posted July 31, 2020 01:31 PM
I have a Christmas Heart. My PreNatal New Moon Eclipse, fell on Christmas Morning just past Midnight. That, and my Sagittarius Rising Soul, marked my incarnation with the Christmas Spirit.
The two websites that I used to get my special smilies from are BANNED by this new Updated computer program now. When I went to click on the FAV, there were all kinds of sirens and alarms and FLAGS.
IF I have any decorations for my posts, I'll have to 'lift' them from any posts I've already done--- until, and unless I find another smilie website that doesn't give this computer indigestion!
This post is a follow-up of the post I made announcing his death.
* July 18th post, page 11
I attended Representative John Lewis' funeral via television yesterday.
On my front door, I hung a representation of the American Flag WITH a "purple ribbon" draped over it, to express my Gratitude for this GREAT American's Soul.
This live funeral service was incredibly Inspiring!
Restoration of the Voting Rights Act---
#The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.
Remembering John Lewis
Civil Rights Icon -- Conscience of Congress
(topic) Watch live: Congressman John Lewis' funeral service
(CBS NEWS, on July 30, 2020)
The introduction to this Vid has interviews of persons who had known him.
I looked over his astro chart--
He WELL-expressed it, High Vibrationally,
throughout his life!!
He embodied "Hope and Faith" IN and BY the people of The United States of America,
and of perseverance in the belief for fairness in the American style of Government,
for the working-out of Democracy-- that we are a 'People of The Promise' that Together, we can FORM a "more-perfect Union" through the active expressed-Voice and the responsible DUTY of participation by ALL citizens -- that through the Power of The VOTE, we (generally) have the consensus, the collected expressed-Will for "All The People?" ---
. . .
yet, The Vote is suppressed deliberately and heavily at this current time, by lawmakers that seek their own personal interests.
John Lewis {and former Protesters, including Martin Luther King, Jr} promoted Civil Rights through the art of "Non-violent Protests".
They role-modeled and provided Americans with a "structure" and form for Non-Violence-- so that the 'practical' actions of peaceful protest would be a way of "informing" and influencing current society and elected-lawmakers of their norms, with hopeful results from being heard and seen.
John Lewis led an insistence on holding us, holding the modern government, to the very KERNEL of Truths stated in our Sacred Documents, declared over us in spirit and ideal, for us as a Nation.
Over the years, we see that there are thought-form HABITS 'now' that are and have been CLEARLY unfair in our modern times.
In hindsight, from the inception of our Country, we have spiritually grown, because of the "realizations" --
The Awakening and Sensitizing of our Collective "Conscience" -- has occurred in and through the births of subsequent generations of Americans.
Slavery of black persons at the START of our country was "acceptable" -- UNTIL an elevated "conscience" was Awakened--
It was clearly the beginning of a Realization of what what was DONE to these human sentient beings who were brought in boats, lined at the bottom of these vessels like human logs..
There was a REALIZATION by one who travelled as a 'hire' on those boats-- he was appalled at the treating of other humans like this-- clearly, this was wrong!
{Story of the Song, "Amazing Grace" .. *sad*}
We needed to FREE these Human Bodies with Souls, giving Dignity and Honor for ALL HUMAN SOULS {which is an Ideal of America} --- each, to be treated as "Equal" and deserving of being protected against corrupting old unconscious 'thought-habits' and crusty old-rules that we have WELL OUTGROWN, a Century PAST the Civil War and the defeated Confederacy.
George Wallace ..
was the expression of 'actions of EVIL' to be restored once again? He TRIED to re-establish the cruel entity of the 'defeated' South.
MUCH Human Bloodshed, as that evil-head tried to re-establish once more in this Land.
Stubborn inhumane, cruel LOWER-values... is not the personification of Others of us, who hold The Higher Meaning and Ideals of WE THE PEOPLE.
White supremacy
once MORE tries to rear its UGLY head... unfortunately {and maybe even was unconsciously -- to give the Grace of doubt} were emboldened and made-strong by their hailed leader of a particular political party group. They have found and establish a root-again in a base, a home.. welcomed-members into that party of thought and influence.
