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Author Topic:   Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others

Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted April 07, 2016 01:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I haven't done any of the usual listening I do online. I woke up and my environment was fine. Then about 20 minutes later, the 'kryptonite' in my environment kicked in, and I started feeling so ill. Had to take each one action, one bit of patient-handling at a time. I like to have things neat and tidy and organized, but I felt so yuck. I criticized self, calling self lazy, etc. But that isn't it! I'm NOT lazy. I have been over-come by the stress of kryptonite.... Having been under this, for sooo sooo long, of course there's a part of me that needs to think that I have control over the influence, or else, my body will adopt the position and attitude that it is sick--- from there, things could conform to that. I am very aware of this Law, and how it works. I REJECT every thought that is NOT aligned with GOD's Good Will and Purpose for my life, and IN my body. 'That's enough!' Go no further.... I have a WONDERFUL body that God gave me. Every sensitivity has a purpose for it. My sensitivity is a Good and Godly Gift to me, and to others too, to Benefit and Raise Vibrations for the Collective.

.... So. My Body needs a Happier place to wake up and live in, every day. I need a wholesome environment, privacy and the feeling like I have my little territory away from general people, unless I choose to go out into it and greet.

I want to feel accepted cherished loved and cared for. I want people who Believe in me, see my gifts and potentials, and utilize what I have in order to be the greatest giver, the full-on potential activated and happily happily connected IN the Vision IN the Real, like a nuclear generator.

Today, after I swept the floor, took a walk, I turned on Joel Osteen's broadcast on TBN. It was from a sermon he gave at his congregation's church called Lakewood, from Houston, Texas.

My Lord!.... The past few day's and week's broadcasts have been speaking towards me, and evoke such RESONANCE.

He had done his sermon on the Spirit of Honor.... and omg, I saw myself all over that broadcast. THIS is part of what my life has been about. I "Honor" people.... and I KNOW that 'this' brings out the Best in Others. What I 'see' in them, shines within them. I 'Call Out' people's Gifts, people's special abilities they didn't know they have. I help people catalyze their Potentials in life.

(Gotta be my H12 Scorpio, and H6 Sun, just below the horizon at twilight.... just enough Light to See the the Brightest Stars. One foot, in each part of the day, and the night. Belonging to Both. Most of my chart is Daytime... My Sun and Venus are in the Evening part of the sky. Chiron is the dark hours, midway between midnight and the dawn.....)

I think I've seen a growing an evolving in Joel's ability to summon 'what is' from another's soul.

Today, he said it Out Loud.... That his words Call Out the seeds of greatness in another person. That he Activates dormant dreams that God has Placed into the Soul and Being of an individual. THIS 'Resonates' clearly with 'what I do'.... And I feel the worth of my soul, as he speaks.

He talked today about God and DNA-Codes, and what he calls "Destiny Genes."

He said, YOUR Job is to Believe-- and that Where I am, is NOT where I'm staying! He talked about his own life, and the death of his father. How he had been a 'background person' UNTIL the death of his father 'awoke' destiny inside himself. He had never considered himself a pastor, or a writer. After his father's (heart attack) passing, he suddenly WANTED to pastor, WANTED to write books (and has 8 books that have been on Best Seller's). He said they layed dormant in him UNTIL the appropriate Time came.

.... There are times when I/you can hear people say words, and those words remain as 'something outside' of you, to work towards analyzing, achieving--- some kind of outer goal.

But today, and growing sooooo strong in me, has been a kind of 'activation'....

I thought people were trying to block me from becoming and pursuing astrology as a career because they thought I wouldn't be 'good' at it.

No.... That's not it at all. I WOULD become a good astrologer, a good counseling-type of friend. I HAVE that ability in me. That was 'never' the "real" question.

There was something Higher and Beyond it for me to have to realize may be even more intimately associated with 'who' I am, 'who' I HAVE been.

