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Author Topic:   Good Performed By One Becomes Strategy For Helping Many Others

Posts: 15192
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posted June 04, 2018 12:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow! Volcanic Eruption in Guatemala, with Deaths.
Was a 'sudden' explosive event.
No time to warn people.


2018 Fuego Volcano Eruption
Sunday, June 3, 2018

at 16:55 CST
14.28'29" N
90.52'51" W

"President Jimmy Morales ordered three days of national mourning in response to the disaster."

Prayers for immediate protective interventions, and that they receive a speedy well-organized-response for their cries for assistance.

for ALL those who reside along Gaia's Ring of Fire.

*~ *~ *~ * ~

(topic) How a team of chefs fed Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria (José Andrés , TED Mid-Atlantic, April 30, 2018) [21:53]

b. July 13, 1969
Sun 20+ Cancer and Moon Cancer
SN-Pluto Jupiter Virgo

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posted June 04, 2018 03:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

(music) Breathe 2 a.m. (Anna Nalick, Jan 2016) [4:46]

Stayin' Chill …

ADD at 1127pm
Been wanting to mention …
Some have been saying I insist on 'what I want' and no other way?
In case that's me, gently, I need you to know that I am not aware of that. I've always been open to receiving correspondence (via 'Contact Us' below, with message to the webmaster)
Also, I'm on mailing lists, and some have my info from a paypal contact I'd made. (Paypal has really improved.)
So, I'd love to have some real convos, at the appropriate timing. Let me know what some of your ideas are. Again, you'll find that I'm a reasonable (and mutable) person.

Have my volunteer job tomorrow. That's usually very fun with the Tuesday afternoon Team. Lots of comradery and sharing when the calls are slow.

Have a great day or two.
Lots of Love ..

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posted June 05, 2018 11:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Being Nice to someone CAN Pay Off!

Quick note before I venture to my v-job today.

Over the weekend I purchased a birthday card for a friend, in preparation for her special day.
Everything was addressed, glued, and ready.
I placed the envelope in plain-sight so that I wouldn't forget to take it with me this morning. I planned on a stop at the US post-office first, to have clerks weigh it so that I could affix the appropriate number of stamps.

Rm came by.
Saw the envelope on the end of the table without a stamp on it.
Without saying anything, out of niceness, he went into his room to rummage around his belongings in order to find his stash of stamps -- (supposing that I didn't have any).

While he fished through his things to find stamps for 'me', he suddenly came across Money he didn't know he had-- two 100 dollar bills!
He needs to go shoe-shopping. Finding this money covers the cost of a new pair of shoes!

See that?? It pays to be nice.

tPluto-rx Capricorn at 20+ is well-into his 8th House, trine his Jupiter Taurus 20+ e.o. H11/H12 cusp.
tSun-tMercury Gemini conjuncts his Ceres Gemini H12.
tVenus Cancer has now entered his H2--
while asteroid tEureka in Virgo is on his Venus! LOL

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted June 06, 2018 10:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted June 06, 2018 11:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And the *beats* go on, ..

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 07, 2018 04:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted June 07, 2018 09:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I received a box today.
It is a Gift from my Scorpio co-worker at v-job.
It was supposed to have arrived last week.
She asked if I got it?
I said I didn't.
She got on her cell phone, and straightened out the problem.

It had been ordered for my birthday,
but the company 'forgot' to ship it.

I hesitated.
Softly, quietly, casually on-the-side, I asked if this gift was coming out the funds for the volunteers?

She said no. The gift is from her, personally.
For a moment, I was so struck by her thoughtfulness and kindness.

I mused pleasantly about my experience with her, whenever I have chances to talk more about pieces of her chart with her-- been answering questions each time I come in.

Her "instinctual" moves towards the education she completed, and the vocational fields she's heading towards, ARE supported by placements in her chart. Designed for 'her,' she will definitely have God smiling down on her humanitarian focus.
Told her that she had some things in common with Obama's chart. When I said that, she looked up at me, lifting her eyes from the natal chart on the paper, and just beamed a big smile at me.

She's running for a small public office soon.
She's rising up and positioning herself into work fields that help targeted global populations. She 'happened' to take this job as a temporary job for the summer?

I am sooo touched that she thought of me.
The note she wrote lifted my spirit at just-the-right time. My thoughts had been toying with blocks and doubts.

I am well-aware of my everyday infirmities (head), and it just so highly-frustrates, disappoints and discourages me to live with it-- to live my life 'through' it.

