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  Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others (Page 51)

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Author Topic:   Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others

Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted June 01, 2016 04:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I found a really freaky configuration of asteroids today, BASED on what I've serendipitously come across.

There was a news-type show on the other day, which involved Princess Diana (Spencer). My ears always perk whenever I hear or see her name. It's been forward in my consciousness a lot this past week. (We have some parts of our natal charts in common).

I have asteroid 78 Diana in Taurus at 17.29 in my 5th house.
(tMercury just passed that degree, and my asteroid having to do with Medical Ethics.)

I have asteroid 117329 Spencer at 16.0'41" Gemini in my 7th House.

The story was about the mansion home Diana grew up in as a child. Her brother quickly told the story about their mother dying, and the father remarrying a woman (with her own natural children) who deprived the natural children of the husband she married.

The Stepmother let her own children inhabit all the rich places in the mansion, while Diana and her brother had to sleep in VERY mundane rooms up in the attic. *jawdrop* !!!! NO!!!! Those rooms looked like rooms in poor-people's quarters.

.... ((My huge question is WHY Princess Di's DAD???? would LET THAT HAPPEN????? to her!)).... *fumes*
.... The caretaking Heart in me just wants to gather her up in my arms, and hug her. BOTH of them. Brother and sister. It was good that these two blood children had each other.

So anyways....
The Brother remarried.
He married a Canadian-born American woman, named Karen.

2651 Karen (my placement is Gemini 0.26'42" in House 6taur, trine my Libra MC, biquintile Neptune 25+ Libra).

The story on the news program was about Countess Karen Spencer's project to raise funds for her charitable organization called Whole Child International, main-office based in Santa Monica Calif)

They have a donation drive going on right now.

Quote ---
Whole Child International is devoted to improving the lives of orphaned, abandoned, abused, and neglected children worldwide.
We work to restructure existing children’s institutions to focus on children’s emotional needs, ultimately creating the possibility for healthy integration into society.
Through partnerships with leading academics, technique innovators, and local service providers, Whole Child International brings the latest research and innovative training to care providers in the most resource-challenged regions in the world.

This campaign seeks to help Earl and Countess Spencer connect with and get to know individuals who share their and Whole Child’s passion for helping the world’s most vulnerable children.

When I explored this site a bit, I found that The Dalai Lama had been there in February 2010.

His Holiness compelled audiences with how nurturing children through strong and loving bonds is at the core of a child’s emotional health and well-being — and that all children deserve compassionate, loving care.

His Holiness spoke of how the love and attention we receive as children enables us to grow into adults who are able to care for others.

Loving care during infancy is the strongest root for a compassionate life, and these ideas are at the center of Whole Child’s program.

Representatives from faith-based, policy, philanthropic, and academic institutions met with Whole Child and His Holiness to spur policy action to address the needs of vulnerable children.

I've done a number of posts about children, and child-abuse here.

And I'll also use this as an excuse to wish Patch Adams (Sun Gem, Sag Rising, Sag Moon 29+) a very Happy Birthday! May 28).


I looked up the asteroids for Compassion Child Dali(for Dalai), and FOUND that for TODAY ...

PISCES- transiting South Node, with 4580 Child, and 8990 Compassion are CONJUNCT in 17+ degrees PISCES.

Natal placement 2919 Dali(~Dalai) Pisces 16.42! *smile*


And to plug one more children's ref...
Joel Osteen of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, is still Dreaming about building his Orphanages with Medical Centers...

836 Jole(~Joel) Pisces 25+ H(3)aqua(quintile my Sun Gemini, trine Uranus-Jupiter Cancer)
1207 Ostenia(~Osteen) Scorpio 28.01 rx (trine my Uranus-Jupiter Cancer)
.... transiting Mars-rx at 28+ Scorpio today.

726 Joelle Libra 25.05'55"rx ON my Neptune H10

(music) Children Will Listen (Stephen Sondheim, One Voice Children's Choir) [3:15]

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Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted June 02, 2016 02:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You know, I can get excited learning about different religions, mythologies, philosophies, planets.

I'm a cool sport about things, and love the ~Weird of life. {{Yeah, you heard it! I'm calling y'all Weirds--- especially the Gemini-types! (They're actually the Best BFF ~Weirds in the Universe! soorrrry there ~Aquarius!!! Gemmies Rock the Universe the Best--- at least for now! You NEED Us!!!) ROFLMAO!!! }}

Humorously, ~Okay.... going to get more serious now, because I have to "guess"! You gotta KNOW I HATE uncertainty. So... I'm just wrapping words around vibes WHICH I may be wrong about?, but please have the kindness of indulging me for now. I'm not on the "CC" list... ah, and that's not automatic Closed-Captioning button.

(serious part)

Maybe some people "expect" me to drop my own core beliefs? That would 'not' be Inclusiveness. This would inwardly cause a feeling of separation in me, and that takes-away what gives ME Joy and Ultimate Life and inner-regeneration.

My 'Source' and Core Center Life Joy is my Love of God, and the underlying blissfulness I feel particularly-evident and sensate to me when I'm worshiping God with all my focused-attention and strength of Being.

We all 'interface' in some way, with the Divine... And I am Jesus'-Gurl. To separate me from that Joy inwardly? would mean for me to renounce my Connection to Source?

GOD IS my Light, IN, and through, Christ.
My Heart is Steadfast, O God! {scripture}

When I am able to deeply meditate and Get Connected, I am one who gets excited and wants to Praise God WITH all her repressed Emotional self?

You say that's not *ahem* Mature-enough for you? .... That I would need to become more of a bland-blank yukky solution of mush-nothing? mmmmm, (~Nope?!, LOL) --

I Am Another You, AS-and-WHILE, Being me. I have to be TOTALLY-Accepted As-I-am.... and NOT in any way to be downgraded. I've done (and can fall into that) internally TOO much already.....

It's been my Process to Gain some self-respect and dignity.

I know that some people take offense to me saying that? In a real way, I genuinely-truly humbly say that I am Sorry, because I don't mean to offend... just Stand.

Maybe part of the problem is that I don't actually (concretely) know who you personally are.

You may be a high ranking dignitary reading my posts, and I DEEPLY most-profoundly and profusely apologize if that's your rank and you read my rawly expressed writings? Please know that you deserve complete respect, and I give that.... Thank you for overlooking my ignorance, and for enjoying my Art anyway. *Heart*

So, I STAND as my own person, until I Know who people are for sure.

Gently, you can't really respect ME, unless I respect my own self first. ... And please let me eat every one of my own unknowingly offensive words there, okay? ....

It's just BEEN soooo arduously LONG of a Battle-Journey for me. I'm the Butterfly, now drying off her wings.

If you are an adept at any astrology, too, I have way too much Saturn in my chart not to try to balk at restrictions in order for me to feel like I can thrive!

I Choose and NEED to feel The Joy, and to feel Free and Playful and Child-like. To Be Loved and Accepted for COMPLETELY who I am. Vivacious and Loving, strong and awkward, yet quietly inward and respectful at the same time.....

I HAVE to go the route of expressing myself, and not quenching or squelching my spirit anymore. No more OTT harsh-limiting and constrictions on my Joy and expressive nature, 'just-because' someone else thinks that's not mature-enough acting or being.

