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Author Topic:   Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others

Posts: 15192
From: us
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posted January 22, 2015 09:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Aw, gee thanks, Randall! The tooth is not bothering me at all, unless I drink or eat something very very cold in that area of the mouth.

Also, you may be seeing me here at erratic and earlier-morning times, as rm has his vacation time here in the house all next week. Lots of tv! But hey, I glean inspiration from some of the programs he likes to watch, too. The Universe delivers what you need to hear, at just the right times. There is MUCH inspiration in shows and movies~~ a lot of times, I'll keep my notebook or journal handy!

Last night, before doing the above post, I had been dealing with a lot of irritations. Rm had been home for unexpected days off. I knew that the sky was ripe for inspirations... and what has been happening for me is deep real. Seems that I've been milling in my thoughts around a group of ideas-- things that I've been working out over especially the past years. If I were to caption this all, it would be in the words of a series of sermons I heard (but that minister doesn't seem to be around anymore right now). He was saying exactly what I already heard in my spirit (so it made this of even-higher significance to me).

Hath God said?.....

I'm dealing with one of the most primary original sins in my life & astro-chart... yup! It's right there... asteroid Skeptikus 6630 at natal 23+ Aquarius. *LOL*

In my chart, I see the asteroids that have been saying that I have a tendency 'to shun enlightenment'... and I don't want to do that anymore. (several placements for that). I've noticed that in searching the workings of certain asteroids throughout a lifetime, it's important to take much into account, about the rotating life and circumstances at the time.

Like higher-case and lower-case shifts on a computer, there are the higher and lower expressions or choices that a person can make. I've personally begun to "shift" much weight off me, as some things come around again. I'm finding 'how' that works, and it really really does.

I paid very close attention when some of the astrologers were saying how VERY important it is to remain 'grounded'. (Helps the 'electricity' to flow?) And I applied that wisdom as seriously as possible, no matter how goofy or uber-expressive I've come across here.

(The 'vibe problem' is body-real, not imagined as some in the past have 'gaslighted' and implied. So wrong.)

I love having a Loving group of kind and spiritually-devoted friends, who understand the playful ways of this born 'mystic' who has kept her flame under the bushel for so long... And I have taken challenges seriously, because I'm always striving to improve things. I've found levels of people with o m g awesome potentials! and I want to be a part of that awesomeness for real. I look forward soon to wrapping-up being placed into wrong atmospheres (places/friends) for me. I want to have Joy, and to thrive, not just survive. I have survived many many things.

So today too, I'm going to point the 'awesome' finger at my Heart and see that myself in the mirror. I AM a success, and I very well am sooo happy to know it! {LOL} I look forward to meeting and receiving new people for my life. Ones who deeply know what True Happy-Happelia means.

Concerning groundedness, I've also read that 'in some people's case' these individuals need to approach things from a more-playful approach-- so I'm using my Neptune trines, to purposefully free me. The imagination unlocks the potential in the astro chart.

I was stifling myself way too much. Some people were correct about me, when they diagnosed that my problem is that I wasn't 'thinking more' about my self's Self... All this that has happened to me, was "training". This IS new awakenings time for me. I kept accepting all the 'garbage' thrown to me. I watered above it, with tears of deep despairs.... That 'garbage' was actually my uniquely-rich COMPOST. ... And it took Kindness, loving-kindness to point me at this. .... So rich to have Friends who care so much. Doors closed. And I heard that scriptural Still and small-voice inside. And it was the doors of my True friends, who whispered 'I'm still here. I'm still here.' Never gave up. {you have the Best part of my Heart}

The actual working-fact for me, is that I was shutting myself down way too much inside with the original sin of "doubting" ...

