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Author Topic:   Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others

Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted March 10, 2016 02:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted March 11, 2016 01:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Smart cows!

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posted March 11, 2016 08:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Started watching a few vids about what's coming up next week astrologically.

Rm (lateGemini ASC) is still planning on going through with his elective surgery. I will add prayer of faith to his natural Virgo luckiness.

ON surgery day Tuesday March 15, he's having his "Mars-Conjunct-Mars" EXACT at 2:18pm in this locale.

I'll try to be a presence here, whenever I can. (Hard to predict... Sometimes I think I won't, then I get a spree of time here. Love it when that happens.)

He'll probably be off-work for the rest of next week, and maybe even for the next eclipse-week? (which hits my chart really closely) -- I'd still love to meet new astro friends and hang out with cool people who love GOD, and Humanity, and want to make a Difference. *Must Love Christian Jesus-girls*

(sidenote-- Not into ACOM at all. Tried it several times in the past, was in a group for a month. Just cannot get into it. {Cayce-oriented here, so not for me, thanks, if some were thinking that way.})

Hoping for his speedy TOTAL and easy recovery. And for 'calm' for me....

I'm still onboard and looking forward to studying astrology and becoming a more-accurate person, somehow... Was hoping to hear from some people by now. We'll see.

And yes, need to take extra care of my health these days, too. (I feel it.)

I hope there will be more inspirational days where I'll get to use the computer to share the way I feel and all my thoughts towards you all.

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted March 12, 2016 05:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sounds like a busy week!

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posted March 13, 2016 01:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Just the pre-amble...
I wish I knew how to get my life right all-by-myself?

Something simple, peaceful, but intensely interesting, perhaps?
Something I could feel good at being able to do? ...besides driving myself and everyone crazy here trying to figure everything-out and tearing my hair out doing it. No way I want to go bald. Nope, I pretty much like my hair.

Like battened-hatches waiting on the storm here.

Maybe I can try doing this for a while...?

I've written some diva-long posts today that I never submitted. Just deleted the whole thing. I want to put the right words on some of what I'm seeing right now, having to do with one's in leadership that I see being affected by their 2nd Saturn Sag returns.

I knew what it was to watch Scorpio returns. 2nd-Saturn Sag Leaders seem to have their own key signature crunch stress reactions going on.

After a while, all those self-religions and self-philosophies will eventually learn that self can't fulfill self. There's got to be a Connection to Higher Power made.

To be Connected with GOD, the Source of All Inspiration, and looking into each other's Face makes the best Book of all....

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posted March 14, 2016 02:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
One step at a time.

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posted March 15, 2016 01:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Baby steps.

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posted March 16, 2016 02:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted March 16, 2016 05:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
He is healing quickly. Thanks.

It was a bit of an ordeal with dealing with contracts he had signed that had 'hidden costs' of at least ONE-THIRD MORE than what he understood he needed.

He had talked about investing in getting some more furniture, but I kept insisting he wait until AFTER he knew he was in-the-clear financially from his oralsurgery. Turns out to have been a VERY wise move. (And I'm glad for him that this 'stress' wasn't added to the relationship dynamics here too.)

He even thanked me for being there and for everything I did for him.. (Cool).

For me, I haven't been feeling well, and I can barely think anymore. I'm just existing, and I guess that's what I gotta do.

Good thing for me is that I have a spiritual life. I had paced back and forth in front of the building where he was, praying in the Spirit for over an hour.

Haha, there were a couple people that came up, and they smiled. I smiled back, and humorously 'offered' to pray for them AND for their wallet before they went into the door. I got some knowing looks from that one... Dentist places are not some of the more-favored places to be, for sure.

But Found some Joy somewhere in it! {{tG}}


(music) I Never Lost My Praise (Tramaine Hawkins, gospel) [8:36]

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posted March 16, 2016 07:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I get inspiration from several varied sources.... Here's a SYNCHRONICITY for today!

Regarding that song I just cued up for the above post-- while I relistened to it, yt was offering more songs by Tramaine Hawkins in the list beside it.

There's ACTUALLY a song called "The Potter's House"...

