Topic: Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 22, 2015 11:30 AM
Oh yes! It's ALL about Christmas! This is the way *I* Express it.. Many ways, many ways, if it's based on Love.Santa's List?! Have you been too naughty, or were you able to remain tolerant and relatively~nice? Then, thank God for Mercy, & Grace! (music) If It Wasn't For Your Grace (Paul S. Morton, gospel) [7:01] *Tree* (music) Love Came Down At Christmas (Ali Matthews) [3:26] So much Love!!!
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 22, 2015 11:33 AM
quote: Originally posted by mirage29: .... Just before I went out on my walk this morning, and before rm headed out the door for work, he had the Today Show on TV. They've been doing a segment again on Faith and the things that people believe in. Today, they interviewed three Women who were each religious leaders in NYC. ...A Christian, A Jewish Rabbi, and A Muslim. The question was whether or not they thought that we would see a Peace come among faithful. As I walked, I realized how MUCH progress we have made in our striving towards tolerance and religious freedoms. Not just 'religious' freedoms, but I think it's the cornerstone of what a Personal Peace truly is here on Earth. The emphasis was on a detachment from doing harm to another for their religious convictions, and towards Serving. Serving people. That this was the core element that unites. It's People. We are Server Candles. We our the lights that Light in ONE unifying Vision for Love, and Peace.... Spark of evidence of the cusp of Age of Aquarius? Human-'Hood?? (sister/brotherhood). We have worked hard. Those of us who strive towards Peace find a moment suspended at this time of year where we on a Calendar review the past year, look at the Earthly report card, and 'own' the progress we have made. Of course, you all know how much I love my Jesus. AND, how much People mean to GOD. People who love GOD, have GOD within. So please pardon me if I (to you) seem more off-kilter into my OWN faith at this time. In such hardship of years, it's been my own beliefs, the Direction from the Holy Spirit of GOD (and the help of the expressions of philosophies and faiths of others) that has kept me alive and IN the body. Please do not squelch another's Right to worship GOD in whatever way that Spirit leads them.... On my walk, I saw in imagery how we have gone from pushing walls, to having our hands on the sides of that metaphoric Elephant. The Elephant in the room is the FACT that GOD Exists. And we 'feel' and sense it. We try to describe it, because it is not something on the Outside of us but an Experience within each Soul. (It IS 'outside' as it is described as walls of 'religious' words (Saturn ruler of Capricorn, Saturn in Sagittarius; Mercury in Capricorn now...). And we HAVE to have the words/structures there in place, because having a language 'allows' us to be in an earth consciousness as individuals, and to share with each other. This is needed. ... But then too, we NEED the Neptune to soften those hard crusty edges, and make things more porous so we can Communicate between Two Realms (role of planet Mercury, able to travel between two states of consciousness... Life, and Death realms in mythology?)... But there I go with astrology again. Not everyone accepts astrology. It's viewed as 'a religion' as much as being one of the traditional religions on earth. Sometimes I feel that it makes me less-approachable by people of traditional faiths that I use 'astrology' in the triggers of my own Understanding of God. They think that God and astrology can't mix. But to me, GOD Created All things. It's part of His(~whatever) Beautiful-ness. I Follow The Christ. Anyways.... During the walk (if I bring my thoughts to earth here slightly), The Elephant grows more acceptably now BECAUSE we are able to share our beliefs, and to drink-in other perspectives, and allow these to shift us to the Essence of what is important. I saw how we come together, and fix on a notion of Peace, a notion of Structure, then GOD drops another dissolving Drop of Him as a Cosmic Blender, a Wash of WaterColors. There is unrest, and MUCH to be done. But then too, MUCH has occurred that is VERY encouraging. We need to pause during this Season, and BE Encouraged. God is not Dead, nor doth He Sleep... WE here are His Children, and the Sheep of His unFoldment. GOD is Beautiful. God is. WE Are. ... (music) Day By Day (Godspell, Lyrics) [3:18] (music) Let There Be Peace on Earth [4:30] Blessed are the PeaceMakers, for THEY shall See GOD Love. Love One/Another.
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 22, 2015 11:55 AM
What a Wonderful Time to Celebrate and BE Abiding and Holding Space for GoodWill. We "let" and at the same time Make it Happen when we EACH promote the Peace. When we take steps towards Tolerance and Peace, then Peace has made itself nearer to All. {Sorry if this seems to be over the top for some? .... But CHRISTMAS is one of my Purposes!! LOL} Thank you for All Good Friends and People!!!! So much Love! .... It's not the things you do at Christmas Time, but the Christmas-things you Do ALL year through.... (music) The Secret of Christmas (Julie Andrews, Peabo Bryson, 1992) [2:56] * * * Snowflakes * * * myriads of Angels * * *
(music) O Come, All Ye Faithful (King's College Choir, Cambridge) [4:45] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 23, 2015 09:18 AM
Two more days!IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 23, 2015 04:44 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: Two more days!
Omigosh!!! I know it! Sometimes it's just thrilling to count' the steps of things? LOL Must have been all those Sesame Street shows my kids watched while I putzed and did my chores. (clip) "2 Days" until the "Christmas" Concert (Sesame Street, Count Dracula) [1:04] I've been watching the transiting asteroid 1288 Santa for weeks now!!
