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Author Topic:   Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others

Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 08, 2017 10:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Don't worry, be happy.

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posted June 08, 2017 05:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I do have a sense of Happiness inside me today! That's usually an easy place for me to access-- being Happy. It was raining today, so I had to Dance to music inside the room.

I might not be able to bounce too hard or too high on my feet (head pain), but what I access inside me in Zeal and Heart, just HAS to make up for it!!

(music) Happy ..(Pharrell Williams, from Despicable Me 2, Ballroom Version) [3:54]

I am super-enjoying my Eclipse Master class. Yesterday we had Christine Arens!!! I could just HUG her, *ahem* gently of course. What a crystal clear and excellent teacher. We had newbies in the chat who said they were really getting it, learning.

That whole course is such a smorgasbord!
Amanda Walsh (and staff) are doing a First Class job with their presentation. Sooooo organized. Sooo responsive when you ask for advice.

I had spent a day beating myself up, thinking I was dumb for not being able to open an adobe pdf. Turns out it was NOT my fault-- After I mentioned it, they fixed a code and gave me a link so that my computer software could recognize and open it. *thumbsup*

So Sunday afternoon to Tuesday,
I also thought I had messed-up rm's computer! Went to a nearby BestBuys, spoke with one of their computer geeks, and watched the process as he searched and sample-downloaded a piece of software.
(I had already watched some youtubes on 'how'-- I tried it myself, and couldn't get it to 'take'. He told me some things that were not clarified on the yt.)

He also answered more questions I had about signing up for yt and fb. But, I have the need to do more research (about filters?) before creating those.

The store associate was excited about doing creative content on yt too-- He had some experience uploading vids he had done. I said how I have LOADS to learn. Told him my story about the guy I saw in the library (special Computer-Creative center). I marveled at his set-up of lap-tops, and other gadgets, connecting to library resource equipment. He explained a music and art project that he and his brother were working on. Just from 'what I know', I was able to give the guy a music 'tip' -- I was happy when I saw that I had given him info that they might be able to use.
*yay me! LOL*

At the store, I picked up an expensive (to me) thumbdrive too, so I'll be able to transfer files off rm's computer (one of these days!), or, in case I have to back up some files.

Oh! ... I've also done a bit more digging into Vedic meanings in my chart. With the new input I'm learning through the Eclipse class (filling out more of my astro knowledge), dipping in (then out) of some Vedic astro sites too, I'm having more insight into details of my own chart. Seeing potentials (and confirmations). Enjoying feeding my Intellect AND my Musical/Artistic Soul.

Sagittarian Soul (with a Gemmy Sun)

The Comey Hearing....
That Sagittarian man...
I resonate with a piece of his energy.

Caught some of the broadcast of the hearing this morning. I watched at one point where he started to depart from his detail-orientation, to enter into more Inspirational speech-- and they coaxed him back to point. He very readily was good at re-focusing himself.

And I resonate with his respect for Authority, and wanting the Other to feel that respect and honor from him-- All the while, standing up for the spirit and core of Truth.

That's an interesting fence to keep a balance upon. You need to say what you have to say-- and yet!!!, not let the respect-of-person out-weight the Stand for Truth and correctness when that one you hold in authority is incorrect.

Standing in truth and having boundaries,
Speaking to the Other
(in a way that doesn't put them down)
Always an Art---
With Love and Loving-kindness.

Tomorrow morning is the Full Moon in Sagittarius at 18.53. Friday June 9, 2017. 9:09 a.m. EDT (LL-time).

Happens in my locale with 24.54 Cancer Ascendant, 5/11 house axis. (That is my natal VX-Angel degree! 11911 Angel Cancer 24.38, VERTEX 24.53 Cancer.)

Have a Beautiful Moonlit evening...

(music) Count Your Blessings (Sandy Patty) [2:36]

*Good Luck in your government Elections, UK!!!*

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 09, 2017 10:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Cheers to the UK.

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posted June 09, 2017 04:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I was going to do some good posting here today, but the *sonics* are zizzy-electrifying!!

~ sorry. arrgghhhh

Birthday Wishes ....

Today Friday,

An inspirational person I follow {Spirituality}.

Happy Birthday, TD Jakes (June 9)!

Tomorrow, Saturday.

Happy Birthday, Dorothy Morgan (June 10)~~ woo woot

Hope to catch all you good people later!

