Topic: Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 02, 2016 03:29 PM
I'm just getting soooo blessed blissed-out by the Universe today. Looking over asteroids again, GOD just spelling things out. Reminds me sooo much of that movie 'Close Encounters' where the single notes became a Symphony as they were passed back TO the earthlings from the extra-terrestrials in efforts to communicate. Venus was on my Jesus asteroid yesterday (11+ Capricorn), and asteroid Gladman is there now. (tPluto on my Soma-Destinn group of asteroids, mind blowing WOW) Yes, HE makes me GLAD. Things are going to be way better, not worse (as my fears have been so doggedly-real!!).... The tJesus asteroid was conjunct Briede (Bride, of CHRIST) while tNeptune approaches the Bride-Lamb in my chart(Pisces). Chiron (a form of The Christ) is on my Anubis 18+ Pisces next to Mr. Whitacre (whose music is DEEPLY inspirational).... (music) Go Lovely Rose (Eric Whitacre, acapella BYU, lyrics) [4:28] Today (and yesterday) I've been home waiting on a delivery of our first piece of comfortable furniture to come to the house since the bedbug invasion we had several years ago. Venus is trine my Venus!! LOL It's about comfort for my body and my bones. tVenus cj Pluto in Saturn's (bone) sign of Capricorn, in my 2nd House. I know that some people want to condemn a Venus Taurus 5th as an overly luxurious hound and gourmand. But that Venus of mine, is also conjunct some truly-remarkable enlightening portals.... Divine ones. The transiting Jesus asteroid (Yeshuhua) NOW is stimulating my Cohen, Shakti, Samadhi, PortaCoeli Taurus(quintiling my Lada angel vertex Uranus Cancer) those, and I enjoy a Celestial Banquet with Feastings on his Holy Presence and Promises today.
T Mars Scorpio is quintiling some of my 'holy-asteroids' over at 3 Virgo which trine holy things in my Taurus 5th. (ROFLMAO)... Oh yes, do you think GOD made the Universe and all those Asteroids in certain places, and transiting at certain times 'for a Reason'?... Gently, so Beautifully, a HOLY Reason.... tPolyhymnia is conjunct my Jupiter Cancer.... Which sextiles my Moon. There is so much filling and swelling in my Soul today. And it's soooo Good. So Remarkable, so Infinite. Sometimes I just spend too much time 'suffering' pain, when I should allow myself to 'dwell' ON The Beautiful Pain in my Soul instead. It's nutrition for my mind, my soul, my heart. I am GOD's Daughter. I am a Queen as well (asteroid in my 8th Cancer, across from tPluto Capricorn). ... As a Child, when I came across broken things, I used to tell my friends, or friends of my parents, to take it to my Daddy-- because it was FACT (to me), that MY Daddy can fix ANYTHING!! :heart: He's been passed now, but I found out from relatives how impressed he was that his daughter would say these things with such confidence--- I was so impressed with him. And I guess GOD is no different... My GOD can fix Anything! He proves himself to me on a Daily basis. .... Man condemns. God Lifts. So, I turned on the television this morning after chores, waiting on the delivery truck. I turned on a religious channel, and there was Joel Osteen, saying that 'God gives Beauty, for Ashes' ***JAWDROP?????*** It's that etheric McLuhan(*) GOD-Effect!! McLuhan is up there, pulling harp or guitar strings with GOD!! omg.... :laughing: And OF COURSE, I'm so sure there are asteroids for that, that I'm not even gonna try right now. I'll just keep-typing. I DO hope they name a REALLY appropriate asteroid after him(*). oops?? *knocking at the door*... IT'S THE CHAIR!!!! Oh, and it looks soooo Beautiful. Just the right size for the space. (I made a good pick!... The colors fit really well. I'm sure rm will be very happy when he gets home, tonight.) We've been using those plastic thin patio chairs... (Rm has a very corpulent body. ... has a Jupiter Taurus 20+ trine his Venus. Jupiter trine Jupiter transit for him now.) I'd picked up some pieces thin foam with a polyester sheet over mine, as my body can feel actually sore sometimes. Needs a bit of cushion-actioning. This is Fantastic!! yay Venus!!! .... tVenus in