Topic: Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 05, 2015 08:47 PM
Post #600!IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 06, 2015 02:47 PM
Celine now has a regular Vegas show.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted May 07, 2015 01:02 AM
^ 600... wow. "6" is the 'giving & receiving' number. {ty cwi} (I worked on a longer post here earlier, then something came up and I had to stop-- gotta go to bed now. Orbing out )Celine Dion is a triple fire, Randall! Sun 10 and Moon 29 is Aries, with early Leo Ascendant. (She was born where my ancestors came from!) (music) Because You Loved Me (Celine Dion) [2:12] ____________________________ Ready to roll! (music) Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car (Billy Ocean) [4:35] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted May 07, 2015 05:20 PM
Today has been the National Day of Prayer for the Leadership on this earth, and for the rededication of scripturally 'Peculiar' People. May 7, 2015I've been seeing a lot of programs appearing on television regarding 'Truth' and the Bible-message of definition of Sin. When you have a tender heart, and a tender soul (as I have), when pointing the finger of questionable-blame at any one, I (more than others) realize that there are always 'three fingers pointing back at the self.' I have always been very cautious in this, and self-accusing and self-berating. With this as a 'direction' it can leave me vulnerable to a self-condemning spirit, which I must rise up from. Sin is sin, and right now, this includes the top leadership of all Christ's churches or the philosophical-type institutions that preach holy or Right-Living, Faith, and the flow between Giving & Receiving on this Earth. One of the things that I know about my life, and leadership, is that I have a sensitivity about the spirit that can cause people to operate as a False Prophet (or false guru). These can be some of the most beautiful and charismatic people, in great demand, full of appeal; loving the spot-lights turned on themselves. (Has been one of the reasons I shun this with a spirit of great mourning right now; plus I don't feel that 'that' is my 'placement.' I think I was born to come alongside, be an advisor and a helpmeet, and not the head or the boss of something or someone. I have a naturally submissive-spirit, and I am a Worshipper & a Friend of God. When I see abuses happening, abuses of authority, position, money & power-over people, it drives me~ either nuts!*LOL*, or wanting strongly to say something about it, it takes me to a prayer-walk of intercessions for both perps & vics, and sometimes just 'all of the above'!) I realize that some people here probably mistake me for being "a Bible thumper," and I understand 'how' you could think that, but I don't use scriptures as a weapon against persons, for as scripture says, We war not against flesh-n-blood, but against spiritual forces of wickedness {and I'm not referring to those 'cute' Halloween-type innocent play things~~ but I feel there, that we must keep very very special guards with that: it's like playing like children on edges of some deep dark forces. We 'practice' with minor demons, which can cause much racket, and even ills without us realizing it. But Thank God for the Strong Protections that the Angelic Realms cover for us without our knowledge and BY the Grace of God. (I had such a clear revelation about this around the time of the last eclipses, very very profound.~~ we are all VERY fortunate beings here right now-- and we have the power to effect much Good, and Restorations for us and our planet--- for we are Loved and watched-over jealously in a good way.) My Life span testifies of the things that happens when Leadership has not been doing its job. ... As a Child praying in church after Mass one day, I'd received my very first 'revelation' from God-- That God is a Spirit, and that He's the Spirit of Love! Within two minutes of that, the parish priest came over to me to tell me about basketball practice that night for CYO. I turned to him, my face slobbering with tears, and I looked INTO him, and said, Father (the customary salutation for your RC priests), God is LOVE!!~~ At which point, he rrripped into my soul, tearing it to shreds on-the-spot!! {scripture, The Thief comes immediately to steal the rhema-Word of God; he comes to steal, kill, and destroy all happiness, Love, and innocence.