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Author Topic:   Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others

Posts: 15192
From: us
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posted June 30, 2015 01:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Here's another conversation {re Flammarion!}

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posted July 01, 2015 08:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Last night it was quiet and I actually got some nourishing sleep! yay ... Woke up with a sense of worship inside me again, which continued for hours.... ahhhh. It was a Peaceful and Heavenly start to the day.

And then!, after ~10:21 am dst, ... omg! It's like someone hit 'the Kryptonite-Switch' again~~~ Like day into sudden chaos!!

I started noticing the muscle-cars on their drug-runs, the surreal suspended-looking giant 747s (low flying jets) coming in for landings at nearby intl airport (several runways at once~~ still can't believe that things that things that huge can float through air, LOL; it's physics, of course!).

Then, right now some 'incredible-idiot' is nearby cranking up his mega-foghorn-woofers quaking the ground and atmosphere in this corner of 'hood with his rec van!! arrrghghg

The sonic-soup this morning from ~10:21 triggered a 'convergence' again, spilling. There is no other time than the-present in front of my face, and on this keyboard sometimes.

Reporting that I'm still in good inner-spirits though, of course.

I'm going to have to lose-myself into a tv program or something to distract me. (Extant comes back tonight! yay) There's only so long you can stay in prayer-time, then it's time to get up and switch to doing something that occupies my mind outside of me... I'm not cut out for solitary-confinement one bit. (Sometimes it can feel that way here.)

Have quality time alone is a yes, in isolation from others?... is never a healthy decision for me at all. I need to be out and social, and see people around much as I need to touch actual-paper of books and journals. Withdrawal symptoms... well, can be ~ugly. LOL

Like I said, I'm a real human being here!! I love to worship God, pray, write here, stand passionately on my soapboxes to try to make a difference (hmmm... like that one a lot! LOL).

But to "unwind" I use movies, and various tv programs to change my mindstates.

(humorously) ...And tv watching then inspires me to run to computer to check transits of nations/people/events, which inspires asteroid-hunches, which I then search for (and they wind up being freaky~on), which then I want to login to LL to post here ....

(Asteroid 11094 Cuba significant news with USA-relations! ~~~ it's in the chart! omg... I want to write this us. Oh well, what I need are astro buddies I can call and say, Hey~~ check THIS out!! ...)

ah... rm went outside to investigate. The guy saw him, and drove away... Now he's heavy back again. *hands up in the air!* (LOL)


(music) Count Your Blessings (Amy Grant) [3:32]

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted July 02, 2015 01:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Disrespectful and inconsiderate people suck.

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posted July 02, 2015 03:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Randall:
Disrespectful and inconsiderate people suck.

Hope you don't mind me quoting you, but "so True" ....

Last night ended up being okay. People came in drunk, but actually went to bed instead of hanging around my window. I think a few other neighbors here were wise to the bullying that was going on. I felt supported by comments made by insiders in that group of people. .... So, that was good.

I don't think rm wants me to leave here... I'm his support-person. He supports my wanting to leave, AND... there's a side of him that is practical-- 'he wants me to GO, but into a Better situation than this one, and not fall out and be back to living the hazards that stole so much from my life (time, essence body-resource).

There's a kind soul in him, that cares what quality of choice I make. He wants me feeling safety and physically comforted for the remaining years of my life. (heh, I agree to that one, LOL.)

I've gone as far as I can, physically. Need support there so I can do my soul-spiritual influence and endeavors.

I had a FABULOUS two hours in lively discussion/debate about religion with some people in front of a dollar-store this morning. It was as though God arranged a PlayDate for me!


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posted July 02, 2015 07:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ Storm over, yay.

On a whim this morning, I decided to go to the little nearby dollar-store instead of my usual walk. As I reached the door to go inside I had to pass through an area where there was a vibrant discussion going on about religion. I went inside and quickly bought a package of chiron-transit tissues (LOL), then drop-in on the conversation outside.

Four different basic perspectives on spirituality and religion was there! Covered spectrum of jehovahwitnesses, Jesus-People, a fiery passionate atheist (who knew his scriptures deeply), someone from another cult (unidentified, but attended parochial schools growing up). I was the metaphysical pentecostal-catholic methodist-baptist-presbyterian astrologer(student) eclectically marveling-chaplain in this group.

We covered issues from rapturings to current racial-issues. On math and history too-- The early Libra Sun person shared later I had pinged some of his most-cherished interests ... (He didn't realize how important that validation was to me!! Learning to trust the flows that tell me go and stop, then sometimes redirects in the build of these conversations.)

The jw-group of folks have known me for years here, and we share mutual neighborly affections for each other. Bottom line?... We love GOD with all the gusto our heart souls and mind will muster.

"GOD is" a flowing~fluid, a Common Denominator and Unifier of ALL.... There is no separation In Him. We have beautiful layers of distinctions among us, each person holding pieces of truths set inside us, ready to release itself in the world. I viewed each person, each view, in this way.

The grand take-away today was that there is a difference between 'knowing' the truth, and "realizing" the truth you already possess inside. 'Truth' is kind and strong and peppered, impregnated, in everything around us. ... We came together to discuss these things today, and now each of us is back to our tasks of daily living, mowing lawns, laundry, etc. But oh the "realizations" that lay seeded and waiting to be birthed as we involve ourselves in the tasks of doing the ordinary things of life. That's what's exciting! It's a rhythm...