I went by systems of 'logic', but unfortunately (or fortunate) using a damaged-intuitive radar system. It got damaged by the agency of several female pervs in my lifetime, while the men in my life just 'looked the other way.' Females, female-energy was extremely put-down. ... and my family was by karmic design dysfunctional and backwards.

~~~ I forgive them.
AND I acknowledge that they chose to reject me, and to stay detached from my life, as well as all my progeny.
Like my scorpio grandma said, I don't have to let them hurt me any more. All of them.

Back in June,(2nd/3rd week of), I gave it my 'last shot'... And it was clear, on BOTH sides.

The most valuable piece of info I got, was the heart-shredding news that my cousin (who had been sooooo close that same grandma) had committed suic. I 'happened' to call on his 10th anniversary.... I still cry tears for that death, and I layer by layer deal with all that grief inside. It wasn't just him. There was such a TWISTED situation around all that. I will privately finish grieving him some time in the future. {Will do my own shiva-house at that time. I found out about that beautiful custom while I was studying a bit about Hannukah rituals recently. {Shiva asteroid in my 4th House} I had coincidently found pictures of him and me just before I made the call to the relative involved. I gathered a very small memorial book of pictures our Grandmother had taken of the two of us. I will need to take the time to write everything out~~ now THAT can go on for pages and pages... all in its due seasons of time.)

{asteroid swindle-Sappho Pisces 6-7 degrees in my chart, T-square my Sun & BML. tNeptune now clicks into the degree of swindle, feeling 'swindled' and being 'swindled' out of so many opportunities of all sorts}

Many here already know my maternal f.o.o. issues. There 'should' have been a 'safety' for me back then, if the system {asteroid typhon aries 14+}, had worked the way it should-have at that time. {yes, I see the 'shoulding'... doing it on purpose, coz I see 'that' in multi-ways right now.} I'm sooo happy and thrilled that in today's society, the females/males 'the receptives' are being honored and protected, and believed now. HUGE thumbsup!
But as I've written here at LL in past posts, the Cost to Society was DEEP! Preventatives were not secured (or even understood by the workers). And NOW, we've 'saved money' for the government... 'at what cost'? `` in actual-monies, what cost? But that's water under the bridge for me now. I'm starting over, very very carefully.

There has been such a WARFARE on the lifetimes of individuals born here at THIS VERY TIME to 'make a difference'. I have always deeply deeply deeply prayed that my life would 'count' for something. And I'm seeing now, that it has.

There is sooo much to do and Do. I feel so relieved to find the Healing propositions appear, not just 'in front of me' in what I view, but by my chart also. What I've been after is Manifesting itself right now in my life.

sidebar: yes, laughing! God's Hidden Beauty {fixed star *Sadalachbia* conjunct swindle-sappho} and the discovery of lost-items, tHygeia-rx (the manifestation of Pallas-Athene as Healer) removing every residue. (I am so profoundly grateful.)

The Beauty-within.

[I've planned a post all around that, and scriptures and songs. I may or may not have the opportunity to do this post, but in my self, I want to. {{{hence, the 'change' in my sleep-cycles and appearances here, to 'flex' with my rm's vacation coming, starting Saturday.}}}

Going back to previous "unlucky-escape" story in my life....
The social-worker & system I ran to with so much courage, thinking that I had a core now {govt} to help this minor-aged me survive and escape. (Took vast courage. Teachers were not trained on 'what to do' when they see the signs. It took me several years to work up the nerve to get help in my early teens. There was so much risk involved... that risk did NOT pan out then. Jumped from the pan into the fire!)
This 'she'-socialworker could have VERY genuinely put me on the right track. She took me away from my home after one of my brothers threw me AT the piano. I wound up with an impressive bruise on my hip. And mom laughed and encouraged their aggressions (Each of them had 'problems' in their marriages with abusing their wives.)

That happened at the time of development where I was going for help for the first 'real' time in my life, to escape and to establish my own life, my own identity in the world, and test my own ability to rise above the situational circumstances I had been born into.

Back to NOW

My asteroid Davida 17+ aqua is conjunct two brands of pianos! lol, Also conjunct the asteroid for anachronistic realism and eccentric aesthetic preferences 120348 (as F.Schiavinotto suggests).
