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Author Topic:   Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others

Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted September 30, 2016 11:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Feel better.

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posted September 30, 2016 12:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

(music) It's Who You Are (AJ Michalka, lyrics) [3:56]

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posted September 30, 2016 04:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This artist's soul has made strong impact in the music (for many of us). Love what he has done. Especially the way he recently re-purposes medieval music and re-presents it to us in a gorgeous digested form for modern listeners today.

You know I've had lifetimes in that era, and have been steeped to my cells and my pores, filled with the 'sense' of those aggregate memories. I could almost look at my Progressed chart late Cancer planets moving through natal 8th, as having re-awakened this era in a more conscious sensing within my Soul. Much of my Chart is Progressed and morphing me into a Leo now.... (P-H7 almost midway)

And today tVesta traveling over natal last deconate planets and degrees, and energizing my Uranus-Jupiter Cancer H8.

Some astrologers regard that as maybe not useful because aspects didn't strongly support and validate it?? but maybe my soul has reclaimed it, in some way?

You know, Leonard Bernstein (who's conducting reached INTO Heaven and Touched the Bliss-imparting 3rd Rail, for me, and sooo many others) had Vesta conjunct his Jupiter Cancer.

tVesta in Cancer is in the sites of mine. ... Oh gosh... there she goes, bawling her eyes out... for the Beauty, sheer Beauty and magic you can Touch with Music, through some people's giftings.

Anyway, thanks (DS) for mentioning his name today.

And Ayelet, this is the song I allude to in the post the other day where I left some Sting medieval music. Just gorgeous!

He's got a Birthday coming up Oct. 2nd. *balloons*

(music) Shape of My Heart (Sting) [4:26]


(music) In Darkness Let Me Dwell (John Dowland; perf by Sting, lute accompaniment) [5:17]

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted October 01, 2016 02:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 02, 2016 08:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Have a Beautiful Sunday!! ...

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posted October 02, 2016 11:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It's Rosh Hashanah-
May all evil things depart... And may sweetness enter life in the coming year.

It's ALL about having a Love Relationship with GOD.

Have a Blessed Jewish New Year!

(topic) Rosh Hashanah (Mayim Bialik) [5:46]

(topic) Sacred Calendars; Rosh Hashanah (Prof Tom O'Loughlin, with Rabbi Mendy Lent, UoNottingham) [5:10]

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted October 03, 2016 09:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 03, 2016 06:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This time period is also some kind of Hindi celebration, and I lost my notes on which one that is. (sorry)

I know several dear hearts who celebrate this with their close-friend group.

Please know how much I respect your holy teachings too--

Like I've said in other posts, if Christianity didn't exist, and I had to chose from an array of the easterns, I have always flowed more towards the Hindus, throughout my life. AND, I very much enjoy the input from my Buddhist philosophers too. It all filters in, and mixes, and makes a stronger more holistic blend, to me.

Shoutout to SamG... I have gained the most insight about the way my Venus Taurus operates (actually Venus Aries, in Vedic, and in the 7th Vedic House). Thank you for your input, I deeply deeply appreciate you, and your advice I just heard through your vid. I'm not sure which person you referred to? that's confusing. ....

I hope I get a hug from you some day! I enjoyed your autobiographical info. You're a great teacher, and you have students branching out from you now. I hope that brings you fulfillment.

In the mean time!!!, people are saying I have lots of options.

Got Menu? awwwww {{ }}

What I do know, is that I want to be around a bunch of cool people who REALLY Care and Love each other with great Understanding held. I like the astrological-type communities (just incase you didn't notice, AND, I am flexible... I just want the highest use of my talents).

I need to have a job where I would feel supported, and have a light good atmosphere, a Kind one. I'm pretty good at being trained on things, then just being allowed to 'do' my job.

At this instant, my vitality has suffered a bit (*usual reasons*, sheesh)-- plus just a weariness now from everything. And I understand too, that there are more transits to take place before making good decisions.

I normally have very zippy and buoyant energy--- I don't like feeling slowed down right now. I'm trying to be more conscious to get back to my walks outside which slacked just a bit from feeling so logy. I do like my time in nature... and enjoy watching the creatures in the small ponds (when there's rain!-- retention ponds here).

Oh, the little neighbor kids around here (my own gang of ~11 souls, ranging in age from 4 to 11) make up games with their kickball, and I found out now that I've gained 50 followers on yt?? (Didn't know one was recording a posting on the internet.) ...

Oh yeah. Kids love me, they love my Kindness and Joy, they love it that I take time to play with them. I've had a good and positive influence on the WHOLE 'hood.... Interesting to hear their spontaneous side-comments, like chiding their peer, (not said unkindly at all!!) Oh HA! You just lost that round to an ~old lady, hahahahaah.

*takes a breath* Yeah, Kids say it like it is! and I enjoy them. You mean, I'm not your age???? Oh. I forgot! ROFLMAO

(Angel MP, I know what you're saying about being able to understand what's going on with aggressive people--- There are two SMI people living here-- one, in his little-code world, warned me that he feels like he's going to have a violent meltdown... He's got chemical-bipolar disease? Rattled my nerves quite a bit after he directly threatened me, but then I thought of his behavior in the light of the transits right now.... He needs some Covering Angels with Lead straitjackets draped over him, to help give him strength not to act on his violent impulses in the coming weeks. God, Give him deeper calming Peace. *prayerAngels*}

And PM to Bishop Jakes (IF he reads, LOL)---
These youths in my little group are mainly black youths, and I am very conscious of their plight, and for the brown boys too.

