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Author Topic:   Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others

Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted May 04, 2017 06:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes, Randall! I remember you talking about your accident (read it a long time ago). You could have lost your life!

I had planned to do an inspirational post today, but ~oy. Concrete pad floor feels all wobbly and shivering like a trampoline. *sonics + raw-feeling head* {hunkers!}

Job last Tuesday was very very busy. Phone kept ringing. "JUSTICE" kept Being Served! Yessss! I've been enjoying myself there very much. Job gets much easier each and every time. *thumbsup*

My boss said she expects me to attend their next Banquet. Supposed to be a very Creative affair.

I'm going to my first MeetUp tomorrow early evening. It's a Healing energy group. Their Astrology group meetup meets there too ~~ but I'm going to have to see if I can make a connect and someone can drive me home afterwards, or, to a safer bus stop. I HATE waiting for the bus, alone, after sunset (especially with bad street lighting).
Not Cool.

The DV group is still trying to get enough members. Counting the leader, there are 3 so far. You need at least 5 to 7 to have a good group.

(I used to have my own mutualsupport group when I lived way up north, late 90s, 2000. We were registered, and the State recognized us after a year. The group stopped meeting after I relo'd. I was doing "all" the work.... they came to 'receive.' Not Cool! ...
You need 'all-in participants' and not merely 'attenders'. They've gotta do their share, somehow. ..

If the DV group actually starts, that Leader will 'feel' my support. I excel at being a participant in a small groups.

Wow... things have quieted down since I started the post. This was just going to be a short one.

I attended an Eclipse live webinar yesterday... Bernadette Brady was AWESOME!!! I think at the end, there were a couple of us that had a simultaneous experience of having HUGE Gratitude towards 'this woman'.... So nice to see the live-person. I've come across her name throughout so many pages of research. It was like I wanted to pinch myself... How OFTEN do you get to tell a Hero, personally, how much you appreciate their Contribution to us. {{{ }}} That's Powerful!

They are having the final day of their webinar later on tonight.

Of course, you know I love studying those. ... heh heh, born a week before an eclipse, BAPTIZED as baby DURING a FM Sagittarian-GreatAttractor eclipse a few degrees below my Ascendant H1... had life-changing spiritual event in lucid dream DURING an eclipse.

Oh, I've been having my EXACT BML-Returns 8+9+ Sag H12, while tMARS in Gemini was ON my Sun 7+, then Priapus (h22) 8+ Gemini.

I knew that these deal with Repressed Energies. I had been dealing with increasing feelings of frustrations. Instead, I decided to research her even closer than before.

I never knew that Moon Nodal astrology is relatively new. The Liliths had been being calculated since early 1900s? I found out that there is an esoteric component to its astrological meanings. Uses a 'bowl' from the Kabballah (which I wasn't familiar with at all)? ... There are 'elements' or split-off thought energies that almost have a life of its own. And ~weirdly, I 'understand' what that is... what it speaks of. It's another piece of knowledge for me right now, that I get to put a label to. There's a lot that I Understand, that I didn't know was 'something' to know. It's in that etheric place ... the place that's hard to look straight into, except for by going through your peripheral-inner Imaginative Eye.
(I'm speaking meta-poetic type language there.)

Sending out a Group Hug, Filled with Love !!!

(music) Breathe (Faith Hill, lyrics) [4:08]

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 05, 2017 10:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I studied group dynamics and how groups develop a culture. Let us know how it goes.

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 06, 2017 03:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for the extra help you offered in Health And Healing.

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 07, 2017 02:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted May 08, 2017 12:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Glad to help, Randall!
I've seen other posts by one of the OP's. I hope they consider using my suggestions... They didn't answer. I guess they didn't like our responses. I took what others were basically telling them, then added the use of healing rocks-- earth-minerals, not sky ones LOL.

(music) {I am} Sending You Light (Melanie Demore) [3:39]

Have my V.Job tomorrow...

Hope that all have a Nice Week.

ADD...... *sonics* *sonicMondays!*
Always trying to be a trouper. LOL/crying*
I'm asking for prayers.
GOD.... ~PLEASE! solve this! !

A Positive-Thinking prayer-song.....
to dance my way to,
while I drink water,
and do another dose of ~tielenol!

