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Author Topic:   Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others

Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted December 12, 2016 11:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Randall:
"Oh, Christmas tree..."

(music) O Christmas Tree (instrumental, lyrics) [2:35]

(music) The Holly & the Ivy (Mediaeval Baebes) [3:08]


(music) Carol of the Bells / God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (12 Cellos, The Piano Guys, instrumental) [3:46]

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posted December 13, 2016 09:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

(music) Coming Around Again (Carly Simon) [3:35]

(music) Windmills of Your Mind (Peter Grant) [3:01]

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posted December 13, 2016 09:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

(music) Away in a Manger (Libera, feat. Robert Prizeman) [2:57]

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posted December 13, 2016 11:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I've heard that there are doors open...
I need to know 'where' and 'which' doors are being talked about? ...

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted December 14, 2016 04:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
There's always a door. Always.

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posted December 14, 2016 07:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That place I've offered to volunteer for? ... They sent me an email late today.

Apparently I passed some of their extreme vettings. (Working with some very private and sensitive information, so in this process, I'll be considered bonded, I believe).

They want me to come in for training, afternoon of Tuesday January 3.

I sent her an email back.....

"IF I haven't received my Dream Relocation and Job-Offer-of-a-Lifetime by then?, then sure!" ... LOL

She sent back the confirmation, closing with the line that she looks forward to 'my sense of humor'!

What she REALLY didn't know, is that, I'm NOT kidding!!!

more songs of the Season, later...

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted December 15, 2016 01:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted December 15, 2016 04:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
*thanks for listening.... *

edit... Dec 16

We anonymously were sent a box of frozen foods and meats through UPS. (We were going to have to do without a Christmas Dinner.)

No gift card accompanied the order. (?Could have been one of his relatives?)

How COOL is 'that' ?!

(music) Angels We Have Heard on High (Sarah McLachlan, lyrics) [3:37]

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted December 16, 2016 08:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
God is great. Enjoy the dinner.

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posted December 16, 2016 01:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You KNOW that reminds me of a song, Randall! ....

And yeah, yeah, God is Great
yeah, yeah, God is Good---
What If GOD was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us?
Trying to make their way Home?..

(music) Sarah Simmons 'One of Us' (The Voice, 2015 Highlight) [1:38]

I am having a surreal morning, and, early afternoon....

I feel ---- SUCH a Love.... Such a Power.

I feel ---- Incredibly so insignificant, YET....

Yes, The Power of Words. I am soooo incredibly humbled. Intensely widely humbled in the BEST way... not a low self-esteem way today. ... in the Best way.

Talk about Relationships?... o my. Virtuality? creates inside me a kind of cognitive-dissonance. It's like, Is 'this' really happening to ME?

AM I, Have I, really been able to Make A Difference in the World......... Words, are Levers. Words, Loyalty, Forgiveness. Having the right place within, to balance your fulcrum.

"Fulcrum" (meaning, Oxford Dictionary) is the point on which a lever rests, or is supported, and on which it pivots.

That meaning .... is soooo Deep. Soooooo incredibly deep, especially in the Light of Relationship.

Yes, for my own gemmy self, and everything I've been through as far as some heavy and extreme hardships, and the cognitive dissonances... that (laughing, yet serious) I put others through too.... not Believing that they were real and really really 'for' me? ...... Today, once more. I'm reduced and exalted into Heavenly Tears and extreme extreme Gratefulness.......

I was out on my walk the other early evening. Some people here in the 'hood have lavishly decorated the outside of apartments with SUCH exquisite Beautiful arrangements of lights.....

I had been in the midst of such miserableness, frustrations. I recalled how some people say that when you find yourself being TOO caught up in the tiny little details (single colored light), it's time to draw back a bit.... and take in ALL the color, the WHOLE scene, the entire Composite. Allll Thossseee Beautifulllll LIGHTS. ....

You have no Idea 'How Beautiful' you ALLLL Are to me. I wish you all could see yourselves in my Composite Universe.

Anyways! LOL....