They show up in OUR Govt Buildings flying their Confederate flags, and NAZI-regime Flags, bearing-also the hate-symbol of NOOSES-- as the current admin 'encourages' them.
That EVIL "sickness-of-soul and conscience" needs to be PURGED from influence in THIS, Our NATION ...
. .
It was WRONG--
We fought World War I, and suffered loss of lives in World War II in order to defeat this EVIL.
We even lost human lives in a previously fought CIVIL War--
and this Evil once-again raises it's Ugly Head, enabled by current politicos.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil --- is for good men to do nothing.”
― Edmund Burke
This new nazism should have NEVER been recognized, allowed, nor given room -- The ROOT of it, is EVIL....
This needs to be PURGED from any kind of validation by elected-members in the govt of The United States of America!
Amazing how Blacks were NOT considered as fully "human people" in the inception of this country... even AFTER they were 'freed from their CAPITIVITY'.
They were not considered FULLY "Equal" Citizens with their release.
* see Juneteenth Posting
June 19th on page 10.
There is still a stubborn mentality, encouraging a subtle form of human slavery, through unlivable wages in this economy... not just here in USA, but around the WORLD.
. . .
Capitalism was supposed to have been seen as a boon-- as well it was. This is now OUT OF BALANCE, especially in light of the World COVID Pandemic. The evangelism of this spread into other countries, led to their demise also..
The unintended-consequences of this 'unregulated' practice is creating harm to the human life of people now;
Economics needs to be examined thoroughly.
Those BORN here from a parent of a "mass-kidnapped" people from the continent of Africa, and the spanish island territories in the carribean--
whose DNA is intertwined with that of white fathers {through rape, basically}, are the ones EFFECTING another "conscience" Awakening!
Enslaved kidnapped humans were declared "FREE Souls and Independent Persons" by President Abraham Lincoln..--
Done ACCORDING to Conscience, and the upholding of our Our Constitution and spirit of The Declaration of 'Independence'.
Our Innate, and God-Given inalienable Right, that ALL People are EQUAL. --
Equal Worth, and of Equal Value--
.. in the eyes of each other.
Confederate armies formed,
and WARRED against "This UNION",
to FIGHT AGAINST fairness,
the "freeing" of their unpaid-laborers who worked the fields of wealthy plantations.
We have a PARALLEL of that once more in this country, with issues around money (and ability to sustain-LIFE) in this "supposedly" wealthiest nation on earth?
Many here, live resembling lives in so-called 3rd-world countries?
{Didn't do asteroids, but I'm sure those must have been very revealing also.}
I loved and appreciated the style of service given here.
The music was OUTSTANDING. Jennifer Holliday "sang" her soul out. Excellent!
Ebenezer Baptist Church,
in Atlanta Georgia
is considered as
"America's Freedom Church."
- ta-georgia-1885/
Spiritual Home of Martin Luther King, Jr
Representative {Rev.} John Robert Lewis.
.. A Living Walking Sermon
He Walked these words to 2nd Corinthians.
(music) The Corinthian Song (Kathy Taylor)
In the video of the funeral, Former Presidents and current Government Officials added Eulogies, and remembrances as they had been Historical Witnesses ... of this man who was their Coworker and Beloved Friend.
I recognized this song being played as an instrumental organ piece.
May GOD Order Our Steps,
With Love and Dignity.
Many Thanks to this Good Soul,
John Robert Lewis
An Exemplar of Good Citizenship
(music) Order My Steps In Your Word (lyrics)
"From the Vault - Barack Obama - SEP 1995"
(22-CityView - Cambridge, MA)
yt notes
22-CityView presents Barack Obama speaking at the Cambridge Public Library.
Recorded on September 20,1995, this originally aired on Channel 37 Cambridge Municipal Television as an episode of the show "The Author Series."
In this episode Obama discusses his book
"Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance,"
which at the time had just been released a few months previously.