(laughing) Who wrote THAT into your stuffy Rule-Book? LOL. ~Hey, RE-Writes Allowed!!! LOL (and I ~said that respectfully, okay?)

People NEED an Increased Sense of Play in their lives.... (Gently, ~My God!!!! I bring that with my Gemmy-self to the table. I just want to LOVE on people!)

I have known the Serious and dark-darker parts of life. Time to let some Light and air into that stale Cave, and To Reign.... and feel the Pure Joy, and Resilience and Playfulness available in life---- I don't care what you think those gnarly transits are saying??? ~DARE to have More Life.

Let it be a time to anticipate LIFE more-Abundant. Time for Inwardly (and outwardly) Dancing!

*megaphone* {{Don't let those turkeys get you down!! no way... LOL}}

Get the picture of the psalmist David dancing naked around the Tabernacle... INSIDE, that is who I am, and what I do. ... And that makes my soul Resonate!

I love love love studying everything, and sampling and deeply considering all things, because I believe there IS something to be gained in every kind of experiential contact I get.

Just want to reiterate today....

When it comes to my most-intimate most-personal most-CORE Loves and Beliefs?, (for ME), it IS the Holy Spirit of God, in Jesus, who gives ME Life! It's how I regenerate. And it has an effect here, in my writings and relatings.

Loving-Jesus is my Battery-Connection to Source. I don't get to Those Heights which you are able to 'feel' when I contemplate other gods. I get 'inspired' by them, but not Directly-Connected to the Center. My Direct-Connection is through Jesus Christ.

Now again, when I say 'Jesus Christ', please know that I am not speaking with the same dogmatic 'religious' abuses that go on. My God, that rips my Heart. Some who name The Name are FULL of errors and so many hurts. If I can apologize to your Soul, I do for those. But I can't hold myself responsible for what they have done, either. Please, YOU forgive them. That's what Jesus would do... YOU reflect and mirror-back Jesus to them.

When I say Jesus Christ, I am Speaking of LOVE. LOVE ITSELF, at its BEST, in its Purest Most-Beautiful Essence.... *crying*

Don't get me wrong... I LOVE to fully contemplate the hinduisms and buddhisms, and other motivational philosophies that are rich and so openly available. I'm not shifting from that position. I'm still ON.

But the way I Ground and find myself is from the standpoint of Christianity. If there is no Inclusion, in an Equal-way with that, then how can we share commonality and a cosmic responsibility.

As I've said, there is MUCH to gain from an eclectic viewpoint, delving into many many varieties of things. I think it brings Contrast, Appreciation, Balance, wholeness and roundedness to the overall Soul's Life.

Without Christ, (for me), I am like a ship wrecked-out at sea without a Life Raft, in the pitch-black darkness. *He IS My Beauty and My Light*.

So! I'm willing to try new things, ~definitely. AND, I lay down some boundaries concerning that, too.

This song and the way the worship-leader expresses it, says it plainly. (Please listen with your cosmic detachment from 'religion' hurts you have had in your past. ... Listen with Beginner-Ears. This is and was MY lifestory...)

So Much Love....

(music) When I Think About The Lord (Envision Praise Team) [5:45]

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Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted June 02, 2016 09:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This is responding to some cyber friends I have... efc, nsm, dr BB (still playing catchup with my general things).

My total bottomline emotionally, inside me, has been the fear of being dependent on another human being for care (for a while). Maybe that has stemmed from childhood memories that it's not okay to be weak.

Story of my PGF who had suddenly come down with a braintumor at around age 51. He was a STRONG STRONG man-- the HUB of the family. Suddenly, there he was, needing help to get to the toilet... and what I 'saw' (age ~8) was people around him who did NOT want to help because it was 'shameful' that a STRONG PERSON should need vulnerable care. They said awful things... behind his back.

Then when his wife got sick (my Scorpio PGM), she had (I would say) a paralyzing fear of having to count on others to be right and good to her. Our collected extended family was so large that they actually opened a nursing home business and relatives were 'hired' to give care there.... that was ages ago. .... But she was terrified of being dependent. It took 'a lot' for her to trust my cousin Michael (Leo, who committed suicide almost 20 years later in the ~mid early 2000s?-- I had 'realized' about it only a few years ago now after a final conversation with a cousin who clearly did not want ME to contact them at all anymore... I respected her and all their wishes--- was something I had to face in the reality of this past four years. What is dead, is dead. I had to make my OWN family now). Usually in biological families of the past, the others would rally around them to support the mal-affected person..... I guess that part of my wound is that I was left out of that. *oh gosh, there she goes with tears*.... Some of you are astrologers, and you KNOW 'how important' family and a sense of tribe and congregation is to me. I was denied that this life.

I fight SUCH STRONG admonitions against "Being a Burden" on others. I am the person who CARES (directly) for people. That's how I've wound up staying here with rm too. I hands-on heart-filled CARE. ... But there's such a sting against 'me' feeling that I could 'receive' care when I really really would need it.

ADDING... I wanted to approach everyone with a sense of adding TO your energies, adding TO the profit-margins, not coming out of a sense of weakness and needs and imperfections. -- I have a constitution that wavers a bit, but given the chance to alter schedules a bit for me to accommodate this, overall, I'd like to try. (In my worklife at the brokerages, I had a crazy and long schedule-- usually the first one there, and one of the last to leave... but it happened to fit everyone else that the blocks of time I took for myself blended perfectly with their requirements. I know, what can I do NOW?... I'd have to explore that. I wouldn't be mentioning things UNLESS I thought I 'might' positively be able to do this. You know how already-overly 'cautious' I am???? I'm busy 'protecting you'!! LOL)

I'm not complaining, just informing... I really actually (am afraid that MAYBE) I DO feel not-right with something going on inside my torso. I have not been able to pin down "what" that is because it seems to shift. (This has my thoughts running all over the place, recently.) Makes me hold back actions, to see where this leads, physically.

(And oh yeah, the ear-nervething... My ear-nerves possibly need some kind of rejuvenation-- my sense of recovering from the worst of that? I 'believe' is possible. So I'm remaining in a state of hope there with that. My body ALWAYS seems to want to heal quickly-- the blessing of Taurus 6th house cusp? WITH my Sun there in Gemini. Takes a lot to pull me down, when I go down it hits hard, but then the power of healing from things in my body has been in the realms of miraculous in my life. I am blessed. --- Now if I just would quit my worrying?? *tears*... I guess I'm a bit worn, but!, still happy within.)

Okay... so, I got off topic? (~typical!!!!!)

What I have missed for decades of my life now, are the touches and the friendly warm hugs. (You've been reading, and you know...)

The one thing that HAS held me back from everything IS my fear that something has gone wrong in my body, and I wouldn't ever want to be a burden on some really really good people. I'm afraid to get sick and have to depend on others for care for a while.

