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Author Topic:   Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others

Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted March 10, 2018 11:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow, about Kepler!

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Posts: 15192
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posted March 10, 2018 01:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
omg... My body is soooo electrified now.
My senses are incredible--- I can smell and taste things in a way I've never experienced before.

Rm was going on an errand last night and asked if I wanted to come along. I did. He said let's go out to dinner. We did. ....

WOWZers.... As the door to the restaurant opened, it was like I could smell all the various pixels of smells possible and available. It was Heavenly. This is a nice restaurant chain that you probably would all know the Brand. LOL

It has a 'signature' aroma. Separate from other chains.

So. I was feeling sooo tired. I ordered a double expresso to fresh myself up. Then had ANOTHER... LOL.

I was supposed to go volunteer all day today, to be trained in expunging and sealing files, then help people fill out those forms..... I could not do it. I have zero energy to support my inner self that says for today, Yeah, Let's do it. Let's go!! ... warrrghhhhh.

The kids next door are 'home alone'... they are playing sense-surround. I had heard some extreme crying... (before I found out they are unsupervised). Pounded that door down, ready to call police or child protective services if they didn't answer. Through the door, I said I wanted to talk to the 'little girl' (my little Fashionista Leo stellium 4 year old). The two boys finally opened the door. The 4 year old was fine. They have blackout curtains on each window.... They said momma had put those up. She is out working today, and grandma had stepped on a nail and couldn't supervise.... ohhhh gosh... .

My body defeats me.
I said to rm I was thinking about going down to the airport lobby again today..... but even THAT will be sense-intensive. And, my body is sooo tired.

My only 'escape' right now, is to type this!!

I had planned on posts for some people (on Chiron).
There is just NO way right now, that the zazz in the atmosphere will 'allow' that for me.

I am trapped in this body-electric.... Feeling the wonderful ecstasy of my Senses really being Enlivened-- it's extraordinary and sooo Beautiful (when I point my collective thought-pixes into that direction).

Then on the other side of that, I have 'chills' and some nausea from how strong the less-elegant part of this is.

Wowwwwwwww ... the fine fine rumble.
I can feel little pieces of nerve reactions inside my legs, my back. Okay okay. Stop thinking about the body... go for The Senses that pick up the Beauty of this.

The food yesterday... the Beautiful aromas.
So Excellent.

My bed was shaking from all the sense-surround.. I was glad to have been sooo tired that I feel asleep anyway. Woke up before sunrise. Everything was 'still'.. (that felt good). I was WAY too worn to think of having breakfast, packing up for the day, bundling-up to catch busses (before sunrise), in order to go to the volunteer event today.

*big breath* .............

This was the 'song' that describes 'How Beautiful' everything was last night, and even earlier in the day.

It was truly a sense-Awakening Day.
(No human kind of 'personal' love-song here...
just 'listen' to her description of opened-senses.)

(music) Till There Was You (Shirley Jones, from The Music Man, 1962) [2:41]

Everything is 'in the moment' now.....
My refined sensory system is electrified.

I have to consider some 'place' to go today to get away-- some kind of 'outting'... And, my physical energy feels sooo depleted. Might as well 'just stay home'-- Maybe convince rm to watch a movie instead of all these DIY tv shows.

Yeah. Okay. Eat Food. Watch a Movie.
Taking things, one small step, one small moment.

Oh yeah, before I go.

I had a Mircea Eliade post ready to submit (before I got invited out by rm).

I was 'surprised' .....


He celebrates his birthday on the Feast of 40 Martyrs (yesterday, March 9)-- but because of the Gregorian vs Julian calendar dates, his birth data was not reliable.

I had been soooo impressed by his book, The Sacred and The Mundane (religion).

The following is a biographical-paper rushedly-read by a very young girl's voice -- {it's hard to understand what she's saying, but is the most-complete as far as having info presented in a shorter-vid presentation}.

(topic) Mircea Eliade, The Sacred and the Profane (opensourcereligion) [

I read that book as part of my college course in philosophy department on World Religions, back in the 1970s.

I was soooo freakin' busy in those days.
Didn't realize that the author was 'contemporary'. I thought he was a medieval philosopher. LOL

I resonated SOOO MUCH with his thoughts (is what I remembered).

