Topic: Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted June 10, 2015 04:51 PM
...When you "give up," then that's a state of 'permanency.' There is no rising from there... But when you keep on trying, THEN~~ you still have 'that chance' available to you. Positivity for ALL who are just feeling a bit down, or weary some how. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted June 18, 2015 11:52 PM
Prayers for the Community Church shooting in Charleston, South Carolina - Emmanuel A.M.E. Bible Study 9 Killed ... absent from the body, Present with the Lord Mourning, Healing Building Uniting in Peace ... (music) We Shall Overcome (Bruce Springsteen, Seeger Sessions Band) [5:23]
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 19, 2015 01:34 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 20, 2015 11:38 AM
That was a tragedy.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 21, 2015 12:38 PM
They had their first service today since the shooting.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted June 22, 2015 11:27 AM
^ ....I have sooo much to share.... Will create posts later about some thoughts, and experiences I had this weekend... (music) You've Got To Be Carefully Taught / Children Will Listen (Mandy Patinkin, R&H South Pacific, medley w/ Sondheim's Into The Woods) [3:54] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 23, 2015 12:32 PM
Looking forward to reading it.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted June 23, 2015 01:00 PM
When I heard about the racially motivated fatal shooting of nine souls in Charleston, South Carolina, it broke my heart.At the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal [A.M.E.] Church, on Wednesday night, June 17, 2015, nine souls, plus a deciding one young white man, were worshiping and holding a small Bible Study group that evening. The scripture lesson was based on the scriptures found in Mark 4, where Jesus taught the people using The Parable of The Sower verses 1-20. (Seeds, that are cast-forth, and fall into different kinds of soils and conditions, and the difficulty or ease this causes, in the life promotion of what is planted.) Mark 4 also contains Jesus' parable on The Lamp on a Stand (things hidden, to come to Light); The Growing Seed (that once it is planted, the soil takes over and grows it); The Mustard Seed (a weed, something quite small that gets planted and has a great impact, as it grows and becomes a large system where many thoughts and issues come to perch in its shadow); then, Jesus Himself (Compassion) takes a stand, and with all Spiritual Authority asserts power-over the atmospheric elements and the churning sea that threatens to capsize and drown them all... He (The Manifesting of Higher Love integrated and synthesized into the corporeal-world with a body, while IN the-body) 'awakened' from his sleep, and Calms The Storm. I found it noteworthy that the group that was shot numbered as nine souls. In numerology, the number 9 is the number of Completion, of deep and strong emotions, and of the Humanitarian and Compassionate expression, down in the deep-soul. Also coinciding with this June 17th church shooting, in a racially motivated Hate Crime, was the anniversary commemorating the free-ing of all Slaves, in The Emancipation Proclamation. On June 19th, President Lincoln (and Congress) took moral-spiritual Executive authority, and with his signature, June 19, 1862, set in forward-motion an action that prohibited slavery in all current and future United States territories (wiki), by Words decreeing that all Slaves ARE now Freed. ... ... selah I was watching TV program called 'Meet The Press' on NBC last Sunday. (It was June 21, the Day of Solstice... The Sun climaxes at its highest-point for the Year.) There was a clip of a documentary shown to the TV audience, where prison inmates expressed their personal stories of Understanding the 'Moment-after' they held a gun in their hand and killed the life of a human being. They talked about the "psychological" power that envelopes when a gun provides an ability to have God-power, aggrandize one's ego and self-esteem in a slick deceptively ungrounded way. They took action on some layers of developed ideas that got systemized and built-up in the mind, (like the birds coming to perch in the mustard-weed grown bush-tree). Then, they came to a moment of Understand when each 'realized' what their actions just put into place. They were blinded by their thought system and beliefs, until the super-ego took over (the objective higher perspective) which was absent in those moments that built up to their murdering decision-point. Altered the course of lives, forever. I was engulfed in the Understanding of what we see happening in our country right now, regarding prejudices and stigmas. So.... At the point of Sun at 29 Gemini to 0 Cancer, I went out into my neighborhood, saw a black man starting a BBQ fire in the stand by the pool, near my 'small pond', and I asked if we together could say a prayer for the Healing of The Races... I prayed with his wife. Then I spent the rest of the day in weeping and prayers. I had wanted to attend a vigil, but no one in this part of town was going there, and transportation quite limited.
