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Author Topic:   Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others

Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted May 15, 2016 02:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Today are Anniversary days...

The Anniversary of date of
Registration as a Member of LL

On Tuesday, May 12, 2012, somewhere between 12:40 AM and by 1:00 AM.

I was (still am) a beginner astrologer, and was scared of what Venus Gemini going backwards over my Sun Gemini was going to do. I saw a post here (Regardo Plat...(?)) who had left a few short seconds of a gif of scene from BigBangTheory, expressing the fear at that time. (I think maybe an eclipse was involved? too busy right now to go fact-checking things). At that moment, I knew I had to register and join this online community.

Sun was Taurus 24+
Jupiter was Taurus 23+
Asc was Aquarius in 3+ degrees.
IC was 19+ Taurus, MC Scorpio 19+
Moon was Pisces in 22+ degrees.
Venus was Gemini 23+ stationing for rx soon afterwards
Vesta Mercury Ceres in Taurus in H3aries,
and trine Mars Virgo H7leo, and Pluto-rx H12cappy.
The NN was 5 Sag in H10scorp near Juno-rx at 0+sag.
Saturn-rx at 24+libra H9Libra, trine Venus Gemini H5 gemini.

Definitely, I've loved to Inspire, Entertain, share about my home, psychology, real estate, work environment (House 4) and with my Spiritual-communication (House 3) spur others to Good Acts, Good Works, and the importance of Valuing not-only your own self but to value Others AS MUCH AS you value your own fleshly self.

It's important to have a personal Integrity, and a Good Clear Conscience in your business dealings and the day-to-day things you do. Consuming on your own material lusts (for whatever the latest is) is a trap because it's like a sugar-addiction, or alcohol drug addict. That's only always ONLY temporary. Designed for it...

At some point, you will need live People standing there for you, at your bedside, to talk to you, hold you through transition (like I know some of my friends have for their loved ones). A Friend gives you a sense of Human Belonging and courage... They hold your hand and Heart steady when things run downhill in your life.

People?... Having someone of Integrity in your life, can prove to have MORE value when the rest of the world rejects you-- because businesses go up and down and can quickly fail, projects end or fail, etc.

When all the 'stuff' is smoldering as ash left after the fires burned the goods up, or the volcano, or mudslides, or tornadoes, or flood, or wars.... it will be the eyes of another who looks you in the face and says, C'mon! We're starting again. And We're GOOD. We fill each other with consolations from the Heart INSIDE. We Be the Spark, that begins all over again, after all else falls to ruins.

The Value of a Good Friend.....
Better for you to have a really GOOD Friend, a Glass of Wine, and a Good Cry and a Hug, if that's what you needed... Or someone to just be zany and playful and spontaneous with! Those kinds of expressions of Love from Friends be Priceless.

Some take lots of pharma drugs to avoid that empty feeling of having a void of faithful honest people and companions in their life.

Some are addicted to getting more and more cosmetic surgeries, actually making and exposing themselves more and more to the chances of making themselves permanently sick from 'the knife' because of feeling SUCH insecurity about their aging looks, and the shape of their bodies.

Thank You, God!! for the young-girls today, who are PUSHING away body-stereotypes, and WANT to just-BE who they are, in this world---- Girls?!! You are being an Inspiration to your Mirage here! And you are part of the reason I've been able to make improvements to my own self-confidence and self-esteem... I hope you know that??

Campaigns, like "Run Like A Girl" "Fight Like A Girl", INDEED!! ... I LIKE this New Girl Power you have been promoting, and YOU are bringing MUCH needed Changes into our old stuck Society!! MUCH-needed!!

For this of Your SELVES, I Thank You sooo very very much. .. It's time to stop thinking that you are not good-enough in your own body, despite your age development (young to older), your pregnancies, etc... SURGERY is a form of Violence TO the Body!... Time to put-down-that-knife? Too MUCH nip-and-tuck is an addiction, and CAN be a sign of emotional insecurity with your s.o. partner, trying to 'keep them hooked' on your previous-image, rather than growing more-gracefully older and transforming IN that relationship 'together'...

Astrology is a 'tool'... It's been a writing tool to me now (asteroids! LOL). I recognize the value of astrology for self-improvement (as that is how I made so many gains over the years).

For this, today, I especially want to recognize a Key person in my life, who is passed now, and it's his Birthday Today... He was a Taurus, with a Scorpio Moon. I am in deep gratitude to him (and DP), for helping me weather the SCORPIO Storm I went through during my activities at LL... with all the Eclipses making unbelievable direct-hits to important parts of my chart, plus, my 2nd Saturn Scorpio Return.