Each time I throw that ball (with joy inside) in a tossing game we do, I throw with intention of Promise to the Princes and Princesses of the game. They are building Cooperation, building with Pride, with Possibility. Conscious prayer-intentions are tossed towards those youth with every volley. Every toss is a Prayer.

I pray for Bridges for them. For Adults who will put Care into their lives. For Good Mentors, that they use their Giftings to the Best Use. That the efforts of these will Bring Peace and Cooperation in this world towards all of us having a Better Future.

Yes indeed! .. We ALL need to Play more. To Love more. To hold more Light. {{{{ }}}}

(music) I Am Sending You Light (Melanie Demore) [3:39]

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted October 04, 2016 11:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ A great post.

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posted October 04, 2016 05:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Something really cool happened today. :heart:

I receive mailings from an astrologer-Priestess! {{ :heart:}} I love some of her thoughts. She does shadow and strong woman energy workshops? What I have greatly appreciated is her asteroid work, so, I mentioned that in my reply.

She is planning to go on a pilgrimage to a far continent and asked people for various types of resources in order to accomplish her goals. Someone immediately stepped forward to provide a place for her.

I responded (in her newsletter) that I'd like to give a tiny donation towards her trip. I said how other people have PayPals, Patreons, and GoFundMe's as catchments for receiving donations. (Those are what I've used to support vidders I watch.)

(I haven't signed up for Google yet, and some of the vidders 'require' a Google account in order to give TO their funds. That's why some vidders haven't seen any kind of small donation from me.

As I've stated before, I still have lingering qualms about signing up for yts, fb's, and things like that UNTIL I have a clearer understanding of privacy and codings, or, ~whatevers. I think it's possible to split the accounts on purpose in order to separate your various interests?? ... Not sure yet, but, I want to do it carefully.)

So anyways.... After I asked if she could leave us a link to her donation site?, SHE actually TANGIBLY responded to me, and offered her astrological service to me. *bawling her eyes out* ... WOW!!!! I'm really a real today, in MORE ways than one. Hurray!

You know too?, this is around the same transits where that woman at the metaphysical shop bought me a Kirlian reading as a reward for my kindness. I helped clear up confusions she had from an astrological reading she had just purchased and received earlier that day. :cool:

The Universe Conspires to Bless ME!! Thank you U N I V E R S E!!!! THANK YOU GOD!!!

I'm gonna DO this! Yes.... get my Life on track. I'm soooo grateful. I'm soooo grateful! :heart:

:angel: PRAYERS FOR EAST COAST USA... Hurricane Matthew. (Will affect my location possibly Thursday night... We may be losing electricity, internet, etc. Hope the storm damages don't break our computer too? ... We have a large tree over our roof, which might break and fall-in. If that occurs we'll have to be relocated. .... I have no idea what or how that will affect my OWN situation here. I can't sign a lease on an apartment because I don't have sufficient income. ... We have a special 'look the other way' deal here with the manager because I've lived in my OWN apartment for a year here before I ever moved in with rm. He understands that I am working towards solving my problem. Manager knows that I help my rm, and, I'm good for the 'hood! It cost rm more, because we did it by going month to month instead of year-lease. But if this place is too damaged, I'm sure it will be sold to a different company, and rehabbed. If that happens, I can't qualify for being 'on the lease' because my income doesn't qualify me here, by a FAR amount. Renting here is more expensive than NYC, is what I've read in news. The cost of living is (supposedly) lower here, so that's what's supposed to balance that out? {~Really?! LOL}

So, that's my news. ..... I need to prepare the apartment incase of water damages. (Lucky for me, I keep most my astro books in a ziplock .... in case of roof leaks here. It was good I did. Lessens the amount of work for me right now, which allowed me to post.)

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted October 05, 2016 11:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
To ziplocks.

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posted October 05, 2016 03:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
People buying supplies madly around here. Water is supposed to be in shortage?

I can only do what I can do... I'm prepared for a few days, but that's it. When you don't have a car to tote things, you're at disadvantages.... but then sometimes when I see the hazard right now, it's as equally good not to 'own' things. They're expecting LOTS of damage.

I went through Hurricane Charlie here, and wound up without supplies, housesitting for a lady who took off not knowing the hurricane would come straight through Florida. Her teens had stripped the house of every munchy there was in the pantry. If it wasn't for the goodness of next door neighbor who gave me a little transistor radio, I wouldn't have done as well. I remember the scented candles where TOO much, so, I've always been careful now to buy some unscented too.

I went to the store (by bus) to get extra acetaminophen, some caffeine pills, and extra silicon earplugs... because of headaches that come on from barometer changes--- plus, a few badass drunks around here to think it's entertainment to park in our space and JACK UP their earthquake woofers.
That sends my physical nervous system into overload, which triggers strange anomalous migraines until they extinguish themselves. Many times I'm typing here WITH a gnarly head... Haha, can't keep me away from my Beautiful Peeps.... I hope you ALL know HOW MUCH I love you, and how much I'm going to miss you if I can't connect.

