Topic: Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 19, 2016 03:09 PM
~Let's Dance it!! Nostalgia in the airwaves today... (music) I've Got The Music In Me! (Kiki Dee Band, 1974, lyrics) [4:01] ![]( (music) I Can't Smile Without You (Barry Manilow live at Oslo, Norway 2010) [2:57]
(music) I Feel For You (Chaka Khan, lyrics) [5:44],_Chaka
*Mountain* May you All find Beauty and Refreshment in the Cosmic Streams of your day. You Are Truly Loved.
UnderOneHeaven... (music) Shall We Gather At The River (Ben Bowen King, acoustic guitarist, instrumental) [2:39] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 19, 2016 03:26 PM
I missed celebrating some important birthdays yesterday...Two "and a possible-half??? *roll*" First-Lady's... Happy Birthday to former 1st Lady Rosalyn Carter (Aug 18) ![](,_Rosalynn Also.....(Aug ~18??) Happy Birthday to First Lady Serita Jakes ![]( ... of The Potter's House in Dallas TX. And weirdly coinciding with today's post...
Happy Birthday to Possible-FirstGuy Bill Clinton (Aug 19) *heart* ![](,_Bill
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 20, 2016 06:16 PM
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 20, 2016 10:28 PM
The post I've been working on all afternoon just *poofed* on me earlier! It was something goofy that appeared to the right of the typing box, in the pink area. Something typed itself that was 'out of the box' LOL. When I moved the cursor over to it to see what had just happened?, the whole post disappeared without my having submitted yet. In the post today, I had begun the story of Wooden Ships, Tall Ships. It involves a an impression from the Spirit of God that I had received in the late 1980s while I was studying in Bible School days.
It has a message about being a 'vessel' {pun intended}, for those involved in the work of wanting to Making a Difference. The gift of influence you have may not be for what you think.... or is it? .... (music) Wooden Ships (Crosby, Stills & Nash) [5:29] -- Thank you for the subtle and strong voices of support I've received (from non-LL readers and commentators on my work here). Don't want to neglect the STRONG STRONG support I get here from my LL Peers either. You guys are Awesome!! {I want to list you, but would be afraid I hadn't included all. I realize there are some of you lurking whom I don't even know yet. .... ty soooo dearly, and so much, whoever you are!!!} You're right, I'm NOT a trashcan! It's nice when the Universe (and others) remind you of who you are--- and that you do have a Voice and job to use it. Thanks for caring about my work, and for all the pings of Love and Support. You're right. I'm worth it. And as some of you have said, every once in a while, I have been getting transformational whiffs where I 'feel' just as you've describe it, when you talk about empowerment. So many Good People, with Good Hearts... This has been a new experience for me internally, occurring periodically in small doses over the summer. I've had times of feeling like I took a few steps backwards, but the motion IS generally forward. First strong inklings came as I was dropping those rose petals into Lake Eola at my birthday last spring, in May. *heart* omg!!! I just found something so HILLARIOUS on youtube~~
Certainly there's a group of 'shy' persons reading my posts who might be doing this kind of vlog from their WC (watercloset/ toiletroom), from time to time? ROFL... For those who don't?, let's live vicariously here!!! A dose of Humor... Goooo, JULIA!! She's a riot!!! LOL (music) You're Gonna Make It After All! (Julia Savelle's posting on Aug 3, 2009, listed as Comedy!! LOL!!!) [2:35] ______________________ For those interested---- Reminder about echurch tomorrow for people who enjoy the inspiration of TD Jakes. starts 10:00 A.M. ET, International, live streaming-- World Class musicians! ~~And, World Class sharers and Listeners via internet. {{{{{*looks* psst, internet + church? = my H3 Aquarius Cusp trine Neptune Libra trine Mercury Gemini specialty? Forgot to mention, *grin*, that my asteroid 7320 Potter???? Aquarius is 26.47 ON that cusp!!! LOL... That House cusp is quincunx my Virgo Moon? So, I had to make some 'adjustments' and now I find that I can worship Live through internet with others all over the world, simultaneously...? }}}} The Potter's House (Dallas) ... IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 21, 2016 10:06 AM