God, Heal our Wounds... That the nine lives lost, become nine lives planted in the fertile ground of Completion. May this culminate in a New Understanding between all peoples. Heal our Nation... Heal our World Let it Be... Dear Lord Let It Be (music) Free At Last (Pattie Howard) [2:54] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted June 23, 2015 01:42 PM
May the Lord of Lights illuminate Our Deep Understanding. May Sorrows Cease, Tears be wiped away, and Our Lives, our Neighborhoods, our Worlds become a Safer place in which to live love learn and grow.May we come together in our souls, invited by Spirit, to experience New Joys, Established Freedoms, and be able to create Bridges of True manifesting Hope for us. (music) Some Children See Him (Andy Williams) [3:21] (music) The Lord Be Magnified (Ron Kenoly, African Children's Choir, lyrics) [5:14] Blessed Be the Peacemakers Coming in Peace, Coming in Joy, Coming in Love... (music) There's A New World Coming (Mama Cass) [2:12] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted June 23, 2015 02:09 PM
^ And in order for that Dream and Ideal to establish itself, we have to look into the mirror. As a single and grounded real self, as a Community, as Citizens of wider & Higher Places: Examine and with open hearts of Love and Compassions, do Justice. Be Mercy. Do Right where you are (music) Who Will Answer (Ed Ames) [3:42] (music) Man in The Mirror (Michael Jackson, lyrics) [5:19] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 24, 2015 01:58 PM
Very wise words.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted June 24, 2015 06:30 PM
^ ... and o gosh yessss, I must 'deal' with my own harsh realities here. ugh!! Edit {I really don't want to be posting about my woes here, because I want things to reflect happiness... My problems with the sonic bombardments start to getting me down sometimes. It's taken up many postings... When there's nothing that I nor anyone else can do, then I have to accept 'the moment' but keep holding-space inside my mind's eye that there IS hope, and that God knows me, and I'll persevere. If God wants me relocated, He's going to have to make a way. I'm 'hunkered' down and NOT knowing what I can do, but to stand it the best I can, minute to minute sometimes. Things are really really rough, and it's going on right this minutes so strong. But I'll take courage and with His Help stand ground.) IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 25, 2015 01:36 PM
True, but sometimes it helps to get things out.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted June 25, 2015 10:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: True, but sometimes it helps to get things out.
Out. Yes, I want ME out, is what I want... IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 26, 2015 02:51 PM
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted June 26, 2015 03:55 PM
I appreciate your support and attitude, Randall... Thanks for nudging that it's okay to vent. I love to inspire and cause people to view life from another angle or perspective. And I've been mulling over the topic of leadership roles--- and the shades of how that felt for me. I don't 'feel' like much of a leader, and yet as I think about it I naturally have been one throughout my life. I'm trying to grok all of that right now... TDJ says it's not something you Do, or Perform, because that's kinda hollow. It's something you have to already Be before you step forward. .... It's sorta a strange-confusing kind of feeling in me. I have sooo far to go. And yet, I'm right here...because it's not acting like yourself or conforming to the idea of what one should be, but it's actually when you just be yourself. So, that's one thing I've been rocking lately. And making mistakes at doing, and yet, not. Actually? I think I'm weary right now (and still have to go out and catch the bus). TDJakes recently aired a series on behind the scenes of the leadership role. I felt a sense of relief when he shared what that was like for him. Even if I already kinda knew what he's talking about, it was nice 'taking it in' as coming from a real person like that. His congregation gets some REALLY rich food. It's for the more Mature Audiences. Some of us are starving for deeper teaching, deeper materials. You recognize people by their spirit-- and it is exhilarating to meet those who hunger and Seek His Face. Angel lady says positive thoughts words vocabularies have so much more energy, than list of negatives which generates smaller pool of energy available. Joel O preaches same, that if you change your language, you can change your life. GIVES life to others too, rather than drags things down.... I don't want to feel so ~neyah, negative. That's not the