I also got an eyeshot of that BIG HUGE Beautiful Moon still occupying the sky....

I had been also reading my Oken! LOL One of my Favorite Writers... A book that I crack open and just Drink. He provokes INCREDIBLE Images in my mind from time to time. .. Always had. {hug}

I was reading sections of Pisces, and Scorpio.... and his Beautiful descriptions. His discussions of religions, and symbols.

Looking at that Moon... for an instant, I was FILLED with one of the things he said about the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. Born INTO this earth Incarnation as a stellium Pisces, H3... the Community of Our Humanity.

"Christ" -- awakened, God Within.

Because HE walked as GOD... He made it Possible for US to walk therein, in the Same Manner.

When we 'take on Christ' and delve into that Mystery where second-sight is Born, then WE can Walk this Earth as HE Himself did.... In Heaven In Earth. UPON the Earth.

We take on HIS Divinity... Creating and involved in the mission of RE-Creating His New Heaven and New Earth here, Together.

Pisces... representing the Feet.


Pisces ... must serve, but if the motivations for such service are based on greed, he will swim downstream to oblivion.
If however he is motivated by Love , he will reach an inner fulfilment which will bring him the greatest joy and peace.
-- Oken, AOCA, page 163, Chapter called:

Pisces-- "I seek My Self and I Don't Seek My Self."

.... "WE" .... WE All, are Beautiful, Together.

(music) How Beautiful (Twila Paris, lyrics) [5:02]

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted December 17, 2016 11:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That was the theme song to an amazing tv show called Joan of Arcadia.

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posted December 17, 2016 02:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
(I had done some editing on that post... It's not as clear as my edit was, but the essential message is still there.)

~~ AND Speaking of the Catholics?! lol
(haha, ref Joan of Arc)

Today is a Celebration Day for Pope Francis.

Happy Birthday, Papa Francis!

Blessed Servant for GOD. Peace , Tolerance, and GoodWill.

Wishing you a long life, Protection, and Great Health and Increased Spiritual Wealth!

(music) Let There Be Peace On Earth (from Interreligious Ceremony at Ground Zero, United Nations, Sept 25, 2015.. with Pope Francis in attendance) [5:37]

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted December 18, 2016 05:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted December 19, 2016 09:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wonder if he's into Astrology?

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posted December 19, 2016 05:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My post at 4:44pm MAY have just poofed.

I just want to say how thrilled I am 'at the possibility of being' able to relocate, as I see that this is still open to me.

I am Willing to Wait... if that is Most-Appropriate.....

I've heard some saying that we DON'T have ALL pieces of puzzle yet.... ? And some say that this is NOT the time for making life-altering decisions? ...

I want to do this the right way.... So, I am wont to be Patient and wait and see what comes up. I DO want to move forward with my life. And I thank everyone for Loving me.

I think part of my fear was the 'abandonment' possible issue?

I think I was seeing everything in terms of ONE shot, then you're done.

You all KNOW that I could talk myself OUT of things soooo easy sometimes....

I DO want to Advance Forward. I wasn't kidding anyone about anything.... I AM looking for whatever could be done. I am interested in whatever is there....

Thank you thank you thank you a million times, for Believing in me (when I didn't believe in my own self). And for STICKING with me through my despairs and my Searching for REAL Meaning in life.

I know this maybe hassles folks.... And, I LOVE you alllll sooooo much. Just... again. Thank you.

Don't lose me.... as I trudge on.... I think some of you really really Understand. And I am soooo Humbled.

I need to just 'accept' ... And that this will be a REALLY good thing for me.

Just THANK you....

Warning --- oh nooooo?????? LOL. You KNOW this is Christmas. C'mon. I'll be posting an url for a Christmas pageant I saw the other day, that was INCREDIBLY inspiring, thrilling, and I think 'does' have a good message for those who Birth ... in the Cosmos ... right now.

That will come later.


The sonics here HAVE been HARSH.... LOL!!!!!

My other message MAY be covering over this post here, .... as happens at LL from time to time.