I shared a bit of my testimony, how a parish-priest (at age 13) eventually led into turning me into a raging teenage atheist (for two weeks) then on to become an agnostic for years; then how the Cayce people coaxed me into more comfortability with talking about Jesus. How in college (1970s) all my friends had become 'Jesus-Freaks', and I had wave upon wave of teams of them regularly assigned to me for a while... (I could turn their heads right-round, because the things they 'preached' AT me was not planted 'in their hearts' but caught on intellectualism/ logic and legalism. )

There was a finalizing day between them and me, where I flat-out told them, Hey~ I'm looking for Truth & The Light! And IF Jesus personally IS that truth and light, then 'don't worry' coz 'I'll FIND Him!' .... Scriptures say that if you diligently seek, then you'll find. God is seeking ones who will search for Him with EVERY fiber of their Being. Those are the ones who shall have their Souls satisfied.

So!, .... That's how my morning went! Sharing and connecting on deep Soul levels, and inspiring a young philosopher-seeker looking for Truth, who was active in community-projects and known well here.

I feel satisfied that this energetic contact among folk of religion, and the later one-on-one I had with the 28 yr old. I trust the exchanges will bring forth good fruit later. He was (and hopefully 'they' were) fed deeply. We departed 'consciously' noting that 'these kinds of conversations' were a sign that things really are changing. We do not need to 'repeat' History. We are in a suspended-type state under these skies right now where we CAN learn from what was and set into motion something new.

That up to this point we'd been living with such darkness and not-knowing not-real'izing the corruptions that were surrounding us. Now they seem so 'evident' appearing as though this world can and only will destroy itself....

But this is just 'new beginnings' ... We are entering, transitioning, in the 'box of exchanging sets-of-things with and for other sets-of-things' in this world juxta-positioned and interposed with the-Next. It's the way that lungs 'exchange' in the process of Breathing.

I pray that this meeting helped to create an atmosphere to unify strands of ideas (he had) developed. And of course, we were 'influencing' the collective in our sharing. We sorta joked how God was probably tremendously enjoying our conversation.

We worked energetically dynamically. With me, I tried to keep one foot in the heavenlies as I watched all transpire from real-discussion of things-below.

Showing and massaging how the matrix of what is happening now, in these current-events, is 'married' to the Plan of Love and Light. We in spirit 'practiced' drawing together the loose-strings of association (religious notions) with a futuristic hopeful-vision for a Possible future, where we DO 'make it' as a planet, and an earthly and heavenly co-existing people.

(music) The Great Invocation (New Troubadors) [1:51]

(music) My Eyes Were Made To See Thy Beauty Everywhere (from a Yogananda chant) [3:18]

(For me, Christ IS that Beauty... May all search with All their Heart Mind and Soul, and TRULY FIND what they're looking for... True Love IS Christ ... )

Venus-Jupiter in Leo... Cancer Sun Mars trine Neptune Pisces ... Sun across from Pluto : Shine & Reveal deep and great Treasure for Us. The earth at the center... Bring and Show us Hope, O God. Show us 'how' to make our Home The Earth, Healed Re-Newed and Perfect.

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Posts: 15192
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posted July 06, 2015 03:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So, I didn't accept the invitation to go back to that old protestant church I got the surprise phone call from. The person that called is brand-new to that congregation. I didn't want to go because these persons were "fair-weather" friends...//crop EDITED 848p-- because it didn't "sound" right when I went back to read it.//// I'm just sooo jittery-nervous about the appointment tomorrow...

Thing is, I have that neurologist appointment tomorrow... And I'm filling out forms where I'm going to have to leave an emergency number.... ///crop~

So? Angel Metatron is the Angel that collapses/expands Time. God Restores The Waste-Places, where the worms moths and rust did their damages. God can do the miracle of Time for my life. I ain't done yet!!! LOL

So!... I have been in such back and forth deciding about keeping my appointment or not. Like someone says, it's better to know for sure and deal with it, than not-knowing.

I bargained with myself, one-step at a time! I ONLY have to just-go and see him. Hear what he has to say.

My second *ahem* terror-thought is having to be subjected to tests by people who have made EGREGIOUS mistakes medically on me. I do NOT have CONFIDENCE here with them. And I don't have a medical/support friend ////

I had done a posting to Ayelet in her thread in Oranges forum... I woke up this morning re-realizing what a 'vacuum' I live in here. Like being inside a thermos bottle. Not living in the right 'hood AT ALL, no sense of Belonging to anyone I can confide and trust in. So~~ virtual vacuum... heyyyy.

This is the time for some good-folk to step up in my life. I know that you're there on the other side of the mists *fog horn* .... And I definitely love my virtual family. ///

/// We had a Falcon-9 rocket explode around 27 miles up. As the crow flies, I think that was only about 100 (or less) miles 'east', but HAD an air-impact here on our front window. ... Just before the explosion, I felt soooooo sick. I ran to the bathroom, there was a chaotic-feeling, didn't know if I was going to throwup (or do 'the other). I was in sheer sheer agony. I was running for the front door to 'get away' from it (I thought might be coming from within the building), as I went to leave the front window rattled. Outside, I was standing in the parking lot, not knowing what was going on with me, then I saw/heard the windows shake-rattle, then one more shake-rattle.

I went back in.... My rm heard that. I said triumphantly, SEEE that??? Sounds MOVE our windows!!! Then the report broke in on TV News that the rocket had JUST exploded. (It was a Sunday.... around 10:21am was the blast, and my feeling sooooo sick. The news announced it around 10:28~30 am.)