Earlier today, Santa has arrived at 25+ Sagittarius!!!! (My Progressed NorthNode!!!) It will arrive at my natal NorthNode (hey, ~that's like a kind of north-pole, isn't it??? LOL) some time in the next days. My North Node is conjunct the Galactic Center.... So I guess that means Giftings-- a 'boxing-day' for The Entire Universe, inclusive! Transiting Santa is approaching a sextile with transiting Mars, is 2 past a square with Jovial Jupiter (over the top, and downnnn that Chimney-down!! yessss Transiting Santa is Quintile both the BlackMoon Lilith in Libra 13+, AND Santa Quintiles the Spiritual Neptune at 7+ degrees of Cosmic Pisces. I have P'Moon Sagittarius trine these, and My P'Chart is becoming LEO. P'Sun in the later-5 degrees of LEO now. My P'Sun Leo and other Leo-ness resides in the area of Praesaepe Constellation-- God's Cradle and Holy Feeding Trough. I am a Servant, and here to help keep the food supply going. As I suckle on the Divine Breasts (Cancer Full Moon, conjunct my Mars Cancer 2.36 H7 TRINE my Juno Scorpio which is having her Return today in H11)-- as I have suckled at the Divine Beautiful Breasts of the Cosmos, I have Grown. And as I chew on Higher Food, and am able to suckle-others who drink from my own writings, my postings. (NOT going to delineate this... ~but I could go into an astrology frenzy right now!! LOL-- Saving it for another post! ~maybe) Mr. Oken, your astrology books make me weep for The Beautiful that is out-there and in-here. [Chapt 11, A.O. Complete Astrology] ~~ I hope you KNOW and realize how 'udder~ly' (LOL) grateful I am to you for your work, the milk that you have provided for all of us who have 'caught' The Vision. I hope you know just how MUCH I Love You. And I DO want to ~remind you that Your name is on my Vesta, on an important Eclipse degree. The way you write is filled with the Immortal Presence-- and I thrill every time I pick up your book. *I humbly thank you for 'who you are' and what you've brought down from Heaven to Earth* (omg, these ARE the fulfillments of my chart placements--- even down to the special eclipses I've posted on in other pages. Such a Beautiful Mystery unfolding for ever.) And I'm having other significant transits at this time, INCLUDING my Marriage TO The Group! ---- Juno Scorpio Return in H11. *I'm 'there' and here, married to The Purpose, and in the same VESTAL cosmic barrel or in-bed with ALL of you.* ~my bishop is included! We're ALL Birthing, all using the same metaphorical language. I'm so grateful and honored that GOD has woven my soul as a thread in this same gorgeous Cosmic Tapestry as everyone who has been reading my thread a while. We ARE travelling Magi, saying the same things, with different words through many Expressions* ... My placement of 1288 Santa is in LEO, at 7.53'48" in H8cancer. My Santa conjunct h48 Isis-Transpluto 7.26 {a REALLY small chimney-flue to navigate through??}, and 53 Kalypso {goddess of Silence... listening to the Music of The InnerSpheres}. My Santa conjuncts (in H8cancer) 695 Bella {Beautiful!!} 6.18 Leo with 3402 Wisdom6.23 Leo , The *pRAESEPE cLUSTER <M44>* 6.24 in zodiac LEO (but is in the Constellation of Cancer) {Jesus' Crib, Stable Enclosure, "inner-Vision, see into other dimensions, ... and nearsightedness" ?~~Is that why Santa gets photographed wearing spectacles, perhaps? haha}, and 51772 Sparker 6.35' Leo. That's just all GOT-to-be a Good Omen... GOD arranges these things, you know? God made the Heavens as a sign to help Guide Us, and Inspires even people who say in their Heart that there IS No God. GOD is definitely 'There' and Present for us. Problem is that some people just like to close their Eyes (saying that there is no 'Spirit' involvement) and they 'harden' their heart in order to say that 'the Elephant is NOT in the room'-- This btw, doesn't make the Cosmic Elephant go away--- Closing your eyes (in pain and from wounds you've suffered) just blocks God from your own eyes of Belief. GOD is IN the Equation... He IS The Horizon, and everything that Dwells Within it. Nothing would Exist without GOD because GOD IS. He IS Consciousness. We ARE His Beautiful Thought-forms, embodied in flesh birthday suits. Aware, and receiving his thought-transmissions. GOD is not Dead; nor doth He sleep... What if GOD was one of us?... GOD Exists, and WE are his Action: GOD Children, Souls, are the Heartbeat of GOD. Some taunt with arrogance and haughty say, Well then??, ~~Why are there wars, and folks left-behind wanting for food & shelter? Doesn't God even CARE about them??? If He DID make us, then why doesn't He just magic-fairy POOF-something down to them? Why do *I*/me have to be bothered by images, ~TAXES *laughing*, and thoughts about them?? GOD gave US the resources here on Earth.... It's up to us to figure out how to clean up our messes, and Share in His Kinders-Garten (Kindergarten) Schoolroom here on Earth. We've been graduated out of the nursery now, and have been promoted to the grade-room where we learn about sharing and being a Good Neighbor! ... WE are the Beautiful Human Experiment. And as I love to quote Jodie Foster in sci-fi movie Contact, ****SPOILER-ALERT!!!**** 'We make it!' NOW, with pencils, scissors, crayons and brushes ready and poised, We stand in a Time TO MAKE and Create it. The Colors?..., They BE US. (music) Everyday People (Sly & The Family Stone) [2:23] (music) What if God Was One of Us (Alanis Morrisette- a gemmy!!!!!*Dude*; lyrics) [5:13] All within GOD's Beautiful Timing. So anyways.... *ahem* I'm competing with this ~shrieking gnarly-fridge today! uuuugh, just gives chills all over (and I'm not talking about the freezer-kind of goosebumps, okay???) AAANNNNDDDD, I have sooooo much to say! (Will reserve for a 'personal-matters' separate posting.) *Heart* (music) Lullay My Liking (Gustav Holst; HSPVA Madrigal Singers, Houston Texas, 2013) [3:04] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 23, 2015 11:11 PM