It's Time!!! Sunday Sunday Sunday!!! ![]( Live streaming ... 10am to 12pm ____________________ Okay!! ... Service went till almost 1pm ET. They celebrated FirstLady Serita Jakes' Birthday !! yay Bishop prayed for folks who were teachers, principals, students, going back to school for the Fall here. (I kept all of you in mind in the energy of those prayers too! *smile*) THEN, one of his daughters preached the service today! Pastor Sarah Jakes-Roberts of 'ONE Church, LA' (Hollywood, Calif) #ColdSeason - 2Kings 4, verses 32 to 37. A couple of highlights..... Being Hopeful can be Painful... God can take a promise that died and resurrect it. "What is this moment trying to teach me?" .. When you make it about blaming others and outside things, you miss what God is trying to tell and teach to YOU (lovingly). If God sees something in you that you don't see, you have to trust God's 'mouth-eyes-Hands'{refScriptures} on your life. You may say, I don't have what it takes?, and at the same time God keeps PUSHING you 'out there'!!! I don't know who I am, but you keep pushing me, Lord!! There's a Miracle inside of you. *Heart* __________________ Rebroadcast of the sermon tonight 9pm ^ url above __________________ Sarah Jakes Roberts is (co?)pastor of One Church Los Angeles, 614 North La Brea Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90036 __________________ This is the gorgeous piece of music they began the service with this morning! (Sung by a different group-- not Potter's). (music) Yes To Your Will (LaShun Pace, Kirk Franklin, Georgia Mass Choir; hardcore sweaty-juicy-screamy Gospel!! -- yessss just Love it!!) [10:12] IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 22, 2016 11:45 AM
I think your computer is haunted.IP: Logged |
Ayelet Moderator Posts: 4080 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted August 22, 2016 07:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: I think your computer is haunted.
Lol ![]( I loved the highlight "God can take a promise that died and resurrect it". So hopeful, without being painful at all... ![]( IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 22, 2016 07:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: I think your computer is haunted.
Not just the computer, but Rm's TV screen JUST went black, the moment the Moon hit 0-Taurus!! There is still sound, but no picture. Saw the vcr-recording light go on, so I turned on the system curious to see what could be being recorded at 4:30pm. (That's off schedule for both him and me.) Saw what it was, then left the news on in the background. I turned around to the computer to begin working on a post for someone in Astrology 2.0 forum, when I happened to glance back at the TV and saw there was no picture-- only sound. Played with the gizmo a while. Everything seems to work, except the TV picture. oooooooohhhh no. That's his '~precious'... His TV!!! Rm meltdown?! awwwww *smile*. I prepped by sending him a text so he can walk in 'ready' for it. That should take some of the pressure out for him. Good thing he works this week (so it can get repaired while he's not here to use it)? He's on staycation beginning end of workday THIS Friday. He'll be home on staycation all through next week, then has Labor Day off. Doesn't go back until Sep 6. His birthday is 9+ Virgo.. the eclipse, in his 4th house. He has Venus 28+ Virgo. He and I both have Mercury-sensitive charts.... And (humorously), Mercury isn't even ~RETRO yet?!! We'll see what happens! He's been more irritable lately, but I'm pretty good at supporting and trying to help him feel better. He just had his Mars-Mars return at 3 sag. tUranus has been going through his 11th House-- with frustrations. The tMars-Saturn both square his Sun. Now today? The tSun crosses into his H4 at 1.39' Virgo. ...He'll have transiting Venus(Return)-Merc-Jupiter conjunct his Venus very shortly at 28+ Virgo. There's just gotta be a blessing somewhere behind all that! ![]( Calling on little Smudger-dudette!!! (LL-chart is very active right now! It will be really interesting to see what unfolds for LL-- LL Asc Sag 11.27, LL MC 24.28) LL, 3 Nov 2000, 927am, Columbus, GA(US)) (Might have to run quick errands this week, but I should be around! ... So much to say!! I edited this before posting. Just want to make sure I word things right!) Sooo!! Mars-Saturn CONJUNCT in Sagittarius!!! Work the brake pedal, and do what you need 'in the moment.' *heart* (r.l.)