I spiritually dance with zeal to songs of worship. David was anointed psalmist, lyre & 'harper' with which he drew down an anointing through his music ~~ and it calmed sheep, and Healed others, and made the madman calm once more.

A mirage Being unbuttoned?! With these transits? who can resist..... I give myself Permission to Play: it's my 'Job' .

(music) All Glorious Within (Lisa Bearinger, guitar) [5:04]

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted January 23, 2015 01:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted January 24, 2015 12:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Swindle is a doozy.

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posted January 24, 2015 05:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Au contraire, my Beautiful friend... I'm healing 'the fear of' being Swindled. Things are not as before...

Asteroids Swindle-Sappho Pisces bridges over to asteroids Astrowizard-Hygeia Libra, too.

{omg!!!, I just-now noticed that the last-name of the corrupt worker Nov 2005, (which was also the next progressed-NM lunation cycle 26 Cancer, btw), is in the degree of Hygeia Libra 7+ in my chart (her number discreetly not divulged) Certain things seem eerily pre-ordained, but not without God's mercy and remedy for me.}

24626,651,4747,10,40, 8690,80,

asteroid Whitacre is 7948 Pisces 19+

I'm having my socks blessed-off today! Yesterday too. So incredibly amazing... My life is being shown to me through the Gift that the sky and stars bring. I am so truly truly Blessed. I thank God for this little pocket of transits I'm having right now. They are actually 'shielding' me, after all the grueling direct hits I've taken over these past years.

It's like a country-western song, playing backwards right now~~ yeah, I get the dog back, the truck back, my girl back, etc. (If you know that joke? Country songs are characteristically about losing your dog, house, girl, truck, etc... and IF you play that record backwards, in the joke, you GET everything BACK. Mercury-rx is good for playing that back... AND, with t Neptune on my Swindle-Sappho, it blurs all those lines, as my Soul feels and Heals its wounds. t Hygiea-rx is trine tNeptune....which also trines my Juno-rx Scorpio and Amfortas. Healing the wounds, exposing all that hurts in me that I didn't see before but is part of my foundation and the platform I stand upon. Blessed. Just so blessed, indeed.

I had thought about coming back to edit out 'the pain' from the post above... to 'sanitize' it all. Because I have truly in the deepest part of me NOthing against my family or my mom. I can put myself into her mocassins. She did the best she could. I just bless her life, and I pray that she found what she wanted to experience this lifetime, as I initially did. We all 'choose' our families. I bless and bless and bless those individuals with whom I incarnated into this flesh body. It was all for Purpose. Even is 'they' can't 'understand' what all this is and was, it remains that I do... And in my Soul I say Namaste to them... and we move on from here.

I feel so blessed. Yesterday around 3 pm it seemed as though I had sooo much 'clear' in me. I can 'see' what and who I'm looking at now. And I bless the soul who hugged my innerChild and told me it's okay, it's okay, because through that I learned how to do that for and to my own self. Giving, and receiving. And I found what that innerChild is so concerned and freaked about. It had a direct bearing on that 'swindle' asteroid.... If I may talk about it temporarily with third-person reference, each time she would reach out for something she liked, for the shiny happy things, there was a tremendous whack of pain. That's basis of pavlovian-conditioning. I was raised in a House where if people found out you liked something, or you were enjoying yourself amused into something, then it's like something really jealous in them decided to take that away from me. I wasn't allowed to be happier than they were. Pretty things that came for me ('by mistake' in the mail), or pretty new friends who would call for me to include me in their social group, would be taken away, with great ridicule and humiliation. Even the fear of being used as the 3rd-party mark, in other people's cruel intent. Made for worry. The Cost was painful and high if I just wanted to be myself, and feel safe being Happy.

I know of course that the way mirrors work is that the 'swindle' now in this day, is to overcome the 'conditioning' I had from the past. The question I was asking myself is how do I swindle my own happiness? I felt a kind of pinch went I left the swindle-Sappho post up there.... because a higher-part of me knows the earthly game of shadows. But I went ahead and let it stand STET. And now I'm glad I did.... I won't EDIT it now, since you referenced the right word, Randall, probably without even realizing it.