So I don't know If I'm sensitive to the pressurizations, maybe the amped-military dome of sensory-radar equipment they're using from their satellite processes??? I don't know. All I can say is that 'this' had affected me. .... I thought about applying to just a little job dealing with space things (as asteroids indicated in my chart near MC). ///
.... ... See that. My scientific-brain tries to pick those locks. ... *Spock~here, Why, That's just fascinating, Captain!*

(btw, I'm having my Mercury Gemini Return!! bear with me... Intellectual-brain on maximum... LOL. Especially my defense-mechanism when I am deeply afraid, too.... as in going to that appointment tomorrow.)

I paused for an asteroid break...

I have Mars Cancer 2+ with asteroid 11364 NASA at 4.50 Cancer.
IS SQUARE my 63 Ausonia (sounds) 3.59 Aries (t-Ausonia IN DEGREE of my Sun Gemmy),
(t-SouthNode is 4 Aries rx on my 5049 Sherlock, 9521 Chaos, 11727 Sweet, 129234 Silly)....

My 63 Ausonia 3.59 ARIES is conjunct 4581 Aesclepius 3.18' (a 'medical' asteroid which bridges over to LIBRA 4086 Podalirius (for a correct diagnoses) 3.28rx H10 near MC natally. The t-NN/SN now.

I have 1941 Wild 2.53' Aries, then IC 2.30, then 1809 Prometheus 2.28 {moving backwards with the travelling SN here} in H3 'stealing fire from the Gods' and gets a HUG from 3809 Amici at 1.44' Aries.... Oh yeah, I'm a wild~silly astrological (and people)-hugger for sure!! {Sending dear Amici a big silly etheric hug here by the Spirit, too!... dear God, please Bless that Holy Woman in the hug-work she does to Heal so many wounds in the Souls of my Friends-- thankyou for that; and, dear God also please heal my own mama wounds. Amen.} LOL

Okay.... moving on.
t-NASA is retro and just passed my 'corpses&funerals' asteroid 2546 Libitina 19.55 so that's good (~~just bein' funny here, and making up stories with my asteroids!!! gosh~~ the tales I could tell right now. It's like a very-telling 'therapy'... LOL)
t-Nasa will do a fly-over and soon be 69990 1998WU31 "dealing with power, restriction, coercion; breaking LOOSE!!", then 145453 2005-RR43 over my "new-dimensions finder"... before it finds me at the 15091 Howell's Mansion {tv Gilligan's Island} getting a new 4950 HOUSE to live in... where I HOPE I'm not 42301 UR-163 "being misunderstood or mistreated" there. Wow... It' my Childhood in asteroids!!!!

t-Libitina (corpses&funerals) is in Taurus in degree of my Cohen Samadhi and Shakti, then ON my Venus tomorrow. These QUINTILE my 2832 Lada Cancer at 23+ Cancer (where NM supposed to happen soon!) Lada means 'Music of the Spheres, Sound of AUM' {LL-interp}. Lada near my 24 Cancer degrees 3633 Mira (~like, short for Mira-ge?, or the Russian space endeavor)-11911Angel-VERTEX, 25-degrees Uranus.)

All in Cancer H8, CUSP is 15.48' Cancer. ~~~ 'The Death & Transformations House'. LMAO~~~ {hmmm... Okay. I've decided that this Mercury-return is a lot of fun!... and it trines my Neptune... O'WATT~Imagination! Oh yeah, it's fun in my head. t-Tesla with the tVenus-Jupiter trine t-Uranus going on. Always steering it towards the Positive!! ... part of my life's purpose. Sitting up there in the crow's nest position-- hey, it's like in Star Trek episodes, laughing is an antidote, drives away gloom for periods of time, it boosts the immune system (Norman Cousins)}

{Thanks MA Holmes for your research... I hope I'm 'giving back' to you here as I post some of these really~Wild Promethean synchronicities between the 'roids and my life's journey. I have sooooo much to share with that-- You're a Genius~Futuristic, dude!!}

So anyways..... I've got work to do on filling out my patient forms for the doctor tomorrow.

~ So I'm pinging a LOA-attracted dude here from around six-months ago. Like ~eek, you weren't kiddin' when you said that. (Definitely strange and mutual.) And you are a psychic, because I was thinking about my Scorpio Grandma.... Ping!

My late-Scorpio Late Grandma's Death Anniversary was July 4, 1984 at 2:00 am, ET. I miss you, Memere! She loved the Boston Red-Sox, Lawrence Welk, and Billy Graham (even though he was not her religion). We BOTH liked The Carpenters... That was our bond.

Here's the Christmas Song that reminds me of you soooo much. This was "Our Song"...

(music) Merry Christmas Darling (Karen Carpenter) [3:12]

But!!! I'm not ready here for dying. I've JUST BEGUN my exciting New Road to a New Life and a chance at perhaps experiencing some magical-corrective True Happiness before going down for the 'big nap'...
(yeah, this is what "me" is like in uber-nervous condition about tomorrow!)

I STILL have Work to do here on Gaia. (tBML ON my MOON, Beer, Maria, Actor, St. Michael, ... did I say Beer? -- just the Heavenly-kind, of course. hmmm, what's the asteroid for just a Coffee, I wonder? LOL)

(music) Close To You (The Carpenters) [3:41]

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 07, 2015 02:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
How did the appointment go?