As Joel spoke this morning, I saw my live again and again. Pictures shuffling in front of my eyes in the same way people shuffle a deck of cards. I HAVE the deck. Each card is a vision of what I already have been doing. It's just being presented back to me, orders, steps. The 'important thing' is 'my deck'... The "cards" that were handed to me. I may have experienced the gamut of what decks of cards can mean.... Sometimes the hand is good, sometimes (by chance) the cards come out in a clump of more adverse-meanings (for WHICH, LOL, Reversals are not 'all' bad?? laughing). The 'thing is' is your Deck. To PLAY your hand. That not every loss, is a loss.
It's not whether you Win or Lose, it's the FACT that YOU are IN 'The Game', and Forward.... As long as you have your life, you've GOT a Deck. And THAT makes YOU Valuable. You've got something to add to the table.... And it's GOOD to be and STAY in the game. .... You don't run out of chips, until GOD says you ran out. He's GOT your Supply.

haha, I remember ALWAYS winning at Monopoly when I was a kid. I hated being 'such a winner'?, because it meant the 'playing of the game' is cut-short. I used to sneak money to the other players, so that the play wouldn't end. It was about sustaining everyone.... I used to feel sorry for them when they'd land on all my properties. I HATE Debts. .... LOL Cancellation of ALLLLLL Debts here! Let's just live, and play the game. Everyone gets Chances.

So, Joel was ending his sermon, talking about how Mother Mary, while she was pregnant with Jesus, went to visit her Cousin Elizabeth, who as also pregnant (with John, the Baptist). When Mary greeted her cousin, the story says that Elizabeth's Baby LEAPT within the womb.

I have no idea 'how' God is going to do this for me. But all I have to do for now, is to BELIEVE I have a miracle deliverance coming to me. That I'm going to come out of this 'wrong' place, and find myself in the Right Place, at the Right Time.

And the thoughts that I've been having that this transition will be awful, are just 'lies' based on bad experiences in the past. My Future is Bright. I have People who are ON MY SIDE, with Whom I have WONDERFUL relations, and So Much Love.

I trust that God is Working All Things Gloriously, and that my End will be FAR FAR Better than even the smallest Beautiful Chances that I had received in my mind, then cast it away because I would need a definite Miracle for those things to happen.

Where would I be? ... I've thought of places, like staying in the region (because it is familiar), going to Los Angeles (because 'I Love' some people who are there, and I have longed to be with them, be around them, support them, work with them), going to wherever two other astrologers are (DS, RL, ... even in SF area there are people doing work that I'm interested in), I've thought about the region around where I was born (although there have been big changes there... but again, searching for roots, and being rooted).

Before I had moved here, to the locale, it was a choice between where Joel Osteen and TD Jakes (and at the time, Benny Hinn, and Ken Copeland) had/have ministries. I laugh because some people said 'you have to make compromises'? Texas weather is a HUGE compromise! ... I don't know how you folk do it. Those ice-storms, tornadoes. Recent droughts? We deal with tornadoes and hurricanes here too-- but no ice-storms. I remember having a car, driving along the highway, and suddenly you have NO control of your vehicle. The car goeth as it willst! LOL-- Happy the Person with chains and cletes on their tires, and sandbags kitty-litter shovels and mats in that trunk! *grin*

Going back to thoughts about 'the deck' of the cards of my life-- the hand that deals the cards. .... and Stories about some of my experiences, which have been flooding or flashing back to me, like a shuffling, and flipping over, then restack.

Recently, I've found myself wanting to be more criticizing of some of the music segnments (church) and performances that I've seen (television). I thought to myself, that's not right for me to criticize them. I am not inside that sanctuary or hall to 'really hear' how their music is. I'm getting it filtered back to me through the skills of the television broadcast system that feeds the signal. ...

It took me back in memory, to when I was part of a catholic church. The cantor (worship leader) was terrible. (I can say that! *grin*)

I had criticized myself for criticizing her, saying, You're not allowed to say anything to her UNTIL you're able to 'be in her shoes' and DO it better!