cappy trines MY Taurus Venus, and rm's Virgo Venus is on my Moon. The t Sun Aquarius 13+ is just past HIS Moon and onto his North Node 21... H9. (We both have a Ninth House Moon). tJupiter and NN is in rm's 4th House now (and my Ninth, with LEO on the Cusp... My Venus is in the Natural Leo House, the 5th.) It's been so good for me to hang out over in Astral Realms forum for a bit. Has me thinking about former posts. AND, blessed to have watched some of the TV programs this morning... There was a Rabbi talking about the Miracle of 7's (duh, luv it!! my chart, and sacred geometry), and my love and attraction to the Jewish people. The program had me thinking back to times in my past where I wasn't even AWARE (that much aware) of how dire things were in the financial sectors for the rest of the world. I had been simply trudging along, especially after being disqualified from the monastery I had applied to. I'd also been working temp-jobs at stock-brokerages during that time (said, for those who know my chart). During a time where the rest of the world was panicking with the market bottoming out in the 800s, I was hired as an assistant to a broker who was #2 ranked in the world, and we handled some of the richest accounts of families in the world. One day on my own, I took an order and wrote it up, holding a ticket for 1-Million in my right hand, and $10,000 in my left (from same customer), and I remember stopping and really trying to 'ground' 'how much money' I held in my hands right then (~1982). I guarded everyone's money like it was mine... And as far as the monastery was concerned (tPallas on the name of the Foundress today), (that name conjunct my Chiron, Chant, Stone ... which described the monastery), I didn't realize how MUCH of a Trauma that was to me.... And it was certainly considered as something shameful to the rc-church I had belonged to-- I left the church because of the shunning I got for that. They shouldn't treat their postulants that way. ... But then I wouldn't have joined up with the Pentecostals and become filled with the Holy Spirit and go to Bible School either, or have all those experiences I had... So, it was good I was a 'Maria' LOL (tVesta Aries on my Magdalena, and Dionysis (sacred Spouse), squaring itself Vesta Cancer H8 17+, and trine tChiron in Pisces). I have asteroid Maria conjunct Actor all in the degree of my Moon! ...
And it's soooo amazing how sometimes the songs from certain movies (and even the movies themselves) can just already say everything about your life and inner-spirit. (music) How Do You Solve? (nuns, from R&H musical The Sound of Music, clip) [3:20] Laughing too, because Rogers and Hammerstein, and Leonard Bernstein, for me, wrote some of the most Heavenly and Inspiring Music I have ever had the privilege to Dream with.
(Of course, I have asteroids Bernstein, and Rogers, in Aquarius in my 2nd House, and the SUN is energizing these for me... ah!!!!! Those asteroids are soooo Beautiful, Inspiring and SURREAL in my life. yes yes yes. tCeres in Pisces on my asteroid Yes! LOL, trine Mars Cancer with LOADS of important asteroids, o m g!!!!) So, I was choosing a song for making this post today, and had settled on 'Make Our Garden Grow', (after I had reviewed an older video that Tim H made day before New Years Day 2016, about JupiterNN--- you are awesome!). So, I was thinking about all the prejudice in the world. I was thinking (from Astral Forum) about how I used to dream about Barbra Streisand. She was a 'dream symbol' character for me, (LOL, her, and Ernest Borgnine!