Deeper than that even? ... Is that I have a morbid fear of anaesthesia. (Woke up IN surgical procedure as 4-yo during a tonsils and adenoids removal. I 'still' remember that.) Then the emergency I had in the early mid 2000s that almost killed me? They used some anesthesia, and I had a TERRIBLE SENSATION going down. It felt like my brains where wrapped in a burlap bag, swung on rapid speed, then PAINFULLY hitting a brick wall. That 'hurt'. ... A doctor afterwards told me I would probably always get that reaction because (~sorta my words) I don't know how to 'let go' of consciousness. *crying!!!* .... So, that 'process' just made anesthesia WORSE for me. It compounded my fear and terror. *~oy* ... When I did some local research here, there are sooooo many anesthesia errors made. The hospitals (etc) don't have any say or control because locally here they are an independent group (EVEN not cooperating with people's insurance plans, and CHARGING folks money that 'the patient' gets NO say-- THOSE kinds of charges should ALWAYS be the hospitals responsibility to MAKE SURE that they hire people that all fall into the same insurance-requirements. ... In my case, I'm Medicare Original (right now), with a fantastic secondary insurance that covers deductibles and anything Medicare will pay for.)

So I guess these are some of the support-questions I have.

I need to let people IN to my life and world. But it's been hard to know who to trust, and IF I can trust what I see.

nsm... (EDIT2-- I'm saying this with gentleness and softness, omg~~ not meaning to come off brusque there, sorry if it came across that way!-- YOU have a very Beautiful Heart.) *humor* I actually am not one of those high-maintenance people who wield their power like a barracuda power-broker person. (Actually?? with a sense of humor here, that could have ~benefitted me to BE more that way! LOL.. I am not a materialistic person, I don't have an overwhelming need to 'own' things. I just want to be comfortable, and happy.) ... I'm just overly-good at protecting others--. It's been 'the health-thing' that keeps holding me back from exploring EVERYTHING I could possibly do right now. I guess I'm just TOO conscientious for my own good. I ALWAYS place myself in the role of a business-owner... I would never ever want to cheat my bosses of a good day's performance on the job. .... When I like what I do, I am a freakin' workaholic--- (humorously) And what? I'm getting PAID to do this thing I love?? LMAO

So yes, a kind of 'perfectionism'...

I want to love freely among a REAL group of friends. I know that the tech-knowledge problems I have are very solvable. With some hands-on training and practice, I really don't think I'll have a problem. (Still a couple questions on computer items... heh heh, I wound up TWICE on a patreon list because of that kind of confusion-thing. But I'm not worried about it. Just need some friends who 'know' and I could ask.)

((I don't have the money to give to people, and that has frustrated me, more than you. *smile*))

Y'all know I'm an asteroid freak! ... Yes, it would be sooooo marvelous to Write, and research around asteroids.... Or, even pull carpets at NASA? LOL (ref to something someone said).

For sure, on my Bucket List??? -- is that I'd like to spend some time looking through a powerful telescope at an Observatory or someone's private excellent equipment, and I want to personally EYEBALL that ole' Saturn, lens to lens! oh yeah you ~bad-boy. *makes hand motions with her two fingers, from eyes to space* I ain't through with you YET!! roflmao

I'm not going to *proof* this, because I'm not going to chicken-out of this truth-saying. I remain OPEN to suggestions, and advice. .... You have no idea how GRATEFUL I truly am.

Thank you everyone sooooo much for being so faithful patient and understanding.

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 03, 2016 09:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted June 03, 2016 07:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

(music) Get Together (The Youngbloods, 1967, lyrics) [4:53]


Love is but a song to sing
Fear's the way we die

You can make the mountains ring
Or make the angels cry

Though the bird is on the wing
And you may not know why---

Come on people now
Smile on your brother
Everybody get together
Try to love one another
Right now

Some may come and some may go
We shall surely pass

When the One that left us here
Returns for us at last

We are but a moment's sunlight
Fading in the grass---


If you hear the song I sing
You will understand (listen!)

You hold the key to Love and Fear
All in your trembling hand---

Just one key unlocks them both
It's there at you command

Come on people now
Smile on your brother
Everybody get together
Try to Love one another
Right now

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Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted June 04, 2016 12:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
... Synchronicity!!

For sure, on my Bucket List??? -- is that I'd like to spend some time looking through a powerful telescope at an Observatory or someone's private excellent equipment, and I want to personally EYEBALL that ole' Saturn, lens to lens! oh yeah you ~bad-boy. *makes hand motions with her two fingers, from eyes to space* I ain't through with you YET!! roflmao

Watched Bill Maher tonight... He had Neil deGrasse Tyson on as a guest. The first thing Bill and Neil talked about was Saturn. Neil says he thinks Saturn is the most beautiful planet in our solar system. Told Bill that you haven't lived until you've seen Saturn with your eyes through a telescope.

I love listening to him talk about the Beauty of the Cosmos...

Kindred spirits.

Breaking News Report on TV...
Muhammad Ali just died. Age 74,
Parkinsonism complications. {{RIP}}
He had gone into the hospital having a hard time with his lungs.,_Muhammad

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 05, 2016 11:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
He describes things well.

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Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted June 05, 2016 12:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It's SUNday...

I was pondering which song to choose for my more church-oriented day. The song Go Forth Into The World In Peace benediction came to me. The text is this...

Go forth into the world in peace;
be of good courage;
hold fast that which is good;
render to no one evil for evil;
strengthen the faint-hearted;
support the weak;
help the afflicted;
honour all people;
love and serve the Lord,
rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit.
And the blessing of God Almighty,
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost,
be upon you and remain with you forever. Amen.

That was from Cambridge Choir singing John Rutter.

I feel awkward. Didn't know 'how' to approach my post today.

I've had a unique explosion of inner realizations. (And yes, the asteroids are what have given me 'clues'... as well as some Beautiful souls out there in the cybers.)

Very UNCANNY, has been that the IRS printed me a letter on May 26 that my 'Identity' has been compromised in some way. Someone has tried to file taxes under MY identity. They had a suspicion that it wasn't me.

I haven't "had" to file for taxes since my divorce .... around year ~2000? give or take.

Transiting VESTA Venus and SUN going over my OWN Sun conjunct natal asteroid Wages! Vesta is security, Venus material, Sun Idendity. Wages (is what someone tried to claim using my identity)?

I've been doing some tremendous psychological healing around my Foo (asteroid, at 14-Pisces; transiting Foo (Family Of Origin) was on my natal Chiron Aquarius, WHICH aspects my Child asteroid in Scorpio 23 H12, WHICH biquintiles my Gemini Mercury 27+ H7, which trines Neptune Libra....) t 9770 Discovery was going over my Descendant into my 7th House Gemini and touching my asteroid Magnamity 14+ during the New Moon. Venus just entered 15 Gemini right now.

t Jupiter and NN and Hygeia in Virgo are 9770 Discover(ing) 15+ Virgo H(9) and uncovering so many old old fears, associated with abuses I suffered during childhood ... especially around medical procedures I had to have done to me (as a result of what my mom did that she didn't realize injured my body while she did that).

I think there are energy packets still freaking out inside of me regarding BIG BIG HUGE scary Black and Violet equipment and things they did to probe my lower colon to check for damages. (I was around 5 or 6 years old.) I recall the technicians saying they felt bad having to use adult-size probes on a child.... but did not have the presence of mind to be a comforting presence to me. I guess they just did not regard that a child remembers or WOULD remember the invasive procedures. No one comforted me, nor prepared me for what was going to happen, or any kind of friendliness about the equipment. .... They looked like monsterous jaws to me, which were about to crush me for sure--- while my body felt absolutely horrid by what they were doing.)