It suddenly dawned on me that Words that I received towards myself as being Positive, Joyful and Good, were actually-and-maybe(?) slipped in as a sideways 'religious-dig' and insult AT me, specifically? *~JAWDROP* ~~o.m.g. Just getting clear?{{I'm not ref'ing my so'cals here right now}} So,.... What you say you have 'perceived' as disqualifying 'shifts' have actually been ME trying to 'digest' the bolus of negativity and prejudice shown me because I Love Jesus, and your religion couches hatred for Him. O ~Tsk! I'm a human being, AS WELL as a soul that is striving to make this world a better place. When y'all made your cyclical comments?, did you really think I had NO Feelings? Of course I had feelings... But I had enough 'couth' to understand what some of your limitations were. I continually chose to reframe the one involving religious prejudice towards me in the Light of people Growing towards a similar goal and path in the Light of Consciousness. There are blips that happen (I heard yours, and had not reacted BTW, but prayed and did a lot of breathing and walking.) For some, your behaviors were not coming from a point of Lovingness, but actually it was your chronological-age and lack of maturing life-experiences that triggered aggression, as you unconsciously strived to un-seat a 'competitor(?)' (secretly). (If you examine yourself more closely.) Stand your ground, Stay in your truth... I was Honest, and I invite YOU to that kind of deep inner-honesty. How can we in FIRM reality begin new paradigms based on those kinds of hostile practices? In the corporate dog-eat-dog, I came out of conflicts/betrayals 'smelling like a rose' but NOT without incredible wounds that to this day is my weakpoint. When the work environment is emotionally-healthy and there is focus towards Good Work, I thrive. Otherwise, as I've said before my Achilles heel is bullies. ~~'Mean people, Suck'. I don't care WHO you are and where you worship-- if you're nothing but mean and disrespectful towards 'people' who love support and uphold you?, then you suck. It's like I've heard TD Jakes says... I'm looking for Loyalty. And I want to add a Santa-List of things to that. (Happy-Happy) ~~~ Humorously This Full Moon Cancer around Midnight tomorrow 24/25th is not just happening on my Mars Cancer, but involves my asteroid 14917 Taco!! Bought some ground beef to make some Then I'll reach for that piece of chocolate. (btw...) I don't own a cell-phone, which is the avenue people are taking in order to participate in programs and online-readings and things like that. I signed up for a few more newsletters last week, and one came back with a requirement that I join google+,whizIQ,facebook in order to use their premiums. *sigh* ~~argk'? *wimpers..... not a pretty-sight* At least for now I can read her newsletters (a Beautiful-Buddhist I've been following, for you religious-exclusionists!!! *ahem*), and still trying to figure out what/how to set up with my name~ and security features... crux of the problem. Do I use my base legal name, or able to protect identity somehow. How would I do that... I like to protect people, and would like to know for reputation-purposes (especially if it would come to the reputations of future employers or associations). It's been my long term request now. ~Can't sign up for stuff I won't be able to utilize, right? Zipping, unzip, ~whatever! LOL Sounds rather ~sexy or something. So incredibly down-hearted and sorry that some are consigned and sealed to non-communications pacts somehow?... It's Christmas~~~ Snoopy and The Red Barron called a truce, and enjoyed a drink together at least?) I'm 'feel' as though a part of this is that I'm being walled-out because of Religion. Now Doesn't THAT beat the Highest and most-appropriate of Christmas excuses right now. If you can't 'deal' with my Christian beliefs, what makes you think you can make a world stop wars, stop hostilities, and get along together.... Personally, I think that's ~pathetic. Well.... Thinking about it, why would I want to spend my life with folks who don't believe in GOD, and hate me having a 'religion' they don't like. Bleached and channeling the voice of a ~SoulMan!! omg~LOL (definitely ~Too Cute! *from the Heart, not the head*) *Heart* .... (music) I'm a Soul Man (James Brown) [2:55] (music) Santa Claus Is Coming To Town! (Mariah Carey) EDIT-- {{oops! swapping out the video to something "G-rated" not G-string clad, LOL. I thought she was wearing beige-color PJ's. oops!}} (music) Santa Claus Is Coming to Town (Bruce Springsteen... {{the non-speedo-wear version, LOL}} [4:37] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 24, 2015 01:37 PM
Tomorrow! Great songs by Mariah and The Boss.IP: Logged |
Panthera Leo unregistered
posted December 24, 2015 04:27 PM
How are you feeling today mirage29 ?I hope you have a merry Christmas IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 24, 2015 05:36 PM
A spiritual-philosophies teacher suggested (Dec 23) that I need now to Forgive Myself for having been Born. Now, *smiling* that's a strange thing to say to people... But I DO understand what he meant by that on the more Etheric levels. It's where we have met as Peers. Actually, his words take me back to my childhood, reviewing in a dispassionate way the death of my Pgrandfather, the death of my new teacher after the relo, the death of a President, all happening in close succession. Then a rolodex-review of all the cumulative rejections that have happened in marriages, and by the members of my own flesh family of origin. In a distant light, seeing the daughters I nurtured and bore from out my own body, the wee-mighty ones who emerged from my own protective womb, and suckled at my breasts until they were grown and weaned themselves. I served these Little Powerful Lights with a spirit of great maternal love and deep devotions. I was going through Hell with exquisite Pain and wounds from broken marriage relationship, then a life that never made it back on track from the trauma suffered. These left me a decade and more, now never heard from again. These are now regulated to nothing but a fading memory.... part of my walk, my journey, my Life's Experience. .... Well???? Then, if no one else wants to be Happy that I'm Alive today, then I step up and shout that *I am Glad for Being ME*-- for being mine, for being my own self, my own darling. People will disappoint, but I accept myself for 'who' I am, and what God has done and is continuing with me. I am not abandoned.... Scripture says, I am Accepted IN The Beloved. (Which BTW, is part of the meaning of my last name~~ Celtic, for 'Beloved'~~ And THAT, I am.) And when no one else wishes to celebrate my life or wants me around, then I me-Celebrate my own existence. Thank you God, for my own Feet that have trod HARSH mountains of adversity-- and lived! This is my First Christmas after being birthed into a new decade of being alive-- my 60th one. (Half-birthday was Nov 29). On my last birthday... which was my First of this decade, I took me out to a restaurant for pancakes. There was a lady who had been in the store, had eaten, wished me a happy birthday {I'd mentioned it, celebrating myself}, and left.
