posted April 14, 2018 03:13 PM
Yeah ^ ... My body is just electrified and I feel so very sick when they 'concertize'. Recently, I get a break towards early morning, as the sun rises... When I get up and run any water in the bathroom, it wakes them up. oh nooo.
My body has feeling sore, raw, and heavy.
Thursday, April 12, once again, the loop repeated. I was dreadfully sonically mercilessly besieged.
Went out to run errands.
Felt so tight, so bound-up--
I stopped by a mainline Christian church on the path back to the bus stop.
Serving at my volunteer job, I'd spoken to people from that church before. They try to connect the indigent population to services, and send clients to us a lot.
Instead of 'just' my saying hello ...
and after some nice solid casual conversation-- I dared to 'ask' for someone to privately talk to. I needed a Listener. I needed to get some of the excess burden I felt, off my chest.
I felt surrounded in an energy that was hard to identify, WHILE being so solid clean CLEAR and soft within.
Their pastor wasn't there, but, the kind much-older African American lady sat with me in the conference room for a while. Afterwards, we held hands, and prayed.
I poured out tears with her, and highlighting some events recently, and, from the past decade, and, relayed a few pieces of my past...
She was able to listen, and to hear and take everything I was 'groping' soooo hard to TRY to say. She was able to bring a perspective-- some nice solid pieces to light that I hadn't considered, and another that I hadn't realized.
Sometimes, I'm 'just so full' ...
that I can't seem to wrap exact-words around things.
(One of my v-job coworkers says she thinks I tend to hold things too close-to-the-vest.)
She said Wisely and simply is that what I need is another place to stay-- to get away from the atmosphere here, so my body heals.
This would allow me to see life differently.
* She pointed out how Rm is 'well' now--
He is retired and is at a point where his health is as good as its ever been--
He does not require my assistance anymore.
* To know that when I leave, I'm not leaving HIM in a lurch or at any point of immediate need. (She looked at it from his perspective first.)
That it's Okay for me to leave him now.
She informed me that the place where I do volunteer work HAS all the papers I'd need to fill out (right there on their premises), that could get in the queue for low-income housing.
Also, because I am a Senior, there would be some funds available to assist with things like utilities.
Next Tuesday,
* I'm supposed to "ASK" my v-job to help me with getting the papers.
* Make an appointment for filling-out the necessary paperwork, that would place me in the waiting line for housing.
She said that if I don't DO a simple step towards getting OUT, then, I will continue to be in agony here-- and that will serve NOTHING ELSE than producing MORE suffering.
Basically she reflected, face to face, person to person, that 'in order to Do Good' I have to take care of ME too.
I can't help others adequately if I don't make my self a Priority, so that I could be in a better way to continue to do Good Works.
She said, then you Count on God's Favor.
Told me to come back to see her next Thursday, to report progress.
... That meant a LOT to me.
I talk to people in the community, in the role as a helper, and resource. I have done my share of adding to people's lives.
The day before my Venus-return journey, I found a "20-dollar bill" on the road. There was no one around.
I used THAT money to 'finance' my Venus-celebration. I had quite a social day...
Bought flowers with the money.
Bought little garnet stud earrings.
Went for coffee at a local hippy-like café, and started a conversation with a table of 4 people there (who happened to be from out-of-town).
The shop where I bought the earrings is the place where I met that girl who was confused about her Sun sign. She said she was 'cusp'. I offered to find out for her.
I called her later with the results.
She has her Sun Cancer 29+,
with Moon Leo 3+
Her Ascendant is Cancer.
She has Jupiter at 24+ Cancer ...
Jupiter, Sun, Moon ...
H1. A leadership position.
I let her know that 29+ Cancer has a special energetic mark-- it's called "The Millionaire's Degree."
She called me back later that evening.
She said how grateful she was to know this about her chart. It lifted her spirits.
In my own fashion... I said how the Universe will reward her, when she works at Building Wealth, and doing it without Greed-- remembering to Do Good to others.
I heard her baby crying in the background.
She's a single mom, not making much money...
I was DELIGHTED to have brought this person some new perspective. (She would not have the money to afford any consultation.)
I pray that I planted a Seed for Prosperity in her mindset-- that she holds space and works towards this (not to benefit self only)-- then she would have God's Added Blessing working with her.
I re-encouraged her, that life is filled with Challenges for the purpose of helping us grow. Never give up the Promise. To hold it to herself.... to look for the times when things DO go right, in the midst of troubles.
Look for the Silver Lining ....
I like being able to Help Others who can't possibly afford any of it themselves... A little bit for them now, will have Dividends for them in their future.
There are a lot of people who can't afford to buy some of the good counsel from products sold behind "Pay Walls".
And for people I meet, to whom it applies, I find myself sooo easily talking about God, and helping them understand things they've read in scripture.
On the God-side of me, I can speak and relate with people who were brought up in my belief system-- that would never darken the door of a church, for reason of injuries they've sustained there.
Locally, over the years, I had been persecuted a bit (by extremist local fundies) for my being involved using the "devil's" tools.
I never ever thought of it in that way.
Symbolically, I've always been able to interpret things Spiritually. (I've done other posts about this).
It INCREASED my Worship and Marvel, my Love for God.
It gave me an Appreciation for just how Complex and Way-Past-Brilliant ..... blows me away.
And for me??, that He so finitely Cares and Loves us... even in our Mother's Womb, when we were being Formed-- DNA of Outstanding Beauty and Craftsmanship.
So-- only choosing ONE???? argghhh
Besides being a GEMINI (*smile*)??--
I'm an older and Experienced person.
I'm also born a Mystic (God) ...
(It was soo cool that a pastor I had recognized that upon first-vibe.)
My Soul is DEEP....
And I've been through soo much.
Also have been known as being a Renaissance-type of person...
I can relate to just about anyone, and find our in-Common place, to converse with beyond-superficial knowledge about so many things.
(humor) Really????? Pin down Just ~one?
(Laughing so hard. *hugs*)
"I Contain multitudes..." `Walt
My email is a little screwed up right now.
I'm glad I got in to read my mail (through a back-door method, until I get clear on 'new contract' they want to me sign).
I have been meaning to 'sign up' for some newsletter accounts, and, Mercury goes direct tomorrow??? LOL
Since some of my peeps are Mercury-influenced-- like myself, with Sun, and a Mercury GEM, with Moon Virgo-- I held my finger over the submitting button, hesitated, then backed out.
It's been refreshing to hear some people (whom I consider VERY knowledgeable) still having problems with using techs and software.
Another thing too -------
Children and Adults,
The Chemical Attacks in Syria ...
And now, US France and Britain, joined forces to retaliate.
I've spent time in Intercession ...
*Blessed are The Peacemakers*
(music) Earth Song (Michael Jackson, perf by Grant Elementary Chorus, 2012) [4:31]
I have so much to say...
There are some asteroids pertaining to chemical weapons warfare.
In the USA Chart, t hygeia is conjunct tNeptune. .. near one of those asteroids in her chart in Pisces.
I'll have to delve into those, at another time.
Love to You....