Happy Birthday, Jeff!
Thanking God for your Life and Contribution!

AND!!!!!..... Today is

Feast of PENTECOST, Sunday, May 15, 2016!

I had been Born on a Pentecost Sunday!! *grin*

Thanking God, for sending His Holy Spirit, the alchemy POWER of The Father together with His Ascended Son, DESCENDED upon the Earth to BE our Comfort, Wisdom, Healer, and the SPIRIT of LOVE upon this Earth.

In Him, we Live, and Move, and Have our BEing.

He is the Oil in my Lamp, the Charisma of Anointing, the Power of God that operates on this Earth for the Purpose of Doing Good, for Others. Lord, Send Us, Love Us, Protect Us, Send Us FORTH, as Your MOST HOLY, and Beautiful and ELEGANT Presence would have us DO, and BE....

{I Love you, Lord! And I want to Serve You. I thank You for that ability right now, to look at ALL the Good You have Provided for my Life. My Life is not my own, but Yours-- With a Willing Heart and Soul.}

Post to be continued later today, or tomorrow... contingent on conditions in the 'Hood cooperating. LOL.

...lost a bit of steam here, and maybe got off-track and deleted too much from this entire original post thought and intention, before I posted it.

I have to go get ready to do food shopping. Rm takes a taxi there, and so in order to get my OWN groceries home in one trip (too heavy), I'll usually go with him, at his invitation.

Yes..... My WHEATness is Core. ~ALWAYS, Lord! I Contain your Love and Your Seed, in My Soul.


(music) Anointing Fall On Me (Ron Kenoly) [3:18]

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 16, 2016 12:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Happy Anniversary!

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Posts: 15192
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posted May 16, 2016 05:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks, Randall!

Oh oops! Jeff's Birthday was Today (5/16), and not Yesterday (15)... So, he gets double-mention today.

My walks around the 'hood have been sooo pleasant. We have a good set of core people. New ones are coming in now... with lots of mid-age boys establishing new rules.

Counted 15 of them together on the street yesterday! *jawdrop* ... I knew around ten of them, raised here since they were little. It's going to be an interesting sociology laboratory & observatory here for the summer months. (Maybe also explains the higher presence of law-enforcement riding through the 'hood?... hmmmmm. LOL!)

I was walking by one neighbors door and heard their fire-alarm doing those little warning sporadic chirps. I knew how to remedy that, and it happened afterwards that I saw the maintenance guy in his jitney was just coming up the street, too.

I connected the woman with the maintenance guy, and he will permanently fix the chirping alarm for that family... Ahhhh yes, make our lives more pleasant, by taking care of little-things, little underneath annoyances.

She said she had lived with the problem for a long long time now, and had even had the fire-dept visit once, but they didn't know what to do. I did. And now? It is FIXED!

See that? It's a GOOD thing to help your neighbor! And I'll have the reward of another enthusiastic waver when I pass by their door.

Oh! Law Enforcement is now making appearances in our 'hood more-regularly now. That helps definitely cut down muscle-car drug dealers here.

We have our little Keep the Crime down club here! Yes, we have a lot we have to put up with, with everyone living so close together? But CERTAINLY, when we can encourage people with monster-woofers to lower their basses (and the volumes to a "personal" level, OR 'use your headphones?'), then things are better in general.

It's like that barking-dog syndrome--- one neighbor too loud?, makes the other neighbors crank their volume's up, etc. The escalating can making everyone unhappy and gnarly miserable. People here endeavor Kindness, and try personally to communicate to the new people, rather than always having to call Law Enforcement agents. (Even when they tell us never to handle it ourselves...) To discern what to do can be ticklish. It all depends...

I think that television and media have been unintentionally sending the WRONG message by showing stories that you MUST tolerate selfish behaviors of others?

I would love for TV Programs to create stories about Cooperation, rather than victimized-Tolerations of offenders.

I recall watching TV stories of students having to tolerate ONE person in a building (or a dorm) making things impossibly miserable for the rest of the residents or students. Everyone goes around being 'respectful' to the offender?!

NO!. That's the reverse of what needs to happen now, in this new age of crowded apartment living. We have wifi, and wireless headphone capabilities now.

