Topic: Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 06, 2015 11:55 PM
Happy Hanukkah 2015! Season of Celebrating Light and Miracles! ... (music) Chanukah (Marty Goetz) [4:55] The story of Hanukkah... before the song. (music) Chanukah (Marty Goetz, messianic) [8:25] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 07, 2015 11:16 AM
quote: Originally posted by mirage29, Aug 16, 2015, 743pm, p.30: President Carter is still very much alive, Randall. *smile* They announced his cancer diagnosis on August 11/12. Saw on the news that he showed up to his weekly Bible Study group. He looked in great energy! . . . . Laughing... He's too onery to let this diagnosis keep him down. I pray for no pain, for this sickness to be put to rest and remission, and for it to BE defeated. Give him an amazing miracle, Lord! I hope he dies HEALTHY, and only at a time when HE says he's ready to go! *grin* *heart* "Former President Jimmy Carter says cancer is gone from his brain" Okay.... Now, I know that President Jimmy belongs perhaps to a more "conservative" type church? But when I heard this news, I was first in shock-awe, THEN, I was FILLED with how AMAZING God can be. Here's a man who fights tooth-n-nail, one by one, eradicating the Guinea Worm. In the mean time, God (through the marvel of medicine today) took care, through Faith, to see that this Beautiful Man has his life EXTENDED.... There's just too much for him to do! It's not time to leave yet. When he leaves, he has the right to Leave Healthy!! No one has to die of sickness. Healing is our Bread.... (clip) Jimmy Carter says recent brain scan shows no sign of cancer (FoxNews, posted Dec 6, 2015) [0:29] So!.... After the shock-awe, this song came back to my memory, and my spiritman started doing a dance! (Thank you God!, Thank you!!!) (music) Look What The Lord Has Done!! (lyrics) [3:20] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 07, 2015 01:08 PM
I've had a spiritually amazing morning...The tSun 15+ Sagittarius crossed the point of The Great Attractor. my 1932 Jansky-rx 15.58 Sagittarius H1 broadcasting, divine revelation or perception of such, receiving 'messages from beyond,' losing oneself, expressing innate gifts. You know how they have speech to type software now? I wish I had that!-- but MORE, I wish my Thoughts and Inspirations had immediate-type, too. Soooo much to share. (I REALLY need to start carrying a notebook again.) tMercury in Sagittarius 26+ is on my North Node-Galactic-Center Sagittarius H1. nMercury which conjuncts my natal South Node 27,26 is experiencing this "Balance" ... of tMercury-NN/GC to nMercury-SN Gemini. My POST-Natal Eclipse was to my SN-Mercury... Which conjunct the Fixed Stars Polaris and Betelgeuse. 201 Penelope Gemini 26.29 H7 Gemini True South Node 26.32 1589 Fanatica 26.34 364 Isara 26.48 goddess of oath; queen of the mountains Mean South Node 27.31 Gemini MERCURY 27.54 Gemini - biquintile Chiron Aqua, trine Neptune 25+ Libra, sextile Pluto 24+ Leo. F.S. POLARIS (Polestar) 27.56' Gemini F.S. Betelgeuse 28.07' Gemini Before I 'realized' the transit I was having, (and after having my faith boosted being elated at the news of PresCarter's medical report), I felt 'enveloped' thickly by the worshipping-atmosphere of this song as I took my morning walk... (from Yogananda chant...) I have made Thee polestar of my Life!Though my sea is dark, and my stars are gone, 'STILL' I see the path through Thy Mercy! We are ON the Path and within the energetic parameters of an energetic World Peace-- which will flow down into manifestation as we hold that Ideal. We may not 'see' it right now, glass-darkly, but as each one individually aligns to our/their inner-DivinePolestar, we discover an automatic attunement (at-one-ment) and find that we BE in resonance to the Great & HOLY I AM. Whatever~whichever way YOU do that, DO it. For me, we are IN the Season of Christmas.