Well, the time came when my mom was going to choir practice, and they needed an extra voice for a certain song they were doing. For whatever reason, their person couldn't be there, but they needed someone who could read-in their part. I was 'automatically' drafted into the choir, from that moment on. I 'saw' my name ON the Cantor's list to be leading worship and prayers at some of the smaller-attended Masses.

I was soooo frightened. Yet, it was something I 'wondered' if I could do.

I was shaking so badly, my first time up to this little podium-thing, that had a microphone. The people were waiting. The altar servers and the priest were in the vestibule readying to come up the center aisle.

I had this 'experience'.... There was a ray of sunlight that shone through, and captured in my vision/Vision. I 'felt' like some of those black and white movies I had seen about the earlier 1900s, where the bandmaster had his section, and there were various brass instruments, wind instruments, waiting for the director (like Glenn Miller). I "looked up at God" (intention), and I secretly said, Hey God?! It's me. And this time, I brought 'the boys of the Band' with me. And I REALLY hope you like this!!

With that 'gathering-thought' TOWARDS God, invoking His Pleasure, gathering the 'forces' all around the room, the congregation, the waiting muses and Angels, I gave the opening Call.

The congregation really enjoyed the way I 'did' my job. I drew more people TO that particular Mass. People 'enjoyed themselves' singing with me.

That Mass grew to 900 people in attendance. One day the Bishop was coming to this service. There was standing room only. Singing in front of the Hierophant! hahaha You want to talk about shaking and nerves? .. o yes.

Moreover, the organist that had been assigned was a disgruntled paid employee of the church. He deliberately did not show up, so he could make whatever statement he was trying to relay to the church.... The ones in charge with care of the service were in a panic of sorts. .... I was going to have to lead Worship WITHOUT the organist. Acapella singing.

I remember 'gathering the forces' again. Acknowledging God, that I had 'brought these people' in front of Him... And I 'heard' the note to start on in my head. And that WHOLE SERVICE was soooo anointed, so blessed. It was like I could 'Hear' the organ playing.... so 'the people' ALSO 'Heard it' in the air. .... Like Tyra Banks, she tells models on the runway or in front of the camera, to 'create' your own Wind.

When I worship God by myself, that ray of light that shone like a spotlight, contains His Sensors. He Loves my Praise. He Loves my personal worship time with Him. He Loves to be Loved-on. It's like a Loop. You Give To Him, He GIVES sooo much more to you...

Like Close Encounters Movie.... We bleep our dinky color tones, and HE comes back with the MotherLode of Symphonies........

One of my Loves and Passions is WORSHIP. I have longed to belong to a church that know the Intimacy of Being With God, and Invoking His Spirit.

I Love the Study of Atmospheres, Drawing down Spiritual Essence, and the power of prayer and especially of MUSIC as a tool for bringing it all UP to New Levels... Of Intimacy with God, and through-God, with Each Other.

Anyways, ... To start to bring this post to a close for today (which is probably Diva Length now, and I *WILL NOT PROOF* IT, be post as-is --- I've lost so many good materials that way before, editing myself OUT of really SAYING what flows inside me).

When I watch the TD Jakes and Joel Osteen programs, I have become aware that I 'gather' their congregations inside a spirit of Love and care, and cocooning. I've belonged to groups like that, where 'this' is the normal instinct inside me. To 'gather' the group, and to 'love' on the group. To give it nourishing care, to watch over it, guide it from the spiritual side of the forces that Be.

I feel like a midwife, a spiritual quiet observing caring Mother to the Flock, FROM the Spirit. .... I CARE how or IF the Baby Latches properly 'to the Cosmic Breast'.... I CARE whether the Baby is getting it's protection and nurture.

Feed my lambs, Take Care of my Sheep.

So interesting how I have asteroid Sheepman ON my Ceres H2, trine my earthy Moon and Gaia.

I have Shepherd in the beginning of my H10 Libra.... WITH asteroids having to do with astrology, and with history.

I feel this Caring-Way with whatever group I bond with. Whether at work, or in the neighborhoods. It is a part of me to Care, and to Care Deeply..... whether I'm posting here at LL, or thinking about my 'wide audience' of readers (registered or just visiting), or I'm watching ministers on television. It is my nature to Care about the CareGivers, AND the ones being Cared About.