~ yes, I had a number of dreams with both of these celebrities). (I LOVE Barbra sooo much-- I hope they chose an asteroid for HER too, some day.... SOOOOO inspirational.) And with the tSun on my natal Bernstein Aquarius, I looked across the sky from there, and found asteroid Isreal Leo. ... My Isreal conjuncts Gardner? ... How can I 'resist' the song from the jewish heritage, some Beauties who brought us SOOOO much Inspiration through the muse of Acting and Musical Theatre... (tEuterpe SD on my Mercury sextile my Euterpe Leo 20+). (~oy, my asteroids--- well, if you've been following my asteroid posts here, you ALREADY know all my quintiles, biquintiles and conjuctions all around my natal chart concerning these! ...including my church asteroids and Jesus asteroid and hearing the Music of the Spheres asteroid.) If I stopped to delineate all these, I'd be here for HOURS! LOL So, I got my Kelley R newsletter today with imbedded video to listen to later. She has a picture of Star Trek people in it today. ???? haha.... Next to my asteroid Isreal Leo, it's conjunct to Kelley, and conjunct Rodenberry!!! yesss!!!! What synchronicity!! Can't make this stuff up!!! (Asteroid Isreal is retro transiting conjunct tChurch and been ON my Virgo Moon. tIsreal and tChurch in Virgo is joining tJupiter-rx-NN ON my Volta and h44 Apollon 21+ Virgo H9. ) I may have one of the 'worst' astrological charts, a 'bad' chart.... But GOD, has been sooooo Good to me. He gave me the asteroids and the ability to do astrology-stories with them and music to Inspire the World. And this is my contribution to it. .... Thank you GOD, just Thank you ty ty. I am a Good Thing to be Found..{scripture} :heart: ... :mountain: *hug the world* (music) Make Our Garden Grow (Leonard Bernstein, perf by Barbra Streisand, 2012) [4:03] IP: Logged |
Panthera Leo unregistered
posted February 03, 2016 11:24 AM
I'm glad things are looking up for you mirage29. Something you can sing along to Barbara Streisand Don't Rain On My Parade IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 03, 2016 07:05 PM
{{ That's right, always right! }}Believing, always believing Thanks so much for the Streisand song... /e IP: Logged |
Panthera Leo unregistered
posted February 03, 2016 07:58 PM
Good luck with your plans mirage29 I hope that your roomate and his daughter can reconcile their differences. I actually found the nerve to ring my father on Tuesday.I had talked with my aunt and she informed me that he wasn't doing to well at the present moment in time.Anyway I rang and talked for a little bit and said I would ring back later this week. Hopefully there will be some force working in the universe at the present moment that will be able to help estranged family members reconnect with each other.
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 03, 2016 10:16 PM
You're always a Kind Soul, Panthera Leo... Proud of you for initiating that call to your dad. Sorry to hear he's not feeling well, though. Sometimes people go through many adjustments after they lose important people in their lives. Processes in waves. Glad to see you talking with your aunt too. Yes, I hope all estrangements, of all kinds, will be corrected, (as God wills). Message, in Timeless song.... (music) Love Song (Elton John, Tumbleweed Connection) [3:41] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 04, 2016 07:55 AM
Hope you dad feels better soon.IP: Logged |
Panthera Leo unregistered
posted February 04, 2016 11:01 AM
Thanks Mirage29 and Randall Great song mirage29 IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 04, 2016 01:06 PM
This morning has been a strange morning for me. Feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders today. As usual, I had songs feeding through me in my morning activities, and I did a session with the Lord, for people who mourn-- those who mourn whatever losses are evoked during this Season of Love and Loving Others....Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall Be Comforted He anoints with the Oil of Gladness, for the spirit of mourning My Soul grounds with yours today, and we Lift up our Beloveds, and all the ones whom we Miss with ALL our Heart Mind and Soul. Even though they STILL Be among us, witnessing the fruit from their lives, we still miss them sorely ...for we are merely mortal. We are just simply human beings, blessed (not cursed) because we've got feelings. Celebrating 'Feelings', lifting each tear in the cup to Heaven. {{{I hold you close in my Heart today, so gently firmly strongly}}} (music) Going Home (Antonin Dvorak's 9th Symphony the 'New World' symphony; perf by Sissel Kyrkjebo, in Koros) [5:27] (music) You Raise Me Up (Sissel Kyrkjebo, lyrics) [4:04] (music) Auld Lang Syne (Sissel Kyrkjebo, engl./swedish) [4:48] {{Release, Release, Release.....}}