We already have WAY too much 'noise' happening from outside influences (like jets, heavy trucks, old huge air-conditioning compressors, old refrigerators). Personal Sound Systems annoyances (in closely-set houses in a neighborhood, in apartments, in passing cars) CAN be controlled.

We need to encourage more soothing, more Peace, less irritations, for our Shared Community Living spaces.

Students (especially the younger ones) NEED that nutrition of a good night's sleep in order to perform well in school. Adults need perform well on their jobs. Sometimes ear plugs are NOT enough in some places.

Leave the loud huge speakers in full-power for the community park gatherings, and sports arenas that they are designed for.

Now, I love loud music. I realize (from personal experience) that loudness DOES Alter the Consciousness of a person, and can ADD to the feeling of euphoria.

I've been a member in churches with Quality World Class 'loud' music, and have 'felt' (in the body) the enhancement of the experience.

Go to a night club, with the mix of alcohol, loud music, and good friends?, and this can provide a VERY pleasant experience and memory...

But???.... What IS it, when the music is sooo loud, that people go with earplugs and texting-devices in order to remain in the atmospheric environment? That does NOT make "common-sense"????... Who told them that this is good for business??? {*You need to fire that consultant, and get your money back, folks!!* LOL That's B.S.!}

Don't they know how counter-productive that is? Yet, unobservant business-owners do that! ...

Oh yes, into my opinions today? LOL ... I hope it's read Kindly? .... They are GOOD ones, GOOD suggestions for Everyone to be able to live Enjoyable lives together.... Share Good Living!!!

Increase the level of Pleasures available in life. It's Nutrition to help counter all the harshness and bad things that people encounter in the personal life. We all deserve a Good Life, and sometimes things happen. We need to Take Care of Each Other, and be Mindful of what's happening...

And Yes, (as you probably guessed it! LOL) my floor/chair is shaking right now from plunky beats. I had a moment of 'satisfaction' the other day, when Rm finally 'saw' my water-bottle shaking (by itself) on the table yesterday. He actually saw the broken rippled surface of a stand-alone still bottle! He doesn't feel it in his body (like I do), but he definitely saw that water dance by itself!!

So! End of a Public Service type of post here today...

And I'm feeling Happy today! This Stevie Wonder song is one of the happiest ever!


(music) Sir Duke {Feel It All Over? LOL!} (Stevie Wonder) [3:55]

EDIT-- oops again! Have multiple windows open here, and used the song from another post I did in astro2.0... Still a Good Day!

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posted May 16, 2016 10:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ayelet     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Mirage, long time no write... Good thing you watch the neighboarhood
I guess tolerance should be cultivated toward those who do not seem to cultivate tolerance... BUT Rules are also important, and offenders should know when they are a nuisance, or worse.
I get euphoric listening to mellow, interesting, dreamy music, by the way...
Or even better to the songs of birds...

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 17, 2016 12:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Happy Birthday, Jeff!

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Posts: 15192
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posted May 17, 2016 01:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
... Three Days of Wishes for Jeff!

Ayelet {{{ }}} Always good to see you! Noticed you were gone a while, and trusted that you just needed that space for a while.

Birds!... Ah yes. I once had an apartment near a wild life sanctuary. I felt as though I was up in a Pine Tree! My own pine tree place. Birds would come and light upon this gorgeous tree near my window, and they'd sing and sing.

One day, I went to collect my mail, and the postman was there. He said, Oh! You've got my old apartment! Those birds were making SUCH a racket!!! ... I smiled in myself. I LOVED this racket! Such Joy.

Yeah, I add good nuances and reports about the 'hood here... AND, even IF I can find little molecules of peace within the terribleness, I still want to move from here.

I'm hoping that God Clears my Direction, and that I get a tangible-actual physical invite (with resource), to launch into something that would be sooo Complete for me to do, have, live out.

I need some physical-connection to be made to me, and to know that the place I'm going is BETTER (sonics, health), and so very rich in opportunities for advancement--- Something that will please enormously, and where I can be productive (Doing Good, Having Influence for the Betterment of People) for the remainder of my years left on earth.

I turned the TV on the other day, getting ready for my usual inspiration program, and I saw a minister who is back in the public eye again after a long absence. I didn't recognize him until his name flashed in a banner. I rewound the broadcast to make sure that I saw correctly!

