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  Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others (Page 26)

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Author Topic:   Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others

Posts: 15192
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posted May 17, 2015 11:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
oh gosh... We've been experiencing internet and no-phone connectivity problems here, so just in case I got laid up somewhere, I would try to make a contact through Pearlty, so she could post here.


My environment has been so hot here with the ~vibeys. The electrical-circuits of my physical body's nervous-system is like on a stuck/struck heightened reactivity to everything; yet, I want all to know that I feel a very deep calm.

Over these months, it's felt like a ~weird form of techno-mech waterboarding. And I was being a brave semi-silent scout, pushing all the distractions 'down' into my body (oh no?). You want some zen-proving grounds? Didn't need to be in a monastery for that! ~

In fact, it's almost like too much silence or making me sit on my hands (to this Gemmi) would be must torture now! ~ (I've got a western Gemmy Sun, and Gemmy Mercury!) I like to stay actively helping people, with my hands, my heart, my voice, my mind. I need people in my life~ not a dome of isolation and silence. I thrive being with people, while actively engaged in the things that bring me great joy.

Some people say that if you observe your mind in a more detached and over arching way, you can find the secrets of your heart unlocking.

A long time ago (late 1989) there were some visitors to my then-local church on the east coast. (Was a tither, and a member there for ~5to8yrs but must factcheck). A younger-man named {deleted full name} had come for a visit. (He was from soCali region and made a profound impression on me, in many ways.)

One night, I was even dreaming about a cassette tape title that pestered me 'all day long' and would NOT leave me alone the whole day. I ordered the cassette tape, and the 'message' was totally something HolySpirit was urgently warning me about. I was able to recover myself in time to contain damages of a choice then.

Roberts came another time to a capacity crowd one Sunday (at this mega-church). A Dance Troupe also ministered. They were the Feast of Tabernacles dancers-worshippers who regularly ministered in the nation of Isreal~~ (Later, one of my bible school peers was discovered and recruited by them in Isreal.)

As "Valerie" began her solo-dance before Roberts ministered the Word that day, the breath in me was caught-up. I had never-before witnessed this 'outside' my own soul's Beautiful imagination. There she was, in front of me on the platform, moving in the spirit, scarves and skirts flowing, dancing for God. I was seized with sudden uncontrollable sobbing and tears (which I tried to suppress and hide). My heart was out. The Beauty overwhelmed me so-strong, to 'see' itself manifesting there in front of me. (This form of ministry is called Liturgical Dance, for those who don't know.)

Now when Roberts got up to minister afterwards, he mentioned (in his usual VERY pragmatic grounded way) about depression. I can understand how in the natural world it could 'look' like that to him, to have this lady so spontaneously broken-up like that just a few rows from the front... (my own reaction was an embarrassing shock to me). And it is true, that I had just been through a horrendous ordeal of shred-painful divorce that had shattered me for what seems like forever~~ but it wasn't about that, it was the Beauty performed outside my soul, a reflection of what was IN my soul there revealed.

The grief I felt then, went deeper than the kind of grief that comes from losses. It was like being in touch way down underneath with some ancient longing. The longing of seeing The New Day appear. The yearning in my deep soul for the connection that goes deeper than deepest oceans. I want to See, 'in my lifetime', the return of the Glory, and Behold~ face to face. I don't want to be a heavenly benchwarmer (even though I'm sure 'that' party has already started). I want to be here, IN the Body, with that revealed-expansion that all will have in consciousness, to have momentarily the covers torn off our blinded eyes as a race of beings, to see and really behold the Work being initiated for one-more-time, that will bring about the Course of our Enlightenment here ON the Earth.

Roberts did a series of history videos called God's Generals. I owned every single one of them. Some of these had there roots in the City of Angels, Los Angeles.... And revivals had sprung up in those late 1800s and early 1900s.

God, If I could have only ONE wish come true, I want to see and participate in that Great Reveal, with a HEALed Body, occurring WITHIN my lifetime right now.

Once you've 'tasted' Who He Is, there is no going back....