Realizing that I only have a smaller bracket of time left to live on the earth, sometimes it seems that I wouldn't be able to last through it too much longer.

Things feel arrested. How am I going to physically manage the next months (to end of year?) gripped in ongoing continuing sonic buffetings?
Makes me wonder 'why' to have hope that there's any kind of future left for me? Things are so gridlocked.

*not even any crickets?? lol*

*fingers touch the paper, seeing note*

Yes. The note she sent was Powerful!
Sent to remind me of the effect I have on others!

I Move people. I stir them. Validate and help them 'see' (and inwardly feel) their potentials!

What an INCREDIBLE Responsibility.
I do NOT take it lightly.

Lord!!! For the impetus to always use it Wisely.
Deeply. Softly.
And Powerfully.

Let my intuitive senses be on-target in other's lives.

God! Thank you for the Opportunity you give me to be a Helper and Encourager to Others-- strangers I've never met. People on the busses, on the sidewalks, at my job. Invisibles who may be reading my postings.

I hold-space about you all, every day... Wherever I go, I commune with the air. How might I Bless you? ..

Lord-- Thank you for giving me a Powerful inner spirit, that is Contagious in the lives of those whom I Touch, and whom You Love.

God. Allow me the Health, Strength, Vision, and Courage to do More than I ever thought possible. Let me be surprised, oh Lord!

I encourage myself (and others).
'Don't Give Up.'
The Best is Yet To Come.

She, My Scorpio Friend, Made A Difference, to me (and you) today.

Let the words of my mouth
and the meditations of my Heart
be Acceptable to You O Lord.
My Rock. My Redeemer.

- Psalm 19:13-14

(music) Let The Words (Scripture Memory, Grace) [2:43]

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posted June 08, 2018 12:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Sometimes, all I hear are 'delays' …
Delays that take everyone into the end of the year now?

So, I'm very sorry if my things seem extra gloomy or shifty right now... I'm trying to get back up on that Balance Beam.
You'll have to accept that I have some organic reasons behind posts that are not so happy-like.

Had doctor appointment for regular labs that turn out fine. Nothing out of ordinary.

Just gotta cope better with a less-than-ideal environment that has been wearing on me for years now. I guess I get these 'vulnerable' moments that happen, …. oh well.

I feel truly clear and great on so many levels. It's as though all is coming together and things are very Bright and Possible...

And, things feel blocked, at the same time.

So. During mean-whiles, I deal with this incredibly disruptive environment impacting on a daily basis.
Right now, my chair is purring, and I feel in my lower spine veterbrae, the knocking beats (from next door) inside the 'hollow' of them.

I'm so extremely sorry if you pick-up on my distresses.

I have heard that this is a "bad timing" for making decisions now? ~~
I just .. don't know.

What I do know is that, I live in this body... and I learn to appreciate ALL my senses, and to take good care every day.

The Sun feels so good outside.

Have a really Great Weekend!!!! {{ }}

(music) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (song by The Beatles, Cirque de Soleil mix-media performance) [3:35]

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posted June 09, 2018 12:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted June 10, 2018 11:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I saw a few shows on the early Sunday TV programs.


The span of my life, and the people whose life I crossed through, flashed through my mind in fanned out images like a deck of cards.

Had *I* had 'those kinds' of proper interventions at multiple multiple junctures in my life, my talents would have been recognized, valued and developed.

I was a treasure chest waiting to be found-out. Would have been a great uncovery and discovery, in the right hands; would have been cherished, utilized, and brought to FULL social functioning.

It's done now.
I mean, The World can't undo my time lost.
At least God always SAW what was in my Heart, in my intentions, in my Treasure.

Oh what a loss of potentials God had put inside me, that I couldn't spring all-by-myself?!

But then too.. Life is The Training Grounds. Some gifts are hidden until the Right Timing, because otherwise it would ruin if it be pre-mature.

As long as I still have breath, I must still be Worth something.

Trusting that God will bring me out, elegantly and properly.
I may be wearing out now, running out of body time.

I have to trust that I still have Worth,
and that I am a Treasure still to be discovered.

God... lead and prompt people to be available, well-resourced, and 'there' whole-heartedly for me-- and that money not be the blocking and dividing issue.

Right Doors

The Lines have fallen to me in Pleasant Places..
Psalm 16:6


Have a Good Week!

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posted June 10, 2018 11:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Virtual Birthday Greetings

To the cluster of Gemmies right now, Celebrating their Special Days

Ain't nobody like a Gem!

