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Author Topic:   Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others

Posts: 15192
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posted August 04, 2019 09:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

{{Holding Space}} for prayers for the recent Shootings, in USA.

Gilroy, California (July 28)

El Paso, Texas (Aug 3)
Dayton, Ohio (Aug 4)



{Will be extending this info}
Been busy this weekend.

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted August 06, 2019 02:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted August 08, 2019 11:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Processing energies for recent events
.. mourning with those who mourn

And so, in the world,
"the suddenly's" --

Walls crumbling on unsuspecting families.

Mass shootings. Running...
Screams. Howlings. Shocks.
Heavy Cries. The losses of so many Beloveds.
Anger. Mourning...
So much grieving.
Laying like heavy gravestones on our chests.
Crushing Hearts.

MORE! The breaking hearts,
shocks!, sobs and anguish of the Children!
ICE raids, newsmakers in historic proportions--
rounding up and taking their parents away.

Elsewhere.. two white men, on top of two horses..
appearance of
leading a black slave-man in-between them by ropes
parading their captive in a walk of shame {Galveston}.
*Time Capsule*

Eerie.. What shadow and time-period is this???

Hurting happens not only in the Heart,
but the psyches.
We are ALL connected.
Pain. Confusions. Terror. Errors?

People, just a-missing.

Those memories affect us.
Wounds-- penetrating holes.

Where did *they* go?
What has happened to our souls? ...

The Children!
The cries of children...
Their brain's health!?

God Bless every parent, every single precious Child.

Every Human conducting Funerals for their Loved ones who were gunned-down.
Every city and town that mourns.

For every sentient and compassionate Soul..
For every broken heart..
For every one who seethes with angers,
and Righteousness!

May you find Solace, Comfort, and Peace
in these hours.

"Rejoice with those who rejoice,
and weep with those who weep."

(music) I Am Not Yours (by Z. Randall Stroope, lyrics poem by Sara Teasdale; Performed by the St. Cloud State University Chamber Singers, conducted by Dr. Matthew Ferrell, posted Aug 2012) [4:48]

poem adapted for lyrics
I am not yours, not lost in you,
Not lost, although I long to be
Lost as a candle lit at noon,
Lost as a snowflake in the sea.

You love me, and I find you still
A spirit beautiful and bright,
Yet I am I, who long to be
Lost as a light is lost in light.

Oh plunge me deep in love - put out
My senses, leave me deaf and blind,
Swept by the tempest of your love,
A taper in a rushing wind.

~Sara Teasdale

ref -
born August 8, 1884 {her Birthday today}



2546 Libitina {goddess of funerals, corpses, death} in Taurus 7.24
{conjunct my 16 Psyche}
26 Proserpina {the kidnapped-daughter} Taurus 7.04;
the 'sudden' Uranus Taurus 6.36 Stationed,
.. to retrograde Sunday Aug 11,
And retro Jupiter Sag (on Great Attractor 14+)
will hopefully bring back some Joy?
trining planets in LEO .. The Child who shines, and plays, and Creates.

May traveling Ceres in Sag be Kind
as she crosses USA Ascendant eventually.

USA Chart.. has Cancer H8
Mercury 24+rx natal conjuncts 1108 Demeter {recently, the mother desperately calling for her child, Proserpina} 25+ Cancer w Vertex-PoF
-- with transiting 4451 Grieve Cancer 26+ holding presence.
{my natal Demeter Return Libra 0.16 H9/MC 2.30}

^ these, opp Pluto 27+ + 10370 Hylonome {lamentations of the dead, cry of the people, dealing with trauma} 29+ Capricorn.

USA 916 America Libra 27+ H10 has been visited by t Child.

transiting Demeter and America conjunct at USA MC 1+ Libra.

USA is having her VESTA Return Taurus 19+
.. quintiles USA's 26 Proserpina,
quintiles USA's Ceres Pisces.

transiting is 5708 Melancholia and 10806 Mexico conjunct 26-28 Taurus..
and conjunct USA 2546 Libitina {funerals,corpses} Taurus 25.21.

2456, 1108, 26, 10370, 916, 5708, 10806
{lots of other asteroids.. }

Lots of 'food' related news to all this--
those asteroids are activated for USA Chart too.

Asteroids.. spelling it all out.

