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  Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others (Page 119)

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Author Topic:   Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others

Posts: 15192
From: us
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posted October 14, 2019 09:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Happy Thanksgiving Day, Canada

2nd Monday of October each year

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Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted October 14, 2019 09:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Happy Thanksgiving Day, Canada!

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posted August 14, 2021 02:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeoDeep87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mirage29:

(music) The Lark Ascending (Vaughan Williams, performed as first heard, violin + piano) [15:00]

If it were available, I'd LOVE to help some people with their creative projects? ... especially the poetic-types, into words and visuals.

The coming new moon is in my Taurean 5th house, on degree of my Psyche. In so many ways, it's time to begin again. Being able to RECEIVE as much of the love and affections as I give. ...

Yesterday at my job, there was a call from a woman who is going through some of the exact things that I had gone through with ex1. After they handled the call, and they were wondering WHY the police rejected her request (and the police were wrong to do that to her, and this will be remedied), I got the chance to tell about MY story... how the attorney general in that state soo long ago told the detectives who wanted to charge and go after my ex with Forgery, and the AG said NO because (even up to 5 years after a divorce), IF the couple had been 'married' before, a crime of the husband is to be 'disregarded'. (He forged MY name to an application, after divorce, placing a 20,000 credit-line loan against my house... He had a gambling-type credit-disease.) (Women of last millennium were definitely disrespected and discriminated against in matters of holding their OWN property, when and while married and subsequently divorcing.)

I'd happened to catch a new story this morning about a woman who was challenged to either follow her faith, or, her religion. She now stands in her congregation with support from SOME, and condemnations and judgements from (probably) most?

As most of you already know, I follow in a kind of faith that is actually filled with haters-- even on the pulpits.

Now, there is an extra-push to "put women in their 2nd-Class place" once more. .... I re-bumped my DivDiv post from Take Jesus Down From The Cross, where a few years ago I spoke of Jesus as being PRO woman in a time of great discrimination against.

They ALSO push to have extremist-politics 'allowed' in a congregation... Actually, they had done this already on a sly level for decades. I remember one election year around 2000, where the minister was actually telling the congregation that if you voted for the democrat then you were being deluded by satan. .... Really?. I was just super-glad that the lady sitting next to me made a comment in a low voice.

Many people who are IN those kinds of congregations LOVE their ministers, and don't want to disappoint "authority." .... But when "authority" is interfering with Free Will elections, this should NOT be disregarded.... They could even put a woman into a condition of 'sin' IF she votes her own way, and NOT in her husband's will?

They might SAY that a woman can vote which ever way she wants? .... but they give a DOUBLE message to her 'self' by making her 'feel' as though she is violating her soul IF she doesn't vote the way of a "man"?

This issue with politics in the pulpit is what drove me again OUT of the RC congregation I had begun to re-affiliate with a few years back. That's just 'wrong'.

Interesting how Sagittarius deals in the realms of faith and systems of beliefs. Politics. Religion. Splitting horse-hairs!!!!

Speaking of horse-hair! .... One of the ways I heal is through listening to music. I Hope you're enjoying that 15 year old's rendering of a bird. omg!!! such a sensitive and impressionistic soul she has. That's a talent when you're able to paint pictures with sounds.

I remember in college I was dating a concert pianist... My peers were making remarks about Glenn Gould at that time. He played on the keys, wearing mittens, and they were having a hard time with recording him because he would 'hum' with his voice. LOL.

One of the reasons I brought that up today, is from a youtuber's site. I was VERY impressed with what he had done with some artistic visuals he created to music. I'll be leaving that url down below.

If you are in a philosophical state of mind WHILE you watch his art-video, notice how he'll do a shot, then pan out gradually, including more and more 'information' into the picture.

I noticed myself 'forming an opinion' on each view, then once I felt satisfied there with that, he'd pan out MORE. Did it in stops. It's really unique has the views (and mind forming opinions) can shift soooo much, as it incorporates MORE and MORE of the scenery. How GENIUS I thought he was!!!!! AND!, it 'does' match the transits too????

I hope you'll enjoy the music AND any 'philosophy' you can find in the viewer-perspectives.