Part of what we were discussing in class too, was the 'problem' between Mind-Brain consciousness.

I must have made a very strong impression on the philosophy professor, as the department approached me with an 'offer' of a teaching-fellowship IF I would consider doing my post undergraduate work in philosophy after (if) I'd graduate with my BA's (which I couldn't complete-- you know my stories, if you've been reading).

Laughing... I was sooo 'not-aware' of how profound and excellent my own gifts and potentials were, in those days. Soo blind, and was 'left on my own' and 'to my own'.

It's like everyone else around me 'knew' and perceived... yet, no one thought to make me aware and 'inform me' that I HAD Gifts--- that I had Multiple Gifts that God gave me.... I had no 'outside person' in my life. No one who wanted to take a 'personal interest' in me to take me under their wing, and fulfill the need. I needed 'people' who would have invested their 'personal' time INTO my life.

That's why it is SOOOOO IMPORTANT NOT to neglect 'the Gifts' you see in the Youth around you. Some come from rough conditions. But you ROB the earth of POTENTIAL, of Innovators who COULD have Made A Difference? ...

My Gifts (and other's gifts) are not about 'me' ... They were THERE and AVAILABLE --- for The Collective, The World. They needed to have been 'claimed' and developed... and people have to 'EARN' the privilege of claiming and cultivating it.

Looking now past----
I SHOULD have been more-properly Valued, and tenderly-carefully Cared for and Mentored.

I was FILLED with SOOO MUCH POTENTIAL in my lifetime.

Thank you for that God. Thank you for having chosen me and Gifted me then.... It must have been awesome for You.

Thank you for helping me personally see that, in retrospect, today.

I was 'an opportunity' that was 'missed'.

I walked the Halls of This God Blessed earth, as His Hidden treasure....


TODAY, I energetically Honor those who Act as Mentors and Overseers of Talents and Gifts, stuffed into un-noticed and in-likely beings.

They are Important. They ALL Matter.

The World, and its Future Survival, Depends on YOU and *they*.

(music) Wind Beneath My Wings (Bette Midler, lyrics) [4:45]

{{This body... can't do anything more now.
If you are a praying person, I need a health miracle.... Or/and, the Grace to be able to 'stand it'--- if there is nothing else the medical profession can do for me now.}}

Thank you God.
Thank you for my Life.
It is YOURS. ALL Yours.
*Release* ..........

Grace! ...'My Grace is Sufficient for You'

Thank you for Allowing me to have Made A Difference, in the way you let that happen here.

Such a Treasure, to Serve.

God, Give me the Ability to Serve MORE.
Surround me O Lord...
with Your LovingKindness and Compassions.

Thank you for Your Excellency in my Life--
the Excellence you have provided in the Refinement of my Senses...

Not just the physical human senses, like smell, taste, color, forms and their Syntheses, but ALSO for the Ability to Be Aware of Your Supernatural Beauty that knits All Things as One Fabric.

(music) My Eyes Were Made To See Thy Beauty Everywhere (Frances Kozlowski, SRF) [3:18]

(music) Total Praise (Richard Smallwood, gospel) [3:26]

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted March 11, 2018 05:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I love hearing good news!

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted March 12, 2018 02:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Stay positive.

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posted March 12, 2018 08:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ayelet     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Life is a Mirage

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posted March 13, 2018 01:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Surprise! I'm laughing, Ayelet.
You raised my spirits today! It's been extra-bad (environmentally) in here lately.
I've been feeling soooo taken-down cruddy in my body.
I feel so electrified, that this scares me.
My senses are jagged.
My body is a spiked soft gnarly prison ....

I went for blood-tests (routine) last week.
However... I did notice on the sheet that they had a test for abnormal readings on my liver?
(tChiron trines my Jupiter???? nah.)
Probably all the tielenol I've been taking is toxifying the liver?

I have an appointment this afternoon with the doc, to discuss the bloodwork results.

I willingly gave up my volunteer-work for this afternoon.

Normally I would insisted that the doc reschedule for another time-- but I did *give up* that thought today. Been feeling soooo wornout from the vibeys ALL the time, all the time, all the time... even into the night. No 'rest' from it here, and this is 'home.'


At least *they* are having a Good time, and enjoying themselves on their equipment. That ADDS to lift the energies in the world, right?