(music) You Make Me Feel Like Dancing (Bee Gees, lyrics) [2:49] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 05, 2016 10:56 AM
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 05, 2016 04:21 PM
I had a few misgivings before creating that post about "mourning".... But then again, and again, on the news last night, I discovered that my Love-Based 'instincts' were correct. If some people didn't like it or approve of it, then gently, I answer to GOD. If he wants to make me appear foolish, then I trust GOD-- because there's always something Good that happens when GOD is IN it. I WAS perceiving a 'packet' of energy that was out there for some people who grieve, and I hope that it had a beneficial soothing comforting healing effect on 'that layer' of the collective energies right now. I have a mission as an Energetic-Scout in the collective to BE (what you think is) ~weird. God gave me layers of types of talents and anointings-- Sometimes I am SO FREAKIN' accurate, that it shocks everyone (MOST of all, myself!!! ROFLMAO). Yesterday, I 'located' something 'in the collective' and MY individual life, that can count as spoils-and-treasures.... as a 'result' of doing that posting. There were things I viewed on TV that preceded and partially-prompted my "mourning" post, then with the news program I saw last night, I saw more evidence of how accurate this is. I'm not going to make this into a long-post today (even though it could have been diva-length, with asteroids proving my points, etc). I will make this more short-cutted.... even if still too-long? Acknowledgment to my vid-friend Tim Halloran, and his Astrology Forecast for New Moon in Aquarius, "Initiating Movers & Bridgers Between New & Old Agers".... This IS the chart I have. And that's one of the Beauties of Esoteric-Astrology. There are some things that can't be seen in a chart UNLESS that person Be older, and on a Spiritual mission.... I'm glad I didn't do the post I had planned on for last night, because I 'needed' for Tim to Give out 'The Question' to the community, first.... Thank you for acknowledging the 'shakers and the movers' in this world--- because I factKNOW and feel that I'm one of those, I've BEEN one of those. And I'm glad to see a few of the others who 'still have my back' , too. (Tim, I hope you feel better soon *Angel*) Tim Halloran brought up issues about how we have not yet transitioned from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. You said we are not (presently) 'as connected' as we think we are. I TOO perceive what you say... There is something 'blocking' that affects all the levels, going down to body issues all the way up to the psychological then the religious questions. I found the answer through exploring 'my' problem the other day.... Looking for the Root, then delving that, and so forth. {{MM}} While doing a daisy-chaining through some yt's (non-astros), I came across 'the words' I needed. I feel (and think) that CORE ROOT ISSUE facing every individual AND The Collective is that we all need Healing from the Trauma based on separations: To start the convo?, it's 'The Core Root of Rejection' that society is sickened with-- on every single level you want to view this. It applies to everything. (And to throw-in a "religious" spin on this? ohhh nooooo LOL!!! That is why The Master Jesus came at WorldPoint between the Age of Aries to Age of Pisces... Alpha and Omega!! The snake eating its tail. They say he could have been born between 29-Virgo/0-Libra!! "relationships"!!! ALLL KINDS!! *grin* every way imaginable!!) As a side, I "know" I've been "sounding religious"---- I just LOVE The Lord. I hear some of you so loud and clear-- We ARE on the same resonance!! tg tg tg I could do a lot of work for the religious community--- AND my scope is ON the Greater Community at large. The 'religious' are just a tiny part of it. They TOO have to 'rise up' to realize we are in something AWESOME right now!!! Yes, that Background of Joy---- advances. Hard to always