Topic: A few words about John Boanerges
dafremen Knowflake Posts: 1171 From: Registered: Nov 2002
posted December 06, 2003 07:19 PM
I have been asked a few questions about the identity of this person who I have called John. I will answer some of those here, attempt to answer some others that folks might have, as I can, and answer any others that you might have...IF I can. There are certain things that won't be appropriate to discuss at this time. There are other things that might be just fine, and there will be some things that I simply won't know because I don't know John as well as I would like to.This person has learned that the spirit that resides in their body is a very old spirit which once inhabited the body of John, son of Zebedee, disciple of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. There are those of us who have seen evidence that leads us to believe that this is true. The story of my learning of John's identity begins with a story I wrote here which was...sort of "channeled" (I let my ADD do its thing): "What The Hands of Man Hath Wrought" As for the evidence of John's identity, I can only say that having seen a certified copy of his birth certificate, there is no doubt that this spirit is what it claims to be. John and I were introduced by an old Jew outside of a festival. The circumstances of this introduction are very strange and were quite surreal, almost Omen (the movie) surreal. I saw the old Jew twice, the second time he introduced me to John. There are perhaps 8 other people who are aware of John's identity. There are two others online who have seen a copy of his birth certificate and realize that his claim is legitimate. There is one who didn't need to see his birth certificate to realize that he was John. This person's soulmate had predicted John's arrival a long time ago. That person is here at Lindaland and has been instrumental in aiding him. I realize that this all sounds very cryptic. I understand that establishing the validity of this man's claim must seem very important, particularly taking into consideration the messages that he has delivered. Understand that of utmost importance is that the focus remain OFF of this man and ON his message. That is the sole purpose of his return, to bear witness to the ability of our Creator to give life to those who are obedient to His Will. From what I understand, John is not here to DICTATE that Will, since it was firmly established by the Ten Commandments.(Exodus Chapter 20) It IS however, John's purpose to bear witness to a grave deviation from the Will of God that has occurred among the would-be faithful members of the Christian faith. This deviation is a result of lies that were introduced at the very outset of the formation of Christian doctrine by a notorious hater of Christ, Paul aka Saul of Tarsus(Acts 13:9) and his close companions Luke and John Mark aka Mark. According to John, the only evidence that Saul was "converted to Christianity" comes from Saul's best friend Luke, in the book of Acts. It is in that same book that we read that Jesus' own disciples did not believe that he was one of them.(Acts 9:26) Having been taught by Christ, the original 12 would certainly have known that Saul was converted if it were true. They did not. On the contrary, they were afraid of him. Of the 27 books of the New Testament, 14 were written by Paul aka Saul, more than any other author. 2 of the gospels, Mark's and Luke's were written by men who were not disciples of Christ and who, in fact had never met Christ. The rest of the New Testament has been heavily tainted, and many books were altered or added to in order to satisfy what became known as Pauline doctrine. Every book from Romans to Hebrews was written by Paul and Paul is Saul and Saul...hated Christians. As Christianity became stronger through the martyrdom of its members, Saul quickly realized that he could not destroy Christianity from the outside, the strength of Christ's message and the faith of his followers was too strong. So, instead of attacking Christianity from the outside, he hatched a plot to destroy it from the inside. That is what I have been shown so far. I will not speak for John. I must, however, share what I have been given, so that it can be heard without jeopardizing John's situation. (There are those who will NOT be happy to know of John's return. Very, very powerful people with a very long reach do NOT want these ancient betrayals to be known.) That's what I can tell you about John. As for his previous life, he has shared this with me: He can only remember one "sight" from before. A view of the ocean through a small window. He does, however seem to be able to read texts and know whether or not they are true or false. He also seems to be able to understand much of the book of Revelation. I won't comment on the history of the Gospel of John, except to say this: It was at one time genuine, but was altered prior to its canonization by the Church. Words were changed and things were added. Revelation has been only slightly modified and has escaped relatively unscathed. John the Baptist, from what I understand, was a different person altogether. As John continues to share with those of us in whom he has confided, perhaps more details will emerge. I hope this has been helpful. Please feel free to ask any other questions that you may have and those that can be answered, will be answered. IP: Logged |
StarLover33 Moderator Posts: 3061 From: King Arthur's Camelot Registered: Jun 2002
posted December 06, 2003 08:33 PM
 My soul is blessed to even hear of such information. It's an honor even through a computer. Now may I ask, what does he say specifically about the Revelations? Also this might sound bad, but has he visited this site? -StarLover IP: Logged |