down-deep truth inside me. However, some people do want to stay current with my reality conditions here where I live. I edited it all out the other day.... but it's needed here. The Other News Rough night... the upset lady (I mentioned, just in case anyone read my post before the edit happened) was on a tirade-- very drunk disorderly and breathing threats at me, in my back-window this morning, from 2:18am to 3:25am EDT. I was so alarmed that I did not sleep at all. I had barely begun to doze off when her (and a group of her extendeds) congregated at my back window, angry, doped, and drunk... (basically to scare me with their bravado, mean egos, bullying) (I need my sleep!!). Material I edited was that she was extremely drunk and on pills when she screamed out threats to me on that day. (And she had screeched at someone else the week before.) She's around 50s and a Virgo. (I have Virgo Moon). (I had also shared how in my early-home environment, I'd dealt with a mother who in the 1960s experienced 'Valley of the Dolls'...with pills for ups, downers, anxieties. Often went on cortisone treatments for chronic severe asthma (prednisone) which (I think) caused her to have rage-states and attack. She would stay like that for weeks and months. -- (So~ processing, the Virgo-woman's mad-on is triggering fears from my past?...) Factions in the 'hood are tightly-wound right now. ....And a new neighbor just moved in this morning (new next-wall neighbors~~ so far, so good! *smile*). I've got natal Mars Cancer square my Moon (mother/women), and natal Mars square MC/IC. The transiting Sun was on the Mars when Virgo-addict/woman first went off on me. Now... I'm having my Mars-meets-Mars Return at 2+ Cancer, square MC/IC. Soon will square natal Hygiea.... This morning I made an appointment to see a neurologist again (for my sonic-problem travails). It's practical, and I still have good medical insurance! There are some medical asteroids I like to play with. Current tHygiea is a half-degree away from my 'physical-nerves' natal asteroid at 0 degrees Leo. tSun Cancer coming close to squaring my Hygiea. Asteroid Gaspra (is what I use for healing places, wellness spas/places). Natal Gaspra is 19+ Sagittarius H1 biQuintile Venus.... Current tGaspra was one degree away from my Venus Taurus! ahhhhhhhhhh LOL I will draw in the essence as it happens--- My Venus needs healing spa-moment over the head, neck, and ears today! LOL Staying in Good Spirits here. Rm was surprisingly supportive of me this morning, over the incident 2am!! I needed it--that was a Positive! IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 27, 2015 04:39 PM
Awww...glad RM was pleasant. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted June 27, 2015 09:04 PM
What a day we had in the news summaries for Friday, June 25, 2015... I've been wanting to go visit a church to worship for weeks now, just to BE with people and to give thanks from the Heart for all that God is doing right now. Ha, I even did an internet search for a place that was 'gay-friendly for straight-people' around where I live! Would have added color-and-culture blind, Love-Filled, Spirit-filled, with a great choir... but it would have truncated that search. LOL There was more disturbance of my sleep last night by same-people... After I managed to fall asleep towards early dawn, I woke up a few hours later with this Song filling my soul! It reached into every pore of my day, flourishing like the subtlest light moving vine to grace my heart and mind. This song has been in the backdrop of my entire day... So much to say... so much I want to share. But for now, I leave the song that blessed me so much. (music) God be in my head (Rutter, perf Nederland Zingt) [1:53] God Be in my Head... and in my understanding God Be in mine Eyes... and in my looking God Be in my Mouth... and in my speaking God Be in my Heart... and in my thinking God Be at my End... and in my departing IP: Logged |
Ayelet Moderator Posts: 4080 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted June 28, 2015 08:14 AM
Beautiful song. I dreamt about a song you posted for me, "Where is love"! Didn't know it before.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted June 28, 2015 03:52 PM
^ Hi Ayelet {{ }} This is the song you mentioned. (music) Where is Love / As Long As He Needs Me (Lea Salonga) [6:19] During writing-- I am sorta flooded from 'sound' right now. I had begun to respond to your post last night, Ayelet, then had to give it up, thinking I'd be back-online today. So, I'm working on things settling in my atmosphere here, so I can get my thoughts and wits back together, and renew my mission to post! Like I said before.... there are SO MANY astrological INCREDIBLE asteroid aspects being made.