Name of the TV show that TD Jake's does... I'm a huge fan! I started listening to the lyrics, and those words were pretty unique. ---- AND!!!!!! it was 'posted' by the vidder on May29 (my birthday).

{I feel sad to say that I feel a constant level of ~sick~ almost all the time now in my health-- selfdoubts. just affects everything in my life. ...just so ~yukky.)
..... Relate w/ rm is fine. I'm just "worn out" now. some people can pull up their bootstraps, and be all ~selfmade, selfmacho, selfpreserving, selfstarting, self self self self. my self is tired. feels that I just couldn't make it happen like people were demanding. ... i couldn't do 'enough' 'on my own' for everyone's approval---
but at least what I Be is enough for God. He'll make a way for me to finish my earth journey, since he started me on it. He's my innerresource, He's got the plan and He ain't sayin'. He'll have to revive this one, or resurrect me in my new body. All I can do is day to day-- can't think of anything ahead of me---- Just existing for a quarter-day at a time for right now. everything else seems like just nothingness.)

Good thing I have faith to wrap around me. OH, AND!!!!!!, the asteroids to pull out for a little amusement---

*drumroll please*

transiting asteroid 7320 Potter is conjunct tPallas, and both of these are conjunct my natal 4950 House 18+ Aquarius in H2capr.

I have natal 7320 Potter at 26+ Aquarius conjunct my 3rd House Cusp.

My natal House and natal Potter trine natal 2633 Bishop Gemini 19+. TD Jakes' natal Sun conjuncts my Europa-Lumiere-Elpis-BISHOP in my Gemini 7th House!!

tNeptune at 10+ Pisces trines my 33 Polyhymnia (church music) Scorpio 10+ in H11-scorp for a while now.... in a slow transit.

Europa means success, resourcefulness, Lumiere is light or lamp, and Elpis stands for Hope. Ceres is care.... His Ceres is on my natal Sun.

With the transiting stellium in my 3rd House with Pisces there, how could I NOT mention spirituality programs, and a certain inspirational speaker today.

My gratitude and thanks to 'The Bishop' TD Jakes-- his TV program 'name' is being triggered today in my natal chart.

tPotter on House.
tBishop is conjunct my Virgo Moon, with the Sun Pisces across from it.
tSun Pisces trining my Uranus-Jupiter Cancer H8, and
the Cancer tMoon is in the H7 heading for my 8th a little later from now.

And so!!!!!

Heyyyyy-therrrrreeeee Bishop!!! {{{ }}}
I just want to thank you for really helping to pick up my spirits. I deeply appreciate your sermons.

You always have something soooo inspiring to say to me----, so for this, I send you a BIG Heart and words of THANKS today! You add such Blessing to my life!!!

:heartsmile: Here's your namesake's song & mission!

(music) "The Potter's House" (Tramaine Hawkins, gospel) [6:36]

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted March 17, 2016 08:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Good to hear that he is healing.

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posted March 18, 2016 11:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Heartsmile? Do you mean starheart?

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posted March 18, 2016 02:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ ~Silly me, Randall. I get that one mixed up all the time. Always have to double-check it in the legend. I'll have to make a post-it and put it in a convenient spot here so I don't have to keep checking.

But maybe for today, we can let it stand for BOTH-- a smileHeart and smileStar.

Right now, the transiting Sun at 28+ Pisces is on my 'Part of Spirit', the Daemon, the Diamond-inside that preserves Destiny and makes sure my Soul stays on track with Purpose.

What an inspirational Beautiful Day! Venus Pisces to Neptune Pisces.

I know that my deepspirit Serves etheric Pisces Humanity through my communications (H3), and mostly my Soul is Submitted and Available to the Healing of the WHOLE and Entire of Christ's Body, on Earth AND in the Heavenly Places. Sun H6. Moon Virgo H(9). Neptune Libra 10th. Scorpio Houses 11 &12. Sag Asc Vision, Taurus 6th with Quality and Excellence. Saturn to the 11th, that I serve with Diligence of All Heart & Soul. And with So Much Love from tVesta to Venus Taurus in my 5th.

t-Asteroid Yes at 11-12 Pisces. The tSun trines my Ostenia 28+ Pisces H12. I also have 836 Jole at 25+ Pisces trine my Uranus Cancer EXACT. Today, Joel Osteen gave a message (tPluto on my Messenger Capricorn 17+) about God doing "Suddenly" things in our lives. That God can suddenly Heal, suddenly RESTORE everything. That God can clean up my 'messes' (~oy! is THAT in my natal?? so predictable?), and fix what is broken, or missing from my life.