(music) Jesus Will Fix it (Al Green, Live!, Gospel Music) [8:34]

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Posts: 15192
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posted May 09, 2017 10:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Taking a moment this morning to do some birthday wishes.

I'm not sure 'when' your birthday is Sonja, except that you're a Taurus. So...

Happy Zodiac Birthday, Sonja Francis!

Today is also the birthday of a singer-celebrity I have loved through many years and tears.

Happy Birthday again, Billy Joel!

(music) Just The Way You Are (Billy Joel) [5:06]

Have a Great Day, Everyone ...

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 10, 2017 10:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
How did your volunteer day go?

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Posts: 15192
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posted May 10, 2017 12:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for remembering and for asking me, Randall!
I had a FANTASTIC day yesterday, Thank you.

I had handled a caller, and after they hung up, my supervisor gave me the highest compliments!

She said she (and the others) are very impressed at my ability to help people feel 'helped' on the phone, whether we could offer them services or not.

She said she's sure that each person I help on the phone felt as though they had someone 'on their side'...

The other thing too? You know my supervisor is a 25+ Gemmy with Merc-conjunct and Leo Moon.

Found out a few weeks ago that my boss is a Gem Sun 0.53, a Merc Gem 19+, with an early Capricorn Moon.

Yesterday, I found that another member of our team is a ~2+ Sun Gemmy with a Merc-Gem 12+, Cancer Moon. (She was born two days after a NM eclipse 0-Gem.)

So ... there I was, with my own 1st-decan Gem Sun, and later Merc-Gem! (This latest person has her NN on my ascendant..) It's soooo incredible how this team is 'collected' astrologically.

*reminder*... I have Gemini on cusp of 7th (lawyers) house, and my Moon is in H(9)leo (judges and courts) house.

This place I volunteer for is a philanthropic service organization, servicing the needs of Humanity who can't afford help otherwise. A big part of our service requires the people to have minor children.

Astro-fitting again! (Thing is??? There's no money-income to it... which!, fits my Service H6 Sun (ptolemiac unaspected, with asteroid Wages conjunct Sun Gem! haha...) GOD??? What are you up to??? You KNOW I need materials-support to continue Volunteering for people?? LOL (I love this job, though!)

There are two other immediate team members I have yet to find birthdays for. What an Adventure!

I'm slowly finding out who some of the other lawyers are that I'm making client ref appointments to. Of course!.... I'll find out THEIR birthdays eventually too?

When I go to my job, it's a delicious astrology-energy laboratory. Slurrrpp!

I was standing in a room (including self) with 4 Sun and Merc GEMMIES!! What I get out of this, is a Moon-energy learning-lab. Moons are Virgo (me, analyzing and chunking out data, and Care! LOL), Capricorn (boss), Leo (supervisor), Cancer (teammate).

Soooo much fun.

I'll be able to soothe when they all need to soothe, and to help them understand the energies? I'll bring humor while transiting Mercury misbehaves... BLAME it on our Sun-Ruler and our Merc-Mercs?!! LOL

And these people have been together for a LONG time, too--- so there's none of that impulsive-type quitting and changing.... That's what I want. People (in astrology) seem to want to CUT others and change sooo drastically on a simple transit??? ... That's not the way to live life, or have good relations in business.

No... you Commit. You ground and you give slack to each other. CARE! CARE for each other, and spread that Compassion and Goodwill to the clients.

I remember the boggling-energies of my first interview with the BigBoss. Frankly... I didn't know if I would make the list. The other person being interviewed with me was a student-lawyer in college.. she sounded so smart! I was 'there' just because I wanted to 'help'.

My BigBoss calls those non-lawyer volunteers 'compassion-people'... and I think she said (hazy memory) that these types can really ADD to a team.

She didn't realize at the time that 'this' was one of the delineations of my chart. I have an other-oriented chart with H8 Cancer Jupiter and Uranus that sextile my Virgo Moon.... in a predominately Mercury-influence office. My Neptune-rx Libra in the 10th bringing High Ideals.

The other thing they have verbally noted to me is the positive energy I bring TO that office every time I walk through the building. They said I give a "WE" Can Do This attitude to them there. (I was told that in the beginning in January, and they said this to me again yesterday.)