I add my energies TO the vidders who do their support-yts. I find my Care flowing TO them, and THROUGH them to support THEIR audiences/viewers TOO.

This is called channeling LOVE. Channeling and Caring like GOD's True Nature is....

The Divine IN Me, Loves and Flows Out, to the Divine IN You.

I have no real idea of 'how' or 'what' is going on right now? --- Maybe my post here will help towards unravelling 'what' / 'where' I should be Doing or Going with my life?

All I know, is that I fiercely WANT God's Will, God's Presence FIRST in my life.... And all else will follow.

Maybe some people 'can see' what I am not able to distinguish right now.

I trust that Help comes at the Correct God-Timing for me.

Thank you again, to all those who have been sooo devoted in their Heart to helping me Find 'what it is' I'm searching so hard for in my life.

Looking forward to some Good Practical REAL and implementable Advice! You are sooo Cherished by me. Thank you soooo much for all your energetic support. I pray that God return Great Favors to you, for being such an important part of my life and Destiny.

(I know that the Moon Aries just-turned VOC... But I was composing this WHILE it was approaching a conjunction to Uranus.)

*Stepper-Dude* (laughing)

(music) Order My Steps (lyrics, gospel) [4:56]

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Posts: 15192
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Registered: May 2012

posted April 07, 2016 06:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Spiritual Dance House Music-Video Session, NM Aries, just rocked it! (Awesome work)

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Posts: 15192
From: us
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posted April 07, 2016 10:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The atmosphere energetically is astonishing... I wonder if anyone else feels what's going on like that? Intense. Definitely intense.

Surfing...... Like riding the wet sands at the rush edge of the oceans.

(music) My Love is Like a Red Red Rose (Karen Matheson, old Scottish song) [3:42]

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted April 08, 2016 01:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
We need a surf smilie.

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posted April 08, 2016 05:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
~A Little Cowabunga Dude?!!

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posted April 09, 2016 03:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Personal update. I've had some very eye-opening, mind-opening experiences in the past 8 hours. The earthly kind, not inspirational.

So, I'm ~stunned in a hard way tonight...

For those who are feeling this too--
I pray God's Strength, and POWER Increase--
for the Power to Do Good.

905am edit

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posted April 09, 2016 04:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I want to also give Honor today to Linda Goodman. Happy Birthday, Linda!

Linda, Thank you for inspiring Randall to host this website for you.

So Much Gratitude. Your Life brought forth much fruit.

Such a Labor of Love....

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted April 09, 2016 12:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Linda is the reason for our season.

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posted April 09, 2016 03:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ ....? YOU are. And thank you soooo much for that.

I was in Astro 2.0 forum trying to help Stawr with her chart, and from there, it became clarified to ME that I am experiencing this same long-term transit of 'Neptune square Ascendant'.

This is one of the more-difficult transits that Neptune makes. (Started for me last year in 2015, on the heels of clearing my 2nd Saturn return, and at the same time as other gnarly 'blinding-type' of transits, ON TOP of having an unclear chart to begin with? Neptune square is leaving my Sun now, but gets stronger to my Asc/Desc axis by the fall of this year, and way-beyond).

THIS is indeed the time to look at the surround and see that God provided me with some Good People too, in my life. (I thank GOD for the Internet!) With Neptune square Ascendant-Descendant, it's important to Draw close the advisors you can Trust have your back. .... I would also add, it's important to have People of Faith and clear Visions in your life. ... And I know that I ADD back to you, and help YOU clear and catalyze your OWN purposes and Ideals in life. I Am Valuable.

I feel the pang of very keen emotional pain going on inside me today. Feeling huge weights piled on top of me.

THANK YOU, to my dear dear Angels who help to Lift my spirits.... You have NO idea HOW MUCH I Value your feedback at this time. (I hadn't known how serious this was.... and I don't think it was possible for me to really assess it, as I have been whelmed by so many other things too, in this present environment. Fortunately, others who love me knew the peril I was getting into. Transit started to be in effect in 2015.)