Squaring Neptune??? Applying Imagination to Help cheer those around me! Imagination-Hugs all around!!! ![]( (music) Midnight At The Oasis (Doris Day to Tim Conway, Comedy skit) [2:39] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 22, 2016 08:38 PM
Oh, Hi Ayelet!! Didn't see your post before. Thanks for your comment. We're about to shut down here, so we can figure out how to fix what's going on with our system. {{ }}IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 23, 2016 12:06 PM
Good luck with your system.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 23, 2016 12:19 PM
It wasn't the system connection. The TV itself died. The sound still works so we get to 'listen' to TV. I don't really watch, even though it IS a blessing when I need to just 'stop thinking' ... There are times I'll have the picture on, with the sound off. I'll watch the artistry of camera shots, colors, switches, the cosmetics, the clothes, the furniture, the scenery. It's like driving, when you don't have a car! I looked through a small representation of charts I have of close friends (with some of their family members too) on my astro list. Seems that many of those I love are having the tMars-Saturn Sag conjunction in their locality's fourth house (psychological, domestics, or, their physical real estate, or work environment), or, the sixth (responsibilities day-to-day, extra trudgy, maybe weary in body yet stimulated when you actually need some rest, yet, it's prevented you.) Amazing coincidence?
I hold each chart, each household, each your relationships, in prayer. God preserve and restore what is fine and good, and help turn situations to ready-solutions to the easy working-out of all. May you feel connected, and Connected. For me personally, yes I feel the frustration, and the extra evidence of how 'busy' a person I am.. with a sense of not knowing what to do 'next'.
Busy in my head, busy with activity, needing to 'feel' as though I am Doing ~something of practical use!!, and yet, it lies as though dead and feels like a futile thing. I had a friend Ernie, who used to tell me directly, that Doing Nothing IS Doing Something good. The times to Not-Do are as important as constantly doing, constantly being activated-- within or without. (That came from a person with a Virgo Sun, would you believe??? *laughing*) So restless... I have all my bins, my work and journals, papers. On one hand I just want to dump the whole lot. I need more space... I want to forget the past. I want to move on, move up in life. Then I realize again the value of the references I have in those bins, projects I've dabbled with... Stories I've lived. One of my early journals is filled with prayers and longings. All these are like my visible brain-stores. haha.
Some people say that one of the effects of the energy right now (through Virgo) is that people will be saying to themselves, IF ONLY I could fix this ONE thing, then...... For me, I need clarity and Security. If I were completely-totally aware of my options, and what those entailed, then I could whip into decisions about the rest of my activities TOWARDS 'where' I'm going, and 'what' I'd be doing there. ... Once that piece is set, then the rest falls in line. I'll know what to dump, what to keep, what to re-arrange. The things I'd need to plan ahead and work towards. One of the effects of the transits is that I've been dealing in my psychological realms with that awful sense of loss of my family of origin, the abandonment, the cold hearth, bare burnt trees, the empty wind and the smell of char. No life there... I'm not the kind that was built for bearing abandonment well. I'm the kind you cherish, and Love and Truly accept 'as is' for I am a Devotional creature. One of a Kind... I am Present, and I just have a way with Atmospheres. The fruit that can come from this air, ground, water I provide is creativity's fire-treasure. The richness of life.