I just want to break down and cry (good tears) and APPRECIATE being appreciated??? LOL.

That was a very busy day, and I helped some people 'in just the right ways'. *Heart*

Another good feature about my chart, my energies, is that I'm a Support person. With my H8 cancer stellium, I am 'there' for people. "ALL-IN"

So.... on the phones with clients looking for help, or in the Right office/group settings, this is my Heart's Message.

(music) You And Me Against The World (Helen Reddy, lyrics) [3:11]

So! Tonight is my first meeting with one of the local astrology groups here. I've looked over their MeetUP site. I see some of the more-known astrologers they are interested in. I think (if transportation issue turns out to be good) that I will add a LOT to this group.

Be Blessed Everyone!
Have a Good FULL MOON Scorpio 20.24'28" at 5:42 pm EDT.
Happening here in locale's 2nd house.
I'm bringing them the locale's FM chart tonight.

Right now, I could do a FUN posting about Love Asteroids, but, I've got work to do! LOL


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posted May 12, 2017 06:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I don't have your email, mirage. You mentioned emailing, in another thread?

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Posts: 15192
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posted May 12, 2017 06:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Teasel ... You can always directly-communicate to me through asking Randall for my email.

Pearlty has it and my phone number too.

I had thought about getting a separate email for 'just socializing'-- but maybe having ONE email is more convenient for now.

{{{{{Hugs to you }}}}}

ADD ... Randall did a wonderful job trying to connect me with Ayelet before. He worked OVERTIME and was very diligent in making sure I GOT connected.

Hugs to Randall.. for being my Communication-Bridge.

There's always Hope Available when people ACT in Love and Care..... for one of its own.

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 13, 2017 07:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Give me the okay, and I will send it to you.

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Posts: 15192
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posted May 13, 2017 10:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks Randall.... "Okay" to send.

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 14, 2017 02:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 15192
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posted May 14, 2017 03:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks Randall... Received. I immediately sent her a *hug* Notification from me!

I hope you and your Mom have a Great Mother's Day!

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 15, 2017 02:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you.

"All that I am and all that I will ever be, I owe to my angel mother." Abraham Lincoln

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Posts: 15192
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted May 15, 2017 06:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
*Sonic Bombardment Mondays*
.... ohhhhhhhhh ugh

Quick notes today?
(Probably ~not!!!!!! but will try)

EVENT Saturday May 13 ... in the Noon hour.
You know I enjoy going to free Webinars.
I'd attended the Astrology Hub series of webinars whenever they present any. I've found their webinars to be high-grade quality presentations, so, they are valuable as-they-are.

These also are done to entice people to take a larger seminar series (for a fee).

I recently attended the "Eclipse Mastery" classes teaser. Of course, when you attend, you receive a series of emails afterwards telling of sales-prices, etc. The time ran out.

Finally, an email arrived asking me if I had an 'interest' in taking their course? I decided to respond and say I would have, but I live on a tiny social security check, and the volunteer work I do in the community doesn't pay money, so I couldn't ever afford their prices.

I TRULY didn't expect to hear from them again. I had failed to purchase their product. Hoped that my answer would be 'feedback' and satisfy their polling as to 'why' an attending person hadn't signed up for their courses.

Very shortly afterwards, I found a new email response from the person who started the organization.

She GOUGED-CUT her price for the 6-week series to a mind-blowing VERY VERY affordable price of a small {only token?} contribution.

She wrote,
"I would like anyone with a sincere desire to learn to be able to join us... we have a special scholarship and can extend you the opportunity to join for {tiny$amt} ... would that work for you? If so, here's the link..."

Sooooo Blessed! {{Thank you Amanda Pua Walsh, et al!!!}}

Signed up for the Eclipse Mastery course.
Received special pdf gifts that accompany the classes. Printed those all out. Punched and organized them in a binder I prepared.

Added my own handwritten info to the pages--- the date, page of numbers; headers, footers, and ref urls to the individual documents-- created sections for the set-up of indexes of what info I have, etc.
(What use is good information if you don't have a good system to be able to retrieve it?)

I completed the prep-classes work. I think I spent total of 10 to 12 hours. That time involved printing and organizing things, and listening to the assortments of videos, while squeezing more written data on the printed transcript-document notes they provide for their course class.