T-Mars is in Scorpio in my H12 at 27rx now. It had been on my Scorpio PGM's Sun. I've also been sensing the presence of my dad's vibes (he's passed). (Thanks to multiple people talking about healing things about dads, and the presences of dead relatives, and one person mentioned that empaths can be confused --- yes, I feel messages 'by' my body. ......... especially today (with shaking going on in the building).)

My PGM died of pancreas cancer that had spread to her lungs. My dad died of a lung disease..... I've been feeling ~weird sensations IN those quadrants (left side of my body), and just below to upper loop of descending colon (where I was damaged as a child). ....... (Of course too, the shaking building ADDS to stimulating things in those areas.) (Saying all this because I KNOW there are astrologers who read my posts, and know about Medical Astrology.... These things are to affirm your data.) I have a bit of scoliosis in my spine (LEO!) and it affects my lower left ribcage (where all this sensitivity is happening too). Those are Gemini, and Zodiac Cancer related areas. .... 23+ Degrees is very signicant ALL AROUND my whole chart (I won't delineate that right now). tUranus has been in Aries (my 4th house deep psychology), and conjunct h45 Admetos at 24.13 Aries. (I LOVE LOVE the mythology behind Admetos. It so perfectly has fit my life. God, please heal my Admetos-- the hypothetical one in Aries, AND my Asteroid at 5.21rx Scorpio, conjunct 2150 Nyctimene one's ability to escape from bad situations, and Baily~Bailey) and Stockholm (syndrome?), and Deborah. ... This quintiles my Pluto Leo 24+ conjunct Part of Fortune.) .... H45 Admetos Aries is the point of a yod to my Moon 24.56 Virgo, and 4580 Child Scorpio-rx 23.14 conjunct h13 Apogee Lilith(True) .... I have been have ASTOUNDING "Liliths!!!" returns and involvement with my natal Chiron Aquarius 5.19rx. ....... Been reviewing and PROCESSSINGGGG old memories.... not ~narrative kind, but the more primal kind of body-memories.

So, I'll try to move on. This post will probably be 'a mess'? But I'm going to roll with it, because I have to do this for myself. I remember that Professional psychic woman I was taken to by my friend Ernie when I was 23/24 years old. I was so numb... I had done some volunteer hard work on his manuscripts and I think I 'realize' now that he was trying to reward me. Like I said before, he was a VERY significant person in my life. Had given me (unknowingly) some of the FIRST validations of 'who' I was WAY WAY before anyone else. I'm SOOOOOOO glad it 'stuck' TO me, because I'm recalling important Healing Pieces from that surreal relationship I had with someone who was Extraordinarily psychic as well (but I didn't 'realize' what that really was).

This woman (named Susan, and I THINK her last name was involved in this NEW MOON Gemini *jawdrop*) said to him (and indirectly me) that WHEN I solved the Secret (and she pointed to a spot on her lower side abdomen--- I'm confused, in a way. If it was a 'mirror' then it is my Left side, where my colon got damaged as child, or if she was pointing at the appendix?) THEN .... something about my life. Ernie had asked her 'which' of the muses I channeled..... She looked up at him and said ALL of them. She channels ALL of them..... She also had said that the ONLY LIMITATIONs I had this lifetime would be me (my words) getting distracted in things (I see image of Flammarion .... but I am outside the bubble with my head poked INTO the earth sphere, rather than the Flammarion who is on earth poking his head through atmospheric boundary and looking on to the Cosmos.) She said (basically) that I am in the Corridor (liminal) and that I have the ability to jump hurdle after hurdle after hurdle. It was an unusual life. (And I could delineate that from my natal chart right now.... so amazing..... Even to my username here. So Astonishing.) Imager. And maybe, my rage.

I've been able to transmute MUCH rage in my life. (And omg, the rage and anga asteroids and their connections in my chart are astounding too.)

Last night just before I went to bed, I "discovered" some video interviews of some old astrologers I cut my astrology teeth on years ago. It was soooooo heartwarming to actually see their faces, and hear their voices...... wow! (brings SUCH feelings of honor and gratitude from inside me OUT to them etherically)

I 'am' an astrologer. I 'am' "like" these people. These ARE my Peers. I DO have a contribution and have MADE Contributions TO the astrology understanding...... I am sooooooo incredibly sober-honored to make that discovery the other night. Yes I DO HAVE something that I contribute to learning to Heal WITH the natal chart, USING my asteroids .... (I could delineate THIS, as I have before, USING the asteroid connections to my chart.) I keep wanting to bend down low low low in homage, YET, I really 'am' a peer. Thank you..... oh so much, just THANK you.

Aside----- SamG!!! YOU are awesome.... You help me lately soooooo much. I am beyond the word of Grateful for 'what' you help me locate in consciousness. I 'get' it, Sam. I REALLY DO 'get' it-- that pulling-back kind of 'in the Present' locationality INSIDE me....... I need to 'practice' that more and more. I had gotten 'blips' of it on other vids I watched. This last one was SOOOO much more important than you will EVER know. Sets off cascades of healing healing healing for me...... {{{Soooooo grateful!!!}}} *crying* {{{ }}}

Yes, this probably IS a messy post! .... And the Universe is doing Speed-healing in soooo many layers of me I am astounded and don't have enough fingers and keyboards to splay it all out right now!!! LOL And it's so important to find those True Friends. ...... What a ~freaky journey!


The Present Moment... is what's most important.

I will concentrate on that.... and Breathe, and remain smooth and in Center as possible.

So much Healing....... As it happens for me, I wish the same for you. Thank you everyone....

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posted June 05, 2016 02:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Okay????... I did some edits on above post (to make it clearer) and the edits didn't take.

I'm just really glad I don't drink a LOT of coffee?, because I'm feeling the energetic ~speed of the asters right now. Amazing!

I KNOW that a lot of these transits for me ARE to expose to me my Fears. These are being fluffed a bit to see what's under and undermining my life. It's a wonderful Clearing process.

And, I'm learning to channel/funnel/handle a FULLER volume of energies right now.

So outstandingly Excellent!

What an Adventure! .... Hold on!

omg... This isn't the song I was originally looking for (BeeGees refrain), but this is sooo cute!!!

EVERYONE!!!, Take really GOOD Care of Yourself!! {{ }} And this Gemmy will stay chill and support YOU in this energy too!

*spoiler alert* laughing... We MAKE IT!!! We Can do This! LOL

(music) Hold On! (Walk off The Earth, The Break) [4:48]

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posted June 06, 2016 12:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sometimes you have to refresh the page to see the edits.

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posted June 07, 2016 02:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Worked all morning getting rid of spoiled food, then cleaning, because the refrigerator quit last night. Maintenance removed the dead 'fridge and gave us a different one. When rm got home tonight, he remarked that this fridge is much louder than the one that died. .... (It DOES work really well though! ..)

I asked rm to discuss with the landlord how this fridge is hazardous to my hearing-health now. Either need a quieter fridge, or I'll have to move out (which I was preparing for anyway), as soon as I can arrange something that can fit my needs.