She had gone out to her car, then felt impressed to come back. Spirit had her PAY for my Birthday tab (without my knowing). She told the waitress to tell me later, that the Holy Spirit impressed on her to tell me that I was having a New Beginning in Life... "One day in the future, it was going to be really important to ME, that I REMEMBER that although people who 'should have been there' didn't come through for me, that there will always be a Promise of invisible-others in my life who DO 'notice' from the background. These will step-up to the plate and go to bat for me when the others have failed to do so.' Someone ALWAYS 'has my back'-- I am and will NOT be Alone anymore. *fireworks1* That was a Promise given me as I crossed the 'next' threshold. It was backed by tangibility as I began a whole new decade of my senior-60s. God is There. God Sees. God does not abandon His Servant-Child. He has my back... I lived out the first part of my life rejected by my own mother. I lived separated-and-unto-myself in a relo that felt like a death (age 7.5). I was born, but at what point did I start to die? It was then. If I'm here on this earth still, it means God's not finished with me yet. In fact, I'm having a rebirthing in this Season. He's got people waiting to receive me that I don't even know about yet. He's removing the chaff from my life, and leaving for me what is Good and Right, and will Nurture my Life from this point on. tSaturn is one degree from my Ascendant; tPluto is ready to enter my 2nd. tNeptune is around one-third of the way through my H3, and at 7-degrees squares my Sun H6. 'Christmas Day' was my pre-natal Solar Eclipse at 2.58 Capricorn... The transiting Sun will be there shortly. tSun is 2.58 Capr right now. tVenus Scorpio has return to her position, 23+, on my Child asteroid H12 Scorpio. It's extra-special for me this year. And though it seem that those whom I considered my friends reject me, I do not disappear. I stand. I remain. I have a purpose. Even if it's just to take ONE. more. breath. I do it ALL to the Glory of God. And I Will Rejoice because I know that The Best is YET To Come. GOD is NOT giving up on me. I am HIS Workmanship, The Work of His Hands, And I Belong to Christ-- body mind soul and spirit. Those that are within God's will, remain. Those that are not, will leave. Can God Trust you with Trouble?... Yes He Can ... So! What positions did I play in my old Softball and Field Hockey days (middle and high school years)?
I played Short-Stop. And wow, does THAT describe the metaphor for what I 'do'... I stand in the middle-spaces, the liminals. And I watch everyone's activity. I am THERE 'as their back-up' when the Pitcher misses, and the second and third basemen can't reach in time. I'm there when the ball comes in from the outfield, and I 'relay' the ball. Out-standing in her field? LOL old joke. When I was a coordinator, it was a lot like being the short-stop in baseball/softball. I'd make sure that each-position was covered. Make sure that each person in my care had what they needed in order to do their job well. I handled their problems, and made their work flow easily and better. Each position was part of an office, which also belonged to a cluster of offices. I was their 'in-between' person. Moved around the building, different floors. I represented my own department within other departments too. I was the busy Happy Gemmy Bee, visiting, moving from flower to flower, gathering, protecting, ensuring. In Field Hockey, I was a FullBack. This was me being a Protector. I (literally) watched the backs of everyone in front of me, and anticipated where they would need me to be. I protected the goalie behind me. This was an inbetween position. Not on the frontlines, but watching people's back. Sometimes I 'feel' like the movie character 'Rudy'... He made everyone else be better at what they did. He wasn't a front man, he wasn't any star of the show. He was part of what made the Team work better at their job (football, NotreDame). What's important to me is being on the list, as a Team Member. I trust the boss would know (would have expertise about people) what my capability is (even without my knowing this about myself), and would work whatever position was need.... (Except? I suck at being the pitcher.. I tried that and no matter how good I was in my own imagination, I couldn't get that to work for me on the mound. But I played a hell of a shortstop! Being a Catcher behind the batter terrifies me!!! LOL, I don't do Catcher at all~~ too much equipment, and not good at speeding balls aimed for my face behind a guy who could clobber me accidently! LOL.) STORY.... First Time at Bat During the tryouts for the team, I 'connected' the ball to the sweet-part of the bat a few times and sent it sailing. Of course, I thought those hits were 'by accident' but my coach thought that if I did it by accident enough times, then I'd probably be a good hitter after training. So the Big First Game came. St Peter's yard. I stepped up to the plate, poised, ready, waiting for the pitch.... Strike! is what I heard the umpire say. What??? Really. I didn't understand. Stood waiting again, second ball comes across! Strike! Strike?? I put my hands on my hips, holding my bat still, and I cried out to him, How can that be a strike??? I didn't even SWING?!! omigosh.... My 'coach' suddenly 'realized'... I didn't KNOW what the Rules of the Game were. You see, I played with the boys in my 'hood. I was the oldest kid, and only girl, among a crowd of 24 boys. I had to 'feed' them their pitches at the rate they could handle it. The whole 'point' of playing was 'hitting the ball'... So I made it easy, of course! The boys all played on little leagues. But because I was a girl, I wasn't allowed to play often. ONLY when they needed me to pitch the ball, or catch in the outfield. I wasn't 'considered' a team member. That was just for boys. I was just 'there' for them. Not taught any rules. I winged it. So anyways.... The coach had brought his palm to his forehead, realizing, and say things. Then he told me, Just swing at ANYTHING! The ball was pitched to me far over the plate. I stepped across the plate and swung, connected that ball and sent it flying. But umpire called THAT a strike-miss. What??? I HIT the ball, and he's not happy with it?? Look at far it went. Right up right-field between first and second bases?? heh-heh.... You're not allowed to swing at anything that isn't within a certain rectangular air-zone! When I had played with the boys, their pitches were all over the place, and I was 'used' to running across the plate to hit. Hey? I didn't know that there were rules for such things. Nobody told me! *Girl-Power!!