Topic: Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 16, 2016 11:29 AM
You don't fail unless you quit trying.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted April 16, 2016 09:06 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: You don't fail unless you quit trying.
You know how MUCH I love writing here, and using the Music to inspire.... Seems there's some difficult energy in the astro-week ahead. This could possibly culminate things with my relationship here with Rm? (arranged that he is home on unpaid leave this week-- if too intense, I have my local bus pass and a backpack for outings with a few astrology books.) Last week (before I knew he'd be home), I thought about seeking out a working professional and volunteer time in exchange for computer lessons and practice. Had to reset (and lose) voicemails on my new Obama-phone. (It's like a 'practice' phone, I think??... Can't figure how (or IF) it is possible to connect to internet. Parts of this town have free wifi connections. Again, I'll have to find someone (maybe a professional-person downtown) who would be willing to help me set up my phone with whatever accounts and configurations I'd need, in order to use the free wifi, IF IF IF my phone receives it. Need to get some texting-buddies, too, so I make all the newbie mistakes without ruining other opportunities that may be real. On the obamaphone, I can text all I want. Slowwwwwwwly!!! haha ... Getting and receiving messages/texts can be ~wonky. Just like my new Microsoft product in this desktop keeps changing and updating, my cell-phone ALSO keeps changing itself. I see that these changes are good ones! -- They 'look' like they are an improved product-- the images are much sharper and neater. So, kudos to them. .... So, I guess that patience will make her perfecting work there wherever! My lord! Asteroids tell such stories... Astonishing. I'll have to come back and do the Full Moon in Scorpio, and which asteroids this will be touching. Okay! I can't wait.... The Moon will be on my alchemical Gold. LOVE what vidder Mr Bernstein said about the quincunx (adjustment) with t Ceres Aries.... because THAT ASTEROID Ceres will be ON my IC (home). ... Yes, my prayers and the 'agreement' energetically, is that Prosperity will be coming to me, and that I will get to "move". I'd LOVE to drop all this, and move a step towards and up. Thank you!!! Again, it's hard for me to wrap words around what I like, and what I want. I'd like to receive some help doing that? Even if it's a retrograded sky, I've got a mess of my life. I'd really like to be 'alive' and thriving a few years from now? Ready to figure things out... and move on, so I can get ready for new things. A team of people?... o yes, it takes a Village, sometimes. And lots of Love, Commitment, Kindness, Fun Hearts and Hands. Many Hands... can make a Burden Light. ![]( IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted April 16, 2016 09:12 PM
Wishing a Happy Birthday to Michelle Knight (in UK)! ![]( transiting 1376 Michelle is currently Gemini 23+ 29391 Knight is currently Gemini 24+ my natal placement-- 29391 Knight is Gemini 22.39' How could I not take time to thank you for the Beautiful videos, and tasteful elegant uplifting reports you give each week. I've been watching for several years. You have a way with helping to us to find 'the Possible' during some rocky and stormy times. Wishing you a Healthy and Prosperous year ahead!! ![]( Adding-- one of the things that I find quite sparkling is THAT her transiting-name is spelled out in Gemini-energy right now. Communications! She has a committed partner who is a Gemini. When I listen to what she has to say about Gemini-energies, I feel so 'at home' (LOL, she is an Aries, and her first name is IN my Aries 4th house. 4th House relates to home, and the natural house of the Moon and Cancer. Transiting Venus was just going across her name in my chart too, at 12+ Aries, next to my Interkosmos. We are all connected to each other at different frequencies and layers. She has a LOT of Love in her. I admire that she is a Survivor, and maybe that is part of the link I feel. Unless you've been through some things personally, you don't know how that other person feels. You only 'guess' it. However, there are kindred spirits in life. These Know-- through being in touch with The Universe, and having had 'grounding' in their OWN personal earth walk experience. Michelle (if you're reading this! LOL) I appreciate 'the energies' you bring TO your forecasts. Even if there are disparaging moments, you have a way of making it feel better and more do-able. Thanking God (and for you, goddesses) for your Beautiful Soul and Lifetime on this planet. Be Blessed, and Blessed Be. ![]( IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 17, 2016 01:33 PM
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted April 17, 2016 03:33 PM