While I here, I need to wear my noise-cancellation headphones all the time when I'm in the front part of the apartment now.

(Will be interesting to see if rm follows up on that request. Rm is the one with the name on the lease.)

Another item is "Identity Theft"....

I made a post in Astrology 2.0. under the Mutable Grand Square topic describing some of the details.....

The I.R.S. "Integrity" division wrote me a letter May 26 saying that someone has been trying to apply for monies using MY social security number, for getting some tax-refund money amount of 354.

So I spent all afternoon in phone queues with the IRS, then with Social Security, to start the process of protecting my number in various accounts.

IRS said I would be sent a letter in 2 or 3 weeks with instructions and information about agencies I need to contact to report this theft. A lot of ground to cover there.

I also was able to get more information about returning to work, and the process towards it. ... I had looked into that YEARS ago and it hadn't worked out (for a variety of reasons, natural disasters, and other things outside my control).

I think there are incentive-programs available now to employers who want to hire persons with disabilities and help get them folded into society again. She also mentioned volunteer work as a way to meet people.
(I had thought about that around my Venus-return.)

I've been psyching myself up for this for years now. Maybe the biggest obstacle might be my body's reaction to certain equipment when they're running (like, e.g. gnarly compressors), and other sensory things like that until I heal from it. When the equipment shuts off, I'm fine. I've been in this soup too long, chronically.

I do fine and okay while listening to audio through my high-quality headphones. And these give me protection against the fridge right now too. *lifted my ear-cups, yep--- it's still running gnarly-loud!, releases them to clap back over her ears. resumes typing*

... I wonder if acupuncture would work? (Rather, I wonder if insurance would PAY for acupuncture treatments for that?)

Oh, on another note?

That astrology idea I had had several years ago, for which I could not get people to respond in communications with me?

Well, at 9:40pm around an HOUR and 20 minutes before the New Moon Gemini, my rm was going through his facebook and pointed out a story of interest.

Rm has no idea about my project. He was just showing me someone in the mundane world, trying to do Good, (out of a sense of Compassion), which had some successes. omg, when I read about his work, I saw that this paralleled my astrology project idea.

At least, thinking out loud, if I could have obtained a collaboration, his stored data could certainly have added to a tiny-small piece of research (to see if I got any kind of astro-correlations)...(IF he, his small group, and human test-subjects weren't adverse to the idea of astrology and would share their birth-data as well).

As of this Spring, with a govt agency, they were to begin a wider pilot-study testing of this product idea.

If there is a 'barricuda' in me, I KNOW why it doesn't have knuckles!!!!! *biting*

(Too bad the astrology community didn't want to do this back then-- it could have been US included in this pilot-study right now!! WITH gov't backing, mutually-enhancing each other's projects.) .....

*zips lips* I'm just not going to talk about it any more. Nope! Was told I need to DROP the idea...*folds arms* That's ~~it! (ROFL)

Ohhhhh, I can just imagine My Marie shaking her head, waving her finger and telling me with her bright face, 'like a dam Dawggg with a BONE'!! I'm trying?! *whimpers* It was just such a tangible practical idea, that's all!! *driving self crazy* :muzic: Let it Go, Let it Go!.... LOL

Okay! Enough of that! ~~

Seriously, I can't live here and ruin my head and mistreat my hearing anymore with overly loud fridge.

We're having hurricane-weather remnants tomorrow, and the next days. If power isn't interrupted, I 'should' be able to spend some of the day doing computer work.

Prayers going out to those flood victims in Texas, and other kinds of storms....

Comfort, Help, and Speedy Recovery to All.

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posted June 07, 2016 03:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
WWWHHHHOOOOAAAHHHH ..... I got a barrage, a FLOOD, of "clues" this morning from the Cosmos that I need to say YES to pursuing the astrology research project that I mentioned in above-posting. ... It is PRACTICAL, it honors the muse of astrology.

I need to pursue this project. The asteroids are !!!

And the spirit-patron (two name asteroids) of this project seems to powerfully overshadow it.

I have all kinds of 'astrology'/astronomy asteroids making History (laughing) in my 10th House Libra. God ordained it?!! and Yeshuhua on my Mercury Gem today and within a few degrees of patron of this project, connected to my Mars Cancer.

Superfreaky!!!!!~~~ I don't know if that person is reading my posts and reconnected and generated a response to above post?, because I had dropped my subscription to the website back at NewYear's. I just had email from that site again this morning--- and there was an advertisement for Pandora on the right hand side of my email page.

....... One of my name asteroids (I call it my VirgoNameH(9)) is ON his name in my 6th House today.

t Mercury in Taurus just entered my 6th and is ON my Pandora (which is a researcher's ideal spot there, according to M.A.H.).

t Mercury will be ON his name in a few days at 27+Taurus.
tUrania is in Leo on his middlename.
t(his middlename) is on my Vesta 17+, Talent 18+ Cancer. H8 Cancer.

One of the reasons I GOT the idea to do this project was because of his work, and Talent. I'm a person who sees and develops other-people's ideas and talents. (~oy, my first marriage!) H8!!

tKlio (muse of History) is ON my Pluto-P.o.Fortune.

Natal Klio in H10 besides Quaoar Astropis (study astrology/astronomy) Astrowizard (having to do with space-travel, astronomy, or aviation).

Natal Urania (muse of astrology) on SPICA conjunct Ambrosia and Astrometria.
t Astrometria is ON my Sun Gem EXACT today.

F.S.Spica-Urania-Ambrosia Astrometria NEPTUNE conjunct in my 10th Libra. 23,24,25+ degrees, TRINE my Mercury Gemini H7.

The patron's first name transiting asteroid is retro in Scorpio at 5+ and due to conjunct my Juno Scorpio at 4+ in H11. This asteroid is part of my social drive to do Good (on internet H11, AND as a collaborator on a team). Not exactly clear yet, but I think I might want to apply this eventually to include the benefit to children, as well as other vulnerable groups. Yes, this would (MAYBE, 'could) be practically applied to them.

Patron's last name is sextile my Mercury right now.

Interesting too... this person is in California. The t Sun-Venus will be at my asteroid California at 21+ Gemini in my H7. Quintiles my Eris-Kaali, Compassion-Industria in Aries H4 (which quintiles Ceres Capricorn).
My California is also biquintiled to my Saturn Scorpio 11th.

t California is at 27+ Pisces today... At 28+ it will cross my P.O.Spirit(Daemon)/Vocation (the part of Sun)... which is conjunct a not-nice Fixed Star Scheat (yeah, like it 'sounds' LOL), BUT!!! I have double-negative salvation in asteroid NOT? (2857) 28.44 Pisces.. that's there too? Can I claim the Not for not-Scheat in the long run? roflmao.... ~Hey, I "try" don't I? ... I also have Kafka (surrreeallll bizarre, paranormal???) there, next to my mother's first name too. (It was meant to be.)

Anyways!!!! t California will cross into 'Home Turf' H4 at 2.30 Aries. Song Hotel California??? oh yikes? Would that be good, or bad??? LOL

I have natal Proserpina conjunct ON my Sun Gemmy 7+. t Persephone is almost together with her in early Gemini now. ... I've been talking about being handicapped, and I have Hephaistos (born deformed, rejected for embarrassing mom) near my Sun. I expect Healing for the energy behind these asteroids now. t Hephaistos coming up on my Mercury-Polaris, biquintile Chiron Aqua H2capr--- presenting self and speech for Healing inner Penelope (26+Gem).