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posted June 09, 2017 08:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sometimes... I feel such a sense of Destiny within, trying to find its expression without!!

God-- Bring it on.... Bring it out! In Each of Us.

Wishing all So Much Love

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 10, 2017 01:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 11, 2017 01:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Happy Solar Return to her.

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posted June 11, 2017 03:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
For those who need encouragement--

(music) Can't Give Up Now ..(Mary Mary, lyrics) [4:57]

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 12, 2017 03:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 13, 2017 07:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I can use it at times. Encouragement.

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posted June 13, 2017 11:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
awwww Randall. You've Got It!

I've got my volunteer job today. I'm taking in a special festive-looking special bag with a card and some clip-on pretty butterfly doo-dads for my Gemmy Supervisor's birthday (on Friday). We have a good relationship! She calls me her ray of sunshine, and grills me for what the astrology says for the week! LOL!

She had suffered the terrible pain of a longterm relationship (of 5 or 6 years) that ended for her-- then lo and behold, someone that seems like the love-of-her-life was waiting there for her. And he's a man of means materially! Thumbsup GIRL!!!! yay.

So... I'm an astrologer. I celebrate Life!

Today is the birthday of the current president.

Celebrating the fact that God gave him Life on this planet!

Happy Birthday Mr Trump! (June 14),_Donald

And for Randall!-- I'll add some fireworks!!

We're all IN it, Together! ... Hopefully to Increase Goodwill on the Planet.

See you all after work today.

Much Love and Good Wishes to Everyone!!

*OOPS. Gotta run for the bus.... song later!*

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 15, 2017 06:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted June 15, 2017 08:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
At work, even before she saw my little token present for her, my supervisor saw me, and ran up to give me the biggest hug!! Then she saw the gift-bag, and threw her arms around me again. ... haha, Loved!

Got the birthdata for the new gemini recruit in the office. Mid-Aries rising with Moon conjunct.

I have till next week to decide 'how' to approach telling her about her chart.


I've been missing from this thread because of terrible sonics-- Not 'flaking out' spending time in daydream-lands as some have supposed.

Had a VERY productive morning today. Woke up with no headache. Rm was ahead of schedule today, which gave me perfect time to do chores and get some organizing done that I had been WANTING to do for a long long time.
Then *kryptonite switch* went on.


I'm tremendously enjoying my (scholarship) high quality classes that I was given the generous chance to partake in. *crying* ...

I feel STRONG, Worthy, and WHOLESOME when I'm participating in those Awesome classes. I am sooooooo Grateful!

And I'm having a blast being part of global chats!!, forming mini study-relationships with people around the world -- Blows me away! I hope my enthusiasm and comments are adding to their study-experience, too.

I gain healing each time I've learned a new part of my chart. (Wish I had had this several years ago!)

I ordered one of the presenter's book. I'm going to use her information from the book, WITH the class notes--- as the Virgo in me found several errors on one of the handouts. I corrected some of it on my printout-- waiting on the book now, so I can check those other numbers too.
*will forward her a copy of the work I'm doing, With Love and Gratefulness*

Also... will try to ADD to her data on Lunar Eclipse people. ...

My prenatal NEW Moon (NN) Capricorn 2.59 (annular) Eclipse was just after Midnight on 'Christmas Day', 1954.
(my natal H1sag)

Prenatal FULL Moon (SN) Cancer (annular) Eclipse was Feb 8, 1955 17.28 Cancer.
(On my natal Vesta Cancer 17.25 H8, with F.S.Wasat 17.53 zodiacal Cancer)

Born on a Pentecost(Whitsunday) Sunday, I was in church one week later, being baptized, as an infant, BY my Monsignor (RC priest) Uncle DURING a Lunar Eclipse.

Post-natal eclipses...
Baptism Sunday, June 5, 1955.. Lunar FULL MOON Sagittarius 14.08 (NorthNode eclipse) opp natal Mercury.
This Moon happened ON the Great Attractor, just a few degrees below my ASC in the first house--
Could I have had a more-complex surreal spiritual baptism???? LOL

Then, Sunday, June 19, 1955 (eastCoast, later evening)--
TOTAL Solar NewMoon (SN) Eclipse 28.05 Gemini..
lasting 7'08,
Eclipse Sun-Moon conjuncted my planet Mercury 27.54' H7

I learned in class that if you were 'born' in an eclipse season, some astrologers say that if the eclipse happens up to 3 weeks of birth, it may have an influence.