} I'm really glad right now that I cannot recall those words that priest spoke at me. But I do recall hearing that one month later, he had left the priesthood! ... This event-wound caused my heart eventually to reject everything that 'the church' could stand for. My behavior turned gnarly, my straight-A's in school went down to D's and F's. I developed a bitter attitude towards anything 'of God' at that point, and hated anyone who tried to be nice to me. I remember now, taking pride in my skill at offending people, with a special skill at driving them away {I think that's the 29-Scorpio star~~ the wounded hearts card for me... That must have been a long transit during those teen years. What should have been successful individuation, was unsupported throughout that whole time, and just punctuated with abuse upon abuses.) It took the Edgar Cayce people, in a Study Group, to begin to turn me back to Christ again, using the term All-that-IS, and being able to stand hearing the name of Jesus once more without feeling flashes of anger. Thank God!, for these 'grannies' who tended to my soul's wounds in those days. Most have transitioned now, and I bless their souls for having been a part of my life. It was this particular group of women who also picked up on 'cues' without my having said ANYTHING of the sorts to them. They 'rescued' me out of a physical sexual abuse situation with a woman alcoholic who was terribly verbally-emotionally abusive to me, would laugh her butt off when she eventually reduced me to a smirched heap on the floor. This woman had acted as 'my social worker' until she gave me 'the offer that I couldn't refuse'.... {Many of you already know that story~~ Ended with me vomiting my guts out, then 'compromising' myself, giving in to her or face death. Where were the authorities, when I was running to them for help to get away from abuse at home as a teen? ... in my panties, that's where. That was 'the price' I had to pay for freedom, which became my new & worse prison for life.... because I walked around, looked all scholar-like, smart. I smiled and looked good, looked productive in my life, worked my butt off to get to the point of graduation, which never happened.... She was threatening to actually kill me and one of my friends witnessed her standing there with the reeefle and I just told him to immediately leave. That was the point where the 'grannies' came in (without knowing 'actually' what was going on... These ladies were involved in spiritual pursuits... I had known them for about maybe three years, and thank God for them.) That was years ago.... and it's part of the narrative of my past experience. I made the decision to save myself, only to be in much-greater harm... Can you understand more how I can doubt-myself now? (just a tiny-piece there, offered up for Healing purposes.}) God cares soooo much for me, and about THAT I have zero doubts. I could probably write chapters here (even a book) on people who stood in authority, even in the medical fields, who perpetrated abuses on innocent vulnerable people who were already there because they had been abused! I watched terrible behaviors by liars, who took pleasure in imposing their wills upon people who could not protect themselves..... This is a place in society that needs incredible reforms~~ that sometimes I don't think would happen in my lifetime (but miracles definitely happen! ... Again, I look at the Sandusky sex trials in Pennsylvania a while back~~ and this helped me feel that the flickering ember of Hope is re-entering. I know there are people here at LL, who know my witness, and the things I speak about. You yourself may not have been compensated for everything you've been through... But we can have Hope for the Children of tomorrow because of the awareness now... {{ }} Okay, I went far from the 'usual' topics I do. And I'm not even going to dare to read what I just typed, because I would probably end up with just leaving my music urls. But in light of this being 'Leadership" day, and with The Sun approaching my Silentium-Nessus, I thought it would be more appropriate for me to bear-out the truth of how important it is to use your Voice to be heard.... Too many victims stuff the hurts way down inside them, feeling as though their words could never make a Difference. ... Afterall, their own solitary life didn't matter to those around them at that time. They may even have made attempts to "tell"~~ but were ostracized for the truth. The truth I know and have experienced in the abuse realms, is that, for me, after sustained times where I had persevered through terrible abuse, taking it like a soldier caught by the enemy camp, planning I would go to Leadership afterwards to 'tell' what happened-- my utopian self was severely taught some harsh lessons about reality. Evil exists~~ in our governments, institutions, and all 'helping fields'... omg! I felt to check the transits right now~~~ just checked and the Sun is about to click to 17 degrees (where my asteroids Hylonome {dealing with trauma}, Diana, and Hippokrates {Medical Ethics} is. Mars is about to turn 27 degrees (877 Walkure, one's defenders). The 'refreshing' in all of this now for me is that "It's over." ... This is a New Time, a New Day. And I don't have to walk alone anymore.... Please forgive me for airing more of this, but I think it's important as people want to know more about my life these days. Part of my life, is my past. I am SO much STRONGER now. .... And I've been through so much.