So. (Humorous). heh heh.... Jupiter Square Mars supposed to over-the-top exaggerating now??? OMG... LMAO, FOFL ... uh, Ya wanna talk about that to Mother Nature???
... It ain't MEEEEE.... HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA *ahem* 'I told you so'. OMG.
... Always always good to keep a positive spin and attitude-- actually? that's genuine with me. I can take a pile of crap and make it into Beautiful artwork! haha Sometimes Life NEEDS people like me.

Edgy and intensive life? ....
That's not exactly what this Venus Taurus is into.... She likes stability, Peace, Tranquility and Home mostly. I want warm relations with great friends. I want hugs!! LOL.
I'll look and imagine over the shiny things, but actually, you're looking at a quieter person here-- a little more sedate in life now, and just desire a steadiness-- while talking and dreaming and imagining. (Likes to stir up excitement through the ~music??? you know what I mean!!! hahahahhahah).
Oh yeah, if I want to I can kid and pretend to be quite naughty.... but actually, I'm a Nice Gurl. Looking for established kind of people. I'll go on adventures (just for fun), but I'm the kind that keeps the home fires burning and things running well for everyone, until the warriors come back.

I get a wild streak every once in a while.... Need to just HAVE FUN. Clean fun. And I can tend to be a little nervous (even though it might not show) during things like ~~~~friggin hurricanes?!!!!! Tornadoes???? Oh gosh. I feel sick from the STRESS, is what it is.


Making a new paragraph here, because, frankly, with humor, I'm just too darn tired to edit right now.... Not lazy, Tired and kinda crazyOverwhelmed... though you'd never ever know it by looking at me.

Sending Love to my west coasters.... SOOOO Much Love. .... hahaha I hate to do drama right now??? but if I don't make it, just know HOW MUCH and Deeply I wanted to be with you all.

SamG... I appreciated Mars Sag vid. Yes, I had a bit of a disconnect to my belief system recently because of some things I heard... They consider me a witch, because I do astrology. That hurt me. And it affected me.... Thanks for saying to MAKE SURE you Connect to your faith in order to get through this. I went on my walk, and reconnected with the way I DO my Connecting. It's my ritual or process. This works for me. Thank you. It doesn't matter how cruel *they* of my BS are, as long as I stay Kind and inline with God, as I see him. Works for me.

So yeah....... *breath* I'm a bit nervous. My mind says no? but my body has little tells. Slowing down here... Posting is good.

I woke up this morning, and in the residual of my dream???, I was looking at Astrology Charts!!! hahahh.... C'mon folks?!! I'm working on astrology, at night, in my dreams.

So this morning, I got up and looked up some asteroids!

You KNOW Juno and Mercury are WEATHERMAKERS...

We're having a HERRRRicane?? .....
Asteroid Storm, BlackMoonLilith, Venus, Juno in Scorpio.

Asteroid Superbus!! yes. (Not going to explain, use your Imagination for a giant Storm?) Conjuncts Mercury

Asteroid Matthew (Mathieu) .... Libitina (goddess of corpses). Industria and Yeshuhua... I've noticed those asteroids in death and destruction kind of charts.

Asteroid Torricelli, Angel, Carolina, Georgia

Of course, Pallas and VESTA!!!! (usa)


Check those asteroids out in my chart, and the USA (SagAsc) Chart...

I might not have time to delineate all those here right now for you. But they are in significant contacts in MY Chart and USA.

I haven't checked the LL Chart.... But, I think tSaturn has now entered degree of LL Ascendant, and on LL Pluto.

That degree was ACTIVE during the New Year's crash of LL site...... Randall..... I know you're in Georgia..... Please Stay Safe-- and keep the Hearth of LL preserved for when things come back (IF it were to crash, from electrical outttages, etc.)

My home phone might not be working. Pearlty has my cell phone number--- for texts, or personal call. Please don't use voicemail because that gets loaded with spam type calls and it costs minutes to leave a message there. Soooo complication because they make you go through listening to all the trash-- that uses minutes.

IF I can juice my cell phone, after the storm, the text messages should register on my phone. Text messages are free. Don't cost minutes. .... Now, I might be REALLY slow trying to type out texts, so BE patient if you send.

Winds here are supposed to get to 110 MPH? ... Hurricane Charlie was around 75 or 80. I remember that..... by the way, it doesn't sound like a train, I'd say more like a JET ENGINE warming up at the start of a runway.

I bumped into some of the elderly Spanish women here out in the community outside of the 'hood. There is just so much affection. I feel loved by them-- and the kids here.

Maybe in this storm, I might feel like I can't contribute as ROBUSTLY as I normally would--- You'd usually see ME doing the labor around a project or disaster-type situation. ... But what I DO know, is that I have a LOT of Love inside me, and I help encourage people to get along and be cooperative. I've done that here in the 'hood for years. They know me.

I feel like I'm not really prepared (resource wise). If this drags out into next week, I'll have to wing things. Just because I am Loved here, doesn't mean Connection. Some people are just so freaked out about the sharing resources. ... I can't help it if I'm older and not as rich in money and being able to access things 'for' myself.

