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Author Topic:   Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others

Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted November 20, 2016 09:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Today was US Vice President Joe Biden's Birthday!,_Joe
(Fellow sagi riser)

~ and ~

My Beloved Scorpio Grandmother's Birthday, Nov 20

We had a secret wonderful pen-pal relationship for almost a decade after I'd left home and gone through college and some moving.
(Her Sun was in my H12, trine my Jupiter Cancer H8.)

She was a devout R.Catholic who loved Billy Graham, the Boston Red Sox, and a music group called The Carpenters!

This was "our" song.... such warm memories.

As we anticipate the opening of Christmas Season the day after Thanksgiving this Thursday (Nov 24), my song between me and my memere is so fitting.

(music) Merry Christmas Darling (Karen Carpenter, 1970) [3:35]

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 21, 2016 08:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 15192
From: us
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posted November 22, 2016 11:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh, The thought-spaces I've been through!

Still trying to Smile 'somewhere' in my body... LOL

I've been feeling like pure crappy-**** , with Kryptonite going on in my environment!!! omg!!!!

There is NOTHING more-arresting to my Creative self than to be 'soaking' in horrible waves---- So humorous here? is that the Worlds HUGEST Cargo Airplane flies in and out of our local international airport.

A few days ago it was taking off (or landing) near our airport---- and OF COURSE, this HUGEST PLANE in the WORLD is flying DIRECTLY over our building.

You want to talk about LOUD and shaking???? OMG.... ROFLMAO.... Hey! It's absolutely REAL here, Folks..... *roll* (two rolls on that one)

This New Moon in Sagittarius is Tuesday, November 29, at 7+ degrees... directly across from my Sun Gem.

my ASTEROIDS at 7+ Sag?
#444 ???? Gyptis (444 is an Angel number)
770 Bali .... *music* Some Enchanted Evening *music*
37117 Narcissus ... TOO much unfulfilled yearning in my life?
866 WASHINGTONia ... The name of a US State in the NW.

AND, My Helio EARTH, WITH Helio Moon is in 7.42 Sagittarius

These Quintile my Moon Virgo,
sextile my Chiron Aqua
oppose my Sun

The asteroids of a relo to the NW has Portlandia ON the 3rd-to-4th cusp.

Along with Portlandia at 8+ Aquarius I have Hudson, Sophia, Pittsburghia (seriousness, meaning business, intensity of purpose, passion, Capitalism, and 'smoking'-- That smoke probably from Mt St Helen's Volcano nearby??? LOL!!!!
(I saw that volcano burp while I was traveling on the Oregon coast in early 80s.).

I have Scheherazade there (the stories-Creator).
757 Portlandia Aquarius 8.02...
near P.of.Luck 9.03,
Kryl, Damocles, Azalea,
and 881 Athene Aquarius 9.49.

These biquintile my Mars Cancer....
and some interesting asteroids.

Pauses. .... Interesting asteroids????

Laughing to myself, because I 'tell stories' with my asteroid placements.

My 643 Scheherazade-sr Aqua 7.41
quintiles Sindbhad Cancer 1.11 H7gem
(Arabian nights... stumbling unto something absorbing or wondrous)
Mars Cancer is 2.36...
... a few degrees left and right of these early Cancer degrees are INCREDIBLE '11790 Goode and 1747 Wright',
mixed with the asteroid of the possibility of being 'hoodwinked' or mesmerized... (part of my fear).

With 7571 White Rose there...
representing a turning point, accomplishment, new beginning, purity, innocence, spirituality, sympathy, youthfulness, contrition.

These trine my ex1 last name in Scorpio, conjunct Lie.... AND Fast, Gold, all at 2+... with 1328 Devota at 3+, and my Juno 4+. H11.

Said all that to say...

I've had my HEART Broken soooo many times. I feel like I can't trust people.... I'm always thinking that they just want to USE me, take me, then pull the magic-carpet away.

I'm so terrified of betrayals, and past things that just PIERCED me through my Heart. ...

I feel terrified of making wrong decisions... *wipes her snot* *sheesh, sooo pathetic!!!!!* *laughs at self* I'm terrified to believe that what I'm seeing IS 'too good to be true'? ...I KNOW it's TRUE that I AM soooo Loved. ... So, WHY am I sooooo pathetic????? o m g, LMAO, crying my eyes out.

I 'need' to be WITHIN the walls of a relationship, to use my chart.