FishKitten Knowflake Posts: 1031 From: on the trail of the Old Ones Registered: Aug 2003
posted December 06, 2003 09:37 PM
Thanks Daf. I figured that must be who you were talking about. I studied the implications of John's life and writings along with certain ancient texts suggesting the eventual role of the Sons of Thunder. Very interesting stuff. There is a tradition that he (actually they) will return before the big world change to reiterate the message of God. Of course, there will be people who doubt that this person is who he claims to be. As I have not met him this time around, I can't presume to make that judgement. I do, however, have lots of information on the topics addressed in your threads so far and I don't find any glaring inconsistencies in what you have explained about his messages to you. Paul did write most of what exists now as the New Testament and two of his freinds who never met Jesus wrote two of the gospels. But there were many more texts. Most were either significantly changed or destroyed all together. The funny thing about trying to destroy all copies of certain writings along with all oral tradition that reflects those thoughts is, it never works completely. Many writings were burned (and so were a lot of the people who believed in them). These early Christians are now represented only by so called gnostic writings that were found many years later in the desert or in caves. All give us a similar story, but in the years the documents were lost, many things changed about Christianity and the message it now presents. I am quite interested in the things your friend John is saying. Please share with us all that you care to share. Admittedly, I might have some questions should his teachings start to differ dramatically from the information I have found through the years, but I promise to keep an open mind. Thanks again for taking the time to show us where your journey is taking you.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 24439 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted December 07, 2003 12:37 AM
 ------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
silverbells Knowflake Posts: 1502 From: The second star to the right (which shines in the night for'eer) Registered: Apr 2003
posted December 07, 2003 02:15 AM
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juniperb Knowflake Posts: 6526 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Mar 2002
posted December 07, 2003 04:43 PM
Daf, has it been shared with you how much of The Aporcryphon of John is intact and true? (Nag Hammadi) Fishkitten, do you have a k-nowing who wrote The Thunder, Perfect Mind? If so, I`d love to hear it  juniperb  ------------------ If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. ~James Herriot IP: Logged |
FishKitten Knowflake Posts: 1031 From: on the trail of the Old Ones Registered: Aug 2003
posted December 07, 2003 07:14 PM
Yes, I am very familiar with The Thunder, Perfect Mind. It is said to be told by an incarnation of Pistis Sophia, the female wisdom, about the message of Jesus. Hmmm. OK. I'll go off line and try to relate this message as I understand it. It would take too long to type here. I'll be back to paste later.IP: Logged |
TINK Knowflake Posts: 3545 From: New England Registered: Mar 2003
posted December 07, 2003 07:52 PM
Thank you Daf. That certainly clears things up a bit. Something in his natal horoscope indicated his spiritual heritage?I should explain my comment concerning John the Baptist, John the Beloved, and Lazarus. Permit me to quote Trevor Ravenscroft. "Lazarus and John lived together in one and the same body, united in motive but working on different levels of soul activity." There he is referring to John the Baptist. It is my understanding that this joining occurred during the resurection of Lazarus. It was also my understanding that John the Beloved and John the Baptist were seperate soul pieces of the same Individuality. What Linda referred to (I think?) as soul mates. Not a twin soul or a twin self. Rudolf Steiner pointed out the Disciples reply to The Christ's question, "Who think ye that I am?" Some answered, "John the Baptist." But John had already died of course and Jesus was born before John's death. I think this indicated a belief in "incorporation". The ability of souls to exchange bodies or for 2 or more souls to reside in one body. The Saturn Seven cycle Linda spoke of. I have also read that the term "beloved" was a name given to one who had completed certain Initiation rites. Not just a term of affection. If that name was given to John but Lazarus completed the rite.....? Also,if the old legends are true and John the Baptist will return before...I don't know what to call it! and the two Johns are the same Spirit then what does it mean that John the Divine.....well now I'm really getting carried away. My apologies.  Many posts ago I thanked you for your patience with a beginner,Daf. I suppose I should thank you again. tink IP: Logged |
FishKitten Knowflake Posts: 1031 From: on the trail of the Old Ones Registered: Aug 2003
posted December 07, 2003 08:01 PM
OK…the basic message as I understand it…The Thunder, Perfect Mind: “I am the hearing which is attainable to everyone and the speech which cannot be grasped.” “I am she who cries out and I am cast forth on the face of the Earth.” “…what you see outside of you, you see inside of you.” “I am the one who alone exists…” The story goes like this…God is the ultimate power of thought. When people always thought of God as existing in space, they were absolutely right…it is the space between atomic particles. That is how God is in all of us and in everything that exists. His/Her thought waves created us when He/She asked His /Her self, “What if…” What if energy slowed to matter? What if the I Am was matter?