Much Love to you …..
Live Long and Prosper in Well-Doing

I'll include my own Gem Energies in it.
We are the Communicators in the Sky...
Yes, Shine Brightly...

(music) Diamonds (written by Sia, perf by One Voice Children's Choir) [1:57]

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posted June 10, 2018 09:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Saw a gorgeous full rainbow in the sky earlier.

(music) Sending You Light (Melanie Demore) [3:39]

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posted June 11, 2018 12:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ayelet     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Mirage, how are you? Haven't seen you in astral realms. Busy days? Hope you have a good time.

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posted June 11, 2018 01:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Ayelet! ..
Been dealing with migraines, so, I backed some of the pressure off me, allowing self to receive relief...
'Lighten-up' a bit.

Got creative doing Pearlty's Birthday post in the YW Birthday Calendar thread. That's always Fun!

Been like opening a window today, to bring in some fresher energy.

Only chose a few random side-threads to add energies to. Relax-focus, play. Let things flow more naturally a bit.

I saw your astral-realms conversation with Shulia. It's really good that both of you share that same particular interest-- Based upon your mutual-interest, your suggestions are far more appropriate for her than mine would be.

Thanks for asking.

{I have my volunteer job to look forward to tomorrow}

Have a Great Day!

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posted June 12, 2018 11:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Saw a TV show segment talking about the new Mister Roger's movie.

(topic) WON'T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR? - Official Trailer [HD] - In Select Theaters June 8 (2018) [2:39]

The USA Sibly Chart has asteroid Misterrogers ON it's Aquarian Moon in the 3rd House of Communities, and virtually connected persons and organizational networks for the benefit of Humanity.

(music) Hang on! Help is On its Way (Little River Band, lyrics) [4:07]

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 13, 2018 10:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow, a Mr. Rogers movie!

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posted June 13, 2018 02:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Happy New Moon in Gemini 22.44 H7

Some Gemini theme-related music.

(music) Get Here {if you can} (Brenda Russell, perf. by Oleta Adams) [4:37]

Having my 2Pr'Venus Cancer 29+ Return transit today.

Had a free short video numerology reading the other day.
It was amazing and affirming..
The site was Beautiful.
The 'male (computer) voice' knew me so well!!
I wanted his phone number! ..
NO. I'm totally joking. Well, ~almost!!

Life Path is 9
Expression is 4
Soul Urge (Heart's Desire) is 9

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posted June 14, 2018 10:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This is for a special friend out in the UK!
Apply the appropriate gender references. LOL

You Deserve to meet your True Love.

(music) Not For Me (Gershwin, perf. by Elton John, 1994) [3:02]

There, and waiting for you ….
Good lyrics for Venus Leo squaring Uranus Taurus.

All for you....

(music) Someone to Watch Over Me, & Our Love is Here to Stay (Elton John sings Gershwin, 1994) [6:41]

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posted June 15, 2018 08:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

(music) Shower The People (James Taylor, 2015) [4:45]

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posted June 15, 2018 03:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"LOVE is at the root of everything--
Love, or, the lack of it."
- Fred Rogers, MisterRogers

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posted June 16, 2018 01:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Joy! .. for another day of Life.

One of the things I prize in relationships is mutual respect, love, and no verbal attacking of person.

That's one of the ways that rm and I have been able to be together for the past 11 years. We don't lash-out at each other. There is emotional safety for both. No hitting below the belt, no name-calling. I believe in discussing the issue, when not in the 'heat' of the moment, and not attacking the person.

I've been known for that on all the various jobs I've ever had. That's what prompted one stock market firm I'd worked at (doing mundane positions as the fill-in for whatever was needed for the day), decided to create a new position in the office. I was good at hearing complaints, then explaining to each party what the 'other' was trying to say.
(Unfortunately and suddenly, the market was crashing in those days, and a hiring freeze occurred for all branches in our wider locale! ~go figure?? LOL But it was an honor that they trusted me like that.)

There had been a discussion on my v-job a few weeks ago. People {who are there near-fulltime} started airing various grievances. I was able to share my own experience with them, and how I 'reframed' those involved. It was received well.

At one point, I realized (in myself) how much I actually admired those who were BOLD enough and brazen enough to tell the boss what they thought--

I myself would not BE so 'in-your-face' confrontive and bold. Some people get away with it.