Continuing in the add-energy of above posting.It's interesting to me how I have my Chiron (wounded healer) IN my 2nd House --- This house deals with self-esteem and self-worth issues. (5.19rx Aquarius, H2capr). I may have what some consider a ptolemiac unaspected sun, so in a way, the minor-aspects and asteroids would step up and take a higher importance. I realize that Neptune in the 10th can keep a person confused about what their vocation is in life. I have a sesquisquare from Sun H6 to Neptune H10, further confounding my 'sense' of what and where. AND, I know that there are astrologer-people who already understand that about me, and who have been watching my progress here for years, and who are already invested in me personally actualizing 'something' that will help me be happy and be settled (in some way) that can ASSIST me in narrowing down exactly what I would need (foundationally) to find satisfaction (and self-sufficiency) in life. One of the things that I do Best in life, is that I help to hone talents that other people have, and show them things from the imaginative realms, that they hadn't considered before. I am a valuable team-member and personal support for people in the Creative Arts. I help bring out THE BEST in The Best. Astrology is important?... but the 'real life' of a 'real person' is more-- in spite of the apparent motions of the planets. (gently laughing). No, I don't need "players" in my life..... [[Edit: *note to self* ------- All Is Well! Relax, Be Strong, and Keep your Courage. Don't let anyone or anything steal your Joy in life. Stay with those who Celebrate your Life, your Success. ... I am Worthy of Good and Great things happening FOR me. Stand in your Truth, and with Possible-Futures still strong. .... I had a huge lesson about negative people today. Toxic!!! I STILL Believe in me, Believe I have A Future, and this will end up being WAY WAY Better than I Ever Imagnined. *Be careful of your listening-diet, as not everyone has your(my) Best intention hidden deep inside their heart* ... Taking the high road.] It's part of my purpose to help gifted-people TAP into their gifts and Possibilities. I am an Enhancer, and help you sense and feel what you 'already' dream of inside. It is inherently really-truly deep inside you. Deep calleth to Deep. I connect people to their potentials and their gifts. I get people in touch with what they desire and have ambitions to do. --- I was interested in working within astrological fields, AND, I realize there ARE talented connected people (outside LL) who read this thread and can clearly see what would be just 'perfect' for me. There are people with great opportunity (even jobs) ready for me to walk into and train. I KNOW I'm thinking much smaller and narrower and tighter. AND, I'd please like to ask for some practical assistance in locating what I need right now to rebuild my life. As I've said before, I've worked among some people in my past, while quiet and in the background, and I 'saw' how Favor and Right-Connections can reconstruct a person's life, and put them on the Right-Track for Good Success in life. God knows what I need. There are some perceptive persons who understand what I want (even when I'm not able to wrap speech around it). I ask God to bring closer to me those intimate relationships and connections I truly deserve, eliminate the negative ones. God Grant me the Grace and Favor of Right Connections in my life--- those who deep in their heart of heart have Joy and want to prosper me, and not to harm. You know my strengths, and my weaknesses. And I am expecting Best Outcomes. And Direct Communications. I VERY VERY much 'deserve' positive people with tangible help and input into my direction in life. ![]( IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted April 17, 2016 11:27 PM
Prayers for the earthquake victims in Japan and Ecuador in these past few days. ![]( /story?id=38456725 My dad served in the military all his life (air force). I remember stories from some of the humanitarian missions to Quito, Ecuador. Of all the places he visited, I think he found this place the hottest, weatherwise. For that reason, when I heard of the quake in Ecuador, it felt much more personal to me. Sometimes tragedies happen in remote regions from us... but it happens to live feeling human beings, like we are. There, but for the grace of God, go I... Many prayers of healing courage and support offered for both regions. ![]( IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 18, 2016 02:55 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 19, 2016 02:49 PM
Extra prayers sent.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 20, 2016 01:53 PM
Quakes are so tragic.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted April 22, 2016 11:23 PM