find the words for it, but we have been 'pregnant'. --- A few days ago, I was thinking about Jesus who came in as a Lamb? .... The NEXT Visit, He comes in as THE LION. His Hair WHITE GLOWING and blinding like snow on a brilliant brilliant day. His eyes will be like what I've heard described as "Saturn's" deathly glance. He Comes to Judge/Reward (like Saturn!!!), and Peace will Reign, and evil will be put-out of this garden. ... According to prophecies, he won't be eradicated (like the Guinea Worm is about to be!!! yay); he's be loosed again in another millennia... But WE are supposed to experience that Utopian-type existence. It IS going to be Given to us. (And all the work for it, was culminated by Jesus' Obedient-life-- WE all benefitted from HIS Sacrifice. ULTIMATE Sacrifice, between himself under-Contract with his Father-Mother-God self. We 'feel' Him/ALL through the HOLY Spirit of God which emenates FROM the RE-Uniting of GOD. The RE-memberment (I heard a good sermon the other day)... The REmembering of the Mystical Body of 'CHRIST').... I was going to leave a post last night asking for prayers for ME related with that. (I partially attributed it astrologically to the functioning of my Saturn Opp Venus aspect in my chart.) A Saturn Opp Venus deals with the pain of unrequited Love. (And that's supposed to correct as the person gets older.) I realize that this 'isolative' feeling that I have all the time was my cross-to-bear through this lifetime (up till now). I KNOW with my head, that I am Loved. I fact-know that. Yet I can go into states of feeling sooooooo ridiculously forlorn. How can I feel both sooo Loved, and so Bereft, at the same time??? I HAVE God in me, and that "cured" soooo much in my life. I have had a number of direct-experiences with God. Including, the one I haven't written about yet when I first moved to this locale. (I think I deleted it-- was in a different thread--- It had to do with Where you BELONG, having a sense 'that' you Belong.) Sidenote: LOL---- Hey MP, your refrig IS loud!! I didn't notice until you mentioned it!! But whoah!!! ROFLMAO And I went through those kinds of whoahs with being ripped-off by those moving companies!!! That's where you want to get down to the skinny of life, and have Good Friends who can drive a U-haul type Van. I had done that in one of my moves, and paid their airfare back to home. We had a great time 'saying goodbye' on that trip. My moves before that were made through UPS--- I only had books and papers, and just a few personal things. And that's where I stand now. Still have my Scorpio Grandmother's Sewing machine (from earlier in this thread). Would almost be a shame to sell that now--- It's got 'her'... I had smashed all 'her' special glassware she gave me, and it broke my heart to do that, but I did it with a 'dedication' when I did. I love pretty green-glassware. And I'll always treasure the memories OF those dishes in my mind and stories. Her sewing machine reminds me of a parson's table. I used to use it to journal, and to read God's Word. If I had to sell this, I would need help doing that. It could be enough money for an air ticket... but then, it's gone. I didn't get my license renewed because 'I wanted to move'-- I held that money FOR a renewed license WITH my 'new address'. The 'hood has been AMAZING at how quiet it got. Another criminal left last weekend, and things are even MORE quiet --- now I just have this gnarly-fridge. NOT a 'loud' so much as what it 'does' to my electricalNervous system. I have earphones for anything 'loud'. My body just hurts when the woofers go on for more than an afternoon. I've spent nights not being able to rest or sleep because of how MUCH it shook my bed. I don't mind shaking?, but NOT when my nervousSystem is being interfered with too. That all happened as a result of having to stay here too long when things had been SOOOO adverse, night and day, constant. There are times I still get pretty sick-feeling in public when I'm subjected to bad compressors, diesel equipment, etc. I don't know 'what' I can do about that, except limit my prolonged exposure to it....