I have Europa (success, resourcefulness) Lumiere (light, lamp), Elpis (the fairy of Hope at bottom of Pandora's Box), and Bishop, at 19+ Gemini H7;
F.S. Bellatrix, Marion, Thalia (muse of comedy and fun), Hartmann, Interposita (interference?) at 20+ Gemini;
..... Moira conjuncts California. (I honestly don't know how to receive and interpret that omen.
The last time I had seen these together, there was a mass-shooting going on in Bernadino in SoCali. Makes me ~nervous, because asteroid Mera is there at 20+ also.. M.A.H. has a variety of ~diverse things to say about 3553. Makes me wonder 'what' I run away from?....)
Asteroids Martin_Luther, Jung, and Circe stand at same degree of 21+ Gem.

Now, I just want to note how super super detail-oriented I can get, (which is a trait of this other person). How can I Balance myself? ..... I am soooo 'intellectually' oriented, into the little nitty-gritty teensy-tiny details------- But I NEED to pull that out, and utilize being in my Feelings. I do way too much 'thinking'. I need to be able to strike that MUCH HEALTHIER Balance with my music, and learning about how I 'feel'... I tend to cut myself off from feelings in order to deal with my immediate world.

I guess that's like my Vedic sn-Mercury? TOO much thinking. Way TOO much 'intellectualizing'.... I NEED to practice Stillness within. -- It sorta seems 'bright' today, for whatever reason. (Guess that's a good thing!)

This astrology project would be so masculine-brained and would feed the voracious appetite to know and metalize, and exert that masculine Will of Thought. AND~~ my intellectual project could possibly help a small group of people who might really benefit, and that this could ALSO benefit sooo many suffering-others in this world.

Maybe part of the reason my abdomen feels brutalized is because I tend to flip into my head to try to solve things. I NEED to 'feel'. Learn about my Feelings, in order to achieve some Balance and Health. One of the things that a Saturn Scorpio has to master is the intensity of their feelings and emotions, and to LEARN that you will not be annihilated IF you express yourself as YOU. .... I've gotten better at this? But I still quake around volatile people.... that's one of my Achilles. Again, stems from a childhood, with a mom who had a volatile temper and would strike-out (physically, and verbally) out of nowhere for no apparent reason (at least in MY head). .... But she was a young woman, with sooo many burdens. I can only feel empathy for her now. .... I guess, that comes with age and maturity, to be able to see your parent 'in their own life' rather than too identified solely with your own self.

So anyways.... moving along here.

I have had sooooo many ideas that I wanted to put to use... and it involves that patron whose life and biography (from the 1800s) helped change the world for Better, she is the patron of Kindness and Compassion (and I began studying her life in a limited way in 2005'ish just before I got into astrology, and parallel to it). She STILL influences the lives of people all over the globe today. She helped as much as she could to eradicate as MUCH suffering as she could. She was a Christian woman, who was part of the Unity and Methodist movements in society.

... Maybe if it's possible, I help further her cause just a bit, through my postings and writings and attitudes promoting Kindness and Compassions.

Much has been done. Much more needed.... The fields are ripe, Laborers have been few. Maybe I'm sorta eccentric, but my Heart is BIG, and I have humongous Hopes and Dreams for a Better Future for people, even if its in the TINY TINY thought of a project.

So ~gah! Yes my body needs some attention. Some people think (and call me 'stupid') ~whatever. .... There will be some people who DO understand (and have the psychic/connective sense) that the 'practical' hands-on help I need is NOT my asking people to make me dependent. I have real holes in some of my understandings, education. It would take years and miles of schooling to 'learn how to do it yourself' for me... and I don't have that kind of time anymore, being an elder. It is not too hard for simple-others to just get together and go ahead and implement the help to pull me to evenness, assure my stableness, lay foundations that got missed forming in my lifetime.

(laughing)... oh no, I just cried all over my astro transit datasheet. Raised a lump over the Astrometria (250000), quintile Chiron Pisces, biqintile BML. ... Astrometria is ON my Gemini Sun. t Astrometria-rx is ON my h21 apogee BML (the one astrodienst gives), (and Barycenter), at natal 8.56 Sagittarius TRINE my Kaali,Compassion,Industria. .... I have 567 Eleutheria-rx at 9.3'33" Sagitarrius ('the liberator', where and how one seeks greater freedom; if prominent in chart, a person for whom Liberty and Victory over obstacles are Life's Themes...) ... near my P.O.Happiness 9.09' (F.S.'s Antares, Rastaban) .... and Weaver 10+ ... Yes, I guess I CAN Weave a good tale. I strive to be Honoria (ALSO ON my Sag Asc 11+).

I just want to be a Good person, have a Happy life, feel more comfortable than I feel right now. ... My environment is okay, but the fridge-gnarl is SUCH obstacle and sadness in my body.

As you can see..... So much mix, a kind of confusion?, and yet not. Things in chunks.

Oh-- I was going to purchase some astro classes, but with the refrigerator dying the other day, so did our supply of food. My foodstamps were already gone, when I bought those groceries. Now that price doubled, so I had to forgo small donations, and the sales that had arisen. .... Whoever said to be careful (to my signs) with risking money?... You were right! (You guys blow me away with your accuracies.)

So now, maybe I got TOO INTENSE into this post. I'm going to do the 'as-is' thing again today, because frankly, I edit my talk too much.

I want to remain as transparent as I can. I want to remain OPEN and trust GOD to help sort things. I'm extending myself and reading and listening to as many things as I can, and 'allowing' it to be in me. I Value you.

I ask GOD to Bless our counsels and forms and decisions. God, Bring Together those that are to do this next part of the Journey, and please to Release those who have no part right now.

God, Heal us, Help us to have Courage and Be Strong. We (those who are in the Right Line) only wish and seek to be a Blessing to Each Other, and to the World at Large.

Help us to know what to do.....

So! ... I was thinking of how powerfully moved I am by my instance of wanting to explore astrology. And, I have Devotional Feelings towards GOD.

(Before I looked at me email or listened to anything this morning), while I was showering, I 'heard' this song!

I send it out to God, and to my whole Soul Group today...

I just want to do 'the Right Thing'... I will flow, hoping for direct-discussions and personal contacts to come forward. It stings me to ask... and to admit not always strong, but I'm not always weak either. Just in a ~weird position right now.

I could go on and on weaving asteroid stories right now...... but got to limit, somewhere??? LOL

So! TWO songs, for the Gemmy-two's.

OMG.... No. No song for right now. I don't know why.... Maybe tiredness, needing to go for a walk again (Hurricane-weather cleared to the north of us. We had heavy rains.).

** I reserve rights to change my mind-- as clarity (or contacts) change things. Or I stumble on the right things for me... IF I haven't already. ~~~~ arrrrgghghgh LOL

What a Mess!! --- Lord, please free me from the plague of Self-doubting.... (please forgive me)

Yes, I LOVE my etheric-internet body. I am very healthy-feeling while I write here and practice asteroids, and love-up on LL people (and those readers). However, the physical mortal body??? that's a WHOLE different side of life, isn't it?