May we apply our Hearts to a Higher Love and Wisdom----

"We are of one blood, one humanity.
We feel it.
We participate!
We are keepers of one another."
~Dr. C.J. ..a Leo
{Happy Birthday, dear lady!}

Weeping endures for a 'night'..
then Joy comes out.. of the mourning.
Beauty.. Giving Beauty for Ashes.

Praying for Gladder Times.
Refreshing oases for us ALL.

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posted August 10, 2019 03:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So I've been busy purging files looking over contents of those bins which overcrowd my bed-space.

My hands running through soooo much really excellent data collections I've made. Projects I've dabbled then didn't do as my knowledge was so introductory.

Yesterday I 'tossed' some information that today, I now semi-regret having done. Actually, I wouldn't have known about it EXCEPT that I have 'buried treasure' I've totally forgot about. Without tossing some things, and bringing it to my front-awareness where I had to do a mind snapshot, decide and pause, then tear up those files.

Didn't realize that those files 'stood out' for a reason! when I decided to toss them. Over and over again, certain charts kept leaping up at me. Name-asteroids too (WHICH are popping up in things I read today!! wow). Omens?

Then I thought about a project I wanted that fits many categories of my interests at same time? It stemmed in parallel with the inception of my astrological start. I had to thought to work on that, after I had enough astrology under my belt. The interests encompass things that society is dealing with AGAIN in this time.

Deals with History...
Whose planets are lining up for re-occurrences.
And about a woman who was involved during those times, 1800s.

I'm "feelin'" that Virgo energy coming?

{seriously.. I just hope my health holds out ... 'Hood sonics has been terrible!! *tiny violin* ..}

Going to go through some key bins...
*laughing* .. Now?? haha, afraid to throw things away!!
It's 'allll' GOOD STUFF!!! {not fair!!! LOL}

I'm very glad with some of things that I DID throw. It was the right thing, and I felt a wonderful release, dumping that part of my life!

Yup. I've changed and have had some inner healings, after I began to settle down a little-bit after the move here 12 years ago. After we got a computer, and I began learning a little more about astrology, I started to get my some of my bearings back. I had been through a very traumatic and terrifying ordeal after I relocated to this area.

Because of an act of kindness I did for my neighbor.. which was reciprocated in a very very strange meeting-event and the synchronous needs that arose with Rm and his health needs.

Must have been Good Karma.

His Virgo Sun is on my asteroid Karma Virgo H(9), trine Venus Taurus H5, trine 47171 Lempo Capricorn {by it's spiritual vision, focuses on distinguishing the quality of the running Forces in the present; by choosing always those of Good Kind, those Flows lead it toward positive Futures} H1sag near the P.of.Success 8.32 Capricorn.

{ }

(music) Watch Me Shine (Joanna Pacitti, lyrics) [3:21]

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posted August 10, 2019 03:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
{^ Lots of writing errors in that post?
Not gonna fix them right now!!
Gotta go do some body selfcare!}

Lots of Love!

ADD .. Mercury transiting in Cancer, just crossed my Jupiter (sextile Moon Virgo). There are some asteroids that highlight 'detail-orientation'-- One of those is conjunct natal Jupiter!
.. Mars in Leo is on my Pluto Leo (sextile Mercury Gemini?)
Have a Good Weekend ..
Prayers continuing for those who Grieve.

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 11, 2019 08:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Take care of YOU.

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posted August 12, 2019 02:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ Thank you so much Randall.

Mondays are kind of rough days here..
but I wanted to stop by briefly today.

Been sorting through more of my papers, project-pieces, {non-astrological} books I have that in the beginning of my interests, I was making astrological notes in the margins of some of those.
Good thing I leafed through the book quickly, before deciding to toss or keep.
Heh.. Can't judge the value of the book by its cover? LOL
I had totally forgotten trying to incorporate those into my projects.

Another benefit I received by going into those bins is ... a reminder of the profound hell I've gone through in my personal history.
My God!!… whew!!! What-a-Life!!!

Saw evidence of how courageous I had been -- the level of perseverance I've managed, against some actually-impossible odds. (There were things I wasn't aware of, during those times. It was an unbeatable fight I had taken on .. using hindsight).

Have my v-job shift tomorrow …
The Receptionist is a LEO.
I'll surprise her with a Birthday card!

(music) The Beat Goes On (Sonny & Cher, very vintage) [3:25]

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posted August 12, 2019 03:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted August 13, 2019 12:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
awww Teasel! You lifted my spirits today.
Thank you for your Love.