Yesterday I allowed myself to go ahead and drift a bit, rather than keep myself with 'nose to the grindstone'.... It led to my trying to work on sorting some files, which led to me seeing the star Polaris. I'd never entered fixed star Polaris into my 'databook' yet. So I logged back into the computer to find out what degree Polaris, the polestar in my life, is. I found that it is conjunct my blessed Mercury Gem 27+, and Mean Node. From there, I began to search the meanings of Fixed Stars in my chart.

Well o'Blink wouldya? ~~ I found that some of these Fixed Stars associated in my chart ALSO spell out what my life, and my gifts are about, as well as the 'spots' in my chart where I seem to fall awkwardly (or painfully) over spots. Okay! I understand that now too, and exploring the mechanics of it right now is providing a goldmine of information coming up about my past, the negative being processed so readily right now. I feel part of that is from all the support I feel in my life. Lovingly, thank you so much!

I realize now how some astrologers have been incorporated energies of fixed stars into their reports without their having named them. Those stars are linked to events in our collective mundane history. I see, said the blind man.... We 'feel' these, as a group, individually and together. It's all connected.

Hygeia has been an incredibly important asteroid in my chart. She sits up there in my 10th Libra within around 5 degrees of my MC, trine my Sun. (My Sun itself doesn't make 'traditional' ties with the major players, but is linked through Chiron Aqua. t Sun making contact now, and tomorrow.)

Hygeia was there in the Eclipse on the day of my 'Conversion Experience' on April 13, 1987. She stood on the Polestar degree, opposite that Galactic Center, and breathed her Healing vapors. Healing, for the pain in my soul. Healing, for the groups, the nations, our Earth. Our Good Earth...

I had had that 'Angel Dream' one week before the 23Libra Eclipse (my Spica-Urania-Abrosia 30,193 ), on April 6, 1987... I used to have outer space dreams. I was walking along in space, on the saddle of a great curved and bent invisible space, and I somehow slipped and rolled down this big invisible hill. When I landed, I was at the feet of two Angels with Flaming Swords. I overheard their conversation, of whether or not I was 'worthy' or would be worthy of entering the wonderful earthly garden I could see was there beyond them. Their answer with each other was that they would check and see.... Their answer MUST have been 'yes' because one week later, during that Eclipse, while my life was heading for a train-wreck of painful divorce.

Before I knew it was coming, 'God' saw that my ex had begun the process of liquidating our assets back around last week of December 1986 (as I uncovered later). It took my best friend at that time to tell me that she thought something was wrong... He had heavily been extorting money from the business we owned together, harming it. Pregnancy for me was synonymous with having the flu for 9 months, and I was dealing with under-thyroid issues (my 'voice'?). God made sure that this struggle was going to be more even. My Soul was about to receive one of its greatest woundings, in the place in my Heart where I yearn most, for family, a Hearth, a husband, my children...

Hygeia reappeared prominently in my Solar Return chart for 2014/2015, with that NM Gemini Eclipse week (haven't fact-checked). She was conjunct my Sun, trine her natal position, while tNeptune Pisces 7+ was in degree square to my Sun 7.

Yes, now Neptune Pisces squares my Sun in its next degree. t Neptune is working out the pain. My head is not foggy like it was on its first pass-thru. Feels so clear right now, and grounded down.... thank God for all the transits through Aquarius. Blessed-Venus is now entered my 25 Aquarius third house. She joins up with Utopia, America, Honeycutt, which all trine my polestar Polaris Mercury, which trine my Neptune.... I'm just so blessed and grateful, utterly truly grateful for the Gift that astrology IS to me. *laughing, happy-tears flooding face, snot down the nose* ...

Another 'feel' I had yesterday also while I searched the sky for my fixed stars? Was how I presented myself, my gifts, to various local communities {3rd House} throughout my life, and those contributions I was willing to make were rejected by persons and groups that 'weren't ready' for me; or else there were people in power-positions who did see me and the potential it represented, but if I had been allowed to influence their agenda (NOT an agenda to 'help' the community being served, but was more ego power-money siphoning off the purses they managed. They spoke the right words, but meant something way-different in their hearts. That's how some of these government policies don't get implemented WITH the spirit of some of our philanthropists who generously provided FOR these programs. They trusted the political system. Their goodwill ends up hijacked by oldboys dressed in shepherd's clothing, who 'cook' results. ... *breathe, breathe* okay, I'll get off the platform ~~