I feel 'blind' to knowing what to do UNTIL I am 'in' a Creative sphere.
(Neptune.. blind in the 10th having to do with careers? ... I have my astrology asteroids there too.... along with stepping in the Dudu?, Blind second-chances (which Jupiter is approaching soon in Libra).
I have Urania 23+ Libra, near Neptune in 10th)

It's like, I know what I want to do, then I don't, then I do, then I don't....

Oh my... reminds me of a dumb-blonde jokes

They're in the front seat.
A cop comes up behind them, with lights flashing.
The driver asks the passenger 'is the cop flashing us?'...
She answers, Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No.

arrrrghghghghhgh! THAT's 'how I feel'!!!! rahhhhhh Help?????

I've been trying to 'do' the business thing here...
Trying to sort through clothes, get outfits together.... and, failing MISERABLY because my stuff is too crappy to impress people.

My HEALTH feels crrrappyyy from all the KRYPTONITE.

I can't seem to BREAK FREE from the crap-atmosphere.
I'm SCARED that 'this' is going to be permanent.... and affect my ability to work..... AND yet, on the other hand, when I'm AWAY from the sonic interference, I DO FINE! I don't know what to say, because I don't know what my future environment will be?
yes. no. yes. no. yes. no. *roll*/*sad*

I am soooooooo sorry...
I am not meaning to be so 'double' minded.

I NEED a GOOD place to live.
I NEED it for my own body's Health...
(and for everyone else's comfort too???
omg!!!!!!!! yes),

a BETTER place to live.

I also need to feel a 'sense of relationship'

I have a Good Heart... and I want to be with others who do too. I want to be with HONEST people, who are Good. .... I'm sooo frightened that I don't really know people, and that I trust TOO READILY and give my Heart to others who might not be always deserving of it?...

I've been so BURNT in my life.
And here I am, soooo ready, and yet so pathetic.... omg.

I'm ready to trash everything I have.

It's like too much weight to deal with... physically and mentally.

If I do everything myself, I don't have a thing.

If I get some help, especially with 'where' I'm going, and 'what' I'll be doing there, I would have a MUCH clearer sense of what to keep and what to throw.

I'm ready for a re-start. Since I am in SUCH confusion, I'd REALLY appreciate knowing what the 'Truth' is. (Jupiter was just on this asteroid).

My Elegance bar is too high??? .... I gently laughed soooo hard.

I have an Elegant Mind.... And truly, I'm a romantic.

I think that this is what has attracted some of the folks that come to read my posts.

My Beauty IS my Sense of Imaginings...
This is what I Bring to the Table. ...
It is my Sense of Presence.

And I'm a giver, not a taker.

I just haven't figured out the piece of how to become an adequate TAKER for my own self yet.
But I think that when I am in a more-committed type of atmosphere, THEN WITH some loving support, I am boosted, hoping to find my niche.

But for right now seriously? ...

I am concerned for my Health and Body here.

I need to get away from the extreme sonic atmosphere because this very well MAY drive me to my grave (asteroid) literally.

My Plan shifts a lot--- because of the layers of what goes on here....

Right now this place is SHAKING INCREDIBLY.

It is interfering INSIDE my chest, where my heart organ beats.

I get confused between the beats of the outside resonance with the beat of my heart within my chest.

I'm scared that they could give me a literal heart attack??? ...
Not being a dramaqueen by saying that, by the way. It's a 'literal' info thing.

My heartbeat is getting confused? ...
The POWER of Sonics is very surreal.

It ACTUALLY affects the muscles inside my body here.

(The Lung Doctor had validated that for me, on my last visit. He has had other patients WITH this same exact problem too. The recreation SoundSonics are causing health problems for some of his patients.

***Interference was going on WHILE I wrote this***

.... For 'whatever' reasons, MY body trembles FROM the sonic bombardments of the ... I'll say ... Wireless speakers ON STEROIDS today!!!! helloooooooo?????? omg!!! REALLY?!!!!--- Do I have to be IN this soupy-CRRRAPPPP???
.... I can't even Clean in this atmosphere!!!
My Virgo is FRRRRUSTRATED--- She wants to clean dammit!!!! So, STOP It!!!
OMG..... ROF LMAO.....
You JUST have to HUG ME, and, O, can you Hand me that Bottle of Tielenolssss?


I apologize for not being professional, as some folks have requested. ...
I can do that, but, NOT this minute!!!!!!! omg.

So. I throw myself at the mercy of my Committed Friends who have answers and solutions that I cannot see for my own self.

Please help with this before it gets too too too late for me? And, I don't even know what 'late' is now... that is sooooo boggling. I can barely think in this atmosphere.