I try to keep my Hopes up...
I have that Hope-Light lit in my Heart.

THANK you for showing up in my life today.

O Look!--- WOWWWW.
It's a 'magical mirage-ball'... and it has captured our images, Ayelet!

(music) My Grown Up Christmas List (Kelly Clarkson, American Idol Holiday Special, 2003) [2:53]

I'm going to leave this building right now, to go splurge and treat myself to a short-stack of pancakes at local breakfast house.

Hoping the tielenol kicks in....


Been delving further into Vedic astrology learning vids.

Wow!... I have a really cool Vedic 8th House.

In Vedic, the NN is 'not' beneficial,
and the SN is the better-blessing.
I have placements of a DEEP thinker, A Researcher and Philosopher, and have a Divine Pursuer's chart.

So nice to understand and 'label' what I've already-been displaying, in my life.

Ayelet, in Western,
you and I have a Sun(you) Jupiter(me) partile conjunction. Our two planets are receiving significant transits right now.
This New Moon in Pisces coming on March 17 is Significant to us.

In Vedic, my Jupiter Cancer is at its most-excellent degree.. and is in the Vedic H9. My Vedic Moon Virgo is in Vedic H11! ...

How Masterful the Creator of This Universe was, and is.

I Believe in Miracles.

I'm going to extend this thought in the next post, later, when things here are more-collected?
(Maybe, they'll go down for a nap next-wall???? ohhhhhhh sheeeshhhhh. ..
But then, today is rm's Laundry day! The washer dryer is only about 6 feet from the computer, and is across from the defective extra-gnarly-fridge??? LOL.
Heck, they'll sing and mechanically vibe as a Trio today?
Then too,
I'll be walking over to the doc's clinic ... so that will leave time for rm to finish things up.)

One step at a time?

(music) Step by Step (Whitney Houston) [4:11]

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted March 14, 2018 10:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ayelet:
Life is a Mirage

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posted March 14, 2018 12:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Another electro-zazzy-icky day, broadcasting to you Live, from-the-body here (LOL). There's just 'no room' in the Mundane world status quo for someone with a 'defective' body?

Wow.... Just asking God to help me Transmute all this, into something Beautiful.

Making my own Music, and sharing my life with an Open Heart with peeps who are enjoying my posts and threads.

All for You

(music) Life Is But A Dream (The Temptations) [4:25]

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posted March 14, 2018 01:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SecretGeek     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I saw Shirley Jones in the Music Man in person. Don't ask me why, but this is one person I thought of when I read your post about Shirley:

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posted March 14, 2018 02:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
aha! .... SecretGeek!

Thanks for the Perry Como song. THAT's an oldie, and I remember it.

You saw Shirley Jones, live? .. wow, Cool.

I once saw Robert Goulet, live.
The venue was a Pavillion, large large performance hall filled with dinner-tables and white table cloths. I was farrrr away from the stage, and doubted that I'd really enjoy myself when he came out.

He walked on stage.

My first thought was how 'short' he seemed, compared to his movies and TV appearances. Wore a suit. His head seemed disproportionately larger-than-life.

THEN.. He started.
o m g.

His Charisma warmed and FILLED that whole room. I felt as though I were having a 'personal' experience, even way way way back at the last table in the room!

What a Gift that some artists have...

(music) Robert Goulet Sings 'If Ever I Would Leave You' To Julie Andrews [2:41]


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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted March 15, 2018 04:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted March 16, 2018 06:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Some people have charisma off the chart. It must be Astrology.

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posted March 16, 2018 10:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It's been a very interesting day.

I reviewed James Hillman's 'Soul Code' material.
Our Daemon, our Genius, our personal Guardian Angel who periodically makes sure we are still on-track with the plan for our lives.
{Jeremiah 29:11 NIV}
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you, and not to harm you; plans to give you Hope and a future."

This New Moon Pisces tomorrow .. is near my Part of Spirit, Part of Vocation, {the Daemon}, at 28.35 in my H(3)aquarius, and conjunct the IC Aries 2.30.

I took part in a Meditation today also, that {coincidently?} is about the Diamond, and ascending a Holy mountain "where the purest heaven and the purest earth meet" ...