This part gets a little complicated. I hope I can explain it clearly. So with the thought of “what if”, all that we perceive was created…all time…all human experience…all that could possibly be in any dimension…the great “what if” that encompassed all. And thus, like everything, we were extended into being as a finger of God. His/Her power moves the atoms in our bodies as it does the atoms in everything. The Kingdom of God is within us. Thus, everything you love or hate, everything you agree or disagree with, everything that exists, is really an emanation of God. All, whether your perception of it is good or bad, is a part of the great “what if”. Part of God’s question. OK…here’s the tricky part. A long time ago…say 2,000 years ago or more…it was very difficult for people to understand quantum physics and the fact that all matter is really tiny particles of energy whipping around a nucleus. Therefore the simple explanation…we are all light. (Because that basically sums up atomic energy existence.) The more complicated explanation is that the instantaneous thought of God has spun into existence all atoms that ever did or ever will exist, and all at the same time. I hope that makes some sense. It is hard to translate thousands of years of religion/science. Oh yeah, one more thing…we are created in the image of God. That doesn’t mean the physical form, it means the mental one. We can tap into any part of God’s creation if we try, because God is us and we are God, to the very atomic structure of our beings. So when you see past lives, have visions, find dreams, experience dejavue, learn things no one ever taught you, love, feel, cry, excel… it is because you have opened your connection to the mind of God which exists in all. So that is my interpretation. Did it make any sense at all?
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StarLover33 Moderator Posts: 3061 From: King Arthur's Camelot Registered: Jun 2002
posted December 08, 2003 04:19 PM
I think it's time to separate the term God from the Creator of all life. God really means the Spirit that everyone has within them. The Spirit is connected to Father and the Mother. Then above that is the Almighty. Who is "Love and Light" that created everything. IP: Logged |
dafremen Knowflake Posts: 1171 From: Registered: Nov 2002
posted December 08, 2003 05:25 PM
For future reference, when the terms God, the Creator, the Almighty, the Father or anything to that effect comes up, it means ONE thing: Everything.Whether or not there are sub divisions of the Everything, there is and can only be ONE Everything. This Everything aka God, as I understand it, is the source of all spirit, all life, all matter, all energy and all everything. Mother, Father, the Archons and all of that other stuff seems to serve as a distraction from God, the Almighty, the Creator..aka the Everything. My understanding is that less focus on the mysteries of the hierarchy that leads to God, and more focus on GOD (aka the Everything) is a crucial step in our evolution. Having promised to expound on the nature of our divine connection, that'll happen as soon as I can get my equipment up and running. Will be working on a paper version in the meantime. There is something terribly wrong with the Apocrypha. There is also a message that I'm supposed to help deliver to the people of Southern California. You'll find that message in this forum under Song of Warning. Unfortunately, my house was hit by a freak storm which caused the roof to leak. The leaking went into my monitor, and my printer and they seem to be completely destroyed.(At an internet cafe right now.) I'm going to do what I can to get these messages printed up. (2500 of them..sheesh.) If you have friends, relatives or other loved ones in the California area, PLEASE help by sending this message(Song of Warning) to them. If that makes you uncomfortable, just tell them that a friend of yours asked you to send it, as a favor. Thanks loves. See you as soon as possible. Life, Love, Light and Truth...remember what day it is today! One drop in an endless ocean of Light, IP: Logged |
FishKitten Knowflake Posts: 1031 From: on the trail of the Old Ones Registered: Aug 2003
posted December 08, 2003 08:33 PM
You are so right, Daf. All is one. But with that in mind, I think if you look into anything deeply enough you will eventually find God (or the Creator or the Almighty or whatever name you have for that force). All is one. If you should decide to be distracted by anything and focus on a single point, that is up to you. I found the path that I was looking for by examining many ideas. I don't think I was derailed by any of them. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't necessarily believe or disbelieve any or all of the things I've read or studied. I simply have the knowledge of their message. My beliefs and intuition come from within, not from without. Each of us has to listen and see, then find our own individual path to the Infinite. Once again, just my opinion. I see a lot of validity to my life in the messages you are presenting. But I have heard this message before and it always struck a chord with me. Thanks again, Daf, for following your heart.Juni...what did you think when you read "The Thunder, Perfect Mind"? IP: Logged |
