Topic: Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others
Ayelet Moderator Posts: 4080 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted August 02, 2015 09:52 PM
It is a good and interesting dream about your grandma... Did she have a unique sense of humour?Thought about that last song you posted. Of Peter Grant. I didn't really catch the words. Just thought it was pretty and enjoyed the clip. I think I used to wish to be accepted as an artist, but right now I don't know who I am anymore. You write so positively, even when you share so-called-"negative" events. I may know how to express my feelings. But elevating them is a different story. I once had very elevated feelings. But I am not sure they were so for the right reason. Might explain my apocalypse. I know practically nothing about asteroids. I understand there are so many of them. Where do I start? I have no intention to analyse my horoscope. But I wonder if there is a good book or site I can use. Have a good day!!! IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 03, 2015 02:16 PM
Post your chart in Personal Readings.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 03, 2015 02:22 PM
Hi there Ayelet! :heart: Didn't get the chance/inclination to post here yesterday, but I did read your message over in Oranges Forum, and I hope to get back there to answer... You asked the question about asteroids here before! They truly are amazing. But, I've been looking at them and working these since April 2, 2010 (haha, the date I purchased this book...) I've been such a documenter in my life... a Gemmy info-gatherer! But Neptune transiting my third house (as well as the 'neighborhood' melting down my brains with their woofer-actions and parties disturbing my rest-abilities) seems to have slowly eroded not only my health here, but my ability to keep every little scrappy-recorded detail that I used to have. I've thrown away so much documentation *drama, drama* noooooo. But I still have plenty left in other ways. (Although, yeah~~ I'm still very very detail-oriented, just in a different way, now. I do the very very best I can 'under' and 'after' the circumstances I have had here. Now, I feel so crrrapppy. ~Yet happy. :laughing: Really hoping I can heal all this ~weird happening to my Head. I hope it's a matter of needing to rest, (and maybe some strange energy from transits), rather than a physical thing. (Oh y'all know I *think* too much.... O help!! LOL ~~ I just worry about doing a REALLY good job. I am Known for Excellence~ I just want to be Excellent, in every way.) Just today?... o yuk~head, for me.... as the woofers growl-on. Stop it, stop it! you're making me worry too much~! *oh gosh, is that a bad sign now? I'm 'talking' to the air-woofers?... ugh* tielenols.... And a sandwich be in order. Sometimes I feel as though transiting Neptune in third house of my Mind, Intellect and Communications too, is doing good things and bad things here. I guess what matters is the side of the fence you're looking over. Gemmy natural 3rd, with Aquarius cusp sign for me, with Pisces intercepted there, has had me change order, into a new kind of keeping-up with things... It's like having to have taken 'what I've learned' with my head, and (uncomfortably, because it's new to me) and putting it into a newer type of context. Sometimes has me thinking I'm sooo dumb, when actually?, I'm even smarter-- but in a different way. (I sure hope these next Neptune square my SUN leaves me with 'some' sort of identity?... And I'm laughing here, only because I feel so much Love inside me. I want the Identity that GOD would have for me to hone more. Maybe giving up more and more of my old, for HIS New.) My lower mind is having to route things through a higher-mind type flow, 'while' being myself. Soooo strange. One pisces foot, and a virgo foot. Pisces foot in 3rd, Virgo foot in 9th. But, such LOVE, so much LOVE is pouring out of the Air-Aquarian and Piscean Waters of my mind's Mind.... The gears, connecting to tiny-gears, connecting to the Universe at Large. Over these years I've lived, I started out life being hungry for the meta-things, and went all knowledge~y... *ahem* The Intellectual. But now that 'hood-woofers (j/k) have melted my brrrain matter (test results of MRI-showing), plus with that Neptune and Age saying 'look within'?..., it's like a whole Shifting has and is occurring with me... On one hand, I am sooooo happy, because it shifts my Life BACK INTO (forward-motion) the world of Phenomena again... but leaves me (this is fear) feeling like head-vegetable right now. (Although, after I read things that I 'think' are veggie?, they actually sorta turn out to 'be okay' afterall-- so, just something I'm dealing with here... as I hear the high-whining in my ears.) Maybe in the past several years I haven't been AS super-precise with notes as I used to have. It's all there now, but in the form of astrology-charts I've continued to print out, and keep in chron binder over these years. Notes between notebooks, and the charts. I MUST forgive myself for being *less* of a note-taker as I used to... But what's important, is 'there'. When I worked in the 'regular' world, I had such a good a reputation with documenting things, that two businesses I worked for won cases in court based on notes in customer files. I recall coworkers saying I had wasted too much time doing this... but 'in the end'?, the little bit of extra-time I had taken (in order to help ping my memory and have all the facts straight if the customer called again) was worth 10s and 100s of thousands of dollars in awards and damages. Yep, it may not have seemed at the time like I was worth keeping, but much time (and after I was gone), they saw the advantage I gave them. quote: Originally posted by mirage29: page 24, this thread, May 3, 2015 251amDo those Fairy dust showers!!! :read: Ayelet! You asked about good books on asteroids?... Definitely start with this paperback!! Demetra George & Douglas Bloch, called Asteroid Goddesses : The Mythology, Psychology, and Astrology of the Re-emerging Feminine.. Asteroid Goddesses (for short) is copyrighted in 1986, 2003 by Demetra George. The book has 345 pages in it. (I have what's called the 'New Edition with Updated Ephemerides of 16 Asteroids 1930-2050.')