I feel a raw kind of weariness. I feel tired and sore in my emotional realm right now, from last night's realizing. But thank God for Angel people!

Thank you so much for 'giving back to ME' what I give to Others. ... You have no idea 'how grateful' I am to have your Love and presence in my life, and that 'you have my back'.

I consider myself as a 'background person'.... Not thinking of being the front. I am a strong supporter of People. My best position is one of simplicity and 'support' wherever it is needed, and AS I can give it.... And THAT, I know I do well.

I need all the clarity that you all can give me. And all the hugs and love and comforting thoughts that I can possibly take in.

Needing lots of continued support as my life changes and shifts. Be there, for one another.

It's Good to have Good Friends, and to have an unwavering Belief in GOD.

(music) Your Love Is Lifting Me Higher (Rita Coolidge) [4:27]

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posted April 10, 2016 10:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
... *Heart*

Moon is in Gemini today! ~ I "feel" like Communicating! ...LOL

Gemini Irrepressibly chatting it up today--- Gathering People, and Connecting The World together, with Kindness Playfulness and Love!

Reach Out, and Don't Be Afraid To Love

(music) Reach Out Of The Darkness (Friend & Lover) [3:07]

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Posts: 15192
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posted April 11, 2016 02:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Had a wonderful morning yesterday up until 12:20 pm when someone hit the 'kryptonite' switch. I was able to maintain myself, my clarity, my mood. There were some very sweet pop-up moments for me throughout the harsher day. Then last night, there was just so much going on that I couldn't really sleep again. Instead of laying there trying to lose consciousness (lol), I thought more about Syed's chart, and things there I wanted to understand more about. So, I got up, had a small bowl of Frosted Flakes (They're Grrrreat?! LOL, AND easy on the stomach and very settling to me, with WHOLE milk which soothes my stomach lining WAY better than anything else I know to do), then grabbed some astrology books to knuckle-down and study and grasp more about his chart. There are some 'generational' things to understand there too, which makes me feel like I'm doing something towards understanding how the future generations think and how they're wired.

I am no adverse to becoming self-employed. I was at the supermarket, got engaged in a conversation with someone who just overcame a cancer diagnosis. We praised God for that healing. I asked her how old she was. It was her Chiron-return years. I explained a little of her astrology to her. She got bug-eyed. Said she follows her daily horoscope, and is very interested in these kinds of things. She took down my number....

I know I am a customer-magnet. I "saw" myself (imagination) being in an Entertainer role, at small gatherings, giving Care and love and insights....

Now, I know some people are really really into the Void of Course Moons, so I am going to POST this BEFORE it goes, but I need you to know that BEYOND the VoC, the moon in gemini WILL connect with my own Mercury.

I Love ALL my Peeps.... I have more to say-- in a another post later!

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted April 11, 2016 03:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I just keep the LL lights on.

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posted April 11, 2016 09:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I meant to give out a note of Congratulations the other day, to someone I love and admire very much. He's been giving daily horoscopes for 4 years now, as of April 10.

Wishing you many more years of Success.

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posted April 11, 2016 11:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So... trying to continue the conversation from earlier. Still trying to take energies and trying to define it, more.

I ran into a new vidder... He is a Beautiful 'Infinitely' deep person. He was describing soulmate relationships. He got to the point about a sense of Familiarity, as though you have known them your entire life.

I have a sense of that with some people I energetically link in with here, on the internet. I 'know' you... and that is part of why you have been reading me here, too. Know them, by their spirit.

Vidder, RS, says You can never lose someone Connected to you, through Time and Space. ...

I feel that way about the group I feel I can tap into, here at the top of my mountain of posts. There is this 'something' I Belong to. Something I AM Connected to on this strange strange level of Conscious Awareness. What a miracle... I mean, think of it! The internet is another kind of fluid-body. Like those dry-to-touch liquidy gasses. Palpable if you are able to touch into it.