Had a mystically delicious phenomenal day yesterday.... truly, felt grounded and Magical. Cool HD experience, being mindful of everything I saw. Spent time downtown in The City Beautiful, looking at the fountains, the swans and other birds. This is a place where many people come get married or spend their honeymoons. The City has worked diligently at the small details. And the Quality in the city shows. I walked in an elegant and inwardly peaceful atmosphere where it seemed I could see through the layers and veils of things. It was a full day. I helped couples and families take their group-photos. Always such fun-- like reverse photobombing, LOL. Some barely spoke English, but through gestures, we were able to communicate. I'm also aware that this is Good for the impression that these visitors come away with after a spending time in our City. They will take that Kind memory WITH them-- that in this City and space, there was a person with a spirit of Hospitality, acceptance, and giving. (There was a gay-couple, probably just married(?), who seemed upset, in some way. I know how wary they could be feeling here about being open in their surroundings. They were trying to take a selfie--- I approached and offered to take their picture.... They said it was the best picture they had of themselves all day.) It is also usual to find somebody with Christian background there at the park, witnessing. (Remember the stories I told about being chased down, and screamed a number of years ago, because of my astrology interest? -- I was personally targeted by a radicalized religious group-- from the library where I used to go to study.) ... I got into some good Positive intense sharing with a Christian man there. He's not churched, nor does he want to be. And I 'understand' that position. To underscore his point, he said to me, Do you think we could be having 'this kind' of conversation INSIDE a church? ... I had to agree with him a bit. Some churches are so almost-violently against the mention of a Holy Spirit. (~~insane!!!!) I want to add there, TOO!, with cheerfulness, that I am WAY different from even some of the persons who say they are Pentecostal, and mention the Holy Ghost. Some of these are ~splinter groups, and unbalanced, and I'd say even mind-control cultish. That's dangerous, I think. I HEAR words that I know in my 'own' kind of context. I "use" their language. I know there are a few who are like me, too. God is Beautiful, and His Spirit is LOVE. They need more LOVE, and less bickering. This man believes that God just wants him to plain Be Available energetically to Him. He doesn't talk to people about his religious belief or philosophical things unless the other person brings it up. He says people bring up God to him almost every day.
... I forgot how we personally started the conversation about God? ... At some point I mentioned the International Pastors and Leader Conference going on the west part of town. I told him that it is the 'international' part that really excited me. I've always been attracted by the idea and Ideals of a United Nations. (Remembering the Pope's visit last year~~~ sooo wonderful. And The Carter Center's work with their roundtable discussions opened MY mind.) ... I love the thought that People from all around the globe, who love God, have come to be inspired at this conference. It made me think about the stories of my OWN days with those sorts of works. I support truly-dedicated spiritual people. The ones who 'mean business' with God, in the realms of Inspiring, and the spread of Good Will. Questing. Hungry for Spirit. Eager to share. .... Joel Osteen(?) had mentioned recently how the suicide rate is UP among ministers. These have come here, to our City, from around the Globe, in part to address that particular problem among themselves. (One of the intentions I had for walking around the fountains, was to pray for the conference, and these ministers.) So anyways!...
I saw some people yesterday that I hadn't seen in a few years, and before that it was a few years. It served as a review and measuring for me. I have seasoned. Was also good to see that some are still doing well, also. Went to a certain metaphysical bookstore. Hadn't visited that one in a few years. I knew they had some Alice Bailey books, and was interested in gaining a copy of her work on Esoteric Astrology. Years ago, I recall asking about the book, but they couldn't order it anymore. The man 'offered' to look into getting a copy for me, see if there were any copies available. The gentleman at the counter even remembered my name! (~Cool!) He's an earlier-Aries and had just celebrated his 68th! {hooyah!} ... We used to have intense philosophical talks. (Well, everything with him is usually on an intense side. *smile*) He's an advanced Buddhist. His brother, a 0-1 degree Gemmy, (with whom I had had many intense and fascinating talks) died a number of years ago (freak accidental head-wound). The Gemmy was young, dynamic, and brilliant-- an innovative technological genius. It is now around the anniversary of his death(?), and I paid tribute again to his soul, in the conversation with my Aries friend. These people sorta represented roots I've had. Old EdgarCayce people. Also into Native American ceremonies (their store is built ON an ancient ceremonial site). I remembered attending drumming ceremonies there--- wonderful and out of this world!!! (I adored attending these weekly sessions--) They only have them quarterly now, is what my Aries told me-- his mom just had HER birthday, and is in her advanced-elderly years, but doing quite well). Before them, I visited a different meta-shop located cady-across the street (a more-Vedic oriented group). I remembered they had had a used books section. I stopped to check out the vibes there, and the shop. The cat I used to like died a year ago.