This minister was very young, and had a strong impact on me when he had visited my church in the later 1980s. He's the one that gave me this scripture to pray over my life---

The Lines have/are falling to me, in Pleasant Places. Psalm 16:6

I'm going to take that (seeing him) as a Good Omen. Things are progressing. I trust in God's Timing for things... He WON'T let His Dream die in me. He WON'T let my life pass WITHOUT my having FULLY Sung The Song He Gave My Heart to sing in this world.

I Believe I have a Purpose--- And GOD will cause the exact soul-group people to call me (contact me) at the Right Time. There's still life left in me, and wealth of life experience.

If I personally NEED to 'receive' a contact, and God does see that I'm Honest about that, then there's not going to be any doubt in Hearts to step-forward to make a tangible appearance in my life. They will be the Right People, with the Right Connections for me. And I Expect to be flooded with such Joy and a sense of how Right it is. ...And there won't be any Demand that I "do"... Only "Be" because when I can be myself, I am naturally productive.

And I want to remain Registered here at LL, should my 'opportunity' take me to a place to get settled for a while. The World, Touching the World from my Mountain of posts here, is an important part of my life, and who I am. This site helped me Come Out ONTO The World Scene. ... The astro chart for LL, and for myself, makes truly amazing connections. I touch a part of LL's Purpose, as she allows me to express the beginnings of mine.

Things aren't ending for me... They are Clearing Space, for me to Understand more-fully why I'm here, and what it is I came to do in this world.

Like I read before, Uranus in 8th... Other people can plainly plainly BLATANTLY 'see' the direction, which they cannot see for themselves. It would be NICE that others would personally 'reveal' and help me WITH that Direction? Or else if no one is coming forward, then God is not ready for me to know that yet? (just musing)

I sense that part of my mission is really really big -- (it's not ME being big, but what I'm a destined part of, is to play a Healing Role and contribution to Our World).

And maybe?? I've been doing it already, here at LL. What a Beautiful Beautiful Privilege it is (and has been) to write, and Communicate, and To Love People through my Postings. I only Hope that I have touched your Heart for the Better, and that Some Part of You is better-off BECAUSE you shared in the Life behind the life here at the keyboard.

I don't even know who really reads here? I'm sure there are people I may never hear about or see? But I 'sense' you... It has been INCREBIBLE Honor to me, to have Served as your muse. How Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful... and etherically intimate.

I Believe in Unity. I Believe in the Collective Body of Christ.

I consider it So Beautiful to flow in the Give and Take of Energy here. May ALL Feel Reached out to, Loved, Hugged & Healed, in whatever places you need to have or feel the Healing and Wholeness in your lives...

There is NO DISTANCE where Love Is. We Be Close, as the Beating of Our Hearts, with the Cosmic Heart.

Celebrating the last days of Sun in The Beautiful Taurus.

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posted May 17, 2016 03:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ayelet     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And May is beautiful...

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 18, 2016 12:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Three is better than one!

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 19, 2016 12:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ayelet:
And May is beautiful...

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Posts: 15192
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Registered: May 2012

posted May 19, 2016 05:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
May??????? *grin* LOL *music????*

(music) May The Lord Bless You (Kay Waechter, perf. by Steffi Neumann) [3:20]

from yt-notes quoting

A blessing song for everyone
and for every occasion

May the Lord bless you and keep you
make His face shine upon you,
the Lord be gracious to you.

May His love and His grace and His perfect peace
guard your heart and your mind and your life.

Soon the day will come when our work on earth is done.
United we will stand before God´s throne.
We will lift up holy hands.
We will shout and we will dance,
but the good work must go on
until that day has come.


I want to thank Debra S for mentioning the Wesak 2016 Moon we just had on April 22. I looked up a youtube for Wesak May Moon, and "chanced" to listen to a very unique one. Ended with the prayer of The Great Invocation. Very powerful message.

Now, some of the precious vidders I watch were suggesting to look at activities done in the past as a clue to what to do in the future.

When I reread my post of April 22, and the days that followed (until the computer software started screwing up here! LOL), AFTER I viewed the video featuring the Compassion-Power of 'Buddha + Christ' Wesak 2016, it was like the microscope in me adjusting layers of perspectives again.

In that kind of Sagittarian macro-view rather than micro-look at details of my life, as an entirety, I see again how I've been living out the Hound of Heaven poem....

There has always seemed to be a Hand on my back, giving a steady forward-motion pressing, like the cosmos I'd so often had actual night-dreams walking along the tracks of invisible curves and lines in space. Seeing geometric frames. Pressing, like The Hand that pushes and slides universes, that don't collide, but merge and interchange and reCreate.

