Topic: The Awakener
TINK Knowflake Posts: 3736 From: New England Registered: Mar 2003
posted December 06, 2003 06:14 PM
Daf, do you believe that John the Baptist, John the son of Zebedee, and Lazarus were one and the same? I think perhaps Lazarus wrote the Gospel of John. Although I think that is the same as saying John did. What do think about the raising of Lazarus? Temple Sleep of Initiation under the Sign of Jonah?I've hesitated to ask but... how did you come across this being claiming to be John? What earned your trust. Possibly much too private a topic. If so I apologize. IP: Logged |
dafremen unregistered
posted December 06, 2003 07:30 PM
Hey there Tink!I tried to answer some of yours and Fishkitten's questions on a separate thread here: A few words about John Boanerges Also, if there is ANYONE else that has questions about John, please feel free to ask them there. If there is anyone who has more clues about the 11 connection. 11:11 stories or feelings about the coming changes, floods, earthquakes or the "turning away" (a mass rejection of cities and political power structures by society), PLEASE post them! Share with us! Each story helps give courage to those who have kept silent or doubted their own intuitions. By speaking up, regardless of how insignificant you feel your information might be, you could be helping to save lives. IP: Logged |
firestar Knowflake Posts: 118 From: San Diego, CA Registered: Oct 2003
posted December 07, 2003 10:52 AM
Hello everyone....Daf, fishkitten...everyone,I too have experienced feelings concerning change. I know that certain changes have already started to take place. I left my home town 15 years ago to move to Southern California and vowed never to return. I immediately fell in love with San Diego, the weather is wonderful and I love being near the ocean. During the past 5 years or so I have increasingly felt the need to move back home. Oddly enough, ~home~ for me is in South Central Colorado, a place called the San Luis Valley which is surrounded by the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. This spring I will be returning to the Valley. I have felt that the changes in climate and weather patterns could be a sign of the events to come. The weather in the Valley has changed tremendously during the fifteen years I've been absent. Every year it would snow from the middle of October until at least the end of March. The snow would accumulate so the ground would remain covered throughout the winter. These past several years the snow is almost entirely absent. When it does snow, it isn't deep enough or cold enough to keep the ground covered for more than a day or so. The entire area is experiencing a long term drought. Instead of feeling that water is coming it seems as though it never will come...we have been praying. Here are some sites you might find interesting: IP: Logged |
Harpyr Moderator Posts: 2255 From: land of the midnight sun Registered: Dec 2002
posted December 09, 2003 10:13 PM
Yes, I too feel great changes coming. The feelings have been with me since childhood and now so many things I've read about and seen with my own eyes seems to continually confirm those feelings. Many scientists are now certain that global warming is very much a reality and that the average temperature of the earth will raise anywhere from 3 to 8 degrees in the next century or even the next 50 years. Massive chunks of the polar ice caps are breaking off. In my home state of Alaska, the weather has gone haywire and polar bears are wandering farther inland than anyone has ever witnessed before because the pack ice on the sea isn't freezing all the way up to the shore the way it should. I don't have much doubt that the ocean will be rising considerably sooner rather than later. So, oddly enough, the universe has contrived to recently resettle my family in Colorado for atleast the next four years, after a series of sychronous happenstance. I too was reminded of _The Stand_..I think it was Boulder that they ended up? I'm 17 miles up the mountain from Boulder now. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the Beast is this rabid consumer mentality characteristic of US variety capitalism that grips the western world and is being pushed upon the rest of it by the powers that be. It is the mentality that everything here on earth is here for the sole purpose of human consumption and profit and "to hell with the enviroment because if I go repent every Sunday I won't have to be bothered with earthly affairs because I'll be safe and sound in heaven." Either that or the religion of science which says there is no god and once you are dead you simply cease to again, why be bothered with what my long term effects are on the enviroment. It's for these reasons that I go march in the street in protest of the WTO/IMF/FTAA agenda. These institutions represent the idea that every aspect of life should be open for profit and that is what has gotten us into this global warming mess so I feel compelled to do what I can to impede the further spread of this diseased, anti-life view of the world.  Has anyone heard of _When Society Becomes an Addict_ by Anne Wilson Schaef? IP: Logged |