*heavy sigh*
I really really hope my body is able to sustain.

I suspect that the 15-yr old next-wall cannot be enrolled in regular school, as he's been rebellious. Must be home(computer)-schooling his own self. He is NOT using his personal-listening device. He's using heavy woofers right now. Rm ignores my request to have my back, and to get involved and talk to the woman there (who likes him very much, and told me she calls HIM her 'hero'???? ~huh??).

The end-unit is prepared to receive new residents soon.

IF these are partiers, then, I feel sad, because it means I'm sunk.

(music) Day by Day (from Godspell, lyrics) [3:18]

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posted August 14, 2019 11:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Doing the best I can in this moment, to be at the keyboards. Next-wall sonics is shaking the hell out of this room. My chair is vibrating. My nerve system is raw and LIGHTED.

So. at 9:11 am, I receive phone call.

It's Rm.
He's gotten into an accident in his car. He's was treated for light abrasions on his arm from the impact of air bags deploying.

He was changing lanes and didn't see there was a stopped truck in the left lane. The car computer on-star company had immediately detected the accident, and called emergency assistance crews right away. He's waiting for the police to show up right now.

He's fine.

{Full Moon Aquarius 22-degrees on Aug 15.}

He has an Aquarius Moon 12+, in his Ninth House

This accident happened with tSun conjunct Rm's Pluto-Mercury-SN Leo in his 3rd house!! across from his Aquarian Moon H9.. while tMoon in Aquarius was conjunct his Moon.

The truck fender he hit was not too damaged, and the person not hurt at all. He drove away after the police took the report. .. Rm's insurance provided a rental car. His car is in the shop-- major fix.

So everything turned out fine.

{{I really need to relocate.
Can barely stand it at times. }}
And now, the economy seems just awful.

Stock market is plunging again, as economists anticipate a recession.

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 15, 2019 04:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hope he feels better.

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posted August 17, 2019 11:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
He's doing just fine. Thanks.



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posted August 19, 2019 12:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
On a personal front..
I hope the next people I am involved with will hold VALUE for my conversations, ideas, and life stories.

I've been in a 12 year relationship with someone who has squelched and disregarded me, even as far as simple conversations go. I'm a Gemini!! I get filled with ideas and want to talk (but always have to hold back!!). He expects me to hang with attention on his every word-- but when it's 'my' time, Rm shuts me up and shuts me down, consistently and constantly.

I feel hurt inside me over that today. I've held myself back in Silence here, for way too long. I deserve to be listened-to.

The most-talking I DO?.. is on these posts.
It's like my private place, to be able to share ideas with others who 'understand' what I'm talking about. Heh, not everyone 'out there' is into the deep things I like to talk about.

I really desire to physically feel good again (in the body).
And I wish, as a "person", to be wanted, cherished, and Valued for Who I am.
I have an enormously rich soul.
Been trapped in this solitary cave .. in a one-sided personal relationship.
He has no ability, a dis-ability, to place himself in another's shoes and viewpoint. *smile*.. Fancies that he is the 'only' interesting person in the room? .. awwww.

Thing is... (seriously)
Will I ever make it out of here?
Seems incredibly daunting. All of it.
All of the considerations of it.
seems ..impossible.

I have Gemini on the 7th House Cusp {western}.
My Mercury Gem is in that house of partnership, conjunct a 'long-time silenced' and gagged Mars Cancer.
Both of those make trines to Neptune Libra in the 10th.
I want to engage in meaningful talk--
I am energized by idea swapping and creative imaginations.
I want to Dream, Future.
I love to listen to, and encourage and inspire others I am with.

Am a great Cheerleader and it's my practice and custom to boost the esteem of others I meet.

So. Grocery shopping yesterday.
My Heart sent LOVE to each and every single person I passed in the store. I love to engage strangers~~ with a feel-good kind of impression encounter.

*They*-- These strangers in the World have become my extended-family. To me, 'people' are walking rich biographies of what it's like to be human on this earth.

I so-admire watching the young people with their children. I love and respect the elders, for their Years and experience. I watch the cashiers and grocery baggers-- considering their lives. Been going there once a week for years now.
.. Years ago I briefly considered work like theirs-- but the walls and aisles of refrigerators (constant compressors), would prohibit me from working in that environment. I wear earplugs when I shop; and sometimes need to use my sound-cancellation earphones (if headache has been on the brink that day, from things at home).