Maybe, having grown up in a home where even the 'look' of appearing possibly-impudent was severely punished (by my mother and nuns in school), and, as a respect for authority was role-modeled (by my {military} father who came home thoroughly dissatisfied frustrated and harassed by a really "narcissistic" low-intelligence boss),,,, I learned a different way of seeing 'around' situations?

I am not good at handling "personal verbal abuse", nor of environments containing constantly ill-willed, bad-feeling, hostilities, with mean 'acting-out' personalities present-- (when that's the accepted 'normal' atmosphere).
.. People with 'authoritarian-personality' disorder issues tend to misread me as a threat-- when I TRULY I am not.

I chuckle here because I know that SOME absolutely THRIVE in those environments -- Maybe for them, it's not a productive day without the release of gnarly toxins in the air and atmosphere-- while not caring 'who' or what the consequences are to those in-witness of that behavior, nor acting in goodwill of the target of their display.

Like I said-- that's "normal" for some people.

Some relationships, some office atmospheres thrive on it, like a SPORT. …. Heck! Go fer it?!!! If you are all-in and of the 'same' spirit? ….

Some enjoy that kind of group dynamic.
You make your own cohesion.

More chi available for all of you to arouse, then harness and utilize??!!!, right?
{not a Right-fit for me}

I enjoy fun and more-Peaceable and Kind relationships. I don't mind it when people have to vent, that's okay. I've been a good listener for folks who have needed that. They feel better (and it wasn't an attack at me).

There had been a construction job I worked where one of the subcontractors would call me up on a Thursday, to 'just vent'.
..I had hung-up on him the first times he'd ever called {to the horror of my coworker}. He had attacked me personally, in an unwarranted way. I was scolded for hanging-up. But you know what?? The man had great respect for me, and I wound up having his trust and a VERY good customer-relationship with him. He could count on me, and, I didn't mind if he needed a listening-ear and some feedback.

I like places that LOVE to maintain cooperative atmospheres, and are about the harmony of getting-along. My gifts excel in enhancing and strengthening those kinds of productive environments. No personal attacks, while all take responsibility for how they add (or detract) to the cooperation there.

Everyone has 'off-days' where they don't handle their stuff too well that day?? It happens. But then, people get Right again.

I have a 'lot' of peacemaker asteroids and positions in my chart.

I enjoy Harmonious Fun atmospheres where Kindness is the Rule.

I let go of any other people who are not of the same mind, and ilk. That would be 'too toxic' of an atmosphere to me.
(So … Thank you soooo much anyway for thinking of me.)

I am still in the Flow …
I Believe that the Right thing WILL come around for me, and that I will be directly contacted if it's absolutely right, and when.

One of those tests (for you) will be money.
I don't have any. I know that many of you are struggling hard at this time too, so it's okay for you to back-off if that's the issue.

You don't know this, but --
I need some dentist work, which will cost a lot. I clench my teeth too tightly at times, and in the past weeks have crunched out a few of my older fillings. I need to have these replaced soon so that further decay won't happen.
{Oh! I still have that 'almost-there' amount of money for the molar I have that needed to have capped a long time ago. I'll use those funds for my present need. The molar is still hanging in there, not giving problems. The dentist said that IF I had an emergency, she would 'work with me' on a payment plan.
.. Rm and I were very lucky to be able to use that tooth-fund as back-up money to pay rent during that particular harsh financial hiccup we had gone through e.o. last year.}

The biggest future expense is that my eyeglasses seem to need replacing-- this is an extraordinary expense for me.
.. It cost nearly a thousand dollars a number of years ago, to get these.
(Reading is getting harder again, so, the prescription probably needed updating, anyway.
I do not have (nor can afford) insurance on dental/vision.)

The LENS-- What's happening is that the special coating applied to the lenses are 'peeling off'.
The warranty on the added UV/clarity coating expired a few months ago? and is peeling off. (When I opted for the special UV/blocking coating, I was relieved to discover that my eyeballs didn't hurt to be out in the sun anymore. Never realized it had been a problem until the relief happened.)
The good prescription sunglasses I owned had been stolen years ago (probably because they were really cool frames-- I used to get a lot of compliments on them). I'd gone for years in a tropical-sun climate without use of sunglasses.
The UV-ray block clear-coating was a blessing.

It looks like my glasses are dirty when you try to converse with me while looking at my eyes. It detracts from my look. I am able to 'see through' the marred lens, but it's there whenever I choose to focus attention on it. There's a constant sensation that I need to clean them.

I wish you all a Harmonious and Fun Weekend.