My 'expression' of it, is through that of Christianity. I Jesus. For the Christians who celebrate, we stand amazed at what GOD accomplished towards Bridging the Divide-in-Consciousness between the World and Creator. In the ancient books of prophecy, this Christed Child has many titles.... one of which is The Prince of Peace. May PEACE Be Realized on Earth, in our time and incarnation. (May we each see it, is my earnest prayer!) *Angel* May PresCarter get to SEE his wish for a lasting Peace-Agreement made in the middle-east before his earthly body departs. *Angel* (from a Sufi Prayer...) May The Blessings of God Be Upon Us, May HIS PEACE Abide with You May HIS SPIRIT Illuminate Our Hearts Now, and Forever More. ... (music) Polestar of My Life (Yogananda Chant, Dambara Begley) [2:16] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 07, 2015 01:27 PM
My innerself just wants to Worship today... (music) The Great Invocation (New Troubadors) [1:51] So many songs popping! IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 08, 2015 12:44 PM
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 08, 2015 01:12 PM
... (music) Celebrate You! (Whitney Houston, Jordin Sparks; from movie 'Sparkle') [3:38] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 09, 2015 12:05 PM
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 10, 2015 04:44 PM
I was planning on spending this day doing some cleaning chores... but oh, my!!! I'm soooo glad I decided to sit and do some astrology first-thing after my walk this morning. I was and AM Blissed and Blessed. What a Beautiful Gift of a Day....Today, transiting VENUS Scorpio triggers my 390 Alma-rx 6.24 Scorpio H11 "soul", (quintiles my Pluto), trines my F.S.Sadalachbia in zodiac 6.05 Pisces H(3)aqua {'the star of hidden things'}. So! This morning I surprise-FOUND the unused $50-Monthly bus pass that I had "lost" about a year ago! yes!!... Venus quintile my Pluto, and trine F.S.Sadalbachia found my missing-money! It had 'been there' all along, but I continually passed it not-recognizing the thing I searched for. LOL Represents 'freedom' for me to physically travel outside of this apartment. Although I DO very much love being present on the internet... another type of journeying and fulfillment to my Soul to connect in this way. And making a small 'HOOD NEWS-UPDATE ------ (because people have asked me to {{*Heart*}}) (*Using humor*)
The new people renting the apartment IN my thin-glass backyard window (so far) are 'normals'! Hurrayyyy! Not the drunk woofer-partiers like the previous ones over these past handful of years. (THANK YOU so much GOD for favors-granted!! I actually get to SLEEP at night (when my gemmy-brain turns off)! The criminals used to park in that slot with their muscle engines & music systems vibing-away for hours of the dark morning. Only about 6'feet away from my pillow through stucco-walls, my cot used to shiver-shake unpleasantly. Big difference for me! LOL) The next-wall neighbors' old washing-machine from Hell broke down, and they had to get a new machine that doesn't shake my floor and walls down. *fireworks!!!!!* LOL Still dealing with ancient gnarly-fridge compressor that's getting worse every day! Being the OPTIMIST here, always, this just HAS to mean that it will breakdown soon. In the mean time, I actually feel sorry for this harsh metal-Being.... awwww I've actually gotten to 'know' it, and I'll have mixed feelings when either I or IT goes! (laughing). Oh, our ancient range-stove-oven's heating element is about to SPARKLE. uh hummm. I've watched elements look like scary-fire before. Had one like that in one of my first apartment experiences while younger. Frightening if you've never seen something like that. ... *smile* Wondering if it will go when tMars opps tUranus, or over Christmas Week when tUranus turns Direct. We'll seeee?! *grin* Christmas-NewYear's has been Calendar for things "surprising" for me and rm here. Fingers-crossed, that THIS year will be good! (His H4 Venus-Virgo trines Jupiter-Taurus. He's generally very-lucky when it comes to real estate matters, and buying larger things that pertain to inside a house.) Prayers for him right now as he seems more-whelmed than usual.... But he's really a good-egg! He and I had that conversation a week or so ago.... He has a degree in Business Management (even though he didn't get into it). And he has a VERY good knack at contracts, and finding loopholes. That's how he managed to 'keep' me/us here when the manager had given us the notice to vacate the premises several Christmases ago. (I 'think' that story is in earlier pages of this thread, AS it was occurring. Either this thread, or another.) He also has a VERY detached-type of chart. Anyways.... He pointed out to me that HAD my socal friend BEEN serious, then I would have been presented with contracts that included details of the job-offers, including how THEY were going to pay to move me there! (Like, WOW~~ in my lower self-esteem?, I would have been sold up the river!! Thrown under the bus, ~whatever! HE was 'correct'. My other socal friend just never ever