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posted July 07, 2015 06:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ Better than I expected... Today is Tuesday 7/7. Will go for MRI on Thursday 7/9. They think it's a ~weird form of migraine? MRI is to make sure there isn't anything else there. The last one I had in 2008 was fine!

They also know that I'm too drug-sensitive and allergic reactions. ... They want to put me on an anti-inflammatory for five to seven days (NSAID) which should stop the visuals (rainbows, missing-pieces of screen here while I type around it, LOL). They're hopeful that it may also take down the sound-sensitivity back to regular-levels again... (Praying for a better home situ/relocation here).

The thought is that this last time ('hood), it possibly triggered a migraine that keeps reverberating rather than ending. According to the research, taking this particular old NSAID should stop it. (So yay, for that; but yikes for hot-tummy on some burny NSAIDs.)

Oh, also found out my regular body-doc relocated his office! But he moved somewhere that our area's city-bus doesn't service. So I'm on the hunt with that once more.

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 08, 2015 01:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm sure everything will be fine.

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posted July 08, 2015 04:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ Thanks Randall :thumbup:

Laughing here once more typing around visual 'holes' on my script here. Drug-dealers were just in front of my parking with their musical rumblers and hot~zowwwie! Another migraine triggered. Waiting on that prescription to be anti-inflammatory to be filled. Should be ready in a few more hours.

*sigh* ... I finally paid-off that 200-dollar outstanding medical bill last night... before the Sun hit my 8th Cusp. (I had been in confusion with what was going on with that bill, until last evening in the mailbox came a Collection-Bill. I had saved and saved for those funds to be 'reserved' for this. I immediately paid it off last night. Interesting, is that asteroid at the H8 cusp, having to do with 'insurance companies failing to pay or to understand'...

I planned for paying the bill, but the Universe had its own timing down pat!! --- (Universe is in cahoots with the postal service, I tell you!!!! *big grin*)
tSun CANCER over Part of Necessity{Mercury} 15.41 Cancer, the H8 Cusp 15.48, then 7742 Altamira 16.23, VESTA 17.25.

So, I'm getting myself in right state of mind for handling tomorrow. I don't mind sharing that this is scary to me. The HUGE LOUD jack-hammer machine, stuck in a little tube with it. *looking*

I think my innerChild is reverberating from ancient this-life memories of 'being alone' with HUGE xray machines around 1960 (I wrote about this in convo Mak in the Oranges Forum). They didn't believe that kids register and keep those profound-fears inside from medical procedures in those days. All I knew was what they were doing made me feel really really sick, then I thought I was going to smother and be smashed-sandwiched between two giant glassy black things.

These transits now, are also triggering the most immense abandonment, betrayal, neglect issues... dealing with the momma, and deep early childhood memories. (Asteroids relating to it too, omg!! ~ asteroids are sooo amazing!)

In the opening words spoken to me by a real-astrologer when I got my first reading (after interest in astrology sparked), the first exclamation made (said to me with sad-compassion) was something like What happened!!! between you and your mother~~?! That, was a 'healing moment' for me back then. That this stranger on the phone with me saw (more than one aspects) that spoke of my deepest first wounds. It was validating to my innerChild.

Right now in transits, I have the t-north and t-south nodes getting ready to touch my MC/IC Libra/Aries 2.30... which SQUARES my Mars Cancer 2.36. (The aspect that this astrologer first saw.)

(There I go again, wanting to delineate my whole chart~~ I'll spare you!!! *grin*)

So, in spite of all kinds of things happening in my life right now, while I was taking my shower earlier, I had a more objective sense of the remnants in my psychology where I must push against all the negative curses feedback wrong-info and scares that my own mother imprinted upon the musculature of my being, and brain-tracks. She cursed friends in my life who wanted to care about me and be with me. One of the hugest stop-sticks on my road to recovery (from abuse) has been one of whether or not I deserve to have friends.

The answer is a beautiful absolute-yes, but I feel all those spikey-energies blanketing around my field, that are the rolls of barb-wire she knowingly/unknowingly put all around me, like a thorn-hedge.

In the bible they talk about putting a 'hedge of protection' around a person... Originally those kinds of hedges are meant to keep other-people 'out' from reaching you on the 'inside'. ... Like my Venus Opp Saturn, is a giant no wall between my heart's desires and fulfilling a dream for my life? ... I definitely feel how I can't figure this one out 'on my own.' Locked into my own tower and surrounded by moats, afraid to jump because all I see have been piranhas or the night time fog banks.

This post has taken a strange turn from when I first began my reply... yep, I checked it! tMercury has just entered Cancer.

So yes, I feel a forlornment. (And the autocorrect asks me if 'that's a word?' LOL) Well... I'll make it a word for today. (My skull feels tight and pulsing-inside, so, yes, it's a word.)

Maybe some sadder songs right now... But I know I have a Hope, a Promise, and a Future ahead of me.

For my little innerOrphan... {awww, hugging you, I Am here, for you.}

(music) Where is Love? (Oliver! movie clip) [2:32]


(music) Consider Yourself! (Oliver! musical 1968) [5:51]

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted July 09, 2015 01:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Cahoots is a funny word.

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted July 10, 2015 12:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted July 10, 2015 07:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^, ^^ ~ Randall?!... You crack me up! You're ~word-weirder than I am!!

"ca-hoooots" = the kinds of sounds that owls make in California

(music) Woodsy Owl (character in a 1977 PSA) [0:30]

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted July 11, 2015 09:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted July 12, 2015 01:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
We have owls here on our telephone poles at night.