We are a Knit Human Family of People, whether consciously aware of that or not.

All it takes is one calamity, one storm, one displacing earth-change, one illness, to "realize" how much we need to rely on each other to Survive.

My Heart going out to the Immigrants who are having their children torn from them, at this time. What egregious unthinkable harm and Trauma! …

I have witnessed the families of this same Spanish culture, and their attachments and love of their Family. (These are the predominant culture in my neighborhood and locale).

I tried imagining some of the little ones here being "taken" away from Good Parents, to be corralled and separated from even their siblings {who sometimes act as extra-parent}. How Horrible of an Event!

Everyone Deserves to be Safe, and Loved.
And to have an 'unmolested' Place in this World.

(music) I Need You To Survive (Hezekiah Walker, lyrics gospel) [7:29]

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posted June 16, 2018 02:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
For ALL Those who Work and Yearn for World Peace

(music) Turn! Turn! Turn! (The Byrds, lyrics) [3:56]

I've still been plucking away very very slowly by familiarizing self with some new terms, back and forth, between Vedic and western astrology.

I had a chance to download a simple program that gives the current Vedic sky. So much to assimilate.

Also went to an online class introducing the mythology and spiritual stages to the story behind the Bhagavad-Gita, then, the leader/host correlates this to spirituality and the western chart. I still have my own copy of the Gita from my days in college! yes. The university I attended had Jesus Freaks AND the Krishnas on campus. I had gone to a few meetings, but, it was not for me. I had my nose buried in books (and music studies) ALL day/night long-- WITH my reading metaphysical books for about an hour a day as a 'break' from studies while at my part-time job then.

.. Once I was 'in' the 'Gita meeting, they asked for a donation. (~oy... I was embarrassed, but, already there. The amount "suggested" was incredibly steep for me. I didn't expect it would be 'that high'... so, I would probably would not go back to these classes because I'd feel too guilty for not being able to pay much for it.)

The huge wonderful take-away for me from that class, was to resonate and respond with the Love and Call that this person feels with The Divine.

He calls The Divine by another name....

But.... *Love is Recognized* in any language, and can be 'Heard' in every word of someone who is truly on a Search.

We Please God, as we Honor and Respect and Cherish The Presence of GOD … in Each Other.

Many many Blessings to you....

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted June 17, 2018 09:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mirage29:

"LOVE is at the root of everything--
Love, or, the lack of it."
- Fred Rogers, MisterRogers

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posted June 17, 2018 10:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Heard Anderson Cooper interview Donald Sutherland tonight on TV show 60-Minutes.

Found Mr. Sutherland's chart.

What a treat! *heart*
I could relate to what he said about his mother, but, mine wasn't so graceful, verbally.
I really like his wit.

What an intense day it was.

Happy Father's Day … to those who celebrate-- either as a dad, or the offspring of one.

I honor every person who has been supporting me-- by their reading, by the input, by their Love.

I hadn't realized people read that closely, and were really deeply FOR me. I was astonished and soo touched... really, I didn't realize. … {{ }}

Chiron is touching my IC to cross to H4 soon now...

Again, I am sooo profoundly touched by the support. It has touched me a place so deep that it's almost like an awakening for me.

And I've been having further realizations about what-all has happening to me over my life. As an older person now, I can tell you that I went through this life largely unsupported, fighting some pretty-big battles and giants, like a David charging after Goliaths, only, I didn't quite get away without getting unscathed.

I'm recalling things from my past with more of an eye of observing, and really seeing and appreciating how 'brave' I truly was. How HARD I fought. How fair, and how in-integrity I had remained throughout the Fights of my life. …. People were present during those times, observing my life from the sidelines. They watched, and some had prayed for me. Some of those who prayed came to take me aside after it was over, to let me KNOW how they admired me, and that I had done the Right thing.. while I was surrounded by abject cruelty.

I refrain lightly now from wondering why the people (of my past) hadn't jumped in there 'with' me? … (I think that they were afraid that they-themselves would have been targeted had they openly defended me.) But what I DO know is that I discovered later, that these witnesses DID change some of the ways they approached life after that. They said I 'taught' them how..... *crying*

I've been my own kind of leader (without realizing it) throughout life, by myself.

Thank you all.... for Believing in me and really really being respectful and knowing and believing I can make it through this.

Sending you appreciation with Profound Whole feelings.

And also acknowledging everyone who has a leadership or mentoring role in people's lives.

Thank you ….

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Posts: 199138
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 18, 2018 12:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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