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Author Topic:   Better Sit Down For This!
Darya Callihan
posted July 02, 2003 09:23 PM           Edit/Delete Message
Hello all you lovely people...
Randall, you've certainly no dearth of responses and ideas regarding your inspiring and ambitious book. I'm so reminded of "Chorus Line" - you, of course, are Zach (he was certainly a Capricorn, as well). In any case, you make the final decision here, and allow any of us who wholeheartedly offer our assistance a hand in the project.
(I've just recently - during a sleepless night- discoverd this site, and I am so impressed. Good for you, and thank you!)
It took some time to read through the 8 pages of replies, and I had a range of thoughts and emotions throughout, but I have to say I'm left with a sense that you WILL write this book, and in a way that does not infringe on copyright laws or personal sentiments. I wonder if you might get away from a strictly biographical approach--clearly there's much to be said about Linda's influence on so many lives. Your book would also be very timely, as much of what Linda wrote about was prophetic for our times--and I believe she would definitely want her warnings to once again be brought to light. Linda's talents, as we all know from her writings, extend beyond the spiritual and metaphysical--she was also intensely intellectual and political. To sum it up Randall, this book needs to be written NOW. We've very little time left, and this book would help to shake people out of their comas.
I am a Virgo, with Aries ascending, and moon in Pisces. I would love to assist in your project--I'm quite the proofreader--but understand that you've quite a lot to mull over.
I had a thought regarding a possible title:
"Entertaining Angels" (=7-dreams that come true) "The Legacy of Linda Goodman" (=27 - WOW!). Isn't that beautiful? And, you could easily put emphasis on Linda's lasting legacy with so many people living on Earth right now.
Sorry if I'm presumptuous for a newcomer. I've not been so excited in a long time!
The best of everything to all of you.

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posted July 02, 2003 09:45 PM           Edit/Delete Message
Welcome to Lindaland, Darya!

Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson -

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posted July 03, 2003 03:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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posted July 06, 2003 03:58 PM           Edit/Delete Message
well i did find out what that parade was all about. i didnt actually see the paper (people steal them all the time here *sigh*) but it was 'langley days'. i had really no clue there was such a thing here. this town is pretty old by western north american standards, it was a fort in the beginning and a gold rush kind of settlement. the fort still exists and is a tourist attraction. it was actually the seat of govt for the province for a short time, long ago. so i guess thats what they were celebrating.

that parade just freaked me out big time. i feel now that linda was sort of sending a message through me, although i realize that is extremely presumptuous. ive thought about it since, a lot. i have also realized some things about me personally, and how i do have 12th house abilities... they had lain dormant for awhile so i forgot about them. that wasnt the only '12th house'ish thing thats happened lately either. it was the start, but a lot more things have happened since. even more happened to me in the past, i just conveniently 'forgot' about them... the past two years have been very hard and they have been about physical survival, so i didnt really have an opportunity for much 12th house, when the 3rd house needed so much attention.

i also thought about writing a book about her myself, if you decided not to randall. i am not an insider so to speak, so for me it would be easy (to not step on peoples toes), and i know that i would do her life justice, although it wouldnt be a deification. but, that is just an idea, and i wouldnt do it if you were. i dont steal ideas :P i do though feel that one needs to be done. nothing you would say would hurt her. nothing i would say would hurt her. she is free.

i dont know if that makes sense really. i am very tired right now, but i wanted to explain those things before i forgot.


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posted July 07, 2003 02:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message
I think it will be done by someone at some point.

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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posted July 08, 2003 01:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message
I'm no insider either.

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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posted July 19, 2003 09:11 PM           Edit/Delete Message

New to this site, (new to computers), but just reading the past few years of peoples views on your writing a book on Linda, I've come to hope you have pages and pages written and just waiting for the time to put it together. I knew she had passed on, but didn't know why, never knew about Sally, questioned alot, but with no answers, now finding this site I've gotten answers to guestions I've had for many years. Please write the book, Linda was special to me, though I never knew her, she helped me thru many difficult times in my life.


