Topic: Documented Proof That Physical Immortality Can Be Achieved!
dafremen unregistered
posted July 26, 2004 09:57 AM
Yes, I truly believe that human beings can achieve physical immortality. In fact, the extremely wealthy individuals who have been setting the agenda have worked toward that end SCIENTIFICALLY for decades. Certainly, as Linda hints at in her books there are other methods that can lead to physical immortality. The real question is..WHY? What would YOU do with physical immortality? What are YOUR reasons for pursuing it? Do you REALLY want to be stuck in the same role...forever? Not me. I'm perfectly satisfied with spiritual immortality. I'll enjoy this show for as long as I am meant to, and move on to the next when the time comes to do so. For those of you that seek after and achieve your physical immortality, good luck, enjoy...I'll see you next time around. (And in case you don't recognize me, I'll be the chap with the grin on his face, discovering the beauty of life all over again!) daf IP: Logged |
StarLover33 unregistered
posted July 26, 2004 02:58 PM
-StarLover IP: Logged |
26taurus unregistered
posted July 26, 2004 03:32 PM
Same here Daf. I'd like to die sometime, thank you very much. But it is quite interesting. I think it's possible to achieve, but why?  IP: Logged |
26taurus unregistered
posted July 26, 2004 03:33 PM
Nice zombie pictures BTW. Man that chick is old (is it a chick?). I wonder how old exactly. What a geezer. No thank you.IP: Logged |
StarLover33 unregistered
posted July 26, 2004 04:36 PM
I am immortal because I no longer want to suffer through the amnesia of death. Ultimately, all human beings will achieve physical immortality, that is our destiny. That is why we are still here. I know this is true, even the Bible says it is true. Until then, men and women will keep dying, and then returning back to Earth to learn what they have forgotten, and to feel what it's like being separated from god. Of course being separated from god is an illusion, we are living in a dream world, but this dream is teaching us a lesson that our souls will never forget. -StarLover IP: Logged |
paras unregistered
posted July 26, 2004 04:42 PM
The benefits of immortality are obvious, Daf. Continuous, uninterrupted conscious learning.It's not like you to make such angry posts. What's wrong? IP: Logged |
StarLover33 unregistered
posted July 26, 2004 04:47 PM
Immortality is the only way towards ascension, isn't that the ultimate? You cannot ascend to heaven by dying, and that is what I see as truth. -StarLover IP: Logged |
dafremen unregistered
posted July 26, 2004 05:56 PM
Was my post angry? I'm sorry paras, but I don't read enough of your stuff to know if you're joking or not. You are joking...right?daf IP: Logged |
dafremen unregistered
posted July 26, 2004 06:02 PM
Can all things come together as One AND be immortal individuals at the same time? So what you're that I should work toward a state where I am constantly in this dream world? Does a time come, do you believe where you learn the lesson, and after you are awakened from the dream? If so, wouldn't it make sense to die physically so that you could move on to the next lesson that your soul will never forget? I'm still not sure I can see a WHY to physical immortality beyond retaining possession of that which we've aquired during our earthly existence. (Including knowledge and understanding.) I guess part of my difficulty lies in the fact that I believe differently. Although I believe the mind forgets, the soul remembers. I'm not starting over each time I come back, but accumulating the experiences of each lifetime within the parameters dictated by God's Will. The Zodiac ITSELF is a wheel of lessons and struggles, talents and weaknesses that allows each individual rebirth to be a new classroom. The soul retains the lessons from the previous incarnation and moves on to the next lessons, being reborn in the flesh under a new astrological configuration that provides its own unique challenges and perspectives. The notion of physical immortality seems not like avoidance of "forgetfulness" but avoidance of the process. Again, that's no attack..I'm just looking for any compromise that might exist between our two perspectives, if there is one. daf IP: Logged |
TINK unregistered
posted July 26, 2004 08:50 PM
I have absolutely no doubt that it is possible to live forever in the same body temple. 500 or 600 years or so shouldn't be any problem at all. But when would anyone truly find it necessary? Well, on second thought, even then I suppose it has happened. In fact, I'm fairly confident that there are a few out there who can claim much more than the normal allotment of years. But I assume that their mission is a rare one. I don't think it's the idea of death that needs to be fought but rather the idea of ageing. That's what is unnecessary. Personally, I hope to live 50 or 60 years past the norm, all the while retaining my precious marbles. I hope to go when I decide - not when my body just can't take the stress any longer.Starlover, I so agree with you about the amnesia of death. Well, sort of. I would propose that we can travel through the process of birth/death/rebirth and still maintain, as paras