I want to be 'with' my tribe, where they are. I long for the warmth, the acceptance, the busyness-- oops. *grin, oh nooo?, backoff and take time to rest recoup and download from heaven, too-- Definitely need to increase my OWN pleasures*. I want to be about my Father's Business, to quote Jesus. LOL. BE in My Soul Purpose. I hate feeling stalled, and laying in-wait. I'm a do-er, and I LONG to be Productive towards something that Increases Life, Increases Prosperity.... but then again, I look at circumstance, and say Lord?! How are YOU going to fix this mess... How Long till I know??? .... but My Heart is Steadfast, O God. This looks moot, it looks dead and spent. I can't do this IN my own Power. Overwhelmed 'where' to begin?? I need You to 'show' me, or, that you will have the Mercy to land it right into my lap with unmistakable sureness-- God?!! Give me a download with what YOU want, and let my labors Count!! Some way, some how, IF the people I have strived to know and form relationship bonds with are not the right ones, then I need to know that. Clear the confusions. ... Show who is WITH me... Compel them to contact, and prevent those who are not. I am a Good Thing to be found, and not to be wasted, God. It's been soooo long. ... Prayer for all.... Please do not let this be the end, but the Start of the greatest work, and highest endeavors and legacy of the Purpose you have created us for. Blend and unite ALL who are our spiritual sisters and brothers.
Bless us beyond what we could EVER dinky-think from our narrow perceptions. Expand our small minds into being able to Imagine and Build and manifest practically the work we have to do... God, Don't let a single soul die. Preserve us, and allow us to FULLY Express what YOU sent us here to Do. Expand our ability to see Horizons. Awaken Giftings, make us Practical. Give us Sound Minds, Sound Hearts, Sound Bodies. .... My Life is not my own... and I refuse to give in to thoughts of too much doom. God, you gave me Laughter and Joy! Lord, Let me uplift Others, as you stir my own soul's gifts. Pour through me, Lord. Pour through my Friends who have like-Hearts, like-Wills, beating to the same Rhythms and Dance, to Serve to Do Good. Make us aware of each other, let us come together... We Need Your Touch FOR this World you have made. This is the way of MY personal expressions...
It's the innerSpace 'where I go' when I need to inspire and revive my own self, like psalmist David. There are times when we are WITH people, and times of finding oneself alone... This is the way I do it, when I'm alone. You are ALL soooo welcomed INTO my world, my intimacy. This is what you have, when you include 'me' (as many have).... I Enhance. I'm almost ready for my VESTA Cancer Return at 17+ in H8. Vesta is now transiting at 11+ Cancer H7gem. Devotion.... Holding Space. Keeping and Tending the Flame of Every Heart's unique Creativity.
This is one of the ways I personally 'feed' Humanity through my Soul, and add energy to Higher-Humanity's Vision for Excellence and a Better Safer World to 'BE' in. One sacred Heart at a time....United under one sky. Love Craving and Desiring Peace, Good Will, and Healing for Our Worlds. God, BE Our Guide. Help us Navigate and Gather to Build a Lasting Difference--. Each, in their own way, Express it Beautifully somewhere on Your Beautiful Earth. United, in a Labor of Love ![]( (music) Hungry For You (South African Christian Worship) [4:19] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 23, 2016 01:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: I think your computer is haunted.
Yes, and I think his name is 'Neo'!!! *They* have us on some kind of experimental email again!! :roll eyes: (humor).. You DO know, of course, that *they* pull all those kinds of changes AT Mercury Retrogrades? I mean, have you noticed??? ![]( Awww, Mercury! There-there, We Love You. LOL . You gotta talk to your rocks, and equipment, as though they can 'feel' it, like plants. Have a Great Day! ![]( IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 23, 2016 01:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: I think your computer is haunted.