One rm I had back in the late 1970s owned a pet mouse/rat he kept in a great big table-size cage. Her name was Suzie (and he'd sing her the 'wake up lil suzie wake up' song). He's go out to the porch to retrieve slugs and snails for her to eat. It was a delicacy to her! She looked and played like your normal typical special pet-rat throughout the day, but! ... When the rm brought her the snailslug, she changed nature. He'd say to me, Watch this! 'Escargot Suzie!~ Escargot!' and attached it to the grate. It would not take very long for her to suddenly notice and react to it. There was a ferocity with which she'd grasp that slug and pull it towards herself.... It was surreal to watch~ like 'something else' took over inside her little otherwise-mellow Being.

When I viewed the most-recent TBN HolySpirit focused meetings, it was like having a HolySpirit 'Escargot' call. I want to See 'The Glory' Manifest itself once again. I noted the reactions inside me, as I watched these programs.

'For such a Time as this'.... Shoes & Wig off!

{Being Funny:} I mean now, let me re-emphasize a point here?? that I was BORN on a Pentecost Sunday!!, and the doctor said I had a LOUD voice! 'What a set of lungs!' *LOL ROFL*
...I just can't he'p myself there. I may have been feeling myself as being at a loss, feeling all beat up by life, and grabbin' on those death-lilies here, just waiting, just ready to lay down and feeling all sick and everything. Giving up hopes of ever makin' it! (o my no!)

I was born to Rock-out with that HolyGhost! and I LIVE for those Moments of being 'caught up' in that Vision, and moments of Passionate Worship... (Whether in church, or out of church; whether outdoors in Beautiful Nature, or last night physically holding on to myself: my mind was staid on worshipping God, and thinking about Him. While my nerves felt so raw like they were semiburning, I held no bad feelings at tall towards my neighbors, but I praised God IN and despite 'the circumstance').

The Pentecost and Memorial-Day (day of mourning and remembrances) was part of the attitude and theatre on the day and day after I took my first breath.

So anyways!....

Late tonight is celebration of a NEW MOON in Taurus, happening at the degree 26.55' ... Christophe, Moore, and Walkure asteroids... you're up again. Mars is on the asteroid for me personally meaning moving from lower expression to a Higher Life and meaning.

This happens in my 6th House sextile my Jupiter Cancer~ Taking a good look at the disparate parts of my life, in order to complete the picture.... and a time of health concerns that can bring hypochondriac thinking? (omg, Rob Hand! What a Blessing you are... You have it all spelled out here in your book on transits.)

This song is how it has been "feeling" for me during these past months...

(music) Thou O Lord Art A Shield for Me (Byron Cage) [5:02]

I DO WANT to learn to trust again.

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 18, 2015 12:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Glad that long reply posted.

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posted May 18, 2015 04:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ Me too, ....

Found a broken violin bow on my walk today. I normally wouldn't have found it if I wouldn't have diverged from my usual walk. I'd never actually held a bow before. The horsetail hairs are thin and fragile when taken one by one. But when they're all bundled together, there is much Strength. The hairs are critical component of playing this stringed instrument. Its friction is what causes the strings to vibrate and produce sounds.

There's a double-whammy going on today (in my chart, and charts of many in my age-group) between 7066 Nessus and asteroid 24835 1995-SM55.

This asteroid 24835 1995-SM55 is delineated as acceptance and effectiveness issues; rejection, isolation, persecution, and politics. {m.a.h.}

I am realizing that I see the effects of these two slow-movers right now as "wedgers." (I read Ami's convo over in Nessus thread by Voix... I will enter this observational info after the convo settles. )

For me in my life, these two slow-movers in double-whammy Pisces 3+ transiting-7066 Nessus on my 247835, and transiting-247835 passed by my Nessus cj 5710 Silentium over these past weeks.

Transiting 24835 1995-SM55 is now at Taurus 20.22' moving at speed of 1'46". 5710 Silentium is retrograde and ~broadcasting live to the Universe *LOL* over the Galactic Center in Sagittarius, right now. (where my NN is).

The effects of this transit (7066 Nessus has not hit exactitude yet of my 24835 in 3+ Pisces).

Just astro-musing... Perhaps this has been part of the misunderstandings that have happened? I've had so much inner emotional pain over what appears to have been 'hurtful speech' right now.

(I can tell that Ami is feeling a lot of pain too. I may not agree with everything she says, but she's a sentient human being too. God, I just want pain to stop~~ but it's one of the facts of life that grow us, divide us, and help others move on.)

