GOOD people and advice, can be enormously helped!

I don't have problems with commitment.
It's the 'who'?.. LOL.
I'm not afraid of hard work (evident in my chart too).

I'm a bit slowed down right now, as I need some physical recovering.
Getting older-body too slows down some things.
I'm behind-- yet, willing, and Teachable.
The financials of everything would need someone who knows what they're doing, as I am near 'retirement' age, and there are special considerations to protect what I have?
HUMOR-- (Unless!! You're ~incredibly rich!! *rofl* -- Thinking of Barbra Streisand in Funny Girl)

The situation has been finding an Excellent person to be able to 'trust' in my life.

I want partner(s) who will be GOOD to me. No 'fair-weather' kinds, (or partnership group). We have a lot that needs to accomplish?

I am an Honest and True-Blue Trustable person; and I need that reciprocated, from any who enter my life. Must have that SAME level of Ethics and Integrity.
Openly, I will say that I have huge disrespect for 'liars' and players.

How can we live and find nurturing Rest in a environment full of 'suspicion'.
I need to know that what I'm being told IS the truth.

Boundary-- I heavily balk being part of the backstabbing to 'get ahead' culture-- Maybe I'm "old-fashioned" that way? ..
There's just too much heartbreak sandwiched with betrayals-- caused with that kind of viper-underhanded atmosphere--
People need to feel that everyone has everybody's back in Support-- which! adds to pleasure, productivity, and overall Happiness.

I Firmly Believe in Working Together, to Accomplish a Common 'Excellent' Cause.

You all KNOW.. through ALL these pages of posts,
that it is my core Heart's Desire to Do Good IN this World. *tears*

Yes. There's a huge part of me that Embraces Humanity, and each and every soul I meet on the Walk of Life.
(I feel sensitive that sooo many people are hurting right now).

I have a Humanitarian Heart.

(I feel kind of slowed-down physically right now too, so certain kinds of heavy activities need to be curtailed, till I gain more strength.)

I'm a Deeply Sensitive and Kind person.
And, I'm strong-- and I can tend towards being inward at times, and outward and bubbly at other times.

I consider My Emotions as some of my BEST features as a sentient living being.
My ability to feel passion is part of what makes my Artistry also.

I can tap into other people's pathos, and also, their happiness.
I can plug-in to the Common, and Sense what's there, and bring it down into music, art, words.

My Emotions have definite VALUE.
Not to be squelched and bound-up so long.

It's a part of the Living Sparkle of 'me'.
It allows me to have profound Empathy for Others.

{popped in my head,
Some had mentioned (generally) what was the first thing you ever answered when adults asked what you wanted to be as a child?
My answer was to be an actor--but mom immediately shut that down tightly-- it was akin to saying that you want to be a prostitute in those 'olden' days! haha.
.. Had chart markers that would have supported that.
Used to be in community plays and competitions; won some awards.
Ah!.. Looked like a model back then too.
Was cast in roles as a malefic {disciplinarian school marm/ to crotchety spinster}; a grieving mother; a pregnant girlfriend in sudden-labor; the fun (comedic) stereotypical ditsy-bimbo, even a trashy one once!! .. Was told I should study the role of Joan of Arc once. ah! nostalgia?)

Coming back in the room here.... *grin*

Giving Thanks for all The INCREDIBLY Beautiful Souls in my Life. You have No Idea how much I Love and Appreciate you.

It's about Rising UP!

This is a Message for ALL of Us {{{{ }}}}
Love this song.

(music) It's Who You Are (AJ Michalka, movie Secretariat) [4:01]

And this one...

(music) People (Barbra Streisand, Funny Girl) [2:54]

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Posts: 15192
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posted May 11, 2019 09:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Thank you so much for the men too..
as I know that some are also very-much for me. Thank you for your deep thoughtful careful support.

Yes, I've been bewildered.
In years now, was never able to identify 'all those options' that were 'there' for me, so I could have had a new life. I do remember some (instead of taking the Kind initiative of reaching out to me), judging and saying-- that "if" I cannot see it, then, I didn't "deserve" it?
*bheart, selah*

I DO very much appreciate your interest though, far more than you'd imagine.

And yes too.. I need to not take some people (or self?) too seriously-- but then, I'm an incredibly deep and sensitive human being, with feelings-- and, simply?-- I do.

My life is not comfortable and "all-fluffy" due to chronic pain from my environment.

Some of y'all have NO idea how really truly precious you have been to my life.

Some were 'only' for a vid or two, as you came up on my yt feed-choice for a few times then disappeared--;

then, there is the valuable original tiny core of loyal others I had (and from some of them still have) who had been part of my listening-diet for years and years.

I send ALL, every soul, who's EVER crossed my path-- great virtual Blessings, and sincerest Thank yous for Serving (through free vids yt provides).

Have had no idea how many have been coming here to read, but through the virtual connections, I send you Love.


After I did my post on The Arts and the need for kids to be exposed to it, the next day (or two), Josh Groban was being interviewed on a talk show. I 'happened' to hear that his new project and tour called Bridges, raises monies FOR filling in the financial gaps of programs that serve communities to keep Music and The Arts very much alive.