Have a Nice WEEK!-- :love: (music) Shower The People (James Taylor, North Sea Jazz 2009) [4:52] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 03, 2015 03:00 PM
quote: Originally posted by mirage29: This song, and the images of a clock, a watch, with all the little working gears making one turn the other, have been involved in a very solid surreal day like one that I have not experienced before. You know that I get experiences?... I feel soooo humbled-incredibly, and like some lids are being taken off my boxes...(music) Windmills Of Your Mind (Peter Grant) [3:01] . . . . Truly truly truly.... God, Thankyou for everyone, and everything in my life right now. ...
Thank you for your comments, Randall. The 'unwinding' of Time that Venus-retro is doing is quite Marvelous! Yes, I'm trusting the processes. For the past two ~creepy days musically, this song has been turning in the gears of my Past mind. (music) Greensleeves (Nolwenn Leroy, lyrics) [3:33] (music) The Two Trees (Loreena McKennitt, lyrics) [9:04] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 04, 2015 05:20 PM
quote: Originally posted by mirage29: Thurs 7/27 555pm(music) On A Clear Day (Shirley Bassey, 1973 TV Special) [4:02]
I didn't say it until now, but at the time I was posting this song sung by Miss Shirley, I was receiving more revelation about the Infinite Lavish Exquisite All-Complete Love that God has for ALL of us... His Creation, and MORE, His very own Treasured Valuable Children. God showed me HOW MUCH How Vast and Wide that He Loves 'Us'! MORE than The Cosmos Itself. His LOVE is towards US, more than all the Beauty of Space Itself. Go back to the song, and 'observe' how after soundmark 00:50 and at soundmark 1:00 the singer overlaces her hands/fingers over her midsection. ... Now, I have this 'Traveler-Saint' step-astrologer Friend *smile* who has been doing a ~daily astrological show called Namaste Today. I recall the 'last' time he did his Chakra-correspondence images, the chakra lit was the Yellow-Color chakra (at mid-abdomen). 'That image' had remained impressed in my memory. I realize it's also the seat of Power, and self empowering. So, many here already know that I've been dealing with healing issues of self-worth, and self-esteem (which I've made giant strides in healing, and loving my own self-- over these past 6 months, especially). I was already-rooted in a special Direct experience I'd had from my Father-God, back March 1-3, 2001, when I first visited this locale to attend a special weekend workshop on Dreams and their interpretations. I had come here really, in order to 'check out' the church-family (tribe), (as it was being offered by their pastor, who was a televangelist). I also wanted to feel the vibe of the area too, to see if it could suit me energetically. (I was looking forward to a relocation either there, or to Dallas, at the time.) This particular minister/motivational speaker is a connoisseur when it comes to world-class music and creating energetic worship atmospheres. The kinds where Heaven opens when we open the windows of our soul to perceive it. He was leading the morning worship, and 'suddenly' I found myself taken 'all the way' out into an ecstatic state experience. (First time that ever happened to me like that.... I went 'out'.) {Will describe} -- God's Heavenly place appeared just like those artistic renditions of stormy billowing formidable cumulus cloud-formation places. ...The minister had said Words from scripture's book Song of Solomon~~ You are Bone of my Bone, Flesh of my Flesh, and YOU Belong To ME!!! ...and I passed-into 'that place'... ...While I communed, GOD was saying this to ME. That I "Belonged" to Him. There seemed a sense of grieving that I wasn't 'accepting' this Love, accepting HOW~MUCH He loved me. It made Him sad, that I would be feeling sooo unloved and separated from the security and grounding of Knowing this. ... Suddenly, it had become like I was Aware of it. And God became aware that I was awake to it. ~Finally. The Love from The Father-Aspect of the Triune GODHead, came in me, and through me. From that moment on, I NEVER again doubted that God Loves ME, That He is Loving (not only LOVE itself), but that HE has a Genuine Rooting Fatherly Love and Emotional Investment in EACH ONE of us!!! It took me years to be bonded with Him in this way. I had had my Conversion-Experience at age ~32? (1987)... But this Rooting in Father-God's Energy