I hope to "encourage" people on their Walk, and to help them to know that even though it's bad, GOD is still Good. He's been so Good to me, and I can stand here and say that I've made this far, and I'm more Alive now than ever. And there's just something about My Praise, that HE Loves.... So, please allow me this indulgence again... It's how I Survived. (Not thumping anyone on the head with a bible, or God. It's just that He Exists to me, and I Love Him.) (music) That My Soul Knows Very Well (Darlene Zschech, Hillsong) [3:35] (music) You Are the Living Word (Fred Hammond, lyrics) [5:01] ~ IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 08, 2015 12:26 PM
Peace, be still...IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted May 08, 2015 03:01 PM
^ {{Thanks, Randall}}(music) When You Believe (Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey) [4:57] (music) Step By Step (Whitney Houston) [4:11] (music) My Eyes Adored You (Frankie Valli) [3:16] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted May 08, 2015 03:27 PM
Gonna have to get away from the computer for a short while... then come back to work on constructing my friend's birthday-post. Yes, Peace, Be Still, .... and Trust God--because I can, with happiness. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted May 08, 2015 07:54 PM
(music) Yah Mo B There (James ingram, Michael McDonald) [4:43] (music) Higher Love (Whitney Houston) [5:09] I always loved Billy Joel tremendously. A May 9th Birthday!! (Happy Birthday to Billy Joel... Man, I LOVE your songs. They really speak to me. Thank you sooooo much.) In some of my first posts at LL, I made a bold statement when I admitted that 'if a person could understand me like Billy Joel does in his music, then they could unlock the riddle of 'me.' This first song exemplifies the 'toughie' persona of my isolated ostracized independent wounded inner-Child world. One of the worlds that needed a penetration of intense loving. My foundational early-Aries IC, receives support right now, through a transiting Saturn-rx Sag trine to IC.) (music) She's Always A Woman To Me (Billy Joel) And this song is the essence of 'my Being', as a caring friend and loving support-person... I don't want to exclude a single soul from my Heart. You've got it. (music) She's Got A Way (Billy Joel) [3:02] This is another song that is close to my Heart also... I've heard some very cruel comments that questioned my integrity and character. And that's okay, because sometimes we get 'proved' during times of negativity... Happens to everyone at some point. This is called needing to have Grace while under Fire (asteroid Dolon 7815 Gemini 7th; t NN has been on 4762 Dobrynya 9.24' Libra 10th... was also helpful to me in that I learned about setting up protective boundaries for myself). From a mature perspective, I can definitely understand where you would have thought those kinds of things about me. I've had incredible distractions going on around here, along with my inner-growing. But I want to say too that this revealed to me something about the community I'm a part of. I want (in my Heart) to offer forgiveness to those right now, because you really-truly are not 'inside' of me to know the things you'd like to. If you really knew (this whole time) what it's been like for me here?, then I kindly-truly don't think that most people would have done or said what they did. (Let's put that behind us, under the bridge, and flow into the sea of forgivenesses. )
When it comes to spiritual businesses and 'money', I tenderly want to reiterate my concern that "we" don't block heaven's Flow by closing-off possibilities for others to enjoy what we-ourselves have enjoyed, in terms of access to astrology for the masses, as opposed to only the monied-class people who can afford it. I equate this with illustrating what is happening when people are geographically altering water-supplies in some of our states. My heart just rips at the thought of earnest people being denied access just-because the bar is set just a bit too high to reach. (In my case, I live in extreme-poverty right now, and have not been able to punch my way out of that paperbag.... ~yet.) (music) Stairway to Heaven (Dolly Parton) [7:25] much edited IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted May 08, 2015 08:03 PM
awwww no! This big nice post I JUST tried at 7:55 poofed! /e ----- Okay! Now I see it, thanks so much~~ it un-poofed! (Could you please 'activate' my little icons? Thanks in advance.) IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 09, 2015 10:40 AM
You may have had too many smilies in it.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted May 09, 2015 04:21 PM
