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  karmic ties...another life...and my mother

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Author Topic:   karmic ties...another life...and my mother

Posts: 446
Registered: Nov 2005

posted February 19, 2006 02:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for salome     Edit/Delete Message
i've come to accept that there exist some enormous issues between my mother and me stemming from another of our incarnations....

i've clung to her since i was very young....always needing her love and having the burning need to love and nurture her....(when i was a teenager away at school i'd bake cookies for her and send them to her... )....

anyway, deep reflection always reveals the same thing to me ~ that she has harbored a deep and abiding dislike, to put it's more like an active and seething rage for me....all my life.

i know that in my adult life my behavior hasn't lived up to her standards, but i've discovered that regardless of any behavior i might exhibit, or accomplishments i might have, that she'd have this burning anger for me. in fact, the more success i've experienced in my life, the more vindictive and vengeful she seems to become.

her stance toward me arises from another life, i'm positive, in that, upon reflecting on our relations from the time i was very young she's always had a seeming grudge and dislike for me. i believe it was apparent even while she was pregnant with me, as she had so many complications with her pregnancy, and almost lost me several times. i was a few weeks premature....guess the life force in me was strong.

i do believe we must have incarnated in this way in order to resolve some karma between us. my birth number is 8, so i have lots of karmic things happening anyway, but she's a birth number 6, so i think that was meant to ease our interaction a the intensity of our feelings and interaction is so very pronounced.

i've never felt a reciprocal anger towad her...always compassion and love, and the wish that we could be close and have that mother-daughter bond that i've always craved. the feelings of protection and nurturing i've always felt for her seem to emanate from another life as well....

they've been with me always...even in the face of the great pain i felt when younger about her coldness and cruelty toward me.

that pain no longer has the effect it once did, but i continue to feel very strongly the wrath of her spite and fury.

seeking the answers to this tumultuous relationship in another incarnation we shared seems to be the solution to the ongoing pain i think we both still experience more than ever before....

we barely speak to each other, and when we do the civility between us is strained almost to the breaking point.

how can i access the events in our other lives that have resulted in this monumental chasm between us?....i wish to take an active part in delving into this, in whatever esoteric way i can...and to find a way of resolving it.

for this to take place with both our cooperation i doubt possible. but i know there must be some action i may take, in discovering our previous relationships, and then repairing them in a spiritual or metaphysical way?

does anyone have any experience with this sort of endeavor, or suggestions to contribute? i'd love to find the way that will give both of us the love and peace that i feel must rest between us at the bottom of our souls...

any and all wisdom, or just love and light, i very much appreciate....

love and blessings, salome

the Soul answers never by words, but by the thing itself that is inquired after.

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Posts: 670
From: Golden, CO
Registered: Nov 2004

posted February 19, 2006 10:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for geminstone     Edit/Delete Message! I read your post and identify so incredibly, with regard to that bond and, it's apparent abscence. This is an area where there is an urge to bring at least a better understanding of each other before the silence seperates us totally... I can only learn and grow on my behalf, though and, even as this intense need brings me painful insights relating to my own life,... it is so frustrating when there is a knowing of sorts, that within another, there exists the many keys that seem almost unattainable...both, of this other or, elsewhere... These same pieces to aide me I believe, hold many truths in healing for her too.... which again, serves to only leave me wanting...
Salome Thank You, for sharing your experience...

~ geminstone

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posted February 21, 2006 05:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lotusheartone     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Salome..

My Mother and I have has a very difficult relationship also..and yes most likely from a past life, or more..

I don't know if I will ever know exactly what we did to one another in another life, But I do know that forgiveness and love on my part, has altered our relationship to new level..
and we did have a heart to heart talk, she wouldn't admit to anything, or any blame, but I spoke and told her how I felt, this deep seated jealousy she seemd to have for me..

has been slowly leaving our presense

I can now hug my mom again..
and feel her Love..

so simply forgiveness and Love will solve it even if the other party is open to it.. it will eventually heal..

Sending you lots of Love...

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posted February 23, 2006 06:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." Lewis Carroll

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posted February 23, 2006 09:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Christinaeavynwarner     Edit/Delete Message
I know that my stepdad and I, (and his baby and I) have some karmic issues too.

I've read that somewhere...

It's...not so some's going to help us later, I suppose.

In school, I'm in this support group...(not a loser! ) and we talked about strenghts we've received from our families...and in a way, we have.

Although I would have prefer something...nicer at home, it has taught me things that not a lot of my friends know about...

It passes after awhile..

lots of love...and sorry I can't say anything else to help.