happened just-before my 46th Birthday (right when I was getting ready to move here). The FACT & FEELING that God Loves Me (and you, btw), was finally 'settled' in me. God is My Father. I was sooo happy to have had 'that experience' with Him, because I was about to move into one of the LEAST-Loved periods of my entire lifetime, after I moved here, lasting these 14 years. My inner worlds and outer worlds were crashing and colliding then. Pluto over my Ascendant, Neptune on my Chiron. The USA 9/11 Event was only six-months away. If it weren't for His Love's intervention, the knowing-security that He IS Love, and is always there (whether I 'feel' it or not), I wouldn't be alive to tell this story. Psalm 27:10> Even if/when your parents abandon you, He will Never Abandon you... You, are HIS, Completely. This was my first time having such a complete-Gone experience 'like-that'...
The effects of it lasted for at least 4 months, in my case. There was a strange glow to my eyes, sorta like what I recognized in minister Kathryn Kuhlman's eyes, when she would do her healing from/by The Holy Spirit of God in the mass-meetings she's have. 'I Believe In Miracles!' is how she'd open her TV show. I "Understand" 'What' That Beautiful-Is that shone in her eyes. You want to really get and 'be High?'... Then forget artificial drugs. That's not 'real'.... Learn to Worship and REALLY REALLY get a hold of GOD, First-Hand for your self. Nobody can do it for you... You can access it better in a worship service. (For those outside my 'religious' circles, I've danced in Sufi meetings, and yes I LOVED and soared in Spirit with drumming~ wow!) It takes 'work' and preparation and living-right in your soul. In this way, you 'earn' it... but the LOVE of God is Free for the Asking and partaking. It's sooo simple. Just "ask." Just "love." God-experience cannot be bought except by being diligent and pursuing such in your thoughts and attitudes, and deep prayer/contemplation/meditation. It's a consecration that happens within. He Calls, You Respond in your deep place. You can go to churches, have people pray over you-- but, when YOU-personally go deep, down-into your own deep inner-Sanctuary, and simultaneously lift UP your Heart to God, you will find Rewards you never ever Knew. DO the Work of Seeking Him, of Wanting, Wooing, craving that Special Fellowship with the ONE-God that Connects Us All. One Taste of Spirit, of what-is "HOLY", and this will Good-ruin you forEver. .....And you'll find, you'll See, that you are Part of a Layer of Consciousness of same-Others. We are Connected, IN The Spirit of Creator & Father God. On a clear day, how it will astound you, that THE GLOW of your BEing OUT-SHINES every Star!!... When Miss Shirley touched her abdomen, she touched the Power of me/I AM.... In me, I have a Worth and BEing that OUT-SHINES the Beauty of every single Star!.... I started thinking about the Beauty and the rapturous feelings I have when I think about Space, and the Moon, and the planets and all the stars. How Utterly Beautiful they are, and how miniscule I felt in comparison.... Then God's Spirit came alongside me, and witnessed in me. That WE are MORE-BEAUTIFUL than those objects out in space. The Love and the Openings of our Hearts at the viewing or thoughts-about these objects, is NOT Compared to the LOVE that GOD has for us. He Created US, to be like Him, to be Companions and Conscious WITH Him. He Allows us to be a separate-Consciousness and yet-Same with Him, so that WE and HE may Enjoy Pleasures together for always. We are so treasured and Loved by God. It is a True Love Relationship. The LOVE of God to People, and The People with One Another... May the Blessing of God Be Upon You May His Peace Abide With You May His Presence Illuminate Your Heart Now, and Forever More --Sufi Blessing (music) My Eyes Were Made To See... (Yogananda Chant set to song) [3:18] WE-Are, This Shiny-Man . . . (music) When He Shines (Sheena Easton) [3:56] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 11, 2015 11:08 PM