I feel like a bonder, like a Blender pencil. I have substance, I make things become real in ways not recognized--- and yet, 'there' it is. It is a hum. It has a strength. It merges Beings. ... It is Holy. Sacred. It is Home.

I feel strong when I'm there. I feel like a presence for People. ... And you are Important to me. I hold you, and hug you in my soul. I want to give and give and give and give. And I DO that. Now, right now.

And I try to bring it Practical.

'What we WANT to achieve in life?' .... JA

Certainly, had I already had funds, I would have traveled, and sought out many of you, made direct connections. There is just something really important about sharing deeply, being in the same room or arena together. Things 'caught' and read from the atmosphere that cannot always be translated otherwise. And yet, it's happening strong today on another level.

'Don't 'pretend' there isn't a problem.'... DV

The gnarly sonics are a problem. Not a distraction like hearing a group of people, or other kinds of busy atmospheres. No, to me, like in a restaurant, I'm good at shifting that to background sounds. The specific sonics curl my body-innerds-- like the difference between hitting your elbow, and hitting the 'funny bone' (which is electrical in nature). It's not just one, it's when 'the resonance' (a confluence of all these coming at once) starts, and there's a whole shift in me. I go from 'normal' base where I get ideas and play with their implementations, to just surviving the moments, minute to minute, couldn't punch my way out of a paperbag.

I NEED God to definitely help me do battle with some fears, like what's going to happen if I remain in this atmosphere. I would continue to do as I have been (to the best of my ability), and, AT the price of the torture to my sore sensory system. The 'fear' would be that I would encounter the same exact thing and fail to thrive. I STILL want to do something with my life. It is simply not an option to 'do nothing'....

Even when it appears I'm doing nothing to some persons? There is SOOOOOOO much going on with me that you can't ever get a clue as to what is happening. (Some people understand their Geminis, especially with my Mars Cancer. I can be a very deeply inward person, groping for 'how' it is I can best serve energetically. I've been struggling to come forward. I work very hard to tune-in, and to try to assess the things that are going on 'in the atmospheric realms/trends' then report-in.

Thing with that is? I don't have a rich uncle with a trust fund, and a decent place to stay? ... I don't blame people for harping on the fact that people don't PAY them adequately for what they do. I 'personally' have known that here for myself, too?! ..... I am VERY richly rewarded by the ability to pour out my soul and creativity here. I LOVE this. I LOVE taking care of people, and Communicating my feelings to the world. This world deserves the attention I give it. It needs my 'ingredient'... and I am sooooo deeply humbly empowered by that. I feel it. I really do, already. I've BEEN feeling that.

So, back to practical again. I'd still love to work among my Peeps, maybe folks I personally don't even know are there yet. (Yes, I need to get away from this harsh place--- but THAT is not the Deep Reason for me to leave. I WANT to 'be among' and live with those I'm feeling bonded with. I automatically 'add' to atmospheres. I am an Enhancer... haha, like a Beautiful Venus Jupiter connection. )

So.... wrapping and trying to fully-embrace and distinguish 'what it is' which is my Strength, then apply it.

And I look for 'practical' little things around (like imagining having different jobs at places I visit).

For example---- Trip to Grocery stores: ... first, I have to stuff my ears full of silicone, and wear my noise-cancelling headset in the store aisles filled with walls of extreme-compressors/ refrigeration. (To prevent triggering aural-migraines.)

So, while at the grocery store, I've been people-watching.... Observing the interactions of employees, the bosses and supervisors. I laugh because I realize I'm like their 'guardians.' In my mind, reminding them to be careful with that cash-drawer and being so close to exit doors, and wishing them to stay safe and aware.

The bagger-guy needs to place that lady's pop-bottles in a different bag than lay them on top of some soft vegetables. The cashier gave the child a nice look...

I see the boss go 'take readings' off the cash-registers.... and I vaguely remembered those procedures during the days in retail.

I have fun quipping with some of the patrons as they roll their carts away, while I'm waiting for rm to get through his own shopping.