My natal Mars Cancer 2.36 conjuncts Mercury Gemini.

Yesterday in class, I discovered the term 'bendings' in an eclipse.

Apparently, my Moon Virgo (intercepted) is in close T-square with my Nodes, which gave it an extra kind of emphasis in the natal chart.
My MOON conjuncts the Bending, being square to my Nodes.
(I'll have to study further... to detect what that influence was in my life. At this age, I guess it's a matter of forensics now.)

I knew that my chart was debilitated generally.
Knew my Moon was (intercepted ~disempowered).

The saving aspects of it are my sextiles to Jupiter and Uranus Cancer H8? ... which Thank God, is active in my being.

Also, my Mercury and Mars trine Neptune--
to some, that's good,
to others??? ugh.

A few weeks ago there was an entertainment news blurb about a remake of a Disney-type story tale. They remade the character to be 'more real' and less refined or glammed. They thought it would 'appeal' to folks because she was more average, thereby more relatable to viewers? Thing is, the film really didn't make MONEY in the box-office....

People want to identify themselves with the Higher Possibility of themselves. You need a goal that reaches UP, and to watch the character 'succeed' in it. People 'practice' it in their brains afterwards. It LIFTS the soul. To me, that's one of the Higher purposes of art. It gives people a Break from reality, so they can stand their life better.

Expressing through the Arts, is better for society than drugs and substance abuse, or other negative addictions that harm people and drag down.

Music, Art, Poetry, Color, Fantasy, Romance--
These who partake, are they who can ADD to the elegance in life; they can Inject the Wonder and the glitter, that this world sorely needs-- to enhance and refresh the soul and psychology, with benefits to the body.

Vesta Cancer trines Saturn in my chart.
My Mars Cancer also trines Juno.

But some say that Mars is not-good in Cancer?

It's like whoah!!! ....

--- that you raised me up to go HIGHER than my natal chart EVER predicted I would!!!

In spite of a terrible dead no-hope chart?, I beat all the odds, and remain ALIVE!!!


I have purpose, touching Hearts, and Performing Good EVERY SINGLE DAY that I can, Making a Difference through LOVE, and The Inspirations You Give me each Day!!
Help me to Stay Strong.
Help me to Stay Active, Lord...

I know from a couple biographical articles that I've read, that had I been born (in the past) in India to ('unawakened' mundane) parents, their astrologer would have told the midwife to just thrown me out on the garbage heaps in their town. My chart was a dud.

But GOD!...
"YOU" Called me into the earth body and called it Good-- just the way I am. Despite cruelties,

I've been able to be a Light to people, WHILE I was alive. I Did the Best I could, at ALL times, with the BEST Attitude I had... ~always! It's been one of my hallmarks. That's What Counts....
Take the burdens from me-- they crush unmercifully.

But Thou O Lord, Art A Shield For Me--
The Glory and The Lifter of My Head

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posted June 16, 2017 11:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm aware of some Geminis (spans all deconates), and those with Ascendants Gemini, who are being side-swiped by unexpected things that are triggering hard things from the past. Things that are obliquely yet directly related that are extra-tough and just difficult to have to deal with.

Sort of a bizzare effect on the people I love, or feel in a closer kind of association with...

*campfire, crickets* .. Holding Space

(music) I Am Sending You Light (DeMore) heal you, to hold you. I am sending you light to Hold you in Love. (lyrics)

And, *holding space* ....

(music) Shower The People (James Taylor, Live At The Beacon Theater) [4:38]

(music) {I am} Sending You Light (Melanie Demore) [3:39]

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 17, 2017 02:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
For Gems:

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted June 18, 2017 11:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted June 18, 2017 07:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Randall:

Had exactitude of my Venus-Return around 3pm this afternoon.
Had to come indoors, as vivid close lightning started striking, then rain came. Afternoon storm patterns here.

Having natal tVenus opp Saturn happen for a few days each time I have Venus-Return dims my spirits a bit during those times. Cloudier types of days.

COINCIDENTAL day... with more than several transiting planets being in their same Zodiac signs, as the day my Father died.

Today is FATHER'S DAY.