* ~~ I was good at it anyways. My dad has excluded me from practices with 'his boys'... When they had become 'lazy' he tried to rile them up by 'including me'... That's the first time my dad started 'liking me'. I was better than any boy. One of the times we were out playing, one of my brothers got into a fight with another boy-- I heard him saying to this known-jock, Oh, you just don't want her to play with us because she's BETTER than you, Caputo!! And I smiled, inwardly.. Yes, it IS Good to have been Born, and at that?, Being Born as a GIRL. Girls are Good... Just 'Good????' Nah, aw hell, they're BETTER than that!!! I have The 'Spirit of Excellence' in me. People know that count me on their team. (Moon might be void for you? But not for me... Going with my chart.)
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 24, 2015 05:55 PM
Panthera LEO!!!! om gosh!!! It's been so LONG. I'm so glad you visited me!How am I feeling? ... Well, I'm typing around little rainbows here with another migraine. But its been weeks since I had one. Things are Well~~~ Thank you sooo much for asking! And I WISH YOU, a merry MERRY Christmas. I hope things are good for you. Haven't been over to the 'Dreamer's Section' of LL in a long time. (I know you like to post there.) I'll peak in on one of your threads soon. Much Love to You!! IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 24, 2015 06:09 PM
... ... It's HERE!!!! It's Christmas, Christmas, Christmas!!! How Glorious! (music) Joy To The World! (Celtic Women, Dublin, Ireland /2013) [3:17] IP: Logged |
Panthera Leo unregistered
posted December 24, 2015 07:19 PM
It's good to hear your okay.I hope the migraine doesn't last to long. I am fine now although my emotions have been a little up and down.I had been going down memory lane in my mind.I do intend to purge and transform.I am actually praying and chanting mantras alot more.I really do want to change Although there still a bit negativity still within me. However I want to apologise to you incase I gave any negative energy to you.I imagine you are quite intuitive and intuned to the universe and the higher powers and spiritual forces.Sometimes I get angry or upset and I feel all sorts of awful things.If you picked up on that I am sorry about that.I do agree with quite a lot of things that you say and I think at times I can see your point of view.I have a habit of becoming negative and unleashing negativity upon even people who do understand or care.Part of the anger also comes from the fact the I feel people are turning against or blaming me for things that happen.I do get angry and do things I shouldn't but I do feel annoyed when people assume that I haven't thought about things they said.They think that I am to ignorant or arrogant to possibly comprehend what they have told me.They think I couldn't possibly have had the same thought.Sometimes they didn't give me the chance to express my point of view.They made assumptions and thought they could speak for me and judge me when I hadn't even said anything.I probably was going to say what they had said which is the ironic thing.I hate when I speak up about something and people turn on me and dissmiss me and then they say the same thing and everybody thinks they are marvelous.Issues like Religion,Equality,Gender,Sexuality and Spirituality really do effect me and sometimes they set me off.I feel like even the people who have experienced the same things as me still turn on me.Even when I do speak or try to help.Typically I come across as if I'm Homophobic or Sexist or Intolerant.Sometimes I don't like talking anymore because I am pushed into the corner.If I do say something I'm wrong and if I remain quite I am even worse.The funny thing is I have also seen a lot of men and women of all sexualities and colours,creeds,masuline and feminine personalities tear each other to pieces.I may have done some bad things but sometimes I saw others misbehave.Sometimes they to seem to forget some of the things they did.I may have been a horrible person who sometimes through the rule book out the window but it still doesn't mean that what I saw didn't happen or wasnt true regardless of the fact I was a bad seed.Sometimes they where the ones who were supposed so kind,righteous and liberal evolved souls. I do feel like I still have something to offer the world and even someone like me still can offer some sort of wisdom or advice.Even if my lessons seem unimportant or unrefined and worthless. If I did bad things I was wrong and there is no excuse but If I do bad things I never really think that one colour,gender,sexuality or whatever is better than an another .I did them because I was nasty,vengful and uncaring.Everyone is killing each other and I don't want to be stuck in the middle.Sometimes I am to extreme and unforgiving and sometimes I am even destructive without meaning to be and sometimes I even had some good intentions which I know so many people will find it hard to believe.Not everything I do is because I am selfish and self obssesed.The funny thing is as much as people do have reason to doubt me there were times when I was innocent and misunderstood. Another funny thing is that a lot of them never really got to know me that well.People usually knew me because someone else told them about my life.It is hilarious that everyone else is an expert on my life when there is a lot of things that they have no idea about.It isn't all their fault of course as I am difficult to get to know so I also know I am also responsible for that to. If I have had any negative on effect on you I am sorry.I do need to be understanding of other people.Sometimes I can be rather frosty and unproachable. I am sorry for going so much.It would be good to see you around the Astral Realm Forum more.