ever ever called me back inspite of emails and phone-messages. I had an idea for him that was VERY applicable, especially as I hear his news of relocation! *gah! how perfect, he's stepping right into the heart of it, but probably doesn't see* He's got other things on his mind. So indirectly he managed to 'decide' that matter for us over this past year. MANY GOOD and BEST Wishes to you my astro Friend. {{hugs}} {{the autocorrect corrected!! you're not Fried, hopefully... though I know you're in your Uranus opp Uranus right now. Lots of Love to you. You do good work. ty 513pm}} I never ever mean to be disrespectful or 'hard'.... I know there are 'reasons' for things and it's out of our hands sometimes. Ideas come and go. Then come back! LOL. But at this point (for today) while the tSun at 18+ Sagittarius moves over my 10895 Aynrand {only look out for #1, 'what's in it for me?'} asteroid AND the asteroid 22269 1981EK27 of not being taken seriously?... Between Aynrand and the cool-astrologer Kelly-R, they say that sometimes you have to go by 'the sign of Jerry Maguire'? 18+ Sagittarius conjuncts my Pallas at 21+ in H1 Sag and quintiles 24626 Astrowizard-rx 6+ Libra, 10 Hygiea-40Harmonia-4040PURCELL*, and 9162 Kwiila-SDirect 8+(nourishment) (*music is LOVEfood for me, especially the medieval-Renaissance Christmas music today *Heart*) ((those H10 Libra degrees make trines to H2 postions, including 6480 Scarlatti 6.06 Aquarius! (music) Christmas Cantata: Cantata pastorale per la natività di Nostre Signore (A.Scarlatti, 'Purcell Singers'; Gertraut Stoklassa, soprano) [11:47] biquitile my 2832 Lada 23+ Cancer H8 {music of the spheres; sound of 'aum'}, rm's NAME-asteroid *grin*; 24+d is VX-Angel, 25+d Uranus Cancer and Beautiful 16254 Harp-er (the instrumental kind)... these are next to 1021 Flammario 26+ Cancer ardent burning; setting the world on fire; "mysteries of Spirit" (Jupiter 27+ Cancer) omg! What a Beautiful Sky transit.... tFlammarion 25+ Scorpio TRINING the Lada,VX-Uranus and itself!! I have h47 Poseidon-rx 11.47 Libra H10(cj my Klio, Astropis, Quaoar, Part of Unusual Events) being visited by tBML... t-h47 Poseidon has been in Scorpio degrees having to do with some of my musical-asteroids. tAstrowizard & tKwiila near my 4580 Child-rx 23+ Scorpio H12 which quintiles my Chiron Aqua, biquintiles my Mercury Gemini, and biquintiles 17-Aries my 'graced with mirth and Joy' asteroid 31 Euphrosyne 17.09 Aries H4 Euphrosyne quintiles my Sun. Near natal Euphrosyne, tUranus today is retro 16+ Aries (near my 3671 Dionysus 'sacred spouse' and 318 Magdalena). tVesta 1+ Aries is about to contact my IC 2.30, and is giving 3809 Amici 1.44 Aries e.o.H3 a HUG!! (sounds like name of the hugger-saint Amaci, if I be so kindly-permitted {{*Heart*}} I hug the etheric spirit of this great Healer. Certainly, she makes a Difference in the Collective Spirit.) tJupiter magnifies my h44 Apollon-rx 21+ Virgo, along with Volta and Telephus, and F.S.Denebola {Individualism, doing something unique or special in some manner; avoids the mainstream and prefers to do things for minority or edges-of-society; rebellion; seeing things different to everyone else *heart*} ... F.S.Denebola -- Sounds like Bernie Sanders, doesn't it? He has significant placements there. *smile* tLada 11+ Aquarius (my 22 Kalliope, 96 Aegle, and Part of Friends) TRINES natal h47 Poseidon today. Yesterday for part of the day I introduced myself to Dial hypothetical planets. I have to craft my own dial, but when I looked at it according to regular natal chart, my MERIDIAN is ON 23 Cancer. WOW!! --- Susan said that the Meridian represents the Soul... The thing that the Soul is driven to do without regard to anything else (like getting a paycheck LOL). That's where I have those asteroids and points mentioned above in this post! So studying the hypotheticals ALSO shed some light on the Mythology of Admetos. (I want to THANK that astrologer, but have to post this now-- gotta take a break. "Susan" (whatever her last name is) did a TREMENDOUS job explaining the hypotheticals, and PREDICTING the time of Donald Trump's Social-GLITCHment soooooo closely using her Dial-90-degrees Method! ~~WOWWWW!!! *jawdrop* It works!!) tVenus was crossing my asteroid Admetos 5+ Scorpio at the time. Now, I could go on delineating for a whole lot more time here.... It's like I can see my natal chart explode {in a very good way} 'in spite' of being 'told' I have a bad-chart. ... What's important, is that you keep on TRYING, no matter what. And to TRUST what's going on. BTW-- My Part of Luck is Aquarius 9.03!...trines my Abundantia and Part of Weddings/Contracts in my 6th house conjunct my Sun which is degree of P.o.Success!! h43 Kronos 26+ Taurus in my 6th with Devine and Eureka!! *grin* (Lord? Bring it ON! IN Your Timing, and as long as it's in accordance with Your Will...) Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Generally, Venus Trines Neptune for next days now. They are in Water... Scorpio trine Pisces. GOOD to have some Water when getting used to the parching yet exhilarating effects of heavy fire.