Meili Zhiwei Knowflake Posts: 235 From: Registered: Jul 2003
posted December 08, 2003 11:06 PM
Peace my Friends,First, an apology for the length of this post. The general contents of this communication were originally intended for my Friend Daf, but I see that they may be of some use here as well. Second, may I extend my Friendship to oldephebe whose musical posts I have enjoyed. It has been a pleasure reading of Daf’s Work and all the response it has generated. Linda Land is a unique phenomena in this New Age, and those who have indulged the Friends here have my most profound gratitude for their generosity. As Daf and the Witness (may God grant strength to him always) have noted, there has been much misinformation promulgated over the ages of Christianity. Concurrent to this, and somewhat related, there has also been much misinformation generated with respect to the more esoteric Mysteries. Various bits of wisdom from past and more recent Teachers have been accumulated and then formulated into what is popularly termed “New Age Belief”. This amalgam has then been promoted as a “Path” or a “Way” and proponents of this movement are leading countless souls to a spiritual life of confusion that promises unity but ends in delusion. As I have stated before, I care little for names. It is not productive to argue that my mommy is better than your mommy. My way is better than your way. However, we can all agree on the definition and description of “A Mommy”. You would not say that a woman who neglects her children and abuses them is “A Mommy”. By the same token, a figure such as Mother Theresa was “A Mommy” to many. So, when we speak of a “Way or Path to _______ (God, Enlightenment, Unity, Immortality), we must Know and Understand the nature of a Path. The nature of a Way. When we Know the nature of a Path or Way, we can then identify the false from the Real. As I have also stated before, Linda Goodman (may her memory be blessed) did not enunciate a Way. She shared bits of wisdom from the Sages, like many before her and many who will come after. The Way and Path to Realty in this desert of existence was traced by the Most Holy Ones who were given that specific mission and destiny. Sages and Teachers are not Holy Ones and the Most Holy Ones are universally recognized by their respective cultures. In this current New Age, we are in a state of spiritual anarchy. The Most Holy Ones have been reduced to caricatures, the Wisdom of the Sages and Teachers has been selectively edited and utilized for selfish purposes, and the Messages from the Holy Ones have been ignored in favor of popularized versions. Daf is correct. For many the hierarchies are a distraction from the One, just as names confuse the Essence. But for those who are already confused and distracted, there should be some description of this state. It may help to clear some confusion by passing on some of the Teaching of the Mystic Ibn Arabi. According to the Teaching: First, there is the Singularity. This is the Essence that is Known ONLY to and of itself. It is indescribable, inexplicable, unarticulated and uncompounded. This is the Unknowable. Then, from that which is known only to itself, there manifests that which we call “God” “Creator” etc. This is the first plane or emanation, or the first manifestation that the human can conceive. In that which we call “God” all Divine Names are undifferentiated. This is in the realm of the Unseen but closest to the Unknowable or Absolute. The second plane of manifestation is that which is termed the Plane of Archetypes. Here, there is more differentiation but still a plane of generalities. This is still in the realm of the Unseen, but closer to the Seen. The third plane exists in the realm of the Seen and has two subdivisions. For convenience, I will term this plane “Imagination”. The two subdivisions are the “formed” and the “formless”. The fourth plane is the Material. This is described as the “fully articulated” or “detailed” plane. Human beings occupy the fifth plane and, in a perfected state, have access to the previous four. Now, all human beings are familiar with the fourth plane, the material. Some intuitives and sensitives have accessed the third. As you may presume, in this plane it is easier to translate the formless and unseen into the formed and the seen. This access is usually accidental and haphazard. Translations are a hit and miss process. The great Mystics, Saints and Sages access the second realm (Unseen). The Prophets/Great Teachers, or Most Holy Ones (as I have named them) access the first realm (Unseen, closest to the Absolute). There is a Teaching that some Saints also access the first realm, but that is for another discussion. Given this, the present confusion can possibly be cleared. Please note and