Got into some sharing with two Sun Libra people in the shop. We talked about art, art projects, ... and ~Einstein! LOL Some of the things I said were validations to the artist-Libra person. I was able to give her a solid suggestion about marketing her product. I felt happy to be able to do that. ~Wild too, is that the conversation took a turn to talking about EdgarCayce. One was recounting a story about an event in his life. (The person had the story wrong, but I didn't say anything to correct). They had no idea that I had been deeply involved with them in the past. It was interesting to hear 'how' the residual-impressions of his life/legacy are being presented today. (It's been 30 years, and LONGER since I had affiliation with them.) Interesting to note the kinds of things that people feel are important-enough to remember. These two Beautiful Libras were avidly into the ACIM movement! Unprompted, they started speaking about the difference they experienced between ACIM and Cayce. ((I thought that was fascinating, as I had had a question in myself about 'what' that difference might be as seen through the view of an ACIM.)) (I told them I had a problem absorbing that material 'on my own', but that I loved hearing how they used it in their own life.) The two of them discussed how 'directly' the knowledge is presented through the ACIM channel (and teachers). They viewed this as more comfortable to have a clear strong outside authority, versus the way Cayce (to these two) seemed to present things from a case story POV-- like Jesus with parables, (they mentioned that too). It was then left for YOU to draw your own conclusions. (It's what the Librans said). {Smiling... Does this seem familiar? I use the story-modality too, sharing my experiences, and leaving it up to each person to derive whatever wisdom-- and the music to capture moods that further enhance the message (or energy) for the day-- for me or Collective, usually Both. ... Yesterday reminded me of my Venus-Walk (from last March 2015). The Sun yesterday had just entered first degree Taurus, so I felt more in-touch with my Taurean Venus nature.
I'll be having my Venus-return in the next few weeks. Planning on spending Quality time around town, talking to people, and gathering the natural inspiration from the fountains, and special architecture around the town. PM... to someone I wished well on his journey a while ago (several times over these past long months). It's Okay. Go get married to a rich and beautiful young girl (or guy). Raise some babies, take responsibility, have a family of your own. You Deserve It. You Deserve The Best Life Possible you can make for yourself. You've been through some very tough things in your life.... (And so sorry to hear about your surgery... didn't know you were sick!)
I was very glad that you used me, to be your Creative Muse for these past years-- even after I thought you had gone on to other things, you still considered me a source for Inspiration, and I thank you for that. (That last dance ceremony yielded some elements of shocksurprise for me--I deleted my comment (but have a copy of it, I believe). PlanetWaves has a yt channel now. Relayed my experience with some accuracy-- It's free. Posted April 17, 'Opposing and Adjoining Signs-- Mars Retrograde and You'-- around 20 minutes long. Mars in Sag, going backwards into Scorpio again. There's an area where the two energies meld at the cusp. The Spiritual world at Sagittarius, then the tantric-intimate levels at Scorpio. It's not about sex....though for some there is an erotic feeling to it-- Don't just leave it at gonad level, but RAISE your thoughts a little higher than that. Go UP Higher, like I said in my deleted post. Raise awareness up a few notches.