If I can't see, then HE Sees. And GOD Directs my Life. I gave Him Permission sooooo long ago, and He is Able to bring the Right People, the Right Directions, the Right Solutions for my Life, and do it Suddenly~Mysteriously in my background. What God SEES that I HONESTLY HONESTLY Can't, HE can Directly cause a BEAUTIFUL Step Up to. I don't need to struggle so hard trying to figure this all out anymore. He's GOT my answer....

God is saying this to every Dream that needs assurances. He's got Beautiful things planned for Those Who Love Him, Worship at His Footstool (the earth), and Who Listen to The Voice of Compassion speaking over our Whole Earth & World.

LOVE The Finished-Work, The Plan-Fulfilled coming into Fruition.

From the SpiritRealms, there is work we must do.... and that Labor is Light. We are yoked-together in a Labor of Ease Love and JOY. God Loves Us soooo MUCH!! _________ He BELIEVES in US.

For The Joy..................... set before us.

It's ALLLLLL so GOOD. It's about Goodness.

Let Our Hearts Be Humbled, Submitted, and Right with YOU, Oh Lord Our GOD. My Christ, My Redeemer. My very-Life Itself.

(music) Will Your Heart and Soul Say "Yes" (Shekinah Glory Ministry) [9:55]

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posted March 19, 2016 12:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ayelet     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hope your friend / roomate (?) Is recovering...
What do you mean by Cayce oriented? I read books of him. Very interesting. I didn't know he represents a stream or movement. What is AKOM?
The sun trines mine.. good for me
I have saturn transiting my twelfth right now. Wo der what it says. Even though I don't really cling to astrology right now, as I ceel I have a new karma, unfortunately, one not written in my natal. A wbole new load.

Got a nice song there. "There is much more I require of thee". People may forget we are the ones who are required to give, not just to receive.

Love and Light my friend

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posted March 20, 2016 03:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

SUN at 0 degrees Aries!

AND....... It's the First Day of Spring for Northern Hemisphere *flower*

Happy New Year, World!!!! ....

(music) Change The World (Eric Clapton, lyrics) [3:56]

*Flower* *Flower* *Rainbow*

This song is soooooo Aries young-energy! Spring is Eternally in my Heart!

Call me a Romantic?? ~~ ohhhh yes!!!! *laughing*-- and Venus-Neptune Pisces conjunction today gives me special permissions! *grin*

(music) Younger Than Springtime (Mandy Pantinkin, from R&H's musical South Pacific) [3:23]

p.s.>{{Hi Ayelet! *Heart*}}Wanted to do my Aries-Point post first.

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted March 21, 2016 12:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted March 21, 2016 04:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ayelet:
Got a nice song there. "There is much more I require of thee".

People may forget we are the ones who are required to give, not just to receive.

Love and Light my friend

Love and Light to you too....

Your thought reminds me of the missionaries that used to come through the churches I went to, gathering funds and/or recruits for their projects.

I almost got to go to Uganda around years of early 1990s. They cancelled our trip. Too dangerous then.

I felt a sense of accomplishment each time I gave money to missions. I'd tend to give more in those offerings than any other.

It's one thing to pray for someone in the coziness of church, but another to hit the streets and deal with the souls one on one. For me, I excelled at that. I love meeting people one-on-one.

Recently I've become a kid-magnet in the 'hood. All these little-Blessings run from all over to give-get a hug from me when I take my walks. (Makes me laugh, and the parents don't mind-- so that's good.)

Rm is back at work starting today. He did really well during his convalescence.
Found out this morning that his sister is back in the hospital again-- (went in the week before last with pre-symptoms with her heart-- prayers for rm and his sis. *bheart* *angel*

His eclipse houses are the reverse of mine.
His EcMoon Libra is e.o.H4, his ecSun Aries is e.o.H10.