I hope for the Best Outcomes, so that LL stays UP or gets back up after the storm. And that I HOPE some of my WestCoasters would break the communication gridlocks, eventually.

Ahhhhh. The tielenol kicked in. Head is better.... yay.

Be Blessed everyone.... Wishing ALL on the East Coast heavenly Protections. Life Matters. Stuff is stuff.

Stay safe... (I might come back and do songs later.) Hurricane winds supposed to pretty much start around 24 hours from now, to 36 hours. The weekend will be a recovery time.

AND------ My Heart goes out to the Losses of Life in the Carribean from the storm.... {{{hug}}}. Sooo sad.

Stay Safe Everybody...

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posted October 06, 2016 09:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Pearlty     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Mirage, I wrote you last night, but I'll leave a note on here as well. Keep safe, comforted, and take care.
I will text near the weekend to check in on you. If I can do anything from here, please let me know.
Love J.

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posted October 06, 2016 06:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Pearlty... I just saw and replied to your email. I'm frightened. And tired... been working like a dog. ... Just taking a break. Need to keep going, prepping until power goes out.

Please light a candle for me... to be a Presence WITH me through the storm? Hits around 3AM..., Friday all day...

Supposed to be the strongest storm in History here.

Don't know when I'll be back....
I'll look forward very much to your text.

ADD ---

Pearlty, I told you RM is supposed to stay over at work? .... He's on his way home right now. I'll have company during the storm.

Cover BOTH of us with STRONG protections, over our bodies, and ... over our stuff too. We don't have a lot of money, at all--

Love and Thanks.... M :Heart:

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted October 07, 2016 10:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Please, check in.

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posted October 07, 2016 12:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Pearlty     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I just heard back from Mirage via text, she said power outages are intermittent, but she is okay- and sends her love and gratitude to all!

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posted October 08, 2016 10:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks to all for protection prayers and energy.

I felt sick all day yesterday and confined myself to bed. My face arms and legs were tight swollen, and I felt so queasy.

Today, we've got 'kryptonite' going on from inside the building... Fine vibratory plunks making me feel sooooo sick.

The computer is glitching. Can't access my emails well.

Videos too--- they'll play for maybe 30 seconds, then freeze, then a blue banner comes on and asks if we are 'curious' as to 'why' the interruptions happen. ... I think it's pure meanness-- that's what's happening. And they will NEVER sell ME a product when they hijack like that. I tend to 'watch' and actually consider and pay attention to commercials appearing at the END of videos, rather than the ones that jerk in. Some commercials I can't pay attention to or refuse to or they give me a list of things NOT to purchase in the future. You can't keep irritating people and not affect them somehow.

So, I'm hugging up to the bathroom more right now. I might accompany rm on an excursion out later.

No one lives in a more 3-D experience right now than me. I could have lost my life these past few days... and right now I feel so defeated and vulnerable-sick to the sonics. (They had thrown a major party the night the hurricane started, and now, probably the after-parties??) Can ~hardly concentrate.

Certainly they will have heavy equipment to clean up messes here over the next few days.

Pearlty, thanks for covering the (gemmy) communications for me here.

Randall, thanks for your well wishes-- I hope the storm doesn't affect you too adversely.

Tim H. ... My prayers have been there for you in Savannah.

Pearlty, I might try to call you later today, or, tomorrow-- to find out how your extended family did in the South.

Like I said, my email is not working well.... So, THIS is like my email right now.

This hurricane emergency highlighted things for me-- having to do with material things I've got to make decisions about throwing and tossing.... Almost anything that I would throw away now, would be throwing away pieces of possibility for me. It's like throwing away Life, and ultimately Hope. I can't do this by myself, and others are soooo adamant that I have to do it 'their' way, or lose EVERYTHING that I worked for over these years. ----- My jaw is just dropped. I don't think people realize the severity of what they say to me. We are definitely in two different situations. Mine? involves my actual biological life left on earth. Often, we see first responders moving heaven and earth on behalf of a person or an animal-- they will spend thousands or dollars... or to save property.

I've been here talking about all my things for years now.... and have not had a tangible response. Simple actual tangible compassionate kindness of clearing-communication. It has come down to me having to tear my hair out now. Have you ONLY just been "using" me??? Using my body on the keyboard...... Is that all and 'what' this is to some of you (notLL)???

Someone was saying (for part of my chart) that this is the 'straw that broke the camel's back'.... I am at SUCH Loss of 'what to do' right now. Some say things are just simple? ....

........... simple. simple. simple. simple. simple...

(I think I've gotta go throwup--- or at least, bawl my eyes out right now.)

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posted October 08, 2016 08:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Doing somewhat better now... I accompanied rm out of the place. We had another conversation about my worries of needing to move out. He said he's still fine with having me here, as long as it takes. He officially retires Oct 1, 2017-- and, it will still take a few months before his work handles all the papers, and hands him his finances, etc.

So I'm still safe to be under a roof to see what develops for me.

While at the bus stop waiting, we had a long conversation with a man who had a master's degree in psych, and had a turn of circumstances, and became blind. He lives in housing... He is very frustrated with this State. The social services are in such shambles. Everything skewed towards drug addicts, alcoholics, etc, or to "minorities" who are not such a minority anymore.