Eleanore Moderator Posts: 2478 From: Japan Registered: Aug 2003
posted January 28, 2004 06:07 PM
OK ... here's my story ... well, part of it anyway  About 5 years ago, I started having these dreams about water. Usually, I'd be sitting at the beach with family and/or friends and a bunch of strangers ... everyone was whiling away the hours as we all tend to do when we're at the beach. I'd be sitting fairly close to the shore or actually wetting my feet in the water. I'd be looking down at the sand and the water. Then I'd look up to the horizon and ... OMG there would be this huge (I mean like 50 to 60 foot high) tidal wave approaching the shore. There were a number of smaller waves (in comparison only) ahead of it. They'd hit first. People would be dragged out into the water, me included. I'd struggle to reach the shore. When I did, another wave would strike and I'd be pull back out to sea. The waves would continue to carve out a huge slope along the shore, so that eventually, the few of us left struggling would be trying to claw our way up a near vertical incline to save ourselves. Then the huge wave would hit and all the buildings (I'd always be at Miami Beach, which is where I'm originally from) would collapse. Somehow, I'd still be alive and just watching the scene as though I was now riding the waves. Then I would realize, "OMG these people have nowhere else to go!" as I watched the city being engulfed. Then I'd wake up. Once I had a dream that resembled a version of Jason and the Argonauts. I was Orpheus. We had landed on an island (whose name escapes me now) and some wanted to stay and some wanted to go. Jason was standing at the shore but then a cyclops showed up and they started to argue. I looked towards the water and saw a huge tidal wave approaching. Jason told me to stand behind him. He was going to face it head on. Then the cyclops told me to stand behind him. I looked around and then just stood behind the cyclops. To this day I don't know why I did. The wave struck. I tried to hold onto the cyclops, but couldn't and ended up cutting my hand on whatever he was wearing and was pulled out to sea. A huge white shark appeared as the blood trickled out of my hand. And then I prayed. I knew my higher S-elf could hear me, and all the angels and even God(ess) and I asked to be saved. A huge hand formed out of the water and grabbed and placed me back upon the shore, behind the cyclops. Except, when I looked at him, there was a huge white pillar descending from the heavens in his place. I was completely safe. Those are only a few of the forms my dreams started taking back then. I also had numerous dreams of living on a mountain when the earth was swallowed up by waters and my mountain became an island. Very beautiful, but very isolated, although I remember being able to communicate, somehow, with the people that had survived on other mountain/islands. And then it was time to help rebuild and soothe the spirits of those who just barely made it and were reverting to an almost primal existence ... The strange thing is that, when I started having these dreams, I began to remember (either in the dream or upon waking) that I had been having these dreams since I was a little girl. I guess at some point I had just begun to block them out. Then I read up on Edgar Cayces "predictions" and was astounded. Just plain awed.I also wrote (in another forum though I can't remember which one now) that I see 11:11 all the time as well. I was born at 11:11am, too. I also see all the numbers, especially as far as time is concerned, like 3:33 or 4:44 all the time. Whenever this happened as a little girl (because it's been happening forever) I used to stay, "Time to make a wish!" I don't remember where I picked it up, but to this day that's how I react to it, just like seeing a shooting star. Anyway, Daf and Tink and all the rest of you here, I just wanted to share some of my experiences with you in these changing times. Feel free to poke and prod and question all you want.  "I am lost, I'm no guide, but I'm by your side. I am right by your side." <--- one of my favorite Pearl Jam lyrics.