Sound sensitivity is really ratched up... I'm suspecting the transiting nodes over my MC/IC which square my early Mars Cancer (and Mercury Gemini, wide). Things right this minute are much better than they had been over the weekend. That was really tough.On Saturday, I went to a memorial mass for one of the daily early morning Mass attenders. So sad. Even though the person was old, she was still their long-time friend. She had died on July 18... big astro transits that day. She was an Aquarius Sun, Scorpio Moon. Placements in Aries and Cancer were activated. I dealt with party in backwindow and had a rockin' migraine, but went to that memorial anyway. (I felt like I was the one with the hangover!) When I came back from that, I couldn't even stand to hear my own voice inside my head when I talked. I'd never had anything that strong like that before. I logged onto computer and SAW that Mars had just-entered LEO. Our air-conditioning was out too, so that motor kept banging and cranking really hard for nothing. (I feel better now, so that's good. Still not trying out that med the doc wants me to take. Too scared of the side-effects, but if I'm ever 'that bad' again, I may be tempted to try it. I'm hoping it's the transits (t nodes squaring my Mars. Learning about medical-astrology by 'feel' here, heh heh. Actually, I think that's pretty interesting... I've 'noticed' things.) I think I missed a possibly important phone call during that time? (Noticed later.) Sorry. Went to call back later, but line was constantly busy. ...Thanks for the prayer there. My rm had won a little money in the lottery (is a virgo~), and as a surprise, he'd treated me to a monthly bus pass (mid-July), which helped so much with my feeling I could get out into the community. I thought it was good discipline to get up and outside every morning. I had been just going out on morning prayer stomps, but with the monthly bus pass, it allows me to go out to church to pray and worship, with others there too. Yesterday, a lady who sees me at mass called over to me, then gave me some money (spontaneously) towards my buying a bus ticket, stipulating that she wanted to 'see me there every morning'! LOL ~ I think they are enjoying the zeal I add to the atmosphere. Cheery smile... can be infectious. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 12, 2015 04:51 PM
You're welcome. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 12, 2015 08:18 PM
Leo Moon.... Time to Play, to DreamI was 10 years old when this one came out. Thought I'd have some fun here, reacquainting myself with sense of what's Beautiful... inside and out. Thought I should save these for the Full Moon Pisces?, but then, this is Royal for a King & a Queen. To Venus rx in Leo.... (music) Ten Minutes Ago (Stuart Damon & Lesley Warren, R&H Cinderella 1965) [3:41] (music) Do I Love You Because You're Beautiful? (Stuart Damon & Lesley Warren, R&H Cinderella 1965) [2:47] (music) Sweet Dreams (The Eurythmics, live 1984) [3:49] .... (music) Time of My Life (Dirty Dancing, Final Dance) [6:48] (music) Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Aah, Ting Tang (Witch Doctor, lyrics ) [3:07] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 13, 2015 09:41 AM
Great tunes!IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 13, 2015 11:57 PM
Prayers for President Jimmy Carter who has been diagnosed with liver cancer. Sobbed for a few hours this morning... Poured over his astrological charts. He's having his Pluto opp Pluto, a Uranus-Chiron double-whammy, his Venus Leo return, and the New Moon LEO 21+ tomorrow is on his Neptune Leo. He has Venus conjunct Neptune in Leo in 10th House, 28 Cancer MC. (I'll talk about his chart again later.) Carter asteroid is 26 Cancer 9th House! Prayers. Many Prayers for this blessed soul man. ... IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 14, 2015 10:43 AM
IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 15, 2015 03:46 AM
There are no words.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 16, 2015 12:22 PM
May he rest in peace. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 16, 2015 07:43 PM
President Carter is still very much alive, Randall. They announced his cancer diagnosis on August 11/12. Saw on the news that he showed up to his weekly Bible Study group. He looked in great energy! I really appreciated that they shared this diagnosis early, instead of hiding it. This gives us all the chance to 'realize' what he means to us, and to be able to say what we need to say to him, while he's very much alive. Laughing... He's too onery to let this diagnosis keep him down. I pray for no pain, for this sickness to be put to rest and remission, and for it to BE defeated. Give him an amazing miracle, Lord! I hope he dies HEALTHY, and only at a time when HE says he's ready to go! AND....