I usually try to engage the very young children (who are willing) in some kind of very brief and positive exchange. Careful to make sure the parents are okay with it.

Some children don't have their social communication skills quite in order yet, but, they are happy when addressed and answered (even if they didn't make sense). It's about the goodwill exchange. After a short convo with a set of young brothers sitting inside a shopping cart, the oldest (maybe 3 yrs old) gave a very clear and practiced good-bye wave and greeting that warmed my heart.

Like a little adult, I heard him loudly and distinctly say--
"It was nice seeing you again!"

I chuckled. Indeed, it was.

(music) I'll Be Seeing You Again (Jimmy Durante) [3:14]

(music) It's You I Like (Fred Rogers, Dan Heidt, folk guitar, 2014) [2:07]

Moon aspect changed.. as I've been writing this.
Yes, it's more somber right now.

Be Blessed!.. And BE a Blessing.
The World Needs It right now.

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posted August 21, 2019 04:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Honoring the passing of a soul ..
News came by telephone last night ~10 p.m.

Dr. Rev. June Avis (Larson) Bro
b. June 16, 1920
.. In Ironwood, Michigan
d. August 19, 2019 (99 years old)

She played an important part of my life in 1970s.
One of my friends and co-worker when I was in my 20s.

asteroid 10128 Bro
Virgo 3.03'23" (9)th House Leo
transiting Mars Virgo with Venus Virgo 0-2 are conjunct-- near the Sun-Juno LEO conjunction.

I was blessed with a surprise call around 1 1/2 years ago. Someone put her on the phone, and we had a joyful conversation. As we said Goodbye, I knew it was the last time I'd ever be speaking to her in this lifetime.

Her husband's death preceded hers.
Dr. Rev. Harmon Hartzell Bro
b. December 14, 1919
.. In Nanking, China {Missionary parents}
d. September 13, 1997

They were both ordained ministers in the protestant denomination of Disciples of Christ.

They raised 5 children together.
Together, they touched many lives.

June was recognized as a gifted pianist, and in her youth, was encouraged to apply to a music college to develop her gift. She was given full-ride scholarship to Chicago Musical College in the early 1900s, by an acquaintance of hers, (who later become her mother-in-law).

How did that happen?
Mrs. Myrtle Ruth Norton Walgreens {wife of drugstore entrepreneur} contacted her by phone one day. Mrs Walgreens told her that they had a tradition in their family-- whenever it was someone's birthday, they would celebrate it by choosing to give a gift to someone (outside the family).

That year, in honor of whosoever's birthday, June became the recipient of the generous gift of having her musical college tuition totally paid for

So to conclude here.
We were at a (new age) conference center together, getting ready for New Year's, where we would be in a period of prayer and meditation as we crossed the threshold from Dec 31 into Jan 1 of that year. Dedicating a whole new year.

June accompanied at the piano
as I sang a rendition of this song with her on the approach to midnight.
(music) Jesus, Jesus, Rest Your Head (perf of song by small church ensemble, 2013) [3:09]

She had studied piano with a student of George Gershwin.

June Bro was a very Special Light on this Planet.
She is now reunited with many many Loved ones.
June was the last living person to have personally known and worked with Edgar Cayce.

Dedicating this song to her.
She had a grand piano in her house.
Would practice often, and played parts of this.
Love you, June!!

(music) George Gershwin's, Rhapsody in Blue (Leonard Bernstein, New York Philharmonic, 1976) [17:02]

Extended post, September 6, 2019

(music) Revolutionary Etude (Chopin, perf by June Bro at age 91 yrs, posted Jan 1, 2012) [4:00]

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Posts: 15192
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posted August 22, 2019 09:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sonics are ridiculous...
Can't do a darn thing about it!
Hard for me to be at the computer right now.

Going to run errands today.
Will also do a 'field trip' experience and go to the places that my v-job sends clients, so that it makes me much-more knowledgeable and able to clearly understand concretely what *these* venues have to offer the clients.

Always trying to improve.....

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted August 23, 2019 04:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted August 25, 2019 09:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Seems that I'm not receiving 'email notifications' from LL anymore when this thread and the thread in Gaia (Kitchen) is bumped.

Last notification received was e.o. July.
None in August.