Something too, that I see is needed in the General Community, is a further fostering of Being a Good Neighbor, and bringing IN more of a "Spirit of Hospitality." If you think DEEPLY about the "Root of Rejection" in Society, and all the Wounds we suffer right now from that---- Then, you think DEEPLY about the "Spirit of Hospitality"--- it will take you through issues from everything dealing with abortion, orphans, immigrants, etc..... It's the dance of masculine and feminine--- all rolled up into one giant solar-ball. The idea is "nuclear" (on every nuance of that word you can think about--- it's the nu-CLEAR.) So, to MP!!! Here's the Song you mentioned --- (I'm so ready.... for someone to break the Ice, and get the ball rolling!!!, then figure things out from there.) I pray God's Blessing over this... I am a spiritual-midwife AND have been pregnant with ideas-- God will bring the right people forward to me (and hamper the rest). Sooooo Much Love! {MP's song!!} (music) One Call Away (Charlie Puth, lyrics) [3:12] If you are part of the Spiritual Collective, then I KNOW you'll be exhilarated by and enjoy 'the graphics' on this one. A little something for everyone in it. (music) We've Been Made More Than Conquerors (Janny Grein, a Christian-- I went to her concerts back in the 80s-- she was like the David Bowie of Christian artists at that time) [6:48] IP: Logged |
Panthera Leo unregistered
posted February 05, 2016 05:47 PM
There is no need to worry mirage29 you didn't do anything wrong.If someone didn't like your post thats their problem.It's only human to miss our loved ones or the things we have lost in our lives.Sometimes even if we thought we got over them even the best of us are reminded of them unexpectedly and end up digging up old memories or old pain.Rejection truly is a terrible thing.However sometimes it teaches us and helps mold us and helps us to become better people. I don't know a lot about the bible but I thought this might be relevant. "Love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sins" 1Peter4:8 I was going to post that in a fancy meme but I kept discovering a lot of them were encrypted.I nearly swore like a trooper God would have had to wash my mouth out with industrial cleaner lol . Gandalf Water of Love Gandalf Nature Boy Lena Martell Let me try again Adele Hello I used to like these hymns when I was in primary school.The second one might hopefully give you some inspiration and hope .
All things bright and beautiful Lord of The Dance
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 05, 2016 07:57 PM
Oh, what a surprise, Panthera!!!! Back at ya!!... LOL (music) Hello Again (Neil Diamond) [3:28] I am soooo delighted by your songs! So thoughtful, full of Care. You just have a way with 'songs' and the things you say to me. So!... *crickets chirping peacefully* -- You're 'on top' of a 'mountain' of posts in this thread. I like your quote... Love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sins. 1Peter4:8 ...Beautiful words. Beautiful up here. IP: Logged |
Panthera Leo unregistered
posted February 05, 2016 08:10 PM
Love the song mirage29IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 06, 2016 08:30 AM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 07, 2016 10:58 AM
I love Neil Diamond's voice.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 07, 2016 12:43 PM
Last night and this morning is sheer hell on my body's electricalsystem. I spent the night 'surviving'--- I feel soooooo sick. There's nothing I can do for myself but to 'stand it'... to survive a 'bad environment' -- the one I've been talking about since the start of this thread.It is FACT that there are no doctors around here who can do anything about my problem. The neighbors don't have to be 'loud' anymore--- the 'sonic' component to their systems get through. Jets flying overhead all night leave 'shaking' in their wakes. The drug dealers making their rounds in the 'hoods around here have muscle cars, adding to all of it. There's nothing left for me to do, but Stand it the best I can. There are no safe alternatives that I can physically go for 'on my own' here--- any public shelter that I would move to outside this 'hood would ONLY be a version of 'the same thing'.... Pearlty had sent me an email yesterday, and I told her this. ... All that's left for me now, is a battle between the angels who want to preserve my life and the devils who work overtime to 'take me out of the game'. I was/am the *opportunity* that people missed... Asking for STRONG Healing Prayers for me Today. That GOD Preserve my Life, EXTEND My Life so that I can Release the Gift Within me, WHILE in a COMPLETELY HEALTHY physical Body. GOD is Able, and GOD will have the Last Word with me..... (music) The Battle Belongs To The Lord [3:16] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 07, 2016 12:52 PM
... (music) I Love The Lord (Whitney Houston) [4:45] IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted February 07, 2016 10:13 PM