Maybe a bit off-topic here, but Yes, my fixed stars (and chart) do TALK about politics. I was interested in politics a very long long time ago, and I TRIED to get involved in & with government to make it work. I was doing it alone, which was the primary mistake there I realize now. But the people I contacted had 'their' agenda, not the community's agenda at heart. I have the kind of 'synthesizing' to help shape policies but other things contraindicate my being involved on the mundane level....

After much time has passed, seems that my soul decided to bend space and time instead, because PRAYER counts for the masses. You know, I can see the good-Possible in EACH of the main three political movements (usa) right now. I can see how the principles of each could (and has) done good things....

ANYWAYS.... yes, eclectical here (hey? is that a word?)

So! Going back to "Christmas-Consciousness" ...

I found that my Prenatal LUNAR Eclipse happened early Christmas Morning, on December 25, 1954 at 7:33 UT.... which for the East Coast of US would put the time back 5 hours from that. The New Moon Eclipse happened at 2 degrees Capricorn 59 minutes. Annular. To some theorists, the Prenatal Lunar Eclipse is 'the place where your emotional wound is re-established in this Lifetime'.... I was exploring the Prenatal Eclipses, and a certain song began playing on my Eric Whitacre Playlist. His song Alleluia... (omg, it just NOW came back up, after many many many songs went by! I'm going to grab the url a minute! be right back!!)

(music) Alleluia (Eric Whitacre) [9:18]

What I was going to say.... Is that my Mother would have been in Church while under the influence of this... Most-likely the Midnight Mass at a Roman Catholic Church in the outer bounds of the city I was born in. This song "Alleluia"
was one of the themes for the TV Political Series called "The West Wing" .... Some of the West Wing episodes were FILMED IN the very Church that I had my Prenatal Lunar Eclipse during the Christmas Day, five months before I was born. She was given the due date of June 21, but I arrived on a Pentecost Sunday evening (Whitsunday), on President Kennedy's Birthdate, the day before Memorial Day (a Day of Requiems... my asteroid Capricorn 4+. My Equatorial Ascendant? is 2 Capricorn... the same degree as my PNLE! *jawdrop*??)

So! I had my Eclipse in Church, and I was BORN on a Church Day. .... I was destined for a Life lived with the zeal of a Sagittarian Soul.

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posted January 24, 2015 08:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ I fine-tuned the writing in above post, and it didn't take my edit?

My dinner was ready, and I had taken a break first before 'filling in' some missing and side-tracked thoughts above.

I'll wait to see if the 'edit' appears later. If not, I MAY go back into that post just to smooth it, punctuate, and finish sentences of a few thoughts I had started.

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posted January 24, 2015 09:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
okay I see it now... but the copy needs more edits if I want it 'perfect'... and that's the way I destroy a lot of my posts. I get frustrated and delete them. Yes, write shorter posts? ... Maybe I'll be able to do that in the future, but maybe it's just more important that I keep words flowing for now. I can work on writing skills later. The bottom-line for me, is to keep contact, keep communicating.

That had always been an ordeal for me in the past. Sometimes I can flow without hardly needing an edit. Then other times my copy is so chopped and rough and hack-n-patched together~~ and, well, not polished at all. I'd love for everything I write to have that no-edit centered flow to it, where the words are liquid to the pages.

That was one way Pearlty really helped me. She basically told me to just pour it out, and not to worry. (I'm grateful to her for that!) I knew that this would be my 'compromise' here.... That I could allow myself to just type it, no matter what. From day to day, don't worry so much. The point is to show up, and to be here, and strive to reach out to others.

You know, it was so hilariously funny the other day when I checked out Doreen Virtue's newly redone AngelTherapy website. I explored a bit, then found a Free Angel Card Oracle tool. I prayed, then got a message. Even the ANGEL thought it was 'too loud' in my environment, to basically reduce some of the outside stimulation, so I could hear better inwardly! LOL .... What a sense of Beautiful humor? They know what it's been like for me here, and they help me find patience and cheer me up.