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TINK Knowflake Posts: 3736 From: New England Registered: Mar 2003
posted January 28, 2004 09:43 PM
Greetings Eleanore Strange dreams. Especially Jason and the cyclops. Always liked the the Argonauts story. As for the tidal wave dreams ~ I've been haunted by them my whole life too. I adore the sea, the beach, the waves but for the life of me I can't be near them without a VERY strong image of terrible tidal waves clouding my vison. Just writing the word gives me the chills. Even as a young child - 6,7 - I remember being frightened of them. Absolute terror really is the only accurate term. I always assumed it was a past life recall. Dim memories. On the other hand, as Lewis Carroll once said, "It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards".  tink IP: Logged |
Eleanore Moderator Posts: 2478 From: Japan Registered: Aug 2003
posted January 29, 2004 04:27 PM
LOL I always tried to tell myself that it was a past life thing. Or I'd try to look up the meanings in dream books, etc, and be disillusioned by their vagueness ... the subconcious, emotions ... well, duh!  I too adore the ocean ... I would simply love to have an ocean view and be able to smell the sweet, salty air everyday .... yet at the same time, I'm absolutely terrified of it. I won't even get on a boat I definitely plan to face my fears, though ... maybe snorkeling with a group or something, you know? It's so strange, I love so many different types of landscapes ... my ideal setting would be to have mountains, forests, plains, and beaches all within a relative proximity so that I could take my pick with ease, lol. Honestly, I feel a little Elvish (as far as Tolkien is concerned anyway) in my strong pull towards the sea.  But it isn't just me ... I can't recall the number of times my friends and I have shared the feeling that ... well, that something big is going to happen but that we don't know what it is. At first we thought it was the 9/11 tragedy ... but upon reflection we realized that was probably just part of the beginning. <sigh> Many positive thoughts and prayers ... and faith in the certainty of our continued existence (although hopefully more evolved ) is what I think will help us through some of the trying times that lay ahead. (Or behind or now, really, take your pick lol) "I need not tell you that thoughts are things, for all things are thoughts." - Phylos the Thibetan IP: Logged |
spinnaker Knowflake Posts: 9 From: Registered: Feb 2004
posted February 05, 2004 02:53 PM
Um, wow. For just stumbling onto this, I am feeling overwhelmed - and very involved in this mystery. So, being new here, please forgive me as I share my story and probably futile insights. I have NEVER liked water. I hate swimming so much that I almost drowned at swimming lessons once. California... I have "known" since I was a child that I should never go because it would eventually slide off into the ocean, and I'd rather not be around for it. I don't know how I know, I just do. As for the 11:11, yeah... been seeing that for a long time, and as others have said, just treated it as a simple wish sort of ordeal... but always knowing that change was in the air. Been discussing that quite a bit lately with some very close friends... friends who as of late have been hit with some unbelieveably intense dreams, as have I. All the while knowing - change IS in the air. For any of you reading these posts and thinking "I dunno", I was that guy 5 minutes ago. I'm just some average joe up in North Idaho in a small town. All I can say is look around and open up your feelings. If you are open to the energy, you can't miss it.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 25112 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted February 05, 2004 06:18 PM
Welcome!  ------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
TINK Knowflake Posts: 3736 From: New England Registered: Mar 2003
posted February 05, 2004 06:38 PM
Greetings spinnaker. It is a bit overwhelming when you think of it, isn't it? I think you are quite right, if you are open to the energy you can't miss it. It has been my experience that many people feel we are at the End of an Age. Some are able to verbalize and explore this feeling better than others. I think the only real debate is exactly how will it materialize? WILL it materialize or is it a purely spirtual awakening/transformation? Should we look forward to an eventual happy ending or ... not? Are the events within our control and to what degree? Etc., etc. You get the idea.What sort of dreams have you had, spinnaker? Please share. Check out Dafremen's other posts. Very interesting. Eleanor ~ Phylos the Thibetan? Have you read "A Dweller on Two Planets"? IP: Logged |
spiria Knowflake Posts: 146 From: big 'ol Tejas Registered: Sep 2003
posted February 06, 2004 12:58 AM
cryminittlly!! close friend Jen has an obsession with the number ...ever since i met her i do things in sets of 11. i will ask her more about it. i always find myself noticing 11's here and definitely sticks out from other numbers...the tower imagery...WOW DAF, i had never seen it that way until now..... i too have felt a change in the air for a while especially thickened right before sept. 11th here in the states and after the attack i felt so many people went back to blind ways so quickly, directing their hate towards middle easterners. the night before the attacks on the twin towers i felt so sick and upset and couldn't consciously figure out why.. sobbed my self to sleep and felt insane and restless....had nightmares...then i woke up to a neighbor telling me as i walked my i sat and watched the news i remember thinking, aha, maybe this will wake america up and humble its ego a bit, simultaneously