^ okay, thanks!.... Too many smilies.... mmmm. My Heart is feeling like I've made a right decision, today (~whichever way it turns out). It's not that my other choices were wrong as far as loving and Love is concerned. That is real... /eSo!, I feel like some 'mountains' in my life actually shifted from last night to this morning. The things that I honestly thought could never happen, are happening in unbelievable true-ways inside me. And I am soooo grateful, so grateful. (music) Because Of Who You Are (Vicki Yohe, lyrics) [5:16] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 10, 2015 05:10 PM
If you keep them at seven or less, all should post well.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 11, 2015 01:26 PM
Seven smilies.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted May 11, 2015 04:48 PM
I went to post this clip, and something in me said go look for his chart. May 10th is Fred Astair's Birthday! yay His Gemmi Moon is degree before my Sun. His Saggi Ascendant is degree before my own ascendant, and the LL-Ascendant. We were made... to dance Bringing down a lot of Heaven, to this tiny heartspace, on Earth. (music) Cheek to Cheek (Rogers & Astair, Top Hat 1935) [5:08] Here's a Gemini, with Sag Asc... very close chart to my own. (music) I Hope You Dance (LeeAnnWomack, Gladys Knight, perf) [5:32] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted May 12, 2015 01:58 PM
When I went to bed last night, there were no new messages in my email. This afternoon I see Monday's mail (this is Tuesday now). Mercury-rx already?? Yes. Be patient! This afternoon is webinar meeting: erence-2015.html CARTER CENTER and Rotary Join Forces to End Sexual Exploitation. Link just appeared... Always so good to see the Universe aligning its messages, as even the TBN broadcasts I've been watching in the morning seem to give the same message to me. God is Healing victims of abuse, those who have been soooo exploited. God Bless the Children (of now, and then).... They (We) are worth MORE to God than all the puppies, animals, and birdies being advocated for in society. Yes, God Loves animals and they definitely need a voice of support.... But CHILDREN, and their sexuality, matter MORE. They are everything to Him. Pastor John Hagee mentioned this in his program this morning, GOD is the Judge-- and Woah to those.... {{ }} I'll be back later to post some more... (God willin' and the 'hood stay good'!) I've had so many further breakthoughs... ~Later! IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted May 13, 2015 01:24 PM
Speaking the Truth in Love...Love reveals us... As I spoke before, we have different love and Love languages working here (I'm addressing some very dear people, before I go on with a Carter Convo). We've been face-to-face for so long, and all I've been hearing is 'the money' the money the money. Yes, the money. I have the chart of a philanthropist. I have given quite liberally, and sacrificially in THIS lifetime. If my money has been 'held up' right now (beyond my control, and under circumstance), it must be (to you all) that God is working something out in my life. There are No Limits in God. He can turn my life around, my life direction, and just everything by one Beautiful sweep of His finger. You all have been reading my posts for a long long time, and you have known the pain I physically had to endure and endure, and you did nothing. Since the beginning of this post, you were being given the Opportunity by God to bless my life, but were so occupied with what you wanted, you didn't take the time to really really Listen. I Believe that God is Mighty, and that He's my FATHER-MOTHER-God. When others cannot come through for me, when my dancing foot was caught in the trap, God never left me for one moment. He still can come through for me.... in ways you could never even Imagine. .... Believe. (music) No Weapon (Fred Hammond, lyrics) [5:03] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 13, 2015 02:32 PM
Things can change in the twinkling of an eye.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted May 13, 2015 05:19 PM
CARTER CENTER and Rotary Join Forces to End Sexual Exploitation...What an AWESOME two hours! I can hardly believe how fast that time went. After two years of watching Carter Convos, and attending their free webinars as they became available (thank you thank you thank you), this two-hour segment was the best-ever! I saw people there who became more enlightened about the tasks they've been performing, and about the authority they have, and power, to Change things for SOOOO Many People who have been unjustly trapped. These individuals were 'focused' and energized, and it seemed like the Truth was being spoken Out, as though hearing it for the first time (even though it had been said before, but in different occluded ways). God was further-Revealing the FRUITS of what President Jimmy Carter's life has meant to this Earth. He was 'just doing Good' one person at a time, all the while God was spreading out some of His grass-roots (yes, I like puns). This undercover, under the crust, was causing a blanketing of the whole earth, to bring about