You are all soooo shiny to me. I can't wait to Hug some Necks!!!!

Greetings, and WONDERFUL BLESSINGS on you All!

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posted December 19, 2016 08:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow... ~~~waves of energies~~~ Changes.

Prayers for Situations in the World.
I'd been sensing something amiss for a few days...
For Peace (In the Heavens) to Settle upon the Earth...
and to Quell any and all Lashbacks.
That these be Safely Contained.

{{Sending Love to the Wounded}}
God! Send your Light of Hope, to help misunderstands, and lift those in despairs rage and frustrations.

... *Center* ... *Quiet* ...

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted December 20, 2016 01:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It did poof?

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posted December 21, 2016 02:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh well, Randall... Mercury???

Anyways, it was one of my more mystical posts, and, I was sending Healing to those who had had Religious Woundings in their lives--- being told that 'they' as a person, were wrong to Love the way they Love, and who felt, growing up, like they couldn't Belong to this Earth.

When I had come across that story several days ago, it just broke me down into deep tears and solemn prayers for those who had experienced that in their life now.

I had also been having some wide-open kind of grainy (fantasy) memories of things pertaining to a certain medieval Revolutionary girl-woman whom I've admired and meta-folks had referenced her with me before in various times of my life-- some eerie synchronicities. NOT AT ALL that I was ever she, but I think a tiny granule piece of dust of HER intention hopes dreams and wishes, HER Devotion to the Heart of GOD and doing His Will, has been energetically very present in my lifetime, and something about 'me' has drawn resonance of that to myself. Or, it's all coincidental, and my head drawing significances. I hadn't thought of her in sooooo soooo long. And once she was on my mind, I kept seeing references to her in my world. .... Sometimes I wonder if pieces of souls like that still remain behind, in potential that they would be needed. ... In some senses, I've had the feeling that I now have started giving up on life and prospects that I'd never be able to 'figure out' the mundanity of it all... And I allowed that fight in me to lower for the outer to (temporarily) stop pushing my way forward anymore. ...

So, that was the basics of the 'state of mind' I held in that poofed post. It's MORE than a state of mind... It was an exploration of what was happening with me at that moment.

It was very very interesting the other day, when I responded to a post, where I had explored more of Ruth Hadikin's work. She is very inspirational to me.

In that post, LL's Reaching For The Stars was discussing the possible esoteric meanings of 7th House. She has a Gemini, and Gemini Ascending (Sag 7th), while I have similar Gemini placements but with a Sagittarian Soul.

I saw something MUCH clearer than I had before... and exploring that brought down more understanding about me, needing to explore a Deeper relationship with GOD, the Divine... I mean, I've known with my head that AS I learn who I am that I Serve the Collective IN the Growing.

I'd love to delineate some of that..... but right now, I'm dealing with some sleep deprivations, and on-going stimuli to my neuroSystem which has been feeling like razors and ice-chips through my body. It disturbed me this morning that I woke up 'feeling' with my emotions that I want God to come Beam Me Up, because some days, I don't know 'how' I'm going to make it through another volley of sonics. It's like it doesn't get to rest.

Right now? ... Would you believe? ... There are Industrial Cement Saws running, and men with sledgehammers, breaking up sidewalk pieces here today (for ADA compliance, wheelchair slopes for all the end-units here). Then there will probably be huge cement trucks running. Cement trucks are a horror-story to my neuro-System. Some of these huge diesels set up those anomalous migraine-loops inside my body, that revolve and revolve (ice chips), UNTIL there's an extinguishment at some point.

My environment. omg, right now...... so piercing.

Last night I had to get up (my cot was shaking and rumbling) and come to the computer and put my speaker earphones on... (omg, it's like I can barely even form words right now. sorry in advance if I'm using strange words for normal things... because I NEED to concentrate. .... *wait a minute... I don't have music through my ear pieces... Let me cue some music. Be right back.)

Okay... I'm back.... And the equipment is soooo strong outside.