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 13, 2015 03:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Big ones! I don't know how they manage to perch on the power lines.

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posted July 13, 2015 03:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Joke: What do you call a magic owl?

(topic) "owl answers" [0:02]

Totem animals, meanings "owls"

Owl Totem

Owls have been revered in many cultures as symbols of wisdom, knowledge, and unique vision.
Unfortunately, they have also been 'feared and misunderstood by many other cultures' who see them as omens of death and destruction.

Due to their eerie nighttime call, they have been associated with banshees and goblins etc. Owls tend to be nocturnal, their large eyes and ability to almost fully rotate their heads give them keen night vision which makes them particularly fierce predators.

Great Horned Owls
(the most common in the Americas) are easily recognized by the large tufts of feathers that look like "ears", but are not.
Despite their large size, they fly silently and attack with stealth.

Owls are associated with mediums, psychics, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and vision quests/journeying.
Owl people are usually very psychic and in tune with or able to communicate with different dimensions and experience alternate realities. They don't fear death and darkness and tend to embrace it as part of the continual cycle of life.

Personal Reflection...
When owl comes to visit you it is because you are being challenged to open your "inner eyes and ears" and expand your perceptions of "reality".
Owl people are often inclined towards metaphysical careers, philosophy, and new thought.
Owls are usually heard calling at dusk and at dawn. People with owl totem also embody this twilight aspect, with the unique ability to pick up on realities that others often don't perceive themselves.
Owl people are considered to be "walkers between worlds".

Dream Symbolism
Owls in your dreams give a stern warning that it's "time to pay attention!" You may be heading towards disappointment if you don't hear what is being said to you.

Facts About Owls
Owls are among the most interesting and unusual of predatory birds. In many cultures they are feared for their large eyes and nocturnal nature. A variety of species exist, but all are amazing hunters and most have the ability of stealth flight making them a formidable foe.

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posted July 14, 2015 12:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
oh wow.... what a morning! 5261 Eureka in the degree of my Sun!

PLUTO!!! New Horizons... So much to say! So many asteroids making incredibly cool connections right now. I will try to write them soon...

(music) You Can Reach Me (Oleta Adams, sung by Anita Baker) [4:34]

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posted July 15, 2015 01:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted July 15, 2015 04:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This astro pattern is *blow-me-away* astounding.

The New Moon in Cancer at 23 degrees tonight kicks-off the potential-pain and the ultimate-bliss in my chart.

This New Moon in Cancer is ALSO the degree of my Composite SUN-SN with rm!! *jawdrop????* And rm's name-asteroid is 23.53 Cancer.... with asteroid 2832 Lada (music of the spheres, sound of Aum) there too just before at 23.06.

Vienna ANGEL Agita VERTEX Perry at 24+ Cancer. (So, I've got the Angels watching over me!)

URANUS! f.s.Procyon Nike (winner, overcomer) Harper (like making-music on the instrument) at 25+ Cancer

Natal MakeMake (newCreations), Flammario (setting world on fire, peaking at the spaces cosmos inbetween and beyond just our small worlds), at 26+ Cancer.

Cancer 27+ = for me? 'a sinner who falls-down, then gets-back-up again'

(music) We Fall Down... (Donnie McClurkin) [4:53]

Joan (of Arc? LOL), Aten (dogmatism), ~Ohno, Jupiter (my saggi chart ruler), Itokawa (?temporarily going down in defeat, ?could-be the beginnings of yet-another 'bad-experience'; OR ++++!!! a [happy] milestone has been reached, and new 'Discovery' is made!!);

1994-GV9 (meticulous attn to details, precision, deduce future by intermed steps~~ which I'm trying to accomplish right now--- This sextiles my Virgo-Moon, which analyzes everything!!!... and trines Ceres Capricorn-- all about the knowledge, and feeling constantly like I measure my worth by what I 'do' as opposed to 'just being' who I am);

Houssay (pharma drugs~~ could be related to my drug-sensitivities?-- Jupiter magnifying the sextile Moon Virgo, Moon ruler of my 8th Cancer, and Aries IC, which MarsCancer squares. I am about to receive a transiting SOUTH NODE touch to IC 2.30 Aries.)

Cancer 28+ =
Echeclus (at war with the world, taking on a lot, bottled up;
{e.g. like a radio-receiver at edge of being out-of-range... sounds can only be 'heard' for short and unpredictable periods of time... needs repeated pings [amable]}
{just realized that this also trines 28 Pisces where I have my PoSpirit, Kafka-surreal-situations, and *Scheat*~ oh no!! LOL!! *please don't give up on me!!, Mercy!!!!* ----
29 Pisces is QUINTILE Persephone-asLilith Capricorn, Quintile Iris on Gemini cusp7, biQuintile PLUTO, and holds Carter, Cruithne (stigma, core identity-- that has Dulcinea trine it, and f.s.Tolliman28.55-Scorpio), 621 Werdandi ('present' here-and-now outlook);
DePrez (Josquin~ the medieval composer),
Kundry (who took care of and was friends with her noble knights of the roundtable).