Yes, my darkest fears HAVE been LOOMING.... And, these could actually come true for me, IF, I don't get the physical support I need.

I almost want to say that whoever touches me first, gets my heaviest vote? I KNOW there are some Humanitarian Hearts out there reading my posts.... Please add your concerns to my very life. If I don't make it out of here, I'll never have a chance at living the rest of my life in a way that Benefits Society.

I want to PROFIT Society, not Cost her.

Gosh.... They're just pounding away today here. I might be tied to my speakerphones today, to survive the day.... I really feel like crap in this atmosphere...

my heart and heartbeats get so confused


So anyways! .... I had seen a birthday list today. I clicked on it, and it brought me to a chart where I took a rabbit trail of research ... that led me to my old stockbrokerage bosses name.

I worked at among stockbrokers (six of them, on a special floor), with five of them represented on the Forbes list of the 400 wealthiest families(or individuals) in the world.

I found my boss's biog information on the web.

He was a Gemini 22+/23 degrees, (my H7)
with a LEO Moon 15-27+. (My H8)
His North Node was 16.30 Cancer. (my H8)

His Venus Taurus was 13.54-- (my H5)
next to my own Venus at 12.37 Taurus.

We BOTH had our Saturn in Scorpio...
We SHARED the aspect of a "Venus Opp Saturn".

He was the #2 top broker IN THE WORLD when I worked for him early 80s.
(The #1 broker lived in Japan.)

I held Wealth in my hands every day....
While, at the same time, the market was crashing in the early 80s.

He used to get travel magazines, and I remember asking him if I could keep the issue on Bali as it was sooo Beautiful...

(Coincidently without my realizing, my bro2 was also at that time singing the lead male role in that musical associated with it, on a non-professional level, while he was young and being discovered for his talent.)

My boss's Jupiter was Aquarius 27.09 in station (to go retro) conjunct my Fortuna at 28+ Aquarius which conjuncts my P.of.Famous Friends. (my H3)

His Neptune Leo is near 'his own' last name-asteroid. (in my H8 Cancer).

His Pluto 13+ Cancer... in my 7th House Gemini.

He had a water Mars 29.58 and Uranus 29.16 in PISCES... (my H(3)aqua)

His Mars-Uranus Pisces trined my asteroid Banks 29.28, and Mercedes 29.36, in my Cancer H8. LOL!!!

(My progressed Mercury is there now, and progressed Venus ON my natal Jupiter Cancer 27+. My p'Uranus has been there on that cluster too.)

One good omen I will take of today's discoveries (of my boss's placements).. is that I had bought a silly tinsel Rudolph ornament to go next to my Christmas Tree ornament here next to the computer, and when I saw his Sun Degree, and I looked at my asteroid placement databook, I found this...


My BOSS'S Sun was on degree of my 44613 Rudolph!!!-- meaning, Overcoming disadvantages, and comin' from Behind....

AND!!! Would you believe... right now

tRudolph is in 3+ Scorpio
due to reach my Juno in next degree.

tSanta (1288) is crossing my Progressed Ascendant right now.

C'monnnnnn Christmas.... It's my FAVORITE Time of Year!

(And I am infinite in Patience... Yes, it has to BE right, with the Right People.)

I have asteroid Yes at 3+ Pisces near Bonus! LOL

(music) It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (Andy Williams, on stage) [2:29]

(There's a trend now of people holding still like mannequins... like in that old vid! LOL)

I'm planning to explore looking into becoming my own small business... See what that can hold for me. WHEN!!! I can get to it????? LOL.

I feel like crrrrapppp and I want my self to look ~all Good when I walk in to that office. I was on my way there that day, when I became sooo bummed out about the elections. I'll retrace my steps there.

It DOES seem a bit whelming to me-- I suck at forms, I suck at so many of those 'new' kinds of things. I have confidence that I can still Learn....

It's just location location location ... for today.

I'm sorry if it bothered people that I wrote my despairs again. I 'do' have a body. LOL.

I was glad too, when some vidders were saying that things WOULD clear up soon. So, I'm GLAD of that.

I need to re-establish myself. I get along with rm... (obviously, after all these years). We adjust to each other, as what it should be in any relationships. He's up north right now, freezing his arse!!! LOL *snow* celebrating Thanksgiving with his family and extendeds this year.

Afraid to succeed? (my Pallas 21.50 Sag in H1)...

ref joke-- Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No....... LMAO

Aw heck....