I imagine being the cashier, blessing the groceries I check through for the store and my customer, and making sure they feel okay as the sum goes higher. Receiving their money, I take and bless what they have given.... (humorously), and ~whatever that electronic exchange was???, I hope it was a good Mercury interaction day for their card and the bank! ROFL-- 'I WILL Master the Computer!' Data-systems will be my B!' LOL

With Aquarius on the cusp of my 3rd, trine my Mercury Gemmy? You B MINE!!! haha...

I HAVE had a mode of Genius when it came to computers before in my life. It seemed 'accidental' but would happen! Even stuff I thought I could never relate to?, I came up with Brilliant ideas for--- and was recognized for it, too. I shocked everyone, including ME! Yes, I get Good Days like that.... just 'let me soak-in your environment, without feeling threat', and the juice of ideas start to flow. I can't exactly describe how that happens?, but when I'm happy and relaxed, there is the Connection.

.... I've heard that some of the asteroids on the cusp of my Taurus 6th can indicate performance anxieties (initially, that is)?
... College profs used to tell me I was the one who would get all the hardest questions and little nuances correct in class, but choked on the tests.
For this one final exam I took where I thought at first I would never get through, there were only two low A's scored (and I was one of them)-- But for that first 20-minutes, I sat there and bawled my eyes out (yes, true story-- must have been the sleep deprivation with test at a particular early-morning hour).
(And, I had been an A-student in lower school, but didn't do as well, grade-wise, in college. ... Would take 16 to 18 credits a semester, plus work a job at night and on weekends, WITH liking/needing to be a 'thorough' person. Shallow was never my forte.
haha, my Virgo Moon gets hyper into the details (can you tell?). And yes, it IS entirely possible for a Gemini to really die from boredom! (kidding, I hope? LOL!!!!) No, don't let me be idle and not have 'something' to study or think about. *Does Air-Charts in the middle of the night, when prayed-out, and can't sleep* LOL )

Good night, all! Pleasant day tomorrow...

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posted April 11, 2016 11:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ And if there's anyone with ANY suggestions for me, I am OPEN to receive your comments and suggestions.

Yes, I would like help discerning 'the Best' for me.
I would like a good healthy environment (home, and work).
Computer lessons, astrology lessons{{ ???}} -- ?Knowing me, if you'd have any suggestions, that you'd even intuitively sense would be right?... I'm operating from a blind here, in so many ways.

I want to DEEPLY connect with people, and feel fulfilled-- in every way.


(music) Dance Me To The End of Love (Leonard Cohen, dance-partner old movie clips) [4:37]

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posted April 12, 2016 12:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Randall:
I just keep the LL lights on.

Such a Blessing! ...

(music) I Can Sing A Rainbow (lyrics) [1:25]

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posted April 12, 2016 02:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

(music) By My Spirit (Leslie Phillips, lyrics) [5:00]

Whatever your Dream is, CHASE it, Follow its sound-- the thing which Calls you was actually chasing YOU down....

The chase by The Divine Lover....

(poem) The Hound of Heaven (by Francis Thompson, read by Richard Burton) [7:58]

And from the plane of mundane love....

(music) Run Run Run (The Supremes, 1964) [2:14]

(music) I'm Gonna Run To You (Bridgit Mendler, lyrics) [3:55]

Your 'Higher' Spiritual destiny person is waiting for you....

(music) Run To You (Whitney Houston, lyrics) [4:24]


(music) Climb Every Mountain (Rodgers & Hammerstein, perf by Marni Nixon) [3:32]

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted April 13, 2016 02:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted April 13, 2016 03:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
There's so much that I want to say today.... very surreal.


(music) The Rose (LeAnn Rimes, with The Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles) [6:21]


Quick Note -- is that this is also the anniversary of the Lucid-Dream Experience I had 29 years ago now, where I had a radical life-change 'in my sleep'... "Conversion-Experience" soon after falling asleep. By the time the Sun rose, I was standing in my room, arms up and Filled with Praise, crying with happiness.... I Woke up brand-new! (Became 'truly' Born-Again, without realizing it.)