BEFORE I go all morbid here??? *forgive me*
I want to wish

Happy Father's Day

- to those who have "fathered" and mentored people (and projects) in their lives.
- to those who have Made A Difference in the lives of young people (and olders, haha).
- to those who have 'adopted' the fatherless, in whatever fashion or form it came in.

To those who help lead and guide our lives with so much Love!

Astrology Story ---
for my caring studying astro-geeks! *Heart*

So... Things have felt heavy and just too sad today--

With it being Father's Day, (and rm having a happy time on the phone with his daughter today), the rolodex file-wheels in my mind were rotating too-- triggering what a devastation it was to have had a dad who was there in the home, but very emotionally absent/detached to me. {seeing a *pattern*?}

(I had done a post on that recently in this thread.)

The bottom-line was the experience of having felt so cheated in life was the tone present with me....

Saturn-rx Scorpio

My father had Sun-Jupiter Scorpio in partile conjunction.. with Venus Libra within orb of this conjunction...
His Sun in my 11th House of Dreams Aspirations and Wishes, and the income derived from 10th..
my Neptune is, in House of the Father/Authority, the 10th
(Neptune opp Sedna Aries)

My Mars Cancer trined his Sun-Jupiter.
His Sun-Jupiter on my Juno-rx Scorpio.
His Mercury Scorpio on my Saturn.
His Mars Virgo square my Sun.

My unaspected Sun quincunxed his Sun Scorpio.
= He just couldn't 'see' me... peripheral-vision.
My Sun sesquisquare to Neptune Libra ... like, ~huh?

His natal Venus Libra was conjunct my Neptune Libra.
= Of course!! I idealized him, and bragged about him to my friends regularly.

I was sent an email announcement-- 4 days after he died--
simple courtesy line sentence that he had passed.
No convo.

DEATH-- Sunday May 4, 2008 --
tSun Taurus 13+, (just past my VENUS 12+)
tVenus Taurus 4+

NEWS of Death-- Thurs, May 8, 2008 ~2pm.
tSun had reached Taurus 17+ ...
touching my 10370 Hylonome {lamentations for the dead; trauma}

The MOON was on my Mars Cancer degree...
(We are having a NM Cancer ON degree of my Mars on Friday, June 23.)

BURIAL DAY tues May 13---
tMoon in Scorpio had passed my Saturn,
and was conjunct my asteroid Child-rx Scorpio 23+ H12 which conjuncts h13 apogee 'true' Lilith 22+ Scorpio.

News of Death day...
tMercury (message delivery) was Gemini, conjunct my Sun.
with tVenus at 9+ Taurus ... almost my RETURN at 12+.

tCeres Gemimi was on my asteroid 617 Patroclus
(tCeres presently revists that degree)
{patriarchal figure was cut-down with threshing scythe.. and trine dad's Saturn aqua.}

At his DEATH, tMars in Cancer ON my Uranus Cancer H8... continuing through until he crossed-over to be with the Royal Lions at 2+ Leo on the day he was buried.

tJuno was retro in last degrees of Sagittarius conjuncting my NN.

... AHEM!! Back to Crickets?

Back to my Venus-Return H5 today across from natal H11 Saturn-rx Scorpio in House of Dreams, Wishes, and Aspirations.

Oh! asteroid Santa! is at 9+ Taurus coming up on my VENUS to make her feel a Christmas vibe. LOL

oops, almost forgot...
Another really CREEPY Eclipse-find in my life?

I had married (Dec 26, 1992 - day after Christmas)
DURING a NM Capricorn (p) Eclipse 2.28---

This was ON the degree of my "Christmas"
PRENATAL New Moon NN Solar Eclipse 2.59 Capricorn

(I've done other major life-altering things on eclipse dates, in my life...)

*Eyes Open*!!! ...

(music) When You Wish Upon A Star (Jiminy *Cricket* ..) [2:23]

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 19, 2017 02:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sorry about your father.

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posted June 19, 2017 03:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you, Randall. I appreciate your kind comments.

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posted June 19, 2017 06:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
There have been quite a number of shifts in my consciousness and perspective over the past two days. I'm changing... I love it! This is a fantastic unfoldment. There is SOOOO much I want to say.

And, LOL -- I don't know where to start? except to say how enthused I feel knowing that people consider me a part of them! Hallelujah??

I could approach this by asteroid, by songs, by words.

Words! Ah yes.... Having my Mercury Gemini Return.

