posted June 19, 2017 06:57 PM
There have been quite a number of shifts in my consciousness and perspective over the past two days. I'm changing... I love it! This is a fantastic unfoldment. There is SOOOO much I want to say.And, LOL -- I don't know where to start? except to say how enthused I feel knowing that people consider me a part of them! Hallelujah??
I could approach this by asteroid, by songs, by words.
Words! Ah yes.... Having my Mercury Gemini Return.
I'll start with a Story....
I think I wrote about how I had a Libra grandmother (in same degree of my 200025 "Cloud Gate" 7.16 Libra H10!), who took care of me in very early years (while my mom produced other babies).
I think she impressed me with a sci-fi view of the Future of virtual communications that we have with each other, today...
It was quite surreal when I'd go into the television room with her. The door would open. She'd have prepared by taking off her apron, fixed her hair, put make-up on... as though she were about to have a skype/zoom session with the figure on the television tube. She'd nod and smile as though Lawrence Welk actually 'saw' her, and responded.
Then (funny but sad?), while I was at my mom's house, Romper Room would come on... The woman would look into her Magic Mirror and 'see' the children who were watching the program.
I'm not kidding you, when I say how 'shy' of a person I am deep inside-- even though people would say to me, NO Way! ... oh yes, way!
I'd hide behind my dad's recliner-chair, and just peek out a bit when the RomperRoom lady would look into her 'Magic Mirror', claiming she could see the viewers.
It took a LONG time, but, I finally was ready--- My mother had dressed me in a pretty navy blue corduroy jumper. I had a white blouse underneath it. My little red shoes with socks, tiny bows in my curly longer hair. I stood out-- right there boldly in front of the TV, like my Libra G'ma did, READY for the RomperRoom lady to say Hi to me...
omg....awwwwww! Never happened!
I had the hugest disappointment that RomperRoom lady didn't call out my name. hahaha. (Of course, I suspect that some parents might have clued the TV program that their child was watching, and waiting to hear their name?)
NO.... ~WOUNDED!!!! Wounded along with all the small kids of generations of my age. Some have joked and said she traumatized generations of us. We have RomperRoom Trauma from 'not being Seen!' LOL
(topic) Romper Room with Miss Nancy (interview with Miss Nancy in later years) [2:23]
So. That was some of the Beginning of my Virtual World Experiences... Could they REALLY REALLY 'see' me? Or!, am I just an arm-chair Invisible commentator.
haha-- How about ~BOTH?
tChiron Pisces right now on 28.48' in my interc H(3)aqua.
is square my SN-Merc, opp Moon, trine Jupiter, Uranus, Vertex-Angel??? (hi! SUCH a formidable ~Blessing!)
In 28+ Pisces ... I have these asteroids (not all of them)
3412 Kafka Pisces 28.30 {surrealism! .. surreal situations, the Paranormal, the bizarre, the irrational, creation of fiction, ref MAH}
PartOfSpirit {Daemon} Pisces 28.35
2857 NOT! 28.44
F.S. Scheat {imprisonment, restraint; headstrong and independent}
and "MY MOM's NAME" Asteroid.. 28.50 !!!
Transiting... my Mom's name is approaching her Return-conjunction (maybe next month.. moves slowly).
At 29+ Pisces I have.. asteroids Carter, Ishii, Cruithne, Ruth, Senator, and 621 Werdandi 29.56 {'the present', or here-and-now oriented outlook}
Then my IC is Aries 2.30
{asteroids are TOO FUN, I better stop here...}
And since I'm having Mercury-Return, I have tMercury trining my Neptune trining my 3rd House Aqua Cusp... V-i-r-t-u-a-l!
The 'hood was pretty good yesterday. Helped alleviate some symptoms. Every time that happens, I feel greater confidence.
I attended a few more (different) webinars. Made some huge errors... yikes, I hate when that happens. Feels so vulnerable, and maybe not-so 'invisible', eh? ... LOL.
In the last one I went to (new format for me) one chatroom attendee informed me I was 'sharing my screen' and that everyone there could see what I had opened in every single browser? ..