Look after yourself mirage29
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 24, 2015 10:28 PM
Hi Panthera Leo... (I love your LL name!!) The migraine was over in about an hour. Not a biggie. Thanks. And yes definitely, I'll have to include Astral Realms forum in my visits again (at least try to check once a week, or as I can). I'm not a psychic, energy-worker, or card reader like some other people are? But I DO really care about people and pray for them. You have been in my prayers this evening. I like your energy, Panthera Leo. You're all right by me! So great that you are maintaining a consistency in your spiritual practices (prayer, chanting). Sometimes practices can go up and down. Takes much discipline to stay steady like that. I'm glad that you are doing better right now. Your energy seems 'more together'-- (I know you were going through much difficulty a while back). The emotional ups and downs right now are to be expected and are normal (we've had tough transits, and it may feel like that the days after Christmas, too). Many people are feeling like that. You are not alone. We've got a big Full Moon in Cancer in a few hours. Cancer is 'sensitive' and soft and is ruled BY the Moon. Can be quite emotional-- so hug yourself, love yourself, appreciate 'you', go drink some hot cocoa (or warm beverage if it's cold were you are) and wrap yourself up in something snugly. I remember how very considerate, helpful and kind you were towards me in our asteroid 586 Thekla thread a long while ago. We had some placements that were the same, if I remember correctly. You helped me feel welcomed there.
As far as "negative energy" from you? I didn't feel anything like that then, (nor do I now). In fact, the reverse was true-- you perked me up earlier. I find you to be a very sensitive soul, and seem careful to do your best to understand yourself, and to know and understand things that are going on in the world around you. I also notice how you say something positive (after you mention the negative things that others may have said about you). That's really good, Panthera Leo! You're going to see your life transform a little bit at a time by doing that. Again, so many little steps of progress will turn into solid gains. You just wait and see. Merry Christmas! IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 25, 2015 09:12 AM
Merry Christmas!IP: Logged |
Panthera Leo unregistered
posted December 25, 2015 12:33 PM
I hope you and Randall and everyone else had a good Christmas.I feel a better I fell asleep last night and slept longer than I should have lol.Thank God for my mother she let me sleep. I have a feeling next year is going to be awesome so I say bring it on. I am glad I perked you up. No wonder it everything was so emotional I never realised the Moon was in Cancer and it was full according to astrodienst it is conjunct my Venus and opposing Uranus right now.As it moves through Cancer and heads towards Chiron,Pallas and Jupiter in the 9th house so that should be fun.Thank you for praying for me. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 25, 2015 04:44 PM
Merry Christmas! {{{ }}} ... (music) Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (Christine Aguilera) [4:04] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 25, 2015 05:07 PM
{{^^p.s. You're welcome!!, P.L. ]]~ * ~ * ~ * This is the Christmas Carol that meant so much to me and my BF Scorpio G'ma. {Sending lots of love... } (music) Merry Christmas Darling (Karen Carpenter) [3:35] ~ * ~ * ~ * ... IP: Logged |
Panthera Leo unregistered
posted December 25, 2015 05:30 PM
The Karen Carpenter song really made me think of my Grandmother who has recently went to a better place.Interestingly she is also a Scorpio.I have always had an uneasy time dealing with Scorpio energy but she was one of the people on this earth I was really close to and she was different to alot of the other Scorpios I have met.Although my grandfather is another great Scorpio exceptional person for me. It did bring a little tear to my eyes but they are happy tears.I am not sad worried or because I know she is in a better place and is still keeping an eye on us all.I am sure is your grandmother is doing the same.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 26, 2015 01:11 PM
We've been having on-off blocks of time of power-outages today--- So quickly (in case). Started some posts, but power went out.For my Friends overseas ... Happy B'oxing Day!! (music) Good King Wenceslas (John Mason Neale; perf. Candace Night) [4:38] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 26, 2015 04:43 PM
(Only 364 more days to Christmas 2016?!)LOL \ Celebrate every day we have... One day at a time. ... (music) Meet The Beat of My Heart (Judy Garland) [1:30] (music) En Priere (Gabriel Faure; 'Christmas' in Vienna 2011) [3:24] with transl. (music) En Priere (Luigi Boccia, lyrics Engl) [4:10] Happy St. Stephen's Day IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 27, 2015 11:29 AM
Happy Sun Day! ... ... (music) This Is My Wish/Let There Be Peace On Earth (Voctave, acapella) [4:04] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 27, 2015 12:13 PM
... Dance, when no one's watching, because you entertain Angels, unawares. Dance, Sing, Pray... Making loud Melodies from within your Heart for Your Creator ever-Listens, to YOU with an embracing Love. You are Precious in the Eyes of your GOD. Don't be afraid to Love. (music) You'll Never Walk Alone (Rodgers&Hammerstein, Carousel; perf. Placido Domingo) [3:48] (music) Be My Love (Mario Lanza) [3:30] (music) With A Song In My Heart (Susan Hayward) [5:55] ....... IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 27, 2015 01:23 PM