After my sacred-musical splurge-out yesterday, I checked some asteroids and omg, no doubts to the correlations and meanings to those FOR my natal. (I hope to try to share these.) I've got my eye on the USA Chart as well, and WOW! I want to share about the 'discrimination' asteroids. (heh~heh... I can tell the elevated pressure inside me, from energy dynamic I'm fighting in atmosphere(sonic) is making me feel as though I want to yell on the keyboards... oh no little fingers.... backaway, backaway. Don't yell at people LOL... ) Time goes by sooo quickly anyway, too! I can't afford all this distraction, sheesh. I feel hunkered down, but force my head up out of the bunker to get on the internet, or go run out to an errands.... Getting into sacred music really helps, but my nostalgia for former Beautiful memories where I long to be able to go to a church where they don't get into a political slam-fests are dwindling. I want to worship God but all the political HATREDs within the churches chases me away from them. We need Christ's-ian Love attitudes to prevail over offenses, and extend Grace towards every soul-- It's not there (from what I've observed these weeks in the news-- and I hope I'm wrong). This has had me crying in grief. What I actually think I see, is NOT the Beauty I perceive is possible... which I've wanted to draw down towards earth. ... It grieves me not to be able to be in a church. Yes, I need to step out and take a larger view of 'what's there' right now in terms of what and who I want and need to belong to.... I must focus on now, on becoming educated and supported into a New group of people from the past few years, rather than looking and longing for what used to be decades ago. I have a future ahead of me. I'm going to be able to help build new bones and structures in a newer world ahead. There's just GOT to be a place where astrology and Higher Love congregate themselves to do Good and Godly things on earth... *blubbery tears* (tUranus Aries on the USA Chiron AND my asteroid Grieve. ...was ready to mention Hylonome, but gotta keep going on post so I can take rest-break.) We've got to follow a Higher Love, a 'madreTerese' type of love where you're NOT looking at and judging Sin-sin-sin every freakin' moment! They need to turn the tides to loving and expressing Mercy from the wideness in God's Heart-- all that condemning-religious thumping is evacuating their houses. *bheart* You know, God hated divorce too, BUT He Allowed it, out of His Compassionate Heart ~ time of Moses. God Himself compromised and gave latitude in His Mercy FOR our sakes because of relationship of Love. ... WE need to put down our selfish-individual immediate preferences, and take a look at the safety and the harming behaviors of rights of others. Not every right is Right. So it was 'educative' for me today, and yesterday while I was out, to "see" just how BAD the problems of prejudice are. Not everyone keeps up with news, so they aren't keeping up with current discoveries. They are reacting off wrong sets of beliefs. There were some that knew nothing about the Church Shootings, nothing about the history behind the Confederate flag (which I didn't realize myself, and was *jawdrop* SHOCKED at GovGeorgeWallace blatant-OPEN hatred against blacks-themselves which was his announcement when he designated the Confederate Flag to fly in the govt house. It was to protest the passage of Civil Rights!! (watched a youtube of it). That particular flag, on that day, was not same meaning portrayed in the 'cute' re-enactment of civil-war gameboard. THIS was a serious in-your-black/white-faces OFFENSE against this Nation's move towards CivilRights. My Heart grieves... After all we've been through!! (I grew up in the 60s, 70s where whites joined in the civil rights movement. I've attended what's considered black or 50-50 mix churches since July 1989. I am VERY sensitive to this issue.) It's TIME. This is not just a 'revolutionary' war, it's 'evolutionary'. -- The US is Evolving and maturing. Evolutionary Change IN the deepest part of its psychological roots (H4). So many asteroids!!!! wahhhhhhh. Maybe I'll get to share, but doesn't look like it. (RM is on vaca all this week. You may find me posting during times after midnight here. I'm not having natural~insomnia, more than needing to 'find the quietest times' coordinating with the partiers in my bedroom window and TV all day long.) So, adjust adjust adjust. Lucky for me? is that I'm a Gemmy-- My ascendant, Moon, and Sun are in the 'flexible' signs of the zodiac. ~yay? yes, it's yay. Blessed are the flexible, for they are not too-easily broken! With faith LOL, I'll be back later!! sorry this post might look like a mess.... but there have been times I thought it was messy when it turned out to be fine. So, I have homework to do, and some much-needed rest to take. Beautiful~bye for now. (music) Let It Go!! (Lea Salonga, Frozen) [4:03] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted June 28, 2015 04:52 PM