refer to the story “Souls Before the Creation of the Body”. Some souls will exist quite happily and naturally in the material plane. Others, however, seek alternate planes and states. Thus, in any exchange, it is relevant to inquire of the Seeker “To which plane of Knowing do you aspire?” Having asked, the seeker may still misidentify the goal. I shall use my dear Friend Daf here as an example, knowing that he will forgive a Friend for rude presumption. Daf claimed the state/position of a “Panthiest”, or a state or aspiration that could generally be said to occupy the fourth and/or third plane of Knowing. His elaborations, however, indicated that he aspired to the plane and Knowing of a Sage. His words and his Reality were not in alignment. Finally, all human beings who are said to be “Perfected” and have access to all the realms are ONE, they have become ONE, Unified. That is, they are indistinguishable from each other from the fourth and third realm. Thus, even within the notion of “Unity” confusion is generated. “Unity” is not “Same”, as in the case of a Return (more popularly called reincarnation). Thus, John has “Returned” and is also Unified with all others, past and present, who have access to realms he has accessed. It is important to note that, contrary to popular belief, not all souls Return. As I noted in another post, All is possible, but not All is relevant to each soul’s evolution or existence. In the New Age, few are far between are those souls whose words and Reality are aligned, but we shall be blessed with Teachers who will clear the confusion for those who have ears and hear. So, to what plane do you aspire, my friends? “Desire of Us is perilous, causes hardship and innumerable perils.” Peace my brothers and sisters, may we be worthy of the Teaching of the Holy Ones soon to be made Known. Meili
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trillian Knowflake Posts: 4048 From: The Boundless Registered: Mar 2003
posted December 09, 2003 01:27 PM
FishKitten, I think you explained things beautifully. Reducing everything to the simple basic equation "All = God and God = All" is profound in itself. We choose to wear different colors, choose different philosophies, choose different paths...but...All is God and God is All. I don't see a difference in paths as a distraction (with all due respect, Daf ), but merely a different way of living the life of God/dess. If you choose to see the universe as perfect in its imperfection, is. Change your perspective and you change the world. and  IP: Logged |
juniperb Knowflake Posts: 6526 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Mar 2002
posted December 10, 2003 12:44 PM
Hi fishkitten. The Thunder, Perfect Mind  To share my interpretation is to fill in my beliefs a bit. I leave all scientific thought aside and say I believe in the Trinity. Father/God aspect, called many different names thruout the world, The Mother Aspect/Creatrix Pistas Sophia and the Feminine Aspect Shekinah who the patriarchs remamed the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit. She is refered to by many as the Lower Sophia because she is the Holy Spirit personna Alter Aspect of the Mother Aspect of the trinity. That leads me to my sense of the text. I believe it is the Shekinah speaking comparitvily of Sophias true nature and that of the patriarchal misrepresentation of her. For I am the first and the last. I am the honored one and the scorned one. I am the ***** and the holy one. I am the wife and the virgin. I am the <mother> and the daughter. I am the members of my mother... "Members of my mother" was one of the clues for my beliefs. This probably will always be debated as we al perceive the divine differently.  juniperb  ------------------ If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. ~James Herriot IP: Logged |
juniperb Knowflake Posts: 6526 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Mar 2002
posted December 10, 2003 12:52 PM
Fish Kitten Back again, I was afraid of losing that post so, I sent it before I thanked you for sharing your thoughts  God/dess is all and all is one . juniperb  IP: Logged |
juniperb Knowflake Posts: 6526 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Mar 2002
posted December 10, 2003 12:57 PM
Meili, oh dear, you always provoke me to spiral higher, dig deeper and answer in truth.  What a beautiful post. It teachs cleary and concisely the planes of manifestations. Thank you and it helped me see and understand what had been an engima for me. Your sage Elf has helped me so much.  juniperb  ------------------ If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. ~James Herriot IP: Logged |
FishKitten Knowflake Posts: 1031 From: on the trail of the Old Ones Registered: Aug 2003
posted December 10, 2003 01:11 PM
Thanks everyone for contributing to this thread. It is just wonderful to communicate with people who are not only seeking their own paths, but who also care about others and want to encourage their search as well.Daf...has John said anything about the other witness that you feel free to share? IP: Logged |