I want to be Successful, and do BOTH!

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posted June 07, 2016 05:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ Don't know whether to make that a Heart or BlueHeart this afternoon... Not ~exactly Smile?, but not glum either. I'm Strong....

This afternoon, I called the local MHA to look for a support group for me, and to find volunteer work with a group of people who want to give in the local community.

The wonderful girl who answered the phone kept asking different questions. I told her of my background that qualifies me solidly in a variety of kinds of approaches and settings.

Most of all, though, for ME-- I need a group of buddies that won't just let me give without TAKING for myself. I tend to be the strong support and bonder of any group I belong to. But my fault is that I intellectualize everything too.... I need to get into my feelings, and be able to express them, and be accepted, and have kind and constructive feedback.

I told her I didn't want 'sick' people?... But I want mentally healthy high functioners who are dealing with stress! LOL. Who want to bond as a good-buddy group of friends and support each other-- even go out together into the community to just 'have fun' and work and do Good.

I excel at creating cooperative and cohesive bonds within a group or setting of single beings. .... It's time for me to experience that tangibly and physically for myself, where 'I' am included and rewarded. I need some actual mentally-Healthy hugging-bonding buddies!

She's supposed to do some research around to see what kind of people are available, then should email or call with possible contacts.

I am a Commmunity Builder... I'm a co-pilot (not the leader). I bond people together. Time to have that same energy around me, and returned to me.

Keeping fingers crossed! Hoping for the Best. It's MY time, and my turn... I don't want to stay in stuckness.

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posted June 07, 2016 07:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

We are All Called to be Friends... on many layers and States of Being!

Thank you for Being Alive on the Earth right now, and for Us sharing Moments together.

(music) I Am A Friend Of God (Phillips, Craig and Dean; Psalm 8:4) [4:44]


(music) For The Beauty of The Earth (John Rutter, lyrics) [3:38]

...... So Beautiful, so Beautiful

(music) Polestar of My Life (Gerald Jay Markoe, a healing instrumental song) [5:20]

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posted June 08, 2016 12:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted June 08, 2016 05:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Laughing!!!! The Little Dancer-Dude... sooooo cute!!!

Maybe, my asteroid party of yesterday might have been a 21-asteroid salute to persons who had had that opportunity in the past and chose to give up on it. Maybe God was just Honoring the whole 'Possibility' that had been there in that idea He Connected.

If God gave me one idea, He can grant me other ideas too. ...

Actually, ones I was trying to pitch-to in are understandably WAY too busy with piles of work, busy with what they do. One made it point-blank that he was unwilling. ... And it's okay.

Maybe God was trying to help me 'protect' my idea?? so I could be included.

That's why I had suggested, in back posts, that the discussion might actually be better if it were opened to the original older-generation computer wizards-- I feel that, afterall, THEY were "the" ones who originated computer-astrology.

Contact from them? might be very easy to assess whether my idea could be synthesized with the mundane newest technological innovations? Like I said, it would be a blend of several layers of groups, from different disciplines....

So really, the honor really should be up to them, first. But, some of these are retiring, ready to retire...? ~heck, does a Magi actually really ever totally retire???? ~unless they're really feeling poorly. (Sending them a surge of energy.)

And that's okay too. I can TRY to let it wade out in the waters, and just put my notions to rest.

I am a poetic romantic soul. This is my Beauty and among my most-powerful strengths.

With it, I've had a Positive effect on the Collective spread out globally within the internet world.

~Some day......... in GEMMY-Style

(music) I'd Like To Get To Know You (Spanky & Our Gang, 1968) [3:01]

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posted June 09, 2016 11:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted June 09, 2016 08:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It's getting into more Gemmy Birthday Celebration times...

Happy Birthday, T.D. Jakes June 9th

Bishop! (In case you read my social media posts LOL!!!!)
I watch you as often as I can. Thank you for your program (via TBN).

Saw your program "Pressured" today. (I have to catch up viewing the programs from the rest of the week.)

You also are talking about MH (mental health) issues this week. (synchronicities here? ... aka, hearing God's Spirit)

... You spoke about the sense of carrying weights beyond your weight-load. How there are people walking around under terrible mental-emotional stress, smiling and acting 'fine'... when actually they are going through their own version of Hell inside.

There are limits on what each one of us can bear.

When you're a DOer, you aren't always aware of the build-up of stress going on-- So intent on being of Service to Others, that you aren't always monitoring your own stress levels until you've reached a limit.

Say NO, when too-much, is too-much, is too-much.

People can be soooooo strong, and capable of holding So Much Pressure.

We are Resilient Beings, who must monitor to take good care of ourselves and each other.

So, ON your Birthday, I say thank you for acting as a "Human Hero" for so many. I thank God for your Life.

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posted June 10, 2016 12:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted June 10, 2016 02:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Happy Gemini Birthday, Dorothy M!!

(She had had a newsletter contest for a free phone reading. I 'thought' I had been already signed up? So I re-applied, and it actually went through, and I won a reading with her. The sheer timeliness was incredible. That was last November. ..)

I always remember With Kindness the people who do Good towards me, to enhance my life!

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posted June 10, 2016 04:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
-- Post deleted, for Private Reasons --

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posted June 12, 2016 03:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Orlando, The City Beautiful

PULSE Orlando Shooting
Sunday, 12 June 2016
Time: 2:02 A.M.
Universal Time: 6:02
Sidereal Time: 18:00:28
81 west 23, 28 north 32

WORLDPOINT ZERO Degrees on points
Asc/Desc Aries Libra 0
MC/IC Capricorn Cancer

Monday 2 August, 1875
Orlando, Fl (US)
Time: (?)~9:35 am (L)
Universal Time: 15:00:32
Sidereal Time: 6:18:11

Asc/Desc Libra / Aries
MC/IC Cancer Capricorn



(Sharing just a few starter-asteroids that are SIGNIFICANT. These are the ones that came to the top of my head.)

{{I also want to add a note---
astrologer~tarot, Marie Moore, you were RIGHT ON! You called it first!
Joining you for Prayers of Peace on Monday night, ET, 10:00am for 20 minutes.}}

Omar Marteen
November 16, 1986
New York, NY

Lift and Heal the Soul of ORLANDO, The City Beautiful. Make her as Seed-Starters for an awakening for what is a Better Humanity and a Loving Giving Community-- locally, and as examples all over the world! (0-Aries).

This has been my hometown since April 2001.

God!!!---, We bend low in Prayer.

(music) Bless/Heal Our Nation (Cindy Epstein) [4:44]

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posted June 13, 2016 11:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
(music) Bless/Heal Our Nation (Cindy Epstein) [4:44]

^ Righteousness exalts a Nation...

Righteousness... means being in Right-standing before GOD

Under the skin, and within the deep body connection we have, we are meat, water, bone and blood.

Social mores change over ages.... I've heard some ugly things coming out of the mouths of Christian AND other religions.

If you hold that person in your arms, we have no REAL idea of 'what happened' to them that made them behave the way they did. Not every perp was born evil. ...Although some of the characters in history?, can make one question deeply about what it is to be a human.