Again... at one point, I was swept and engulfed with how much I love God. And it is and has been, in my DEEPEST longing (my whole life), to draw closer and closer-- even when I know He is nearer than my Heart and fills my every Breath.
To Know Him, To Love Him, and To Serve Him in this world... were the words to a catechism question when I was in earliest grades of elementary school.

{in Third House, New Moon w Chiron}

Even as a child... I spent time in a kind of circumstantial isolation, and in those times, subconsciously, I looked forward to times of sensing His presence, as I played in the nearby woods, next to an amazing strong Beautiful brook.. a classic one, huge boulder-stones, waters babbling around them.
I think I've written before, how people usually embellish the memory of their childhood places. I went back there for the first time in a decade, around ~1981, and, it was way MORE Beautiful (in reality) than I had imagined. wow...

Recently found out that those woods are all cleared out now. Progress.

I used to live on the end of that hill and street. Formed a cul-de-sac, where my father's dad had a mini-farm. He (0-1 Taurus) and my Scorpio Grandmother later divided the property for my dad and his sister. Together, they all did the construction and built those homes 'themselves'.

.. Now, they made a thru-road down that street. It is a connector road that joins a whole other portion of the city.
.. They tore down the Woods, and erected a big apartment-complex over the places I'd romped and communed with Nature. I had my own Cloister experience, living in a kind of crystal-place within me. I'd sing my songs there. Always with a song in my Heart.

The memory of it is so Clear.

So.... Chiron Pisces... Healing.

It's about healing what feels victimized ... for the ways of our perceived parental upbringings,
for the things that had happened to us.
These were all part of the Shaping of our Soul, our Psyche. Each one of us.

The Sea of Forgiveness ...

And with myself in the now,
I work on releasing the feeling {of victimization} about the weaknesses and faults in my physical body. I might not have been able to do everything I wanted-- but, of what I was able to do, in spite of circumstances?.. then, I am Grateful.

If there would BE a miracle to actually heal, then, I Be in line for it, energetically.
And should that not be possible, then humbly, for the "Grace" to adapt better.

I ran the asteroids for that meditation earlier, and of course-- God uses the Rocks 'to Cry Out' {song! haha}.
Gideon-- had fleeces. God honored it.
For me, He lets me play with His Cosmic Marbles and Rocks.

While preparing for tomorrow, I listened to a vid of someone sooo precious to me. I saw what he drew-- and got the instant flash-idea to 'song' it.

When I found the musical piece I needed, I started the vid, and the singer's name showed up.

Phillipe Sly --
I recently found the asteroid Sly.
{for 'Sly' of musical band Sly & The Family Stone had a Birthday a few days ago}.

The Canadian singer received his music degree at McGill .

57509 Sly Pisces 27.44 ... H(3)aqua
6904 McGill Pisces 27.30

Breadcrumbs??? Wow-- Indeed. *grin*

In the world, yet, not 'of' this world.

Letting Go of what you 'think' you know.

New Moon Pisces tomorrow (March 17, Saturday morning) at 26.53
(conjunct natal 2239 Paracelsus)

"Sun-Chiron Conjunction"
Sunday 18 March, at 7:14pm (my locale)...
in the "Event Chart" H7 ...
with the Event Ascendant at Virgo 24.30
(My natal Moon 24.56)

ON 28.15 Pisces--
column of spooky bizarre asteroids there,
my mother's name asteroid,
reversing-asteroid named 2857 NOT! LOL
then 3753 Cruithne Pisces 29.23 ... having to do with your family 'roots', near my IC?
.. Quintile 399 Persephone-rx Capricorn 18+ H2
.. Quintile 7 Iris Gemini 12.24 H7 {rainbow bridge}
.. biQuintile 134340 PLUTO Leo, et al

A set-up for Healing? ... ~~just Beautiful!!!


First song is a VERY Creative and Unusual piece-- it's a Re-Imagined piece, directed by one of my favorite composers, Eric Whitacre.
Brilliant interpretation of this Bach chorale. SURREAL.