They start the Eclipse Mastery series with a module on "Basic Essentials of Astrology" before teaching the more advanced info on the eclipses.

Introductory video included a bonus 'How To Read A Chart' video... Elements and Basics of Chart Reading. This was a refresher-excerpt from a larger class-series they had already given on learning astrology basics for beginners. (Newberg & Woodwell)

I already knew a LOT of astrology from my own exposure to it. The only thing I didn't know were the "Planetary Joys" (so that's 'new' to me).
(I have questions about the origins of it.)

What I assess (about my level of knowledge) is that I need more 'chart-reading practice' with ready feedback available.

And I need to gut-feel and finesse the layers of zodiac elements better --
e.g. Fire ... an Aries, to Leo, to Sagittarius.
ACTUALLY?, I know I've got it---, but my head has to distinguish-transfer the nuances to speech.
haha... it's something I know in me already that 'just' needs to sit and jell, to become available later when I need to tap it.)

Donna Woodwell and Enid Newberg did the 'Essentials' Module. These were really high quality presentations (and pdf's).

What this module did for me is reveal (basically, personally) how far along my knowledge is; and brought to light what needs to sure-up more. Gained a kind of validation (which increased confidence) that I've been progressing well along these years. ....

There's a point where all the studying you do has to be kept percolating in the background of your mind, while bringing 'other abilities' forward to be developed (integrated).

You have to blend the data you know (intellectly) with what you 'perceive' and understand about 'this Living Person' you are reading for.

It's not just about book-learning. It's life-relational. There's a Life Laboratory we are ALL a part of with an ability to share what we already know.

Hopefully in Life, you can find people to share with, and do more than just survive-- but thrive-together in the exchange of personhood and intellectual interests.


Heads up for Asteroid Lovers

Kepler College, Sat May 20, will have free class on Dwarf Planet Haumea. Go to their website and sign up for the class and they'll register you and send you the link in advance.

There's a generation of us who have 136108 Haumea conjunct our PLUTO-Charo Leos. The transiting NN now in LEO will be energizing her in our charts over the summer.

I've had a lot that I've wanted to share..
Maybe some of those stories planned are water under the *sonic*bridges here.


It's been time for me to attract someone else to be special and close to. (Probably won't be sexual one now (in spite of what some have judged or thought about me here in the past?)-- I'm actually a 'good girl'! haha.

Heck, I did nothing but throw-up for hours with a stomach-type flu on my hot-hot-date with the pretty-Fabio-type guy I met (and wrote about) years ago here.

Laughing at self reminiscing-- that was an absolute total-frustration moment!!!! LOL.

(tPluto was exact-trining my Venus during those days! I got my 'guy' ... but 'couldn't stomach' the 'perfect evening'? --
nah, I'm glad that one got away.
Found out more things about him later-- was into some things that weren't too cool.
God Knows and Kept His Fatherly-EYE of Protection on me. ... Easier to submit when you're bowed puking into the bowl at the porcelain altar?)

I could DEFINITELY see myself in an 'affectionate' relationship, that would be satisfying. Be soul-psyche-emotionally intimately close, with a very intelligent partner I could admire and be proud of.
(my Gem-DESC, with Merc-Gem. I have a gentler Mars-Cancer conjunct.
That's one of the marks of having a 'sense of humor'? too-- You MUST love (and GET!!lol) lightning-quick ~Weird humor! LOL.
Moon sextiles Uranus-Jupiter Cancer.
Venus quintiles Uranus too.

I have an older body now, in spite of my spicy romantic hot~allurrrrre??? (nahhhh.... Nature has probably run its course for someone my age bracket now?)

... And yes, I do have a deep far-down shyness that 'others' generally don't pick-up on either. There's a kind of intermediary 'barrier' to break down socially. I think it takes a special (sorta alpha-type) person to 'note' that and deftly get around it. If/when they do?, they have a RICH treasure...

I've been in a bubble of non-relating humans within a very human world for DECADES now of my life.

I remember reading something Robert Hand wrote... how much of a MIRACLE it is to have the delusion that we have actual relationships? (Laughing... okay, that's MY interpretation there! sorry Mr. Hand, if I miss-interpreted that one.)