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posted July 24, 2003 04:00 PM           Edit/Delete Message
ack, i didnt mean insider per se, i meant like... obviously you have been in contact with people who knew her, they have emailed you etc. i mean that it would be easier if you didnt have them, as its hard to be objective, whereas ive never spoken with anyone who knew her personally (not even azelsion, lol!) and so i could be totally detached from the situation.

i havent thought about writing anything on her since i posted that, i always have a lot of ideas on the go. that was merely one of them. i still honestly think that you would do a fantastic job... and it would very much honor her.

let us know what is up, if you feel like it. its obvious that more than a few people are interested. your feelings are respected no matter what you do of course, we are just curious

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posted September 13, 2003 08:38 PM           Edit/Delete Message

I have yet to see a bio on Linda, really think its time you wrote one, she was a good lady, probably helped alot more people then have ever shown up on line here. If she was elvis or madonna or who ever thre would have been adozen books out by now, your turn.
Think you could do it

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posted September 14, 2003 06:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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posted September 18, 2003 12:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Eleanore     Edit/Delete Message
Ok, this is the first time I've looked thru this thread and I just read it all through. I apologize in advance if I proceed to write a long, confusing ramble, lol.
Well, Randall, I think the fact that you have come so far as to seriously consider writing a book and then asking our opinions about it is saying a lot. It shows your interest, your intentions, and your humility. I have never perceived you to have any self-interest (and here the small "s" is appropriate) in regards to LG's life and teachings. In fact, I think you are one of the most respectable people associated with her because you have chosen not to make a personal profit off of her, having her blessing or not, even though you easily could have. I think you're having a typical Capricornian self-doubt issue. Maybe you're afraid you won't measure up to everyone's expectations or that you would not receive LG's seal of approval (metaphorically speaking of course). Well, you know what? I don't think any of that matters. You can never please everyone, whether you're right or wrong. LG chose to leave us ... for her own personal reasons. All we can do now is find our own way, which is what she intended by sharing so much of her life and herS-elf anyway. If you felt enough inspiration to consider such a lofty project, I can guarantee you it wasn't a fluke. If everyone who was greatly inspired left their inspired work to be taken up by someone else, how further behind in evolution would our straggling, struggling race be? It IS a monumental task! It IS a big risk! It IS a very delicate issue! But what great event/project in the whole history of humanity hasn't been?! I don't mean to wag my finger at you (for who am I or anybody else to do so?) but I would think that of all the lessons we could have learned from LG it would have been to cast out fear! ANY and ALL kinds of fear! Especially considering such an obvious Labor of Love.
And you know what else? Even if you "fail" in your own eyes or anybody else's, so what? You gave it your best shot, and that's all anybody can expect of anybody else.
Now please, nobody be offended by my usage of the word fail. By that word I simply mean any negative vibes/opinions someone could possibly have about the book, because I think failure (like beauty) is in the eye of the beholder when it comes to art.
Dude, even if you never publish the book, you can't not write it! Your work at it, even if it never comes to be published by you, will be enough to start an energy thread through the universe that may reach somebody else who will, and it will help to reimprint upon the ethers the fact that we here below still DESIRE more to know about that which is above, and will reinforce the truth that Linda Goodman did a whole lot of good on our plane of existence ... that she did in fact reach so many people in such a magnificent way that we can't get enough! At least, you can't not try! It is something that, somewhere deep within you, you felt had to be done. And maybe your negative feelings are right, maybe you aren't "the chosen one." But guess what? You'll never know for sure unless you try it out. I have faith in you and so do many other people and, for the record, no person can fail in something if at least one other person holds firmly to a vision of that person's success, even if the person in question does have occasional doubts. Life is a lonely journey, but it is also a group effort.
As far as the contents of the book go, that's totally up to what you feel. You may find that you do alot of research, write a whole chapter out and sense that it is inappropriate for whatever reason. I certainly think such a Saturnine personality could overcome any temptation to publish something they intuitively felt was not meant to be, regardless of what anybody else would think. I say this because there are probably a million and one things that everybody who has read LG's works wants to know and, frankly, there is a good chance that not all of it is meant for us to know. But if you become a channel for her life's work, you'll come to know what to share and what not to share. And I do believe you'll listen to that little voice better than others who may have ventured in other arenas concerning Linda ...
I personally think biographies, even ones written with respect and compassion, will always intrude on the person in question's privacy, whether it be in a good way or a bad way ... a big way, or a small way. I say that because you are taking it upon yourself to share things about that person that they chose not to share themselves. That's all it is. However, I think when it comes to a person as controversial, inspirational, and innovative as LG is, it is a natural progression in the group consciousness to want to know more. Some will want to know out of curiosity. Some will want to know out of sincere desire to understand her life and/or her path. Some will want to know in order to put their own lives in better perspective. Some will want to know because they idolize her and can't get enough of her because they are a little fanatical. Some will want to know in order to try to disprove her theories. Some will want to know just because they are curious. Some will want to know because they are afraid to move forward on their own path because they think it is too grand for them to attempt until they see someone they perceive as grand being stripped to their naked humanity and be thus inspired by their normalcy being turned into greatness, successes and failures and hopes and fears and all the rest of it. The point is, you cannot control (as with anything else in life) other people's reactions. You can only control your own actions. You know your own intentions are good, and that is good enough. What other people do with your work is entirely out of your hands, as it should be. Think of the many obstacles LG faced, and try to imagine the many ways a mean-spirited or just blinded soul may have used the great knowledge and wisdom she so willingly and generously imparted on us for their own not-so-positive purposes. Is she to be held responsible for that? Heck no! And neither would you. "Light shining from a mountaintop will inevitably attract darkness." And if you step on a few toes to achieve a great end, think of how many toes LG stepped on in her journey, and in order to be able to help enlighten the rest of our lost and weary souls.
I personally think that there are certain issues that should be avoided about her life, like any microscopic observations into her more personal relationships or any deep discussions about any issues in her life that she may have been extremely (or even a little) uncomfortable with. However, I do not think you are the kind of person to try and share such intimate things anyway. And if you are, who cares what I think? I wasn't inspired to write the book. You were.
"Anything you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it." -Goethe (Although I may have mixed the order up a little, lol, the message is clear.)
You seem concerned that you are not the one meant to do it and perhaps a little apprehensive about trying to take on something not meant for you ... well, what if you are the one meant to do it and choose not to? Then, as with LG's life purpose, someone else will come along to light the way ... we hope. I think it would be a shame for you to not even try. That is my honest opinion and I am very sorry if it offends you in anyway.