For me, still a bit under the weather, feel a sense of being depleted, working on recovering (lungs, general depleted-weariness).

It's the Christian "Holy Week" this week... Good Friday, then Sunday is Easter. Usually a more-somber time for me. Lots of 'feeling tones' in it to contemplate.

Still trusting and waiting on God for clarity and for Concrete Manifested Direct instructions towards sorting out a next-move Possible for my life. ... We'll see what these eclipse days reveal.

When GOD is the Author of it, it is sure to have the Best quality and a really-Good finish.

As it is in Heaven, Let it be done here, on Earth...

(music) Hallowed Be Your Name (Ron Kenoly, live, worship) [5:12]

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posted March 22, 2016 12:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
One of the greatest problems that this gemmy has had in her life is to Identify her OWN needs and NOT FEEL GUILTY expressing what those are.

I've been living here with someone who takes a lot of my practical-life caring, and emotional caring.

He is not "wired" to care, except for 'in the context' of HIS needs. If a person is "wired" like that, it absolves him of any blame, guilt, etc.

So then, I am the one who feels guilty that I am here. He pays the rent. If I get sick, he is not "wired" to feel empathy. My physical body's resources feels like my battery is done and there is still constant demands being made upon it. I need to be able to reJuice, to keep up with the PHYSICAL demands of me. He doesn't mind if the place gets dirty. (He's a hoarder, and dirt, clutter, and chaotic environment is is actually-truly "comfort" to him. Virgo Sun, Virgo Venus-- some people are clean and organization freaks, OR the opposite. His version of self-care is MY Virgo Moon who steps in to "do" everything HE needs, AND provide emotional warmth in the home..... Maybe that's not what people would think about a Virgo Moon?? But I have Jupiter Cancer that gives 'practical' + 'care'.)

His sister had a heart-attack at midnight the other day. .... I had gone to throw out the garbage, and was returning to the door of our apartment when I "felt" this "HEAVY" Heart feeling. I wondered to myself, omg, am I having a Heart Attack? ... The answer was no. But I had NO explanation for WHY my physical HEART felt "heavy". .... Well, would you believe, it was his sister's heart-attack? .... I surely hope that it was ONLY his sister. I am an Empath. It is hard for me to separate other-people's events from my own. Once it is labeled, then the dissipating of symptoms happens.

So--- all you all with Colds and Allergies and LUNG Gunk??? haaaaaa. WE will have to PRAY that this is DONE!!!, okay? I care too much? :laughing: .... You know who your 'family' is, when you're feeling their Pain.

Speaking of which, seriously, my condolences to what's going on in Europe today. That's not right!--- May God Help Us fight and Solve the ISIL problem THIS WEEK. We've Had Enough!!!!!!! {{ijn}}

This eclipse tomorrow is near Aries World Point.

Lord?!, it's TIME for the waging of Peace to have its Deliberate Results....
including the eradication of every 'wurm' working against people's bodies right now! :bheart: :heart: NO MORE.

God, Accelerate Health, Accelerate Peace, Accelerate GoodWill, Accelerate Innovations that defeat every Virus, every source of Cancer, bacterial infections DONE.

Unite us O God in a Loving-Solidarity. We Trust in You, O God. .... In YOU we have our Faith's greatest rewards.

(asteroid Carter is with Sun and Mercury on this eclipse!!!---- The Universe is cosmically standing-by and reinforcing all the Good things the Carter Center Organization can represent to us.
Asteroid placements of USA Carter and USA Isis are ON the USA Sagittarius Galactic Center, H1. --- God, gives us the Power and Authority and Wisdom to know 'how' to pick the lock of the ISIL problem, .... ijn)

:mountain1: *ahem* so, back to me? ....

I no longer wish to be here. This relationship does not Reciprocate the emotional-physical care that I need to survive and THRIVE. I still don't know 'where' or what to choose, and I TRUST that there is Favor going on in the backgrounds of my life right now.

As you all have seen, I am willing--- I am past-willing. I cannot deny that I can't see what I'm doing (~obviously), but then everyone else can't deny that I haven't been trying 'hard' enough. That's FACT. :heart:

So..... I'm flowing. Things need to change IN my Favor. I Believe there's Care for ME (not just me always caring for everyone else) out there.