MY LIFE in this body has been about Pulling Down AND Towards The Divine-- about LOVING God, with the TOTAL FORCE of One's Being: Heart Mind Soul Strength and EVERYTHING.

The Mystical Beautiful Love Triangle, Masc-Femm Within/Without, ONE in 'GOD'. ONE 'LOVE'... United with Compassion, for ALL on Earth.

(music) This Is My Beloved (Vic Damone & Ann Blyth, Kismet 1955) [3:00]

Yes, I still want to study astrology. In my walks and talks with people, I still need to be Educated. I am VERY familiar with so much of it. NOW, maybe to tackle the education and ADD finesse (little gaps) to what I know already, I might be able to be useful in the astrology field. .... I can already help people, with the little that I know. At least, TALK with them about pieces of their astrology, if nothing else.

It's my way of socializing, making friends, teaching, being ~amusing... talking about God, being the inbetween person for those who are interested in exploring religious beliefs (who would never darken the door of a church) and exploring the tool of astrology. I've found I'm able to give fairly-decent counsel, around things in their charts. I still don't consider myself as one who 'knows astrology'... but I'm getting closer!

From time to time I still feel disappointed when I wasn't contacted for the idea I had two years ago. I was figuring that by now, 'we' (group involved), could have finished our Pilot-Study, and been publishing? Then, looking towards marketing the product. It would have had international use and appeal. .... .....

God must have had a pretty good reason for things still being on hold.

... Maybe the group I needed to work with hadn't been formed yet. Some of the original Magi of astrology (still in the body, LOL) might know if this work has already been in progress. And, my interests are definitely in the spiritual and metaphysical worlds too.

I 'resonate' and want to be with people who have the same Mystical Healing Dream for the Earth, for Souls. With GOD as The Source and Giver of our Light. Not God as most of the religions I encountered give it (east or western). I want THE REAL GOD-- The GOD who when you're in His Presence UNDENIABLY "Is" ....

I am your "Christian" representative in this very very small friend-corner of an International gathering? In order to have diversity, you need diversity, okay? I had been feeling pushed-out and excluded (by some who read my thread nonLL), for BEING a Christian-- and now, with many, I know that was considered, and that I'm "okay" with being this.

You need me in the mix to Balance you, and to provide an extra-pixel of perspective. (And, I am realizing, gently, that you 'already' think like that-- otherwise, everyone would have given up by now.)

All Faiths and Creeds, Philosophies, The Cosmos... Those who do Good Will. These are members of my Tribe. There is ONE God and Source of ALL. With and To THIS, I Resonate-- my Whole Heart feels Filled.

I don't think this post today quite-adequately covers all the various thoughts and feelings I've been having, especially over the past few days! ~WOW. So Awesome! I am beginning to see pieces come together now, that I didn't notice before.

{{Having feelings of dissatisfaction with this post, even though it probably is fine.}}

Trusting in God with all my

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Posts: 15192
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posted May 20, 2016 10:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

GOD is Up To Something WONDERFUL!!!! Celebrate. I Believe in the Future, and we're gonna LOVE and BE Love. And We will be an Honor to what it is that GOD made us.

(music) Aquarius & Let The Sunshine In!! (The Fifth Dimension) [4:48]

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posted May 20, 2016 11:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
(music) Reach Out Of The Darkness (Friend & Lover) [3:07]

(music) Sending You Light (Melanie Demore, In The Mother House) [3:39]

(The TrueLove of My Life)

(music) E'en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come (Kansas City Chorale) [2:57]

And for Everyone who is Looking for a Human Love Relationship-- Since Venus will be traveling through Gemini for these next weeks, I will channel her for you! LOL

Whether in the form of Soul Communion, just holding hands and Doing The Work (individually and as a group), or if you are Believing to Meet your ultimate Soul's Intimate Partner... This embedded vibe is for you to FIND that Love of Your Life.

OR if you are already in a Committed Relationship, that Love Blossoms and opens in a way and depth you've never felt before.

And if you are a Single and Lovin' it? That you'll come to Love Yourself in such a WHOLE way that it will Strengthen You and help you to Clearly walk your Soul's Mission on this earth.

You can even Listen to this song with applying Higher Dimensionally to it... See each of us Accessing that layer of where the Strata of the Collective circles in atmospheres, and each are saying this TO and With Each Other... One in Beautiful Purpose.

(music) Make It With You (David Gates, Bread, lyrics) [3:12]

All About Love! Love for GOD, Love for Neighbor, and Loving Your Own Beautiful Being.