He's "AntPDC"... and had a yt of Glenn Gould AND Leonard Bernstein (whom I adore!) both 'together' in his yt account first-vid. Just go to his yt account for that one? ... Glenn Gould has plenty of Taurus in his chart, and I can see how Bernstein and he would get along with each other (LEO in their charts).

Sidenote to TimH!... Loved your recent vid and comments... on FM Libra. btw, Green has always been my favorite color too.

Oh. And with my dentist, I think I'll hold back on spending that money on the guard she recommends. ... I think that tooth MIGHT need to be RE-filled. The bond hadn't taken well, from two years ago. (I appreciated the 'financial' advice, with Venus retro and Merc-retro too.)

This is the work I found such musical and optical inspiration from.

(music) The Road Home (Stephen Paulus, Conspirare) [3:59]

It's not an exaggeration when I say how much my environment is caustic to my health here. I get really really worried. I have a refined nervesystem, and it's been OVERLY refined recently? LOL. I understand (and am a good sport for) holding out for good astro transits. ... Just please excuse me if I need to holler every once in a while. I'm not kidding when I say how much this hurts. Not being a drama queen. Gently, this is just fact, okay? I'm in it for the Best!

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 14, 2021 10:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I hope this stays fixed. *fingers crossed* I think I figured it out, but the file is so large. I never gave up and kept fiddling with it. Patience and persistence pays off!

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Posts: 15192
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posted August 14, 2021 11:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Has a miracle occurred?
I thought this thread had died.

This message greets me today...
while I feel soo undone! Things in this world seem to crumble--
'Goodness' .. in a state of dying.

When I saw what is happening with Afghanistan* right now, I felt a frozen surprise with despair-- There is a COUP happening!

These Afghan citizens have been in the midst of a take-over by people practicing the Taliban Belief System. I looked at these living souls, these ALIVE human beings who's image was panned by a news camera-- realizing that they may be killed soon.
The US is withdrawing its Protection, and these eyes look at US and say 'make us live?!' Help!!!
.. And it is sooo abominably sad. They can't be Saved?

*The Bump*
Anyway... Who ever you are that successfully opened this frozen thread-- what an interesting choice you made with the particular material you quoted, inside the *bump*.
. .
I was 'talkative' that day, yes?
Spoke with speed of an array of issues that I normally leave aside.
(And my situation has not changed.)

I look at all the fires going on in the geographic US Northwest, their Coast, and that Western Half of the land including Colorado with the worst air quality in the world registered in one day.

Makes me think back to
'The Great American Eclipse' LEO 28.53
August 21, 2017 --
TOTAL North Node New Moon Eclipse in LEO 28.53

Currently -- Transiting Jupiter is retrograde in late Aquarius. Has been crossing that Eclipse Leo degree.
Will be part of the FM Aquarius Aug 22.
. .
Meanwhile, I had been listening to a Vedic Teacher that said that when the Eclipse is happening, 'the dark forces' collect and strengthen themselves? Make themselves known?

The transiting North Node in LEO on the day of that eclipse was exact on Generational PLUTO LEO.
Today, The Sun in Leo approaches the degree at 22 degrees
.. hmmm.
Looking at other planets for Great American Eclipse in my ephemeris with small penciled notes. Interesting day.

CHIRON For the American Eclipse Aug 2017
Transiting Chiron in Pisces rx 28 degrees, was stimulating my Part of Spirit (Daemon).

James Hillman, author of The Soul's Code, defines 'daemon' as a benevolent, seemingly Divine Guiding Force or Inspiration.
Quintiles my Sun Gemini .. (and the transiting SUN 22 Leo today quintiles it).
My Sun has been having transiting Rahu (North Node) crossing in its degree right now.

FM 28.14 Pisces coming, Oct 20, 2021.

Transits have my chart 'lit up!'

Today Jupiter Aquarius 27+ retrograde
remains in my 3rd house, Aquarius Cusp--
Jupiter trines my Mercury Gemini 27+ (on F.S. Polaris), and trines my Neptune rx Libra 25+ in H10.

Neptune Libra Generation seeks Fairness, Justice, and seeks Peace!!!!
Values are the Higher Ideals----

Seems that 'the world' de-evolves, and that these Values (right now) seem to be oppressed/suppressed, and in dwindling short supply???