I also found it fascinating to read that you can clear the 'ear chakras'? (don't know if I'm remembering this correctly) by drawing in white light above the two eyebrows.

Also saw info that environmental sounds can heighten when you've had a 'gain' (sound term) or improvement in the ability to 'hear' (esoteric). ... that's an interesting thought, but/and those car-mufflers need some work at quieting them!!! Stop the fumes, and stop vibing me! They know. The Angels know, and laugh 'in support' with me.

If I didn't post all choppy, then I couldn't post at all sometimes. Part of my challenge is to LET those words come from my mind, through my Heart, through my gemmy fingers, to the keyboard, and out into ethers. I exist.... I pray that my life, and my thoughts, can be a blessing to those who read these posts.

Thank you for continuing to read my posts... I cherish each reader, and I send my Love.

(music) The Best In Me (Marvin Sapp) [5:59]

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted January 25, 2015 03:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sometimes you have to refesh the page a few times.

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted January 26, 2015 12:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Love reading your posts.

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posted January 26, 2015 03:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ Thankyou so much Randall. Means a lot to me.

Powerful morning... These two songs kept rising up in my spirit while I circled the streets.

(music) For This I Give You Praise {For Every Mountain} (Kurt Carr, lyrics) [5:16]

(music) Better Loved You'll Never Be (Jimmie Rodgers) [2:08]

And I got clarification about Ego, and the practice of not identifying with your 'thoughts' or the things you've been 'conditioned' socially to think from the past, or identifying with a 'role' or experiences too much. Align yourself with the Universe, and Higher Perspective.

(topic) How To Strengthen Awareness & dissolve The Fictional Self (CJSmith, Jan 19, 2012) [8:14]

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted January 27, 2015 12:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ego is a tough subject.

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posted January 27, 2015 06:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ I agree. Some of the toughest things that Society-today has to deal with right now IS prejudice. Prejudice is linked with the Ego, and resistance. Because we live in this world in flesh bodies, we all get 'stuck' somewhere... Some people unconsciously need to use the less-than beautiful members of Society as their scapegoats in order to complete and fulfill their individual and group projective-work.

These painfully suffer needless stripes at the hands of those who seek to bind 'in that other person' what is their own projected unruliness within their own heart and character. Or they work out the needs for their own personal freedom from a harsh and active superego, ONTO a person that has some of the characteristics which they themselves need as the Key to their own higher purposes.

Either way it comes, it sucks to be on the receiving end of such unconscious behaviors-- individual or collective.

God bless and heal us all, as we play those 'roles' (most-unwittingly at times).

Greater Love means being able to set aside your Ego needs, for the sake of a Friend. John 15:13

Take the Higher Road

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted January 28, 2015 03:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted January 29, 2015 02:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The high road is less traveled.

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posted January 29, 2015 04:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
If I could go anywhere? right now it would be to the west, not here. Be back in a bit...

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posted January 29, 2015 05:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Coming to the end of vaca week here at home with rm, and the 'hood. Sounds like that ought to be a name for a music group or something? I went out to get a roasting pan for the chicken I want to prepare for tomorrow.

So anyway I miss everyone, even though I'm not that far away... I have to keep dealing with same old same old, but looking forward to what's new later for me.

(music) Holding Back The Years (Simply Red, original version) [5:46]

(music) Kisses Sweeter Than Wine (Jimmie Rodgers) [2:18]

(music) Order My Steps In Your Word (w lyrics) [4:56]