Happy Birthday to Rosalynn Carter, on Tuesday, August 18th! {{I love you, Mrs. Carter!! }} IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 17, 2015 11:27 AM
Oops! I took his diagnosis as a death sentence (in my mind). Shame on me! Glad he's strong. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 17, 2015 06:47 PM
^ Oh Randall, that's completely reasonable! Cancer diagnosis used to be an automatic death-sentence in our bye-gone era. And President Carter has lived a long life, so 'age' would be a factor too. His birthday is coming Oct 1st (1924). He'll be 91 years old, hoooooo~yah.,_Jimmy His mom, dad, and 3 siblings all died from disease of cancer of the pancreas! Pres Jimmy has lived well-past all their expirations. His brother Billy lasted over a year from the time of his diagnosis. Many times, pancreatic cancer is not diagnosed until it's in the end-stages. Many people opt not to take any life-extension measures. For me, I would childishly HOPE the Prez does decide to take 'safe' life-extension drugs, if they won't interfere with his feeling 'vital' and able to participate in his interests still. I can't imagine him not wanting to still be accomplishing 'something'... At least, that's the way I've perceived him. If he can't do one thing, he'll do another. Yes, I guess you can say he is a 'doer'... (The combination of Medical Science PLUS prayer, could help radically slow, if not abate, the dis-ease... That's from the rosy-glasses perspective, of course.) His mother's birthday-anniversary, Lillian Carter, was August 15 (1898). She died Oct 30, 1983, of the pancreatic cancer. She (and I) have Sagittarius Ascendant at 11+ Degrees. We both have a Southern Hemisphere (more planets at the top-half of the chart, above the asc/desc line). (USA has 12+SagAsc). Her chart was one of the ways I became interested and more aware of the Carters. Her chart led me to the charts of Jimmy, Rosalynn, then the USA Charts. (Was a long time ago now-- my original research is in my bins, not as accessible right now-- squished in my closet.),_Lillian President Carter had a sister (whose name-asteroid 798 Ruth is conjunct my 10683 Carter asteroid at 29.11' and 29.36' in zodiac sign of Pisces. (biQuintile Pluto Leo, quintile Persephone Capricorn, quintile Iris Gemini; square Mercury). 3753 Cruithne is 29.23 Pisces {?stigmas- is one of the labors of Rosalynn Carter involving the barriers social stigma presents in mental health treatment etc...}. Ruth Carter was actually a faith-healer who came under heavy criticisms for her incorporating the notion of metaphysics and New Age teachings into the Christian church (ref.RationalWiki). She was a Pentecostal minister who helped people with the 'healing of memories' in traumatized individuals, having them imagine then present these to Christ to have Him heal it. When I had searched the net for biographical info (thinking to do comparison charts of the family), I found so many 'asteroid names' that made surprising direct contacts to my own placements. Sometimes that can be a sign of 'why' you would have a draw towards these persons or their charts. Synchronicities can be surreal. (Anyways, I've got my rm here today, then he'll be off Wednesday too. (TV blaring in background, *adjust-adjust*.) News At Home....