Quote from the OP of this thread,
dated June 24, 2013.
Jupiter in Gemini was transiting my Mercury. Currently, Jupiter rx Aquarius renews an Air Trine once more (playing a part in the resurrection of this Thread).

(I am going to try to 'resist' other 'intense' delineations... *grin*)

Emotions are more sensitive with the Moon in Scorpio today, to form trines with watery transiting Neptune rx in Pisces {long-term in my intercepted 3rd House} and trine my Cancer 8th Uranus-Jupiter.)

OP Quotes
When we work together collectively to serve each person's unique need individually, then we all reap and celebrate success as a "whole."
. .
Sometimes the acts of random kindness we do, that we think are invisible and not noticed, can have far-reaching impact on our community and world.


When I logged on to the computer this morning, I was struggling with sorrow inside. 'How' do we DEAL with the mess, the chaos, the ongoing revitalized virus which could have been mitigated -- by simple TEMPORARY Cooperation! These are 'preventable' COVID Deaths!!
Add to it the stories of the Taliban COUP rushing in, possibly to massacre the Afghanistanian 'Women and Children' and men overseas who had assisted the US Govt that now leaves,,,,,

I CRIED OUT to the Divine!!!, ASKING
'HOW' do we manage things in the world, and in our lives, that appear soooo FUTILE????

As I got up from the chair and walked over to this computer, the image of a group of people assembled in prayer at a bible-study in South Carolina came to my mind.

While they prayed, a 'white youth' in the group pulled out a gun, and insensibly SHOT THEM!

What to 'do'..
What to 'do'.. when such atrocity leads in action?
What to 'do'.. when 'darkness' has coalesced, and a spirit of INSANITY has 'possessed' the citizens, creating and making them into violent-and-unreasonable individuals?

What to 'do'.. when a sole individual can't 'do' anything about or IN the circumstance?

In those thoughts came a memory of a grief-inspired song--

The Answer, is Love ..

lyrics ..
In the midst of pain,
I Choose Love.."
In the midst of WAR,
I Choose Peace..
Pain and anger keeping Score?
I Choose Peace.
When my world falls down,,,,
I will Rise!!!!
Explanations CAN be found..
I will Rise to Higher Ground...
I will Rise.
. .
In the midst of Pain!!!
I Choose Love
I choose love
Sorrow!!!!!, falling down like RAIN!!!!

(music) I Choose Love ||
(Mark Miller, SingingOUT, 2018)

Performed by SingingOUT at
Glenn Gould Studio on May 26, 2018.
music by Mark A. Miller,
text: Lindy Thompson

With this THREAD possibly having a Coming Back??..... I want to say THANK YOU, soo deeply much .. Surprise resurrection! (wow)

* Afghanistan : humanitarian issue
- er-the-world-humanitarian-china-pakistan

* Taliban

* World Health pandemic : COVID-19
{Delta Variant on the rise;
in the US, 'Death' among the deliberately unvaccinated}

* White Supremacy : Hate crime
Past Charleston church mass shooting

* TALIBAN Event Chart
{use asteroid 42 Isis + 2546 Libitina 'death, corpses'}
** 28.52 LEO ASCENDANT ..


The next FULL MOON Aquarius on August 22, 2021, 12:03 GMT/UT --
MOON Aquarius 29.37 opp SUN LEO 29.37.


Before I posted this,
I saw I had another email notification---
Saw your message. THANK YOU Randall!!! Thank you for Not-Forgetting.
Goats Rock - Persistence

Edit 4:45pm
I've edited in some extra 'info' now..
which dissolves the grief that was gripping me while writing this post earlier today. Don't know if I should have done that?
Switched to being 'intellectual' .. which took away from the emotional impact.
?Too much to relate?
Learning. Always Learning, Growing.

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 15, 2021 02:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You're welcome, mirage. I always hated that this thread glitched. It contains your blood, sweat, and tears, and I would never have given up rescuing it.