I've not yet met ANYONE that I have felt I could "PEER-relate" to here....

It's been a non-lifey life.
Spent many many many many years of it in a state of personal inner-terror (to tell the absolute truth).

And with rm, sometimes I wonder 'how much of him' could have gotten INTO me... that I need to separate and shuck off my vibrational field?

I would LOVE to meet true-PEER'Potential, and open myself to having closer relationships with people (that I can come to intimately Know Relax and Trust), and improve/better myself in many ways.

I'm a 'people-person' who was living in a dark space isolation--- for all kinds of material-lack reasons-- .

Time for ME... to be treated AS-or-MORE important to another really really inwardly-fun-yet-conservative(?) smart Loving Kind, GoodHuman Being in my life.

Oh! I've got my V'J tomorrow! (volunteer-job)

I'll post as I can this week...
which! usually means a lot whenever I say that????
Makes it a GOOD thing to say out loud? *grin*

Just GENERAL THOUGHTS... (out loud)
Anyways... One last thing with being in the Eclipse Mastery course,

SINCE I still have my bins with personal journals (from ~1975 through 2012'ish), that haven't been too-terribly "trashed" yet (still have things that didn't make the trip to the dumpster),
IF my room is not too sonically-assaulted, ---
I could maybe think about folding up my cot each day, putting it aside in the living room, then tearing into some of my bins (journals, some saved pieces of artwork), to look up eclipse dates so I could add to the Knowledge Base (Bernadette Brady)...

That would take a LOT of time, and Discipline for me??? When I open journals, it's like a ride back in time (some that I'd rather forget). Needs to be more holistically reviewed. Some of that stuff is painful. Something that I would definitely need to detach self as much as possible going through-- 'only the facts ma'me, only the facts'.

haha, Another discipline-problem I'd definitely have is wanting to get INTO the Asteroids involved WHILE I had my journals all opened TO those eclipses???
*I Specialize in getting simultaneously Multi-Project-layered Complicated?*
big data-whorishgrin ... *slurp*! peals of laughter.

But if things keep going the way they've been, sonically-hot, untidy CHAOS filling the place, then, I won't be able to do that for the astro-research community at large. {I NEED a certain amount of organized-ish 'tidy' spaces in order to 'hold spaces' in my mind and remain productive...}

Anyway again.... Those are just some of my 'intellectual' pursuits.

((I had resisted throwing things out here. At least, maybe I should say throwing out anything MORE.))

I must ALWAYS remember that going TOO far on the intellectual side, 'needs' the Balance of Music, and Art, and Poetry, and Time to Smell the Roses along the way.

These are 'JUST' my ideas...
I reserve the Rights NOT to piggishly hog my life by filling it with 'busy' ... in exclusion of Living and enjoying it.

*drama* *looks*... but what if being the Right Kind of Workaholic is enjoyable?????

I Contain Multitudes...
(Walt Whitman, Gemini!)

(music) Gonna Build A Mountain (Sammy Davis Jr.) [6:45]

*I had edited/refined the post. Keeps coming back to raw draft* sorry..

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 16, 2017 06:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think that opening up and delving into your journals will be very therapeutic.

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posted May 16, 2017 11:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Work went very well today...
We had two volunteers leave our ranks due to student graduation-- going to go work as interns now for the summer. My supervisor brought someone into our office today to make introductions. She was shown where her desk would be... down from mine.

I greeted her and immediately cheerfully asked when her birthday is? ..... Would you believe!!!?
She's a Sun Gemini.

The rest of us have our Mercury's in Gemini. This one has a Taurus Mercury and an Aries Moon. In a few weeks from now (after she's finished her training) I wonder if she'll be on my shift? Fascinating astro-lab.

It was Nation of Israel's Birthday last Sunday, May 14.

My LL Registration Birthday, May 15.

Today is an anniversary birthday too ...

Happy Etheric Birthday, Jeff J!

I spent time appreciating this Taurus' contribution to my life this morning. Proved the power of astrology (to me) to very quickly reveal and get underneath one's walls.

(I told that story at the beginning of February, I think.) It takes a lot for me to feel like someone else understands me and is 'with' me. He didn't need to use a lot of words... He (and his Scorpio Moon) just did.