dafremen Knowflake Posts: 1171 From: Registered: Nov 2002
posted December 10, 2003 01:36 PM
Dearest Meili,You have been, always, a bright and steadfast light, here for those that would see, here for those that do not. To atone for my error in judgement, the remainder of these words have been removed. I realize now that I have no answers. Best wishes to you, daf IP: Logged |
seeshells Knowflake Posts: 98 From: Registered: Jul 2003
posted December 10, 2003 02:08 PM
Blessings all, I read alot but seldom reply. I want to better understand this,(I am going to get educated in spite of myself.) Meili, you used the word pantheist, I had to look this up and I quote "this equates GOD with the forces and laws of the universe." Yet you say daf's words and reality are not in alignment, can you explain that again? I seem to be missing something, i read your post but I feel there is something more to this that I have not picked up yet. Thank you all for your information, it has helped me alot. SueIP: Logged |
juniperb Knowflake Posts: 6526 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Mar 2002
posted December 10, 2003 02:34 PM
Daf, Under no circumstances would I ever reject you, our brother  Share the message in love and let it speak for it`s s-elf. One can accept or reject, it will not alter the truths. God/dess`s will will be done. On that I rest my soul. juniperb  ------------------ If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. ~James Herriot IP: Logged |
juniperb Knowflake Posts: 6526 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Mar 2002
posted December 10, 2003 02:46 PM
Me again Daf, if you don`t post it here, will you please let us know where it will be? I read elevenation already (just don`t have the passport yet to post) so I`ll check there. juniperb  ------------------ If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. ~James Herriot IP: Logged |
FishKitten Knowflake Posts: 1031 From: on the trail of the Old Ones Registered: Aug 2003
posted December 10, 2003 03:44 PM
Hi Daf. I doubt anyone here would totally reject you (certainly not me). You are such a caring person. I have one question. How do you (I mean you, personally) know that the things you are telling us are THE truth? I only ask this because I was raised in a very fundamentalist Christian church. They told me from birth on that they taught THE truth. It was the only truth, there was none other, and anyone not a member of that specific protestant church was doomed to spend eternity in hell. You had to believe their teachings exactly and exclusively or you were toast. I had real problems with that. As a little kid, I would ask questions like, "What about the Dali Lama or Mother Theresa?" Their answer: toast. "What about people who lived their whole lives before this church was even invented?" Answer: toast. Of course, they believed that Jesus personally told Peter to form this specific protestant church and that it was around from that day forward. There was no amount of historical documentation that could convince them that the protestant movement started later in Europe. Please don't think that I am suggesting that your messages are the same thing they were putting out. Not at all. Still, to this day it makes me nervous when any one person or group seems to put forth the idea that they have THE truth and all else will lead to damnation or death. I guess that is one thing that specific brand of Christianity makes people doubt that anyone really has access to the truth. Thanks again for giving so much of your time to explain what you have found. I hope this post doesn't sound argumentative. In no way do I mean to put down what you are sharing. IP: Logged |
dafremen Knowflake Posts: 1171 From: Registered: Nov 2002
posted December 10, 2003 03:55 PM
Fishkitten, Yes, John hinted at the other witness. I'm not sure if it is appropriate to reveal that at this time, or even if it is appropriate to call John one of the Witnesses. As he has expressed it, "it might be presumptuous to do so."daf IP: Logged |
juniperb Knowflake Posts: 6526 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Mar 2002
posted December 10, 2003 04:03 PM
Fishkitten, sounds like we had an identical Christian upbringing. Toast is the answer you get when asked why the LOVING Father burns us up in hell.... Or why does he want an animal sacrifice. There way is the ONLY way to the truth. That leaves a huge hole and doubt in ones heart: I question the absolutes of a truth when it is formatted in the Christian form. This ,in particular, is of the Christian format with the disciple John giving the information. That does NOT make it untrue or invalid, but it is to add my 2 cents worth regarding why I`m not wholeheartedly excited or accepting 'as is' with the proclaimations made in recent years. We can only accept or reject it if we hear it Daf! juniperb  ------------------ If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. ~James Herriot IP: Logged | |