I'm waiting on the Universe right now... letting go of the Past. MUSIC is a Bridge. It's a tonal language that affects the nervous-system of the body, can evoke the Spiritual senses, as well as soothe one's emotions. May the Music of The Spheres soothe our Souls right now, through the magic of the Holiday celebrations of "music" Joy Wonder and Lights. And May all our Best and Fondest Christmas Wishes come True... ... (music) This Christmas (Chris Brown) [3:35] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 11, 2015 12:29 PM
Congrats on finding the bus pass! That should make life a lot better. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 12, 2015 12:17 PM
And, yes, music is definitely a bridge. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 13, 2015 11:47 AM
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 14, 2015 06:07 PM
Sorry for a bit of an absence... Some of the reasons could be viewed as bad, but it's overall lucky Good! LOLLife reminds me of this comedy routine by Archie Campbell ... (clip) That's Good/That's Bad! (Archie Campbell... TV Hee Haw) [1:29] So, last week I went to open my guitar case because I wanted to play and sing some Christmas Carols. I saw that two strings had sprung-themselves. So, I went to the guitar store to have my strings replaced. The guy said that my acoustic classical guitar was a very old one, and the bridge couldn't accommodate the new kind of strings which have metal-anchors to hold them in place. These have to be 'tied' a special way to the bridge. (Cost an extra 5-bucks@!) He couldn't do it right away because of that. I had to leave the guitar and pick it up around Tues or Wed. He'll call me. So I was leaving the store... and stopped in the foyer to read the bio's of some of the music people there. I've been wanting to learn how to play my guitar better. I play by ear, and know a lot of chords... But I want to learn how to read fret-notes, and how to do some of those chords I can't seem to quite-reach. So I was going to leave... but I needed to use the rest-room. I'd waited a whole hour on the bus to come to bring me to the store, so that would mean that the buses were running off-schedule (again!) and I couldn't predict when the next would come. (And it's a good thing I decided to use the rest-room, because I waited a whole OTHER hour for that return-trip home. So I went down the hall to use the rest room... And I as I passed the music practice-rooms, one of the doors was open and an older gentleman with a beard sat waiting. Looked like he had been stood-up by someone missing their appointment. I took a few steps backwards, popped my head in, and told him he looked like one of the photos in the hallway. Found out he was the guitar music teacher there. Has written and published lesson-books. He invited me to sit and talk with him a while. So, how long have you been playing guitar? he asked me. I didn't 'own' being a guitar player... (just kinda noticed that). Said how I'd found an adolescent-guitar at a thrift store back in the 1970s. My fingers always bled when I used it. The steely strings. But I learned how to play some of the basic chords, and with my imagination going, I'd pretend that I was playing well. My voice was the most important feature, afterall. If you play the chords quietly enough, you can sluff a lot of notes.... Sluff=Sloppy+Fluffy LOL But it satisfied my soul that I could have most of the notes be correct. And some foggy Christmas Eve.... Santa Some friend of mine heard me trying to play my steely play-adolescent guitar around 10 Christmases ago. Since Santa was bringing him a brand new expensive professional guitar, he decided to bless me with his old one! Yesss! So that was a Great Christmas, and I had a REAL guitar with which I began to stretch my span of songs, and ability to play. The more I 'pretended to be able' to play, the better I got! I had ONCE played on-purpose in front of a boyfriend, and he told me my voice was 'perfect' for the guitar. Actually my voice seems to fit stringed-instruments. STORY... I had a friend in the late 1970s who played the Harp. We made acquaintance during a series of self-improvement shadow-work workshops we attended. Towards the end of the program, attendees were assigned to do something that represented facing some of our 'fears'. My friend and I BOTH had fears of performing in public using our arts. She approached me about doing a musical performance. First step was 'playing-singing in front of EACH-OTHER!' .... LOL So, we went to practice a few songs at an echoey church. Such an inspirational Beautiful wood sanctuary with a huge window-wall opening out into woods. She recorded the session on a simple device. She said she recorded it 'just for the sake of it'-- (I still own the recording). Next, we went to a nursing home to practice being in front of other people (AND, to bless them with our talents). At the end, the Workshop-Leader 'played' the recordings of our performance (in fulfillment of our class assignment) at the closing-session party. There were 50-attendees with their invited spouses or family. I got wonderful feedback... Apparently there were some actual musicians there who said that I actually 'had a voice'. (Those were the days~~) That first session had a lot of improvisation.... And I remember the 'moment' when The Anointing, The MUSE of Inspiration, Song, Ancient Melodies hit the room. It was as though we BOTH heard the Same Melody and Music .... We channeled. And it was awesome... Astonished by the results of our improvs and playing, I'm soooo glad I did that 'experience' in my life with her. It was one of the first times (for me) when I 'really' FELT my soul-- inside and the outer one. I FELT like a singer of the Music of The Spheres with the harp playing inspirationally like that!! Riff upon riffs. Soooo much Spirit FILLED that room and resonated, echoes every element you could conceive or imagine. (Some day~~ maybe I'll be able to have that recording put on ether-Cloud, preserved. There's a version of singing 'What Child Is This' with the Harp ('Greensleeves'). I think of it every Christmas.) Heh heh, I still tense up thinking about it-- because it was a VERY 'flawed' performance.... She had handed them our 'first' try-- before I ever 'thought' that this was what they chose to play to our audience. But it WAS Anointed singing & playing. The Anointing IS 'the X-factor' in WHATEVER you choose to do. It's what takes Good into EXCELLENCE! Whether the modality is speaking, singing, playing musical instruments, drawing, writing, preaching? When the Anointing is THERE, then You've found the Secret to Connection, 'The Zone', and your Soul's Expression of All-That-Is. .... And I LIVE 'for' those moments. It is the most satisfying single times of Being Truly Alive. *ahem*... Needing to go faster here in my post. LOTS of vibey 'interferences' today. (Plus, rm took day off, tv is blaring, *hood*woofies, ~~yadda-yadda! o sheesh LOL)
Long story short about my guitar-strings mission?... I got a free guitar-lesson ON the spot by this published-author teacher. Said my problem is 'how' I hold the guitar. I could reach the chords with better hand-wrist position. (ty God!!! and ty to this teacher! soooo grateful) So OF COURSE! LOL.... I had all kinds of dreamy-things filling my up my head while I waited an hour standing on the curb for the bus to come.
