Topic: Crystal Who?
Lastchild Knowflake Posts: 314 From: Mississippi (catfish don't jump!) Registered: Nov 2000
posted April 12, 2001 10:07 AM
Okay Randall, My mushy stage has passed now so feel free to edit this post if you need to because I am going to rant for a bit. About this Crystal Bush. Supposedly she was Linda's really good friend. Where does it say that Linda picked her to continue her legacy? And why does she feel that Lindas legacy includes making and keeping the almighty dollar before anything else? And why does she feel the need to write bad books and then claim that they are in Lindas words? I searched the beginnings of Sun Signs, Goobers (finally got a copy, although it's used ), and Love Signs for ANY mention of Crystal. Not anywhere could I find her name! Not a dedication, not a thank you! Nothing! But Linda has thanked and dedicated to SO many others! Why not her! It's a scam I think. Can somone check their copy of Star Signs and Venus Trines at Midnight (did I miss any others) to see if I missed a dedication and let me know? I don't wanna jump the gun here. Boy, if it were my friend, I would want to include them. Last IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 24779 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted April 12, 2001 02:10 PM
Unlike Gregory, I don't delete or edit Posts. Freedom of expression was very important to Linda, and it is to all of us also.With all due respect to Crystal, she wrote Relationship Signs from Linda's notes. I don't think the book claims to be Linda's work (even though it has Linda's name on the cover). Crystal (and another astrologer) wrote the book, and they state such. You won't find mention of Crystal in Linda's books, because Linda met her late in Life after the books were published. Crystal helped Linda financially when she was broke. Linda spent all her money trying to find her lost daughter, Sally. It sent Linda into bankruptcy. Linda considered Crystal to be her only loyal friend. Regardless of why she wanted Crystal to carry on her name, we have to respect Linda's decision. Linda had a plan, and she knew what she was doing. Perhaps, Linda knew that Crystal would be a shrewd business woman and thus keep Linda's books marketed aggressively, so that Linda's message will be heard by all. Whatever the reason, Linda most definitely had a plan. We may not all agree with the commercialism of the official site, but we all have to concede to two things: 1. Marketing Linda's name takes money (and there is nothing wrong with making money, if it's done ethically). 2. This commercialism DOES keep Linda's name alive to the masses. I do not agree with the way Gregory runs the official site, but Crystal must see some value in keeping him around. I also do not like how he disregards most of Linda's beliefs, including immortality, and the way he allows such vile comments and censors every Post that reflects an opinion different from his own. That's why I created this site. For Linda. A site that honors all her beliefs. A place where all the "outcasts" can show their Love for Linda with no fear of banishment, insults from a Webmaster, or other reprisals. The official site seems to attract a lot of negative energy (unlike ours), but there are many people there who would never have been exposed to Linda's Spirit otherwise, so I still give it my full support and recommendation--even though I have been banned from it. Yes, I support Crystal also, because as far as we all k-NOW, she is doing exactly what she promised Linda she would. That is no easy task, and we have no right to judge. I also do not judge Gregory, even though I have artistic differences of opinion. His job is difficult also, and he just may not be suited for it, but I'm sure he means well. ------------------ "The ancestor to every action is a thought." EMERSON IP: Logged |
Lastchild Knowflake Posts: 314 From: Mississippi (catfish don't jump!) Registered: Nov 2000
posted April 12, 2001 02:24 PM
OkayWell said I didn't know that much about her. Thanks for the input IP: Logged |
gooberlily Knowflake Posts: 2296 From: Brooklyn, (and Norwich) NY, USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted April 12, 2001 09:44 PM