Received notice last Friday that the govt lien on these apartments is now lifted, and the owners are going into bankruptcy. Nobody here knows what's going to happen now. If we'll be asked to leave? ... I bet things come to light in September (or by end of month), I guess. On Sa/Su September 12/13, 2015 The New Moon Eclipse 20.10' Virgo is happening at about the midpoint of my rm's Virgo 4th House (he's the leaseholder, I am 'guest'). NM Eclipse Virgo will be 5 degrees from my 25 Virgo Moon (trine Ceres), and DURING my Ceres Cappy return three arc-seconds from partile (which triggers my Cardinal Cross). Transiting Jupiter Virgo and Neptune Pisces will be opposed each other, both forming squares to my Sun Gemini and my BML Sagittarius. The FULL Moon eclipse for Su/M September 27/28, 2015, at 4.40' Aries is two degrees near my IC (in 4th House). (Is also ON the Sun of 'first-service' for the church I've been attending recently. Hoping good things for that congregation, always.) The headache I've had is from weariness and the stress I've been experiencing for the long-term now. (And!, I think I'll have to back-away from sipping that sacramental red-wine in the mornings. Redwines are a HA trigger for me, so I'm wondering if I should back-off the drops of wine, except for special occasions. Yes, I've not missed a day of church now since I started from that New Moon in Cancer 23+. ...Lord? I'm serious! *looking* .... (Lord, Please manifest the right home, the perfect job, the right people for my life. I am Available, and I will remain Open in my views and not too tight. ... Let Love, Let Light, Let Life Find Me and Touch me, while I stand in this incredibly tight & screwy place. Don't let the worry burden me unnecessarily, Lord.) Sometimes I wonder what they think of me... They know I love astrology and basically that's a wall of taboo with them. They enjoy my spirit, my enthusiasm.
I find myself having to hold-back so much... And maybe taking that energy and trying to transmute it can be a good thing. They have no idea how much I'd love to just break-out in the HolyGhost there ~hahahah. I must be very very subdued and ultra-conservative (which I can do). I wish I wouldn't have to squash myself there. Wherever I would go, I would always want to find some worshippers-- some folk who are radically in love with God. The Beauty of Holiness, spending time in the Presence, can feel as relieving as taking a shower when your body is achy. The beautiful holiness and reverence of BEing in the Garden of Gaia, walking with God.... With my morning experiences recently, The Mass ritual is actually very revealing and metaphysical to me. Comparing with what I learned in catechism, they have NO idea how 'sci-fi' church can actually be and take-on. *smile* ... And I have to reserve prayers for people to the silence of my heart or murmuring of my lips. (Or wait to be outloud in my apartment or deserted area.) There was an older lady who came up to tell me about her blood pressure in church Sunday, and I think I almost scared her, oh no. These are 'quiet' folk, and I must be one-half of one percent of how I feel inside. There is a strength present in my zeal and enthusiasm...and I must learn to scale back so much. So, it's a real exercise in self-control. Milder intensity. ... But so much Love. I'm glad that there were some reports of unusual improvements the other week at the hospital when the Eucharistic ministers went out. I had pointed and hollered over to them as they pulled out of the parking lot, Miracles!! You Expect Miracles to happen as you give Communion today!!!. Actually, this must have moved their faith by force of shock? , because catholics don't 'talk' like that. It's not their language. But it 'may' have brought some results?!, for I was very touched when I saw them a few days later, and they came to remark on the surprising progress that some patients had made after that. *Rod Sterling jingle* I also attended a beginner-workshop on astrology over the weekend at local metaphysical store. It was on Robert Grave's Celtic Zodiac. I'm a Hawthorn Tree, planet is Vulcan, my symbol is the Chalice, and the deity associated is Govannen. Presenter also briefly touched on the mythology and subject of civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria. I really liked that part of the class. She didn't say a whole lot about that except that the Atlanteans were East Coast (US) and 'intellectuals' and Lemurians were West Coast and 'sensuals'... I had to really smile-- which part of my past do I wish to explore now? (Maybe with all the fires out west, some should think about moving to my state? Check your relocation charts! ~You might like it here.) But the really cool thing was bumping into people from out of state who were visiting the store... One of them was a psychic who travels the coast teaching classes, and doing readings. I had a lite convo with her and a few others. Then the psychic came up to me and asked if I had a card? (I'm not anybody, so this felt strange.) She looked me in the eye and said a Healer should have always have a business card so that she can put herself out there for people when they ask about her. I was deep and felt almost choked, not really able to communicate, just feeling a fullness, thickness, a depth and quietness. She said something about we'll meet again some day, then quick-hug. The astrology class was starting, and I had to go. (She lamented that she hadn't brought any of her own cards, because this was just a pleasure trip for her, not business....) But this was all the Universe telling me that it Listens, and responds to the desires of my heart-- even gives me the desires, in the right seasons. So much to say... but sometimes, it's just about BEing a life, in a body, so-wanting to be useful. (music) Be (Neil Diamond, Jonathan Livingston Seagull-- Richard Bach) [4:51] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 18, 2015 09:54 AM
His mom was so smart. And his wife is, too. His brother--not so much!IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 18, 2015 11:38 PM
Was the first time I didn't attend church this morning. Decided to break my 'perfect' record. ... ugh, I need to shake off the yuks. Definitely need some more pleasure and Fun in my life! !- (music) Desperado (Linda Ronstadt, 1977) [3:46] (music) Love is Easy (McFly, lyrics) [3:48] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 19, 2015 08:58 AM
I'm sure it's okay not to be perfect.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 20, 2015 03:45 PM
Wow, Linda R. could really sing!IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 21, 2015 12:48 AM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: I'm sure it's okay not to be perfect.