...And his name is "Neo"!!! *They* put us on an experimental version of email again. ![]( Ever notice?, how they do these swaps and switches DURING and under the storm-warning effects of a Mercury-Retrograde?? ... Oh ~yeah. They're not fooling me! ~nopers nosireee.. ![](
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 23, 2016 01:56 PM
^ ^ ... ... SEE That???? ![]( Haunted by the poofer-Ghosties!!!!!! And we got two more months before Halloween?! ![]( IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 24, 2016 05:52 PM
BOO!IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 24, 2016 07:47 PM
On some geographic World Events development August 24, 2016No TV here, but these were items flashed by electronic news media. I'll edit this post with latest info when they become available. Earthquake in Amatrice and Norcia, Italy - 6.2 magnitude Wed, August 24, 2016 3:36 am CEST, 01:36:33 GMT ref. Wikipedia Latitude 42.42'50.4" N Longitude 13.10'19.2" E ref. Geohack {Killed 290 people; 388 injured; 2,500 homeless} e-8/27 {leveled the city} taly_earthquakesśms=42.714_N_13.172_E_ ![]( Earthquake in Myanmar, Chauk - 6.8 magnitude Wed, August 24, 2016 5:34 pm local, 10:34 UTC ref. Wikipedia Latitude 20.55'8.4" N Longitude 94.34'44.4" E ref. GeoHack {4 Deaths} e-8/27 {damages to ancient Bagan temples} anmar_earthquakeśms=20.919_N_94.579_E_
![]( Earthquake in Ecuador, Muisne - 7.8 Magnitude Was discussed with other current event Earthquake NEWS reporting programs, on Wed, August 24, 2016. Was an update on humanitarian efforts in the region. This earthquake happened on an earlier date. Saturday, April 16, 2016 20:58:37 UTC ref Wikipedia Latitude 0.22'15.6" N Longitude 79.56'24" W ref GeoHacks {661 Deaths, 9 Missing, 27,732 Injured} e-8/27¶ms=0.371_N_79.940_W_ ![]( Earthquake in California, Wasco - 4.8 or 4.9 magnitude Wed, August 24, 2016 at 402 pm PST {no one hurt} No Wikipedia refs created for this event... Notes were from in-the-moment TV News sources.
The Wikipedia refs get updates as news changes. *Mountain1*
(music) Behold, God The Lord Passed By (Felix Mendelssohn, oratorio Elijah; Hallelujah Oratorio Society perf Aug 29, 2010, lyrics!!) [4:59] Nature! WOW....
God created Nature, with all the natural processes and natural science that we experience here on Earth. Fires, Earthquakes, Winds, Floods are natural phenomena outside of our control. ~~ WE humans, never thought that our innocent selfishness, greeds, lusts would have made an impact on our environment. Now, we may feel a bit of escalating of unintended consequences through things like pollution, and fracking, etc. These all cost us more than we thought initially. We've got to pull together as Team-Humanity to solve all these issues... soooo many levels to address. And as always, the Best in Humanity rises to the top during times of adversity. Sending Prayers and Energies for the Strengthening of warriors (of all types, physical and virtual) and for the health safety and speed of First Responders. Comfort and diminishing of Pain to all the victims right now. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 25, 2016 10:17 AM
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 25, 2016 02:36 PM
Was up all night, no sleep. Rm and I had good talking this morning, and I was able to get the message across that I NEED him to follow SOME kind of routine. It just messes me up to NOT have a block of silence (for at least two nutritious hours a day). He was actually considerate NOT to turn on the washer at 3:00am. He said he suddenly realized the 'hood was quiet, the fridge was on a quieter cycle. The AC was still... And, he didn't have the heart to turn on that loud machine to interrupt my 'only' moment of Peace and Silence. So, he was a really good guy for that. We talked a tiny bit this morning, as I said. I think he may try to go back to sleep hours he used to keep that made things more normal IN the apartment for us. So relieved here... I just didn't know how to express-- but it got through.Catching up on some vids... ty Sonja F! and others.... Time to take pressure off. Especially through September... Downloads coming from eclipses. The New Moon Eclipse happens in my 9th House. I have had thoughts before about visiting the building where Judges and Higher Courts(???) are (H9!!), and volunteering time in exchange for them teaching me computer skills, perhaps? During the DNC, I noticed my self feel so relaxed and an empowerment rise up inside me when I listened to Law Enforcement people, Teachers, and persons of Authority. I felt myself BE more myself. Not that I am dependent-feeling, but rather, that I feel stronger in me when I am along-side powerful clear people. That's one of my best 'places'... is alongside Leaders. Being my own person, in agreement, and working with or around them. ...