I 'saw' myself taking guitar lessons, and getting really-good at the craft of playing my guitar. Mastering it!! (The man offered lessons? but it was WAY too expensive.) I saw me playing in small intimate settings and playing the songs that reach down into the Heart. (Folk-songs of course, Old English Irish, and Innovations of medieval songs, early-music chants WHICH I have known DO lend themselves to Beautiful melody-now). I saw myself ministering on visits to the dying, and for those who were ill and in recovery.... to BE Their Muse, like biblical-David soothing Saul's derangement of mind. (I've written here about doing this years before in older posts--- as I recall.) Music, is INDEED a Bridge to Wholeness, to stirring the souls power and healing it. (Maybe I'm not using all the words I want to, right now, but those of you who are 'used' to my awkward-speech DO 'get' me, and I thank you.) So ANYWAYS.... continuing news:
The HVAC system broke down again.... Oh that's Bad! NO, That's GOOD! *GRIN* They are FINALLY going to replace the coils INSIDE the house(apartment) where all that (?)toxic coolant-refrigeration has been long-term leaked INTO 'my breathing air' and lungs.... (Neptune in PISCES? Leaky-gasses). The maintenance people here have KNOWN about this 'refrigerant leak' INSIDE our apartment for a few years now!!! This was not new. FINALLY FINALLY we're going to get it fixed. (I hope!! .... We'll see how the week progresses.) You all know how ~crappy I feel here, and how that introduces so much doubt with my thinking that I can work a solid full-time job (as I used to). Well, inbetween all the woofer-fatigue, and breathing-in AC-coolant, and the headaches I've been subjected to? Maybe this refrigerant-leak might have ADDED something to it?? (As I've said before, when I'm doing something I really believe-in, it helps me overcome so many adversities in my mind and emotions. When my Heart and Spirit is in it, the rest of me (mind-body) aligns. I really would like to apply myself to something others are doing too, and be able to have economic self-sufficiency. For sure, the spirit has been willing.... and the *woofers* be my kryptonite. Body has to heal-up from this. And the times that I AM doing well, I 'feel' capable. *God grant me the Right counselors, and contacts from folk who would 'know' what is there for me* I'm in a very good state of mind and heart.... and I'm Happy. NOT at all meaning to be complaining about things one bit. Just ~informing. Because I've found out that SOME people really do care about me, and care about how I'm 'actually' doing with these annoyances or 'walls of defeat that I think are there' but are just my lack of current knowledge. *Heart* *She says a MUSCLE-car revs up AGAIN?!! C'mon??? arrghghhhhh LOL ... Just shaking up the grounds of this place, sheesh!! STOP IT* Oh and yes, I'm also having some 'Beautiful Music Transits'? With Increased Sensitivity!! {Ah, Hey Lord?... You getting all this down? I'd really like to have a Rain-Coupon for all this interrupted Creativity-Flow? *~Not fair?!* } (good-hearted, humorously)
So----- For the next couple days I might not be able to post. No HVAC, open windows at night mean I'll get the full-brunt of neighbor-ACs in my windows, cars, jets taking off at airport, etc during the night. Had to sleep with my earplugs in, and the physical nerv-sysm gets scratched-raw as result of constant-constant ~screeching & uber-honky stimms. *being honest here* Repair guys will be here in a few days, with saws, etc. I won't be able to be here. And, the unit is next to the computer.... Aw heck, EVERYTHING is next to the computer here! *Heart* but Wait!!! There's MORE "Good News".... LOL My rm says he's going to do a combining of my 60th-Birthday Gift (that he missed last May) plus an unexpected Christmas Gift. He's going to 'replace' the Sound-Cancellation Earphones that broke this past summer!!! He hated breaking the surprise to ask me for Apple- or MS- type. (The ones I had were Apple. Somehow it's compatible with the little side-speakers here at the computer-- Has a jack to plug them in.) So YAY!--- I'll have Sound Cancellation available, PLUS Good QUALITY Music Listening Experience once more. C'mon Christmas!! *Heart* *grin* (music) I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas (Holly Henry, guitar) [3:12] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 15, 2015 02:33 PM
Maintenance worker came to gut the HVAC Unit... He did it with special tools that made the job a silent one-- no dust flying and angry steely saw-blades! Says he'll be back with the new part when it is slated to come in some time later this afternoon.They fixed our stove-range!! *clapping* So there'll be no lights-and-sparkly fireshows at our place for the Holiday Season. (The guy was surprised that the element actually still worked in spite of all the bubbles he saw and felt on it. ) He also fixed the main-element (FR) that hasn't been working for the past two years (fixed with a mere twist of a screwdriver to make sure and secure it in place-- was a hazard). (I'm scared and shy-away from electrical things I'm not sure about-- otherwise I would have figured that one out on my own.) The Guitar-Guy called me, and my guitar is ready for pickup. (Oh, knocking at the door? ... Rm just-received a box in the mail--- hmmmm? I wonder if it's my Santa-Birthday headphones perhaps????? *grin* Shakes like it! LOL) Oh, I didn't want to leave the impression that I'm any kind of skilled-musician (from above post). And I'm still interested in learning MORE astrology. (And the guitar~~ just sayin'). Oh, and to the video-ones, (Gem;Capr-Sag predictions).... I DID get a $-bill in the mail that was 'in error' (after I examined it in DETAIL). I DIDN'T freak-out (because of the warnings ~~LOL). YOU were Right!!!! *score!!