said, "uninterrupted conciouus living" in some form. Can (or should) an infant recall his past lives? No, but the memories can be recalled at a more appropriate age. No doubt about that. Also I think there's really something to be said for a fresh start, especially for those of us towards the bottom of the enlightenment ladder. Must we pass through the River Lethe? Maybe not. Although, I would say that most times it is a welcome relief to have done so . Daf I've heard your astrological defense before from others. I think it holds weight but I would counter with this idea. Who was it that said, "the chart of a saint can not be read"? A saint has broken free. Jesus was born a Leo (or Cappie depending on whom you ask) but was he really a Leo? No, not really, he had risen above such things, right? If I were so spiritually evolved to live 500 years I would assume I would also have risen. I would no longer need the lesson of being a scorp or a libra, etc. Just some unsubstantiated thoughts. It's a real interesting subject for me and I've just begun spiraling. IP: Logged |
dafremen unregistered
posted July 26, 2004 10:44 PM
I don't think I'm arguing the possibility.. I think that most of us will agree that such a thing is possible. The question is, what are our motives BEHIND wanting it? As to the purpose of Christ's incarnate existence, wasn't that less about what Christ learned himself, than it was about what he taught us?daf IP: Logged |
quiksilver unregistered
posted July 26, 2004 11:47 PM
For my own part, if I was able to live forever, I think I would enjoy "reinventing" myself every now and then. I wouldn't have the overwhelming sense that I'd have to cram everything I want to accomplish into just one lifetime. But if I had this ability to live forever at the expense of giving up some other learning experience which could only take place outside of my present physical state, I am not sure that I would want this.....IP: Logged |
Gia unregistered
posted July 27, 2004 11:04 AM
Perhaps we should all examine what life is? Is it about consciousness and enlightenment, or actuality and reality? Oh dear, here we go again!  Immortality is not the need to reinvent ourselves at all. It is the need to just be. To just be without the need for constant recyclement as God just is. Things can come together as one and be individual at the same time. For the individuality is likened to the many different parts of a wonderful whole. It is like one particular aspect of the same many-sided body. Think of a diamond and all those beautiful facets or better still, the anatomy and physiology of your own human body. It works simultaneously as one. It is one organized system with many different roles, all working together and organized in unbroken simultaneous action. We are a million different actions in one body. A person never stays the same. We are always in constant motion. As is everything else in this universe. I'm sorry guys, immortality cannot be achieved by reading a how to book. It is achieved by living a how to life. Tink and Starlover you are both so right, and so are you Daf. We do spend most of our time in a dream world. We make it ourselves and renew constantly, daily. Gia IP: Logged |
StarLover33 unregistered
posted July 27, 2004 11:22 AM
Yes, you would die, and then wake up from the dream world, but unfortunately through the Law of Magnetic Attraction you would end up right back into the dream world, where you started, being dictated by Karma and the Wheel of ForturneFor some people it becomes a viscious circle, for others such as Dafremen, they pick up what they had learned, and then become more spiritual in the process, that is when death becomes an option. You're risking bad karma once more by forgetting what you previously learned. The amnesia of death is the price that you pay, and it's not a price worth paying when you know immortality exists. Knowing that immortality exists is a gift being given to you, it is your choice as to whether or not you will take it. For all immortals, death will always be an option, but the best truth of all is that death is not inevitable. Our goal was to keep one foot in heaven, and the other on earth a.k.a dream world. Somehow we forgot and became severely trapped in the dream world. As an immortal it is garanteed that you will ascend to heaven, and then return to the earth or any planet in the same flesh temple. -StarLover IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 1263 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 27, 2004 11:27 AM
Life is about challenge, and immortality is the ultimate challenge in renewal, Spiritual expansion, and multi-faceted growth. We will eventually be able to travel to our true home at will (one foot on Earth and one in heaven). I'm amazed at those who try so hard to be removed from varous illusions in this world, yet are blind to the biggest lie of all--death. ------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
Gia unregistered
posted July 27, 2004 01:47 PM