Here's what I'm listening to... AND, I had used this song for sending Healing for my Friend(s) who suffered from Religious Abuse at the hands of the RC Church... this lifetime or past... {{i'm so sorry you were hurt... you didn't deserve that at all...}} {{{hug}}}

(music) We Will Rock You (Rocking Cradle, Christmas traditional lullaby, instrumental) [2:53]

I was on errands on the bus yesterday... without a book to accompany me. As some vidders had suggested, I need to HEAR what GOD/spiritual download, is saying.

That was part of the Insights I received from having looked at Ruth Hadikin again on Sagittarian Soul. (That was SUCH a Blessed Post for LL's ReachingForTheStars to have posted that url again. It 'reminds' me.)

I've been in touch inside myself with the excruciating pain of having been betrayed and excluded and denied, (H3 fam o o issues, and old mother hurts inside me.... I was raised 'in isolation' EVEN with being a labeled member-of-a-family/tribe. My mother hated touch, she never hugged... and right now with rm, I again am reminded how I have drawn towards me people who cannot reciprocate the kind of Care I give to them. It hurts. I feel so excluded from the 'Human' race at this time. ... )

As I think I said earlier in this post.... it 'disturbs' me that there is a feeling from within of wanting GOD to just cause my organs to fail. ... NO. NO, God. I want to Live, and Not Die, and Proclaim the Works of The Lord.... I'm not done yet. Please don't do that.... Cancel that prayer, God? ....
* she getting pathetic again?? ... yep. go get the towels@!!! (laughing at my own miserable ~weird self... But! I gotta Love Me, ... and I do.) (Need more tielonol... *stock tip*)

Oh! and by the way.... I think I 'heard' that I offended some folks with some humor I made? .... I don't know what it was I said, at all... Yes, I do have a flip sense of humor?, but it was never intended at anyone specifically... I just have a funny bone... and maybe some people 'read' something INTO that. I apologize if I did... Believe me when I say it was innocent, whatever that was-- it was just my participating with some humor here at LL.... Secret about me?, I laugh at my own jokes? ... My mind can come up with some hilarious things sometimes. I'm sorry if it was inappropriate, to whomever that was. I had no idea-- still not sure 'who' that was? and what I said... or what you thought I said? ... just, please forgive.

Okay... the cement cutters are on to the next sidewalk. heh... you're getting a moment-to-moment here? ... This is a view of what it's like to be IN my body, 3D. *kids screaming and crying next wall. That doesn't bother me.... their computer sense-surround GAMES might, from time to time, but kids themselves do not bother me. I'm the neighborhood kid and little-dog hugger! ...)

Okay. Things shaking-up here, but the audibles are better.

Lost my train of thought here....

Yesterday on my outing....

As a Sag rising soul, my duty is to hear from God. I even have North Node in my Sag 1st.

I kept hearing things about NN 1st meaning (primarily) you have to be economically self sufficient... But THAT belongs to H2 matters. If I do the H1 NN conjunct Galactic Center... and my Ascendant conjunct (few orbs) the Great Attractor.. then, it's about my Spiritual Mission more than (humor) amassing fortunes for myself... I Naturally Draw those kinds of fortunes to myself. ... ... 'Things' aren't as important to me, as 'people' and relationships are.... 'things' can come and go... and I've seen that in my life. I'm not INSIDE me attached to having 'things'. I want Comfort for the sake of my (sensitive) body (and senses), more than anything. I can make just-about anything Beautiful with my mind. But I 'require' comfort for my body and the organic sensitivities it has. I'm sensitive to things. I shouldn't be putting myself down for that. It's a handicap that modern innovations (concentrated woofers?) as an unintended consequence triggered in me now. This has to be taken in considerations now. It wasn't as much before... as it is now. I'm sorry if that causes more complications... It's not my Venus trying to be elegant. It's my body needing actual attention, and healing, in order to go further.

gah!! there I am being all physical again. .. I KNOW I have to strengthen my body muscles right now. I've felt so drained, and that of course leads further to being MORE tired. I try to reject that, and get all strong within, so I can further my body going out and getting stronger physical-wise.

ugh... feeling lightheaded... going on

Dogmatic religion? ...
I absolutely LOVE some of the 'inclusiveness' that some souls have soooo sooooo soooo Kindly shown me. Thank you!... You have NO idea HOW MUCH that touches me... that you respect me, and love me, for who I am inside.

