posted December 08, 2017 02:57 PM
Thanks Randall...
Sometimes I think others are thinking that I'm "just a drama queen" .. nope.Objectively and grounded,
this is a REAL limitation right now,
that I need some assistance with.
I AM very concerned (more during some times) with the constant aggravation-stimulation by sonics to my nerveSystem, and with the ensuing intensification of headaches.
I "almost" didn't make it to my volunteer job the other day. I don't like that omen.
I'm not getting biologically nerve-'rested' from sonics before next volleys come at me. ~~ oy.
Holiday airplane-Jet traffic has increased .. and recently more also for people who were escaping hurricane-ravaged areas.
Heavy jets (not little private ones) take off every minute-- powerful weight-thrustings-- right over this 'hood and my building.. rippling-out silent residual rumbling shockwaves.
Yeah, they fly STEEPLY right over the building, then a tiny bit further, hook a hard left to get into the aircraft-patterns-- highways in the sky.
Someone got drunk across the street, and did her monster-woofers for over 7 hours last Thursday.
I am STILL affected by that blast-assault. That was a week ago.
(Just too many EXTRAs going on at this season?)
It's never just-'one' thing.
I can DO 'one' (~depending).
It's mostly when around 3 or more are all happening at one time, cross-colliding, creating what becomes phenomenon of Resonance?
Been long-term now.
There come times when all that phenomenon has ceased.
I felt 'good' while that happened.
That makes me 'hopeful'-- making me want to say that it IS an outside 'in-coming' thing for me.
Of course,
I'm disappointed with my own body's sensitivity weakness. And lack of ability to find adequate-enough recovery time?
I can also do the 'logic' that WERE *I* not-to-have 'this problem' with my body, then I could go and do ANYTHING, for sure.
I have (had) that level of pluck down deep within me, long ago.
Saggi Riser ...
I used to LOVE to pick up, and relocate. Stay 6-weeks, to a few months.
Learn the local culture,
easy to find work,
then off to Next adventure.
I was impressively organized!
I would need EXTRA help with that now. Procedures and systems have changed.
I'm out of my league with that right now.
It would be such a Kindness to be Cinderella'd, rather than have to learn everything from scratch.
Would be/is definitely a life-stopper right now.
I need Mercy?? and allowed a period of time to 'catch up'...
Would love lots of angels available to give simple, good advice. Have pointers and practice sessions for the basic-things until I've caught up to speed.
Rm is nutsy-happy right now... LOL.
He bought his Beautiful Chevy, with all the latest techs.
He bought the latest Samsung Galaxy 8 phone.
Bought insurances the other day-- for his car, AND on the apartment (first time).
Won a little money playing the lottery (which covered the insurance cost over the apartment).
We had had a software update that screwed up our internet connection.
He contacted the company...
and they sent an internal 'fix' to the computer here and it worked.
I feel a combination of very calm, yet pushing hard...
all these computer things are a wall of amazement--
I feel a 'familiarity' (from experience before)...
but all the change (without my having had the techs and the software practice) is whelming.
It's like I know it yet don't-know, at the same time.
Rm is definitely ~sorta-bad at explaining things.... Not his forte at all!
He was frustrated and tempers arose with his I-Pad the other day. He took his fist, and BAMMED it down upon the little computer.
At which point, I looked at him.....
I deeply calmly said,
You know, what you're doing doesn't "fix" computer-software problems. In fact, you could permanently 'break' it.
.. He has short fuse when it comes to tech frustration--
Even if I knew the simple-answer to his problem, he refuses (with temper) any of my suggestions-- no matter how nice I try to be.
.. I DO know SOME things.
yep!! .. He admits it too-- (later of course). LOL.
I consider myself teachable.
I'll REST in that. Not gonna call myself stupid or dumb-- coz I'm far from it.
.. When a person doesn't HAVE the techs to practice with, (without mentor), it definitely puts a quash on how far they can learn, and how MUCH MORE they would need to catch-up, as innovations happen more and more frequently.
Decided in myself to stop sweating it.
Let it flow...
I can only do, what I have in front of me,
with what's IN my hands.
I had heard (~sideways grapevine) that there were folks working in the backgrounds on my behalf? If that is true, I want to express how TRULY I am GRATEFUL, and treasure and appreciate your Caring.
Certain people want me to 'have it all together' with business plans, etc...
I'd love to? ... but for-real, I'm stumped.
Mostly because the deepest concerns for me
have centered with my body, and enduring with patience (in this environment) for some of the huge waves of time to pass, that it takes for some 'transits' to clear themselves?
Feels like I become less and less able,
with each volley of day-to-day *sonics*.
This worries me.
Makes me doubt an ability to be able to 'work',
because the sonics are causing the pain and debility.
You 'have to' be healthy, in order be prosperous? This place is not-that for me.
Good thing---??
at least GOD knows where I live?!
I ain't giving up, either.
(music) What if God was one of US??
Watching news of Loads of super-GREAT people out there...
Thank you. YOU Make A Difference!
For seniors (over 60yo)
Lots of people taking adverse hits right now, while others are getting incredible material boosts.
My small fixed-income, included.
Prices being RAISED for drugs and medical insurances-- the so-called 'raise' in SocSec, is sopped up (absorbed) by everyone's hiking up fees and costs.
The pharmacy plan is saying I have to pay FULL PRICE for Nexium....~$120+/mo? That's a heavy hit on my food money-contribution towards feeding self?