I managed to give him two pieces of advice that unlocked his thinking. He absolutely saw the benefits of what I said to him. He's going to try that approach... and hopefully he'll find the employment that 'fits' his education and experience.

But really.... I made a parallel to the difference between NorthKorea and SouthKorea? Social services and help available here would be harsh cold and missing like NorthKorea. The public is only shown the 'window dressings'.

He was given a life coach that was soooo lame. He wound up teaching some groups 'how' to. (He didn't mention that he did that for them for 'free'.... Actually, the govt probably PAID for him to be there, and HE IS the one who ADDED to their knowledge. ) Not everyone who asks for assistance with jobs, etc, gets needs met-- it's like a farce. And so many of the outside public is very deceived. People are "farmed" (by social type agencies) for moneybenefits from the Good that govt can provide. But these agencies don't produce programs or Mentors who operate AT THE LEVEL of some very 'high-functioning' yet disabled client's needs. This man's talents are definitely going to waste here. So, we have a sinkhole here with that.

So I gave him a sprucing-up talk. Told him to nix his (potentially) snarky dry sense of humor. (For the place he will apply to, in order to get 'in the door' of the job-field he desires, he's going to have to be dry and laced-up-- Let his resume and experience speak for him. Later, with the population he will serve, his ability to have accelerated-humor and wit will certainly be a bonus for the clientele.)
Please send him a shot of etheric Good Fortune.

On our walk back to the house, I generally vaguely wistfully asked rm the question-- how much of what he said is BS, or not?

His opinion was that the man seemed very straight up. ... I thought so too? ... I hate the feeling of needing to become more suspicious of people lying. I don't live that way, and neither does rm. We generally trust what people are saying. We are honest people. I don't want to become a jaded human being.... AND, some people just are NOT who they say they are. And I need to look SUPER hard under every mask and veil I'm looking at. Is my new motto 'suspect everyone of being a liar'? ... God?! I REALLY REALLY hope not. I want to be able to relax and trust the people I come in contact with. All this DECEPTION BS??? has got to chill.

I'm going to re-sort my things (now that all is dislodged in the apartment from prep for hurricane), and try to simplify my world even further.

I appreciated the vidders who are recommending physical outlets for the 'electrical energy' being felt passing through the body.
(omg, so right-on!! JeanWiley)

As I've said before all the sounds around here, are mixing in with vortex type electrical-feeling discharges. Hard to tell what's me, or what's the equipment being used, or what is the natural flow of electric through and in the air right now.

But, I'm starting to get my balance back right now, after being knocked sooooo hard. I'm glad for wake up calls??? but sheesh!! THAT one was for sur'real!! LOL

I'm hoping for the celebration 'hood-parties to calm down after Monday.

I have more things to post.... but will wait for a day, at least.

The Jupiter-Mercury conjunction will happen ON my Astrowizard Libra.

(music) Love Lift Us UP Where We Belong {youtube is acting up, not functioning right now-- at least my email is working again, although, it triplicated a reply to Pearlty's note earlier today.... *Gremlins* }

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posted October 09, 2016 04:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Glad you two are safe.

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posted October 09, 2016 05:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow.... what an energy! What a day of progression.

I've been through an ARRAY of emotions and feelings. Like living 'months' of moments within a few hours of time.

{name} offered to look at my chart probono, for offering her a good suggestion on her webpage. .... The things she pointed out, I already knew, but the way she organized her information offered a different perspective.

So yes, I KNOW my chart transits up ahead have hurricane-strength dynamics to them. And for me an important take-away I had had from personal communications with master-astrologer a handful of years ago (who guided me through MAJOR Scorpio transits and eclipses), was that if you KNOW you're about to be hit? then, you POSITION yourself to take it the best you can, and hopefully wind up in the direction you wanted to go. "If you're going to fall? ... Fall Forwards." --JJ

I've got gnarl, but also, some supporting transits too (which usually can accompany during times of great changes).

Seems that as tSaturn in Sagittarius impacts my NorthNode, several times over the course of the next year, along with other transits, not only natal but progression, I'm going to be 'clarifying' and solidifying what my truth is in a definite way (my hunching which I hope comes true). Then, it will be 'my time' to share what I know FROM my truth. ... Also, the tNorthNode will have entered my 8th House activating my stellium there. This is the place of astrology, and of Knowing my self, and gaining mastery over my own energies, and fears, and whatnots. (~oy, d'whatnots? LOL).

I already know that I am a Value there to others with my Part of Fortune and my Jupiter in the 8th. (western-geo, plac.) WHEREEVER I go, I bring Treasures with me. I've seen the evidence of that through my life. People are MORE well-off from my influence. .... If 8th House is treasure that *I* unlock for others, group collectively, then I have an assurance in me that 'where my Heart is, there is where Treasure is'...

(She didn't say those things-- It is MY understanding that is awakened to it. )

What she DID indicate is just like I've heard other astrologers say {ty Mi.K~~ .., and others} that I'm going to have to rely on my Intuitive-muscle developments, and not my intellectual faculties, to know what my next-step is. I have the kind of chart (right now) of a destiny-creator (those my words) AS I step each step forward.