I just had my 1943 Anteros return... issues of rejection, not being loved, natal placement is Taurus 28.0' H6. It is now transiting into early Gemini.


So!... much clearing today. Every day is an opportunity for increasing joys in our lives. Healing and Blessings on all. God works in mysterious ways... omg, perk-up! It's totally 'quiet' in my environment right now. No gnarly fridge compressor, no vibeys~ ahhhhhhhhhh. ... Well. It was good while it lasted. LOL

(music) Honesty (Billy Joel) [4:01]

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 19, 2015 01:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I play the violin.

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Posts: 15192
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posted May 19, 2015 05:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Randall:
I play the violin.

o m g, I totally forgot that about you, Randall! How cooool!!

How about a little 'Fiddler on the Roof' today perhaps?? No moon...

Here's a proper-prayer for your finances, Randall~~

May you (and all my special friends) be sooo struck!!

(music) If I Were A Rich Man (Tevye [Topol] from Fiddler On The Roof, lyrics) [5:20]

Wishing everyone special-miracles right now in their life, and finances!

(music) Miracle of Miracles (Perchik & Hodel dance, Norman Jewison's "Fiddler on the Roof" 1971) [2:08]

(music) How Beautiful (Twila Paris, lyrics Christian) [5:02]

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posted May 19, 2015 05:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have asteroid 1814 Bach conjunct 151 Abundantia in Gemini 9+. Transiting Bach is in Gemimi at 24+ degrees. It just passed my 44613 Rudolph, and transiting Rudolph entered Gemini at 1+! ... I'll have to keep a sky tracker on him for the coming of Red Nose Day! yay

Bach and Abundant Joy...

(music) Air on God*string (Violin Solo) [3:50]

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 20, 2015 02:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Cheers to Bach!

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posted May 20, 2015 07:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh my Dear Lord God! I give Him Thanks and Praise right now for everything He's doing in my Life.

I'd been dealing with some symptoms of a cold trying to come on me. Had some inner ear congestion, I think. Caused a bit of dizziness this morning... I looked at my aura in the mirror, and I can see all kinds of healing energies around me right now. So I thank God, and whoever my prayer-support partners are. You ARE making a difference to me.

This is truly one superfreaky day~~ omg. The breakthroughs keep happening, like popcorn popping. (Thank you God).

edit/ ------------------------------

Saturday, 5/23/2015 10:52pm
I did come down with a flu bug. Was a nasty one... I know I had a fever and my head felt funny. I shouldn't have been posting here at that point, but that's one of the things you discover 'after' the fact you close down for the night then realize how clammy you were, etc etc.

That one came with cough and laryngitis too, so my voice must have been a whole octave lower when I got up yesterday.

Everything is coming back up for me, and am starting to mend.

In the mean time, I've had some gorgeous breakthroughs in my thinking, my life.

And I'm not making any decisions on a direction right now, until I see more of what I might be getting myself into. I'm glad I've been through this experience now. It's good to 'try on' different decisions.

I don't know what I was thinking, putting myself under SOOO much pressure like that. Yes, like maze walls. At least it showed myself how willing I am to start taking risks again. So that's good. That's very healthy.

And I am certainly a much different person right now after everything I just went through... and I see who still stands my side. That's a testament to how strong and good the bonds are.

Thank you TDJakes for your sermon on Territory~~ That was soooo liberating. From that week of sermons I am in a whole new perspective. Very empowering. I didn't know that that's what that is. Now I can own it.

Thank you Joel Osteen, for the story about the ballgame. You once had recorded a game on your VCR, and knew the results of the game before seeing it played. AS you watched all the twists and turns for your team, you were excited with curiosity for how each piece played out, rather than dealing with overriding stress. God knows the End, and it is Good.

If I don't know the 'details' right now, it's like Joyce Meyer said, Take responsibility where you can, then leave the rest up to God. I'll wait for them. See what or who shows up in my life.... In the meanwhile, I'm taking a more chill position. Too much stress, worry, anxiety is not good for the immune system ~ Don't catch this flu, it's a nasty 'un. (I see two vid friends who had it too now, and I'm sooo glad you're on the mend. Hey? Did McLuhan say anything about germs getting passed over the internet waves? j/k LOL ~ oh just being silly. )

Have a great weekend!