My allergy pill just kicked in working, yay. I hate feeling yukky---- so y'all BETTER get well, or I'm pissedoff!!! Ya hear me?? :roll:

I Believe God is Up to Something ~wild and ~sweet, my asteroids at my IC Aries which is being lovingly bathed in the energies of Mercury-Sun now..., with `chaos and `Sherlock in that mix too!

...."wild and sweet".... Words in a song for today's tragedy of terror attacks in Brussels. Godspeed Care to you, and Solutions to this World-attack. An attack in Europe is NOT isolated. It happened to ALL OF US..... {{We are OneWorld With You}}} :Peace:

and wild and sweet,
the words repeat of
Peace On Earth, GoodWill to All....

the WRONG shall FAIL, and PEACE Prevail

(music) I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day (Karen Carpenter) [3:20]

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted March 23, 2016 03:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
the WRONG shall FAIL, and PEACE Prevail

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posted March 23, 2016 05:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Feeling such massive sorrow today....

Time to feel GOOD again... Leave heartache and sorrows behind me.

Find 'what it is' that I'm searching for in life.

I'm sooooo frustrated with NOT being able to PIN it down.

Time to Move On!!!!!! and feel like Life is Mine again....

I'm Trading My Sorrows ....

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posted March 23, 2016 06:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Got a free cell phone a few weeks ago.... YAY!!! Still learning how to use it, so feels very very clumsy to use. It's got basic service, 250 minutes a month, but FREE TEXTING haha. My neighbor taught me how to add contacts to my list. Learning how to text now. Slow, but I'm finding the shortcuts!! haha

Victory!!! On its way, for sure....

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posted March 23, 2016 07:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It's all about REAL Life, and participating in the Real mix of The Music of Right-Relationships, with other people who Love God and want to be together in order to Heal the SOUL...

Flowing in Ease, making Divine Connections, To Help Make A Difference

Counting on God's Grace to make it through!!! (AND Fun!)

God, block the ones that don't fit, and please bring the Right Ones to me.

(music) All She Wants To Do Is Dance! (Don Henley) [5:38]

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posted March 24, 2016 10:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Christmas at Easter!! ....

I sang in a choir that performed these pieces.... So Exciting!

(music) Wolcum Yole! (Benjamin Britten, A Ceremony of Carols op 28, Neeber-Schuler choir) [1:37]

This piece is "genius"! Britten wrote this piece to resemble colliding 'echos' going on in the room... ~~How cool is that?! (laughing)

(music) This Little Babe (Benjamin Britten, A Ceremony of Carols op.28, King's College Choir Cambridge) [1:25]

I've got an interesting phone appointment for later today-- It's a person who is giving a free hour of counseling away. Can you believe it???? *eek*

Manifesting synchronicities and symphonies Lord, all inside my Heart, this one little Soul, so just wants to Serve! Thank you Lord, for your Great Goodness to me.

I miss exhilarating church services like this!!! It's just Completely Sweaty!!! hahaha

Lord, You Are Good, and Your Mercy Endureth Forever!

(music) You Are Good (Israel and New Breed, live) [7:06]

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posted March 24, 2016 04:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Had the phone appointment... This woman helps counsel business people who want to increase manifestations. Wound up that she was selling her program, which was impossible for me to afford. She discounted it, and it was STILL way too high.

ADD-- (She didn't have any kind of faith background. So, even if funds came to me, I might not want to 'choose' this person. I need to stay with people who have some kind of faith, and who know and may have had experiences with the supernatural in life.
Some people just-believe in flat natural law, WHICH works! ... That's ~cool, because God authored those natural laws, too. If I were offered tangible help from anyone for counsel, a huge piece would be 'missing' if they didn't understanding God....

But "let's see".... If it "pings" like it's 'the right person', I'm going for it!-- not holding back.)

I did enjoy the power I felt coursing inside me as I sharing some of my stories with her. PLUS, "she" did get something out of it too, as I'm a very inspirational person. She got something from my Energy.

My potentials can and do spark other people's potentials---- I see it all the time.

The FACT that God manifested her, is another Clue to me that God is Gathering People for something really phenomenal. I am a resonating-force. We Ping off each other..... How Exciting is THAT!!