As for some of the other issues that have popped up in this thread, please allow me to put my own two cents in. I think anyone who wonders what was meant when LG said that one cannot become fully immortal without their Twin Self needs to read Ardath and a Romance of Two Worlds by Marie Corelli. I also think that the person who asked Randall where he got his ideas about Jesus' personal life (sorry I forgot your name) should read The Sexuality of Jesus by Reverend William Phipps and any other of his books. As far as immortals are concerned, I don't think being an immortal should be confused with being a guru or an avatar. I think the latter are those who are soooo far evolved, and have chosen to come down to our plane specifically for some greater purpose are the ones who do not engage in sexual activities, feel the same things we do, eat the same things we do, etc. Their purpose on this plane is not to grow, but to help grow. It is entirely self-less because they have already trascended the little "s" and probably did so many many earth-years ago. Their mission is different and usually quite precise, although as LG shared, they may have chosen a mini-vice or two in order to keep their molecules together while incarnating on an Earth vibrating at such a low frequency at the present. Not to say that sex, or food, or feelings are vices for us ... a vice to a guru maybe as small as a tooth for chocolate (white sugars and all). I do, however, think that on a path to immortality, the average person needs to experience as full a spectrum of life as possible (hopefully on the positive end of the rainbow) which I would take to include sex and love, childbirth and rearing, eating, and all the other pleasures and pains of the senses until they no longer feel the NEED for them. You can never move beyond something you still long for. That is why, I think, we have yet to find our way home. We still long for the physical. One day we won't. But it would be a very hard matter indeed to try to deny yourself the things you truly desire just because you think they are wrong, or because they may be wrong for other people. Maybe they are. (Or maybe after a certain level of spiritual evolution, the rules for life on the material plane just change.) But you may not be able to let go until you experience them. We Earthlings are a little stubborn sometimes And as far as Linda dying, I know I have no tangible information for feeling or saying this, but I think she had to choose to do so. She was too famous. In her physical body at the time, she would have been far too recognizable to continue her work, and her growth, in peace. [And perhaps it is also a test of OUR Faith to believe in her teachings, even though it seems as though our "proof" was taken away ... "our own professor didn't become an immortal so it must not be possible" and other such negative strains of thought are surely some of our greatest temptations in regards to this issue. Having Faith is KNOWING, even if the slightest signs of being right aren't in sight.] I think our admiration for her and her work, and our burning desire to know more about her personally and intimately, is a testament to the fact that she couldn't have progressed much further in that form. I don't think we're wrong for feeling the way we do, or for honoring her memory with things like this website, but I do think that she accomplished all she could for herself as "Linda Goodman". Her life was, in a sense, a sacrifice for our greater good, as well as hers.
"There are three kinds of immortals. Those who became so hundreds or thousands of years ago, and communicate it to a chosen few apostles in a subtle manner. Those who became so equally long ago, but who choose to pretend they are still pilgrims, so that they may empathize with others newly initiated to the truth. And those who have just learned the secret, and are delighted with the evidence they can share with others. It's not always easy to make the distinction." pg 445 of the trade paperback edition of Star Signs. Remember how Linda said that we should not be afraid to share our newfound knowledge with others ... to be brave and spead our message and show faith? Well, she was pretty much the first person to take such a huge step on such a large scale. She was showing us by example. Unfortunately, the world was not ready to accept that truth just yet. Maybe it still isn't. You know how mainstream media always presents aliens being attacked and captured and dissected, and sees them as a threat to the planet's survival, generally speaking? Well, I think to the average mind, an immortal would be pretty much like an alien, and would be equally persecuted, etc. Heck, most people still freak out about vegetarians! That is why immortals don't advertise themselves. They try to keep it secret for their own safety, and for the safety of those along the path. It is an ancient and very guarded path thus far, to be sure. But the time for the dawning of understanding is drawing nearer everyday. It is our duty, to ourselves as well as to each other, to bring about this long-awaited dawning, in any positive and life-affirming, spiritually-sound way we can. Linda was the first to take the plunge on such a public stage. And like many teachers before her, she chose to make an exit in that incarnation, probably in order to continue her work under another guise. It is our turn to add our spin to the wheel of life.
Perhaps, Randall, this is your chance to start the wheel spinning for us all, to inspire us to follow our intuitive guidings, and to pay homage to a soul that was willing to give us HER all in order that we may one day achieve our greatest potential ... making the long and weary journey home to the oneness whence we came aeons ago. I know I needed her guidance, and I honestly and truly BELIEVE (darn it, I KNOW)that any tribute to her in self-less good Spirit will be smiled upon by the Uni-verse.
Blessed Be All, and thank you for your attention.