I'm NOT going to quit trying. I may have my sonic meltdowns (because it really really hurts while they're doing it),
but whenEVER the levels come down, I GO UP.

Not going to proofread this, because I'd probably delete the whole thing.... Did that yesterday. Not good for communications?, when you can't use your words. (I apologize). AND, I remain Hopeful for solutions.

I'm chicken to post, but heck, chicken, poultry, TURKEYS???? Go fer it.

And again....
I DO know that some people just hate it when I write this kind of post. But, this is the real person that I am.
If any of you have me on your team, you NEED the sense of who I Be---

... I Be Beautiful (inside, so Elegant, AND Funny)...
though on the outside I could use some rest-repairs right now... not denying. There's a reason they call it 'Beauty' rest.

When you get me, you get ALL of me...
and everything else too--- good or bad.
Hopefully (I believe) the not-so-bad...
I'm a Good Sport, and I'm teachable, and adaptable (where I can tolerate physically).

Sending Lots of Love....

{Edited for clarification and corrections,
on Wed, Jan 18, 2017...
in prep for the New Moon in Aquarius 8+,
on Mon/Tues January 27/28, 2017.}

Many times, I'll edit my posts, but the edits don't always last. Sometimes the post goes back to uncorrected original.

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Posts: 15192
From: us
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posted November 23, 2016 11:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 15192
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posted November 23, 2016 11:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My 11:22 "mystery post" has surfaced from the other day. (Thank you Randall.)

This morning, in the aftermath of a really bad day, I may have just "lost" any and all enthusiasms there.

I may leave that up for a while, then, edit a bit-- I think it's an interesting example of the effects of synastry in charts...

HASHTAG Who Wants to be A Millionaire?..

RUlES: To win you must submit Birth Certificate with TOB, A copy of your Natal Chart.

Write paragraph attached to it as to 'why' I should think about going into business with you. What you have to offer, along with a synastry chart if you want to apply!

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Posts: 15192
From: us
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posted November 24, 2016 08:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you to the Powers of The Gremlins that rebooted my above-posts again.

I fell into a really dark place yesterday afternoon. Went to the corner store. Bought a small bag of potato chips and some orange soda-pop, and just 'stayed' with myself.

Sometimes my life can just feel sooo dark and empty. Yet, so filled. Filled with promise that 'I can do this'.

Minnow... you helped me pick up the pieces last night. Sonja... helping me 'know the difference between toxic and helpful', you're just Beautiful (inside and out).
RL... I hear ya.

{{Also CJ's prayers... thank you. So appreciated.}}

So many of you are quite dear to me, even though I've never met you.

Not giving up long-term.... It's those little hiccup short stumbles that happen from a pile up of unprocessed issues that give way sometimes. But, those come further apart than they had for me before-- so, that's good. That's a sign of long-term progress.

On this Thanks Giving Day, I express Gratitude to my virtual friends, and the Good they Perform for the benefit of sooo many Others, for free every day, or weekly (LOL).

Sometimes I have no idea if I am just a General person, but it 'feels' sooo specific and special. Therefore, I 'claim' it for myself.

Thank you sooo much for helping me rebuild my life every day. (Too many to list right now, and I wouldn't want a single one of you to NOT be appreciated as much as you are.)

I guess I'm a perfectionist? (crying and laughing here). I try so derrrnnnn hard!! haha. Getting in my own way???? It's a struggle, and sometimes I'm scared (~terrified?) that I'm NOT going to make it?, but, as one has said on various occasions, taking things 'Inch by inch, is a synch'...

As a saggi-rising self (as well as a lot of cappy rising -- intercepted chart H3/9), my over-achiever takes on too much, with too many details, and I miss forests for the trees.


In a Voice of Collective Gratitude to ALL those who help others through EVERY form of social media, I want to express this song to all the inspirers out there... (Myself included.) We don't realize the impact of our spirit and words sometimes... in the Ability to Do Good. We all Count.

For the Light that you shine in some types of dark corners for Others.

(music) Wind Beneath My Wings (Bette Midler, lyrics) [4:59]

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Posts: 15192
From: us
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posted November 24, 2016 09:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Happy Thanksgiving Day, America!

.... rrruuunnnnn!!!

*Turkeys Love Vegans*

(music) Simple Gifts (arr by Peter Bloesch for chorus & piano; lyrics) [4:35]

(Verses 1 & 4: American Shaker text /
Verses 2 & 3: by Peter Bloesch)

’Tis a gift to be simple, ’tis a gift to be free,
’Tis a gift to come down where we ought to be.
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
’Twill be in the valley of love and delight.