{Laughing!!.... Since I got up this morning, I have a multitude of posts lined up in my Gemmy Brain and Heart.... omg. I didn't start with the song that was MOST important to describe the energies right before the Sun moved to Gemini?, but it was a good one. And I'm going to try to press through the bounce of woofy 'hood distractions today, AND in spite of my Rm beginning his Staycation for the next 10 days (~oy), I will try to be a Presence here, as much as I can... Might spend some days at the airport ~~perhaps?? Or follow God's leading on that? Anyways--- I'm looking forward to my Future. ...And I'll save that for more posts later, fingers-crossed! }

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted May 21, 2016 03:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted May 21, 2016 06:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

(music) Cells, Planets? Same thing... (Erika Lloyd, perf by Avanti, arr Petersen) [6:15]

So far away
far away
So far away
far away,
when all will
and all will

The stars will open up
and all will be
tiny pieces of galaxy,
reflected in you and me…

same thing…

Bright electric lights
on all the leaves,
and everything
growing from a tree,
water’s blood,
and roots are veins.

I don’t know you
but I like you,
I don’t know you
but I miss you,
I don’t know you
but I need

The smallest is
the biggest thing
and in all the world
the love
is the love
from me
to you…

I don’t know you
but I like you,
I don’t know you
but I miss you,
I don’t know you
but I need

--Erika Lloyd

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 22, 2016 03:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wonderful lyrics.

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posted May 22, 2016 08:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Such a pleasant surprise, that Rm's daughter is in town with her daughter and her boyfriend and boyfriend's daughter. This is an answer to prayer... They needed a healing encounter after what happened last thanksgiving. There had been some heartbreak there... and now, a chance for renewal of the bonds between daughter and father. (ty God)

How NICE that it coincides also with Rm being on vacation at home all this week!


Here we are, Happy Sunday!

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posted May 23, 2016 12:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted May 23, 2016 05:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
omg!!! SOOOOO much rolling morphing and unfolding going on inside me. I could do sooo many different kinds of posts right now. And I've made all kinds of Connections to things.

It started at the point when the Sun was 29+ Taurus, and AS the Sun entered Gemini.

Portal??? omg....

I didn't realize how much weight I was consciously carrying, caring about my not being electronically educated and trying trying trying to figure things out on my own (and making too many mistakes).

I decided then to just chill about what I 'don't' know, and 'there it was'... all the weight and responsibility I carry trying to be on the same level as everyone else.

I had also decided to (temporarily) limit my listening diet (vidders) to ones I felt more understood me? I will go back to the others later. I believe in giving EVERYONE a listening ear. AND~~~ there are just so-many hours in a day to devote Quality time to all this, so I needed to rein that in a bit. Some people made that easier by making their sites paid-viewing. So, in a side kind of ways, thanks?... LOL I still want to support some folk on Patreons, or by donations (your readings are so frickin expensive!!! LOL) just because I believe in making an economic exchange whenever I can.

When I decided to "just let it go"!!! It was 'okay' NOT to pay some people, and if they left me because of that, then it was okay if they did. The day I went to the Airport was gnarly, but showed me how passionate I am about studying astrology.

omg, I just feel an explosion of Thanks to people. Especially for those who have (knowingly or unknown) fed my astrology and Creative Muse. A long time ago I said I wished I could send each of you a Gold Brick! ... I meant it. AND, I also know that we build our knowledge by things we share and pass on freely to the generations that are ahead of us. That's how I learned. There was free astrology available, QUALITY fee astrology.

One of those sites belongs to Master Astrologer Rick Levine!! Your ability to inbody those energies and accurately predict amazes me. You had that Gemini Energy PEGGED Perfectly the other day!
... I LOVE your podcasts very much, AND your written materials there on You're The Top!!!
... Well, actually? You're more like in my 5th House!! LOL.

Transiting asteroid 7885 Levine is on my 202373 Ubuntu Taurus 5.10 {I Am because We Are}, today. Your last name is at 9.21 Taurus 5th in my chart... conjunct asteroid 2752 Wu Chien-Shiung 9.6' {Coming into one's own, accomplishment, finding something one likes}, and 8 Flora {~~So, okay!!! I DO have a flowery, flower-child mentality, tending towards ornateness! Laughing, I know that!).
... Part of the reason I became better at astrology was that your Daily Podcasts let me utilize you (natal Levine 9.21, biquintile my MC) as a 3451 Mentor (at Taurus 10.59).
... So, within orb of your own name-asteroid return, I send you a shout-out from the ether-world at LL here.
Thanks so much for having Contributed to me, since the start of my interest in Astrology.
... Maybe some day, I'll walk up to you at an astrology Convention or workshop, and be able to verbalize my thanks in person.