We all have blood. Innocent Blood gets spilled all over this world, every day of our lives.

Brother'hood.... Brother. Neighbor'hood.

I still hear the screams of sirens going on in the background. Another rush of cars down the roads. Law enforcement working soooo hard to protect. (ty, God, for these dedicated to Protect and Save. Give them efficiency, and Grace, and multiplied resources and Hands and Hearts to Help.)

When I listen to Cindy Epstein's song today, I was thinking about Righteousness. The DEEP part, UNDERNEATH the identities and dogmas and things learned from our cultures. We "are" part of the broth of the term (nongender) Brotherhood.

I Believe in the inherent deep Goodness of People. So evident all over the world as we have watched people lay aside their own momentary needs, to even giving up their own life-- lay down their lives (their substance) so that others can live.

I've also done other posts at LL, where I was talking about 'onions' in a soup.

When the onions have steeped and been processed, you can strain out as much of the pulp and hard pieces that are there, and what you have left is a base soup or a Broth.

Those who Will to Do Good...

All of us as individuals in the Collective may be the layers and chunks of onions, but Together, we Create a Fine Broth. We come from the Center of who we individually are, and look through the debris of the Other vegetables that float around and among us.

The vegetables are our own individual upbringings and trainings in spiritual and material pursuit of things, processed and squeezed by the events that impact our lives.

But when you look at the broth? it is a kind of Blood. It is the Unity we have, and the juices we pour out from ourselves when we want to give. (So many are giving Pints of Blood today in Orlando, Florida.)

Can be also Sweat... Sweat has salts. Salts are a broth. As we serve our Broth'er, we employ the sweats of our body and brows-- poured out in concerns and prayers (Heart), as well as tangible works from our bodies (Hands) as we DO whatever we are Able.

So, I guess today, I'm offering you Alphabet Soup. The Broth from letters of words I form here on this screen from which you sip.

There is soooo much Goodness in this world. The Broth of Goodness... Broth-erhood.

If you're offended by this next *ahem* Christian video, then, maybe you need to get more time in the kettle! LOL. Steeping and boiling in the Hot Waters, being Processed over fires and boiling in the tempests of fighting.... always fighting .., and full of spiteful contentions and making of wars and Strife, instead of Loving One Another. *heart*

Hear the Message.... filter out the onions if you don't like them!

(music) We Will Stand (Russ Taff, Tongan Gospel Song - Labor of Love; lyrics) [3:54]

WE are All Children living in neighbor'hoods around the world.

tUranus-Eris at 24 Aries quintiles my asteroid 26858 Misterrogers in Aquarius (the zodiac sign of Broth-erhood, and The Man who stilled the waters and Poured Himself Out, Poured OUT His own Blood, so that Humanity can Heal, and Be Cleansed, spiritually.)

I have 26858 Misterrogers at 14.14' Aquarius h2capricorn.
Conjunct 3225 Emerson Aquarius 13+ and
76 Freia Aquarius 15.50' (Noble Lady, where and how one goes to seek or experience Peace.)
My Progressed Ascendant is in last arc of 13+ and moving soon to degree of 14+Aquarius.

haha.... {{for the Child inside each one of us}}.

(music) You Are My Friend (Mister Fred Rogers) [0:49]

And.... for the wonderful Friends we have in partnerships formed in our Hearts locally, and all over the world.


(music) You Are My Friend (Patti LaBelle, lyrics) [4:36]

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Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted June 13, 2016 04:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I walked over to get my mail, and bumped into a neighbor. I walked with her a while. I learned that she too is a Christian and prays. We looked at each other with so much empathic-pain and compassions resounding in the resonance between us.

In fact, she will notify three of her friends to pray tonight also.

She has a brother(?) who is a pastor of a local Hispanic church, and they will put their prayer-chains on notice to PRAY tonight... at EastCoast time 10:00 pm for PEACE.

Many Blessings.

Looking at the Rainbow.........

Joel Osteen today did a sermon today on being a Rainmaker.

I looked up transiting asteroid Rainer, and it's been conjunct the Sun today 22+/23+ Gemini... biquintile Raine-rx in Scorpio.

Thanking God, for every Cloud in our life that holds silver-lining and God's Bow which promises the Blessings of Hope, even in horrendous losses.

Lord! Wash away pains, Lift those who are grieving in their Souls. God! Let the Waters of your Refreshing Spirit wash over us, Cleanse every Hurt. Give us RENEWING Strength.

Pour down extra Blessings on all those who Pray for the Peace and Healing of our worlds.

Give us Solutions Lord, Give Us world-breakthroughs. Protect our lives from the evil-doers. Strengthen Us, in Love, and in Peace.

Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall SEE GOD.

Let LOVE Prevail.... Peace

(music) Let It Rain (Michael W Smith, lyrics) [5:29]

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Posts: 15192
From: us
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posted June 13, 2016 11:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I prepared to go downtown to be a part of the crowd that gathered for Unity and equality down on the lawn at the Dr Phillips Center, then I realized I'd get there and have to turn right back around and leave in the next hour (busses to go home where I live don't run late enough at night to participate in events-- sidewalks roll up early. Same reason I don't attend churches, meditation groups, classes, etc. Safety first. But PTL for the bus support we DO have... so yay.).

I like what I heard one woman say earlier tonight. Some people wonder what good prayer does? She said how prayers are our tools, their are weapons(good) that make an energetic impact (~my words, not her quote). We don't know the full effects of our prayers on the Heavens-- prayers that can avert, mitigate, soften, or save.

I'm hearing about more and more groups this week who have set up chains of prayers.

These prayers are not just for the victims of attacks. These prayers affect ALL of us living in this atmosphere. We LIFT, we thicken we sweet, we make firm the move towards what is Health, and Healing and Wholeness.

God is Good.

And people are working for the Good.

God, Dissolve our prejudices. Help us to see each other as 'people' and not as crusty labels that impede the flow of really knowing them as the person they are.

Love the person, see past the exteriors and the label.

Lord, bring Refreshing...

At the end the prayer session online earlier with MM, she had a page with the names of God printed in Hebrew.

Reminds me of this song---
(some lyrics)

Lord!... You are Holy
Lord, You're Holy
And we lift you up
and Magnify Your Name!

There's not enough words that I can say
To tell you how much I appreciate
All the wonderful things you have given me:
Your Love and Kindness, and Tender Mercy!
So I've decided to praise you God
'Cause You're worthy of all praise...

Wonderful, Glorious, Holy and Mighty,
Victorious, Conqueror, Triumphant and Mighty,
Healer, Deliverer, Shield and Defense,
Strong Tower, My-Best-Friend!
Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Soon-Coming-King,
Alpha Omega Lord-of-Everything---
You're Holy, so Holy, so Holy!!

(music) Lord, You're Holy (Karen Wheaton, live 2003, 'christian') [9:40]

It's not 'what' they are (any labels, stigma, words that build walls of separation), it's the human innocent sentient life, singly a marvel and precious, as-it-is.

For the Wake of Goodness... All Over The World.

Thank you for all who participated, and gave supports and prayers over the past day and more.

Good Night, and Take GOOD Care of yourselves.

(music) People (Barbra Streisand) [3:39]

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