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Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted August 19, 2021 08:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
{Thanks again, Randall!! *heart*}

I saved this post from another forum thread where it seemed rather misplaced, so I removed it, saving it for later. Now, that this thread has reopened, it belongs here.
created 08-12-2021 03:54 PM astro2.0
United Nations Report
Code Red for Humanity

A major new UN climate report issues a code red for humanity
(United Nations, posted Aug 10, 2021)

quote YT notes
A new scientific report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
warns we are on a crash course towards catastrophe
if global temperatures are allowed to rise.
The window to slow (or even halt) some of these worsening impacts
is rapidly closing,
and the message is clear:
we must take action now.

Wikipedia, quote
Climate change includes both global warming driven by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases and the resulting large-scale shifts in weather patterns.

Couldn't find this chart through Astrodienst.
Used the chart found at lesser-active astrology site, 'StarIQ'.
Then, someone else had rectified the time from 4:45pm to 4:50pm
which seemed to work.
Sorry I can't recall where/who rectified it.

I was looking over a grouping of Environmental Asteroids for--
United Nations event chart.
24 October 1945, 4:50pm, Washington DC
77w02 and 38n54

The United Nations put out her Warning Report on the day that transiting Mercury (messages) was on her
1184 Gaea {earth} LEO 29.04'59" H5.
136108 Haumea Leo 18.21'26" H5
had transiting Sun shining more light attracting attention to this issue.

Haumea --> 'regenerative reconstruction'
of the Soul; self-healing.
Also involved with childbirth.. H5

Transiting Mars in earthy Virgo was crossing into her 6th House ~~ Work to do, in Service to Humanity.

Adding emphasis!  
Transiting Saturn is currently retrograding in The UN's '11th' House
in the 'sign' of Humanity, Aquarius.


(music) Earth Song (Frank Ticheli, lyrics)


This dark, stormy hour.
The wind, it stirs.
The scorched earth cries out in vain.
In vain...

Oh, war and power.
You blind and blur.
The torn heart cries out in pain.
In pain...

But music and singing,
Have been my refuge.
And music and singing,
Shall be my light.

A light of song, shining strong.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah...

Through darkness and pain and strife.
I'll sing...
I'll be...
I'll live...


created 08-12-2021 03:54 PM astro2.0

{NOTE: We've been having sporadic internet outages here. Computer acting up. Keyboard goes bonkers.. oh my}

more notes------
August 20, 2021
. .
MIRAGE thread Labor of Love,
contains a few years of my life, from the period of time when 'Good Performed' froze up, until now.

Link to Mirage thread

I may be posting here and there...
to separate the 'kinds' of materials I post.
Gotta make some kind of plan on how I want to organize what I want to present.

Mirage-thread covers TWO YEARS
-- Oct 2019 to Aug 2021.
Page 1 = posted October 15, 2019 02:14 PM
Page 17 . August 14, 2021 02:41 AM

Aug 20, 2021 -- Nationwide Report --
Health Care MAP of STATES in The USA
- [URL=][/ URL]
. .
Govt Rule in the Political Geographic Region I'm in,
for right now, seem set to work 'against' my general welfare and future--
I need to be able to TRUST them.
Future safety and security, as I am alone and unaided (currently) in my Elder Years, must be planned for.
{66 years old... can hardly believe it}
Been needing to 'process that' in recent month.

wow.. more wonky computer linking?
If you highlight the http-url inside the link above,
then do a search--
it will take you TO their main article?
Hope so.


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Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted August 24, 2021 08:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
When I went to <website NAME REMOVED> this morning to do some work, they have COMPLETELY REVAMPED the organization of materials at their website!!!!

What used to be clear and crisp (for the past decade) now looks 'swollen' and bloated. Words are missing .... ???

NO tidy neat overview anymore.
Lost in a sea of bubbles!
Visually there's a lot of bloated 'junk' to see.
My mouse slips and slides, as I'm trying to 'grab'-at pages to keep them still-- to keep the visuals from rolling-off with slide-bars appearing to move it all over the place. Noooo!

The only way to navigate it right now is to use my old "memory" of WHAT that website had to offer... *fuming*

*sad part*
In a few dozen posts here at LL,
I had very-carefully set some step-by-step instructions on HOW to navigate the 'normal' site, in order to find 'what you need'.
NOW?????? ugh.
Gone to waste.