ADDED** LOL!!! >
38628 Huya 28.56 Cancer
service, 'awareness of something missing'?** ... 'the transformation of fixed-patterns from past-lives into a free & flexible 'expression' of Life!
{thankyou's to T.H., and S.F. > expressions, and expressing is 'good' heart-hugs to both of you}

TimeOUT, self-PSA--- DING-DING!!! *bell ringing*
I definitely 'deserve' an astrological educational full-ride scholarship (equipment, and all-inclusive opportunity), towards earning my Certification.
LongRange: I want to write copious essays on 'how' my particular asteroids have worked-out in THIS lifetime, (thus adding to Knowledge for my astro-tribe/family).
I have at least ~10 years left (barring unforeseen health-issues) after the 60-YEARS I've already-lived. I'm "coming down the home-stretch" of Life, and would very much like to "debrief" my natal chart in writing (possibly publishing this somewhere) before I ~shuck this mortal-coil!! LOL
And OF COURSE, I have a HUGE humanitarian Heart-- helps wherever help-is-needed.
And loves to talk philosophy religion and mystical universe.

Cancer 29+ =

Cyane (was BFF of Proserpina(cj my Sun) before the abduction by Hades) (trine the 'broken-heart' AND the 'teaching others by events-experiences that have gone wrong and needs repairing' degree of 29-Scorpio in my natal chart), Kalm, Vishnu, Archimedes (up or downwards spiraling), Mercedes *grin*;

Dulcinea (DonQuixote's sweetheart, who had self-value self-esteem problems, who's life-perspective got 'awakened' and changed from one of being stuck with labels and poverty and mistreatment, to (through imagination) became inwardly-rich and enlivened with a 'can-do' positive-spirit village-worker in her time).

I'm having t Jupiter and t DonQuixote-Return ON/in degree of my Pluto LEO, PoFortune, Melpomene, Haumea. Which all trines my NN-GC. And Sedna.


If there were critical degrees in my chart, with all the planets right now, my rm and I are having double-whammy VERTEX stimulations in our respective natal charts.

His VERTEX is ON his 6th House Cusp 17+ Scorpio. His Uranus is 17+ Cancer on cusp of H2.
Mine is in the Eighth House degree before Uranus, which is connected to a HUGE configuration in my chart.

(I came to live here with him BECAUSE he needed domestic friend-support during his medical-disability times, and extreme financial-hardships he had which I was able to narrowly-guide him through.
... His Sun is ON my Virgo Karma-AnneFrankes(journaling) asteroid H9 LEO Cusp 25+ ~~ His Ascendant is my Mercury! I've been *communicating* about him in a journaling-type style. AnneFranks' Diary was named Kitty which is ON my 6th House Cusp H5side 22+ Taurus, with the name of city of my Locale ON this degree too. *amazing*)
5535,3811,9563 ...

His name-asteroid is ON the degree of this NewMoon... ~like, his name-return is happening '23 Cancer' and has just turned into degree of my Vertex.

I have asteroid Angel-Vertex.
(Which Quintiles my Venus Taurus (who has t-Alona visiting her right now, which is Alona OPP Alona-Saturn-Osiris Soulie). (Natal Saturn trines H8)
(Angel-Vertex also Quintiles my Hygeia-Harmonia Libra 10th).
The transiting NODES at 3-Libra/Aries are about to cross my MC/IC, which squares my Mars Cancer.

My Eighth House Cusp is 15.48 Cancer, which trines 'Alona' (awwww), Saturn, Osiris, Soulie, and Echo in H11 Scorpio -- In this locale my Neptune 25+Libra is IN my House 11, Koch system has 25 Libra on my 11th, and Sedna 25+ Aries relocates to cusp of H5.

All these transiting stellium of planets in Cancer Mercury-Mars will be on the cusp of my Eighth and in touch with my own 8th stellium. *fascinating~~ scary? a bit, but WOW, lovin' the astro-feastings!! Like an entertainment park ride~~ wheeeee yaaahhhhh*

The transiting Mercury-Mars Cancer is ON my 3819 Robinson 14.19 Cancer...
(Exploitation, being taken advantage of, 'isolation'...., being lost or thrown back onto one's own resources) *yes, it's THERE!!! LOL with my Beloved-Friends right now, who are following my chart's antics*

'No' doesn't mean no-Forever.... It means be patient, and wait.

And THAT is a HUGE course-correction Cancer-type lesson that I'm just now beginning to see and learn.

STORY.... I had gone to counseling therapy in the early 1982(?) dealing with the aftermath of some catastrophic losses.
My Taurus-therp did it on-purpose (as an experiment) to tell me "no" after any-and-every request I'd make of him.
... AFTER TWO MONTHS!!, he finally brought up the fact that he notices that I never ask-again. I wholly 'accepted' whatever he said as first-words of his mouth.
...He said just because a person said no, doesn't mean you cannot ever ask-again.

Thing is with me, I can feel it now-- my deepest-inner self hasn't learned that life is filled with options to pursue. I live in this tiny-tiny small metal-clad world. I can 'sense' this as almost part of my body inside. Gripped tight, and closed for protections.

I've excelled at 'deprivation' and 'delaying gratifications' --- I incorporate this DEEP into my cells, my musculature. It's an unconscious pattern--- Even if I mentally-ascent, I still sense my "options" CLOSED-OFF inside of me..... 'Narrowing' all my prospects. This may be a part of the 'timing' thing I've had? or else I'm just making ME the-baddie here.

I seem to hear the word NO, or 'sense' it from tone of voice, then I BLOCK that 'option' from my direct-acting consciousness as though 'it does not exist'. Talk about 'something missing?' I have a dissociative blackhole.... oooh nooooo
(So excited right now... This is part of my configuration being STIMULATED right now, as Sun & Moon are within orb of natal vertex-Uranus. ... tHygeia LEO 7.50 sextiles my Hygeia 7.50 and my SUN!! hurray for Healings to come....)