I remember after I finished reading Gooberz and wrote a letter to Linda...when I got a form letter response that she passed away, I was shocked that Linda had died, and I was busy thinking about that for a good few minutes, I was kind of stunned (then I heard a bird sing outside and I felt better)...but my next thing, the next thing that popped into my mind was who this Crystal woman was who "signed" the letter. I hadn't heard of her before, I didn't know what connections she had to Linda, I just figured she was like the head of a fan club or something. Well, after I got my computer, I checked to see if there was a Linda Goodman website, and that's when I found Crystal's site. I registered for it, and they let me know when they opened up their message board and everything. I went over there, and I just didn't feel right. I dunno, I'm not bashing Crystal, I don't know the woman, I just felt a lot of negative energy didn't feel like how I felt when I read Linda's books. Linda's books always gave me a warm, comforting, humorous friendly feeling inside. Crystal's site felt cold to me. That's the only reason I can say I haven't gone back...and I always listen to my gut.Since Randall says that Crystal and Linda were very close friends, and I've read it a few other places, I can't and I won't say anything bad about Crystal. I'm not here to judge anyway, I'm here to experience. I just send everyone over there lots of love, I hope that they will do justice to Linda's memory, and do their best to try and follow along with what they feel may have been Linda's wishes. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 24779 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted April 13, 2001 01:34 PM
The official site does seem to have a lot of "cliques." If you're a member of the right clique, you can get away with murder; if you're not, you can't say anything right. We have only One clique here--Linda's Clique! ------------------ "The ancestor to every action is a thought." EMERSON IP: Logged |
gooberlily Knowflake Posts: 2296 From: Brooklyn, (and Norwich) NY, USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted April 13, 2001 09:58 PM
I never understood that, the whole purpose behind a "clique"...even the name sounds snooty. Well, I have been on a few message boards before this one, and I have felt that clique-ey-ness. I don't think we have it here, but if I ever offend anyone or act clique-y in any way, please ask Linda's astral self to bonk me on the head with a book or something! Love you guys, all of you, including those of you who just read here IP: Logged |
YIVY Knowflake Posts: 4747 From: Louisiana Registered: Nov 2000
posted April 13, 2001 10:20 PM
OH! NO! GooberLily...not on the head. You poor get bonked on the head way to much as it is.May she can 'pinch' your toes Anyhoo...if anyone gets a little 'cliquish' around here, we will just hug 'em till we squish it out of them.... ------------------ @~>~~ YIVY "Witchy Woman" IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 24779 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted April 14, 2001 01:41 AM
YIVY, we've actually done that a couple of times here! ------------------ "The ancestor to every action is a thought." EMERSON IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 24779 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted April 14, 2001 02:28 PM
From Aristocrats and Heads of State to the poor, the lost, and the forsaken--anybody can join Linda's Clique. None are turned away. All are welcomed, all are accepted, all are Loved, and all are deemed equal. Money won't buy the Soul growth. You can't buy Enlightenment. It's free to all who would ask for and diligently seek it. We are a small (but growing) site made up of a lot of Linda's "hardcore" fans. But you don't have to be a hardcore Linda fan to enjoy the Love we have in Lindaland. Seemingly betraying the Laws of Physics, the more we give Love away, the more we have to give! ------------------ "The ancestor to every action is a thought." EMERSON IP: Logged |
Lastchild Knowflake Posts: 314 From: Mississippi (catfish don't jump!) Registered: Nov 2000
posted April 14, 2001 04:53 PM
Randall,Where did you get the info? I think I read something like that at the other site, but I wanted to know if that was the only place that talks about Crystal being the "chosen" one. Last IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 24779 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted April 14, 2001 07:16 PM
I have been privately e-mailing a number of people who knew Crystal, Crystal's daughters, and/or Linda at the time near her death (some of whom have been legally entangled with Crystal and shall remain anonymous, and likewise, what was told to me shall remain in confidence). Some of them are not very fond of Crystal, although I have nothing against her, but all sources do confirm the same thing; Linda signed documents giving the use of her name to Crystal Bush, which allowed Crystal to Trademark the name. We can only assume Linda had a plan and that Crystal is a very important part of it. ------------------ "The ancestor to every action is a thought." EMERSON IP: Logged |
Lastchild Knowflake Posts: 314 From: Mississippi (catfish don't jump!) Registered: Nov 2000
posted April 14, 2001 09:28 PM