When true simplicity is gained,
To bow and to bend we shan’t be ashamed.
To turn, turn, will be our delight,
Till by turning, turning we come ’round right.

’Tis a gift to be gentle, ’tis a gift to be wise,
’Tis a gift to see God’s wonder with our eyes.
And when we find ourselves in the Heart of Love ..
We will share our desire for Peace from above. (Refrain)

’Tis a gift to be loving to our neighbor and friend,
’Tis a gift to be in union to the end.
And when we have the grace to stand in the light,
We will lavish our neighbors with love and delight. (Refrain)

’Tis a gift to be simple, ’tis a gift to be free,
’Tis a gift to come down where we ought to be.
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
’Twill be in the valley of love and delight. (Refrain)

’Tis a gift to be free!
’Tis a gift to come down where we ought to be!

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Posts: 15192
From: us
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posted November 24, 2016 10:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

(topic) I Thank You God For This Most Amazing Day (Recording of E. E. Cummings (1894-1962) reading his poem) [1:29]

Eric Whitacre hears the Sounds of Heaven... FILLS and Raptures my Soul!

(music) I Thank You God for This Most Amazing Day (E.E. Cumings words, Eric Whitacre, BYU 1999) [7:00]

Giving Thanks for Everything

(music) For Every Mountain (Kurt Carr Singers, lyrics) [5:16]

He Kept Me...

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Posts: 15192
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posted November 24, 2016 05:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Things work out with perfect timing sometimes.


You know how rm has not been able to return to work because of a DOT exam he needed to pass? ... He's required to use one of those CPAP type machines at night, and the one he's had is older and doesn't have the technology that doctors use for automatic technological readings now.

The insurance company was SUPPOSED to pay for his new one earlier this year, but things kept getting hung up in the process, and rm was taking his time getting at the task.

By end of September, rm was told by the DOT doctor (who certifies him for working) told him that he needed a certain read-out, which ONLY comes out well, on the new machines.

Rm had had the test on the older machine, but the test (electronic) came back blank. They tried it a second time, and the DOT doctor decided to refuse results because he wasn't going to be able to download it(?).

Rm tried so many times, between 3 doctors (one of which went on vaca for a week and was unreachable!!), the insurance company, and the machine-provider, rm couldn't get anywhere with coordinating and getting what he needed (to get back to work!).

He finally got a call the other day (while he's away up north for Thanksgiving) that there was a breakthrough, and the NEW machine will be available for him on the 28th (NewMoon Sag is in his 6th house Scorpio!). The testing everyone needs will be performed next week, so that he can get back to work (hopefully) first week of December.

In the mean time, he's "lost" around one-month's worth of wages over all this fiasco.

The two good things?... He was off from work for weeks!!! which was good for him. And, he's got a new machine.

It was also good for a practice 'reality' run, deciding what he was going to do about retirement, and, ways he would need to construct activities in his everyday life after retirement.

(My H2 Cappy cusp, is insync with rm's H8 cusp. DarthPluto mutual crossings. LOL)

Here's the really good part....

BECAUSE I couldn't scrape up the extra dollars to pay my dentist for a cap I would be needing on a molar -- (when I had saved up enough, her price went UP???? $500???? *jawdrop*) -- I WILL have the funds needed to 'cover' this month's rent at our apartment.
.. I had asked the dentist to hold my money on deposit for me. She agreed, also saying that I could have that money back in a heartbeat if I suddenly needed it.
.. There were soooo many times when I kept thinking I was just going to 'risk' that money and go ahead and travel to have visited some places--- It's sooo fortunate that I never spent that money. Rm himself (with or without me) wouldn't have been able to make his rent for December. *thumbsup*

Rm strongly insists to pay back that money to me. I told him that the money is pinned for fixing my tooth (or other dental work I would have needed in an emergency). So, as long as I can still put off dentist visits, that I didn't need that money back right away.

AND!!!, I said, that if I start making money, he won't have to.

ThankyouJesus !!!

(music) I've Got A Feeling (Everything's Gonna Be Alright) (Eddie Ruth Bradford, from album Too Close to the Mirror, Gospel Music) [4:28]

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted November 25, 2016 12:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hope you get the tooth fixed.

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posted November 25, 2016 02:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
At least it's not broken or bothering me right now. Getting the cap would be a preventative to avoid losing the whole tooth should it crack. It's mostly made of amalgam. I lost the tooth in front of it. You do know how much you use a certain tooth until it goes missing.