(My Gemmy Mother (her Mars on my Sun) with early Cancer Moon was the kind who when she said NO, That meant NO was forever.... and IF you 'ask again' you were 'cruzin' for a bruisin' -- I instinctually avoided setting her off in every-any way possible!! --- Her name-asteroid is 28+ (Pisces) near my IC-Aries 2.30, squares my MarsCancer 2.30. She was someone I was very-frightened of.. she was easily-triggered to Anger (asteroid 3258 Anga-Ceres 25+ Capricorn trine my Moon Virgo 24.56 .... and I also have 195777 Sheepman at 25.01rx Capr)
Part of the ultra-tight 25+ Cardinal Grand Cross I have: Ceres-Neptune-Uranus-SednaH4 OR Koch System has 25+/H11-5 cusps.}

Different chart.....
According to my Locality-cusps, transiting PLUTO has already crossed into my H2 at 12Capricorn.... transiting Uranus is almost done but will retrograde H4 some more. H5 is 22 Aries in my Locale. H6 is 17 Taurus. H8 is 12 Cancer..., so the transiting planets are all in there now. *Transsssformations*

In this Locale, my Saturn-rx Scorpio and my Neptune-rx Libra are in the 11th (which is supposed to be Saturn's "best" house -- the 11th, if you're a teacher in the Collective. My Saturn 16+ trines Vesta Cancer in H8... devotion to this 'transformative' Task.

In this Locale 21.42 MC Virgo/IC Pisces> transiting CHIRON Pisces at 21.21 has just re-entered H3-Locale .... My Locale Asc 11.10 Sag... my Sun 7.51 Gem opp BML 8.57 Sag. Yes, I was born about a week before a Major Eclipse.

Funny thing is that this locale 21.42 Pisces "fits" the angle of my relo chart as a child at age 7 1/2. .... My locality belongs to the Universal Oceans of Pisces.

If there was anything IN me ready to go awry or to become re-started for success, it IS IN 'this magical week'...

Today is Wednesday. Thursday my VERTEX, 8th House Cusp, just... everything for a Perfect-Storm is set up in my chart.

By Friday afternoon, the Sun will TRIGGER my Cardinal Grand Square.... Uranus Cancer 25.02 Neptune Libra, Ceres Capricorn, Sedna Aries.

I'm ALSO having my asteroid 4580 Child-rx 23.14 Scorpio Return H12 22.38 with h13 'True'-Lilith 22.57 Scorpio H12.
(BOTH asteroid 4580 Child(s) scorpio 24+ with t-Devine are TRINE this New Moon) I have natal 3561 Devine and 5261 Eureka! at 25+ Taurus.
My Child H12 Quintiles Chiron-rx AQUA 5.19 in Capricorn H2.

t Alona is ON my Venus Taurus today, and opposes itself. 'WHEN' I recover myself from this week and the next, I want to 'energetically' say that I have broken the bonds of habits... (I am so blessed to be having these transits right now.) I want to truly truly truly 'be' the success in my own life. Doing it Alona?... hmmm. Only to feel that way temporarily.

This New Moon also triggers my Composite Sun with rm!!!! Composite SUN 23.45 - SN 24.02 co-Mercury 24.57 of CANCER. All in the H5 Cancer 11 (by locale). Pisces Asc 10.

I wish things could have been different between us....

After my last-dating experience vomiting copiously for several hours, I don't think I'm ready for that perhaps! He might have "cured" me from seeking a romantic partner physically, even though it's an experience that could Sirius-ly uplift my whole life countenance and attitude. trust-issues... doubts whether or not the heavenly matchmaker is still in business, hahaha --- no more carpets being pulled from under my feet when I most-needed to be standing~~ no no..... Re-boots
*awwww, don't mind her: she thinks it's 'impossible' to find her perfect-match* GOD??? You pick'em for me, in the right time and season! *good thing to be FOUND!*

Soooooo, This is another diva-length post, probably.

Update-- I have a new-doctor's appointment tomorrow-- the Moon will be LEO by the time I see him, so not-void.

I have cancelled a re-visit to the neurologist to sometime in the next few weeks.

I woke up without feeling that my BRAIN was throbbing and on fire this morning {sooo YAY!!}, that's big Improvement!

Popcorn-Migraines are still occurring in right eye, (typing around the flashcubes), but I'm doing soooooo much better. This is probably being astrologically stimulated!!
I looked through past ephemeris for NODES being on my LIBRA/aries... That happened WHEN I was first-diagnosed with migraine. They come and go. I think I've 'figured it out' astrologically!! haha (Will do a post on that, another time.)

The 'hood has had its on-off times. I'm glad the criminals seeeeem to have receded a bit... ty God!!! in time for sky of Mars opp Pluto, and soon Mars square Uranus Aries.... (God, please continue to keep my area 'safe' ~ Amen)

For Everyone who's Wonderful Beautiful InnerChild Needs a {{HUG!!!}} I'm a Cuddler! *`still there*

(music) You And Me Against The World (Helen Reddy) [3:12]

edit-add 655pm (corrected~ a couple astro-angles! hope I caught them all now. sorry~) I'm 'perfecting' not perfect. And I hate the feeling of sloppiness here. I can do MUCH better than that. LL needs print-preview! LOL

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted July 16, 2015 01:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You have a lot going on!