{exploring out loud here} I just 'feel more whole' around Leaders, but I'm not slave. I am a kind of leader myself.... I know that. And I help the Cooperative spirit in a room. I raise the fun-level, and help concentrate the energies that are there. Good at anticipating what comes next... Look at past belief systems, and conditioning? ... I love the derivative-feelings I get FROM listening to the sermons, etc. ... I admire a certain Teacher I watch... And I saw some tiny vid behaviors that have disturbed me for the past couple consecutive weeks. She's a STRONG Woman whom I very much respect, and admire her for her competence.... As I said, I noted that she was being disrespected. There's a difference between humility, and coming under an abusive-type of spirit. .. That bothered me sooo much. (I'd love to hug this woman.) .. But I observed how she deliberately put herself down, in a way that was not congruent with the spirit she actually held (or that I perceived). She lowered herself at that point, WHEN it was Completely Sanctioned (Holy Spirit Authority) that she should have stood 'IN her Power' and BEEN able to Lead AS she (with the Spirit) called out Direction. But they continually disrespected her (because of AGE, as well as gender??) The youth needs to learn from the old-timers. They knew how to Call Down the Anointing.... Knowing those kinds of groups, I suspect that someone/group of them, could have rebuked her?, for her attempt to Direct the atmosphere last week. There needs to be a defining line, where you please the Spirit, or you please Man and his fleshly need to be right, or be first. .. I didn't like what I 'saw' (at least think I saw, from experience). She was disrespected (as a woman, and the Woman of God leader who WAS flowing in the Spirit of the event--- doesn't matter what gender you are, when the Spirit gives Direction, they must be sensitive and pay attention to what He is calling for! Not whether or not you wound some egos?). I thought I saw her cowering--- when gently she should NOT have. Men in that kind of 'sphere' can feel like THEY dominate and have permission to Command that women are LOWER and LESS-than, so they MUST submit.... Now, if you've been with me for a few years, you KNOW there's a soft part of me that WANTS to merge and blend and be soft quiet and intimate. I'd a Devotional soul, a Shy inward person really in a lot of ways. ... But that is NOT my leader-warrior part of me. I AM a Strong person, a Strong Woman... Get me in the Right Atmosphere, and there's a channeling of that. ... I don't mind at all, not one bit, to follow the rules of Right Orders, Right Authority. In fact, I have tended to be the submissive type, and cooperative fully with them... bending over way far more than I should, perhaps. But grieving the Holy Spirit, you wound me. And when I see, feel, and behold the disrespect of a woman?-- then that snaps me back TO myself today. I'd been abused emotionally in relationships before-- male figures in the home, 'hood, church.... and I can't allow myself to fall into that pattern again. I like to be soft, and Present. But I stand alongside, and not under or over. Alongside. Yes I'm a gurly-gurl Warrior... and that's real. I may have a large yard, and swirl around it widely... But I am for the Sensitive Soul (and tribe), who is a Strong person, Respectful and Committed. Some people are recommending massages, etc. Nope, ain't got material resource for that. (Insurance doesn't cover, either.) ... It's good when someone steps up to lend you a hand with technology, eh??? heh heh~~ now you know a piece of 'what' I go through? (someone who reads) I LOVE grounded people. I am not airy-fairy, even though I may utilize airy-fairy language. I tend to be skeptical..., and I like to GROUND meta-talk. There's truth within the airy-fairy?.. but I want REAL--. (Some people gotta clean up their potty talk when it comes to other's beliefs, like in God. I soooo appreciate the ones who have WONDERFULLY incorporated God in their perspectives... Higher-Love you sooo much. And ~hey to SG!! LOL) I had a WONDERFUL talk with my fellow gemmy Pearlty the other