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posted January 29, 2015 10:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
We're beginning to have more problems here with our internet broadband connections. That'll mean that the phone won't work right as well as my accessing some youtubes. Had problems earlier today with that.

I'll keep posting as much as I can. And it's still vacation time here too, so rm is quite upset by the TV getting blippy on him. Gets mad when the TV doesn't work...

I've made some discoveries about Sedna here! wow. Will talk later.

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posted January 30, 2015 02:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hope things work out.

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posted January 31, 2015 02:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ Had to call the service center twice. They tried some sort of remote work yesterday morning. Then called late in afternoon. After them running some tests, it suddenly started working with much more speed. Was able to open email last night.

The 'vibing' has been extra strong, day and night. I didn't get to rest much that day. Then at 359am there was a very loud boom, not a pop but boom, right across the yard from my bedroom window. Minutes later there were sirens. Had much police activity, and television crews filming reports after the sun finished rising. The crime here is so high.

I've decided to suspend thoughts about moving anywhere specific right now. Still trying to get a read on where to go. That's hard for a lot of reasons right now.

Gotta go get some rest. Have a nice day.

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posted January 31, 2015 03:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Too much "reality" can dry the spirit. Reading that article on Sedna yesterday was such a downer for me.

But! I must also allow myself to see and regard what other configurations it makes, besides that harsh cardinal grand cross. Asteroid Sedna, in my Aries H4, also makes a grand fire trine in my chart, with H8 Pluto-PoF-DonQuixote-Melponene-Haumea, and H1 my NN-GC Sag and Pallas Athene. Transiting Pallas Athene crossed my Ascendant and is on her approach to natal position.


Picking myself up, and looking beyond the debilitation and harshness of domestic circumstances, I rise above this by daring, with the Heart mind and soul, to renew in the inner springs of musical flows. There's a palpable essence. Being part of The Dream, the gut-cry for excellence and moving past limitations that bind or strangle you. ... Venus approaches Neptune, and transiting Mars-Chiron are making their connections today in Pisces.

In the clip below... Sometimes you just have to look beyond the scoffers in the gallery, and learn to embrace a notion that perhaps sometimes others can see what is the-excellent thing about you. And that's what success is about-- as we see the excellency and nobility of what's possible in people, and in society, we help each other reach out make this world a better place.

(music) Heal The World (Michael Jackson) [6:22]

(music) Dulcinea (Peter O'Toole, 1972, Man of La Mancha) [3:31]

(music) {I am I, Don Quixote} Man of La Mancha (Linda Eder) [3:36]

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posted February 01, 2015 01:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Agreed. Reality can drag us down.

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posted February 02, 2015 10:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hope you rested well.

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posted February 02, 2015 12:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I am in living agony right now. This past weekend had superbowl man-parties, with big Harley-Davidson motorcycle in a very very echoey neighborhood, and people with their rec vehicles, and high diesel trucks. Started first thing Sunday morning. I could barely cope it. I went across the main road from here to a very conservative Christian church to seek sanctuary. They said I could be in their gym for the afternoon. The gym had powerful hums in silent speakers, and their ceiling lights. Then they had commercial big refrigerators with terrible compressors, and an old cola vending unit that had compressor to match the commercial refrig. There was no where soft to sit. I left telling them that 'home' ambient atmosphere was just as awful.

I turned on a tv show to try to distract, but couldn't. Couldn't listen to computer because the location of the computer is right in the back of some humongous woofer tower.

Right now, I'm being triangulated by powerful woofer systems on either side of me, PLUS across the street..... All silent and innocent seeming, but affecting my body like I am a huge dental nerve being drilled.

