posted August 04, 2006 02:28 PM
Imagine for a moment
That there is no time but now
That what is called past
Does not exist
And to perceive of a future
Is to anticipate a now
That hasn't arrived
And might not everThis is the position
That a Witness takes
This is the perspective
That a sentient, functional component of the whole
Ponder a moment
On being the whole
There is no time but all as one
There is no place but all as one
There is no thing but all as one
There is no perspective but all as one
When a component not perceiving the all
Comes to believe that it is a whole
Among other wholes, each separate from one another
Comes to believe that it exists in a time
Between other times...separate from one another..distinguished as past, present and future
Comes to believe that it is in a place
Surrounded by other places, separate from one another..distinguished as here and there, city and county, state and country, planet and galaxy..
It only affects the perception of this component, (which is not real, but the product of a confused mind), not the whole.
The whole remains whole.
Without temporal divisions
Without spacial divisions
Without material divisions
Without ideological divisions
The whole remains whole through this anomaly, this self-correcting hiccup in the process of becoming.
The whole remains whole while its components that operate autonomously in opposition to its greater part come, through experience, to know how flawed that notion is..come to know through the results of their flawed activities. The more flawed the result, the more obvious the need for self-correction.
And so the whole itself remains perfect.
For its rules, the natural laws that guide the course of all of its components, act as mechanisms that lead flawed components to correct themselves.
A flawed component