My dogma-like expression.... Imagine a cup, and the space-held IN that cup. The dogma is like a cup. It's 'a cup' that I use to 'hold' the soup of the Mystery I hold Within. It's all about The Soup, and not 'the cup'. It's all about Christ, and not the exclusions that dogmatic rules would impose on me, or, the 'stereotype' map you would see me through, when I say I am a Christian. .... Many of you already DO 'get me'....

Oh. BTW... {GS}.. Mother Teresa? didn't get ostracized or punished so much for her attention to the lepers, sick, or the poor? I believe it was political-- she refused to endorse rc on their views about issues around abortion (or divorce?) that got her into hot water with the rc church. (I'll try to find the url or ref for that. ... uh, no promises though! LOL. Taking bigger bites than I can chew? ... arrghghg. I want to break that Saggi-asc stereotype that 'we' don't finish what we start?? I TRY> FOR really REAL. Laughing... If I 'say' I'm going to do something, I LIKE to fulfill it, in as certain a way as I can. If I cannot, then, I try to inform.)

My! This post is all over the place???

In general..... of course I have an intense interest in astrology. Correct astrology?... and I have strange mystical interests with that too? (.. if that even makes any 'sense' to ME? ... laughing.)

I know I have to ground myself in 'doing' something? ....

I think it's as Jean was saying about her interpretations of Nessus... ? I have a kind of cognitive distortion? ... On one hand, I can speak to just about anyone on something in their charts. I can counsel people (who have walked my path) about some things in spirituality. I love writing and communicating ideas, spiritual ideas. AND!, the distortion comes with thoughts of making an income doing those things (as my own entrepreneur person). I sincerely feel that I need to know more about some things in astrology.... It takes a long time for me to imbibe some of the information because I'm a person who NEEDS to go-deep into a subject rather than just memorize. I need to 'grok' in order to learn and do.

I don't really have a vision of me doing charts as a full-on vision (although organically, I can see that happening? in a resisting-sense?? hahaha). I have an easy draw of customers... whatever it is I am 'selling'.... whether charts, or God/spirituality/Jesus? (LOL). I am about 'people' first, more than business?

You KNOW my first-draw is always towards GOD, and Listening (as it should be, according to my chart).

My 'job' is to BE. BE in GOD, and (scripture) 'everything else' will follow...

Money will follow, income will follow, support will follow.

I 'support' the Teachers and Communicators (reflecting back on my post with RTS/Hadikin). Right now, I do this through words here, and with my affections and love. And I do it too--- by resonance spiritually.

So... I'm a bit of a mess today. Need to go take care of my body... so I'll "have one???" when my opportunity for Change comes? Hopefully, I can remain IN a Body??? LOL, and Walk the Heavens and The Earth with some of the greatest souls still inhabiting it. WE have a job to do still.... Maybe God has not given up Hope on us having a Miracle...?

Yes.... omg.... Aleppo. I cry cry cry. All the things in Europe, omg. I have not followed the Standing Rock folks as closely, because I 'need' to protect my innerSenses. AND, I do in a 3rd way, send my support to you. .... I'd probably get toooo pisssedddd off if I'd follow that story too closely. That's part of 'me'... politically? So, please pardon me if I am not as 'present' IN it, for now.