an end or resolution to that primal sacred act that brought each single person INTO a body, in this earth. Sex. In God's Secret Garden, we don't realize the impact that a little amount of Good can do, for He knows our Hearts, and He is the Multiplier of many good seeds sown. As Our Wills conform to the Concerns of His Heart, His Children (we are ALL Children of some some sort, some where in our lives), then there is an incredibly rapid-response that redounds and goes further deeper and wider than ever imagined. As we toil for Him and His Works, there are Angels at work too. Even in natural disasters, we can see scientifically that there are things operating in the biology that we don't understand as yet. (Mt St Helens, in 1980s~) I Believe, that as unbelievably big this task seems, GOD will bring this QUICKLY to fruition~~ more than we could ever ask or think (Ephesians). It takes everyone coming to Task on this, in UNITY Consciousness, to bring it about. It takes Belief, it takes individual effort and time to do the little-things that render MUCH in the long-term. I want to challenge the astrologers who read my posts to see what YOU can do, especially if you call yourself a "LightWorker" and are involved in networking the 'spiritual business' side of things. If 'we' are the LightWorkers, then The Carters have been that AND also be in the position of the LightGatherers~~ Kind Peaceful facilitators of one of the most Potent PRAGMATIC movements there are on the earth right now... God's Plan is much GRANDER and 'more Inclusive' than anything else I've seen... When I went out on a walk after this meeting, I saw so much come together... And I'm so deeply Happy that Pres Carter is alive and well to 'see' these pieces he worked on diligently & simply to be coming together in SUCH magnificent form. Wow, everything we have been doing, was just the tip of an iceberg mountain that GOD is moving... It's going to be my 60th Birthday sixteen days from now, and I've been through a lot of things in my life, living each piece with all the integrity and goodwill I could muster with every step. I've made my share of mistakes, 'But God' ... will take all those lemons and USE them to HIS Glory. As I watched and heard the speeches and comments, it was like viewing pieces of a Giant Beautiful Quilt, all coming together. We may have 'thought' that our own individual blanket or group of pieces, was a completed work. Everyone worked with travailings on each their parts. People in this meeting were unveiling the pieces that 'they' had been working on (in their own private closets-even in their lives, and through their work on jobs or their charitable organizations). Now, we can SEE how each patch, how each part of our lives play together for the common-good. We were 'working for the Good' of Him... Romans 8:28. It's all about HIM, God. He's got us all, In His Hands. He is the Potter, and WE are His clay, the Works of His Beautiful Hand. It all Belongs to Him.... All of it. The main project idea being proposed in this World Wide Meeting affects EVERY single life on the Face of this Planet. It's mind-blowing. So many people have been praying, and suffering in endurance, for what is showing up right now. We've got to do like Nemo, 'keep on swimming, keep on swimming'. From time to time, we rest to bob our heads above the ocean's waters to see what our counterparts may be doing, but we MUST stay vigilant and persistent in efforts going on. Patient and persistence.... Turtles can 'stick their necks out' when their IN the right element~~ glide so swiftly in my little-pond here in the 'hood. I like to 'play' with asteroids in astrology... if you've been reading my posts, then you already know some of my a'musings'. *grin, Heart*
TODAY, one of my transiting 'name-asteroids' is ON the degree of CARTER 10683 in my chart today. 10683 CARTER is Pisces 29.11' in my (3)rd House (dealing with communications, for me). 29-Degrees were on ALL the major points (ASC/DESC PI/Vir 29.36', MC/IC Sag/Gem 29.45, with Mercury 29.56 Gem H4 side) for my last 2014 Birthday Solar Year, and the NM Scorpio Eclipse was 29.27-Degrees ON "Good Friday" at around Noon here.) (SIDENOTE: .... I watched Vatican Television during that afternoon, and had the 'perception' of Jesus ON The Cross "being" the female regenerative organs absolutely 'fits' the picture here, of Healing the Feminine, dealing with the atrocities. Jesus Loves Women, and died as a Male patriarchal archetype, in order to 'raise women up' as he died raised up between heaven and earth at His Crucixifion...) I smiled so widely when Robin Morgan confessed her 'crush' on the Carters. ~Hey Robin! You know I'm in that harem too! My 'synastry' with Rosalynn is eye-popping, as well as with Pres Jimmy. Did you know that there is an asteroid RotaryUSA 31414... For laughs here, (or serious maybe), I have that asteroid in my Cancer 8th House in the sign of LEO.