It sucks. giggles

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posted February 24, 2006 12:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for salome     Edit/Delete Message
thanks dear ones, for such heartfelt and insightful replies....the sense of your understanding and compassion sends healing waves of light through my soul!

i shall be exploring this further with actions and thoughts about how to effect this kind of healing and reconciliation on a soul level.

love and light and bright blessings...


the Soul answers never by words, but by the thing itself that is inquired after.

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Posts: 108
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Registered: Feb 2006

posted February 25, 2006 03:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Love     Edit/Delete Message
Salome ~

I have had a very similar experience in my life with my mother but the only difference is that when she got breast cancer for the second time a few years ago and she thought she might die, she finally admitted to me that she had been angry at me my whole life for something that had happened when I was 2 years old! (if you can believe that...I didn't even remember)

I believe that it wasn't some imagined childhood slight that upset her for almost 30 years but rather a past life/karmic connection.

The only way that I have found to deal with this is the same as Lotusheartone, which is to BE Love and BE compassion and understand that in this lifetime it is up to her to make more of an effort and work through her pain. All you can do is tell your mother how you feel and then you will have no regrets, honestly. What she does with the information, love and understanding you offer her is up to her.

That's the best advice I can offer. You could always go to a past life regressionist to find out what the circumstances of you karmic tie with her is and then maybe it would help you to accept who she is in this lifetime and how she is choosing to deal with her issues.



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posted March 01, 2006 03:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for thirteen     Edit/Delete Message
Me too. I wrote a letter to my mother and told her that I knew that there was some other lifetime that I had done something to her and that even though none of us knew what it was, i was sorry and I asked her to read it with an open heart. ( my mother beleives nothing about all this stuff I am into.) Oh yes,it did wonders. She completely accepted the apology. I have read you can do this to a photo of the person also without telling them directly. I did that to a pic. of my mother in law. Yes it helped.
The tensions are still there but we can now get along.

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posted April 01, 2006 04:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Harpyr     Edit/Delete Message
I don't really have any advice, just wanted to send some love and light your way, sweet salome.

p.s. On second thought, I'll throw out a book recommendation.. I haven't read this one yet, just got it in the mail, but I really like this author and after flipping through this one, it looks like it may have some nice pearls of wisdom that you may find useful...
It's called Mother-Daughter Wisdom, by Christianne Northrup

I read her other book- Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom and I highly recommend it to all women.

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posted April 01, 2006 04:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lalalinda     Edit/Delete Message
Oh Salome I felt your post so deeply. You expressed karmic points with great clarity.

Understanding the Karma between you and your mother and can be seen in your natal charts.

First look at your Moon (and Venus somewhat) aspects (in your natal) this will tell you about your core relationship with your mother.

Next check your Mother's natal Moon (Venus)aspects, the tighter ones first. Any similar aspects between you two will show issues she has passed down to you.

Next compare the charts and look for South Node and Saturn inner-aspects to the Moon and Venus (both charts). This shows specific Karma. Its double if they fall in water houses.

If you need some help I will be more than happy to help you.

Courage is fear that's said its prayers
Michael Cole

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Kat Smeow

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posted April 03, 2006 02:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kat Smeow     Edit/Delete Message
I agree with Harpyr, Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom helped me alot with understanding body/mind connection, and the effects of others on us. (I just got Mother-Daughter Wisdom, but I'm not quite ready for it yet. I'm trying.)

I also have tremendous mother issues that I'm trying to deal with, get through, forgive...whatever will help. It's very hard when the initial relationship you get is the one that causes the most grief. It's affected my entire relationship with everyone I've ever met.

She evidently had mother issues as well (my mother, her mother, and I lived together until my grandmother's death.) In the body/mind diagnosis, it's easy for me to see why my mother got breast cancer (they say breast health is affected by issues with your mother) and why it runs in families.

BTW, I am also an 8 baby, and that number has been prominent throughout my life. Combine that with my obsessive/compulsive and vengeful Leo mother (who has a Moon in Scorpio and a Virgo asc) and my Leo grandmother (who also had Virgo asc)... growing up was not easy for a little girl Bull (with a Virgo moon and the tottering Libra/Scorp asc).

I felt like I wasn't angry for decades. I was the eternal good girl. Now, not so much. I feel as if I have to get all this stuff out of myself somehow before I can be around her for any length of time. And of course, I can't be public about this, because it's the ultimate sin (in society's view.)

I don't know if we can pay our karmic debts to each other in this life, I don't know if there's time. I'll do as much as I can, here and now, so maybe it'll be easier next time 'round.

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Posts: 446
Registered: Nov 2005

posted April 10, 2006 04:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for salome     Edit/Delete Message
i'm a little overwhelmed at the profound responses this post has generated. i'd like to thank all you thoughtful souls for sharing your thoughts and experiences here.

it touches my heart in a very deep soul way. love and blessings, dear and light to you all.

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