feeling sad for those being hurt or killed by the attack. as for The Stand by Stephen King, that is a very relevant book to me i read years ago....i too have been drawn to the mountains for awhile now. my grandmother's spirit (she is a mountain woman)visited me in the mountains a couple years ago and whispered truths to me. the other day it popped into my head that i wanted to move to colorado with my daughter....a random, yet intense thought and i read this post and i am starting a plan in my head about moving soon to some mountains... this post simultaneously made me naseous, goosebumpy, relieved, sad and overwhelmed to name a few..... so do you all think the floods will come only if enough people don't 'awaken'? or do you think they will come regardless as part of it all? our earth definitely could use some cleansing....after the monsoons of aquarius are we launched into piscean age again? how many years, decades, roughly, are we talking about here? IP: Logged |
TINK Knowflake Posts: 3736 From: New England Registered: Mar 2003
posted February 06, 2004 07:13 PM
This Colorado thing is getting curiouser and curiouser. Are you reading this, daf?IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 25112 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted February 07, 2004 10:42 AM
 ------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
spiria Knowflake Posts: 146 From: big 'ol Tejas Registered: Sep 2003
posted February 10, 2004 01:42 PM
curious indeed. i have a very good AQUARIAN girlfriend who just moved to Colorado a few months ago. she has been asking me to visit and now begs me to move there. the only time i have visited colorado was right after high school graduation, on a road trip with friends. we camped out all over. mesa verde was a very spiritual place that i loved. i felt depressed in aspen. way capitalisitic commercialized. the only thing that keeps me in texas now is my is so hard to leave them, i love them, and have trouble convincing them to make any changes. now that i have a daughter of my own though, i do not want to raise her in a polluted, consumeristic city....ugh. i am sure there are more places to go other than colorado. i suppose fate will guide each and every one of us to exactly where we need to be when the time comes. wouldn't it be a beautiful thing if all the knowflakes found each other? for a energetic/spiritual recharge? that is what i find anyway just visiting this site!!
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Eleanore Moderator Posts: 2478 From: Japan Registered: Aug 2003
posted February 14, 2004 01:48 AM
Why yes, Tink, I have read "A Dweller on Two Planets," and I think it is an amazing book. I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone because it is certainly an eye-opener (with lots of depth) even for those whose "eyes" have already begun to open. In fact, I have seriously been considering reading it again, just because I'm curious to see what other truths I manage to stumble across this time.  Have you read it? If so, what did you think?IP: Logged |
TINK Knowflake Posts: 3736 From: New England Registered: Mar 2003
posted February 14, 2004 07:19 AM
Struggled through it years ago. Don't think I understood a damn thing. I felt that I wasn't "getting it". It's haunted me though. Maybe I'll try again.IP: Logged |
dafremen unregistered
posted February 14, 2004 10:43 PM
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Annie Kuzma Knowflake Posts: 416 From: Kettering ,Ohio ,USA Registered: Jan 2003
posted February 16, 2004 06:23 PM
Hey Daf, long time no hear!! How are you?? I see you are going to Colorado, hope you have an open door.Take care of yourself. ANNIE ------------------ Peace and Love L.V.X. Annie Tesla is back!! Check out their new CD!! March 9, 2004 (Copy and paste) Help me get the word out!!
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MercurialMisfit Knowflake Posts: 139 From: Alexandria, VA Registered: Aug 2002
posted July 22, 2004 03:39 PM
There is a large movement of people to the Flathead Valley area of Northwestern Montana (Kalispell, Whitefish and north towards the Canadian border). My mother grew up there, and moved back there two years ago after living in the Washington DC area for forty years.After I graduated from college, I lived with them there for seven months. There was a thriving spritual community of likeminded individuals who felt this area was a 'safe haven' for the sweeping earth changes they felt. In my time there, I met people moving to that area from all over- Colorado, California, Utah, New England, many from Sedona, Arizona. Several psychics spoke of an energy vortex in the valley. Many that came from Colorado said the state was becoming too crowded. They came to Montana escape the people that were coming to Colorado. I have only been to the Denver airport, so I relay this only as second hand feedback. I started getting visions in 1997. My whole life I had always dreamed of living in New York city and working in the fashion industry. I was accepted to the Fashion Institute of Technology in 1996, and began what was supposed to be four years of schooling. In 1997 horrible visions came to me. Buildings falling, huge buildings tumbling, no air, no exit, people running, no where to go. As I walked the streets of New York, I could feel something was going to happen. Something bad...and I knew I didn't have long. I left in 1998, to never return, because I feared I would be caught there when the 'bad thing happened'. Of course I was devasted by September 11. But I felt it. The images I saw on television were the same that were given to me several years before. Fate has for a time pulled me to Puerto Rico. I don't know where I will be in the future. I do not feel good about large cities.