I'm just sooooo glad that God arranged for me to HAVE that cash on hand... otherwise it would have been a repeat of what happened in December 2013 here--- when we suddenly found ourselves in the process of being evicted from this apartment during Christmas Week.

My tooth money buys us an extra-month to figure out how to flow some finances. Rm thinks he has the idea for later (as he does have other funds to redeem that he hadn't filled out paperwork for-- which also ends up being pretty lucky right now). It was just going to be the 'now' time that had fallen too short.


Glum-paragraphs.... (awwwww)
Had a brutal night last night here (sonics). I feel 'beat up' internally, and maybe emotionally-psychologically again. I look like a character from the zombie apocalypse. It's going to be so important for me to self-care so I don't fall sick (immune system).

At least I can have Gratitude that the take-off and landing jets today are using the side-runways (either side of our building) rather than the one straight overhead. (That one DEFINITELY rocks/shivers the house with waves.)

But I feel so swollen inside me today, and my brain-matter.

I don't usually have to take tielonol during the night, but had to at 3:00am today. ....

I'm so sorry....
This is what my world here is like. And when I am shorted in sleep and already depleted from constant nerve-neuro body agitation, my emotions and mindset can get super-limited, narrowed-- even, non-functioning. Frozen.
/end of Glum!!! LOL (bein' real)

Thank GOD for knowing that I get like this, and, when things are better (sleep and sonics) then my whole outlook is much brighter.

Reminding myself in the gloominess, that the past is over.

I pulled out my Christmas decorations yesterday during a good time period, then had to abort my project *sonics*. When I plug in those Christmas Tree Lights, it will Brighten my day... I just know it.

It's a Good Thing to think about Christmas Cheer right now. And message of Hopes to anyone else who could use that right now.

Cast off those weights.... Hope, in the Season of Promise.

*I'll be doing Christmas music later*

Wishing Everyone Happiness at this Start of The Holiday Season

Wishing all those entrepreneurs Plenty of Bucks...
besides JUST the Reindeer type!!! *GRIN*

Enjoy your the Weekend Everyone...

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posted November 25, 2016 02:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Sent out With a Sense of Fullness and Great Blessings

(music) Pat a Pan (Mannheim Steamroller) [5:02]

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posted November 26, 2016 01:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

(music) Tune Thy Music to Thy Heart (Thomas Campion 1567-1620; Michael Ushino, Conductor, UCI 2010) [2:51]

(music) The Christmas Concerto , Concerto Grosso in Gminor, Op.6, No. 8 (Arcangelo Corelli 1653-1728, Freiburger Barockorchester) [15:30]

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posted November 27, 2016 12:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You find the best smilies!

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posted November 28, 2016 01:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted November 29, 2016 09:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I like that one.

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posted November 29, 2016 03:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I propose that The Christmas Tree should be adopted as the International symbol of Love and Sharing.

*ahem* I call Special Privilege to Name this International symbol?


NorthNode- NewMoon eclipse Capricorn 2.58'51" (1954)

My PreNatal Eclipse occurred six clock minutes after Midnight on Christmas Day 1954 in the part of the world that my mother had her womb-- with ME in it. *grin*
... I'm pretty certain she was in church with extended family for the Midnight Mass High Festivities (RC).

So... I guess that you can say that Christmas became part of the Creation imprint for my Life.

My mother was probably confirmed with the communications that she was pregnant (probably by Dec 10 for the Full Moon in Gemini that year) occurring a few degrees conjunct her Sun for that Christmas.
Venus in Scorpio was opposite her own Venus (mom and I shared Venus Taurus).
It was probably very HIGHLY Celebrated and Joyous news for BOTH sides of the family--- News of The First Grandchild to be born in both families!

My mom's awaited Due Date was June 20 or 21--- LOL. Would you Believe??? Would have occurred on a long-duration SouthNode TOTAL-Eclipse of the New Moon Gemini at 28.05.

I guess God chose to give me 'His Heart on the Galaxy' (NorthNode-GC Sagittarius), rather than to over-emphasize my placement of SouthNode on His Polestar (F.S. Polaris).

(Today and for next few days, tMercury conjuncts my North Node in Sagittarius.)

SO!!! ... Instead of becoming a Late Gemmy, I was BORN as an Earlier Gem, the early evening of Pentecost Sunday (Whitsunday).

I was Baptized a week later DURING the moments of a PostNatal FullMoon Eclipse at 14+ Sag-- my H1-- on the GreatAttractor, with the NorthNode on the Galactic Center??? ....