I'll start with a Story....
I think I wrote about how I had a Libra grandmother (in same degree of my 200025 "Cloud Gate" 7.16 Libra H10!), who took care of me in very early years (while my mom produced other babies).

I think she impressed me with a sci-fi view of the Future of virtual communications that we have with each other, today...

It was quite surreal when I'd go into the television room with her. The door would open. She'd have prepared by taking off her apron, fixed her hair, put make-up on... as though she were about to have a skype/zoom session with the figure on the television tube. She'd nod and smile as though Lawrence Welk actually 'saw' her, and responded.

Then (funny but sad?), while I was at my mom's house, Romper Room would come on... The woman would look into her Magic Mirror and 'see' the children who were watching the program.

I'm not kidding you, when I say how 'shy' of a person I am deep inside-- even though people would say to me, NO Way! ... oh yes, way!

I'd hide behind my dad's recliner-chair, and just peek out a bit when the RomperRoom lady would look into her 'Magic Mirror', claiming she could see the viewers.

It took a LONG time, but, I finally was ready--- My mother had dressed me in a pretty navy blue corduroy jumper. I had a white blouse underneath it. My little red shoes with socks, tiny bows in my curly longer hair. I stood out-- right there boldly in front of the TV, like my Libra G'ma did, READY for the RomperRoom lady to say Hi to me...

omg....awwwwww! Never happened!

I had the hugest disappointment that RomperRoom lady didn't call out my name. hahaha. (Of course, I suspect that some parents might have clued the TV program that their child was watching, and waiting to hear their name?)

NO.... ~WOUNDED!!!! Wounded along with all the small kids of generations of my age. Some have joked and said she traumatized generations of us. We have RomperRoom Trauma from 'not being Seen!' LOL

(topic) Romper Room with Miss Nancy (interview with Miss Nancy in later years) [2:23]

So. That was some of the Beginning of my Virtual World Experiences... Could they REALLY REALLY 'see' me? Or!, am I just an arm-chair Invisible commentator.
haha-- How about ~BOTH?

tChiron Pisces right now on 28.48' in my interc H(3)aqua.
is square my SN-Merc, opp Moon, trine Jupiter, Uranus, Vertex-Angel??? (hi! SUCH a formidable ~Blessing!)

In 28+ Pisces ... I have these asteroids (not all of them)
3412 Kafka Pisces 28.30 {surrealism! .. surreal situations, the Paranormal, the bizarre, the irrational, creation of fiction, ref MAH}
PartOfSpirit {Daemon} Pisces 28.35
2857 NOT! 28.44
F.S. Scheat {imprisonment, restraint; headstrong and independent}
and "MY MOM's NAME" Asteroid.. 28.50 !!!

Transiting... my Mom's name is approaching her Return-conjunction (maybe next month.. moves slowly).

At 29+ Pisces I have.. asteroids Carter, Ishii, Cruithne, Ruth, Senator, and 621 Werdandi 29.56 {'the present', or here-and-now oriented outlook}

Then my IC is Aries 2.30
{asteroids are TOO FUN, I better stop here...}

And since I'm having Mercury-Return, I have tMercury trining my Neptune trining my 3rd House Aqua Cusp... V-i-r-t-u-a-l!

The 'hood was pretty good yesterday. Helped alleviate some symptoms. Every time that happens, I feel greater confidence.

I attended a few more (different) webinars. Made some huge errors... yikes, I hate when that happens. Feels so vulnerable, and maybe not-so 'invisible', eh? ... LOL.

In the last one I went to (new format for me) one chatroom attendee informed me I was 'sharing my screen' and that everyone there could see what I had opened in every single browser? ..

I was horrified, of course. (Not for what I had been looking at-- but that the world looked in on my desk!) Started typing how I didn't know what I was doing... and seems that 'while' I was typing, they were watching the typing occur-- even before I 'sent' it... and some were laughing (like I am now!).

I BUGGED OUT quickly, then came back on AFTER I had closed everything possible on my desktop. I waited till I knew it started, then came back, sneaking in to the meeting, and this time NOT twitching ANY kind of gizmo on the table. ...

I didn't even want to hunt for the chat-button... coz I didn't want to 'interrupt' the guest speaker. ... But omg, I could see my username on the screen the whole time. Pretty nerve~wracking??? But I'm GONNA get used to it!!! *heart*

I love chat rooms!, and there are different kinds-- just need enough experience, making all those dumb blooper mistakes? Laughing.