THIS is the time for neat, efficient, crisply laid-out visible, surgical-like DETAILING. (Okay??? LOL)
Heck, I've got a later degree Virgo Moon!!!
With planet strengths, Mercury has the strongest energy in my chart--
After Mercury, the next strongest is Moon!
haha, I'm gonna 'talk' about my 'feelings' today!
(transiting Mercury Virgo (and Mars) are in orb of my Moon!)

It WAS a website set-up for doing research.

Their website now looks swollen wordless and dumbed-down??? Bloated-materials make it appear as a "bubble-gum" website now!!

They DID this while under the sky transit of
Mercury Virgo opp Neptune rx Pisces:
Mercury (mind/words) in VIRGO {Clean/Clear/Precise/Obvious/Set-out} is opposite cloudy foggy NEPTUNE {slurred, slippery, sliding, disordered, no boundaries, no words, confusion} in PISCES {content is ~somewhere out-there in the 6 vast oceans.. your rowboat, your 'guess'! }


ADD 10:00am
So, {ref that astrology website}
At the BOTTOM OF THE PAGE (if you can manage to slip-and-slide your drunk mouse-pointer down to it), there's a group of very faint small plain-typed words-- These words contain the previous labels they had named various sections, from the home page. It's the place down at the very bottom where you can usually find a website's "site-map". Like a table of contents, index.

I was able to find my Daily Horoscope---
then 'accidently' managed to GUESS where and 'how' to find the missing Celestial Happenings page {which is basically a favorite go-to spot}.


Remember when the USA Olympic Gymnast Simone Biles at the Tokyo 2020/2021 Global Games had to back out of some of the events for a few days? -- At first. the news was saying that she had "mental problems." That term was later 'clarified' when they explained how she had lost the perceived 'place' she needed to have, in the air-- Her brain had to be able to accurately note where her body was (in the air relative to the floor, the balance beams, the vaults)-- while she performed her complicated (potentially dangerous) spins and tumbles through the air. ...
. .
I watched her chart during the Events, including taking note of positions of asteroids.
I remember the 'effects' that some asteroids were having by transit in her chart! These points and asteroids were closely clustering together on top of her MOON in Gemini in the 6th House 7th cusp. Sensitive!! Like a cat's whiskers?
(Her Moon is just below the ASC/Desc horizon line {a body-point}, opposite PLUTO on her ASCENDANT which 'is' a body-point too! Looks like a 'balance beam', which her body has talent-for, excelling at navigating and landing-upon something so slim! and something so high off the ground as well-- surreal!).
. .
ALSO, she had been having longer harsh outer-planet transit perfect on TOP of other natal planets/positions for those very-few days when she had her troubles. --
Along with everything else-- the public pressure of her being a 'historically placing' person, a champion at the sport--- this conjunction peaked-- had the effect of exacerbating any form of lingering ghostly caul, of ancient scraps of 'doubt' she might have had that impacted her viscerally-- In her sport, doubts affect 'the body'. These old scraps were being presented for processing in her mind and consciousness on that set of days.
.. AMAZING placements ...
(I didn't post about it, but wanted to.
Too much obstruction in my life.)
Right now, I'm going to force myself NOT to delineate this Chart!!! (wow)
. .
Personally with Simone--
I would have loved to directly speak to Simone ABOUT the effect of her transits that week! This would only be TEMPORARY, and the effects of it should NOT disparage nor 'cloud' her thoughts and opinions of her self in-the-now.
. .
She hadn't known 'why' she was feeling 'off'. Giving her that piece of astrological information, could have held her more steady. It might have improved her confidence-- knowing that she was really, Okay. It's "just" the weird passing ghostly effect to her mind during the transits.
Nothing wrong with her.
And yet through ALL of it, she had to deal with some disgusting and vile UGLY comments made by Haters (the lowest of slimy individuals) because she is a Talented History-setting Celebrity.
. .
It was terrible timing that she was experiencing the peak of that transit-event WHILE in the the week of her Olympic events.. {so unfair!!}
She is Awesome!
She recovered herself.
She managed the energy of the transit--
Got her sensory spatial-placement BACK,
as well as reporting that her basic confidence was back, also.
She won a bronze metal.