day.... Who ~says that Gemmies can't be grounded and VERY business-like.... If you had been party to our convo, you would know that there are at least TWO in this world that break the stereotype female. We BOTH like to be frou-frou when it's our mood, AND, we can talk like two males (sorry stereotyping) at the business table and say what's bull and what's not. ... So oh my goodness, Pearlty--- that felt like a REFRESHING Vacation over the Phone yesterday afternoon!! Thank you-- to a Strong Woman. I admire you. ![]( I had known a woman judge who was part of a church I had gone to in the mid-2000s.. Wouldn't it be cool if God arranged us to see each other on the street? .... Anyways, these are some of the practical ideas I've been thinking of... Wishing everyone Blessings, and Good Vibes for the Eclipses. Rm is starting Staycation tomorrow evening... until Sep 6. I'll see if we can plan some little excursions by bus to different places. Get him to refreshing too. Our last vaca end of May, his daughter had surprised us she was in town, and we both went to Disney together... That was such a Cool Day! I still have fun thinking about the different things that happened. I may (or may not) take lesser of an appearance here at LL during that time. We'll see how things are at home and 'hood! ![]( IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 26, 2016 12:44 PM
Message of a Poem in Voice, and in Song today...I remember this poem feeling so inspirational to me when I was a child in elementary school being introduced to poetry. Isn't it ~wild, when things you've heard haunt you (in good ways too) in the backgrounds and throes of your life and lifetime. ... Salty -- Seasoned Seasonings to my Loving Crew. ![]( ![]( (topic) Sea Fever, read by the Author, John Masefield-- his own Voice [2:18] I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky, And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by; And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking, And a grey mist on the sea's face, and a grey dawn breaking. I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied; And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying, And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying. I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life, To the gull's way and the whale's way where the wind's like a whetted knife; And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover, And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over. By John Masefield (1878-1967). (English Poet Laureate, 1930-1967.) He's a Gemmy Sun & Moon!!,_John,_Robert_(1928) music composer was a Leo.... (music) Sea Fever (Masefield's poem, John Ireland music composer, sung by Robert Irwin, lyrics) [3:14] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 26, 2016 01:23 PM
And, Songs dedicated to those who navigate the Cosmic Seas! ![]( (music) Materia Primoris (aka The X-Files Theme song, by composer Mark Snow) [3:29] {P.S. Happy Birthday to composer whom we know as 'Mark Snow' today, Aug 26} ![]( (music) Silly Love Songs! (Paul McCartney Wings, lyrics) [5:57]
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 26, 2016 03:16 PM
Good Performed By One.......There are people in this world who 'just talk' about having Humanity, and being Compassionate. Rather than staying "safe" and commentating on the sidelines, there are those who apply Practical efforts, extending Hands of direct care and contact, into the life of other struggling human beings. This is what being a Success is about.... That you are able to share space, then have the capacity inside to be Moved into Action, reaching outside the small self, applying efforts to help those in trouble and need. I am so impressed by the extravagant Souls of Human Beings in Action witnessed in an LL thread in Astro2.0. Topic: Really scared about 9/1 eclipse, by Lucia23.. Original posted August 22, 2016 04:30 PM LL has an International draw.. It is a website, based on the east coast of the USA, that charges NO money, available as a "Labor of Love" by its webmaster Randall. An LL member yungang_grotto, an astrologer from Manitoba Canada, just generously stepped forward to offer an expensive astrological reading to LL member Lucia23 {in USA} ProBono {without charging}. The young woman is single with young 3 yo child. Apparently, she could have been watching vidder (free general materials) from online astrologers, and was genuinely frightened by what she heard or read as interpretations.