Here's a song for the Child in all of us~~

(music) I am A Promise, I am a Possibility (Ally Brett Age 5, on Feis and Blood) [2:48]

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posted May 20, 2015 11:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I just tried to send an email AGAIN to someone I tried to reach last December with a money-making idea 'unique to him' that I had wanted to share all that month, but the emails just RE- and re-bounced. *chasm, crickets chirp*

Letting Go of old river of griefs... and will keep taking it up to Higher Ground, while keeping it really real. God is the one who opens doors. I'm a Kind person, and maybe soon I'll learn not to keep letting my Heart get trounced on like that anymore.

God's gonna have to work on my Trusting issues... No more heaped piles of corpses, bishop!... no. I want to stop 'crying me a river of tears' over all these messes, and really find the place where my heart truly belongs... {tdj, sermon } It's good to keep testing Reality. That's the only way to find out where. with, and for whom I stand. Feeling out where the lines fall... And that can't be for just-me. There's gotta be a way through all this.... Keep my feet moving.

Thank God for LL, Randall... Thank you for making this a special place for me.

.... Back into the rest and arms that bring me true security, and the single-minded Peace I need.

Shake off sandals, headed back to *prayer tower* Stops off to heat another cup of chicken broth soup and 2 tielenols. ug. ... Gotta see about procuring more boloney at the market to make sandwiches and chocolate syrup for milk~ take care of that innerGirl? nah... she's outgrowing that.

(music) I Will Rise (Chris Tomlin, lyrics Christian) [4:57]

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 21, 2015 01:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Keep sending the e-mails. It could be a temporary thing.

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posted May 24, 2015 12:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ Maybe this just wasn't the time for them just yet.... I'll trust and have prayed that the Universe will reveal it directly 'right when' they'll be ready to see it for themselves.

Sometimes maybe other people see the potential, but the person's life has to be ready to receive it. Sometimes we remain blinded to things because Our Higher Power (Who sees and coordinates the whole thing) wants all details ripe and set into place.

It can't just be about our self. We clarify the call, brush off the debris from the work-floor of life, and we can see more and more vividly how Beautiful we truly are...

(music) People (Barbra Streisand) [3:39]

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 25, 2015 11:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 26, 2015 01:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Timing is everything.

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posted May 27, 2015 11:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
...a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. (scripture)

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 28, 2015 04:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted May 28, 2015 10:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What a difference I'm feeling right now. It's like something 'broke' in the atmosphere regarding all the turmoil I've been in (since almost basically last Christmas).

Feels really wholesome.

Ideas are coming to me in a calm manner. I'm able to observe them then describe these in my notebook.

This conjunction of Mercury-rx and Mars on my Sun right now feels pretty amazing. So many deep ideas....

I was able to enjoy a spiritual Pentecost Sunday alone (rm out of town). Watched Pope Francis and all the festivities and rituals at the Vatican on ewtn TV. The thought of 'being there' while here over the ether-waves generated such appreciation of what we have today because of these technological advances. I look forward to sharing more views after this week (or more) goes by.

Been through a personal storm, a tempest. Was like 'being tested'... Every area I had fears and doubts in, came up for a full-face living review. The shredding that was going on practically had me curled up into a corner. So sensitive, raw. But it seems today that it has had a surcease. It seemed to peak yesterday morning, then began its dissipation. Got a great night's sleep ~ in spite of *the usual reasons* in the vibeyhood, at 1 a.m. .

Things feel very grounded right now. Whether it's another calm before more storm, I don't know. And I don't want to anticipate one, but ~you know how it goes. It's life. It's about growing and using everything that's in you.

Time to enjoy the Peace while it's outwards as well as inward. Be Stilled and Chilled. Just enjoy it, appreciate the relationship with my rm (who has been here all week, after his visit up north for a few days with family).

Thinking good thoughts about a productive soul-satisfying future... Dreaming of the kinds of things I'd like to see come into an establishment in coming years.

(music) Mary, Don't You Weep (Aretha Franklin) [7:26]

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 29, 2015 12:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Cheers to deep ideas.

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 30, 2015 11:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Glad you're feeling more clear now.