(btw..please don't be concerned when I leave this *sad* music.. am definitely okay inside *hugs*)

*Release* ... for New Moon Pisces with Chiron

(music) Bach (Again) Come Sweet Death (Eric Whitacre, with Bel Canto Choir Vilnius) [5:26]


(music) "Behold, I tell you a mystery...The trumpet shall sound" (Aria III, from Handel's Messiah; Bass-baritone Philippe Sly, Trinity Wall Street Baroque Orchestra, Dec 26, 2015) [9:07]

(music) "For Behold...The people that walked in darkness" (from Handel's Messiah, Philippe Sly, Julian Wachner conductor, Dec 26, 2015) [5:47]

The people 'walking in darkness'
have seen a Great Light;
And they that dwell in the land of the "shadow" of death,
upon them,
has the Light Shined
-Isaiah 9:2

So Blessed to Share this Earth with Fellow Diamonds

(music) Diamonds (Sia, Rihanna; perf Tedy Bear, lyrics) [3:53]

Enjoy your New Moon

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Posts: 2798
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posted March 17, 2018 04:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SecretGeek     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Need Spiritual Authority to heal. The Roman centurion was temporarily assigned the Spiritual Authority by Jesus to heal his servant. So only say the word and it shall be done. Some Body of Christ members have the ability to heal.

◄ Matthew 8:13 ►

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posted March 17, 2018 05:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted March 17, 2018 12:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Teasel .. {{ }} You are so precious.
Thank you for the 'love'.

Secret Geek .. Thank you for the 'Word' ..

You don't know how important it was that you both visited me today. It showed me that you 'care'.

You know that I live in a 'tough' environment for me. Every day, every day. I wake up feeling so sick in my body-- the sonics are so punishing. And it's something that others don't experience or perceive, so it's like, they don't 'believe' you.... which is a really isolated experience.

I try to control my emotion response to feeling so sick all the time. I could just throw-up today. .. Not afraid to die, just don't want to feel the loneliness and vulnerability of being at the mercy of people who don't understand, and not surrounded by people who love me and guard my body in my vulnerable-space.

There's no comfort, other than the focusing my attention to the sounds coming from my speakerphones on my head (that help block out some of the in-coming), and, typing out posts.

Concentrating on others helps with diminishing my own body's experience, for now. Current physicians have said there is nothing they can do for me.

I have to turn things over to the attention of the Master Physician for help. He designed this body. He is the Architect.
Jesus Fix it. {an old gospel song, LOL}

Also reminds me of this line from an SNL comedy skit.
(topic) Fix it! [0:14]

One of the things I've noticed today.. is how much 'grief' my body has been holding, encapsulating. It's like an oversaturated overload.

I think my soul tries to detach itself, because of the oversensitivity in the body. It's like wanting to un-velcro itself, yet feeling there is still Destiny, and it's not time yet. Been in a situation that just has gone on too long, sense of too late?

My sadness right this minute is from the grief reaction of the sense of 'too lateness.'

Ha... I've never been able to make a human connection here in my life(locale).

Maybe now I 'save' people from me, because I know that I-personally am an intense person, and others are just so not-able to understand-- especially when I need the care, myself.

So yeah.. It's a hard spot to be in. I have sooo much Compassion and empathy for others. It's like I can see into them, and through them--- but I have no persons in my real-life who are able to reciprocate or mirror that to me. I Give, with no outside person able to reach-in and give-back.

I'm just sooo glad that you both (plus Ayelet) have responded to me.

This has been my Mountain here. *smiling* My Holy Mountain?

omg, Funny thought. You are witnesses on the Mount of Transfiguration here, with me today.

You have no idea how much I Love you....
Thank you for Caring.

Teasel... YOU were one of my first visitors when I made this thread. You'll always have first-priority. *hug*

So... ugh. I've got a kind of strange 'chill' in my body. Feel so sick, and yet, so fresh and a kind of wholesomeness inside.

SecretGeek ..
"Need Spiritual Authority to heal.

The Roman centurion was temporarily assigned the Spiritual Authority by Jesus to heal his servant.
So only say the word and it shall be done.

Some 'Body of Christ' members have the ability to heal."

{Thank you, Secret Geek. I will appreciate that.}

Like Mary's response to the Angel of God --
Be it done according to Your Holy Will.

I wish to reconfigure to a state of Wholeness -- clean and clear, in Spirit Soul and Body. Nothing Broken, Nothing Missing. Entire. Restored.

Calling on the Great Physician ....
My Lord, and My God. Restore me.
Into your Holy Hands, I commend my spirit.
Heal O God.

Heal my body.

heal the toxic effects of grief ........