Then LL's Venus2Tinkerbell (I have no idea which country she is from.. I suspect she is from outside the US?), stepped UP, and offered to PAY the Canadian astrologer for the readings for both this woman and her young child in the USA. LL.... You make a Difference. I'm so Honored to place the Spotlight on some of Our Own, today. Greatness of Soul demonstrated within our own virtual community and home space. ![]( (music) When sHe Shines, she shines sooo Bright! (Sheena Easton) [3:53] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 27, 2016 07:43 PM
Randall! I saw your message before it completely *poofed* from the thread... *eek* :laughing:Thank you for giving a thumbsup and saying... "YOU make a difference :thumbsup:" I felt Happy when I saw that... Wanted to post my swirly-gurl right away, in response to your kind comment. I'm so glad that others find my thoughts and sayings, my inspirations and songs, my heartaches and Joys, my opinions, interesting enough that they come back to read and enjoy. So Happy to share. I had more to post that was different than this..., but this is what I'll share right now. Although I enjoy many varied different kinds of thoughts, philosophies, and am able to follow some of the things other people present (on yts, especially), and use 'the language' in an understandable way, I want to be careful to let others understand (again) that I have a little more conservative type approach to mysteries (like ufo, channeling entities, etc.) I see these as more metaphorical expressions rather than literally accepted. I think I've mentioned in recent posts that I've seen and experienced the palpable power (in subtle-realms) of the Holy Spirit-- however, for example, I am skeptical about claims about manifesting gold-dust on their hands and holy-oil..? I mean, I don't doubt that God can allow those things in the physical realms?, but I tend to be suspicious. (Same goes for a lot of new-agey claims I read on an online newsletter I used to subcribe to---- until they started saying Orlando Pulse, and Dallas Shootings were NOT real???? *ahem* ... *click--- UNsubcribe*) Come, Let us REASON together?!!! LOL {scripture, taken out of context, for humor-purposes!} What I'm trying to say is that I have an open mind, and I will listen to strange theories and claims, and will and DO respect you?, but that might not 'be' where I'm coming from on my own meta-journeys... I love to contemplate and sift the energies and sayings of what I hear.... I'm not closed-off and too narrow to say that you don't (or can't) experience some of these things (not denying it or saying that it's not real). My approach tends to be more cautious than most, perhaps? I mean, some people use that language and 'actually-strangely' make perfect sense. And I am willing to trek that part of space and cosmic language... AND, that is not my 100% 'place' where I'm coming from. I'll use and follow the language, and, that is not necessarily my interior experience. Laughing riotously here at myself... Yes, one finger pointing out, and three others back at myself!!! Always always always!! ROFLMAO. ~queen of weird here, sometimes? I DO very very much enjoy all the flavors of cultures, philosophies, and belief systems out there. I just want to make SURE that you all know (or can get a better sense) of ~where I am? Maybe I have a more yang approach? in the thought-realms.... By in the truly sacred Mystical Realms?... I am yin, I am yang, I am a Worshiper of The Divine, enthralled by Higher Clear Palpable Realms of Spirit. Reaching Heaven, and BRINGING IT Down to Earth... WE are mystically crafted beings, Divinely Present and presently Divine within. Great and Abiding-Love to ALL... :heart: {I've heard some say that I use the same music often?} ... yes, that's true-- because of particular 'anointing' or palpable Presence evoked. Atmospheres and performances vary based on the alchemical mix of people gathered, the notes intoned, even musical keys, (and probably the ~transits??? LOL!!!). Not every performance by an artist, flows with the same energy... Secular creative performers & lecturers realize this, too. Each gathering of souls makes a different quality Stew.... Not every batch the same. This song, and vid-performance, I (opine) think can be cosmically heard and viewed comfortably by many many God hungry souls. I am sensitive enough to strive to find songs that can appeal to the Many as possible, in this way. Be Blessed! May The Blessing of God Be Upon You... May His Peace Abide With You, May God's Presence Illuminate Your Heart, Now, and Forever More... -- Sufi prayer Our Father, which art in Heaven--- Hallowed Be Your Name... -- from Jesus' prayer, Matthew 6:9 (music) Hallowed Be Your Name (Ron Kenoly, worship) [5:12] (Tomorrow is Sunday echurch, 10 am EastCoast) IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 27, 2016 09:42 PM
IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 28, 2016 10:03 AM
Invitation.... To echurch LIVE at 10:00 am EastCoastDrop in... Spend some time in your ! ![]( (click the arrow in the middle of the screen to start stream connection) IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 199138 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 28, 2016 03:19 PM
Wow, it did poof! Do you want to close this thread and start a new one?IP: Logged | |