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posted June 01, 2015 09:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I celebrated my 60th Birthday on Friday Morning. This was a Milestone Birthday for me, and I had to deal with the personal psychological components of the 'meanings' behind crossing this particular threshold~~ all the while having other-things going on in my life as well. In my life, it was not-expected for me to still be alive right now... [/e] ...but I STAND HERE, and I DECLARE that I STILL am Alive. I Made it across that incredible Bridge. I didn't go jump-off of one, nor do I intend on ever going back to live under one again, either.

{Thank you & hugs to LL-Faith, for my Birthday thread and song in LLC2.0!}

So, I'm hereby standing tall, and make a thrrrrrping 'noise' at those old-devils which made so many troubles for me during all these years; I dismiss and shake-off every last one of his little assigned mignons into the cleansing Fires of the Sagittarius Full Moon. I declare its assignment against me Void... to myself, and to anyone that I love ~ the known and unknown-as-yet.

Song to say 'goodbye' to cement-weights, headstone reminders of the past...
*(music) Ain't No Grave (Johnny Cash) [3:02]*


Time to let color come back into my life, after weight of so many disappointments...

When I went to bed after the last post, I spent most of that pre-slumber crying and feeling like I was buried under a heap of boulders.

[paragraphs deleted] /e

I woke up a few hours after laying down that night-morning, and in my sleep, I 'crossed the threshhold' into the decade of my 61 to 70 years. Around the eclipses March-April, I decided that this 'birth day crossing' would help me make some finality decisions.

When I woke up, and there was 'nothing' done on a physical human-body realm to celebrate my Life. I could have held my tongue, and just swallowed and accepted the fate of being stuck.

Instead, I showered, dressed, and took my own self out for a 60th Birthday Breakfast! I made my Own day.

Walked to nearby IHOP. There had been an elderly lady sitting there facing me several tables down from me. She left then came back to talk to the waitress. She said that on her way to her car, she 'had the feeling' to go back and to 'pay my bill'... She gave the waitress "words" to tell me with this Gift. Her words were worth FAR more than just her paying my tab.

The waitress came to sit in the chair across from me. The elderly lady had said to her that 'it would be important to me today', that a 'stranger' would pay for my meal. That 'in this act' of her picking up the tab, it was to be 'symbolic' of this: that others are 'there' for me working in the background that I have no idea are there, but who are working things out ON my behalf. That I can 'rest' secure now, knowing this.

O --- M---- G! *jawdrop* ~~ Was that another kind of 'angelic' visitation for me? ... Well, in a way, but not like the one I had with the little old tight-bunned lady up in Wheaton Illinois back in the early 1990s, who smiled with delight saying I was on a mission from God, but then clouded as she told me I was hiding my light under a bushel! ... This was a 'modern' occurence. It was a flesh-and-blood "real" person, who 'obeyed' a hunch, an internal message for me on this special day, to experience and feel.

At that point, I gushed into tears tears and more and more tears. I couldn't stop all the laughing and crying at the same time. The waitress said awwww, and got up and hugged me ~~ but I assured her that bursting was from tears of many years of disappointments, but also of INCREDIBLE joy. Good news met me. A joyous message on THIS Day of all days....

Then the wait-staff got together and brought me ice cream!! Whip cream, strawberries, chocolate chippies. It was fabulous!! They said they would have sung, but two couldn't sing, and the other had laryngitis, and others hadn't showed up for work today as they too had had their problems. But they didn't want me to leave without regards for this day.

I got on the bus to go downtown for a while. I bumped into a driver whose BIRTHDAY 'is' the same exact birthday as me, and our planet charts are ABSOLUTELY identical!!! born 40 minutes apart, nearby Longitudes.
...He ALSO has Sag Ascendant, only his is 20+ degree, and mine 11+. I have intercepted houses in 3 and 9. He's got the Virgo-Pisces axis MC/IC that I have HERE in our "shared" location! Now, what are the bizarre chances of THAT? Astounding to meet your chart twin? (On a 'bus' of course, transportation for geminis with saggi ascendants.) (Discovered this during that last visit to the dentist. The drivers all changed routes as their new bids had come. He left on vacation the next week, so I thought he was moved to a different route. But that was not the case.)

This livid-pain is all to be washed out to the sea... where the pieces of my life turn into tiny Beautiful treasure for Others.

Reminds me of asteroid Sedna, 25+ Aries. part of my Cardinal-Sign Grand Cross...