Q-- Procrastinating? or Tech Difficulties? --
It's been more the Tech part of it, with 'fear of buttons'!! LMAO

There are questions asked when you try to fill out forms-- Different companies mean the 'same question' differently. I'm trying to discern what they 'mean' before launching it.
The other thing I had had was-- which of my names to use. I have legal name, old married names with nickname on it. I like using that email address. Had it for a decade!
(I learned I couldn't change old name on my email because of the level of the product I have??? at least, that's what I ~~believe they are saying????-- or else, I haven't found the 'settings icon' that enables someone to change the name; or, I don't know 'how' to make the setting-wheely-thing icon visible.)

I had talked about WordProduct...
We don't have the official software (SUPERexpensive).
{I would want 'my own computer' before I'd install it here-- rm really has no use for it, down the line-- when I leave this place, I wouldn't have this computer. I'll load everything that belongs to me, onto a thumbdrive.}

I learned how to 'accomodate' the crippled-down starter version of Home Word. (I have a hunch that the other parts of MS package have starters, that I can regain a familiarity with... I had never mastered product called 'Access'-- a Queerie software that seemed to be its own animal! LOL. But it intrigued me.)

I've been able to make Word pages (for Astrology course I'm taking) of some bullet points... Doing that has helped me review and refresh my memory of how to do the footers/headers paginations, etc.
It's like the old training I had had, coming back... definitely PROGRESS is being made.
I had begun to take a program to learn MS Products in early 2000s (then had to quit, 3/4 through the course).

I might be awkward since the softwares change, but I feel that the experience I had in the past (plus a general knack) for computer things would help me learn anything I'd need to? .... Heck! I have some of the 'computer geeky' aspects of those of my age who 'created' what we enjoy today... Not saying I'm any kind of genius-- My brain might be slower at some things. But I have been told that parts of my iq were in genius ranges for patterns, and space relations. I've had some freaky experiences {later 70s} where people were working on complicated math, and the answer just 'popped' into my head--- shocked everyone-- especially ME!! I'm not aware of that having occurred past that time period. Was probably a transit?!! LOL. Oh, happened again in early 90s, then was gone.
{feel weird saying that-- but, maybe it can be relevant---- while I'm deliberating, scared of the buttons!! LOL!!).

But there ARE a few small tweaky-things that I've never really understood at a depth that 'stuck' with me yet. (mainly, about loading and memory, and definitely Security-- I feel I'd want to understand that a LOT... because it's not just MY stuff, it would be OTHER people's stuff I'm protecting too, that I would need to care about).

I still don't own a fancy phone...
I observe Rm swiping and doing his 'thing' operating his phone... but because I don't have a highgrade phone myself, I have 'ideas' of what it does, but, I would NEED some definite practice-experience.

Because I don't have finances yet, I only have my one debit-credit card... I haven't set up my own separate 'official' credit cards yet.

For example too... if I want to ride Uber, I'd have to have a fancy-phone, hooked up to the internet (expensive!), AND have a credit card (or a pre-loaded money card) to use for transportation purposes.

I have avoided going to meetups in my area BECAUSE of lack of good reliable transport. (People didn't offer rides when I queried.) (Bus is soooo limited here. I've always liked taking busses, I don't mind them-- as long as weather isn't super-severe, or, I'm not in a bad part of town after sunset).

I'm still kinda sideways in-touch with an astrology group here. I told them that (while I'm still in this region) I'm IN. However, right now there are scheduling problems with other commitments I've made.

I made astrologer vid recommendations to them... I tried to discern and fit them to various online resources. Usually, I do that intuitively, as I allow spirit to bring you to mind. *Heart* (I try to be an extremely Fair person, and I'm not Ex-clusive.)

Someone was talking about deliberate manipulations (a while back)--
Honestly-- I am not aware of consciously doing that (if that's what some were thinking). That's not-me at all. Sorry if you would think that.

I just feel like a person who's on her track... trying to ascertain and do things one at a time, as I 'ground' things into reality more and more.

I'm dealing with onslaughts of info to process and strain out-- what is me, what is general, etc.

I also have to deal with my home/work environment (too much gnarly-- that's why I never ask for stuff 'here'-- there are conditions I don't have the authority to change here, but 'someone else' did and refused to...).