I don't know if it's yahoo and the changes going on with it? I've had the same email address since mid early 2000's. I have lots of kind of important 'receipts' (etc) stored there.

Been considering switching my email addy.

If I switch my email address to g-mail instead, would you be able to change me, and I'd retain my user-name, and the 'notifications' would be received again into my email box?

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 25, 2019 05:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It's probably due to the new server. New threads are receiving e-mails. You can go into your Profile to change your e-mail address and then see if that works.

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posted August 26, 2019 10:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I don't see it, Randall. There's no way to 'edit' it from the profile screen.


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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 26, 2019 05:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You're clicking on Profile in your post. You have to click on "Profile" near the top of the page under New Topic and Add Reply.

Post a new thread and check the box to receive e-mail notifications to test it and see if you receive e-mails.

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posted August 27, 2019 11:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Trying to understand all the 'legal jargon' of assenting and committing when you want to get an account is overwhelming.

Maybe other generations are used to automatically-knowing what to choose and what not-to choose (re settings, privacy, etc).

I balk at signing up and agreeing blindly to things that I do NOT "legally" understand??

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 28, 2019 06:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You'd make a great lawyer!

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posted August 29, 2019 08:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hurricane Dorian
Is north of Puerto Rica now, and headed into East Coast Florida regions the next time it makes landfall. Today is Thursday. Should be here for the weekend.

Wide possibilities to land--
from Jacksonville (north),
to Ft Lauderdale (south).
{I'm in-between the two, in Central FL. LOL}

This morning they report this hurricane may hit as a Category 3 (or ?4) storm.

Echoing a song I heard someone start to sing this morning.

(music) How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You (James Taylor) [3:39]

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posted September 03, 2019 11:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
more with Hurricane Dorian week
Aug/ September 2019

Weather asteroids, fixed star, planets

"Mercury and Juno"
had come into a conjunction (Leo to Virgo)
BOTH of those are weather-markers.

Fixed Star ZOSMA Virgo
"There is also the possibility that
natural disaster or catastrophe,
possibly a hurricane or devastating storms
and their consequences,
may take place."
~Ebertin and/or Robson
ref Peter Stockinger

This morning 11:37 GMT (7:37 am EDT)
{and later}
some Current *VIRGO* transits

Juno 4.41'
-- 3671 Dionysus 4+ + 203 Bacchus 9+
{Weather-maker got drunk??? ROFL}

121725 Aphidas 5.55
{searching for security and physical protection in moments of high risk, ref Amable}

Mercury 10.07
Mars 10.20 {a malefic}
90482 Orcus 10.41
SUN 10.42
F.S. ZOSMA Virgo 11.34'58"

346889 Rhiphonos 15.50 {fear/freeze/ACT!}
Venus 16.15
12340 Stalle 17+ Virgo {H.Dorian holding still, barely crawling}

1592 Mathieu / "Matthew" Virgo 17.09
{September 2016 CAT-5 hurricane path that CAT-5 Dorian is being compared to;
presently on its way to the Carolinas and along South Western USA coast, after devastating the Bahama Islands off coast of Eastern Florida}

20002 Tillysmith Virgo 21.02'5"
{"disaster warnings", re Thailand tsunami 2004}

12182 Storm 21.24'14"

Saturn r Capricorn 14.05
South Node T Capricorn 16.03 /Cancer NN
South Node M Capricorn 14.34 /Cancer NN
Pluto r Capricorn 20.50

4220 Flood Taurus 2.24 Stationing
(holding still, for rx)

7437 Torricelli Libra 21.50' {near my Urania Neptune}
{weather, storms, stress, turbulence, crises, emergencies}
.. Transiting Torricelli
conjuncts USA Juno {weather} Libra 20.29 H10
and USA 12182 Storm 25.38

Natal placement of Torricelli conjunct my pattern-detector Pallas Sagittarius 21+ H1, trine my Pluto Leo e.o. H8cancer.--

Storm+Tillysmith in Virgo 21+ {near my Moon 24+}
.. conjunct USA Neptune Virgo 22.25 H9

So!.. *smile*
There was a strong weather-band with rain and winds that hit my bedroom window at 4:39 a.m. EDT.
I was surprise-awakened, with a reminder of previous hurricanes I've been through here (especially with Irma!!).
In that moment, all the diligent work of the prepping of our stuff I've been doing seemed in reality quite futile, and dinky!