.... It's interesting to me right now as I look at it. Each one of these planets/objects spell-out (in its most-base and lowest energetic formation) the complete victim! ~~ wow.

I'm kindly going to stop, and to give myself credit right now, for having borne all this mis-happened life, mis-timed life events, and came through with an 'overcomer's' attitude... and one without a root of bitterness (that I would be consciously aware of right now), but still some pain here and there that I thought had healed~ and much of it did.

Gonna give myself some slack for recent tailspin. A nose-dive in my ability to 'keep-it all positive' within a slew of ugly derailments in an energy that seemed to slip from my control. I wasn't perfect. I had been doin' soooo good, then *o welp*. So!, I put my own arm of comfort around 'self' right now, and telling me 'I Be okay'...

In fact, I'm right and fresh like ozone renews after vicious lightning storms here. I'm as right as Beautiful Rain after a bad drought season... But sometimes when the skies begin to release, it can produce floods *My Heart goes out to those Texans...*

And also floods of tears for things going on in the Earth right now~~~~, including VP Biden's. (Been watching his chart since before the elections. Asteroid Child was ON his own 12th House Scorpio Sun when his son-of-Promise died the other day. Biden has an early-Sag Asc 3+, which tSaturn crossed.) Other transits were remarkable in his chart too. Asteroid Beau[fort]... Rest in Peace Beau Biden, 43 years old. Too soon.

All that suffering around us: Lord, work it all to YOUR perfecting purposes for our selves, and for our Earth community.... Lord, please help us Raise our Love-Levels. We need some of that Heaven here on our small tiny EarthWorld. Lord, let every tear of every broken-being and all broken-heartedness become like Liquid Gold before You. ... Purify every Heart, Satisfy the Soul of any Seeker after the Truth, and we give You permission to reveal the intentions behind every single word spoken in the interchanges among us. Let these be Healed.

(music) Let It Rain (Michael W. Smith) [3:30]

It's Time for my Life to get back on track. Perhaps even the 'diversion' or distractions that have gone before, were live 'training' exercises that have brought us to this point in our histories, in order to help solve one giant piece of the Mystery.

Right now, part of that is to reflect, but not react. We think, we observe our own self, then take this to God, and 'let God adore God' in us. .... Love is the Healer. The Healer, is Love.

I look forward to my ultimately 'seeing' with my mind's eye, further than I ever thought I was actually able to see before.... My 2015/16 Solar Return Chart, has Sun MercRX Mars just into that H12 House. The Libra Moon is in the Virgo 4th House. The sky was gnarly that day, but for that brief time, the Moon made a mini-trine. (I won't delineate it here.) ... It's my time to wrap up loose ends, take inventory of my abilities and potentials, and find out how to make it all work FOR me. Cancer 9+ degrees is on the SR Ascendant.

I thank 'whomever' my 'invisibles' are, as the restaurant-elderly lady intuitively and prophetically calls them. I deeply thank you in-advance, and thank God you are in my life... Time for JOYs. Yes, don't always have to learn in deep-rutted hardships all the time. This has drained me.... Time to Play, and to learn the renewals that come through Positives. Replenish 'this' earthen vessel.

A few hours ago (while I typed this), a very old friend knocked at the door with a birthday card for me,... [/edit/]

So anyways!..... *smile*

I'm working through things personally. I'm making fantastic strides right now~ keepin' on swimmin'. I DO intuit that I have a Good Future that is still yet ahead of me. It's not going to be an overall doomy one. I have a destiny to fulfill, and I feel that in a way that is overwhelming and strong at times. The Best is Yet To Come. Yet to be revealed.

So, on a practical level? ...

My old friend from the past knew about a FREE shredding service that 'our' bank does once a month. She's willing to take me with all my old diaries and journals and papers, to have them safely shredded.... [/edit/] ... Thinking about just 'having it shredded' and resigning myself as having been a creature of the liminal worlds that hardly anyone knew or understood now. Nor knew they 'the Truth' thereof.... So much documentation there. *raaahhhhgh all my gemmy info-collections, which virgo-moon doth analyze to itsy micro bitsy-bitey pieces (as in, too much information? LOL, too many details? .., and which saggi-asc creates New Worlds and Visions for*

I'm ready to move on.... BUT do it in as Balanced a way as I can, this time. NO extremes or suddenly... unless, of course, it's "that good"... *ahem* But even then? ONE toe goes in, tests it. A little further, to see if it truly fits my ether-ballerina's slipper. {{{*heart*}}}

I bought me a book for my own Birthday Present... The Big Book of Christian Mysticism: The Essential Guide to Contemplative Spirituality by Carl McColman (c2010 MMcColman; publ Hampton Roads).