I REALLY REALLY REALLY would love to hear from somebody about a REAL and tangible opportunity.

She said she thought there's something really 'special' about me. (She wasn't trying to 'flatter'. It's fact.) She said she doesn't call a majority of the people who respond to her offer. When I filled out her app, and she said it was really unique and different from the other type of people she usually encounters. She says she gets responses with people in way-worse straits right now than mine. AND, I deserve to have my problems solved.

I told her how AMAZED I am as I review my life, and see where I came from. After hearing some, she genuinely said I had been through some exquisitely painful experiences.

I told her how God kept giving me super-ordinary undeniable experiences parallel and at the same time period these raw painful crashes and painful losses occurred.

I knew she would appreciate the story I have about the $50 in the offering plate I had given during a Wednesday night church service. A few weeks before that, when I had cashed my monthly paycheck, I 'heard'/felt a nudge to put $50 in a special side envelope I my bill-drawer. Before leaving my apt to go to the service that evening, there was nudge to take the envelope with me, put it in the offering.

During the collection, the minister stood up and said that he sensed a 'special anointing' on the offering that night. I said outloud, Oh I came READY!! (He ignored me.)

VERY soon afterwards, that Nigerian Bishop visited our church. (I had paid for one of his orphanages to have its roof replaced.) He asked a series of simple-questions, and he said to 'only answer' the question step by step... It was a Sunday evening or a Wednesday evening. .... I wound up standing in front of the whole congregation with around a dozen people. He *ahem* 'commanded' that congregants come up and sponsor us!!! Several people IMMEDIATELY got up and came to stand behind me. (Most of the others didn't.) My education was completely paid for (one year). The Childcare I would need got supernaturally paid for voluntarily (without my having said anything, someone volunteered to watch my daughter--- would be for school hours!!!), and when I told my Taurus boss I wanted to quit my job and go to Bible College, he heavily protested and talked 'logic' about that decision--- then he broke down in tears the next day and he and his wife 'paid' our apartment expenses for a year of schooling. It was as though that $50 became 5,000 three-times, PLUS my Leo brother found out about his later, and he offered to pay for my books (which happened to total to $50!!).

God moved soooo quickly with all of that! The kind of speed that people would say 'your head will spin'... I went from being at a full-time job which I enjoyed, but felt sooooo empty and crying and not understanding 'why'--- to being in school, totally paid for.

I have Hope.....

I have Hope for me. I KNOW God is up to something good in my life.

In case I haven't said it in a while, I want to remind some Beautiful angels that "Yes," I would love to receive help finding a solution to my problems here. I'll accept help getting my life back in order.....

I know I'm a feisty-independent person and have wanted to figure things out on my own. However!, I still also need some hands-on help getting out of here, and finding the best position or place I can use my talents. (I'd love to work for astrology-people, OR Whatever would be Best and Highest, and Of GOD and Helping Others. .... I'll "trust" what some background angels may be up to.)

I love to inspire..... I know that I've been Inspiration to some Beautiful souls here. I LOVE doing it!, and on some level, want to CONTINUE to BE that Inspirational & Helpful Muse to many.

The woman on the phone had told me that I Deserve to feel prosperity for my life, through my ability to Inspire, too. ... (Have to keep that dream in-faith...... I don't need to make great big piles of money. What I want is to feel physically healthy and comfortable, in a Beautiful setting with some 'touches' of Quality there. I'm a workaholic, but I'd LIKE some Quality people/Good-and-BEST type Faithful trustable Friends to have FUN, and GROW, and support each other, and be ~weird together!!
{{haha-fits D.S. and some others I know. LMAO}}

But I'll cheerfully TRUST here. Bringing it on!!!

Ready for a Miracle!!!

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posted March 24, 2016 06:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ I know there are many writing mistakes in my post above-- sorry about that. 'Hood is shaking today, and I'm typing this post with my right eye closed and glowey ghosty visuals of checker-boards all around the window here.

Ain't Nothing Gonna Breaka my Stride?! ....

I'll get to other postings later.....

Oh, here's a link to Asteroids Astrology Forum, where natal placements of 'asteroids' have been telling the EASTER story.

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