.... (music) Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Judy Garland, lyrics) [2:43] (music) Wedding Song (Peter, Paul and Mary, 25th Anniv) [3:33] It was brought back to mind the other day how in my first marriage, at the 14-month marker my husband had said to me, Why do you still act like there's still a honeymoon going on-- don't you know that the honeymoon-feeling in a marriage "usually" only lasts UP until six months?... From time to time I 'try' to act like 'oh you can't do that'... I can't? Then why IS it 'still on' for me? Why do I get renewed over and over again with the overflow of freshness in Presence? Wedding IN The Divine... You find the Magic and let it discover and lead you. But 'grounded' *ahem* people don't feel that!!?.... I started recalling over and over, how MUSIC would 'always' provide me with a Transcendence. ALL I had to do what 'show up'... Used to love roller-skating with the mirror-ball, and the wind in my hair. Oh yes, my fertile Imagination!!! Or when we'd form skate-lines and stroke and weave in step! *stroke- man stroke-man, hup, hup!! * Choir Practices!! LOL ... If you don't believe that there IS a Resurrection of the Dead?, then you should have been with me to choir practices. I remembered times of drrraggging my body TO the room, and sitting there IN the chair just 'thinking' to myself that at least I'd physically made it to practice, and I'll 'just listen' and conserve my energy, learn my notes. But omg..... I remember Glenn turning up the air-conditioning to chill down the room. I wasn't aware how clogged-chokey my lungs got (just realizing this now). As the air chilled, my lungs 'felt' clearer and fresher. He'd start practice. That man had SUCH an annointing! He 'channeled' piles of cosmic riches, and it was SO THRILLING and exciting to BE in that charge, in that Atmosphere-- and yes, I DO know humbly and consciously that *I* had been part of that 'secret ingredient' he would make certain to invite in order to add spark and sparkle to the mix! .. He knew what he was doing. I'd hardly be able to contain myself. My INSIDES would get soooo Charged with Song, that you'd almost have to put a seatbelt on me. haha. But no one restricted me, or my outrageous sense of Play and Humor. It ALL added to atmosphere and feeling safe and creative and bonding. It was THE MUSIC. It was the mix of some really incredible world-class talent. I was sooooooo blessed to BE a part of that. Memories of 'touching' the Divine with others can be Moments that will last for EVER!! Yesssss, Thank You Lord!!! So Grateful!!!! THANK YOU... For Music (music) One Voice, I Write The Songs (Barry Manilow) [7:33] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 28, 2015 11:54 AM
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 29, 2015 02:34 AM
I'm starting to catch up on some vids I missed as of Dec 21. Have my new earphones, and solved the problem I was having with these. We also had a few days of power outages, which knocks out computer and the phone here. Email deliveries have been ~wonky. You know, (humorously) I suspect that some of these tech-companies do it on purpose to launch betas, do transformer work around here, at Mercury retros. They just HAVE to be hiring astrologers to KNOW precisely when these Mercury Retrogrades are happening, so they can deflect their own misdeeds onto my Sun & Moon's ruling planet! I got way behind on one of my fav sites' podcasts-- I usually save those for when I have an idle task to do with my hands where I don't have to concentrate on what I'm doing. (Always very much enjoy their programs). I had gone to some sites to try to catch their Cancer Full Moon interpretation and it hadn't shown up as posted yet. With the planets all direct now, I was moving around my 'usual' circles (and one new site for me) and signing up for various newsletters. (Was something I had wanted to do before. With some it was a couple-years.) So, I see that there was at least one astrologer who 'remembered' that November 1977 was the discovery of Chiron. Yay, KR~ (I am very humbled at the offers of assistance I believe reappeared after I thought everyone deserted me~~ I just kept going, and kept doing.) (humor)... or else I'm experiencing that McLuhan effect again. LOL Told you how my Libra g'ma used to have a room where she'd keep the television. She'd fix herself up before approaching the TV (in 1950s/60s). Would take off her apron and fix her hair 'as though' the people on the TV could actually see her. She's smile and nod at the hosts on TV. My granny was a prophetic-SKYPER. (b.1900) Then, there was the *sniff* trauma I got when the lady on Romper Room just couldn't see me in her magic mirror. I remember that stab of pain one day when I'd dressed up soooo nicely and she couldn't see me-- had my red leather shoes, navy colored corduroy pinafore and white blousy top underneath with lace around the ruffles. My hair had natural ringlets with two barrettes in my hair. I mean, I wasn't even "hiding" behind the recliner in the room this time. I was up in front, ready and fully dressed and...... she never saw. *sounds of heart smashing* *sniff, sniff again* So maybe this whole internet experience I've been having is the culmination of an observation and wish from a 3+ year old? (It was from when I was around 3+ years old. Not 4, because it was before my T&A surgery in August that year.... I think. Time gets confusing!) That was also around the time of the dream with a giant snake wrapped around the base-foundation of the house I lived in, too. (I wrote about that somewhere around here at LL.) I don't know exactly what to say right now, except I'd like vocational assistance... Even TD Jakes programs are in resonance with the vids... He did a show on "Weddings Gone Wild"?? (ref, my 'wedding'-type posts above). Feels like that commercial where the girl approaches the altar, and a helicopter comes to drop a ladder, and I think that it's she who is actually piloting the craft. I'm putting in pressure and effort-- It's like coming out of anesthesia, but being twilight-state. Maybe some of this has been because I didn't understand the way yt's, etc, work. There are some things about computers that I don't even know that I don't know. And the converse of that, too! ~~So bizarre. So absurd, the internet is. The night before last I woke up with dream where I was trying to figure out FB and other media, and I'd get weird messages like I hadn't signed up, and