Be In-Love with GOD. ... And if you have another person who is synced up the same as you, then you have someone more your equal. It was so fascinating for me to find that my Arabic Part of 'Desire, SexAtraction' IS at 29.34 Scorpio (my H12). This point is conjunct an un-named asteroid at 29.36-rx that has several meanings, some of which are--- Theorist whose ideas were meant for posterity; Wide-World perception, binding all life reality into one symbiotic union; the framework of ideas and beliefs through which an individual interprets the world and interacts in it; striking a blow for progress; not proud enough to utter the whole truth; self-imposed religious-metaphysical bonds; irrepressible creative force overcoming the calculating preoccupations of the thinker. {m.a.h.} On another note,
The Month of April is Child-Abuse Awareness Month. I offer up prayers and support also to those adults who are Survivors who have suffered from Abuse in their childhood. Don't be a bystander.... Stand BY someone. Detachment is for your meditation practice. But what are you DOing that makes a Human difference? Considering the newsstory about the Man, Marque Gaines, who died in Chicago on Feb 7th, 2016, where he was pushed into the street, then robbed by two people who ran away, then run over by a taxi, while others stood around and watched? THIS is what the influence of too much 'objective detachment' does to a Society of people. WE are Connected. Be Good to a HUMAN Citizen. Love is Messy! Roll up your sleeves, Break the toxic walls of silence with people. BE Directly Involved! Make A Difference in someone else's life. (music) What The World Needs Now (Dionne Warwick) [3:07] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 23, 2016 09:59 AM
Standing by...IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted April 23, 2016 02:54 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: Standing by...
.... ![]( (music) Stand By ME (BenEKing, perf by Roger Ridley, Playing For Change) [5:08]
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 24, 2016 03:55 PM
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted April 24, 2016 07:43 PM
It's Sunday-music time! (Just stopping to do a quick song for today.... )(music) They That Wait On The Lord (Fred Hammond, lyrics) [6:24] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 25, 2016 03:52 PM
Monday music time?IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted April 25, 2016 09:26 PM
.... ![]( (music) Secret of Life (James Taylor) [3:53] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 26, 2016 04:18 PM
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted April 26, 2016 05:44 PM
I know that there are some beloved friends who track my posts here. I feel so "human" today!! LOL yuck--- The vibeys are GNARLY, and I feel in my 'victim' mode today. Oh just gnarly arrrgghghghg. I DON'T mean to feel like that! I tend to not like myself when I get like that. Yes!, it's true to gather up all the little 'clues' that I have been victimized in my life. (Just like I can gather up asteroids to spell all kinds of things.) I REALLY REALLY do try to rise-above Victim mentality in my life. I have been VERY successful doing that.... And, I've seen a difference in my life since I shifted towards Possibility more than victimhood. Now, when the environment gets 'into' me, when gnarly gets in and stirs up gnarly INSIDE of me, I hate the way I can suck in more and more negativity. So, going back to more Positive here, if YOU are doing that to YOUR self? StopIt!!! It's not going to get you anywhere. And I've been ruminating again, about failed-communications towards me. Tangible and direct-ones, Positive. I started thinking about certain aspects of my chart the other day. My otherwise unaspected Sun Gemini has a squishy-square to Neptune(fog) Libra(indecisive), in the career 10th house. I also have Sun semisquare Uranus Cancer 8th--- like on a launch board that doesn't seem to get launching. I am definitely HERE FOR the Collective. Oh just look at it! .... And I'm fwustwated!!!!! arggghghghhg (laughing at my self, UHGAIN..... Just Oh PUHLEASE forgive me, for ~whatever. Y'all KNOW that my chart is all drawn-back energies to BEGIN with! I don't do it "on purpose" to be indecisive, seeing EVERY possibility. Some of you are very very seasoned astrologers, esoteric ones, older ones. Please break down some communication blocks, and help connect me to a PROPER way or place so I can get economically going in my life. I could go the way of religion. I've done that before (in this lifetime, and many others?). I can go the route of the astrological (which I also feel I've done before, and I wanted something-more, something unexplained). I am DEFINITELY called to come alongside Spiritual giants, Innovative People, ... especially those that prize and are focused beyond their business life to Helping the Spirituality-side of spiritual-and-business. Some folks have gone cast aspersions on me that are NOT true and not fair. Let me leave that as-it-is. I guess it's a sign that we have become closer, as people become MORE HUMAN the closer they relate. That's good. That's progress, and it's truth. I still Believe in Love (somewhere in my life, no matter how impossible that feels for me--- I want the right match). I want to live in a place that doesn't jab my nervous system as much. (Although I HAVE to report that Rm and I recognized the other day, how much more calm the 'hood has become now that some criminal-folk left. ... And we have enough common-sense to know that this is God's Blessing on us right now, and may not remain this way, ~depending. Rm and I are just parallel living here. Hardly an equal-relationship when taking 'everything' into consideration-- and I'm talking economic too.) Yes, I have a roof over my head. Yes, I have access to this computer. For these I am TRULY Grateful. I just 'adapt' well-- to people. But I have other needs not being met, including, learning some things I've needed to learn that Rm hasn't learned either. You can only progress as far as the people you have in the INSIDE parts of your circle and life. And I realize more and more every day, how separate and different I am from Rm. Honestly? I feel in a state of being suspended in air. There's just TOO MUCH that I don't know, and lots that I automatically-do ONCE I am properly hooked up. Seems that people are allowing me to move around in a fog, while they have KNOWN and could give me Good Counsel and connections. I (and some others) could not help what was going on, as I am and have been their Muse. Some are accusing me of direct manipulations, when that was NOT the case (at least, not on MY part. I'm totally clear about that.). And, that some people 'think' such a thing?, then that piece of information says something to ME about your own past, your family or former-loved-one's tactics in your life, perhaps? The way YOUR family did things?... well, MINE didn't~~~~ laughing. That's a "part" of my problem with the "block" I have towards 'receiving' in my life? If was expected to always be the one giving, and I've adopted a 'spiritual' stance about that. And you know what?, I don't mind it. It's Blessed to BE the Giver in life, without 'needing to' expect reciprocation all the time. Unfortunately physically-economically, all the giving I had done was 'for free' or Volunteer, just spontaneously. I have no pensions or reserves in life to fall back on. .... This is a place where one really truly gets their faith tested. I'm walking that line. (Please consider that, when you demand that I must pay for everything? --- And there's a part of me that would NEVER want to become dependent on another person, with thoughts that 'it's going to fail' prevalent in my head. That's a sure-way of falling. That this 'cloud of expectation of failure' would be looming over my head. That's what *** -for-tat thinking is. If you're not actually not wealthy-enough, then SAY that. (Gently) Don't lie, and put that on my head.) I've gained more insight about my North Node Sag, in the first house the other day. (ANOTHER feature in my chart that points to indecisiveness, besides my Mars Cancer too, conjunct my Gemmy Mercury.) I've discovered that I've ACTUALLY been "doing it".... really doing it, without my realizing. Every time I sit at the computer, toss aside all my research and facts, and just WRITE from my Heart, and from my Experiences, then I am "tapping in" to what I was made to do.