A LOT of what he describes applies directly to me. I am one of those born "mystics" who walk this earth and try to find their place in this world. He describes how difficult it can be when you're born different, in this way.

I have a very wide and Higher-inclusive view of the Deep-Love and Loving of God. Many persons have judged me for being a Jesus-girl here. It's true. I LOVE my Jesus, and always want to be able to Love on Him, as I 'See' Him.

I don't mind that others worship in whatever sacred space they respect. .... In the whole matrix, to ME, it's 'the same'... just coming towards it on a spiritual walk that is different in its approach. This was 'proven' to me, through my own personal experience where I had shunned every Jesus-Freak with the words, IF Jesus IS the Truth and the Light, then you don't have to worry about me~~ I'll Find Him. And IN a Dream turned Lucid, I found this to be absolutely true. Spirit. Spirit DRAWS you, then can cause a holy conversion EVEN when you are unconscious in land of sleep.

Even to my very dear fellow beloved preachers and evangelists, who exclude based on the fact that I will not 'hate' on people who believe differently than my own kind. I feel sad about that. So sad.

And this causes such pain.... I can see EVERYONE'S point of view in a REALLY FAIR WAY. It's my task to learn how to communicate to one and to the other what I see and feel.

There's a "reason" why the lunatic-fringe chased me around the lake-pond years ago. It was their identifying me (fairly) as a pentecostal spirit-filled believer who ALSO 'happens' to have burning-interest in astrology. I do understand. And!, a lot of people don't understand what I be when I say pentecostal spirit-filled either... so please reserve your judgments of me there, too. There are MANY kinds of ways to be-that. I shudder at some of the stereotypes? .. no. That's not how 'all' of them are. {{hug}}

And it would make me so sad to "have to" give up my astrology in order to fulfill and join a Community of sorts~~ because I DO need community in my life, especially now.

And it would make me so sad to "have to" give up professing my profound Love for God and all the teachings I've been exposed to during my faith walk, merely because it 'displeased' a few who weren't as privileged as I have been in my life to have had the VERY unique set of experiences I was led (by Spirit) into.

Redlines hurt. I have scars from not being able to Express to the world those things which are "me".... and I have attempted to do so, in this thread. I have been more happy here than any place else.

So anyways.... This is probably one of those diva-longs. ~ sorry. And I'm just gonna go ahead and post it, crossing-fingers.

The FULL MOON in Sagittarius at 11.47' occurs IN THE DEGREE of my Ascendant.

Time of calling an Ending to some things that came to full bloom.

That one (for me) is my relationship with rm. He's a REALLY heck of a nice guy~~ but I have things to learn, and a destiny to walk.

He's got two big sisters (well-financed) and a daughter whose noBS Capricorn rubber-meets-the-road Rules WILL enforce "healthy"!~whether he likes it or not. O yah, girl-power be upon his horizons. He got away with my kindness and lenient-ways. I tried to "entertain" and cajole him back into health~~ for him financially, as well as his overall life. Gave him lots of tools~~ all the tricks he can do for himself, to learn self-cooperation. I'm feeling a kind of guiltiness leaving him, because when you've spent ~8years together, you develop 'bonds'. He IS a nice guy. And generous in lots and lots of ways. His family will be lucky to have him aboard.

Freedom. It's mine.... I'm exclaiming it. Climbing down one mountain, and conquering what's next. Gonna go.

(music) Haven't Got Time for The Pain (Carly Simon, NY Station Live) [3:56]
/e 528pm 6/2

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted June 02, 2015 10:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Let us know how that book is.

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted June 06, 2015 09:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You never should feel like you have to defend who you are.

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted June 07, 2015 01:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Here's to freedom.

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posted June 07, 2015 08:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
... I appreciate your comments
I'll be back soon to post.

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 08, 2015 01:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mirage29:
... I appreciate your comments
I'll be back soon to post.

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 09, 2015 02:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I always look forward to what you have to say.

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