Again, I want to apologize that I can't send my tiny tiny contributions to my patreon folks and with paypal people. My monthly check just went UP 3 dollars, WHICH caused my foodstamps to be LOWERED, and my medical insurance is INCREASED around 30. .... If I continue to be here into the NewYear, I will HAVE to find a way to purchase new sneakers for myself and eventually a few more pieces of 'businessy' type attire (from salvation army, WHICH is VERY expensive!!! duh... ??? haha, not yelling at you, just *them* alien. LMAO).... If I'm still here, I need to be more properly dressed for the Volunteer job that I will start trainings for, Jan 3.
So, saying that, to say I couldn't afford any of the 'deals' that people were offering for the holidays. sorry. I HAVE to walk in the responsible 3D world of managing dwindling 'real' funds.

I'm going to post this without a proofread.

I apologize in advance for any mis-speaking?? (~oy, help?)

Oh. I would sign up for a yt account... still wanting to feel more secure about that. AND, I was having a hard time deciding on my name issue. Whether to use a creative name, or my real name. .... I'm going to stall that decision until later, when there's more clarity?

Also... There's this super weird crunchy debate going on within me, which has also been being so illusive to me. It's like a tearing between my mystical interests, and the dogmatic ones. Some of you were right on about that.

I'll look forward to receiving communications? ...
Will endeavor to do more posts here, as the spirit brings me things, or songs.

Definitely gotta do my Hannukah songs later? *Heart*

And I Wish a Merry Solstice ... to all my Friends who Celebrate the Season in this way. (And, Saturnalia... Santa? the 1930s.... LOVED it! *thumbsup* and the Space Cross.... Thank you sooo much. .... Jesus on the Cross? ... Maybe you missed some of my posts? on that?!!!... {{I know}} lol.)

Hugs and Love across the Virtual Universe! *Tree* *Heart*

{{I HOPE I get to the bottom of things soon.... }}

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posted December 21, 2016 03:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I still am not satisfied with my 2:22pm posting. It doesn't say everything that I wanted to say... I tried to go into the first large paragraph to adjust it?, and, NO. My meanings are getting mixed up.

And I had limited my viewing of vids for a bit, so I could deal with myself here.

Thanking everyone for being magnanimous souls. I WANT to get to the Truth of everything.

*Let GOD Arise*

It's a JoY being in this Universe with you...

Christmas songs (sounding religious, btw), to follow. I love the Sounds and Lights and Sense-Realms (nostalgia? yes!) of Christmas.


(music) God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (Annie Lennox) [3:43]

(music) Walking in the Air (Peter Auty, animated movie clips, The Snowman 1982) [4:11]

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posted December 21, 2016 04:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

In a previous post I had promised to share the url to a Christmas Pageant I watched last Sunday, December 18th.

This is a World Class production. I've watched many Christmas programs. I have an appreciation of the kind of tedious and artistic work that goes into creating these kinds of productions-- either as an actor, in a small singing ensembles, or a choir member. Nostalgic memories there? Why yes of course! LOL. And it WAS a long time ago.

Nostalgia is Good! ... It can create an associative-bridge to memories, and to states of being. We can 'recreate' moments of our lives and find marvels again...

First meetings of important people to our lives. First snow you remembered?
First Song, when you met that someone special?

First Moment when you Found you had Shifted into Understanding something you never Knew or Accessed before.

Of course, *said in good humor, buffs nails*--
I DO consider myself a connoisseur for spiritual things, Layers of Consciousness, photographics and sounds/musical. (How do think I 'found' some of you??? LOL)

For those who can See the difference between 'the cup' and 'the Creative Potential' IN it, then I invite you to sit back, and take in the Inspiration in this musical.

It is basically a conversation among some really mystical-sounding Angels and Music.

It's for Spiritual people, and for Inspirational types. People who like fine arts and visual effects will enjoy this. If you are an old gospel music lover, you will recognize some of the musical motifs and nuanced arrangements.

Also! for anyone who is "going through" a HARSH Birthing Process in their lives.

This performance depicts the nostalgic story of the birth event of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem (celebrated AT Christmas Season).

This is an Innovative production -- never have seen this message presented from this unique perspective before. The ACTORS, choreography, and MUSICIANS are Professional-grade and completely OUTSTANDING.

This is a thrilling Brilliant performance by the Fine Arts Department of The Potter's House Dallas (TD Jakes church).