According to writings of Jan Spiller (ty), according to pastlife philosophies, I have ALREADY been mindful of the Societies and soul groups I belong with in this present time. I ALREADY was doting on everyone, adjusting to each person's tastes, each person's pattern of thoughts (mercury Gem-SN 7th). I ALREADY have served you all before. And I LOVE the Thought of that. I LOVE it deeply and completely. I want to Serve the collective even more... AS I energetically already am and have been. If I've misunderstood people, then please forgive me because I was operating BLIND while you all shared among one another, freely. Without telling me what was going on. So I guess I want to be BOLD enough to say, You have to 'own' that. If I offended people, then please take responsibility, and put yourself into MY shoes, too. It is a 'shared' responsibility. I am "expected" to be the psychic reader here.... (and I'm half-chiding, and being good-natured as I say that). It's 'in' my chart? And that has been a part of the "rationale" behind deliberately "excluding" this Sun and Mercury Gemini from being directly communicated to? .... my Mercuryslut Communications Gatherations? C'mon... gimme some sllllaaaahck?! But I WILL credit myself for being the Good Sport that I HAVE been, going through this long and protracted ordeal. Now, what I think I have heard some persons say, is that I "belong" to the religion side of spirituality..... All I can do right now is wait until either-side directly communicates with me. I shouldn't have to 'air' all kinds of things out here, over an over. If the esoteric community wants me, then physically give me a token of your intentions to want to engage me. Part of that would be honoring ME with that right now, as I don't have funds. I have made OTHER people MEGAmoney 'just by existing' in covenant with them in life. Even with contract (like job), I have been VERY LUCKY for people. My life draws in Venus's material blessings in relationships. Cusp H5 AND H6. Jupiter Cancer in my 8th. Cappy on my Second. ..... Just treat me FAIRLY, or ~else.... (humorously) God's Cosmic Alligators WILL bite your beehind, in the end! All Said, with BIG affection and Love in my Heart. ugh. Removing the song... something doesn't fit that today, or maybe it did, or it didn't, or just wahhhhhhh!! I apologize for any kind of tone (that I wouldn't want to intend). I REALIZE about the 5 planets being retrograded. .... Did y'all see my birthday solar chart? arrgghghgh . no!!!!!! LMAO I am "A Project"--- yes indeedy. So good to have true-friends who KNOW me, and have my back, and understand EVERYTHING that's been going on. God is Good, ALL The Time; All The Time, God is Good! Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God. -- Mark 4:11 IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted April 26, 2016 09:58 PM
Wow... this energy has strange waves in it. Don't know if I'm coming, or going, or what's going on. When I'm 'in my head' that's bad and good. Rehearsals of things people said that were ugly. Then, a vibe that things are good. When I'm in my heart, I melt. I see the possibility of intimacies and friendships. Then I'm in my head, and things are hard and tough, and I fight 'against' and feels like it's people doing that.I just came back from a walk to the mailbox at entrance of our 'hood. Two little-ones saw me, tugged at their daddy who was clutching their hand. Finally, he let them go and they came flying at me to collect their hugs. omg.... Can anything more sweet happen to someone than that? That these precious children (who barely speak English, and still in process of learning their own parents' cultural tongue) can 'recognize' a Loving Caring Spirit instantly in another person.... Some parents are baffled here! But I have a good reputation. I bumped into an elderly lady (who works as a cashier at a store I hardly frequent) who used to live here. When she saw me, she greeted me with wide eyes and affection, and said 'don't you remember me'? And I do... After all the gnarly events and things that have happened here over this cluster of years, I'm glad-surprised to see that I am admired. I guess when you stand up and try to make a Difference, people who watched you from the sides remember it--- even when it didn't seem to work so well, then. It's like what I've heard TDJakes say... sometimes success doesn't look like it was successful. Being extra-magnetic to kids recently must be the activation of my Taurus 5th?.... Nah... It's the response to a vibe of a Loving Heart-- (even if it felt like it was having a gnarly day). Kicking back. I don't understand what the blend is. Maybe it's like what someone had said that sometimes the best thing to do IS Nothing? Some things have to exist in an exploded suspended sense... Let it bloom there a bit and see.... Let things come to ME, is what has echoed. Afterall, I am a Good Thing to be FOUND. {scripture } I don't think people realize how MUCH I push myself--- always trying to think of what I can do, where I can go. Sitting still is hard~! Three weeks of this????? ..... *shakes her head* ... drums fingers. Thinking of a few songs, but, decides to wait. Well, I sure hope the Good Lord descends me some slower vibes once that Venus gets back into her home place in my chart. *pause. drums fingers again* Feels the keyboard.... Yes, I MUST 'be in TOUCH' with this keyboard.... LOL. (Taurus words?) Gotta go Eat dinner. (Hey, More Taurus.) Aha! I've got just the song.... *rummages* ![]( (music) Mac 1984 (commercial) [0:30] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted April 27, 2016 01:03 AM