Death is a funny thing. We think it comes to us at the end of our lives. In truth it walks with us and accompanies us through every moment of our lives from birth onwards. It comes to us in so many different forms that we often fail to notice it at all. One clue is that it contains a gravity to it. It's heavy, it weighs us down considerably and constantly pulls us away from the living. Death meets us when we are vulnerable, hurting, frail, sick, negative. Something inside of us dies and we experience a death. Fear is another way it expresses itself. It is a wise person who can identify these deaths and practise detachment from them. That is true immortality and enlightenment. The rest is death and enweightment. In death you can always find life it is the larger presence of the two. Gia IP: Logged |
dafremen unregistered
posted July 27, 2004 04:30 PM
In reality, I don't believe in death, per se. For instance, I have no doubt that the spirit residing in this physical body is immortal, has been here before and is serving a different purpose, not relearning the same old lessons. That's life, by everyone's definition here. It is continuing to learn, retaining the experiences of before, and providing some service to others while it is here. My take on leaving behind this physical body when it is time really boils down to this: Render unto Caesar, that which is Caesar's...and so this borrowed Earth will return to the Earth, and the light within move onward to that which the Divine Will has waiting for it. This is SUCH an intriguing topic. I guess the main reason I brought it up was because I didn't feel that a whole lot of constructive counterpoint was going on here at LL. There is much discussion by those in search of and in favor of it, and not a lot by those of us who feel like it's a questionable practice for some to be engaging least at this stage in human evolution. I know you, Randall, feel very strongly about the subject, and so I had reservations about bringing it up. But I also know that it is a serious enough topic to warrant discussion of all sides. Thanks for keeping it real people. That's really why I've always come to Lindaland: It's a place where we can get together and put our cards on the table without ripping the other guy's cards to shreds. Love, daf IP: Logged |
TINK unregistered
posted July 27, 2004 08:03 PM
"render unto Caeser that which is Caeser's" summed up perfectly.  What I want is a little more control over this earthly flesh temple. I want to slow down/halt the ageing process. I want my spirit to leave this body when my spirit sees fit - not when the body is in such disrepair it can no longer support the spirit. I'm thinking death is somewhat like fire - a good tool, a bad master. This says more about me and my fears though than anything else. While I do not fear death at all (no really I don't) I do fear a quick, painful, violent death. IP: Logged |
dafremen unregistered
posted July 27, 2004 08:24 PM
After 14 years married to a hot-blooded Latina woman, I don't even fear that anymore Tink. Too many close calls with the rolling pins and cast iron skillets!daf IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 1263 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 27, 2004 11:15 PM
I rarely discuss it. I just point people to Chapter Nine of Star Signs. I know several skeptics (myself included) who have had a revolutionary thought transformation after being awakened by Linda's words.  ------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
Philbird unregistered
posted July 28, 2004 12:49 AM
You all have brought such wonderful thoughts about living and dying. I especially liked the simplicity of Paras's post. Also quicksilver's idea of having time to take time and learn our lessons. How peaceful that would be! Uhhh, those folks in the photo don't look too good, are they still alive?IP: Logged |
Gia unregistered
posted July 28, 2004 02:32 PM
Dear Daf,How funny that is! A friend of mine got a nasty shock one day. He was the recipient of a very severe knock to the head in a horrific freak accident. When he came to in the hospital after being unconscious for nine days, something strange but wonderful happened to him. It woke him up. He is now a very gifted artist and has two new books coming out in the fall. He is a totally changed person. I don't for one moment recommend not dodging those rolling pins and iron skillets though. You might not be ready to shed your mortal coil just yet!  Gia IP: Logged |
Philbird unregistered
posted July 28, 2004 09:58 PM
WOW Gia, that's amazing! Good for him!IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 1263 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 29, 2004 01:54 PM
 ------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
TINK unregistered
posted July 30, 2004 12:14 AM
daf I freely admit that our Latina and Latino friends have cornered that particular market. However the Italians run a close second. So you would think by now my "Godfather"-quotin', wife-beater wearin', spaghetti-cookin' husband would have numbed the fear in me, but you would be wrong. You have 13 years on me though. Give him time.Gia ~ that's an interesting story. I've heard from a few different sources that a blow to the head (particularly in the 3rd eye area) can lead to spontaneous pyschic abilities. In fact, I understand that some have purposely knocked themselves silly just for that reason. Ouch. IP: Logged | |