I took a few days off... allowing self to get that extra hour and half of sleep, instead. (Still feeling yuk~) Went out on my 'hood walks later instead.Perfect.... That reminds me of this Lucas song! (music) You Make My Head Spin (Lucas Rossi, lyrics) [2:00]
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 22, 2015 09:17 AM
Me, too. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 23, 2015 12:41 AM
I happened to catch the news conference a few days ago where President Jimmy Carter spoke about his cancer diagnosis, and the therapy he'll be further receiving. They were able to remove the mass in his liver, but then found it had metastasized to spots in his brain. The doctors were to start radiation that afternoon.Of course, I have several asteroids I use for radiation, MRIs, etc. Transits were right ON for his chart... (I may do this in another post.) With the USA Chart, asteroid Altamira will be activated when Jupiter gets to 4 degrees Virgo. That's the asteroid having to do with having to protect something, and usually linked with insurances, medical insurance (not understanding, denying). I wrote about that one extensively in mid-July here. So anyways.... It would be good to have some convos with a few peeps there in SoCal? I have some questions, and would very much like to resolve things? You have my number, and my email. After missing church several days in a row earlier in the week, when I went back, they were happy to see me. One lady had thought about me and gave me a pair of pretty bone-colored sandals to wear. She knew they would fit me! ... Some people just have a talent for that sort of thing-- can look at you and instantly know your size. Soooo nice. And I was extremely touched. Another lady asked me about my decision, had I made my decision yet? ... I told her that they said they were having some money problems. She flapped her hand and said, O they all say that! I had written in the community book of prayers that I needed to make some decisions about a possible career move that could relocate me even to the West Coast to live... I sensed the smallest-slightest prickle in her with me saying that-- it was as though they would be sad to think I could leave them, maybe so soon. And they KNOW about my 'hood, and the migraines that came. (I think it has improved more without my tiny sips of red wine from communion cup. I won't rule that out.) Some of them will not volunteer to drive into my neighborhood because of the reputation it has. (This isn't the first church that's said that to me. I think they'd be fine-- they're just scared. *smiling* You get to 'know' the people around, after a while, and sense who's okay and who's not.) At least, I can say that (for me) Law Enforcement has been super-vigilant in a really good way here. They've stepped things up in the past two weeks-- feels like they're watching over me (at least I say that to increase feeling of security), so many of them around these days. Anyways, oh no I should be in bed. Getting up early for church. Just thought I'd stop by. I have a lot I want to say... Been posting in Divine Diversities forum, and in Oranges. Lexxi had left some urls to a Jung-test. I scored as an ENFJ. While reading what that meant, and being inspired by TD Jakes recent sermon again about Feeling and receiving, I think I got more needed insight-- which I will discuss at different time. This song has been running through my head. The ear longs to hear what the Heart already knows... (music) Love Is The Answer (England Dan & John Ford Coley) [4:34] z-z-z-z (music) Sleep (Eric Whitacre, lyrics) [5:46] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 23, 2015 10:25 AM
I'm ENFJ!IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 24, 2015 10:54 AM
ENFJs could take over the world.IP: Logged | |