I was waiting at the bus stop while my thoughts flowed-- and I noticed a light wind, a breeze came on an otherwise very warm morning.

I thought about Life.
About Seasons, Cycles.
Then this song came into my head and
remained with me on my ride into town.

Lyric ..

Sunrise Sunset. Sunrise Sunset.
Quickly flow the years...
One Season following another
Laden with Happiness... and tears.

(music) Sunrise Sunset (wedding scene from Fiddler On The Roof) [3:52]

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posted May 17, 2017 02:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm glad that I hadn't seen some videos until today... because it makes my experience of 'yesterday' much more in line with validation.

Yesterday I felt full of myself. Yes! in a 'good' way!!

I don't think I've had a day yet that was sooo solid in a sense of who I am and what I do for people just 'being myself'.

I had a different perspective all day. ... like that red-living solid character that steps away from a mundane line of hypnotic drones? (if that makes sense)

It's TRUE. I'm not like everyone else. I'm not supposed to be. I have another life calling to fulfill.

Oh gosh.... I have sooo many things to say!! wow.

There were some mailing lists I've missed getting on in the past. One of those was Demetra George. I received link to a webinar she's doing on the 23rd... and the time she's doing it coincides with my Volunteer Job. So, I'm going to honor my commitment. But I had the opportunity to email her (for the first time) and THANK her for her book (which I penciled date of bot in the margin-- April 2, 2010), and for her yt lecture I caught long ago. I love contemplating the meanings of the asteroids.... This NM Gemini 4+(5), will be ON one of my name asteroids!... and one dealing with music and Boda.

(I laugh nervously because it's like trying to degree-cross some asteroids that don't always bode well?? LOL... but, That's taking things too-narrow and way too darn literally. I can 'choose' the Bright the Brilliant, the Clear ones. And not everything that appears bad or wrong IS that at ALLLLLL. Sometimes it's LIKE that closing of one door sooo you can Positively and With LIFE cross into a whole New Different Productive FORWARD Realm. Inwardly? I'm feeling very solid, very fine... it's like I'm having some reveals of things/people.

In May 2012 that Solar Eclipse NM 00 Gem occurred right AS my Progressed MC/IC was becoming Sag/Gem.

Yes there has been a lot that has occurred. I'm glad some people got to hook themselves up with someone special during that time. haha (She has my houses???? what a freaky- UTTERLY cool mixed up coincidence???) I was having tPluto trine my Venus... and tJupiter had moved through (and my Progressed Cancer-placements) energized and drew past-life 'good' relationships. I think things happened soooooo con-currently (with little shifts that had needed to occur), that it blew some of us off-guard? for the freaky reasons they needed to? *Heart*

I know that I have grown a lot during those times.

Okay... back to TRY to concentrate here.

The ideas I've had for side-projects exploration, definitely involve some of the creative talents of some people already involved in doing their own thing.

It would take some of their creativity and open it up to other realms of use.

Kinda cool that some people's placements (in Gemini) trine my Aqua degrees and make a 'third' IN those degrees of LIBRA (my 10th), that have asteroids that pertain to thoughts I wanted to explore.

The main one would be 25626 Astrowizard-rx 6.44' Libra ... meaning, having to do with space travel, astronomy, or aviation. ... haha, even 200025 Cloud Gate, 10 Hygeia, and 40 Harmonia LIBRA in 7+(8) ... That degree quintiles my VX-Uranus Cancer 25+ H8, AND, 21+Sag my Pallas-RasAlHague and asteroid Zeus H1!!

The tNN Leo is now within a center of my 'Entertainment' asteroids... having to do again with facets of my idea. So uncanny.

You KNOW that Progressed I'm a raging LEO!

I think that around 2012 we had an Opening of Hearts to LOVE. .. And we can see the results of this in hindsight now. It was Excellent.

I feel that we had had the first hit of it (then some adjustments). Certainly my relationships with some HELPED open and Warm the Heart of the Collective. I think that was our job.

Now that some things are in place, we might be able to collect some of our talents and DO somethings that would have a Disney-like application for the Entertainment field, as well as Medical, Aesthetics, and Space Travel.

Last week before I went to the local astrology people here (during FM Scorpio), the room wasn't set up yet.