I was horrified, of course. (Not for what I had been looking at-- but that the world looked in on my desk!) Started typing how I didn't know what I was doing... and seems that 'while' I was typing, they were watching the typing occur-- even before I 'sent' it... and some were laughing (like I am now!).
I BUGGED OUT quickly, then came back on AFTER I had closed everything possible on my desktop. I waited till I knew it started, then came back, sneaking in to the meeting, and this time NOT twitching ANY kind of gizmo on the table. ...
I didn't even want to hunt for the chat-button... coz I didn't want to 'interrupt' the guest speaker. ... But omg, I could see my username on the screen the whole time. Pretty nerve~wracking??? But I'm GONNA get used to it!!! *heart*
I love chat rooms!, and there are different kinds-- just need enough experience, making all those dumb blooper mistakes? Laughing.
Q-- Procrastinating? or Tech Difficulties? --
It's been more the Tech part of it, with 'fear of buttons'!! LMAO
There are questions asked when you try to fill out forms-- Different companies mean the 'same question' differently. I'm trying to discern what they 'mean' before launching it.
The other thing I had had was-- which of my names to use. I have legal name, old married names with nickname on it. I like using that email address. Had it for a decade!
(I learned I couldn't change old name on my email because of the level of the product I have??? at least, that's what I ~~believe they are saying????-- or else, I haven't found the 'settings icon' that enables someone to change the name; or, I don't know 'how' to make the setting-wheely-thing icon visible.)
I had talked about WordProduct...
We don't have the official software (SUPERexpensive).
{I would want 'my own computer' before I'd install it here-- rm really has no use for it, down the line-- when I leave this place, I wouldn't have this computer. I'll load everything that belongs to me, onto a thumbdrive.}
I learned how to 'accomodate' the crippled-down starter version of Home Word. (I have a hunch that the other parts of MS package have starters, that I can regain a familiarity with... I had never mastered product called 'Access'-- a Queerie software that seemed to be its own animal! LOL. But it intrigued me.)
I've been able to make Word pages (for Astrology course I'm taking) of some bullet points... Doing that has helped me review and refresh my memory of how to do the footers/headers paginations, etc.
It's like the old training I had had, coming back... definitely PROGRESS is being made.
I had begun to take a program to learn MS Products in early 2000s (then had to quit, 3/4 through the course).
I might be awkward since the softwares change, but I feel that the experience I had in the past (plus a general knack) for computer things would help me learn anything I'd need to? .... Heck! I have some of the 'computer geeky' aspects of those of my age who 'created' what we enjoy today... Not saying I'm any kind of genius-- My brain might be slower at some things. But I have been told that parts of my iq were in genius ranges for patterns, and space relations. I've had some freaky experiences {later 70s} where people were working on complicated math, and the answer just 'popped' into my head--- shocked everyone-- especially ME!! I'm not aware of that having occurred past that time period. Was probably a transit?!! LOL. Oh, happened again in early 90s, then was gone.
{feel weird saying that-- but, maybe it can be relevant---- while I'm deliberating, scared of the buttons!! LOL!!).
But there ARE a few small tweaky-things that I've never really understood at a depth that 'stuck' with me yet. (mainly, about loading and memory, and definitely Security-- I feel I'd want to understand that a LOT... because it's not just MY stuff, it would be OTHER people's stuff I'm protecting too, that I would need to care about).
I still don't own a fancy phone...
I observe Rm swiping and doing his 'thing' operating his phone... but because I don't have a highgrade phone myself, I have 'ideas' of what it does, but, I would NEED some definite practice-experience.
Because I don't have finances yet, I only have my one debit-credit card... I haven't set up my own separate 'official' credit cards yet.
For example too... if I want to ride Uber, I'd have to have a fancy-phone, hooked up to the internet (expensive!), AND have a credit card (or a pre-loaded money card) to use for transportation purposes.
I have avoided going to meetups in my area BECAUSE of lack of good reliable transport. (People didn't offer rides when I queried.) (Bus is soooo limited here. I've always liked taking busses, I don't mind them-- as long as weather isn't super-severe, or, I'm not in a bad part of town after sunset).