Simon Biles Chart

I'd seen the effects OF that outer-planet to outer-planet transit with a few LL members here who had asked in Personal Readings forum.

And so! *grin*
That's how I feel with this change the afore-mentioned astrology website made.
It feels too loose!!! Bloated!!

AND, they may not realize how the little changes they made is actually 'concealing' what this website HAS to offer. The way they did it before (for 10 years) was plain and open to SEE the layout visually.

This website is huge! and what they did favors more a smaller-website maybe?

I know that these little cell-phones are what people are using to gain info; those phones have TINY tiny capabilities. They HAVE to hide-info UNDER other info, hidden under other info, etc.

Desk tops are better for hauling out your notebooks, charts, books... and managing multiple open Tabs, to find Information. Those dinky phones are a 'suggestion'!!

I'll find my bearings-- just like Simone eventually found her body-orientation as she made her amazing spins in space.

I love Logic!
I don't like needing to 'guess'

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Posts: 15192
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posted August 26, 2021 11:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That website did some tweaks?
Bloating is corrected.
Mouse back in control of the page.
Problems are taken care of.
What remains is do-able.

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Posts: 15192
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posted September 07, 2021 03:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Randall:
You're welcome, mirage. I always hated that this thread glitched. It contains your blood, sweat, and tears, and I would never have given up rescuing it.

You'll NEVER know how much that meant to me!, until you go through 'review' once your Soul passes into the next world.

We are then 'shown' with great clarity what happened in relationships-- with full knowing of the 'effects' had on the life of other human beings.

I like the story of Dicken's Scrooge...
he was given a vision of possible futures.

With his decision to use some of his great stores of wealth, he chose to 'personally' get involved in efforts to make life better for another human being.
In his case, ... Tiny Tim, the boy-- that the dream spirits had shown would have died without his intervention.

What he did saved a life.

"Do not withhold good
from those to whom it is due,
when it is in your power to act."
- Proverbs 3:27

Celebration of Rosh Hashanah
Jewish New Year, and New Beginnings

Greeting: May you be Written-In,
{to remain on The Earth}
for the Next Year of Life!

ADDING, And May it be A Good One

after catastrophic losses ...
in our World.

Let My Love Be Heard
(Jake Runstead, BYU singers, lyrics)

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Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted September 11, 2021 09:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Historically, this is the 
20th anniversary of USA September 11, 2001 
terror events.

* New York City Twin Towers
* Shanksville, Pennsylvania
* The Pentagon, Washington DC



9/11: As Events Unfold

(music) "A Pile of Dust"
(Voces8 - Jóhannsson:Arr. Rimmer)


For the ones who lost their lives
For We who Remember, and still feel the pain

United and Standing
Alive Strong Witnesses
: One in Our Heart :
In Healing.. For America

(music) Voces8, Eleanor Turner -
Gjeilo: "Still" (Arr. Lawson) (Visualiser)

10:03 pm Sept 11, 2001
. It was finished .

(music) Adagio for Strings Op.11
(Samuel Barber, perf by Vienna Philharmonic, 2019)

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 10, 2021 09:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 15192
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Registered: May 2012

posted November 10, 2021 10:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
. . . .

MANY times, I've wanted to add content here.
So MUCH has gone by...
my environment is not supportive/conducive to the DOING...

1:07 pm ------------------
I've got some personal-issues going on in the home.
I have growing insecurity: many mixed-messages. (Today he's resorted to 'angrily throwing things' {a knife} in order to express frustrations.. I am not EVER ever into relationships where physically acting-out in temper-tantrums get enacted around me. I don't feel safe around that kind of uncontrolled expression of behavior: it's a huge trigger, and it scares me.)
(i don't like it - there is NOT EVER an excuse for that, it's not macho or ~manly .. that belongs in a different venue on the sports field.)

Leaving the URLS to my 3 anchor threads
in Labor of Love forum.

Chronologically 1st: 'Good Performed...' thread --

Chronologically 2nd: 'Mirage' thread --

*Then, 'Good Performed..' got fixed by Randall, yay. Made a split-off personal thread.