Needing a mid-week ~Wednesday pick-me-up song? Then, here you go! ~Dance with it! Running errands today. Have a really Beautiful nice calm day! ![]( (music) Jesus Be A Fence Around Me! (Fred Hammond, christian lyrics) [7:06] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted April 27, 2016 01:35 PM
I am soooo glad that some people 'get' me! ... {{Of COURSE I know that 'my faults' are all about ME... I'm always chill on that!}}Just dammit!, I'm GOING to conquer all this, and omg, I'm going to be AWESOME some day at leading?! Since yesterday, I've felt like my Leonine energy self (H5) who suddenly just 'needed a break!' haha. If you're a nursing-cat, every once in a while, you've got to stand up, push those cubs OFF you, and go take a rest-break! Remember who YOU are, yourself. I own soooo much of my OWN stuff. .. errr, maybe MORE than my share, perhaps. So, if I need YOU to 'own' your shift, please note it with Love. Love for your Beautiful self, and for MY Beautiful self. ![]( Got my dancing shoes, and rocking it today. I'm GOING to figure this ALL out! ![]( I was thinking about this Humanities weekend course I took during summer-camp in middle-school years. One of the three workshops was dance/movement. There were some talented 'professionally' trained kids who came to 'show off' during this weekend. They had a 'frying bacon in the pan routine' and were awesome... So when my partner and I had to think of a 'routine' we could do (all in silence), we did something that none of the others had thought to do. We did parallel-dance movements... (reminded me of the opener to Patty Duke Show). (music) Patty Duke Show opening theme [1:00] {at video-soundmark @0:45} I remember all these moves felt independently executed, with certain peripheral points where we could spot to make sure we in sync with each other. At the end, the teacher/leader singled us out and praised our unique creative routine very much. In my muscles, it taught me more about Leadership. How we move in parallels, in submissions and give-and-take sequences. The thing is, that we move 'together'-- coordinated in its own ways. Today, Mercury turns retro on my asteroid Dancing Angel. Sun on my Serendipity. ![]( ![]( (music) You're The Top! (Barbra Streisand) [4:09] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 28, 2016 05:37 PM
We get you.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted April 29, 2016 12:22 AM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: We get you.
... ??? ![]( (music) One Way, or Another (One Direction, for "Comic Relief"* org) [3:22] *Coming... Thursday, May 26th IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted April 29, 2016 12:06 PM
Randall? ... Did LL have a computer resetting of print-type/font? It looks different (from my computer) today. The letters look more fuzzy, less defined. Almost like little tiny chunk-pieces of some of the letters are missing, or faintness in the thinner parts of letters. Reminds me of the old days of using a copier, where the quality of your document erodes as you made a copy of a copy of a copy. It's like the print bloats and gets fuzzier. When I got on my computer today, the icons on my desktop were super-bloated. Then, after trying to re-adjust, it went super-mini. (I think it read 83%-size, as opposed to the 125% that is comfortable to me. Now they made 125% look super-bloated. 100% is a mix of super-mini and bloated.) Anyways, I feel like I have to go grab my eyeglasses to read this..... then realize I'M WEARING THEM! Off or on, is the same quality. Mercury Retrograde??? hmmmm. Computer problems? duh Like I said in other posts---- I think these computer and telephone companies do it on purpose to launch things during the retrogrades so they can do their deeds and have the planets blamed for it! LOL I'll have to see what others are saying about the quality of their screen-views here. Sure can mess with your brain!, thinking it's YOUR eyesight, rather than computer. Have a great day, and weekend. Oh. Happy Birthday through the ethers to my 2nd daughter, who is turning 30 years old today. I think the last human contact I had was the electronic email she sent me 4 days after my dad died, to inform me of that loss. (That was the decent thing to do, at least.) ADD -- There was so much going on with my life, that I've missed other kinds of anniversaries (and acknowledging passings). But, you can only do as much as what you have, WITH what you have... I went back and saw that I hadn't done an etheric Birthday Wish to my 1st daughter, also, although she's been on my mind more than usually in recent weeks. So, Happy Birthday to daughter #1, on March 31. She turned 32 this year. Happy Birthday to a very very Poetic soul. Finally, today-------
Happy Birthday to DV, also! May life always treat you well, as indeed it always has! Blessing & Congratulations. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 29, 2016 03:31 PM
Nope, it's on your end this time.IP: Logged | |