3141 Rotaryusa LEO 19.40'29" is CONJUNCT my (ready for this?) asteroid 18182 Wiener (told you so! *blush*) LEO 19.34'56" ... 18182 Wiener (as I think Mark Andrew Holmes delineates its meaning, deals with "sexual matters"). I have these conjunct my 157 Dejanira at 18+ LEO. (I have Pluto at the e.o. 8th House at 24+Leo.... Pluto TRINES my Pallas-Athene-rx Sagittarius 21.50'11" {bQ JupiterCancer 8th) and Fixed-Star RasAlhague 21.50'6" .... within wider orb of my NN 26.33 which conjuncts GalacticCenter.) On one more degree, asteroid Euterpe 27 LEO 20.01', {Q My Sun Gem, Q Juno Scorp, trine Pallas Athene Sag} is one of the Muses of Music. One of the meaning of Euterpe says "rejoicing Well" {I capitalized 'Well', for me today, to honor the Woman at the Well of Waters who met with Jesus, Who spent His Time with her there, and who spoke to her 'between the lines of Understanding' about the Water that quenches ALL Who Thirsts for Truth~~ The truth laying in the Deep and hidden-most parts of the Well}. Another translation also means, "Giver of Delight." Well!~ more asteroids... I kept 'seeing' the asteroid names for Juliette and Klare spelled out in two parts of my chart... and transiting Neptune yesterday and today has been on one of those at 9+ degrees (again, for the benefit of astrologers who read my posts) 202736 Julietclare 9.16' Pisces (H-3). 202736 Julietclare (a musician!!) at natal degree 9+ Pisces makes a creative Quintile to (my NN) Galactic Center Sagittarius. (t Neptune is ON that degree). So going on that thought, I found out that Juliet Claire is a "musician" (May 4th Taurus)... I looked for her music, and found 'the Warrior Princess' music. Warrior Princess is Pallas Athene-rx, rides back through there on her transit right now towards the Galactic Center. I thought this piece of music to be like the Voice for the Women (The Warriors, The Survivors-Thrivers). (music) Who Cares About Us? (Juliette Claire, Regtur) [3:04] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted May 13, 2015 05:42 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: Things can change in the twinkling of an eye.