What was GOD Planning and Doing????? ....

More Eclipses?? haha
Had my Lucid Dream 'Conversion Experience' during a Full Moon Eclipse to 23Libra--
(The placement of my Urania and Neptune in the 10th!! uh... that's Astrology with Higher Spirituality???, or, a Cosmic Imaginative Creativeness??, -- with my trine to Merc and Mars, and the third H3 cusp?) haha, I guess I'm 'writing' about it, in local and nonlocal reality of 3rd house and Aquarius?!!
That Eclipse 23 Libra occurred during the Holy Week of Eastertime April 1987. ... Those same degrees have been active during some recent eclipses.

I'm have a spiritual inward God-Hungry Soul -- that Loves Imagery and reverences God's Cosmos with a Saggi Hope for everyone living under it!!

(sorry...I'm a bit worn right now, my bodybatteries and touch of gloom. ..
Always Maintaining Cheer through it, though.
I'm a Fighter...
I might get down, but I get back up again,
then again, and again, and again. )

Weeping endureth for a night... but JOY comes in the morning...


(music) O Christmas Tree (Cedarmont Kids, lyrics) [1:23]

And for all those romantics at Heart who love the Hallmark Christmas movies.... Let's Dream.

I'm using this particular vid... I like what Kris Kristofferson is saying about Barbra... I agree. AND, lol, with tNeptune squaring the tSun (AND my own Sun right now) describes the kind of 'remoteness' and surreality I feel in it right now...

(music) Evergreen (Barbra Streisand) [4:28]

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posted November 30, 2016 07:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hallmark has their own cable channel now.

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posted November 30, 2016 08:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Pearlty     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Mirage, left me a voice mail this morning and wanted me to convey the message, she is having internet connection problems today.

Ps: Loving the Christmas inspired posts & music above M..

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posted November 30, 2016 08:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yay! Repair guy came and we're back up online.

When the internet doesn't work the landline doesn't either.

Since the dentist office has had busy phones, I decided to go in person to get my deposit for cap refunded so rm and I will pay the rent for Dec 1st. ... Wipes me out for financial cushion or reserves. No gift exchanging this year. (I doubt he'll be able to pay it back to me, for maybe a year. ... That's the part that I've had to be 'dealing' with myself. I 'need' for that 'gift' to be 'clean'-- Thinking of myself as financially very sound, and full, and I'm being the philanthropist that my chart says I can be!! I was made a Blessing to Give! Thank You Lord!.. Love it.)

On the afternoon of the New Moon Sagittarius I got a phone call from the Legal Aid place, saying that I passed their background checks and now they'd like me to come in for orientation, then training (as a volunteer phone screener). They warmly apologized for not calling me sooner-- delays (vacationing personnel). I replied that I'd thought they weren't interested... She said no. They were very glad to have me.

Until any other thing happens (~wild card haha), I'll stay steady to be volunteering one afternoon a week (as my basic commitment). I could sign up for more hours if I decided to.

(Still thinking about going to small business bureau and 'asking' questions. I can at least have that as a way of exchange if I get brave enough to charge to read charts (I need PRACTICE first??? LOL), or do some small projects?)

Maybe someone will know someone who is looking to hire (some part time) downtown here? (That's my mind thinking Possibility!)

I've still not given up on my interest in studying The Cosmos and pondering its deeper mysteries.

(I know some of you read/sense energy levels.... I'm sorry I feel really drained and low right now. It's my 'bod' weary of *the usual*... Just because I don't mention it, doesn't mean it stopped.

So, if you sensed my study passion-level shift a bit-- it's partly from needing to deal with physical drain (probably Saturn in my 1st.. or, this NewMoon was opposite my Sun H6 exact). Plus..... I haven't really taken any 'break' from having astro on the brain. It's nice to have reached a deeper place right now inside me, and to steep in that a bit. Getting to know who I am more. Sorting things. Looking at things from perspectives I hadn't thought of before.

With rm ... he's financially tripped over his own self.
I've been dealing with feelings about that....

What it did is to awaken little pits of fear. I've been caught in situations (marriages, roommates, others) before where I'm being the one who not only bailed people out (because I had mercy).

Someone said something... yes, I am strict on myself and it's such a vise. I (right now) can feel the effects of that on my body. (Cool to be able to distinguish.)

I guess that's were thinking and breathing in a sense of Grace and to relax into it, would serve me better.

OH!!! ... When I went to board the bus, SANTA CLAUS was driving it! hahahaha. The interior was decorated with garland and Christmas lights. Christmas Songs were playing over the speaker system.