(music) Withholding Nothing (William McDowell, lyrics) [4:33]

And! ...

I don't just pray that for myself.
I know that Teasel has been through some awful things, and others reading here have too. We need similar kinds of healing.

God! ..... Let the overflow from the Anointing SPILL and COVER these, who are sooo close to my own Heart.

Let EVERY READER who wants it, partake in the Anointing that covers and flows through the ethers, through the keyboard.

Heal Broken Lives. Broken Families. Broken Hearts. Broken Relationships. Grieving souls. Inconsolable irreconcilable angers and frustrations...

Dissipate. Be quelled, Be still.

Be Filled. Be Refreshed. Be Made New Again.

Chiron Pisces today, in the form of The Christ-- born half human animal, and Divine Immortal.

He walked among us, and His Light and Healing is still at work in our lives, as we minister Life to each other.

We together ARE God's Hands, and Heart, and Arms Extended.

I am so Grateful for ALL Hearts who share in the Energy.

In faith.....
Lord Help me to Believe that it's Possible.
Increase my Faith.

{Thank you for your Support and Love}

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posted March 17, 2018 02:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SecretGeek     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Do you have a diagnosis? You can send your chart info to me at Insync33 at Yahoo. I don't think you ever sent it for some reason.

My understanding is Jesus allows healing if another person is involved. It is similar to forgiveness and cleansing the conscience. He seems to be forcing (encouraging) another human being to be involved. That person needs Spiritual Authority. There are some of us that have it.

Please do not confuse power with authority.

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posted March 17, 2018 04:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Please refresh my memory...
How do I know you?
What main threads have we been involved with, in the past?

I'm hazy. I kinda 'recognize' your vibe.
(You're not Elyn).

Where do I know you from?

(Thank you for reaching out to me.)

Heck. I'm game towards *blaming it* on astro-triggers. Multiple ones, right now. sheesh...

I looked into some Medical astrology before.
SO interesting.

I think my 'IC Aries' is extra sensitive, with having natal Mars Cancer in tight square with it.

Right now.. tMars Capricorn (in my 1st house, a body house), is coming into a tighter square with my Aries IC, WITH opposition to natal Mars Cancer.
I have natal Mars Cancer tight square Aries IC, and square my Moon Virgo.

Yes! I need Chart Therapy??? (laughing)
Marvelous idea.

Some of the more obscure things,
like Hyleg and Arabic Parts...
I'm still holding out for more empirical evidence... but seems to fit. I'm curious about it.
Started to scratch at Hellenistic studies too-- Amazing.

ANYWAYS! (laughing). It's ALLLLL interesting. A Curious Gemmy Mind wants to KNOW??

Thank you so much for offer.
(I want to feel more comfortable about placing 'who' you are, and what you're into, first, okay?)

hahahahaha *wiggles eyebrows*

My Saturn-rx Scorpio has some 'trust issues'???

(music) Fix It Jesus! (The Canton Spirituals, old-old gospel, lyrics) [4:25]

Lots of Love.

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posted March 17, 2018 06:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SecretGeek     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
We met on here in the past. I gave you my info but you never wrote me an email. I haven't posted much here in the past.

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posted March 17, 2018 09:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Happy St Patrick's Day 2018

(music) Irish music by The Trouble Notes [1:33]

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posted March 18, 2018 08:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SecretGeek     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
TY Mirage29. I received your email. Happy Saint Patrick's Day to you also and everyone else. Weird last night. I watched a George Clooney movie I have't seen before.

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posted March 19, 2018 10:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Which movie?

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posted March 19, 2018 12:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
.... (Chiron-Dancing)

(music) What is Love? (Haddaway)

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posted March 19, 2018 01:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Happy Birthday!!!

To Ruth Pointer ... of The Pointer Sisters

EERIE???? is that I found a video that 'matches' (~pun) the current Venus-Mercury conjunction in Aries, meeting with her OWN natal conjunct!!

(music) Fire! (Pointer Sisters, cool clips included in vid) [6:08]

My 'asteroids' MATCH THIS!!! LOL

tVenus on my 318 Magdelena Aries 15.48 H4
tMercury on 3671 Dionysus Aries 16.24 {Sacred Spouse??}

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posted March 19, 2018 06:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SecretGeek     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Randall:
Which movie?

Up in the Air:

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