I believe that my Metaphysically Based Friends and Readers, (dogma aside), might see this as inspirational....

Merry Christmas (Good Job Potter's House~~ woot woot)

(music) "The Birthing Place" (Christmas Musical) at The Potter's House, 2016 [1:06:11]

{{EDIT -- CHANGED the URL.... This one has better Lighting on the actors.}}

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posted December 21, 2016 05:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
If/when you watch the Potter's House musical? ... Don't just look at this from the historical event, but PLACE yourself INTO and AS the character/body of Mary, the one who Carries The Dream WITHIN your Deep Soul.

Their rendition 'IS' rather culturally black, over a white-type show. ... You KNOW I love Gospel music anyway.... So, if you watch this, then be prepared that way.
... The comedy in this production is sooo true! Great job!!! Still laughing here.

Here's one of the Mary oriented songs, sung by a well-known group...


To ALL who Carry A Vision, A Quest, A Dream.... for the Future


(music) Mary, Did You Know? (perf by Pentatonix) [4:04]

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posted December 21, 2016 06:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for the better URL!

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posted December 21, 2016 06:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

(music) Grown-Up Christmas List (Amy Grant) [3:41]

will be Patient... no matter what

Just went for another walk around the 'hood. Construction is far from over. There may be more extreme construction (cement) work (heavy equipment, concrete-cutter saws) tomorrow and next day. My own little sidewalk might get marked for work?

I may or may not post until the most immediate of this settles down... I'll be okay. If you're sensing anything, that's what it is...

I'll remind myself to be Strong, and that 'this too shall pass'... I want everything to be Right, and in line with truth.

Will be careful while working the Wounds, pulling out if I go too deep too long, and making sure I Balance with pleasure or finding the Beauty in the Moments.

With all the industrial sawing, I may even take a sandwich over to sit in the malls to people-watch for a while. ..

Sending much Gratitude, Love, and Caring.

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posted December 21, 2016 11:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ayelet     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Mirage! Merry Christmas to you! (four more days..) How is the weather where you are? Are you getting a tree? I am not celebrating any holiday, though there's going to be a celebration where I volunteer. But who knows, perhaps some of my friends would gather a celebration. I will not be with my family this holiday. I am away from them for a long time now.
Hope you had a nice time people-watching

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posted December 22, 2016 10:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Greetings and a Hug, Ayelet ! ...
Good to see you!
And, (an Inclusive) Merry Christmas to you too! ...

The industrial cement cutters were here a bit early, and, I think they took a break? So I'm getting online to quickly check mails, etc.

I understand the loneliness behind not having a family, or people to Celebrate with. I feel that too.... *bheart*

My rm is just NOT into celebrations, holidays, birthdays, etc. He likes his chair, his TV on certain channels, and that's it. I have to pretend and make my own atmosphere of Days that be Merry and Bright...

A Tree?

I had purchased a 10-Dollar tree in an after-holiday sale one year. It's artificial, but she's pretty. I like to put up my lights and decorations up the week of Thanksgiving, then take the down after The Epiphany (The Magi visit Jan 6). ...

I have 3 strings of multi-colored Beautiful lights... one of which lays along the top of my desk and desktop. I have two ornaments (dollar) next to my screen-- a shiny Green Tree, and a silvery Reindeer. (a small crystal and a peppermint candy cane too!)

And of course, I Celebrate Christmas in and with my Heart every day that I can go-within, and Center.

whoah... o my!!!! Someone here just now jacked up their woofers. Hot hot. Gotta go!

(List: make sandwich, do People-watching at the mall!!! LMAO)

Sending Love, and Warm Peaceful Joyous Greetings to ALL.

(music) Santa Claus Is Comin´ to Town (Frank Sinatra, lyrics) [2:34]

Be Back Later... for more Christmas Carols.


You may have to slide the little grey-bar thingy thing below.... in order to reach page 67.

Turning over a Christmas Holly Leaf!!! LOL Many Blessings, and thanks for reading and adding your Good Energies.

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