Mirage,I'm miserable that you felt so miserable. I wish you could feel healthy. I wish you could find the way out of that horrible place... no one should have to endure such a life. Wish I could adopt you. I know what you mean about good & evil. I wish you weren't in pain. I'm just glad for small comforts, happy that you can even type, and keep telling your story, and keep having music. One day at a time....and this Whitney Houston song is so gorgeous. Keeping you in my prayers. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 07, 2016 10:47 PM
Feeling better right now. That was scary this morning. Getting along fine with rm. He has his 'moments', but we both have a Value that we like calm, peaceful, and kind Peaceful co-existence in the home. For me, it is vitally important. I can't live around too much strife and negativity in the environment. Harmony is good nutrition.When it's reasonable here I am fine. Rm happy in front of TV, me working on the computer and in my books and papers right now. That's the way I've adapted to much of what is here. I work very hard on these posts, and I feel care being drawn out of me into every post I do. It's just the kryptonite effect of OTT sonics when it happens. The peak of that 'resonance' effect when all sonics converge. (Or, like right now.... some deep scrape-y woofer gets into and penetrates my middle... ugh! But it was 'temporary', tg. Not like last night.) So basically, it's like someone said for this week... Balance, pay attention to Health. REST for now. And after last night and most of today? I'd better really take the pressure off. ... I know how some feel out there, almost like you've been beat up inside somehow. Stay Strong... One Heart. One Beautiful Heart. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 07, 2016 10:56 PM
Hi Faith {{ }} ... I didn't see your post. Thank you for your comments... You know, on one hand, I hate sympathy?... Then sometimes, you just need someone to hold your head or hand for a while. So again, thank you. (I'm pathetic? but not THAT pathetic, ~MOST of the time!! ... And yes, sometimes I wish the 'pain' part of it wasn't involved... that's when I'm pathetic. The moment it stops, I recover, I'm fine.)I saw your 'dream' in Astral Realms .... Here we go again, right? ... O God I really pray not. Take Care! IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 08, 2016 01:24 PM
All RMs can have their moments.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 09, 2016 08:18 PM
Panthera Leo.... I'm so sad that you Unregistered. I hope you're alright. {{ }}I hope nobody here hurt your feelings... I know that things were a bit rough at home for you, too. You were SUCH a Support for me here, and for others, over in the Astral Realms forum. {{~Mean People just SUCK! }}... I shall miss your addition of musical urls. Your picks were ~surreal and sooo apt. ... { } .... Thank you for being an atypical Friend to me in a world that can be so filled with unkindness. It needs more people like you. Stay well. {{ }} IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 10, 2016 01:36 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 11, 2016 02:38 PM
Fare thee well.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 11, 2016 09:12 PM
Listened to Eric Francis and his take on the Aquarius New Moon that happened at 19+ Aquarius.... sidenote: I love all your programs, Eric. The newest one on Miracles was really interesting. ~duh! "You" are just interesting!! Be willing to be wrong. I found this to a really useful practical exercise in the past year. As founded as my ideas and patterns could be, there's always 'more' beyond that. Always something greater. Listen and allow ideas to challenge your viewpoints.... your multi-viewpoints I like growing from listening to new or different ideas. I can usually extract good from what I expose myself to. I process, then turn it back around and re-present it. And, I want to make it clear that emotional-abuse had me draw some hard boundary lines in the sand for a few. Like my Scorpio Grandmother said, I can choose NOT to be abused. 'It ain't Love if it's mean, Evangeline' Little Big Town. I Believe God has something Wonderful in store for me. Have a nice weekend everyone... It was Carole King's Birthday February 9th. Carole, I was on a Women's Committee at a university campus in the mid70s who began an emphasis on Women's History Month. This idea went national. I suggested 'you' as our artist. (But you weren't available.) *clears throat* I just want you to know that I was the one who suggested 'you'.... You are just thrilling and AWESOME to the Core--- haha, 'down to the marrow' (song lyrics). I knew every song, every note, every inflection back then. Thank you so much for being one of my Muses back in those days, and in the years beyond. {{air-hug!!}} You've got great hair! (music) You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman (Carole King, Tapestry) [3:55] IP: Logged | |