* And please note pattern, that when I'm gnarly-bothered and not feeling well, I scrunch down and limit myself WAYYY too much. I tend to underestimate, rather than over...? But I do have a wide imagination for sure. We have to come to some kind of trusting. Just, I DON'T want to mislead people one bit; ~AND, I do not wish to be on the receiving-end of that, either. I am a very grounded yet zany Imaginative Creative in that way. I deal pretty concretely with my reality. Too much of ~that Saturn ain't good, either! I am a teachable, flexible, trainable, and available. (At least, I'd like a SOLID try at something I can do ~~where I can feel Loved, protected, and can grow with the coming years.) Certainly, a SHOWER of blessings coming down right-now over me and rm. Thank you Lord, for everything. (music) Thank You Lord! (Don Moen, lyrics) [4:11] ... (music) I Wonder As I Wander (Rutter, Cambridge Singers) [2:53] (oh! another knock at the door?! It's the maintenance guy arrived with a WHOLE NEW Coil-Unit! yesss.....) IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 16, 2015 11:14 AM
Lots of little wins for you!IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 16, 2015 11:05 PM
Went to the store to pick up my guitar. They had it all ready for me with their new strings in place. I was so excited.Before I left the store, I had seen they had a section with racks of violins, violas, and cellos on display. I had never had the 'experience' of trying to hold one and make sounds with a bow in hand. Funny isn't it?... My boyfriends were aspiring concert pianists, and my other friends were brass players and vocal majors. There was a professional string quartet that used to use the back practice-rooms when students were basically gone. I had my locker near there. Their sounds were so muted that it seemed far away. They were easily aggravated by anyone watching in the door's window disturbing their sessions, so they were left alone, out of respect for their wishes.
Eying my 'opportunity,' I asked one of the associates if I could try to play one. He gave me a mini-lesson on how to hold the bow, then place the violin under my chin (with nose pointing at the strings); don't hold that elbow too high, let my wrist do the basic movement of actions, then let the edge of the bow draw across the top of the strings.
I stood there, raising the bow. Ready. And for a flash, I had a memory about a master class I'd attended for vocal majors. The instructor was trying to illustrate to the young soprano on stage 'how' to support her sound while endeavoring to sing some very quiet notes. He told her, It's like a violin-player. He then took the stance. He looked lion-fierce with his air-violin and bow, ready as it were to strike that bow down with brute to create the largest sound you could ever imagine... But NO. Out of his mouth came the words, so soft and intensely: Twoooo Hairs. Two Hairs... The most impactive notes-- played making a big-stance, and using only two humbled hairs. After a few tries, I 'got' it. He was called away for a few moments. I scurried sorta-halfway into a practice room. There was something just sooo thrilling about all of this.
I reminded and reminded myself, You ALREADY know 'how' to play... ... I have pitch-memory for certain notes, and as I sustained this note, and heard the harmonics resonating blatant and strong in the sound, there was a Zone in it. It was 'an experience' being held by my entire body, encompassing my entire being and existing. I 'heard' that sustained note as one from Samuel Barber's piece called Adagio for Strings... And for a moment, all became suspended, and I felt deep inside like I wanted to cry and cry and cry-- (not so much sadly, as feeling and sensing the 'crush' in my soul...). Thank you God, Thank you for the Gift of Music in my life. {Thank you for This Day, from the bottom of my soul} (music) Adagio for String Quartet, Opus 11 (Samuel Barber; Dover String Quartet) [8:02] :mountain1: So I put the violin, then the viola, back into their places, grabbed my guitar case, and took the ride back home by bus. I started comparing the differences in sounds, between the guitar strings and violin strings. Like wine to fine champagne. -- I had a second part to this post. Met an interesting elderly person on my way home. I want to wait until later tomorrow evening to Friday before I describe what happened there... It's still unfolding. Strange times, strange meetings. -- :angel: :heart: ... :angel: (music) Angels, from the Realms of Glory (Renee Fleming, Mormon Tabernacle Choir & Orchestra) [4:38] Hallelujah! O How The Angels Sang...
(music) Hark The Herald Angels Sing (The Blenders, acapella) [2:50] (music) Huron Carol (Twas In The Moon of Christmas Time) (Chanticleer, lyrics) [4:01] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 17, 2015 03:33 AM
...(music) Paint With All The Colors of The Wind (from Pocahontas; Disney) [3:30] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 17, 2015 10:10 PM
The local elderly lady I met?... Was a false flag opportunity, but the sheer timing of it was truly fascinating (ironic).She and her relatives offered me furniture, goods, .... that I have NO space for here. Besides that, this apartment is in such a state of disrepair. Hasn't been painted in 18+years. There's one wall with moist sheetrock/insulation inside. (They have known about it since a severe hurricane we had a long time ago). The brown watermarks shapeshift... and more and more paint-layers slough off it. Gets to look like confetti-chips on the carpet. Yes, I just imagine it as Art. I used to scrub every inch of the walls here twice a year, but I stopped being able to do that anymore after I was getting sooo perpetually sick in my sonic environment. I should definitely NOT be experiencing the kind of lack that I have in my life (economic, and nonsensical with direct-communications).