I know that for me, it had definitely enhanced my life as a child, and throughout every year of my life.

I know that this song is a 'sappy' song?
This very-much expresses what is in my Heart towards the ones who call themselves my Supporters.

(music) You Raise Me Up (Josh Groban performs, with the Young Musicians Choral Orchestra, posted May 6, 2019) [4:45]

yt notes
On May 4th, 2019, Josh Groban performed
"You Raise Me Up" with YMCO at the
2019 Find Your Light Foundation Gala.

Find Your Light Foundation
quote, Josh Groban
"Find Your Light Foundation
is dedicated to ensuring that every child has the opportunity to experience a quality arts education.
We believe that is best achieved through direct support of exceptional arts programs combined with education, advocacy and outreach.
We focus support where the need is greatest to inform and inspire others in recognizing arts education as a critical component of a young person's development."

Americans For The Arts
- news-room/press-releases/2011/josh-groban-launches-find-your-light-foundation-to-champion-arts-education

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 13, 2019 03:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Doris Day dead today at 97.

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posted May 13, 2019 07:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Randall:
Doris Day dead today at 97.

Yes, I saw that, thank you.
She lived a very long life.

(music) Don't Eat The Daisies (Doris Day) [2:48]

This song was used in a recent commercial.

(music) Que Sera Sera (Doris Day) [2:04]


Wishing Good Voyages and Gratitude for the Gifts she gave us.
Sweet Slumber and Rest to her Soul.

(music) Secret Love (Doris Day) [3:37]

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posted May 14, 2019 11:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Saw a segment on TV morning news program on Women's Health, and the ways that our own needs are not being met?

I think the Health Care Services started going downhill when the completed-team of "doctor-nurse" stopped. They used to be a 'team' that coordinated and oversaw the care for individuals and their families.

Everyone is "supposed to" business-manage their own "personal" healthcare now?

Well. I'm older, and by-myself. It's "too much"-- that's just WAY too high of an expectation when everything has CHANGED, and is much-more complicated. I used to be super 'on top' of the details of everything-- because doctors did their job, and the nurses had whatever human-system in place that followed up on you with 'what is next'.

There are zero available care-partners;
and for folks like myself, that have no family that surrounds, cares and advocates-- we get "lost" and possibly-abused in the process.

I used to be really good at those things-- super-detailed, and excellent at maneuvering through the sticky-parts of the medical systems.

It seems all so changed that I can't seem to keep up with it anymore-- especially when electronic-records do NOT function like a human nurse or doctor used to. They rely on *machines* .. and those machines "glitch" in their 'supposed' automated service deliveries.


I'm going off to my v-job today.
There are even-less funds for us to be able to help others.
My heart anguishes for folks.

I remember someone had suggested that maybe 'that field' of work would not be the best for me? Maybe they were right. The plight of others (that I can't connect to needed-help) affects me.

All I can "do" is to 'hold them in Prayer'..
and hope God and the angelic-forces comes through for them in some way.

Heard a man say that 'Givers' have become a dying breed.

If 'self-only' is the new god?
be a GOOD god to people
in a world that sorely needs it.

Be a Giver!!

Go Make a Difference--
Be the Light in someone else's dark.

Am Grateful for The Grace I have, For Today, to go Serve!

(music) Go Make A Difference (Steve Angrisano and Tom Tomaszek, lyrics) [3:02]

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted May 14, 2019 02:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And also, Tim Conway.

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posted May 15, 2019 10:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
R.I.P. Tim Conway
Appreciation for his Service as a Comedian in the Arts
People in the Entertainment Fields, Perform Much Good to help people with bringing a refreshing moment to their lives.

Loved and used to look-forward to his Mrs.Hah'Wiggins comedy routines, with Carol Burnett as his secretary, the most!

Virtually sending a comforting hug to Carol Burnett-- She must be devastated. Even though Tim Conway had lived a very long life, it's hard when you 'lose' people you've had warm bonds with, and whom you were so close to in your life and Heart. {{{ }}}
For Carol--

The Story of People and Life

(music) I'm So Glad We Had This Time Together *Heart* (Carol Burnett, song she closed her TV show with; 'sunset mountain landscape' vid; lyrics) [2:25]

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 16, 2019 03:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
*ear tug*

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posted May 18, 2019 05:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Had an interesting thing happen over the past few days. One of my very-longtime neighbors saw me, and hollered my name loudly, to catch my attention. He rushed over with his phone to say he had finally found out what his "time of birth" was. Had been wanting my opinion on his natal chart.

Set it up quickly (with account at astro com).

The day-after, we "happened" to have bumped into each other again (which has been rare).

Told him his basic placements, and some things he must have been experiencing over the past 6 months, and, what types of things he could expect to see right now-- especially with his career (Cappy MC 20+).
(I had no idea what's been going on with him, as we hadn't discussed his life for years. We only wave to say quick hellos.)

He listened.
He said that everything I just said was accurate.
About the {~guess around his} 'job'/career, he said that very-thing had just-happened to him YESTERDAY, and that yes, it turned out afterwards to be just-like I described! He was spooked.