We are powerless when we consider the overwhelming POWER that Mother Nature is capable of unleashing.

We had lost electricity for one day during Irma last year.

Storm bands expected to pick-up tomorrow in Central East Coast Florida, and last a day (or two? according to the latest current report).


t 1198 Atlantis is in Gemini 6+
.. conjunct my Sun
t 4220 Flood Taurus 2+ is SR
.. on my Atlantis
t trueNN in Cancer
.. in on my Tillysmith!

Prayers for protections of folks in the path of the storms;
and for quick restorations for those who have been devastated in the storm's path.

Appreciations for the EmergencySystem workers doing a fantastic job of reporting, and those who are preparing shelters, meals, electric power grid restorations, all the Responders.


To the Neighbors and Helpers--local and from remote lands,
who watch to Perform Good as they see needs around them, and ways to help.

"Look for the Helpers" {Fred Rogers}

Have a GREAT Day.. and Week! {*heart*}

(music) Counting Colors In The Rainbow (Nina & Frederik, 1950's Danish couple, folksong, lyrics) [3:11]

H.Dorian is compared to
1935 Labor Day Hurricane

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Posts: 15192
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Registered: May 2012

posted September 04, 2019 06:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
continue on Hurricane Dorian

Bahama Islands
from an e-article of Sept 1, 2019

"Hurricane Dorian ‘Off the Charts’ as It Batters Bahamas With 185 MPH Winds"
by Brian K. Sullivan and Jonathan Levin,
Bloomberg Sun, Sep 1 ...
"Hurricane Dorian ‘Off the Charts’ as It Batters Bahamas With 185 MPH Winds
Brian K. Sullivan and Jonathan Levin,Bloomberg Sun, Sep 1 2:53 PM EDT

(Bloomberg) -- Dorian came ashore on tiny
Elbow Cay in the Bahamas Sunday
as the strongest hurricane ever recorded there,
bringing 185 mile-per-hour winds,
10 to 15 inches of rain,
and a storm surge that could top 23 feet
that could leave the islands devastated for years.
The fate of Florida remains uncertain.
The eye of Category 5 Dorian struck about 12:40 p.m. with wind gusts of more than 220 mph (354 kilometers per hour) in addition to its sustained winds, the U.S. National Hurricane Center reported.
The storm was centered over
Great Abaco Island at 2 p.m.
and moving toward the larger, more populous Grand Bahama Island.
It was about 185 miles east of West Palm Beach, Florida.
. . .
“A prolonged period of life-threatening storm surge,
devastating hurricane-force winds,
and heavy rains capable of producing life-threatening flash floods are expected on the Abaco Islands and Grand Bahama through Monday,” said Richard Pasch, a senior hurricane specialist at the center.
Elbow Cay, where Dorian came ashore, was described as having a “New England-meets-the-tropics ambiance” by Coastal Living magazine.
A Category 5 hurricane will flatten many homes,
snap trees and power lines,
and leave the area “uninhabitable for weeks or months,” the hurricane center said.
. . .
The storm is now forecast to drift up the East Coast later this week possibly even coming ashore in eastern North Carolina.

HURRICANE DORIAN's first landfall
Category 5

Elbow Cay
in Abaco, Bahamas
Sunday, September 1, 2019 at 16:40 UTC {12:40 pm EDT}
26.31'36" N Latitude
76.58'05" W Longitude

At 16:40 UTC on September 1 (2019),
Hurricane Dorian made landfall on
Great Abaco Island in the Bahamas,
with one-minute sustained winds of 185 mph (298 km/h)
wind gusts over 220 mph (355 km/h),
and a central barometric pressure of 911 millibars (26.9 inHg).
- quote Wikipedia

H.Dorian is compared to 1935 Labor Day Hurricane
ADD 7Sep2019

"Jim Abernethy flew over islands with Eagles' Wings Foundation"

(topic) New video, pictures show "incomprehensible" destruction in Bahamas (WPBF 25 News, posted Sep 4, 2019) [1:42]

"Chef José Andrés, whose World Central Kitchen delivers meals after natural disasters, has taken his mission to the Bahamas. CBS News correspondent David Begnaud went with him to a remote island cut off by Hurricane Dorian."

(topic) Chef José Andrés on a mission to deliver thousands of meals to the Bahamas (CBS Evening News, posted Sep 5, 2019) [1:31]

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