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posted July 17, 2015 08:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ Yes, lots going on, especially profound in my Soul...

Asteroid 7742 Altamira
I had called the new-doctor's office twice to make sure my insurance was going to be accepted. Arrived and filled all the paperwork. Then just before seeing the doctor, he said his office doesn't accept my insurances-- even with his ads (and staff) saying that they do. I was not upset one bit~!... in fact, it delighted me! and juiced my enthusiasm about astrology and validating meanings of asteroids even more!

And before the appointment, I waited outside the building in this Beautiful area (gazebo) overlooking a large lake (nature was so refreshing), watching small airplanes coming down to land on the runway across the lake. I kept hearing the word 'threshhold' as I watched them land.

I thought how the transiting Moon was probably in the last moments of Cancer (29+ degrees) (off this NewMoon Cancer 23-degrees, in my 8th House, conjunct VX-Uranus ... and Jupiter). Suddenly I wasn't alone. A man was standing there with me. I asked him when his birthday was? ... He was a Cancer, and around 30 years old. Using the astrology I knew, I "felt" like an astrologer and medium (a-la Theresa Caputo), and described some of the energy going on with him. He was really resonating to what I said. I used metaphors that 'happened' to speak exactly to what he could relate. Our conversation had only lasted maybe 3 to 5 minutes, but he thanked me very deeply, saying that this definitely fit what he needed to do. It seemed to really ground him, and center him. I was so deeply thankful inside... As I walked away, I felt whole... And it resonated with me, 'I can do this.'

Even though the doc-appointment fell through, my appointment to/for this man was fulfilled. I really helped him, with just a few minutes of intense contact..... so grateful.

Alex D'Atria astrologer links 7742 Altamira to "insurance company's 'lack of understanding' or indifference..."

Natal is 7742 Altamira Cancer 16.23 H8[15.48] -- trines my Saturn.

This newbie-doctor is part of a brand-new type of (managed-care?) clinic in the area. I think they look for 'simple' health people, and not someone who's had as many drug-reactions as I have in the past. It's perhaps a step-up from walk-in care for simple-things. I "realized" that these did not understand the way my co-insurance 'automatically' works. I don't know why it's so hard for them to understand, but I've had run-ins with this particular type of medical-groups before (and they seem so scared to call this excellent co-pay insurance group to validate... thus, they lose customers).

But I felt very much at-Peace with this. Things happened 'as they should'... My Part of Necessity is 15.41 Cancer on degree before H8 cusp 15.48, with Altamira 16.23 just before Vesta 17.25 Cancer H8.

heh-heh.... After I 'discovered' HOW MANY of my "problems" stemmed from the meds I was being given, and cleared myself from these (INCLUDING the simple otc antihistamine (Benedryl), which was giving me major-blocks of amnesia-- with sleepwalking, and 'amnesia' for having had amnesia LOL!!) (O gosh, yes, I believe I can delineate all of that in my chart, too-- so amazing??)

So!...., I went to my files and pulled out the original insurance instrument doc. Date of issue was July 15, 1999.

I didn't cast a chart for the day, but compared my transits to natal chart. There are some amazing asteroid-returns and squares, but I'll mention HERE that transiting Altamara was 8.16 Gemini (my Sun 7.51), and the Sun was PROBABLY 23-Degrees CANCER!!! (this NewMoon!)) ... A lot more astrology here showing the incredible 'longevity'-factors I've had with this business partnership. Amazing. (I drew up the charts, and stuffed them into my folder. ..... I've been a natural documenter in my lifetime, UNTIL Chiron, Uranus and Neptune began to 'melt-me down' LOL when they crossed my 3rd House Aqua Cusp 25+ degrees. (I have Pisces interc). The transiting nodes are now on my MC/IC these couple of days.)

And so, extra-anyways...
I 'knew' there was a catholic church there just a bit down the street where that building made a T with the highway. I went to explore that street, and found this church only 5 minutes walk down from there.

I checked in with the parish receptionist to see if the church was open to go pray and meditate a bit.... She said yes. I went into their sanctuary, and had an 'amazing' next few hours... (I will describe later.)

I have so much to write and catch up for people here. Beautiful-Souled brothers and sisters who care soooo much. I am sooo AMAZINGLY blessed right now.... And I thank you ALL so profoundly! So Valuable!!!, all the astrology and philosophy and religion mentor-teachers giving of themselves SOOO LIBERALLY on the internet. God Reward You ALL, with the Best-Karma that Heaven can reward with. May you all prosper in your finances, your Health, your Souls, your Lives. I Love You....

(The Sun ON my Vertex-URANUS.) You are SUCH SUCH SUCH Amazing and Loving folk to me!! I feel that I've loved you all for ever, and always will be soooo incredibly profoundly GRATEFUL that you've been a part of my journey.... my Blessed and Beautiful journey.... What a God! What a Universe we Serve Together--- shoulder to shoulder, arm in arm, heart-in-Heart!

I will be back to describe more, and hopefully answer more questions. (*'hood willin'*... they've been keeping me up again... in my bedroom window till 4am this morning... Headache that had 'just' gone away got re-triggered, but at-least I KNOW it goes away if I can 'get good sleep' LOL).

(music) For Every Mountain (Kurt Carr, lyrics) [5:16]

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted July 18, 2015 04:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted July 19, 2015 02:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I like that name.

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted July 20, 2015 12:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This thread takes many turns. I like it.

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