My benefits--
Are based on calculations of earnings, when I had put contributions INTO that system long long ago.
A WOMAN in the workforce decades ago-- were paid HALF-the-amount of a man. THIS is what retirement Social Security calculations are based upon ..(that was me).. I was paid 'less' (and had to do MORE) than a man for doing the SAME position.
That has made me nervous too... For ALL women.
Yes, sometimes Causes are really important.
I've had some scary brushes with some of those very realities, and wanted to add validations.
.. Had the people-Voices been as potent then, in my past, then I probably would have had proper recourse and a supportive-recovery.
.. That journey started (for me) with my first-leap to trying to 'escape' an abusive home in my mid-teens.
.. Things went sooo 'wrong' from that point on.
Was as though 'timing' became off-tick, off-track.
It stumbled me hard-enough (in my psychology?), AND some other administrative-flukes (they 'fixed' after what happened to me) within higher-education system, set life into some kind of bizarre mis-alignment? ..
I had jumped from something bad (WHICH I COULD have recovered from), into a Nightmare-- for my first Independence move.
.. People in helping-positions (my mid-teens) who were closeted (and influential to cause harm from their positions and connections) acted out perversely.
Yes, I made terrible compromises-- in order to be Free?
.. Maybe the 'shock' of that has been a ghost. Left a residual wounding ingrained in subconscious and unconscious?
Part of the weave and tapestry.
.. Subconsciously, it taught me that 'asking for help' and 'receiving what I'd ask for' can lead to VERY dangerous and painful consequences.
I think I still 'defend' with my energies.
.. like a 'I WANT to/I'm SCARED to' push-pull in me... After all energy of 'Look what happened when you did that?' --
Included my relo here, right at "USA 9-11".
Psychologically Superstitious? "Magical Thinking?"
Does the inner-child say that 'when I make a move' I make a mistake-- and Events happen, and People die?, and the World turns awfully mournful and sad... It's all my fault!!??
EDIT ADD-- What I just said---
That's one of the hidden KEYs? (*breakthrough*)
Even this, historically, began to lay the track--
When my family separated themselves from the extended-family way up north to relocate a day's drive south, no one knew at the time that my Grandfather (PGF) had brain cancer (53?yo).
We moved Nov 10/11. It was diagnosed by Christmas that year. My father (and us) made several dangerous trips up north, through blizzards and storms, during the night.
My Grandfather (Taurus) was operated on, and HE DIED -- was less than 4 months AFTER we moved away from Family.
?The Governor of the new state died.
My new nun-teacher died 'right after' I was enrolled in that new school.
I know that Eleanor Roosevelt had also died?? (my Libra Grandmother adored her)
Then icing on THAT, was JFK's Assassination.
And perfectly 'OF COURSE', I understand that this is a 'false-correlation'? (or whatever its called).
ABSOLUTELY ridiculous lie, yet, something that became a belief DEEP inside, as a child.
No wonder I have such EMPATHY for the World?
No wonder my soul weeps still ...
... Better to risk communicating? than not.
I feel pretty solid and good within-me, basically, as long as I concentrate on what I'm thinking about here as I type.
I'm a good and honest person.
Anyone's goods are absolutely safe with me.
I'm even vetted, and passed strict background checks for the volunteer job I have.
I had a 'bonding' to be able to work with securities, a long long time ago.
I'm Kind.
I have Potential ...
I have had ideas for some.
Don't know if it would make money,
but it's a redirect or tweak of the use of something that's already been invented and in-use today.
Could possibly help people and organizations.
I don't feel comfortable sharing it on this public forum.
To answer another question,
that had been repeated before---
I don't "need" to stay within astrology either?
That's my avid-interest.
I believe I have 'some' skill with it---
I am Compassionate with what I know.
And it has helped others.
I can also talk about GOD with Christians who would never darken the door of church-- the unchurched.
I've been able to give good counsel to some who had fallen away from the 'organized' religion-world-- filled with gouges, bruises, and wounds based on past-experience with the way they were treated by 'church-folk'.
I seem to be able to speak to both of those interests together--
Whatever Helps people.
And, I would welcome and be willing to consider outside-field opportunities that seem to be a 'match' for my skills-sets, demonstrated here over the years.
I've always been OPEN (here at LL) to contacts, especially for any leads people might know are available for me.
It would be the most 'humane'-response that those come forward to identify themselves, and what-opportunity they hold.
in order to do a successful move,
to tuck-back-in to real-life?
Right now,
The physical body limitations have been my greatest halt.
I may need special-environmental considerations.
I want to do my Best.
I have my HOPE set for improvements to my health
(which I get inklings 'could'?, from time to time... crossing-fingers).
Also... if I can ask,
I would like an 'unconditionality' promise?
I NEVER want to be subjected to homelessness again.
I always want people that will watch my back, and BE There for me, no matter what happens.
If my settling-in is SUCCESSFUL, I want to look forward to YEARS MORE of Being Able to GIVE, from the Elder years in my life.
Kinda scary being an older person now--
But! ... I'm not decrepit yet!!! ROFL
The mirror is lying!!!!!!! hahahahah
I just soooo much appreciate everyone's help and concerns. Thank you.
Sending All the VERY BEST and Kindest Wishes,
VERY Warm and Good Vibrations.
Take EXCELLENT Care of your selves.
Lord, Strengthen my Heart.
(music) Good Vibrations (Wilson Phillips) [3:41]