Loved it!!! ... But when I asked Santa to do a HO HO Ho over his microphone?, he wouldn't play. Maybe too soon to be jolly? awww. I offered to be his Elf! .. I made sure the ride was fun for the people I was with... asking them questions about their own celebrations, children, grandchildren.

So... not having internet this morning and afternoon showed me what a virtual creature I've become. And I was sooo glad I had books I could turn to for my info.

No, not backwards.... Going Forward!!
That's what I want.

(music) Get Together (The Youngbloods, 1967, lyrics) [4:38]

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posted December 01, 2016 08:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wishing you a surprise windfall.

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posted December 01, 2016 12:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Randall, you know I don't whole quote things usually... But I will symbolically "take" this, and add an Angel with it.

Originally posted by Randall:
Wishing you a surprise windfall.

Just as you posted this at 8:38 am, I was on my morning walk, just grappling with having to give all that money over to our landlord... (due by the 3rd-- I transferred money yesterday into my account). And as I was rounding a certain corner, I had this ~message-imprint (angelic?) to me to go ahead and pay this-- that 'God's Got My Back'? Perfect synchronicity there, Randall.

I've GOT to stop worrying... because this is not good for health. LOL. (Laughing, I've got health transits coming?, and I've GOT to lower stressors so it 'passes my by' without negative event... That's what astrology can warn about? -- Hey God?! THANK YOU!!!! Give me 'duck'wax for such a thing... Let it pass me by with grease/Grace!)

Whatever happens WILL be in Perfect Timing.

I'm cropping my post before submitting. I see the astrology of HIS (rm) chart so perfect with this... including the money I had placed on deposit with the dentist, March 30, because she had hiked her prices up 500 at e.o. 2015 (for caps). He had something at work that happened that was SEMI-out of his control (yet not), coinciding that SAME bracket of time.

The Astrology of this is soooo darn fascinating. How could anyone deny that this stuff isn't real?

And it hurts me that some people lump astrology in with witchcraft, because it's not. The sky was God's Diary and Notation system available for us to use. Astrologers for CENTURIES have been compiling the information. It's an Art of Interpretation, based on some Journaling and validity through interesting Observance?



GOD, Grant me the Wisdom...
Please Give me the Courage, Lord. ...

Help me be steady and Adaptable... You Know what I need.
I Trust You.
My Life is IN Your Hands and Your Good Keeping.

Laughing through tears again today.... I've GOT to learn to relax better. Nothing happens that God doesn't have the Answer to, or the Doors opening... Haha? They say that when a door closes, a Window opens???

*ahem* ...

Well, ~MY Windows are Beautiful FrenchDoors kinds of windows....

Hashtag-- Elegant Mind and Imagination

*music* A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes...

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posted December 02, 2016 12:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I looked at some of my asteroids around where the transiting North Node is traveling right now in Virgo my H(9) Leo.

The tNN was ON my name-asteroid in Virgo 7.49. I'm having a visit from tJESUS 3241 Yeshuhua was 6.20 ... Right now the Moon is on my Jesus Capricorn 11+.

When GOD's message said He had my back? He arranged to have transiting Jesus-NN ON my ninth house name precisely then. LOL


I just discovered that Kim Clement died.
I used to watch his intense and sometimes surreal worship-prophecy programs on TV.

Kim Clement
b. Sept 30, 1956
Uitenhage, South Africa
d. November 22, 2016 ~2:50 a.m.
Southern California
He had a stroke a few years ago. His brain continued to hemorrhage in slow trickle. He died from complications of pneumonia.

This is his testimony/biographical info.

One of the things he's known for is his prophecies since mid 2000s saying that Donald Trump was chosen by God to lead the nation...

His website and store of archived music + prophecy sessions. (Lots of stuff on youtube too.)

His Sun 6-7 Libra trine Chiron Aquarius.

LEO Uranus 6+,
LEO Moon-Venus 23+-Pluto.
Pluto 29+ Leo.
Mercury-rx 29+Virgo.
Neptune 29+ Libra.
Saturn 29+ Scorpio.
Sagittarius NN 0+.

... Condolences to all his family, his friends, and associates, church members. God's Blessing of Peace and Healing be upon you.

(topic) Kim Clement Memorial (posted Nov 23, 2016, Alt-News) [2:49]

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posted December 02, 2016 01:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm amazed at these little rocks.

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posted December 03, 2016 09:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You are a testimony to Asteroids.

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