My only phone right now is a tethered landline, and it'll probably stop working after a time. Reception is so crackly from the environmentally hot wifis in the air, that sometimes it doesn't even work. Calls get dropped. People tell me, move to the other room. The phone is an old big broken fax-unit. It is not readily portable. Involves unplugging from electricity and moving all the line-wires.
I heard 'rumors' that they want to phase-out all landlines here in my locale, making things cell-only? So, I guess I'll wind up not having a phone during the day-- borrow my rm's cell on the weekend when he's around. God weighs the Worth of every and consoles the (music) Rocking Carol (Chanticleer, traditional Czech 1928) [1:57] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 18, 2015 12:31 AM
for Jesus' Birthday Time (music) Mary Had A Baby (arr.Roland M. Carter, Winston-Salem State University Singing Rams) [4:15] (music) Sweet Little Jesus Boy (KSU ConcertChoir, Arlicia Shorter, 2009) [5:06] (music) Safety ... (KSU ConcertChoir, Sharmaine Harris) [6:57] (music) The Word Was God (Rosephanye Powell, Oasis Chorale) [2:09] (music) The Lamb (Tavener; Tenebrae Choir, acapella, chrom.) [3:48] (music) Lullay Lullay, Coventry Carol (Annie Lennox, The African Children's Choir 2010) [3:10] (music) Mary, Did You Know? (Pentatonix) [4:04] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 18, 2015 02:11 PM
Wow... Sometimes, what a difference a day makes-- when things simmer down and get more gentle in my life. And when I read or listen to the info available that's out there for anyone with a Heart and a Listening Ear. Thank you for being there, broadcasting such Beauty and Hope for people and Our World.Don't exactly know where to start today... I want to say sooo much. My Heart has such gratitude towards people. As I've said before, if I could throw gold-bricks through your window-panes, or down your chimney this Christmas time, I surely would! Sooooo many Beautiful Souls. I notice that there have been problems with the internet lately... and it's been widespread (not just my own phone or computer connections). Oh! I opened that *box* which came!!! *happy-happy* Yesssss!! I can NOW listen to music and everyone in great encompassing clarity and Beauty of Sound!! *clapping* When I opened the box and tried my earphones, at first they weren't working properly... which seemed upsetting. Then I changed the little AAA-battery they gave to a fresh one, and I played a bit with the plug-connections, and THERE it was!! I've Got Sound!!! The GOOD KIND of sound-- that has the ability to transmute the things that are bad, and to Love Cherish and Treasure All things that are Lovely, and are Kind and are Good, that are Thoughtful and are Right. selah *Laughing* My Heart is Steadfast, O God. May the Words of {my texts} and the Meditations of my Heart Be Acceptable O God, My Rock, and My Redeemer... (music) My Heart Is Steadfast (Ellie Holcombe, guitar) [2:58] These are not the words to the song... but as I read each translation today, *I*/my Soul is rapt... I am the one who is being Translated. And when the text is put to music as lyrics, I am sent to those places soooo sublime, and with GOD. (And the cross-referenced section too.) God is a Spirit. And when we Worship and connect as One to the Divine, in whatever way we Choose, we Dwell and Find Rest with Him... The Spirit of Beauty, of Truth, and of an Everlasting Peace and Light. Quick shout-out to that Beautiful and Zany gemmy Jewish girl... (just, Thank You for who you are, and for the work you do! And you better bet I'll be listening for Bells, WITH Bells ON!!) Yes, I Believe that if we all stand in who we are, which I believe is essentially full of good-people, then with a little shifting and tweaking of perspectives, we MEET on level and Common Grounds. Similar Horizons. We All want the same thing. It is only our egos, when they are too-attached and we won't see beyond our self-limiting artificially-comfortable hard-boundaries, and stubbornly exclude and stay-married only to that and not-inclusive of the All, the we Create separations that have no breathing-pores to it. We start to suffocate and don't realize that it's happening. 'Skin' has to breathe too. Too much plastic-wrapping kept on for too long of a period of time, can have deadly effects. Keeps us all in hunkered-down in discreet separation rather than breathing in the Infinite and Inclusive Skies of Possibility-- Possibility that ALREADY is existing for all of us. It's ALREADY there for us to use in Serving each other. ~~ But, we can too easily perhaps get a little-too busy or embroiled in the mesh and mess of immediate distractions too often, to be able to notice or really See it. *Wishing you every Blessing under these Unlimited Skies of Potential* With Love, and Best Wishes.... I heard the bells on Christmas Day, Their old familiar carols play, And wild and sweet the words repeat Of Peace On Earth, Good Will to ALL And the Bells are ringing Like a chorus singing In my Heart I Hear Them: *Peace On Earth, Good Will to ALL Sagittarius Sun is on my North Node right now... (music) Peace On Earth {I Heard The Bells} (Casting Crowns, lyrics) [4:20] (music) I Heard The Bells IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 19, 2015 09:51 AM