Like I think I've been saying.... I FEEL the 'riding on the beach sand' kind of undertow energies swirling and going on. I have to think 'adventure' and train my old old freaking-out-afraid to diminish AS MUCH AS I can diminish this tendency inside me. (AthensC of MTZ-- I always appreciate your messages of Balance. I need to become a Cosmic Surfer?, and Balance is sooo key.)

All that STRESS---- It's REALLY bad for my body. I have a LOT of fear, trapped fears... even senses of terror to master. I guess that was from the conditioning I received going through Life WITHOUT Help. I HAVE had to do it, be it, fake it, make it, ALL by my OWN power in life. I still shriek and shiver inside while I rolodex through memories of what I survived.... But, I SURVIVED.... a little worse for the wearing?, but I Am A Survivor. I've never been more awake than I am today. And I PRAY that God and Good Friends will be 'in my group' to watch my back with support, and hopefully, make this life for me 'less painful' than it's already been.

I know that that I was 'supposed' to have finished now, my transit energies, but I guess the Universe says it's not-over until it's Saturn-over for ME? *grin* LOL.

Someone mentioned about getting a spiritually-oriented counselor. Those are absent in my locality. Of course yes, there are "religious" people, but not very very grounded spiritually metaphysically oriented folks here. Nada. I believe there HAD been some, but they either died or left my State back around 2006-2008. This locality's special resources (metaphysically) are basically poofed. (Hence my saying, this is not the best place for me, and, I should relo away from here.)

Oh, I know I said the other day that I have a 'roof'... but ALSO, I want people to realize that this IS temporary. He and I have done a good job of 'tolerating' each other... but I basically 'walk on eggshells' and stay Invisible. I add MUCH Value to his Resources through 'who I am' and 'what I do' for him.... But this is NOT my final place here. This is NOT "home" and has NEVER really felt "home" completely to me. I need to belong to a place and group that REALLY gives the sense of inclusion. .... I do my Best when I feel Loved and Included and Safe. ... And that is what I want to Draw towards me right now.

She said 'writing and speaking' are pathways of release for me, especially in my relationship with the Masculine.
She continues "It will help you access, once more, the creative energy of God (in that etheric form, sans the Patriarchal Violence)" .... LOL. I loved her making that distinction.
She also said "Singing may also help."
"Blue lace agate would be a gemstone I would recommend for this work."

... She has no idea that I had had very 'halting' speech, UNTIL I had some voice lessons in college. This made my sentences more melodious. (A little validation for the astrology and astrologer there.)

Anyways! Right now, I've got to go do some grocery shopping.... Have to stop for now.

I consider myself an astrologer... And, I know there's something-else I have to discern about the Higher Directions that God has for my life. I have a very very Unique Call on my life..... Still have to let God Speak to me 'what' that is.

In the mean time... LOL. ... I'm going to continue progress with Studying more about Astrology... (8th House). And hopefully in these next few days, I'll have clarified a few more things.

Let's hope so!
**Not proofread... just raw draft.**

Gotta go... a ride is waiting.

BE soooo Incredibly Blessed, and Hugged!!!

(I know the moon is generally void right now? but it's making VERY significant aspects in my own chart.)

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posted October 10, 2016 12:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
... Keeping the faith, and not giving up. Being Patient. *halo* ...... *looks* NOT!!!!!

No, but I am... driving myself batcrazy with ideas that JUST need to settle.

One of these days, I REALLY gotta figure out the difference between mental-loops and gnashing, and my REAL intuition.

Can't say I'm not trying... Love my LL-Edit-!! {{ }} Haha, in the past my friends thought I was nuts for editing my writings all the time. In junior high school, I remember the shock of being told something wasn't good-enough, and for me to re-write it. ... I think there must be a moment in every writer's life, where they learn the Love of Re-Writing and Editing. It breaks you, in a Good Way.

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posted October 10, 2016 01:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This hurricane that MISSED us by 15 miles here, could have caused such widespread catastrophic destruction.

Rm and I were bringing groceries home by taxi the other day. This taxi driver was originally from PuertoRico, and my rm had been THROUGH a Level 5 Hurricane Andrew (which had gone through Miami) over 20 years ago? ... They LIVED what catastrophe could have happened. The taxi driver pointed at all the structures at one of the traffic lights we stopped at.... ALL these places would NOT be standing right now, had the Hurricane hit here at CAT 5. We were BLESSED.

{{Again, thank you soooo much for all prayers during that time---- it was Life and
Death Serious.... And I BELIEVE in the Power of Interventions..... Humbly, I say thank you again and again.)

I had had only a small small taste of it with Hurricane Charlie. I could 'extrapolate' what the difference could 'feel' like--- from Cat 1 all the way up to the Cat 4 forecast.

What really upset me the other day, was the absolute immaturity and ignorance (even if it was innocent, it was pure insolent childishness) of some persons to insinuate that that the government had set up a false alarm for this storm. According to some, that the govt does this ~ONLY???? to deceive people into 'forcing' them to do what they don't want to do. *jawdrop* You haven't lived through it.

..... I am NONPLUSSED by that kind of Lack of regard of Citizenship and Safety for the Masses.

It's THAT kind of "mentality" and error in thinking, that makes OTHER people have to risk their own lives and resources-- and the reason there probably are SUCH restricted resources. PEOPLE are resources. Not your little propane tanks in your fenced-in yard, where you are falsely under the impression that you can hole-up all-by-yourself and weather all the storms WITHOUT people-involvement and interactions??? This is not thinking straight--- not reality, in 3D.