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Solane Star Knowflake Posts: 5376 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted July 28, 2004 01:02 PM
Daf, Just reading your post again and wanted to know if you every heard of the book, The Star-Borne, A Remembrance for the Awakened Ones, By Solara. This book is about All Of The Above and More. The Doorway of the 11:11 The Dream The Dove Returns Pure Drop New Octave Group Initiation The call The Awakening Restructurization To name a few. This is how I come to find my STAR NAME, Solane Star  This book is lovingly dedicated To the Star-borne Ones, To those who remember.
May your commitment be unwavering, May your courage be strong, To openly be Yourselves. Angels walking freely Upon the Earth, Journeying Home to the stars.  Solane Star 
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Solane Star Knowflake Posts: 5376 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted July 28, 2004 01:12 PM
Daf, Here's her site also: Solane Star 
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Solane Star Knowflake Posts: 5376 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted July 28, 2004 01:16 PM
Daf, I Just noticed the number to my last to posts 111, Cool! IP: Logged |
amisha121877 Knowflake Posts: 1221 From: Tri-State, USA Registered: Jul 2004
posted July 28, 2004 03:32 PM
Hello All, I know I am pretty late to this forum but still in all - am happy to be here. I too am fascinated with the Colorado concept - considering the peak and valley dream I've had / some sort of initiation ceremony of sorts. Maybe you all were there considering there were quite a few beings there. Each of us brought to the peak and shown something in the valley. Could this place have been Colorado? We were all so happy - and very friendly like 6-12 year olds in the schoolyard on the very first day of school although we were all kneeling, awaiting our turn to be picked and escorted to the edge of the peak and be shown something down below. I don’t believe it was the future as I feel more compelled to say it was in the distant past. Maybe it was just something happening at that time since I’m a believer of travelling without restrictions via dreams – at that precise moment you dream it. Then my views get too complicated for me to explain. 11:11: last week I had a dream and woke to look at the clock and see 11:11. Normally, I don’t remember my dreams too swell but this particular dream, I still remember: it was evening, a feeling of hovering/traveling down a long suburban street and the light posts - then i remember walking in a supermarket (I was pregnant), pushing a shopping cart and eating a peach. a store clerk approached me and seemed very upset I was eating a peach and I tried to explain to him that I had so many more peaches that I intended on paying for. Apparently, the store clerk wasn't budging and personally escorted me to the checkout counter to make sure I payed for the peach that I had eaten as well. Then I see myself "home" and my "mate" on the phone speaking to someone from that same supermarket. Next, the store manager showed up at my door with a fruit basket. I tell you - I don't remember many dreams but the one's I remember are so intensely no-nonsense like that I should be so lucky to remember few dreams than night after night of "ordinary" dreams. Mind if we speak again soon? T IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 25112 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted July 28, 2004 03:50 PM
Welcome!  ------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
quiksilver Knowflake Posts: 568 From: new jersey, usa Registered: Nov 2001
posted July 29, 2004 11:38 PM
I have always loved the water, not been afraid of it...... Reading these posts is frightening..... And sad, because I am really into all kind of water sports and I would feel utterly landlocked in a place like Colorado. Are you guys saying that this threat is serious enough to pick up and move? I have a good job in NY and live by the beach in NJ. For crying out loud, I already live in fear due to any other number of threats, one being the next possible terrorist attack. Now I have one more thing to worry about  IP: Logged | |