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posted September 18, 2003 02:09 PM           Edit/Delete Message
go ahead and do it.
it's your calling for it to be done.

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posted September 18, 2003 03:31 PM           Edit/Delete Message
Welcome to Lindaland, Moondreamer!

Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson -

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posted September 19, 2003 03:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks, El.

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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posted September 19, 2003 11:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message
You, too, Moon.

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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posted September 21, 2003 10:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Eleanore     Edit/Delete Message
You're welcome, Randall.

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posted September 23, 2003 01:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message
Always enjoy your Posts, El.

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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posted September 23, 2003 11:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Eleanore     Edit/Delete Message

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sai baba
posted October 07, 2003 07:02 AM           Edit/Delete Message
hi randall ,just looking at ur name and saw RAN ALL LAND , so run ahead friend and do de book because if u were not meant to something will come up to hinder u,,,also i noticed u started off very entused and seemed not so much as de discussion went on..please dont let negativity put u off ...REMEMBER WHAT LINDA SAID ABOUT DE DEVIL PLANTING SEEDS..dont let him stand in ur way u have plenty of angels on ur side ..and if ull allow me i will be a warring angle for u ..when u decide to do de book even jesus had his persecuters and lord knows what would have happened if he fell at de first hurdle...its not going to be easy randall but hey...eleanor could help u as it looks like she has started her own little book too if i go on anymore...keep the faith friend u have more angels on ur side than u can even begin to imagine..LOVE AND LIGHT SAM

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posted October 07, 2003 04:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for juniperb     Edit/Delete Message
Welcome sai baba

Well said... we`re patiently waiting


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posted October 19, 2003 10:15 PM           Edit/Delete Message
Randall I hope you do decide to do it. If someone else does it I highly doubt the monies will be going to support such worthy causes. Also, you have the dedication and love for Linda that this project needs. Besides, I wanna read it!!!


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posted October 20, 2003 11:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks! My business is starting to soar on its own, so I should have free time to devote to this project.

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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posted October 20, 2003 07:08 PM           Edit/Delete Message
Is that a yes, Randall?

Very big smile on this otherwise poker-faced Scorp.

Feels like Christmas morning! I do believe it was meant to be. Many, many Blessings to you sir.

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posted October 20, 2003 09:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message
A strong maybe.

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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posted October 20, 2003 10:38 PM           Edit/Delete Message


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