Then he asked me 'how long' it took me to know this?
I said, just a few minutes??

But after we had this brief talk, I realized that actually, I had ruminated over that chart longer than that-- kept seeing his chart in the background of my imagination all day.

Was glad to have been able to give him some warnings/insights, as well as current encouragement, even in a brief 5 minutes.

With doing charts for others--
A while ago, I created boundary lines saying that I don't look at charts unless the provide the accurate time-of-birth (Birth Certificate).

Took this neighbor maybe 4 or 5 years to find where the original certificate was???, but he finally came up with the 'time' information!! ..

Time-given had to be pretty accurate too, for the 'events' to be occurring so close.

He has a Cancer Sun 4.59, very early Taurus ASC, late Leo Moon.

He had been a protector to me, keeping his eye on how I was over this past decade. He had been an emotional-support years ago when those fighting-threatening loud drunks in my bedroom-window that goaded me (with talks of ways of bodily harming me). They kept me up all night while they deliberately partied in my window almost every night till 4am. (Yep). I was sooo incredibly sleep-deprived in those earlier years here. Could barely function. Took a while to regulate my sleep again afterwards.

He had also done me the favor of (being a 'male' who) corroborated my story/reports (to the manager)--
The amount of disruption they caused was fierce to all directly involved.
I was so grateful. He hugged me and let me vent or cry a few times through that ordeal.

They with extended families that had rented here, (attracted police-action), were finally gradually all thrown out.

Want to say too--
how accurate the Vedics were in 'predicting' the surge of air-borne diseases, just-before they hit this country here.
(Had to do with the sidereal change of signs for the nodes!!)
Simply amazing accuracy.

I couldn't have looked at my neighbor's chart, and been sooo accurate, had it not been for some of the vidders I have listened to, and their reports.
Expressing gratefulness to these also.

I've been weary, and body-sore from the OTT sonics this week. (Today, is sonically better.)

I'm smiling and feel supported that some folks who also have been and are Christian (or folks who have a love for God and-christians too) have been letting themselves be known (in their own ways). ..
{omg, love you guys!!! *tears*}
Good to know that I have been not-alone.
(Will look forward to having that sense of supportive family-friends you described? *Heart*)

Found someone else (new to me) who was giving advice about people who are body-sensitives. It was awesome information!
Story about it--
So CLEAR with that was a former across-street neighbor (written in previous pages here). Started experiencing acute symptoms that did NOT make sense for what I knew of my real condition.
I'd awakened in the middle of the night with alarming symptoms, then found out one of them was transported for emergency surgery regarding that. (I was okay.)
That energetic 'connection' was one of the strongest and most-surreal that I'd had with any people. I felt no connection with them otherwise.
It stopped-- when they moved out.
Symptoms straightened out and went away.
It was BIZARRE to think that I could unconsciously pick-up or 'take on' other people's symptoms, and NOT realize it until after-the-fact.
I already knew that during times in my life, I would awaken with the thought-urge to pray-- only to find too, that there had been 'an event' in the world, tied to that.
Was glad when I stopped being awakened like that. (Was long ago now.)
*Grateful for that Gaia report*

I'm having chiron sextile chiron transit, which started May 6th. There's a different and new kind of sensitivity in me that I'm not used to feeling.
Have needed to try to identify, adjust, and start getting used to this (whatever it is).
Probably Uranus to Taurus too now.

Full Moon in Scorpio 27.39 at 5:11 pm EDT
Saturday May 18, 2019 {east coast}

Involves my 12th House Scorp/6th HouseTaur.
{My chart cusps are very similar to USA's chart}

Looking forward to things that should be 'clearing' with this Moon.

This Moon Scorpio trines my 8th House
Jupiter Cancer 27.23. {Jupiter=chart ruler}
136472 MakeMake Cancer 26.05
1021 Flammario Cancer 26.09
trine Uranus Cancer 25+.

sextiles my Moon-Gaea Virgo 24.56 H(9)leo

biquintile my Mars Cancer 2+ H7gem
(having Mars Return!-- been square tChiron)

conjuncts 2415 Ganesa Scorpio 26.59rx
'obstacle remover'

Wishing certain friends a Blessed WESAK Full Moon Experience right now.

This is a Beautiful Blessing!

(music) Ancestors (Keith Medley, 27 string guitar) [4:38]

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted May 19, 2019 05:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Que sera, sera...

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posted May 20, 2019 09:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

There was a horse race called Preakness this past week where the jockey failed to be able to stay on his horse as they started out of the Gate.

Thing is? That horse just kept a'runnin.. LOL. I felt my Heart rooting for him!!!

Even did an extra lap after the race was finished. That riderless horse, named Bodexpress, even managed to beat-out TWO other horses!!

It's the birthday of entertainer "Cher"!
Happy Birthday Cher! (May 20)

When I saw that race, watching Bodexpress running without his rider, one of Cher's songs started playing in my head!

Oh no!!!, it takes TWO to win that race!!

Much Love to Cher!

(music) It Takes Two (Sonny and Cher, vintage) [2:29]

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