Some of us have been THROUGH, have had to brave catastrophes in a PHYSICAL way..

Count YOUR lucky stars, if you weren't a direct victim of SuperStorms, of 9-11s, and Wars, Earthquakes, scourges and pestilences. It indeed is NOT "about YOU" alone. It takes maturity to realize that-- and not everyone has arrived there.

YOU need to be about thinking and caring about other people, than just your little-self wrapped world and skin cover.

Responding to that kind of emergency call to evacuate could have SAVED soooo many, had the Hurricane hit with Cat 4 (or a 5 experience). Maybe some people have lived too-sheltered of a life to KNOW that destruction like that is SERIOUS.

Do NOT ignore your local authorities when they are Performing Good in trying to save MANY lives.

Harm to the body is a Finale....

Sure, the emergency management systems are Clunky and HUGE. And that's where YOU get to have input and work towards bettering the system with CONSTRUCTIVE criticisms and real implementable suggestions.

You have to practice some "grown up" behaviors during times like that... This near-miss was an opportunity for some to "practice" that.

Lots of feedback being given there right now. And it takes a LOT of money and management talents......

But MOST OF ALL, on an Individual Basis? It requires Patience, and Understanding of the SERIOUSNESS of issues concerning Live and Death consequences. Not a time for ~attitudes that slow down and impede public safety, and for dangerous maverick behaviors.

NONCooperation is NOT cool, when actual Lives can be lost in an emergency.... Placate your OWN ego, and DO the Right Thing.

Save your maverick for the computer-innovation and ideas on how to survive storms of weather or wars, or disease....

So! When your local sheriff and govt authorities tell you to move your Beautiful arse? Then, ~PUHLEAZE, cooperate, and tend to your ego bruise later, because YOU will Lovingly be Still Alive!

Experience ALWAYS Counts! Stay Safe Everyone. And make sure your Neighbor is too.

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted October 11, 2016 11:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Glad it passed y'all by.

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posted October 11, 2016 07:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
From different things I'm finding on yt and newsletters right now, seems that many people want to cut-away people out of their lives.

I'm not going to cut anyone, but rather, re-prioritize.... I like astrology, and I am more old-school with what I'd like to do with that.

The ones who are into doing drug-trips, believe in channeling strange-bizarre entities, aliens, etc?-- I will still listen to you (with open mind and deep respect), but, that's not 'me' (if we are defining things now, that's important for you to know)?

I remain open and interested in hearing what these 'believers' have to say--- I'm put off by the more ~wild wild (fantasy-type) conspiracies that insist it IS real 'reality' (not imagined). For me, that falls more in the line of 'entertainment'-- comic books. (I've been around metaphysics parapsychological thinking my whole life since teen years-- and there's a quality to the story told-- when it's more real.)

As I say, strange things CAN happen. Not saying that I disbelieve, necessarily... I realize there are things we really can't explain or prove yet, that ARE a mystery... When I have the time the indulge this, I love to stretch my thinking.... so I'm NOT overly discounting. I'm willing to go on carpet rides, every once in a while. It's fun. It's good.

I think for me, some of that pruning and cutting had already occurred in a kind of 'organic' way over this past year...

Several took their materials and sequestered their goods and services into their own private websites. That's been going on for perhaps a few years now.

Without a tech-partner here (and my not understanding all the legal requirements), I'm going to wait on joining FB/YT and their interfaces(Google), until I have someone knowledgeable setting up those accounts for me properly, then their being able to be reached to answer questions initially. After things are set up, I'm certain things will go well from there. ...

It had taken me a while (and some goofs) to figure out live chat-rooms. I mastered two of them now, and recently partook in a third called Zoom'ing.
.. Omg, signing up for that? I had 5 different windows open and going at the same time, trying to follow all the paths and questions being asked...
.. I was waiting for a certain meeting to start, and I thought I hadn't correctly joined and felt sooo bummed out that all my efforts failed. Then, suddenly, I "heard the voice"... and started looking under each tab frantically, trying to find 'where' that voice was coming from! omg, ROFL...

And I LOVE LOVE LOVE my LL... and the pretty pink/purple/~whatever-color (haha, inside joke?) it is... Very soothing Beautiful website colors and formatting. ty Randall.

This was bizarre.....

I have been receiving emails (for the past 48 hours) from people I haven't communicated with in years. I've responded to each one, in turn, with quality. Feels like surfing on lilypads right now.

Aho! to Chris Onefeather... I used to listen to his talks several years back, when he was interviewed by two younger astrologers, regularly.

Very creepy....

One of the emails I received early today was actually indirectly (or maybe accidentally as part of a mass email to everyone on a contact list)? ... I'm talking about the surprise of email from my middle-brother (blood).

I've had my personal email since ~2003?? He happened to have my email address in his contacts.
.. I was able to read accompanying correspondence that a friend-colleague of his (whom I remember) said how hard it was to reach him now, and she was asking him to be a guest soloist at one of her concerts. His response to her provided alternate email addresses for himself (and a wife! ~wow).

ONLY because of 'how creepy' these past 48 hours (communications) have been, I decided to go ahead and respond to my bro2 (and his wife) with my greetings....