I didn't sign up, and in red color the last site I'd just visited (when I'd never heard of that site!!). So, all this 'frustration' and confusion about processes I'm 'guessing' at is even disturbing my dreams!... Thing that I found is that some sign-up places/chats are very unforgiving of errors. It's like they remember you, while you have no idea what that is/was! ~~ ohhh nooooo Just before that Full Moon, I'd 'gotten' what my purpose is, as far as the Motherhood Imagery I saw. The next day came with information about the mothering-type activities I'd done throughout my life. (Like a ~weird life review.) TD Jakes was in parallel speaking about birthing (I watched on VCR/~whatever it's called now, right after my writing original thoughts). Then A.Oken's newsletter came, and same-themes seemed to swirl and 'assemble' itself. I LOVE this imagery in my head. Certain of 'those' voices, all chanting the same versicles out through and into the ethers.... And like my Conversion Dream, April 1987, where I saw space ripple-itself like a rug that got snap-waved, my Voice had made a Difference-- in that dream, the planets and stars-themselves shook when I told that cosmic outer experience that 'I Want That!!!' 'I Want That!!!' from the pit of my being. You know, we all 'meet' there~~ yes we do. I recently had seen a post at LL, which led me on a track to look at my SN-Mercury Gemini conjunction.... Then I listened to two vids about SN-Mercuries and saw the 'infoslutt-problem' in a whole new light for me. Now I understand 'why' some people were saying that I needed to use my 'intuition' to guess. .... {oh no, too much delineation. deleted-- but I 'see' that in the chart in a new light} I lead with my head soooo much. And yes, we need to DO that, but it's confusing me now. I have the spiritual, I'm noticing more and more of the hunches I get (and don't realize I have). I've seen especially in recent months that I'm picking up on what other people in my circle are doing, even when they're on other sides of the planet. Had zero idea that BG had pulled out her violin. That was a shocker-validation for me. I KNOW that had to be ~creepy/awkward for her after she found my post (if she read it). Creepy-awkward. Good words for right now. ~ And I thank my brother about his kundalini description. Sometimes I was being 'brought- into' by some energies that I didn't quite understand what was happening (in the etheric down to body). Connections and connecting can be QUITE powerful and explosive. ~~~ I too pray that we ALL make the right decisions. For me, it 'thinkfeels' like my life depends upon it. It may, but I cannot allow myself to go there with that thought. I need some people in my life that I can trust... So much shifting going on. Little pieces, layers. GOD is a life-extender... I still have a job to do here. Not giving up the bod, Lord Willin'. Sometimes I don't know if it's me 'picking up' on people, or my own body-symptoms. I keep flushing it, and flushing it. Asking Angels to go answer whomever that was..... Incident today~~ {oh, yesterday now, it's late} Earlier today I saw a neighbor who had gotten banged up somehow. Body braces, bandages. I asked him if he'd like prayer, and he and his friend very much wanted some. ... I was impressed to tell him that 'he lived!' He's alive because there's a purpose to his being here, and now God would show him the plan-- I prayed for the acceleration of his recovery from injuries sustained and other things (add your silent amen's to that for him. *smile*) I saw my vid-brother in the tour (so fascinating!! I learned about computers more, and I'm so grateful that you showed us...) And omg, you are SUCH a giant Love-- you really-truly are. I love the 'feel' of power from sound, but right now, it's done some nasty things to my body's system here that I need recovery from it(woofers). It's like what KRS had said--. {p.s. I noticed your energy shift up and get clearer when going to your area of green room and lamps. Perhaps utilizing colors of your character-animal in the entrance could add to your upliftment there (colors and hues)... Maybe that's a reason you like the nature-scenes too-- same colors.} I understand about the 'letting go', and I am sooo grateful to you. We shall meet someday, and I pray everything in your life goes super-well. I hope that when I'm settled sometime, we'll be able to talk; and if I get ideas for you, I'll pass them along. When I figure out how to do media, I'll post some of your things. And yes, I should be careful not to do so-much 'busy' work, but balance that with relaxation. .. I 'shouldn't' be up this late. I NEED to sleep, and hold a good cycle for that.
I've got to trust that God will give me the right steps, right moments, that I'll bump into right people. ... I need to keep my focus into the more solid happier 'safety' realms. And yes, I MUST protect my innerds from "toxic" messages. It happened to me around noon today, ran into something I wasn't expecting, and may have to separate myself for a time from that. Yes, it knocks me down. I 'see' that now. Have to protect the progress I make, because each win will stack, then solidify. Will make a good foundation. I'm looking forward to that. I want that. Thank you soooo much for people who gave me forgiveness and positive reinforcement. There is always something to work on, work with. And I am willing to look at options, get on track.... see what I can do, for myself, and others. SINCE we're in shadow time?? LOL, I reserve to be able to change my mind. But I AM on the move. I throw myself at this guy here (rm) and he's just not-interested. hmmmmrrp. LOL I have more on my Juno-Return experience that I may share another time. So many stories!--- I'll need a life-extension to tell them all. (Sounds like this ought to be some kind of Irish Toast, but I DO need to go to bed now... Thanks for reading, and all feedback I've received.) (I'll be making my posting-rounds. Do have some errands tomorrow, so may be later.) (music) Make Me A Servant (Maranatha Singers, lyrics) [3:29] IP: Logged | |