There are soooo many people I'd love to mention, but I'd be afraid that others be offended that I didn't say ~hey.

So but, ~hey Sam! Do you realize the Teaching-Gift you have? When you describe Vedic things, it like I see it, in my Mind's Eye. That's a Gift! I acknowledge you today. (... Things you've said, and the way with which you worded it, has contributed to the breakthrough energies I've been having.}

omg... (Michelle K Safe Happy Adventures!, Jennifer A, thanks again. I'm going to stop, and delete the litany here. Some I've mentioned before. Just know how much I appreciate and want to acknowledge the hard work people do to help make this world a Better Place to live in.)

Going back a bit now, to that first song I mentioned, that helped mark the cosmic recent change in me.

At Sun 29 Taurus, I realized how I have had 'chunks' of things already figured out (even if I see it only 'peripherally' right now-- at least, it's on track). And I'm beginning to 'find' those little weak points where I give up on my ever thinking that I can still achieve something in my future.

I also had an OUTSTANDING moment, where for the FIRST time, I contacted energetically with the fact that I have a solid Future (life in the body) that extends past these next few years. Some ~weird freaky mentalblock I had.

Maybe partially because in my grandmothers' day, most people were dead by 62/63? It was hard and disconcerting me very much that INSIDE myself, I could tangibly~etherically 'feel' no vision of me living past that age? (sometimes?, past the next weeks? but that's sooo much improved for me now.)

Maybe it was something inherited from my childhood that seeped into me from the truth of what older relatives had believed long ago. It was truth for 'those days'. But now, we have the ability to extend our physical lives due to modern science. Thank GOD for that breakthrough the other day.... It happened WHILE I was casually pouring over my ephemeris for the next few years, just in a non-serious way, looking at the broader MUCH broader pattern.

There's a lot of directions I could take my conversation right now? wow!! ... So okay, one at a time.

I gave myself 'permission' to hang out in the more fantastic-realms lately? I can REALLY get my Saturn-hopelessness going some times. There ARE some of us who need to do that backwards-forwards Michael Jackson type Moonwalking in order to ground. Yeah, go figure? I ground from Above to Below, not from ground-itself. So I apologize for being a non-rolemodel with that? LOL Oh yeah, some of us were BORN to be Weird. Being Weird, makes us Normal... well, as much as the dryer settings allow us to be?

Yes, I KNOW I have to ground more. But for NOW, to indulge and allow recent breakthroughs to hover more? will get me to destination faster, I think.


Portal?! *ahem* ah yes....

I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect.... I mix a LOVE for the Divine and the Mystical?, with my mentioning sex. *shakes head*

I am a REAL person, with a REAL Love for people who have tried to be perfect, but have fallen short of earning Angel Wings...

I don't think (after this whole thread) that I would qualify to work in the ministry, even if I am a minister (or deacon) in a lot of ways. I ADMIT to my open faults and failings. This makes me more of a HUMAN, and more relate-able. The rules are very strict these days. Who would want someone who isn't perfect? ... Except for others who have BEEN there, and Overcome.

I 'do' get what people are saying about 'religion' now. I saw that strange cool cosmic-layer, it was like a rectangular box around which others, busy in their professions or life, stood. There would be a Call, and the appropriate souls who needed to attend, would zip into action.... World Servers. It is more real than ever. I know the idea is age-old age-old, yet some people (like me) were not aware they've been doing it. .... I'm not into the devilish aspects? which is what I have balked at the most. But that's like ME being from my own background? We ALL have our backgrounds...... But we MEET at the Level of Heart, and wanting to Serve. (So incase some people were wondering about that? and I don't know if they have or not? ... I may still have residual notions about things I encountered FROM some of those Darker practitioners from a time earlier in my lifetime.... I know some of what some of these are doing. I know some dabblers who try to remain in a Clear more-Beneficial role to Society and the Etheric realms. ... And I understand their qualms about Christianity. It's just "interesting" to sit at this table, and be face to face in this energetic booth (of sorts). ALL people have to come to the Energetic Table, when it comes to things. But I prefer to stay with the Safer people I have already connected to over these years.