I haven't had a response, and wouldn't be surprised if I did not get one. (Not expecting, or getting my hopes up there.)
... He had been in possession of my email and never contacted me when Dad died, nor, when our very close cousin had suicided... (I found out years later).

... But I followed through, responding 'in faith' that The Universe knows "why" I was sent this info today. Maybe it was important for HIM to see the reminder-contact? For whatever reason God saw fit to use it, for advancing his soul, and on his behalf.
.. He's 0+ Taurus Sun, and ?3rd decon Moon Taurus (trine my Moon Virgo). His Venus 14+ in Pisces (sextile my Venus Taurus)... (yeah, that makes a LOT of sense to me now).
.. Oh! He also was born days near an Eclipse! NM28Aries. (like me)

One of the things I am so grateful for his life is that he kept a chemical plant from blowing up in late 1970s, through grabbing his supervisor, throwing him to the side, and RE-adjusting the correct levers-- The supervisor was doing the wrong thing. Pressure was building, and they were going to die. Through his actions, he saved lives not only at the chemicalplant, but the lives and property of folks within miles of that plant. He was rewarded, and through this, was able to change his career direction. He became very successful, even in Europe, and gained some renown in his work.
... (I say some of these things, because some of the related things are indicated in my chart.)

<< Material EDITED before submitting... >>

It was interesting to watch my thoughts and fantasies when I 'briefly' thought I was going to be able to be re-united with my brothers... Bro1, Leo Sun, Taurus Moon, was excellent at finances-- quite an entrepreneur, has owned his own successful business for years now.
(Daydream-- This is the way my fantasy went after I sent the email. -- It was good to 'tank up' on this kind of energy:
.. I saw myself there, laying out my finances and asking if he could help me organize a plan for myself, he sifted through healthcare options/costs--- I briefly temporarily stayed with a bro, found/connected with good work, and moved to my own apartment.
... I saw Bro2 and me re-involved in some music scene.
... Bro3 was a Libra and his birthday was just a few days ago-- he had always come to play on my computer, using CAD. He started a business too-- but I know the least about him. (omg! He had a Taurus Moon too!!! haha--- Love all that earth! ... and oh gosh, I married 2 of them. AND! rm is one.)

As I allowed the scene to continue, and I 'observed'....
Once settled for a bit.... I saw Bro1 helping me but the bones together for my own little side business, taking astrology lessons, meetings with ast'ers in my community. My bros funneled some customers towards me (I felt nervous~~ scratch that!! LOL).
I saw me attending astrology conferences.... I could go to regular work place, and, study and do charts at other times during the week. (Wouldn't it be SOOO COOL to have a way where I could do both of those at the same time?!)
When I used to write-- I would get a little part-time job on the side because it provided a 'break' which refreshed me by taking my mind somewhere else... I was able to socialize, and have extra money in my pocket. ... For a while too, I worked temp-positions, where there was 'nothing' to do but sit at a desk ALL day... That was great for writing and looking over manuscripts... chained me to one spot!! haha

(That job was for about a month, covering a vacation, and paid double-the-money I normally got for temping. There would be 3 phone calls that came in each day... My job was to transfer those 3 daily calls. The rest of the time was all mine, at the desk all day.)
.. My temp-agent and I had a 'code'-- if I asked 'how much?' and she responded "I'll give you a box of chocolates?" ... that usually meant the pay was low (so don't ask), but she promised to make up for it-- and she certainly did! I enjoyed working for that company a few years (before relocating), and they treated me well. Great matches with jobs. Worked out well.)

Back to the daydream...
It was at that point when I suddenly realized how "stable" all of this felt for me. I got my needs met, established self, and still never left astrology behind. For me, that was very telling. ... After a handful of years now, I don't think I can stop thinking astrology every time I hear news, or see the sky. Astrology was perfect for the way my mind winds around all the facets... Like a chew toy?? haha. It would be a habit that would be hard to extinguish.

With the taxi driver the other day, I thought to myself, he's either a Virgo, or an Aries. When I actually asked him, I reversed it and asked Aries, or Virgo? He was a Virgo!!!
(I guessed by his skin, skin tone, arms, the way his flesh arranged on his face--- I didn't go as much on the fact he ~talked a LOT! haha.
But then too-- he was sitting next to my rm who IS a Virgo. I 'felt' the resonance going on energetically as they sat together... so, I ventured the guess. 1 in 12 chances?? yay me ...)

I felt a bit out of sorts all day, from a very hard dream I had had... As I played in my mind with pieces of the dream (all the pieces, being 'me' from different angles), was a kind of portrait of what's going on inside right now.

Okay--- NOTE: The letter I sent to my brother was 'blocked' by gmail filter. He never received it...

Maybe the Universe will Honor my own attempt, once more. *mountain1*

... Flowing .... In this energy there are SOOO many things going on. It's kind of freaky. All is always left for re-vision .... as more info comes in.

So much more to say, too.

Praying for solutions....

*God, My Life Is In Your Hands*

My walk this morning.... was very very important. I will do a separate post for that.... later today or tomorrow.

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posted October 11, 2016 07:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ayelet     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I hope you send another e-mail to your brother and he responds... in the best manner

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