Happened WHILE The Full Moon Eclipse in Libra 23.38 was occurring.

Monday, April 13, 1987 Monday 10:32++p.m.
Ascendant was 28/29 Scorpio, MC 12.47++ Virgo.

And!, by the way,... all the outer planets Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto RETROGRADED! ?

lyric... and 'you' its only seed

I like the emphasis (I interpreted LeAnn to make, whether or not that be the case), that YOU (your self) First, are the Seed that You Give-- as a Gift to the World. It is so Good to Love Others, AND "you" yourself 'personally' are IN that equation.

Put your arms around yourself today, and Know, that YOU (self + Other-included) are Love, and are Loved.

We FULL-FILL Each Other, In Love. It's Highest Expression...

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted April 14, 2016 09:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted April 14, 2016 01:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

One Step at a time, dancing! ....

(music) Wade In The Water (Mary Mary) [4:35]

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posted April 14, 2016 03:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
{{{ }}} ...

Sending out Healing energies.....

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posted April 14, 2016 09:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mirage29:
{{{ }}} ...

Sending out Healing energies.....


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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted April 15, 2016 11:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted April 15, 2016 04:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What a gorgeous energy there is in the sky today. It's passionate, deep, exquisite, sooooo Beautiful, stirring my senses, my Soul, everything delicious and luscious and inspiring! ...... Thank you, God!

There's been a Grand Fire Trine and Grand Earth Trine.

Fire, with tMars Sag ON my BML(H12/asc). My deep wild woman turns and wants expression.

tVenus Aries is coming upon some of my most deeply-romantic, spirit- and love-connected asteroids bridging Interkosmic energies with spirit of devotion of The Magdalene, to the spiritual-spouse Dionysus, and the Heart Harvey. I've noticed before that some transits here to this place in my chart feel like a 'sweet spot' -- from 11 to 19 degrees of Aries. Evoke some of the strongest passions. (omg, I'm thinking about how those connect to certain asteroids and name-asteroids sextile in Aquarius and Gemini. ~Just fascinating! -- I'm going to resist going on an asteroid hunt right now, so I can do my post! *grin*)

tJuno-rx in Scorpio contacting some of my water musical asteroids, and some with surreal energy qualities. tNeptune Pisces is trining these too.

tSun Aries on my Musa Aries, trine Spirit Guinevere and asteroid Cupido Leo (which are near some really significant other asteroids, and my Pluto e.o.H8).

tMercury Taurus near my Venus Taurus also taps into my Arthurian Legend energies, with Lancelot.... and a few degrees further, Arthur.

tSaturn-rx Sag reapproaching my Camelot Sag near the GreatAttractor, with other asteroids dealing with broadcasting and hearing INTO the cosmos.

I haven't even checked some of my usual-suspects! haha. But I know that tMagdalene Sag is getting close to my NN-GC.
tMagdalene generally-trining natal Magdalene (Jesus' Love-attraction Woman).

Oh.... you know how I love to play with the asteroids!, dreaming-up stories from them...

I've got H2 643 Scheherazade 7.41 Aquarius conjunct 251 Sophia 7+, which trine my Sun in Gemini. Also of Arabian Nights, there's Sindbad at 1.11 conjunct my Mars-Liebe Vaticana Cancer, conjunct my 7571 Weisse Rose (White Rose) 3.44....

Feeling romantically poetically elegantly 'medieval' and the renaissance today....


(music) Sure On This Shining Night (Music by Morten Lauridsen, words by James Agee. Sung by Conspirare.) [4:38]

(music) I Thank You God For This Amazing Day (Eric Whitacre, E.E. Cummings, The Stanford Chamber Chorale and the Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge, under the direction of Stephen Layton) [5:49]

(music) The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (Celine Dione, composed by Ewan MacColl, lyrics) [4:9]

[edit-- swapped url, had a problem]
[soo sorry for so many edits-- url problems. hope this final one works!]

If at first you don't succeed??..... Try try again. *grin*


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