Thanks for your honesty Randall!I feel weird pursuing this, but I just have a "gut" feeling that something isn't right. I am sure Linda knew what she was doing (hopefully she wasnt desperate in her last days) when she chose. Last IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 24779 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted April 14, 2001 10:30 PM
I really do feel that Crystal means well. If nothing else, the strong commercialism keeps Linda's books published and in the limelight where they belong. Linda's books are ageless and timeless, and all future generations deserve the opportunity to be changed by Star Signs and Gooberz. ------------------ "The ancestor to every action is a thought." EMERSON IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 24779 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted April 15, 2001 02:25 PM
The only real problem I see is that Linda's truest fans are allowed to be ostracized at the official site by people whom have never even read Linda's books. Linda would not be pleased about this. I wish Crystal would take a more active role in her site's daily management and put an end to this. ------------------ "The ancestor to every action is a thought." EMERSON IP: Logged |
Lastchild Knowflake Posts: 314 From: Mississippi (catfish don't jump!) Registered: Nov 2000
posted April 15, 2001 02:48 PM
Yeah too. I know that there is sometimes a fine line separating truth and judgement. I am just seeking the truth Last IP: Logged |
gooberlily Knowflake Posts: 2296 From: Brooklyn, (and Norwich) NY, USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted April 16, 2001 12:58 AM
Here's to the truthseekers! (lifting imaginary glass and toasting...clink, clink) ...and those with an open mind...and heart. IP: Logged |
Ladyblue Knowflake Posts: 2 From: Houston, Texas USA Registered: Jan 2002
posted January 06, 2002 08:46 PM
Is Crystal the Pisces woman Linda writes about and says she dearly loves on page 442 in the Physical Immortality chapter of the hardback copy of Star Signs?IP: Logged |
chronicprincess Knowflake Posts: 3080 From: Earth Registered: May 2001
posted January 06, 2002 09:16 PM
Last~ Perhaps Linda plans to Saturn Seven into Crystal at some point... then she'd automatically own her own name *again* Ladyblue~ First let me welcome you to the site I hope you are comfy and enjoy yourself hmmmmmm.. Picses woman - I don't know, but perhaps someone here does and will respond shortly ~Princess ------------------ ~We can try many ways to get rid of the darkness, but none is as effective as simply increasing the light.~ UnkNown IP: Logged |
YIVY Knowflake Posts: 4747 From: Louisiana Registered: Nov 2000
posted January 06, 2002 10:34 PM
Let me also say WELCOME to you, Ladyblue..... I always thought that she was referring to 'Ruth' who rhymes with truth'... I think (don't quote me) that Crystal is a Cancer. ------------------
@~>~~ YIVY "Witchy Woman" IP: Logged |
Pisces Moon Knowflake Posts: 329 From: Canberra ACT Australia Registered: Dec 2001
posted January 06, 2002 11:08 PM
LadyBlue - Crystal is a Cancer with Moon in Sagittarius. I think YIVY is right - the Pisces lady was Ruth Cook. IP: Logged |
chandra Knowflake Posts: 583 From: oregon Registered: Jun 2001
posted January 07, 2002 12:48 AM
LASTCHILD, I understand the gut feeling. I not going to say anything except one thing because I don't know much about the other site...I don't have any problem with charging a fee for the general readings, but charging $19.99 (what is was last time I checked) a month for a general reading, to me, smacks of greed. (just my personal opinion).RANDALL, I didn't know Linda went bankrupt looking for Sally. She had (and has) such a big heart
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 24779 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted January 07, 2002 12:34 PM
Welcome, Ladyblue! ------------------ "It is never too late to become what you might have been." George Eliot IP: Logged |
Spiritua Knowflake Posts: 1477 From: Toronto Registered: Dec 2001
posted January 07, 2002 11:23 PM
Welcome to Lindaland, Ladyblue! IP: Logged |
Pisces Moon Knowflake Posts: 329 From: Canberra ACT Australia Registered: Dec 2001
posted January 08, 2002 05:26 AM
The thing that really shocked me about the "other site" was that they organised spiritual groups and charged money for them. Linda was very clear that she believed spiritual instruction should be free and gained only in a one-on-one situation. The groups were also on non-Linda-oriented topics.IP: Logged |
Ladyblue Knowflake Posts: 2 From: Houston, Texas USA Registered: Jan 2002
posted January 08, 2002 08:14 AM
Thank you for being welcomed! Randall, interesting quote from George Eliot -- your thoughts please on why you wrote it. ----------- "For guidance from above, simply, always go with Love." LadyblueIP: Logged |