Oh gosh no! ~ I know I need a break right now. Yeah, I hear the ice cream man outside... It will be good to go take another 'warring princess' walk through the 'hood. Think outside my house-box here. Your comment reminded me of Reindeer!!, 'more faster than Eagles, their courses they Flew'... then Santa, laying his finger aside of his nose, up the Chimney he arose... (Yeah, go out and play with some kids outside~~ they love it!) I was tempted to leave the song "Santa-Baby" ~ but maybe I ought to behave myself (which I can), and put the stilettos away for now, and just leave in the Beautiful affirmative atmosphere of this song... (music) God Will Make A Way (Doen Moen, lyrics) [4:27] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 14, 2015 04:43 PM
IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 15, 2015 01:18 PM
But I like Santa-Baby! IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted May 15, 2015 05:15 PM
Per your request, Randall... (music) Santa Baby (Eartha Kitt, Shakira at Rockefeller Center) [2:51] (concerned with my body's health right now, omg big ugh. been staying away from computer entirely, been organizing my things 'in case'. believing for the Best, always, that God will assure that I reach my Divine Destiny. it's time for me to step up. whatever's going on with rm is weighing on me too~ .. but then, just, maybe, feeling somewhat overwhelmed right now (by sounds), and yet deep wide and very solid and happy inside~~ I've been having soooooo many breakthroughs in healing of my past, and spiritual-lifts that are life-building incredible!~~ Oh Praise God. In HIM will I trust!! ... He never leaves me nor forsakes me~ He will work it all out, in His precious way. Amen and Oh Yeah.... In all the places that I am blinded, HE is 'the One Who Sees', and He makes Provisions for me.... May the Lord open doors that wouldn't or couldn't be opened before. You see, He's called my Good Shepherd... (Both North Nodes are on my asteroids 23060 Shepherd and 10 Hygeia in Libra 10th.) EDIT ADD... Transiting Shepherd is on my natal 16089 Lamb 15.57 Pisces. These trine my Vesta Cancer and Saturn Scorpio. Transiting Hygiea passed my 8th House Cancer cusp and approaches my Vesta Cancer 17.25'... Transiting Lamb approaching 0 Libra and will be meeting the natal Shepherd Libra. (Hallelujah... to the Lamb! Yeah, He made asteroids so that I can appreciate Him even more, and Worship Him.) (music) When I Think About The Lord (lyrics) [4:49] (music) They Followed That Star (lyrics) [4:40] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 16, 2015 09:05 AM
IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted May 16, 2015 12:16 PM
Mercury hasn't gone retro yet, but wow, it seems in effect already. This morning is Saturday... I just got a pile of Thursday's incoming emails. duh! I've been getting blessed-upon-blessed. Writing posts in my mind and heart all the time. God has really given me a vantage point, through my entire journey and background, to be able to speak to issues of groups who don't see that we are interlinked. It's like the spirit is taking me back to important points and events in my life to show me a comparison of then and now. Yes, like TD Jakes preached, there is nothing that you went through that is wasted. God can use and do things with such total Efficiency. Seem to be going back in forth in my mind's eye... my greatly Beautiful astro-friends, and my church background street experience. Beautiful, beautiful-hearted people... all of you! All of you. I love you soooo much. And I'm glad that 'the church' is starting to wake the hell up. They've done much damage. They wonder 'why' the church emptied out?... And now the tiniest bit of awakening there, begins. Stay 'in the Spirit' and you won't full-fill the works of flesh. Flesh happens, because we are an imperfect people, and we live in a body. But we must stay sensitive in the spirit, have an inclusive grace. Don't be shouting-down sin down the throats of people in a way that just makes them want to spew you out. (But I 'do' Understand what you're trying to do~~ and sometimes that needs to be done?... Gently, I remind you that while trying to take the splinter out of their eye, that we must deal with the log in our own? (said in love). The is a reason to have different churches and each type of denomination fits all kinds of needs. Minister 'where' you are. God is working all things out. There's another 'church' now called spiritual 'businesses'... And these all have their own denominations within them. And various ones deal with differing spirits, various strengths. In a way, I want to say hurray, because Aynrand's 'finally' got her own church, hallelujah *grinning*... And busy taking up $ offerings. My first pastor (after I was born again for a year, I started attending churches) was the top-salesperson for a techno company. One year he was top in the world. I learned/caught a LOT from him about 'the taking' of an offering. ... So, I have extra-sensitivities there (i.e. having to "buy" my friendships, makes me incredibly sad~~ There's a reason 'why' that-all happened. I Trust God He'll reveal it, in His own Perfect timing...) It's all based on love-- love of self, or Love and the Third and Higher Self. We're on the same Earth. Somewhere, the 'twain meets! ... I Love You. We all need to be able to cultivate this on every level... Day to day, or on the most Blissful Sublime levels. There is something 'the same' that we all have. (music) I Won't Give Up (Jason Mraz, lyrics) [4:03] (clip) playing 'church' with her stuffed animals... (Reba Rambo, representing the un-mature bride-of-Christ, from 'The Bride') [8:54] (music) Love Song (Elton John, Tumbleweed Junction) [3:41] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 17, 2015 04:34 PM
Yep, Merc got an early start.IP: Logged | |