I'm still kinda sideways in-touch with an astrology group here. I told them that (while I'm still in this region) I'm IN. However, right now there are scheduling problems with other commitments I've made.
I made astrologer vid recommendations to them... I tried to discern and fit them to various online resources. Usually, I do that intuitively, as I allow spirit to bring you to mind. *Heart* (I try to be an extremely Fair person, and I'm not Ex-clusive.)
Someone was talking about deliberate manipulations (a while back)--
Honestly-- I am not aware of consciously doing that (if that's what some were thinking). That's not-me at all. Sorry if you would think that.
I just feel like a person who's on her track... trying to ascertain and do things one at a time, as I 'ground' things into reality more and more.
I'm dealing with onslaughts of info to process and strain out-- what is me, what is general, etc.
I also have to deal with my home/work environment (too much gnarly-- that's why I never ask for stuff 'here'-- there are conditions I don't have the authority to change here, but 'someone else' did and refused to...).
I know it has to feel to some of you as though I make mountains out of molehills? ... but.... Not-so on certain issues (I think). My health HAS been affected, and, (humor) superman is real-- *kryptonite... ~oy!*
Like someone else was saying... I know I'll have to utilize alternative means of healing, holistically. I know the parts of my chart that say to do that, too (including asteroids spelling that out.)
You KNOW I'm a Responsible kind of person... I put myself in YOUR shoes and try to make best-decisions... which sometimes are dumb for ME to do-- because actually-- I don't think I've been seeing the POSITIVEs of it?
I think I have been automatically assuming that things could be worse... when actually?, I'm probably looking from the bottom of the barrel I've been in for a while.
Yes, I have to LET people HELP me!! Laughing.
I try to do everything myself, assuming that this is what *they* are trying to tell me?
So arrghh yes---
I make decisions on how I feel in my body-- WHICH needs work.
Aside... It might help me to get on a body-strengthening program? some cardio. Yoga? ... Those kinds of things are hard for me to do on my own, until I would have established learning it, then apply my own discipline.
I 'am' more professional than might be discerned through my styles here... but then, it depends on the meaning of what is 'professional' to YOU. (That's a VERY long topic!!!) ...
I'm always feeling like there's Improvement to make. And I wouldn't want to be all stiff and 'fake' either.. Actually, I kind of need to loosen up more? for real. How I decide to come across has to 'fit' my personality all the way.
I don't like looking my nose down at people. I don't think 'being mean, clip, cut-off and dry' is truly what being a Professional means. You have to 'relate' to people as a sentient-being. I like to be Kind and VERY relatable... no matter what or who. ...
I have had some past experiences--- And in the truly quietly-successful people I've been with (of wealth) in my life, they (the ones I've known) are 'normal' regular human beings like everyone else. They usually don't flaunt it.
... I mean, even down to one of them driving around town in a clunky old green unpolished VW Beetle, parking in the parking VIP spots!-- He was a philanthropist and person of immense wealth, who set up so many science and arts buildings, and made scholarships for others.
I think some people have the image of how selfish and greedy some people of gi-normic wealth are... I'm blown away now, that I had had a tiny glimpse into the 'actual' persons that some of them TRULY are. These (that I knew/worked-for over a span of certain decades) really were in it to help people...
*vanquishes her memories of the past... back to the present*
So yes... I strive to do things, to improve myself, as I can. Always wanting Excellence to be a part of my life-- and Appreciating everything and everyone that God has given me.
Wow.... I AM very ~rich, indeed.
I may have a too-low opinion of myself maybe most times?, but I am sooo much better with that than I've EVER been in my lifetime.
I've made GOOD and True Strides. I may have a few breakdown moments on that at times-- even feeling a bit wobbly? (get sobbing sometimes!!! ROFL)... but for the 'averaging' of this experience range, I am SO much better-- more to go -- so much better.
I have my v-job tomorrow.
I'm getting clearer all the time... please forgive any lapses (in past, and pre-forgive my Future?? *grin*).
Wishing Everyone Great Love, and a Great Day!
Here comes Jupiter, There goes Mars!..
(music) Bend and Stretch (Romper Room) [0:58]