I just met my new next-wall neighbors--- are you ready for this? .... They moved here from southern part of our state. 'Classy' clean-cut people, so that brings the 'hood up a few notches here! yay His parents are Pastors of a Pentecostal Spirit-filled church! Do ya think that whole family was praying about this? He was sooo concerned about moving into this area, and moved here in faith. Friends had mentioned my 'hood has a reputation for gangs. But they actually wished to take on some kind of community challenge. He said he was praying and praying and praying to God about the apartment neighbors he would get. When he told that to the manager here, the manager said ~then I have just the right apartment for you!! (LOL) (I told him I had been sweating it, and praying fervently too! ~~ although, I just now realized, he doesn't know I'm an astrologer yet. That's going to be 'the test' with these, I'm guessing.) So!... He said he moved up here to help make some kind of impact on the community! Wow, GOD is not Missing in Action here. If anything, my morning prayer-stomps have helped to draw new God-Fearing Make-A-Difference People in this 'hood. Prayers are powerful. There's just got to be a solution for my situation too! Lord??... Yes, He's SOOO Good. {{{ }}} tyJ (music) So Good (Kirk Franklin) [5:15]
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Ayelet Moderator Posts: 4080 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted June 28, 2015 07:14 PM
It's a nice story about your new roomate. I hope you get along IP: Logged |
Ayelet Moderator Posts: 4080 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted June 29, 2015 01:15 PM
I edited out some of the stuff I've written to you in the other forum. I regret some of it. I guess, because I have mercury retrograde, I sometimes rewrite myself. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted June 29, 2015 11:01 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ayelet: I edited out some of the stuff I've written to you in the other forum. I regret some of it. I guess, because I have mercury retrograde, I sometimes rewrite myself.
No worries! { } I've been the queen of re-writes too. I like the song Ceridwen left in YellowWax... (music) It Needs Work! (from City of Angels, original London Cast) [3:36] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted June 30, 2015 11:46 AM
I'm still having email problems with people I've tried to contact.So to note, I discovered Sonya Francis during the NewMoon in Gemini 2015, and just viewed her new FullMoon in Capricorn 2015 video. Sonya!~ What a Beautiful Soul, inside and out. Everything you're saying parallels my own Heart's sentiments... quote: We're building a new world, new humanity, new consciousness... one life at a time. -- SonyaFrancis Her transiting first name asteroid Sonja is ON degree of my "Discover" asteroid in H9 this morning.... (synchronicity!) Her last name asteroid Francis is IN its Return degree 24+ Gemini in my H7, near my SN Mercury Gemini 26+/27+. Adding-- There are other astrologers that I'm having some amazing name-synastry with right now. (My Mercury Gemini trines Neptune Libra, and have Mercury sextile Pluto. Pluto trines NN-GC. I am attracted towards transcendent mind and soul experiences... My natal MarsCancer 2+ also wide separating trine to Neptune, and trines Juno Scorpio 4+ in H11 **phone call ) Seems many perhaps are communicating solely through facebooks. Sometimes I prefer the quickness of private exchanges by phone or private emails. Saves soooo much time. A few minutes on the phone can reveal so much. People who already have my phone and email... please don't hesitate to contact. I'm very friendly, and feel excited to move on here. I'd like to locate a 'tribe'/family, and relocate. I'm letting go of the relationship here with rm, and he understands the need my soul has to find its famiy. I want to add my energies to 'all of yours' out there in metaphysical Flammarion-land. I see myself supporting your energies by helping-out with projects, research, or simple tasks that could make your lives easier, while I find security and support for my own all-around needs.... Looking for 'what it is', hard to pin down. It's a 'feel' that as I walk each step, it reveals itself. ~ Looking for others who commune and live in two worlds at once-- heaven and earth. We meet on holy ground to Lift humankind. More posts later. (~ **whoah, out of the blue, I just got a call from an old Methodist church I used to belong to years ago and gave up going when rides were unavailable anymore. This 'intern' offered me a ride to service this Sunday~~ Sounds like a black-lady (in an older-pop all-white church), and she said she's preaching this Sunday! ... I don't know how available she's going to be for rides, considering her other occupation has her working shifts. But I thought it was 'fascinating' to tell here, because of the 'special transits' we're all under. ... This church is NOT a spirit-filled type church, but they knew I was back then, and lovingly enjoyed my zeal for the Lord and for worshiping with enthusiasm. { } 1209pm } IP: Logged | |