Such a great gift--the gift of song. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 20, 2015 02:16 PM
My God, yes!! Thank you for Gifts coming down from the Realms of Glory! So humbled and Still, and filled with Exaltations!It's all Beautiful. Soooo Beautiful, to me.... Tears of JOY!!!!! Thank you Lord. You are showing me Place, and Space...... I discover through sideways-feedback what my Role is. I've been it all along, and didn't know what it was that I was already-doing and Being and stepping-into. God, I give you Glory... ... (music) Adeste Fideles (Andrea Bocelli, lyrics) [3:34] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 21, 2015 04:43 PM
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 22, 2015 12:22 AM
To the Spiritual Mothers who tap the flow of milk of the cosmic experience... and pass it on to others.Male or female, our womb is our Heart. We nourish each other by our Words, Thoughts, and actions. May every child or project you launch or conceive be a Light and a Miracle for people. Bless every project. Bring Healing and Light for many generations. (music) Mary Did You Know (India Arie, Gene Moore Jr) [3:21] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 22, 2015 12:28 AM
...Again, prayers for ALL Nations in our World.... (music) Bless Our Nation (Cindy Epstein) [4:44]
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 22, 2015 10:04 AM
.... Just before I went out on my walk this morning, and before rm headed out the door for work, he had the Today Show on TV. They've been doing a segment again on Faith and the things that people believe in. Today, they interviewed three Women who were each religious leaders in NYC. ...A Christian, A Jewish Rabbi, and A Muslim. The question was whether or not they thought that we would see a Peace come among faithful. As I walked, I realized how MUCH progress we have made in our striving towards tolerance and religious freedoms. Not just 'religious' freedoms, but I think it's the cornerstone of what a Personal Peace truly is here on Earth. The emphasis was on a detachment from doing harm to another for their religious convictions, and towards Serving. Serving people. That this was the core element that unites. It's People. We are Server Candles. We our the lights that Light in ONE unifying Vision for Love, and Peace.... Spark of evidence of the cusp of Age of Aquarius? Human-'Hood?? (sister/brotherhood). We have worked hard. Those of us who strive towards Peace find a moment suspended at this time of year where we on a Calendar review the past year, look at the Earthly report card, and 'own' the progress we have made. Of course, you all know how much I love my Jesus. AND, how much People mean to GOD. People who love GOD, have GOD within. So please pardon me if I (to you) seem more off-kilter into my OWN faith at this time. In such hardship of years, it's been my own beliefs, the Direction from the Holy Spirit of GOD (and the help of the expressions of philosophies and faiths of others) that has kept me alive and IN the body. Please do not squelch another's Right to worship GOD in whatever way that Spirit leads them.... On my walk, I saw in imagery how we have gone from pushing walls, to having our hands on the sides of that metaphoric Elephant. The Elephant in the room is the FACT that GOD Exists. And we 'feel' and sense it. We try to describe it, because it is not something on the Outside of us but an Experience within each Soul. (It IS 'outside' as it is described as walls of 'religious' words (Saturn ruler of Capricorn, Saturn in Sagittarius; Mercury in Capricorn now...). And we HAVE to have the words/structures there in place, because having a language 'allows' us to be in an earth consciousness as individuals, and to share with each other. This is needed. ... But then too, we NEED the Neptune to soften those hard crusty edges, and make things more porous so we can Communicate between Two Realms (role of planet Mercury, able to travel between two states of consciousness... Life, and Death realms in mythology?)... But there I go with astrology again. Not everyone accepts astrology. It's viewed as 'a religion' as much as being one of the traditional religions on earth. Sometimes I feel that it makes me less-approachable by people of traditional faiths that I use 'astrology' in the triggers of my own Understanding of God. They think that God and astrology can't mix. But to me, GOD Created All things. It's part of His(~whatever) Beautiful-ness. I Follow The Christ. Anyways.... During the walk (if I bring my thoughts to earth here slightly), The Elephant grows more acceptably now BECAUSE we are able to share our beliefs, and to drink-in other perspectives, and allow these to shift us to the Essence of what is important. I saw how we come together, and fix on a notion of Peace, a notion of Structure, then GOD drops another dissolving Drop of Him as a Cosmic Blender, a Wash of WaterColors. There is unrest, and MUCH to be done. But then too, MUCH has occurred that is VERY encouraging. We need to pause during this Season, and BE Encouraged. God is not Dead, nor doth He Sleep... WE here are His Children, and the Sheep of His unFoldment. GOD is Beautiful. God is. WE Are. ... (music) Day By Day (Godspell, Lyrics) [3:18] (music) Let There Be Peace on Earth [4:30] Blessed are the PeaceMakers, for THEY shall See GOD Love. Love One/Another. IP: Logged | |