So... I took a walk to a different part of the town block. They have a new age café and a DrumCircle was getting ready. I stood in line to purchase a refreshment, and started a conversation with a man in the line.

He has a Dec 29 birthday, and had turned '72?' on his last. He said he had had a STRING of close people in his life die. He had taken a sabbatical. He was in the Vietnam war too.....

Anyway, he is an Architect. He described a vision that he is working on, for making a certain kind of specialglass building that is aligned astronomically. WOW *jawdrop*... {And at that moment, it was like I felt 'JJ's' presence for a haunting menthol-moment.)
... Some of you would be very proud of me!! haha. In my head, I heard your suggestions to be Brave.... I ACTUALLY ASKED him if he had a business card. He said he wasn't ready yet. He's redoing his website, etc. Will be going south in this state to pursue his idea more... (I'm certain that this might have been a validating moment for him too?) He told me.... Whatever you're visioning now, take steps to PURSUE it.

I thought that was a neat piece of Synchronicity for that.

Like I said.... it's a WIDE and wild idea. I have little 3D confirmation pixels?? (haha, making up languages again here). The other night I couldn't fall asleep yet. I turned on my small A.M. radio (Noory) and fell asleep, only to suddenly hear about a company who is Innovating Matrix-things. I thought I'd remember who it was... s.l. Neruda??? nah that's the poet! but I was so tired I snapped the radio off without scribbling the name.

One of the thoughts of my Heart ....
With the economy in question right now?, sometimes I wonder about the appropriateness of expanding Entertainment, since many of the masses wouldn't be able to afford the healing-effects of this???
It would be the most SINCERE Prayer.... that they WOULD.
And that People will be Healed through it in Mysterious ways....

God. There is sooo much suffering in this world. That is the 'feeling' that has weighed me. How can I feel clear about wanting and being Prosperous when others are in pain from their life circumstance.

Just, ... Lord, let ME be able to gather with 'my people' that we could do things that can BENEFIT 'ALLLLL'. Not just the few.... I can help fight poverty and sickness better from the Prosperity side of the line.

In a strange and bizarre way today... I want to set my energies to 'let go of Poverty' ... so I can ultimately help HEAL Masses of people some day through the things we would manifest and innovate.

Yesterday..... on my way back from work, I stopped in another metaphysical shop (we have 3 that are clustered here, all within walking-distance of each other).

There was a couple who were visiting the area here. They are from Scotland. Had some fascinating conversations, of course!

It's also been a kind of dream of mine to be a ~Mad-Scientist! LOL!!!! Yes... When I was growing up and people asked me what I wanted to be/do? I would say-- A Teacher (to please my dad & authority figures), a dramatic MOVIE STAR (to which idea my mother immediately slutshamed me), and, a Mad-Scientist ... meaning a Researcher-type of person.

When I was in college, I had combined a study of Psychology WITH the Experiential of music (performance). I don't consider myself any where near a performing-musician (I fit very well in small ensembles and choirs). But I AWESOMELY understand the performer, and that world. I have understood the modeling world (some of my friends are in), some banking (which you know of), some writing/publishing (metaphysical, religious),... and, there I go getting too-detailed again! ... tMercury in Taurus??? LOL

Anyways.... I've got Eclipse-Homework to do (LOTS of it).

I realize again how important Health is...
I deal with nerveHeadaches every day here. Sometimes I 'forget' NOT to confuse 'being sick' with my 'reaction' to bad health environment for me. I might 'feel' sick-in-the-body (from the ~temporary headaches triggered constantly), but when things are 'good' and sonics are 'right'... I'm on top of things, for SURE.

Trying to see if I could do typed notes for my webinar classes, led me to a concrete project. We have a crippled-version of MS-Word. I 'see' where they limited it. I used to be a hot-dog at Word (a long long time ago). They have 'hidden' some of their functions??? LOL. When I commit to doing a round of intro classes at the library (when situ is correct here, WITH their schedules), I'll have my questions for them correct.
I had had some training on MS Products back in 2002/3. Hadn't completed their courses (didn't have the equipment for practice either... that was a hindrance that became obvious when I went from trying to help classmates in the beginning, then one of them was given a PC by her aunt to use at home, and that student graduated with honors afterwards).
*just informing, not asking* LOL
I need my Health back.
I need the Right Place for me, sonically.
I need a Loving Tribe of creative people.