This convo is ~weird, eh? I'll have to clean this up after I post... but I'll leave it up for a while. Then I'll make it more-presentable.

I feel really awkward right now....

Time to just go ahead and post, then organize it later.

Here is the song (finally?!!! LOL) I wanted to mention.

After I heard it, I had gone out on one of my walks, and I prayed soooo hard. Determined, I NEED a breakthrough!

.... And The Great and GOOD Lord Provided {{ }}

I have more to say!! ~duh?! I'm a Gemmy!!! LOL And BTW, I'm more mature-acting than all these words, okay? Just zany and bit playful, in the midst of Seriousness. Yes, I'm very deep, very intense, very Serious in real and Faraway ways.

Strange things, and strange ways to Reveal oneself, here on the Internet.... so Freakin' Unique. WHICH!!, I think, Supernaturally, our Souls arranged it so that right now, it would BE a particle-wave Vehicle for us to make reaquaintance and Gather again. So Grateful, just soooo Grateful.

The breakthrough-energy Song...

(music) Slip Sliding Away (Paul Simon, lyrics) [4:46]

(Paul Simon has a Venus Opp Saturn!!! LOL)


These past few days have felt like this...

And I'm sooo Encouraged, and feeling more focused and stronger and stronger each day.

{{Thank you GOD!!!, for the Internet, and For Friends all around the Globe. I pray Blessings on all our Endeavors for Good.}}

(music) Can You Read My Mind (Maureen McGovern, lyrics) [3:23]

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted May 28, 2016 10:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Happy Solar Return!

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posted May 29, 2016 02:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you sooo much, Randall.

Looks like the gremlins have been at work here. I made several posts that poofed. One was my day (last Wednesday) at Universal (next to Disneyworld). It was one of my more creative posts. Goners!

Then, I had cropped two posts to much-shorter lengths (above), but they reappeared in fuller-form. ... I had a sting of shyness come over me when I edited them short. But there was good information there anyways, and now, I'm sort of glad it's there.

I Celebrated my Solar-Birthday yesterday, at its Exactitude in my area at 2:42pm. I went back to the Beautiful lake and the fountains we have here.

In the rays of the Sun, I thanked God for my life, for my global Friends, and for specific people in my life. I prayed for all life on this planet... That God Renew and Heal Her, Heal all of us.

I had planned on It's A Wonderful World playing in my head during the minutes of exactitude... It ran through my head as I got onto the long walkway around the lake. I planned on waiting where I was surrounded by 9 Fountains, with 6 varieted-height nozzles, surrounding me, with the Famous Fountain in the background. I held 3 small red petals up to my heart from a rosebush I'd passed along the way.

Instead of the song I was thinking about, there was a Grace and anointing that filled, and this totally spontaneous song filled my InnerSpaces.

I just realized how perfect this song/vid is for Memorial Day Weekend here in the USA too.

When I was born, it was Pentecost Sunday, but ALSO a time of mourning and recollections here in the States.

God Imprinted me... with depth, with zeal, amongst a wave of honoring those that gave up their lives in an act to guard our safety and the general Peace in this world.

It's the Birthday of Pres. JF Kennedy, and Bob Hope, the comedian who used to entertain the troupes and keep their morale up.

God Grant US ALL, Dreams ...

(music) From A Distance (Bette Midler, lyrics) [4:29]

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posted May 29, 2016 04:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ayelet     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It sounds like a wonderful day...

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posted May 30, 2016 01:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes, Ayelet ....Hugging and letting the Universe give and send Baby Dreams, and Daring to Dream even Larger.

Learning to accept and be MORE than my own limited imaginations. Embracing all that I am and can be in a moment, then, taking it up a notch, and owning that vibe and grounding on the sense of it.

The sense of constriction needs to expand, like a Giant Heart works. One, then the other, in tandem. Resting and appreciating at the points of in-between.

... ...

transiting Venus on my Sun today.

Thank you, God, for the planet of Love and Beauty brilliantly lit in the fires of my Soul's Imagination today.

Instead of closing down, I Will open out.... Receiving the Healing Within, allowing the Healing to radiate OUT.

The World needs more of this...

(music) Open Arms (Journey, lyrics) [3:18]

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted May 31, 2016 04:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
No one has a voice like Steve Perry!

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posted May 31, 2016 05:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Finally, here by myself again... recovering. Rm back to work today. ...

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted June 01, 2016 02:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Enjoy your solitude.

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