I know it has to feel to some of you as though I make mountains out of molehills? ... but.... Not-so on certain issues (I think). My health HAS been affected, and, (humor) superman is real-- *kryptonite... ~oy!*

Like someone else was saying... I know I'll have to utilize alternative means of healing, holistically. I know the parts of my chart that say to do that, too (including asteroids spelling that out.)

You KNOW I'm a Responsible kind of person... I put myself in YOUR shoes and try to make best-decisions... which sometimes are dumb for ME to do-- because actually-- I don't think I've been seeing the POSITIVEs of it?

I think I have been automatically assuming that things could be worse... when actually?, I'm probably looking from the bottom of the barrel I've been in for a while.
Yes, I have to LET people HELP me!! Laughing.
I try to do everything myself, assuming that this is what *they* are trying to tell me?

So arrghh yes---
I make decisions on how I feel in my body-- WHICH needs work.
Aside... It might help me to get on a body-strengthening program? some cardio. Yoga? ... Those kinds of things are hard for me to do on my own, until I would have established learning it, then apply my own discipline.

I 'am' more professional than might be discerned through my styles here... but then, it depends on the meaning of what is 'professional' to YOU. (That's a VERY long topic!!!) ...
I'm always feeling like there's Improvement to make. And I wouldn't want to be all stiff and 'fake' either.. Actually, I kind of need to loosen up more? for real. How I decide to come across has to 'fit' my personality all the way.

I don't like looking my nose down at people. I don't think 'being mean, clip, cut-off and dry' is truly what being a Professional means. You have to 'relate' to people as a sentient-being. I like to be Kind and VERY relatable... no matter what or who. ...

I have had some past experiences--- And in the truly quietly-successful people I've been with (of wealth) in my life, they (the ones I've known) are 'normal' regular human beings like everyone else. They usually don't flaunt it.
... I mean, even down to one of them driving around town in a clunky old green unpolished VW Beetle, parking in the parking VIP spots!-- He was a philanthropist and person of immense wealth, who set up so many science and arts buildings, and made scholarships for others.

I think some people have the image of how selfish and greedy some people of gi-normic wealth are... I'm blown away now, that I had had a tiny glimpse into the 'actual' persons that some of them TRULY are. These (that I knew/worked-for over a span of certain decades) really were in it to help people...

*vanquishes her memories of the past... back to the present*

So yes... I strive to do things, to improve myself, as I can. Always wanting Excellence to be a part of my life-- and Appreciating everything and everyone that God has given me.

Wow.... I AM very ~rich, indeed.

I may have a too-low opinion of myself maybe most times?, but I am sooo much better with that than I've EVER been in my lifetime.

I've made GOOD and True Strides. I may have a few breakdown moments on that at times-- even feeling a bit wobbly? (get sobbing sometimes!!! ROFL)... but for the 'averaging' of this experience range, I am SO much better-- more to go -- so much better.

I have my v-job tomorrow.

I'm getting clearer all the time... please forgive any lapses (in past, and pre-forgive my Future?? *grin*).

Wishing Everyone Great Love, and a Great Day!

Here comes Jupiter, There goes Mars!..

(music) Bend and Stretch (Romper Room) [0:58]

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posted June 20, 2017 11:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The Mercurial energies are coming down... I can sense it. I can sense the shift into the Waters. ....

Forgot to leave a greeting to another gemmy yesterday.

Happy Belated Birthday, Tim H! (June 19)

And Happy Birthday to any Gemmies that got missed... Gemini Sun shifts into Cancer later today, with Mercury.

In a way... can we 'really' trust feelings.
They can be illusive, deceptive, only 'in the moment'...

Venus sextile Neptune?

(music) 'Alfie' (Whitney Houston, lyrics) [3:38]

... .... Keep you safe

We're all in this together.

(music) Dust in the Wind (Kansas)

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 20, 2017 11:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 21, 2017 06:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
To all Gems!

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 22, 2017 02:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
On to Cancer!

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posted June 22, 2017 04:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Happy Birthday, Prince William! (June 21),_Duke_of_Cambridge

His asteroids 8990 Compassion and Vesta are conjunct at 24(25) Aquarius, with asteroid Prinz at 25+. H2

MANY MANY BLESSINGS... To someone who Makes A Difference!

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