I notice here that the vibes have changed since people left the hood. So strange to be able to tell the Difference? I need my vibrational aura soaked with people who are vibrating Higher. (Rm isn't one of those.) It 'takes' from my energy... and has a dimmer effect. I need that 'tuning force' resonance... being around Competent People with a similar Higher Note.

Okay.... I must be off-track! And, I'm afraid to proof this. I might chicken out and delete everything??? Times when I just went ahead and posted without proof (and some errors) is better than NO-Content???

So yes, I have mad-scientist researcher dreams... I'm interested in some of the History projects going on? ... I want to add to the research where I can.

AND, I have ideas that would fit the Entertainment, Medical, Aesthetics, SpaceTravel side of me.

Laughing..... *raises hand*

I'm a Gemini! ... Can I do BOTH????

And, I guess more clarity needs to come?

Oops!! Rm just got home... gotta go. Bye for now. Song later.

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posted May 19, 2017 12:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow! ... more wow

I read some articles on home page of Astrodienst, then followed the link to one author's website (Boggia) and found a RICH cache of articles.

I had to navigate around MS-Word to receive and open it. I didn't know that you don't HAVE to 'purchase' the Word to receive it. That was a block I had for sooo many things. Found out today by accident that I can load articles here... including other things that are sent via the products. (IF I try to use them to create, they have a dummed-down version with hitches... for sampling. At least, that's what I 'think' I'm playing with. I'm starting to remember more of what I tried to learn in 2002-3. yay.)

Anyways... while I perused the articles, I was impressed how in my WHOLE lifetime, I had touched the edges of knowing the esoteric groups. I actually had been in gatherings with some authors (when I was in my 20s) that have been some of the persons who developed astrology theories. My Edgar Cayce study group had ALL gotten into astrology at that time. I would have met Dr Dobbyns, etc. We were in the vicinity of the para research groups. I know that my study group would go together with another study group to take classes from those. It's like, Wow, what I missed??
.. Even when I lived 'at' the Beach, and I actually conversed with some of the people that MUCH later in my life were those that I entered the astrology portal through.
.. After reading some of Marguerite dar Boggia's articles, it was surreal how I was doing Independent Research articles (college) and having to actually touch some of the documents from late 1800s to early 1900s. That had been the last time research had been done in the field of color-music, etc. I think I've lived my life in-between two corridors... the very very past AND the odd future.

So, it's like Helen Keller touching everything, and trying to REALLY take-in 'What IS this' .... What IS this! Like things downloading? ... No. It's not that. It's like an inverse type of new old re-realizings? Maybe again it's that I Know things that I scratch and braille the surface of consciously knowing? ... There's 'something' here. There's 'something' about that!

What an exhilarating 'free' feeling place to 'just be'.

I hope I REALLY get to dive down deep and further re-remember. This feels solid at the same time as etheric...

What a Universe! What a Etheric palpable seeable construct. It's real. And it's sur-real. Both.

Keeping my feet to the ground...
Head looking up, through IN.

(music) Child of the Universe (instrumental music with imaginative visual-graphics) [9:09]

excerpt-- from youtube notes quoted,
by dragonsflylight (ty)
uploaded Feb 22, 2011

Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be
greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements
as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career,
however humble;
it is a real possession
in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you
to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit
to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself
with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life
keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

-- Max Ehrmann, Desiderata, Copyright 1952.

I have errands to run... catch you later.

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Posts: 15192
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posted May 19, 2017 12:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
double-post ... double-emphasis!

(music) Desiderata (Les Crane, spoken song, w lyrics) [4:40]

asteroid 344 Desiderata Taurus 12.12
planet Venus Taurus 12.37
Taurus 5th House

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 20, 2017 03:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Great use of a double post!

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 21, 2017 02:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Errors are fine. Content is what matters.

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 22, 2017 11:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Miss your posts.

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Posts: 15192
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Registered: May 2012

posted May 22, 2017 01:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I like what you said Randall. I like the philosophy of it.

It's kind of like the difference between extrinsic values, and the intrinsic value.

It's 'what's in you' and in your Heart that Counts!

(music) It's Who You Are (AJ Michalka, Secretariat) [4:01]

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