There's nothing doctors can do about this.

The solution IS to be OUT OF THIS ATMOSPHERIC nerve-drilling. I am perfect outside of it. But while it's drilling and agitating I am in AGONY. there IS NO WHERE I CAN GO RIGHT NOW. This is shrieking awful. I'm going to get in the shower now, and try to deal with myself for a while.

There's nothing I can take for this, or do for this, expect for coping for bundles of seconds of time.

During a day that is supposed to be sheer blissfulness and fantasy, I am in hell on the outside, trying to find heaven on the inside until SOMEBODY STOPS THIS. I pray that a few of these people just stop it and reduce the vibrations right now right now right now right now right now

I'll come back later, I hope.

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posted February 02, 2015 10:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That was insanity this morning! There were more than just the three systems going. I can handle a LOT of resonance. But this morning? was freaky...

Well, things are still 'hot' vibe-wise, (needles n pins almost).

Around 745pm, there was another 'gunshot' right outside in the front here, then terrible male angers flaring in screams and fightings, as the very dark blue sports car car led headlights and smokey windows, loudly hit the gas and screeched off.

There was a new family that moved in too, and the neighbor next to them had loud angry words and slams of doors... their kids were pounding a somewhat deflated basketball pretty hard, then started blowing a recorder (flute) high pitch loud and long.
(heh heh heh, I guess I'm not the only one bothered here, eh?...) Those new kids were probably enjoying their loudness, because those kinds of sounds are magnified in this corner back here where we are. Ah, nice and echoey here... yep, almost as fun as singing in the shower?

Speaking of which, when I took that shower earlier? I sang out loud (which I rarely do). Treated the hollows to the song, 'In the Jungle, The Lion Sleeps Tonight'... Then while I did more physical work, I kept making the chants of aums. Whatever pitches they were making in the atmosphere, I would matched it with Aum. Probably about 1 1/2 hrs of that!

I was pleasantly surprised I went so long... In a way, that was actually nice. Even if my body was saying, You gotta be kidding? Nice?? Yes, it was actually very nice...

When you can't find where the good is hidden in things going on, then it can get to be so hard to cope. You have to keep trying to find an awareness of something that will be the little-bittiest of nice and try to 'stay there' as long as possible. When you have to cope, you MUST cope. The aum'ing was almost like an anesthesia, even when I felt quite miserable actually. Put me into a flowing zone. But I've not been able to do that this well until today.

oooo no

The people next-wall right now are having a bigger party this-instant-- I can feel my seat bouncing a bit with some of the deeper plunks of downbeats. yeah... o god

But enough of this reality for a short break for me. I'm in a deep calm state inside. It's time for me to post my music today.

Everything still and Beautiful resides deep inside me-- it's always there, no matter how I feel on the outside. Gotta take time to find and access it in any way I can find.

AAAHHHNNNDD, iT'S time for a nice soothing Shower Song again...

Much Love to Everyone!

(music) The Lion Sleeps Tonight [The Beauty of Africa] [3:34]

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posted February 02, 2015 11:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
(music) Goodnight Moon (Hila Plittman, Eric Whitaker) [5:02]


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posted February 03, 2015 11:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What a Difference Today is!! wow, I Love it!

The 'hood is down to its more normal state now. And I came to some clarity on a bundle of issues that clouded and vexed my spirit and mind last night. O blessed Breath of breathing air.

Right after rm went to bed, I incensed-saged the place down, then did some pine. You know, I can do some of these clearing rituals, but after such a thick thick storm of all from this past weekend, the 'result' in the air was palpably amazing. The air actually felt 'lighter'... Thank you God for the gift of Holy Smokes!

Gotta go stock up on more frankincense. It surprises me when I actually get 'cravings' for that smell. Weird, huh? .... Well, moving right along!

So good to feel good, yes! Body's a little wracked out, but I feel really Fine 'otherwise'.... thank God again!

I feel a sense of excitement in me today. Woke up feeling great. Such an exhilaration, yes.

(music) Let's Go Fly A Kite (Dave Tomlinson, scene from Mary Poppins) [2:50]

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