EDIT ============================
Chronologically 3rd: 'And So It Goes..'
- <URL removed;

a 'troll' velcroed itself to my thread, and would NOT 'let go'. All posts I had made are removed. I asked that it be 'closed' and YET it seems troll might have still been let in (to a closed thread) to further change *their* writings. That's not Right.>

I had MORE posts to place here, but, I have no proof {communications} that the troll was TOLD to LEAVE ME ALONE.

I have no power or control over trolls.
I've seen astrologers and vid-people who CAN go into the comment sections of their site, and BAN inappropriate comments and trolls. I do not have that here, and must rely on the mods {who either were NOT paying attention, or, let it go on to spoil my thread deliberately}. *sad, sad, sad*

I have NEEDED A RELOCATION...........
I feel like I'm NOT being BELIEVED!!!!
I'm being told that that's NOT a 'NEED'?
What??? You TELL me that what I THINK/SAY is wrong?? That what YOU think and say is a better description of my situation. *tears, sad*

If no one in the astro world is an empath, and can FEEL WHAT I HAVE BEEN FEELING... then, perhaps my 'existing' is no more to be count among the living?
2022FEB15 note at 12:14 pm
I wanted to let THIS thread ('Good Performed' be more oriented towards thoughts and observations of 'The World and Society'.

Thread called 'And so it goes' would be put aside for the more private personal issues in my life.

Sorry for the Delays and Interruptions.
I do 'what I can do' with 'what I have'.

Hey. I just realized::
I received an email notification that someone bumped this thread!!!!! Wow.

You FIXED the e-notification, Randall!!!!

I have this thread that send me notifications:
* Good Performed...

* And so it goes...<< was CLOSED>>
THIS is the only thread that *bumps*

Feb 15, 2022 ... Day after Valentine's Day

ADDING MORE to clarify---
This place gives me atrocious PHYSICAL PAIN from neighbor SONICS <which I have no control over and have ENDURED for YEARS here now>.

The other night I woke early {4am} and the 'nerve' pain was OFF because *sonics* were turned OFF. What I had was a left-over headache FROM the Super *sonics* of the week before!!!!!!

In my geographic area, in a extremist draconic-run economics of a political State who have over these years deliberately STRIPPED programs into an empty shell-- these would have been those that help {me}. There IS NOTHING here--- but winding up 'on the streets'. NO room/shelters.
I will be 67 years old end of MAY.
My body is MORE sensitive to most to heat and cold, and will die in agony ON the streets, exposed to the weather.

I THOUGHT I was going to have a place out of State---- and the person's adult child talked them OUT of helping me.
What's really cool is that I had people come forward who said they would help me 'move' with their truck, --- but they themselves are living in a 'borrowed' home and there is NO PLACE for me there, and there are LITTLE resources in their own State.

end clarification ... oh my.... *heart*
2022 FEB 15, at 12:26 pm

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 11, 2021 02:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Glad the notification patch worked!

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Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted January 04, 2025 01:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Greetings All .... It's been a while since I've posted. Life was Happening. I thought for sure I would at least come back to THIS thread if Jimmy Carter Passed Away.

Jimmy Left on Sunday December 29, 2024.
I'm kind of surprised.. how much it hurts inside to have him gone... I very much identified with his Work throughout these posts (and other threads). He inspired me to BE a Better Human. (I try??) And I thank GOD for him, for his Life! And for Roselyn. I used to regularly for a while attend The Carter Center Programs online. I 'grew' going to those!

I've been in mourning... Watching the State portion of his Memorials. Today is Saturday Jan 4, 2025. He will be memorialized through to Jan 9, 2025 with the Federal Services in Washington DC.

I had planned to be back in these next days to Post-- and life had its own plans! Preparing for a relocation soon (local).... too much on my plate!

I had some asteroids to point out, but I'll simply honor by saying that *10683 Carter* was active--- in my chart, and USA #1 Sag chart. Even though I am not here, I still think of LL and my LL People. Birthdays!! Anniversaries..

Wish you the BEST!! :sparkle:
MISSING YOU very much!
Thoughts and Prayers from my Heart


Bless You All ... *hugs*

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